V t , TEA 4 j Zmm D o I Wr $ l Hi HONEY A HATHAWAY j SOAP 4 j IV mle Onn nr ihu worK t mum tit 'flllumoolc County I. IlinutxU, I'arlllr City Oro. . . . . ... v wf t , n wi 'I fell n Jilll. II- tin I hoi bt mother who titM lxittti tutt- in t fort land, for win Unto, .irulx taken fi turn for the .ri- win 0av i0(nij-row morn- "c t"t her badaUk. lit -heavy INSPIRING SERVICE AND ENTH J- ''I- f atTlr tuee-riMf at rrmtiu IIIJIIV. IIK.I.IIIIU A I OI.mUW, REFORMED CONG. CHURCH. What f ytm it.xlWt fortfal to Uip ii. at liw Hit, I M the flo lino of 1 I'kjr4 IUMffinn tea tomorrow for 1 1 tumoral. wtr h ?ll rvmetn for iH- ? and oc on titn Columbia Rivr Hi?- trt, W. M Unmt wwWrrai an op. rinw fei t handa f tr. WoraJt for aba at lb TUtaMook Sana l r ittaa UiU mofntftf , i'of Sala of arill trtut far a wow cm J'olalum Incubato. rapacity ST" tf. M lam F)rlee Hmtr. t. l 1 Vim and. PacirV Hy. Otwm. ! ItarlwV Kalahfuok arrived ham O-L t Ow UKT .M ! ' lk An M at liolataln rattle ; wnifn n aiiy uougni in ne rl lor endaavtHtn u urnr it hi lura)lt)r a IbwtWr rk of rattW jo dAirytrtit pur paan 'K"w , twl ba eoUlntn por. Uh J rtaiM if J, Hint m f(naW. loat. ' ufittcr, IE; pitMt ptomm Wav at JUraM ,. ri fcwUtr Itorrwmlxrr tr Haivruft on Om U c'nr w ? ani Siii of ihi month t lh m& i . ........ .( DcalKnppcnliifl. f 2f, lmar't iictr U In i ! .1 1 M.ut ..tit.. Mii.l. la. ... 1 a ' li.-r hr 1, 1,4 1 UMn ftl tM pUrpTMKI of littlt in Huallffi n raH t'. lir, Th uaurof Hi KraM irontalna a vrjr tlaturlnf banli aUUraant from TillartKM (kmnty Bank, whlrb h... ri tfiir n footltj(a of aom rrj,inj over laat Uarlr. I.tka Uw Hull Wooaa. Jon llarHatm l lt-vHi patwlng (mrt Utlnfa aruund. S i White I .of, born ho nd Pawn ami Wt.it.. il.-k Kita(Mir whila efctjral f"T '' !' Mlng. Phon or writ J. M. Ilarna.ri. (iarlbaklt, Or. J'. B. I'awn nl Wt.itP arc tuady wlniar Inycm and t uM rm.nl for croatMil itttutlwr of rKB tr dttrk. (iii t 8-hoiil CVi.tttribwIouqr fliiol U-Ua ii thai Mr. Marie of 8alim. aUte ftrH worker for lh lutlu-trtnl J'alre, will Iw In Tllhmook County from April tUi to May 3rd. Mr. Ilin-I and Mr. Maria will o ovnr thn county, culling ua mUrB at NVlwIdi ami Ptnwr dale, and urging lh pol to tnka an tntwoat In the fatrr Una ytfar. The Mat provide two (laid K"ffl. "ml h" npronrlatd ll!,t,0 a year for etxrry int Mt tbl work of kartiln our chlkl tn bom to bn u' ful. It l a wottliy eauaa and hulJ be rtcoiirat;ud. Itrv. (Ut I'ivHiwrk I). I;., fuiwrln tiHlrt f il'HHf Miaalotia tot Orfp:i niw) licv. J. Iloppi'f Cortland, wht.-ie vtalt bat lung Iwtn look ad forward t -i, , by the iilxa ri4mod rhurch of Ihif arl MaUrlarh raturmal lHa flrat ofpWr, wen- with ua laat Monday awl Hi- vi r-k from HaattU. Tipmk. !...(. ....uu.ui ..I.... t... l.nUi wkl.1. ..... . p - ' . ,f imwi h.ii. . v. up r-.nia n .... ., "hi (HiMod tin? aHrtali na of tha neoplr. AfUr an innplring mornlnx rri-- from wbt'-b many aptriUid and undying Ineofitivin worn drawn by lb larga unnibfr of pffwrM praaant, I Indiat Aid arvaxl an appalltioM lorxrh at lit eburth. whioh wa apicwd by tha k -llfttttful and wbolaaome bntnor of tbc utiaia. 'ilw rllmax waa rnacbtd whan lr. I'addork and (Uv. fiofift inada a inoat anrniiaiiK prrpoaiUon, by which Uw euAgrawatlon will ba analiM not only lo laiild a far batiar church and par aoiwito than Uwy had ipeiad, but al- ao orta which will juati fy atill more tht j xeIUnt buildin.: npt and Aalp li.tau- j lify Uw eity. A plan for lh bolWinci waa el ren in tod which rworvad anlhtMiaalic ( probation. 11 la ory probaliU Utat It will b built of eoncrato. 'Htu coal of bulWioK will ntnotint lo I30U0. It.-. Pmldoek and liopp uavv Ui com:r"Hon much eradit fr tMiying lbi ktta they did, alao in thnl tby wcro not diahoarttttiod by ttiuir Iiik-i cvL A th plaa In twice a laro a noecaaary. oni of the Iota will Lo aold to defray th oxponaaa of thoUior 'aIucIi wouH tnaku the coiucreKfttlon free of dabt and iruuru a aoonar lKtt;inntnK of tho building. Ilowuvor. It will not bo built until nct aprintt that ovorythlnk can br wull Hrrnnffotl. 1. Kbinr. pior. Pretlirl ., , . i 10 A. M. Ilibl.. SkUm) PnrN r rojfort it it Hutflfiy h fcin iKirta try wnicrl li rlaaa 4ill hara (tr bo known, fl A M. V.'orahlp ntl pYcAHbin. C'ridar tb- rrrM;ril ubjt-rt of ('hriatian ( itiiaruthip, Ui sarmwn th ma will be: "Thi ItulHtbm 0f Civil fiveifimani L tha Ihblt." "1M every aoul ba in Mib ji c lion to the higher powara ; for them la no povvar but of God." Z. P. M. Mtwtins; for man only in "Tha lkm" thcatra, to be addreaaad by Fan(7alit Van Martar. M acting for woman only in the .M. K. Church, to ba avddraMod by Mra. Van WarUr. V. Jvl. (rotionfti meoting con ductad by tha yo tng wpl. T JM P. M. A Ivautfol and uplift- , irtf aarvico ol atory and aong entitled : "The Man that .Sp-.ileJ tbe Muatc ' will tak the place of a preaching aervc. conducted by the choir, Mekated by Mr. WhiUrhouar-. The ireneral nubl.c are cordially Invited. uruJ HARhESS I on r II K I. A. Mackeiixie. f'aator. liv k-'-( a M" 1 -i - i ii.ifr.-. W- ar -"-Ii r e 1' f. . (if thj beat n'n : a' s i lifp.t to temjit '.'i. A WKU. V MM j- i-.M.-S Will not -.'ilv irr.i.r' t ; rr-c 'if vor horn. Ivit -,',! .'ju- i 'ir ihfdv a w-lt. Many a ronawfiy c ld be avoidVI if tha ld f'irn a had Wn diaraniiti in time. W. A. WILLIAMS, nilumook - - Oregon Church of Chriit. i A. M. Austin Civil !.v;ikkk AXU Ifl'R VEYOlf TILLAMOOK, OREGON Mutual Phore. ..... i . . ... . w Hnraoa. Hriuaa auditoriuak. He M M aAterntin- ,crs law Uli lll retwUilon. Plrmt night. rr ' "lloodoa". Second night "Upa and Hoarna or uauinntny.' mta a we , Cob'o Calender EnterulnmetiL Satiafnciion b what we x boaatinn ! ahttUt ana) thai la alt thero ia to iL t1rM in ml Ihm Hit! I Aitd mm iat VcHir- " l-f niuwth! Ur((t y,,,, tmrti)d lttm iHwiland r t.m awl 'fa'Gnt TharadAy. lie reporta hi naice, Mi ' ' ' ( o ICthelyn Crawford, aa bent much m. . l,tmumU roturtwd praeiM) ainre ahe waa operated on for a fw djr vUil I In the ear. Mra, Crawford (will remain in IHwtland until nei iwr ten lh the' ,rr ,.n the Prank tn-k of Uitn t . .rp arrival In irt I with a larK" flru o' ', i weak. See Oeo. 1. Hamlin, only rt claa h.Hiae mover In Tillamook Cuunly P. O. it l Mat- hkr t , t- t I.. ll Tf , h)ir-i V.H. ! IUiri., he fit-, Jiluriiii- intrr. , Icy a 1 rhiriy-rtv yaara in thi buaineaa. .'. t tilivalelati awl ur- . ' . ., iio . - '1 tlnrniilnoa tliom. . . HuiMinu oppoette . Uo-not mlaa the f banco of henrtna , thv irrwt Prenela Ulchter. the lhii , ,, iptanhu. HhrtnteHnR of tbe ma.lrr " " U ,Uy " 7i , S" .Prre. hii aympalhlc touch, take. ht. ' ".r",,r 1 ,,,,,, 1' 8 ! haarara back U tltouW maalent playtn. " "r " ' 1 (k. not mlaa ll. it it worth four Uinra UIuhIo Ulnml Hml ! t.. ,,rtao of aamiaaion. .r'tu.of If. fifK-tt, J5i.; W(nl4Kj. .otHf u6 acre improv- i.aii. TlllntlKKlk City. . ... Jatilnuiifa. N.-ar the f i luvonlnln IhhikIiI of . ocean Utwaen Whetler and Hay City, tin. woak -10 ucrua of j Muat be a bargain. Send full paitn u 1 ,t pa.innt Vnlloy. j ar. Urovar Ilenrlkaun. Vancurr. f an l..rry plant f..r'Wh. P. 0. Bo & t my much nit Trak jU(JK Ualluway arrive) hero Thur ' k..in.. Hi ll pimne. ,,rltrooit and atarled t rk tht , awhiluw,., plni.U now tn-rntng. The regular April term be , nl.l.uo pl.,..m llviHt..- Momlny. Thi will no d..u ht be Call ul, ur ring up ! a x. ry ...Ureatlng term of rourl two , nltotiito ttftrm.o.i or , very ttn.H.rtawt caae. via: the c, i ,!,..,,., ISM. It U'rrn C"nt'uoli,", u' No.,,,, of Pr,h,ml I. - ""f v lMk C"m,"h' M. will trititancl liiinliiiMM 1 l' f,,r lr''- irtwm-k. Hit lt ctpoc-' c. A. Cirnfurlb who ha euuipiwd ... tin. trt.tl or 0tH ' l ho building rfcnlly vecalod b ! it., ii ... i... 1...1.,., h.. ' ..i t....niiii'h. with it Hrtt cltta J . , The Gem TheaUo which w recontly purchased by Mr. Slarrett late of Ynk Ima, Waah , will be eondoctod from now on, on a ditlervnt plan. Only flrat ctaaa reela will be ahown and In order to do thta the program will bit chanued only three lime each wek. There will be no more cheap vaudeville al the 1'irm, and there will be no more Sun day evening ahow at that theatre, ll wtll be the endavnr of the new man agement to conduct a clean, education al eoterleinment that will not bo ob- I 1 ..I. ... ............ ...ill I ,.n fc- I . , . uj t-..i. Itouse vitboacr of land. acre or be . flt place for your cbl Wren. TM w. be a good atep tn the right direct- ' . In mi, lhl. own. bn. We wlab the (em euccoai.. or. 4. . .-.. FOR SALE. i I t acre bottom land with butldint;. ; 1 cow, and I tome, mile frm town. prtre H.600. llrand new 9 room bun ' kIo with baaetne it, 1 acr.- of land. 1 acre berriea. neur tbe nuw dopot pneu i StMO. Fine Iwtnu near town, 10 notn 10 A. M. Kibte School with eli for all. A good plt.ee to apead an hour. ! We aro aiwinc for 176 preaent, will I you help mt:i- Ute number? 11 A. M. Preacbini by tho pa tor. Junior Endeavor at 3 !'. M. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0. t5 P. M. , I Chnmbcrlaln's 1 ablets for Consti- Kvuiiini: vanRelitic frvlce. Third j iortnon in the ierifr) on snap tthoU of I patiuii. Jeaun. subject: Jou t Jacob well. I 'ontiipalion. ChamWrlain'8 You are cordially invited to any oriTbl' excellent. Emv to take, all of thcae torrtr. j mild and gentle in effect. Give them a P.. K. Jop.;, Pastor, j tr.al. For aie by all dealer. FOR SALE. A dairy ranch fine locnlion on Ttlln OvkiV Bay in Garibntdi, contain 00 acre and half ol thla land la kw1 river bottom, anal the uUtur half it tine rich tide bind with a hill thnl contain fine hard blue ruck, connect with the rock quarry. Rood houte nnd Itnrtt uial all the cow ami tttachinery no with It. Two creeks with fine tpritip wnter run through the place. We will ell all or half of Ihi pluee. For Further information call or write to Prank K. Strueby. Garibuldi, Oro. SubacriW for the Herald. It come twn-e a week. For Sale c r Tra d eF RTj lla mook Cityor County Property No. I Two I t in Iloee City Park, Portland, one block from street car. Ho. 2 - Three lot in University Park, Portland, three blocks from street car. Ho. 3- Two Iota in Eugene City, one block from atrcet car ard four block from the High School, Cerreie Library ami State 1'niversit) round. No. 4 "20 acre of whett land in Morrow County, ail un der cultivation, in Kuol what iell. tiOaS One lot arxi tine njudetce in bet ridence part of San Jow, Cal., 5 short block from the High School arid State Normnl School, and two short blocks from thrre street ca- lins. Ail tho Above Villi crado For Tillamook City or County Prcporty. P. V. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon NOTICE. All pnrtloj owinu the Henta Lumber Co. nre romuwtod to call nt Mr. Peal' otHce one dwir north of the F. R. Uenls olSec atwl -tllo un soon as convenient. FOR SALE. i tO acruit of tho ixest cletiroil Uttom lautl tn Tilltunook Co.. half in meadow ami tho balance ia all logged and near ' ly htutnpol oir. There ure 0 cow an.l ' good leant. AH of farm implements go with the place The houvu and barn are new $I.I1 ; fS.000 dowr. ami the balance i aniall paMttentd. Imjutre at Henil.l olli. e tl The Brightest ii.. pbiintiir, VISIT G L ) LT G II 'llcii von wmiiL ntivtliinu ept in a FIRST CLASS Drug Store I If also keeps SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR EVERY PUPIL C L O U G II TUIv RI5IJAHL1J mi nd Book Seller lealnurant iHiiilpiiienl wialtea to inform - I the ptiplic that he will "HKe a ee... rat ly of nlUt.nl of etui fotxl and wi L-utaluct a delicto"""-! -'rt; ' M . it n tut niirclitmcil. kltul tl uutii"" " i The new reiUatirotit will ho open hiy titul night. Under tho miM'li'O" of l11' 0ri't5" HnlineHH AHoclnlltm beginning, Mn.V I. TillattiooU, t-vangolUtli' aurvicee ill he c.....lticti.l by Kov. .Iitiii'-H nml SfU'J Cr.aikH. Kov. Crooktt Iiuh hml xovera yeaiH of uxperloinv In inlfwlon work at Seattle, Wa hnvlng hml charge of Km life bout inlMHioit at that I'lai'o. Ihu AKM.flatlot. for which ho ami Ida wife arentato evangeliHla in liiteidenumi nutionnl iin.1 roachcH all cht.roheH am .... ,.i...u., of n.ioiilo. The place of ini-otlng will ho aniiounceil later. NOTICE BIDS WANTED. 1,1,1a will ho received for x'v,J"'' tho ...ontfrll..l.O.O.F.b-4 - lug until WclncHday, April A I 11," "lllcllM rm. bu at the o.llco of a. A. Hroilhoail. Hy order of TrtwU'cs I, 0. 0. I . Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Balring Powders FrnmjtScrksofElaborate Chemical Tests: "An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder cre tin of tartar, phosphate, and alum-and submitted Sarately to the action of the digestive fluid, eacn for the same length of time. Tho relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder; f 100 Per Cent. Digested Bread made with phosphate powder; 68V. Per Cent. Digested Bread made with alum powder; 67 Per Cent. Digested These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance To everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of artar Baking Powder, is shown to bo entirely diges ble while tho alum and phosphate powders are found lo laVgely retard the digestion of the food made from "undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is tho source of very many bodily ailments. Boys at School are those who are j;iveii carefully prepared food r.t home. If you want your hoy or "jirl to he :rone; !i -icily an.l ti;eiit;.H , toy uttt-t yive them the proper kind of lo.nl the ii. 'iirihini:, streumhlmihlitit; It mil. ..ooi hread is healthy and the more gluten the ttiur contain the nii-re whole-f-ime tlu hread w ill lx' Dtifted Snow Flour Pu-se a verv hijrh jiluteii tot. It is rieh m nni,!ele-bujldm' quali ties. The voutte; folks !tl-tt ,,sw..l its the parents. Trv hakmg M.tir next hatch of bre a l.ixentis Iroin "Hri'tcd htiuw" ami .see tow delicious they will he. THE BETTER GROCERS SELL IT i - J! i. M .. tuu u! trtLJ lr.. ilo j-.ilo tl s'a I' . If Sper.y Floor Co., Tacoma. RALEIGH. N. G. CHILD .iM U '(1141 kv ini,." a k.-.. .1 I.... . 1fc... A .i - t.w 17 saves mu ivur iu uu, The Great and Grand Majestic Malleable jndChirecvf iron. Range haaanumlK-rofcxcJudvefi'.iturvs.carb ono adding to it.i durability and practi. r.U smce, imvWiuB tho UiicTie t'.o U3t ninKo vu o.nn buy rrnRUis ol trm'. 1 imt'a why Cftcva oUicr uiaau lacturerj try to luiitnto tt. rot: s.ux ox Alex McNntr & tea Made Strong and Well by VinoL When wo tell you that Vinol is tha bot remedy ia our whole stock for maklns vcaH. puny, ailing children, stroiis. robust and rosy, we are only telliuK ou what has been proved by huadreds of mothers. Mrs. W. 0. Strother. nalelgh X. C. says: "My Httlo Birt, Haael. has been tiiivinR Vuiol to build her up after a severe sjiell of sickness. It has dona so touch jjood by restoring her appe tite and building up her strength that 1 think Vinol is tho finest tonic ever prepareil, anil I ant telllus everyone about It." "What Vinol did for this little girl It will do for very weak r. J nlllrs child. Kcauso sleltly children need tho strengthening cod liver elements and the tonic Iron that VIuol contalus that Is why Vluol hulldu them up quickly and gives them n fine, healthy color. It Is pleasant to take, and wo guar antee that tho results will Batlsfy you money back If they do not. Chas. I. CloiiKh, Co. Druggists, Tillamook, Oregon. Make the Home Look Cheery A 15-watt Ma;da Lamp on your front porch can be lit every night until midnight and register not over lllty cents ycr months on lUf meter. Tillamook Electric Light & Fuel Company ni-L SPALDING, Manager. i i i - m