Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 11, 1913, Image 4

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    a 1BE29
tCntttttlUCXkTlBBl t
Watch Our Special Bargains
XL $U &
r r. -
w m
:ue3 i:u'Se ou:-note the d.fffoc
Ladies' and
Children's Hosiery
: i . 11. ' . '"l . tin.- ln.-st L.W vl
a r in the market. "I hi:- en
tile line consisting ot:
I'.t Ladies the Burs on
I .tshioneil Hose in cotton,
m'k !iic and tiauze. ei.thcr
Mack, white or tan in ivu
.r ir or out sizes: .MisscV
halt-shaiel fine rihlwd lux-
a: tl Children's fine
' . 'k'! hoe at -
In SiLK HOSE Viil Grvt EiL-a
Sp Price.
Each and Every Day as We Are Offering Something New Every Day DuHmr this Sale. Not Only
Price, But In Quality and Stylo, In Which We Excel.
Mason, Pennington & Co., Inc.
The Place Where Only High Class Goods of (Quality Are Sold
We Have a Limited Number of Ladies' and Children's
We Offer at Prices You Should Investigate. The
That Are Offered at Our
VRK NOT TO RL CONFOUNDED With Those So-Called Sales
that Are Sure to be Offered by Others, but RLMKMBKR OURS
Is a Legitimate Endeavor to Sell Quality Merchandise at Prices
Less than You Would Have to Pay for Inferior Goods at Those
Fake Sales.
Are We OlftrinR HargAini
Extra Quality
Extra Style
Extra Price
Dress Shoes
Work Shoes
Loer Shoes
Everything in Shaca
In Men's Suits, Overcoats audi Pants
We will oiler some rare bargains, in Quality and Style, at prices
you can well a'ilord. Oill and look at our iine before purchasing
Ladies and Oiil
tlren's Shoes
the Best
In Drv Goods
We have none but the best, with a full
line and all at a great saving
to the buyer in cotton
or wool
Don't forget to look at our Blankets
J i A
omen's Underwear
I'tne iiolinl hlenehctl cut Ion in.! m suits, low neck, hU-vwU
sln.i t or lotij; .sleeve style. Uht tUtetlor umbrella I.Uei.
ui K hl.I'lvNDON. $l.2f vnluc, in Swim hiie lih-n. h .: gqc
ttJti union suiij. iu .......
Ml.l.HA MODI-), IN, 1,1 FHi shoulder trtiw, ril.l.d . ir
;ili.c ve.sts, il
Dozens of other good bargains in l t h
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
fiKrarrBJarau t-t i i r-imi nrmm-rT ir rrr ijhii
'luSflv urtfa.i.zt-'i and a .sopii'l a! j
K ", : ttn.-t, a- l a(..e. all.
agair.it iti farther duminatsu-. nf par
Stillell i
1 1 i ntipued fn m last Aetk.i
reasing ."lumbers of men are com- t o'licils am ;ij'erntnental action,
t' believe the traffic in intoxicanncr - - -
rs to be wrone. wronc not onlv
ir i' abuses, but wroni; in its verv
nature, wron( per ?e ; as morally wrong '
as slavery was rong, or a the sale oYj
'leased meaU or of milk impregnated
with the eerms of tuberculosis. To
ti.tm 1 1 rs oral ambition hag become a
l.ttlc thinjj. They have come to a
siU- They will trifle no further. No
I' !'.' .- mad for party, place, or power,
tht 'i resolved that party and gov
i r-:. . r.tal complicity in the truffle shall
cea-i . They are weary of denunciation
in the abstract and acceptance in the ,
omcrue. They are done with the.
- .i-i is and the huckstering! of poli
t:"ians. They ha'e come to realize
tt.at '.. ithout moral geniui there can be,
i... ra, statesmanship. They mean to City, gtrip W ft wide running from in
mai.. the coward lipa apeak out. Thty , tersection of 3rd St, & Stillwell ave. W
art- prf-pared to emphasize their belief : for street Durocaea. XI.
Furnished By Pacific Abjtract Co.
Tillamook '.'ounty Hank to L. E. Nor
ton, lou 3 & -1 blk 3 Hayes nddn to Til
lamook, also und. I int. in tract, Sac.
23 2 S 10 W, $1, e'.-al.
Tillamook Btueh Rimlty
Call, lot 15 & 16 blk21
Beach, ilO.
First Bank & Truat Co.
.Mauden, lots 30 & 31 blk 10
Beach, $40.
A. R. 0 ana loir, et-iil, to Tillamook
Uo. to 0.
to H. W.
K i allots. And they cannot be nil-
i f-. with revenue or place, nor co
ircn! by the crack and lash of the
parf whip. The opponents of slavery ',
v ver more deeply stirred by con- t
v 't , ar.d were never more resolute i
Tti j,t than these men sre. Sincere,)
r',. ,t, and purposeful, they will be
ht-iir I i-nd tbey rout be reckoned witn.
Thcrt are others- multitude of
them Abo, not yet concediug that the ,
traif.c is wronff per ue, but concerned I
at it- t-i i,ninic waate and ilarrned by
its- s cai dangers, its domination of
pt !.'.:ca! iartfes, its control of oxec-u-.
live- a ;d ot legislators, its utt.-r jicre
KaH of law, anil itn flagrant anil
'r ''iii'tuz defiance of all rtraint and
..'j'n r t . , are t-onvim I'd Viat, as rmw .
(( rj ,t t . and r'-prem-ntud h v tin- Am
erifrf' Ir wry and the Arnriran sal-'
ocf, tii tlii-is an un-nini'iit menace (
ft. th- i rii oirnc arri social welfare of
ilio .tat- arid the r.ation, and aro pro-1
pv re ! t-, j on in the movement for its j
ai 1'ihili t.' fi. The revolt is wide-,
Deed of Dedication. Win. Stillwell
to ( ity of Tillamook, rededication
of streets, $1.
Howard T. Scott to M. 15. Rozorth
lot 7 blk 3, Oceanlake I'.'irk, $10.
Jas. W. Uvel & wf to Wrn. A. & K.
A. Nuher. tract in 8e 36 3 88 W, flOO,
Chas. H. Waywire ft wf to J. I..
Lawrence aOa in Sec 20 1 S 10 W, $10.
L. h!. Norton to C. A. J'atzlnf & wf,
lots 3 & 4 blk 3 Aaya addn to Tillamook
F. L. Sappington tr. to Frank A.
Ford, lot 6 blr 12 Roso City RuHcli, $2TA
F. It. lieals & wf to ii. V. Alley, lot
blk 8 Mohler, $10.
llonry Toh I to II. V. Alloy lot 1 blk
1 Nehalem City, $100.
Nehqlom Hay Fark Land Co. to Surah
A. McCheurm, lots 12&lii blk 2T Nu
hulotn Ray Park, $100,
John R. Kkko'ihii & wf to I, B, Dav
is, L.U A, H, 11, 15, lti, & 17 blk 20
Sandlake by the Sua, $10,' " .
John It. EffKGinaii & wf to W, W.
Williams, lot IS blk 20 Sundlako by ttio
Kpn-iid. It eiiibraceti Uie nation, and i Soa. S10 et-al
ii. liide men of all auctions and of alii Tillamook L'b'r.. Mfg. Co. to 0. A,
l,url,L'- I Sehultz, sawmill piopurty in Tillamook
,1 an privilege thosu days to buu City with landB adjoining In Hue 30 I S
much of the country, and to meet thou- j v and tide lotu.l, 2, 3, 4 Tillamook
Hands of tho people, traveling and j fjjty with all riparian & booming rightH
speaking in forty static last.yoar, and j jn n0(uarton slough, 110 el-al,
I liud this feeling everywhere and uonry Kt Wi,ilu & wf t() K Iif lJftr.
among all people. Tho enmity against thorp, lands in See 17.20 & 21 6 S 0 W.
the traific is deep, profound and abid- j j5ua jun() Co. to J. A. Hrown lots 1
mg. It is not an enmity against men, I to S blk 07 Ueala addn to Heals addn to
- hi enmity that passes with tho per-i j,ako Lytic, $10.
sonal dllference that begot It. It is; J. ,. Hrown & wf to W. W. McKI-
an enmity against a tiling, against ttio ' downey, U).
"j Horace A. Hrock &,wf to MildreiJ E.
traffic, against the system, against
Small, ui ! j mt in lot 1 to
aitiln I' llarnimk (' tv, $ !i).
S. M. Rattt-r.on wf to J. Ii. Hi
& L. H. Riefenberg, lot 7 Sci- 3-1 3
9 W except R. R. of Wn $500.
John Aellic to Andrew Zuurcher,
lnn.1 in Sec 2 1 N 10 W, $3000.
J. F. Uradstreet & wf to Lwi J.
Saycr bu 15 & 10 blk 27 Sand Utke by
the Sea, JI100.
Tnos. H. Watt to Gottlieb Woli, lot
3 blk 93 Hrighton Reach, ?27fi.
Ernmett Goir A wf to Floyd T. fJofT.
lot 20 blk t Kockawny Reach, $,
Straight ut It.
Thoro is no uio of our "hoHtinu
, around the buHh." Wo might aa well
out with it first as Inst. Wu want you
to try Chamberlain's Cough Roinwly
the next timu you have a cough or cold.
There is no reason ho far as wo can
sue why you nhould not do so. Thin
preparation by its remarkablo curuH
has gained n world wide reputation,
awl people everywhere speak of it in
tho highest terms of praise. It is for
sale by all dealers.
Slack half bushel of frush lime, by j
pouring over it boiling water sufficient,
to cover it 1 or live i.iches deep; stir
ring it until slacked. Add 2 lbs. of
Sulphate of .ine (white vitrol) dissol
vod in vatr. Add water enough to
bring all to tho consistence of thick
whitewash. Apply with a whltowanh
brush, and get your lime from tho
Lamb -Shrador Co., Tul M. 17, who
lutmllo thu largest and froshoat lino of
llmu, hyraled lioio and land plaster in
, tho city, Prices always right.
I Holiness Meeting.
Tho Tillamook ('ounty Holiness As
sociation will meet Friday evening at
7:30 at the homo of II. W. It. Holmes.
Nazarono class vill meet at the samu
place Sunday I'. M, at V. o'clock. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Cohjc'Ii Medicine for Children.
Too much care cannot bo used in De
lecting il cough medicine for children,
It. should ho pleasant to take, certain
no harmful, hubstance and ho
fectual. Ummber!nhi'H Cough Remedy '
meets these requirements and Is a fnv-j
orito with tho mothors of young child
ren everywhere. For sale by all deal-'
era. j
People In the News
Thnm.is '4 HcftliriHikr. comic ojmtu
cntnmlmn. dt" t from piimimonlit nfipf
& brl-f llliixn at a ChlrnRo hold
(5nrral K. ' Htf-Tf-r. commnndlnK
th" vt?ond rayalry brlEndn, Rtitiurii'd
on th. Mexlrnn hordor, wan r'tlrt"t
formally by dlrt-cl oritur from thu wnr
Knr7 V. r'oinlrr, nt-represnntnllvn
In ronrjrmi., nnd Hnrry H. (inri!nr
wr- found Kullty In th frxlernl din
trlct court at St. l.onU of unIiik thr
matin to ih'franil
With n MviTr Hpnil". prt-H.-titeil b
th" hoard of HiipxrvlnorH, Mayor Itoliiii
turnnd ih first shovelful of wirth U r
the foundation of whnt v. HI b rl.iu
Francisco's now Jj.r.oo.ooo city imll
Iu piirsunnce of n ilenlre to ditvo'
all her tlin to Inr homo Iu I'lltMhu'fc,
Lillian ItiiMsell. I li notnd actri-nH, Int
permanently nuired from the stiuv.
aeoordlng lo a roort. Shu Im th mf
of Alexander I'. ilooro. thu I'ltuhur.
Sii ftary Onrrlson of the war d'
purtment has been sundlnu hack In
Hredldf-nl WIIhoii optimistic reports ff
tlio Ohio flood sUuatloii tho past w i
bl-t lent c ity has been eslalillHlu'd iv
Layion to in i uiiiiiioiliiii) nearly lw-.ooo
temporarily )iotndiss pnople.
DlmrUt Attorney Whitman of Ne.v
York la luvesilgatliiu chargiis of Ni-
York nisttturaiit proprietors thai m. )
were required to. pny lartte hiii ,,i , f
money for n 1 1 -ti I h t llcnusos and pollc 1
protection, only to have tholr ihi.iu
IJthments ordered uloseil by Mayor
(Isynor's 1 o'clpcl; rudiir. necul i '
MieU. Ono of the men tokilfiid tli I
be hud puld a reiin-sciitatlvc of tin
poJJce dcjjartiiidnt $.'.00 for thu nlit
to keep open all' night.
Wheat 'Club, 80c; bluestem, K7o;
red RiiHslaji, (i,rK;,
Hay Timothy, $ir,; alfalfa, $12,
lluttor freumery, 37c.
EBS C:indli'd, 20c.
lioiui 1912 crop, lCo.
Wool liaiitern Oregon, JCc; Wll
I urn i! tin valley, 20c.
Wheat Hlueslew, 9cj club, 8fio;
rod RuHslau, 85c,
JJkbs 20c.
Hut'ter Creamery, 37c. ....
Hay Timothy, $1C per ton; alfalfa,
$12 per too.
,11V iC 7 v rrr
a. i iwti um wi tr ii I nvrr a m r i .
I'rnrm.T II ir eta w tic. -
The Great and Grand
Malleable jndChtrcaaf IrorL
Lxianiimln-rnf r-TrluilrnfratiirTa.rarli
ii..i 4ii, 114 loiuduial'Uiiy mwl pnu-t.
ral Drnirm, iimLiii( liio UJtrto Itwi
rmirn ym run l.uy rrfir ,j
Jlli. Ilil' why flflrr-M uUmMiuuiU
(.IUiom try Ui UulUtn IU
ou hau: BY
Alex McNsir & Co.
n r i
nr i r
h. iiouijp'iii' ri L
StartlnR April J5,
Wet.WJll Repair Watches
at the Following Prfccs:
M.ilnpfliif; . . 50c
Jl.il.incr or Uollrr Jrwi-I 60c
Clcuihif; ... $1,00
Halancr Stall - . $1,50
The AbovrJI'rlcrs Do Not Includt Any
nif;Iirr-Grade llun 17 Jrvrl.
JHWKMUt, ' Tl,.niool, Orr.
f.0 Cold R.n.d Trading Hlnmpu with
each cash Hulmcrlptlon to thfJJIUruld
Cough, Cold
SB) svsus sut
Sloali'it IJlilllii'JlL k rl
qili. k ti lliif fur .1,
huatxi iu-wi, ro tlr' at,
I.. ....
tii'HP, H1UII1UV, nay n in
anil hruiuhtibi.
mutr.'A moor.
Ma.AlsraiW I'm. n,r.( r -!.
it , "U tl a I
'"III II) .. foil!, .f ,. C 4
....nl .( f r I, ,i I r '
II k I (! i.. (. u-Ml-S l-4
lt u. i luuuu;,'1
Mnjr.vrj) sour, tiihoat.
Mn I .nr.wtn,ifM
fll" " I t.. ,., l. l u
Ull.ll ll Bl . ., II
ll.o .., ,. r it,, ,tAr' .
uul II cuip.1 lua i.J ntjr tiouluo '
Mn W II. NrMAMif, ,TJ I t it
Arl.iln, I'lilra.,, l . .,rj K -
il i.-r n"ii i.-t r p. I
lli III ill.nr Ml. mil'. Mulll." I I
mm tin hi. ii idt.n ilr k mi "
lf.ieo j.,li f f Iw.l, ail. I da i if
oillimit Ilia cr u, ui Um nioriii .
Prlao, 2Uo., OOo.,$i.OO
M i 'i
Ti .
on '
II -son1
Earl S. Slon
Mtkc the Home Look
A li.walt M.ud.i I..iinp on
your front porch cm be III rvrry
nlfibt until nddplcht ,,uid rr);lit(f
niit ovrr filly crnli prr nioiitln on
tlir lllrlrr,
Tillamook Eleclric Light &
. Fuel CoMpaity )