Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 18, 1913, Image 1

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    issued twice a week tuesday and friday
argest Circulation of any Paper in "Tillamook County
Tiu.a.mook, Okkc.on, Aimmi. 18. 11H.'5.
NO. 2f
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
WM. G. TA1T, Prc.idcut.
J. C. I IOLDEN, Vice PrcUlait.
Interest I'rtitl on Time ntul SnviitK
Under Unilcd States Government
. . - . . r-r i nnrMimntr
01 J NhLSJ Si AllUlN&Ki
H ;i fftinnlpll' I int' -
!L II I 11 OUIII IVk ........
. . , I I
everything iou Need
Prices R.tnglnj from 25c to 60c,
Suited to AH
I IV Cuttrntitcc to Sjttify.
' 11. KOCH. I-
iin North o PajlaHkr
Ml In I
M.if action GuarantrcJ. Money Back if Not Satitfaclory
irst Class Tin Shop
i k i ixr f.
in, Copper and bhcet mctai wu,
Plumbing and General Repairing
illamook Sheet Metal wopks
WUHNNLNWAll) & IU)HUIIA( tl. Props.
Ncxi Door to Tillamook Bakery
Buys, Sells and Exchanges
Sna,,s i,, Choice Harness ami Krsi.lrmv Property.
Vacant Lots in Ml the A.liliuoiis.
Mci c'lmiidist' Stocks.
Houses lor Uf.iUm.l 1'ropcrtv Card I'r.
(looil Ihtv Arc luisy Seller.
Sec Mo For Money Makers
Room Ulf, Tillamook Mock.
I'enc Plus X, whci- condition vvas
rrpeMtd Improved, offered a rttapoc,
due to rtlucuec to submit to strict
medical rrglme.
Of iJ000 flnaageO In Hazardous
Vrt 19.2J lJjrd.
(! In tk aiate or Waablus-
:uu uni in vr eight mho am
. .,e ...! tu bafxtaii or extra hnimrd
,Mi-ul.iUon, a defined Uy the
in.,'! ' iituJWiw law, la Injured,
and 10 evarjr $9 tw are Injured
! tnjurrU fatally Thwe amoundtoa;
fiur r dlaeovervd in the rvport
Of Ibr )! OOJHI4llli Tor tb flrvi
IT mm-.t; -f Ha ork.
During period Jlt.ooo pen
wrt.' 1 In haaardoua work. Tin)
ecliiit brought before th" coinwt.
nioii iotal' d 1 and th rtiwthn r
uIUhk J.
An atrprwt ol 12000 lir day la iM
I by thr litd'jatri of (ha "UUe to In
! juid worar or thwlr liolra.
President Forces Sugar Sched
ule Through House
Wodlilmston. I'M-aWfnl Wllaoii
;,-. (1 hla riral Uirtir victory when U ,
ho t. Cft riU-. ctucua. by a -' :
of lif. u ..f, :otid th !.taU' j
w t w . cfjuic, uskiac tbi ronimo
liu tre nit.-r tbrt ywim of t ir i
J-' i (Jul ; I
- I..- .,( tfau after riialrman ;
o . bi. 1 M.i' . ' .rnlttw Uu- 1
tr.i;U I u 1 4 tbe houa thai J
u of any o! ih inany
luiii. ..! plci'tj bforf It wou''5 !
. d'rvri affront to th ratd'tit.
i.Tlfically aard lhr adof- I
of t i-attar Urtft ehdul. and ,
uu.t .rJo..l nnvrn U J-aaa;
Of ') hill lii tu Mnat,
I , "Tin niKar ciiitdole In thte WU vai
i iih re.on'l from ih ccjiiuu;bv 4a
! I k noually would bve ipportod It.'
1 . k .
trhu- of lUv pratdml."
Th final adoiiUon ot loo augur
iphmtulc which I'uderwood d!cJared
pmsit an ultimate aavtnc to ihe coi
turner of M15.WKi.0W TlT lottowl
k day of aturmy debate.
4 Jml! tent aHorta to lul cuttle and
Jbct on th fr Wat, to cut the duty ,
n awlno and to ottierwtae alter the '
wajra and uienun commute tariff re
fUton Wll wer defeated u the Initio- j
vn:l; caucua of Ui? hou. ,
the leuwx;mtlc lederaht) MkIu lor f
thu bill na "ntwrled wan piloted Uy ,
Reprvaenuitlvo Kntncin llnrtoa Harrl
o. at Now York. In tbe abaanco of
ftepreaentaitvi) Und!rwood. the ranjor
ltv lwulor. wtui l HI.
'Prfrtc nterve Rlahts on Tariff
Tlio ttHud of ibe senati) toward
rrxatdnul Wllhotr tariff iilaua. ft
rmbotlled In th new hou' tariff bill.
Ueoaino fairly w.dl deflninl nftor a
ineuUnK of the dcmocrallc mumbera
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
,. u ....v. , , commute
IK'iiwr -Kuhtyaeven lnduntrtal) ' " ,
Worker of the World were arrinMl
here by the ollce Tlio Jalla are over
cruudrd ltb ltie. Chief of I'ollco
o Neill denlarml thnt the entire "artny"
of Itiduatrlnl Worker would lie held
Id Jutl no mnller what tlm iwiiltnry
conditloiiH mlKhl become. The "Work
cr did tnd renlut iirrent. Imnterlnj;
the offlceri with decltinillons thnl
eentunlly they would Hpenk on the I
Klteuln of Pernor.
;tate troops
tit NEV
nntiM-UuiiinK a.i.I Instructive NtliiK
Shown that Will OllVml the Most M.nc.l.
Nhco. Arir tifiienil IVdro OJedn,
coinumiiditm llie remimnlK of IiIh fed-
i.(l Kiirtiriia of S" troopern at Nuto,
ii u.rn. wirrendorod to the United
Siut- troop on border imtrol here,
uft. r halnK wlthitood n hIhh of Htnto
troop width Inated for five dnya. and
in which more tlmn Imlf bin troopurrt
u re l.iilt'd.
The aurrendor 1H hnntoiiiMl by the
ittu k on the federal RanlHon by the
bund of Yaqtil IndliiiiB under tJenenil
hiiro Ohreaon. ooinmi'ndltii; Htnto
troop The dend oil lKith aide bus
hoeii eallmnttid ttt 800. nml the fortlfl
cuiion at Neo. Souorn. are erUnbl
l0Bhter petiH. About lh bnlldlnaa
wv atrewu inoro than 100 botllo. bot.
out ami horribly intimated.
tJeueiiil OJedn. ttue to blH ptonilKO.
refuaiHt to a.irrender. While the flut
ing waa id Ita bolKbt be nttemptod to
march ueroaa lUo border with blH mtmll
bund Tlio fire from the enemy wna
dotnomlKlnB. mitt "Jotlu and IiIh inon
run nml boonino mmtlorcd.
('jiptaln II. A. Slovnrt, t'onumiiy ,
Nl.Hh United s'lteu onvnlry. run nlono
lo (ijedtt'a naaUlaiiff'
Tbo American officer i;rapod tbo
Mexican r.onornl by Iho arm. TokoIIi
r they ran In n hull of lomt I" whoro
KU antomoblle was nwitUltiB.
Trost ami HIb Four Annoclatcs Tree.
rhlcai-.o.-Albart 0. Krom. former
nrealdent and promoter of the AIuhUu
(Mat. al rallied, and hla four fotlt
fcndiiuu. (IcofHe M. Sewnrtl. IMorre 11.
llemdt. Frank Wataon and (leorue L.
lb 11 all liiturciled In U development
r tiiu roml. woru I'tmnd not miUty In
,he r.d.T.: I ooiirt liuro or conspiracy
tll ....una IHcBally ntllllona of itolUnf
wonb of conl lat.dB In tbo Matauuska
Valley, Alaska.
Admission tOc :
. Children 5c
g.iliicrilio for tho Semi-Wfokly HoraU',
nw..fl, iliu H.mmle CODimlltUn "III
... ..ri.s
aroe to the low of the yreeblent and
houao n to free wool and one cent
hdBar. with the "free uhtir In thrwi
ycw-H" nltitcbment. but It w ill exer- j
..in. Hh rlcbt to amend other schedules (
and provision of the tariff bill aa H
tblnkK beht.
Wool Flgbt Becomet Critical
The flKht ncnluHt free wool has be
come more acute at both ends ot Ui!
oapttol. and sexeral state doleRntlona
In the house are appealing to senators
for support In the flfibt to retain some
stubborn opposition to tho admlnl
itrntlou's wool program developed
i w ben to democratic contressmen from
wool BrowltJR met and decided
to vote with republicans against the
hotiho wool schedule which boars rros.
Idont Wilson s stamp of approval.
Hepubllcans Plan Tariff Contest
In a caucua the republican member
of the hoiike laid plans for a vigorous
orRtmUod opposition lo tbo ruder
wood tnrlff bill. The caucus ordered
thu preparation of amendments to tbo
I'uderwood bill providing for a non
partisan tariff board and ror provis
ion! of the cotton and wool schedules
of the tariff.
Itopubllcun members of the boune
ways and means committee were In
mrucieil lo prepare amendments next
'1 hursday.
Pure Clothing Wanted
iiiiresnnlatlvi) Murdock. progress-
lo leader In the house, wants cloth
ing manufacturers who mark gooiH
"all wool" when they are not. flnod
ami put In Jail. " l,ut ' 11 uin ,,ro'
posing a series or labelo rauglns from
"pure wool." lo "mixed goods." which
would hold manufacturors responsible
for proper labeling of their goods.
The penalties range from $f.00 to
$uhh) fine and a year In prison.
House Progressives Assign Work
Tbo progressive coutereuve of the
house parceled out the work of pro
paring the meamircH that will form a
part or tho progressive legislative
..i.... -rim ii.uiKH inembera will work
in conjunction with the Icgtslutlvo
committee of the national proiitesslve
p.irtv. or which Olfrord rmcbot. Jane
AddiuuB, Peau Lewis, or I'ounsylvania
I'ulvoralty, Waller Weyl nnd other
prominent porsous are inembora.
Ten legislative BUbJectn were na
Hlgned to them, and they will form the
basis for tbo legislative campaign of
tho progressives In tho present con
CiesH. National Capital Brevities
A bill to authorlio national bankf
V.'a'ter H. Page, te Msjai ne Ed. tor,
who v.ae nie- "f Atf cjn Ambassa
dor to Great Britain.
Briet Hews of the Veek
A hill. author.iiD an taveaURatlon
of a minimum wage tor working wo
men. almllar to the vice campaign of
the Ultnoia legislature, waa paaaed by
the Ohio l'flnture.
A grand Jury tnveetlisatlon of the
purr-he of tl tMHi.t- " worth of votlns
m chlnea by the city of Chicago wan
orderd by 8ute Attorney Maclay
Horne. A leRtalative commluee also
will make an Inveethrailori.
Cities In Iowa will be authortiod to
build theatre If a bill, which naaeed
the house of the Ipwa legislature
meett. with a alsntiar reception In the
aenato. The measure provides for a
-mill tax for rnualcljiul thontres.
Tho bonus nyiitem of annual pay
ments, which the New Kngland Tele
phone A: Tulegroph couumny offered
it! operntors. Instead ot granting their
demnmla for increased wages, was re
jected by the girls.
That the crista between Austria and
Russia Is still tense, and that the re
ported simultaneous demobilization by
these two nations Is a mere bluff, is
tho contention of impartial diplomats
at tendon. They infer the move is a
mutual attempt to put tho othor off
Its Kuard.
Tuesday the first anniversary of the
sinking of the steamship Titanic, by
which 1500 persons, Including many
men and women of world wide promi
nence, lost their lives. The anniver
sary was observed with memorial ex
ercises in ixandon. New York and oth
er cities.
Two sailors of tho United States
cruiser California were killed and
three others wounded In a street fight
at Mazatlan. Mexico. Two or three
Mexican policemen were wounded in
attempting to arrest the American
sailors. Admira Cowles Is Investigat
ing the Incident.
Vegetables at cost, direct from tha
farmer to the consumer, will be avail
able In Chicago after April 25. ac
cording to a plan by Texas farmers to
demonstrate the possibility of econo
my in distribution of farm products.
Thirty Texas farmers have formed an
association to begin the attack on the
cost of livlug.
Capsized Mlml Drops From View
Hay City. "Ships that jmmwi In the
nlt-hf waa an expreaalon which every
thor.-man hereabout recalled when
l:ey awoke to find that the German
bark Mimt. which turned turtle, had
drop- -d out of sight completely.
W bother or not tho high seas have
mrr.'d th Ill-fated craft further to
sea Is not known, as all hands havo
g'w-i up the Idea of recovering Cnp
ui'i Wf-jUphal's papers, or recovering
ar. bodies of he several -sailors who
pasi.f-d to watery graves.
Pendleton Water Source Held by We
nix and Red Elk
Pendleton. Another chapter In the
famous caae of City of Pendleton vs.
Wenix and her son. Hed Klk Cayuso
allottees on the Umatilla reservation
ws added when the city of Pendle
ton filed suit against the nfted so.uaw
and her son, praying for immediate
ejectment of the Indians from the
property on which their tepees are
now pitched and where they are liv
ing, and for J250 damages.
Through condemnation proceedings
two yoars ago the city acquired tltlo
to a small portion of the WVnix al
lotment, on which there Is n spring,
and $2500 was given her for same by
the court. She has uever drawn out
a dollar of the money awarded her.
nor has she made any attempt to movo
from the spot where she has lived for
a great number or years. Her son,
Ked Klk. also has refused to move.
Tho same spirit of resistance ex
hibited from the time the first over
ture was made for the purchasing jt
tho land until the matter had beet
settled In court Is still in evidence.
Gasoline Schooner Sticks on Spit.
Florence. The gasoline schooner
Anvil from llnndon, w hich ran aground
here Inside the mouth of Sluslaw river,
lost her rudder and is lyiug on tho
north spit about 600 yards below tho
end of tbe jetty. The boat is high
and dry at low water and Is close to
the place where tho Berwick was
wrecked some years ago.
The Umpqua Ilfesavlng crew put r.n
anchor out from tho boat toward tho
river channel. Tho cargo is befng tak
en off and efforts to float tho vessel
Big Filing System Needed.
Salem. What will probably be the
most elaborate filing system In the
-tate is being arranged by S. A. Kozer.
assistant secretary of state, to be used
fn connection with registration under
tbo C.ill law.
Under that law. which goes Into ef
fect Juno 3, the secretary of stnto
must keep nn accurate list of all tho
registrations In the state. Mr. Kozer
says that for the registration filing
Bystem nlono much larger space will
be required than the entire filing space
now given to tbo secretary of etnte'a
With Organlztlon Fixed, Contracts
May Be Let Within Three Weeks
Salem. Announcement was made
by John H. McNary. attorney for tho
compnny, that organization of the Ore
gon Uallrdad Company was about per
fected and tbat within three weeks
contracts for constructing n portion
of the road bod would be awarded.
Tho company proposes to construct
a road from Salem to Hend by way
of Stayton and through tho .Minto
Pass, oao of tho few available railroad
passes through tho Cascade Moun
Just who Is backing tbo road Is not
cortain. It will have direct connections
here with Hill aud Hnrrlman proper
ties and will hnvo the same at Bend.
It will tan the Kosednlo district, go
throuch the West Stayton Irrigated
districts and will tap one of tbo rich
est timbered sections lu the stnto
along the Siintlam and the Brolteu-
to lend money on real estate was In
troduced by Senator Nelson.
Plans ror opening Alaskan resources
to development as uulckly as possible
are being considered by President Wit
son. Primary elections ror nomination ol
......l.l.. nihil mill vlce-nresldontial can
didates Is proposed lu u bill by Senator
ni.. tint nrnlniB or corporations of
) United States for the calendar
..,.- inv were J3.000.000.000, and In
nr t.o.ooo over 1911. This
- ' .
amount will yield nn Income to tho
federal government uuuor uie co(j-u(
Won tax Uw of ISO.000,000.- '
60 Cold Homl Trading- Stamps with
enehiyearV'subseription to tho Ik-rutd.
Tillamook, Ore.