0 II ilioj f TEA 4 big xa s 4 ! : i HONEY A HATHAWAY jl SOAP 4 : First National Bank Tillamook, Oregon WM. G. TAIT, President. J. C. HOLDI-N, Vice President. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Under United States Government Supervision , .'I Ui " HIO (ft 2r. f 1 . ! I' ll . ?1 ' ' S, ' n.rfn lt town it - emtni; tvrtfortk ,r-tl was H te r I I'i- ..- t f 3U, Lamar' j in kV aHMtai," ' (leaver n ' l.c wek, n. WhcirT At a 9 tH trip. 1 1 .ti ffar-isfltng HUiltmet i W cUr u-Uy, r i- from the it, ' S'rUftt wi a Tills- Hot. K A. Clark and wlf of Cloxir dale lnik Ut train lhi tnurnltig fur Portland. I'urfi blooi K (', Mho Ulartd t -eu. n.M pat .cttiitfuf 16 eg, g Mm. H. A. Klnn.w.n, TUUmmqV City. Ilr. Womlt tjMfU it botii of a daughter to Mr. ami Mr. L II, Crak a Saturday UmL CW b.U TlnMUhj II 05 pf ton In i-.rlo- loU fnrr lMirbana pouu., tt ru. j ty lt. f. o. b. fM. M. fcmiwt, tfont,t. Or. in at the l IU I .ml im Umi Alto line of grvon VrrgelatiW. Alloinr) Garwnl and Chat. Vogler of .N'efealotn war TlltamnuV. vlltor over Httminjr. I Vl hwV. containing ppr. with nanN of J... llachT an tnd. tat. Finder ptt lvo at Herald Ooo, Gilbert Haneraf ( I an lraptrn a tor of oatVn bilily, w(rli for Mm April th and 2th. lllRh Hrlwol auJl (orinin. IU at t hiM. Si Mm. C. A. Ournfortb rtrml on T)o4j- from a l 4aj- at 1'ort- I'fit'tr .Uiwk Of Ctovunliilo vm Uan umtt n(lr.o'i nt Iho hom of h lroth or-lri-liiw Frank IJfnn for sme tlrrto with hoarl troablo l ruportsJ to be lwlJlfiij M own nnltu woll thoOKh till lltt) M)rloiuly,lf. Mr, Jonck's family U hire uvnltlnif iffvcloprnctiti. Joha mix! Mnrlfrt wirnl Imck to Ukj runcli t Cltrrrilnl on Stirnliy, t; lvi dflc-r thldKi rularninK the mn 'lay, II. I'. HIiuMon who was coriflnnd at in Tillarrfooli Hawitnrtoin under th er of Dr. Wndt, Iwmuimj of an in Jliwl y l( bl to b rwt aKn. It wm Lhoutht nt thu time Ui ' wn Injorw) Ly would kj the itxht of th vo, but wo r ploMl to tat? that h Is nnw blj to ihm with Umi injured rrurtntHir, nod tli pnwpccU nre that In iu lime, )m will hve full u of it. 'ITm llltNMOok Drug Store it rrtakint: nrrn(;o(nnU to move into nrw quart ri in the County Itnnk balldtnK Boon m ihNt lu tiding is completed. Attornt y John llnnd llvndervwn will tto inovo Into olll- room on thu tirnt floor of the County Bunk building. It i uxmciod th t thu buil'liw: will h rotidy for occupancy by tho flriit of the coming month. Snrn Moulton who bus ii bnrlxjr hop on First Strt-ct w.ll mow into the building nt prenont oc cupied by the Tillamook Iru Store on Second Ave. Ka.it na noon a the I)rui Store vacates the same. HARhBSS IKAT ir the .'.irit to hy kiv'i, !, rr, . r. We arc ..rj( fl et a tor k at f'"- tempt yon. ! A V.KI.I. MA UK HARNESS ' will not only impro the uppesrwrwe of your nort. but eontributa to your aafcty a wall. Many a runaway roufcl b avoided if the oW Ilirneu had been disrardl in time. ; VV. A. WILLIAMS, lillcirnook - - Orecjon A. M. Austin Civil Km.iskkk AND SfliYKYOK TILLAMOOK, OREGON Mutual I'hone. .iiif on Mprlay. am Itif'-t r ..n Momtay f rum a ! gallifaellen l wbat wr aro UoaitWS kjliit. Il-avcir(in. I alMlt ami Owl all there is to It. III C r T t ! al. you bad Iwttrr j I'"!' l the lUH t tl fr y,,Ur. i folnit to have "If- pr ton lit the- Mr. H Oiw-lwlnof 1'ortlan.l, viiflwl j with her ntpitewa ami rtincc, cftthlrcm of FranV HahonVrvtt, ami brother Jon. , . , . , Her Gr. L llauilln, only flt elm " i . ii m ii i , : .fr ,! g-ra lo I'lirtlaml Ihla f F, ! 10 III IIUBIO IMI lllMliiit i. L"-r v l(f Hobo look the rtllJ. (ut Hin tme h Mw able "r'riu. m..rnliiif for ouUliln', u,.n. ltou4 mover In Tillaimwk (xMinly. ! Tbirty-Uve )rar in the Unin. V. O. 1 iin. im' 1! .i pr ton, Timothy j a MH'msar loft fur I'crtlantl thi. fJi " ,-t ion iwl Straight i (iKirntnk tor the purHo of e.inulu.. K fir., tun. IU) A C4t. iporiatUU In that city In regard to hi 1 1 l vr , ..iui, tin roo.lv to l "ufy. ' ... . . .... i i . .i . j Wo wish to thnnK mo many inemi( fur llirlr kindnuta and , M tt it. phya.clan ami aur- in (mm ,ft m)r r,nl ,nHtbo 8wl U tl,..e, amU-uaranlcea llmm. , M , ol.00. s I ' w.n. . al llultillng oppfwitrl ' ij(tl , rrnnk i-.iuou who own timiiiwi i to hi Itomo with ruiouiuunia ami iw to 00 ! Wantwl. From 2 to & ncre linurov- ''"I A lierman KiklitK, ml, llh bullilinn. Nonr tfli' ("! iifmMiiwn Ht llnltom'a ocuan bulwoon Whtti ler ami Hay tity. , Mual bo a bargain. SoJ partlcu- ; I . . li...;L...n ViiRKniivrr. ' "tst, 3 ,..., cottag.. clo.o In.;'""- V';.",, - l"l ur u .far.M.hod. Call nt Mr.. ' " ,lu ht.-.)' i "Uolo" Ivonivlch, hot tor Known na ; I . i l.....). i l,il al l , . L, . ,, innoyainr man, " - -( l linn m I wtr.i in. m on Out ... , ., , ... ,, , , , '., liar Mow ami wiii erwi miw..-. w"i 1 ainook ahonnora Mull- .,i I.., .' liUIUIing IO !' "s ")' Tim lut ia now bolng prmwrotl for t)n IV Mr. n if I'ortlanil la looking building. j itv 14 f 1 frititi(v fiir llm i i ..I....,,... ili.a ItuM hiuifi WiirklNtf , mc th Wll.k. ,,. W.m.,)r for nhnrt tlmo rolurned tWcsn.i rnullllnwrr plnnta now to Tillamook laat Saturday. Mr. John i t:t pl tr.K.rubhngi iilonta livn son nocurod aome vory nice reh.-a from iwrdoi. f..n ..i ..r r mi t ho h uh Minn wmn duo rw p.l .:r. i.iimunu'iifloriioon or tho lumch lat Friday mght. I'WI phoii... M. up live humlrd kiL'aii berrv nlnnla for ' talo at 'it aplttco at my much on Traak . H'vor. I'rtjil C. 8kotnp. Hell limine. ; 0. I. Matloon and wife nml their on Guy of ("tordalc are irauaacting lml nM at the county oat thi wok. Mm. Wm. G. Talt gave a luncheon on U'edr.nadny and another on Satorday wf laal wok. her gunaU bulns her many My friend of the flty. Cbtr llnkivn awl family retnrnmi on Monday from thlr trip to Colifor nla point. Hiey rirt a very enjoy. able time. CI rem 1 1 (Soon will convene April tint for th ronular nring term. llowvr, Judee Gnllowny U oxpoctod to arrive here on Ihurmlay netl lo dlii of cwrtafn csmmi bofore tho togitlar term bogimi. Dr. Heody, volorinarian, will to at Kebalem. FrWsy April ISlh, ready for nil Viml of a peine work. Ilia hand- tuartera will Ui at Jaa. Tliompaon'a barn. Cm WicUand who I torving on the Federal Graml Jury at I'ortlanil re turned to hl home here on Saturday ami wnl Sural iy with hit family, re turning to Portland Monday morning. Kmll Unnacholdl will be buy at Vli! for the next alx munth making improvotnonU at the Curl Haberlach place. Several fills ami some other k-enerat improvements will have to be nailc, K. Herring, living east of town, has a valuable horse which is sulTuring from blood Hiisonlng. The serious in fnclion startiil from a bruise on thej houklur. i Miss lllanohe McNalr left for Fort- land this morning to bo with her moth er who recently underwent an ocjKt linn at the Good Samaritan hospital in I'ortlaiHl, Mrs. McNair is gutimg InriL. verv nicelv ami will nrobubly be lionio In n few weeks. A. T. Dolan has purchased from F. V. Stock, Mr. Stock's cement busliu-is. The buildings and proverty of Mr. Slock huso boon purchased by Garrett Ward who has rented them lo Mr. Dol nn. Mr- Stock will locate on a ranch at Uirhileld. Washington, hoping by so doing to benefit tin' IH Itii of his wife. Itev. S. G. Huttiis. woll known here na an evangelist who vis'ted this city u few jean ago. has just undergone n very serious operation nt tho Hattlo Creek, Mien., Sanutiirium at the liundtt of Dr. Killing. It is opcctod that ho will soon be able to resume his work. W. G. D wight and Attorney Talinngo returned on Sunday from a business Hip outside. While gone they attemled ii conference of the attorneys who are representing tm cltiens in their pave ment light against the Warren Con utruction Company. ' J. 12. Hoevo", sherilf of Washington county win a Tillamook City visil ;; over Sirsly. This was his flnit trip j horo aral he came for the pur)sc of tookinK over the country. He w.. moch Impressed with our future prov- ! iMieta. i G. Mills and sister Mrs.Crawfnrd left for I'ortlanil Saturday tnorning o be with Mrs, Crawford's daughter, F.thclyn, who has boen under medical ti'eat mont since February 13lb Inal, and win operated on Momiuy morning for an alliens in Ute ear. The Hosts brothers have iKiught the bulllinys which have beon lo-al-1 on the I. O. 0. F. property anil are having them removed to their projKjrty adjac ent to the Harris livery barn. We un derstand they have found renters for (he same as soon us they arc in shape. H. K. Craig went to Itockawny this morning for the purMHo f beginning work on a new bakery nt that place. .Mr. Crali is a baker of considerable experience and will no doubt bo much welcomed bv the beach population this summer. j The bateball team will k'lve n big dance at the opera House next Satur day night. The boys are trying to raise money enough to pay for their new uniforms and for this reason are anxious for u large nlteniianre. A Kood time is assured everyone who at tends. C. A. Cornforth proprietor of the Spanish Kitchen has opened up another eating house across from the Ramsey House. The new eating house will cater to tho bettor trade nnd will be first class in every way. Mr. Corn forth will continue to run the Spanish Kitchen. These two eating houses will keep him pretty busy. Like the Hull Moose, Joe Harrison believes In passing good things around. S. C. White Leghorn hen and Fawn and White duck eggs (pure white eggs) for 50c pur setting. Phono or write J. M. Hnriison. Garibaldi, Or. P. S. Fnwn and White are steady winter layers and hold' record for greatest number of eggs ier duck. Kov. C. M. Van Mnrter. iis-iisted by Mrs. Van Mnrter, vocalist, is conduct ing revival services nt the Methodist Church. Kev. Win Mnrter is State F.vungollst for the M. K. Church in Oregon, he is a strong preacher and holds his audience in wrapt attention. You should attend the services it will be worth your while. For Sale cr Trade; For Tilla mook City or County Property No. I -Two b.U in Hose I ity Park. Portland, one block from street car. No. 2 -Three lots in University Park, Portland, three blocks from street car. No, 3 Two loU in Eugene City, one block from street car ami four blocks from the High School, Carnegie Librarv and State University ground. Na4 ."SJO acres of wheel land in Morrow County, all un der cultivation, in gool wheat belt. No 5 One lot anil fine residence in best residence part of San Jose, C'al., 5 short blocks from the High School and State Nortml School, and two short blocks from three street car lines. All Iho Abovo Will Irado For Tillamook Olty or County Pro&orty. g P. W. TODD, Tillamook, Oregon Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West You Need a Tonic TRY "DIKE'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE our giwrastee is back of it Tillamook Drug Store: KOOH &l HILL E. E. KOCH, Ph. G. Phone -J Jj, -Main 1 Doors North" of Postoffice Satisfaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory FOR SALE. it VISIT C L () U G I I flicii you want anything I't in it F1UST CLASS Drug Store Ho also heaps CHOOL SUPPLIES p0R EVERY PUPIL CLOU6H 'NIB KUUA11IJ5 DrW and Book Seller On Your Own Account .. I., ii,,. Imnk? A part of your earnings ought - '-"TS Tillamook Coonty Bank A dnlry ranch fine location on Tilln mook Hay in Garibaldi, contains 90 acres and linlf of this land is gcod river bottom, and tho other half n tine rich tide land with a hill that contains I'm hard blue rock, connects with tho rock quarry, good house ami burn and all the cows and machinery go with it. Two creeks with line spring water run through tho place. Wo will sell nil or half of this place. For Further information call or write to Frank K. Strueby, Gnrilmlili, Ore. FOR SALE. 1 1 acres bottom land with buildings, I cows, anil horse, mile from town, price $-1,1500. Hrand now 0 room bun gain with bnsonie.it, li acre of bind, 1 acre hurries, nuar tho now depot price $100. Fine home nenr town, 10 room house with 5 acres of laud, acre or chard, 1 iicre berries, price $6000. ! Acreage in price to suit. See tho own er, A. Plasker. NOTICE. All parties owing the liculs Lumber Co. nro requested to cull nt Mr. Ueuls' olllco ono door north of tho F. R. Heals otllco and suttlo as soon a convenient. First Class Ti si Shop Tin. Copper and Sheet Metal Work, Plumbing and General Repairing Tillamook Sheet Metal Works GRUENNLNWALD & ROHKBACH, Props. Next Door to Tillamook Bakery FOR SALE. 10 acres of tho best cleared bottom land in Tillamook Co,, half in meadow and the balance is nil logged and near ly stumped oft. There are 20 cows nnd good team, All of farm implements go with the place, The house anil barn are new. $18,000 ; 3,000 down and tho . balance Is small payments. Inquire at I Herald ottke. tf Chamberlain's Tablets for Consti pation. For Constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Easy to take, mild und gentle in effect. Give them u trial. For sale by all dealers. Subscrlbo for thu Herald, twice a wcok. It comes