Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 11, 1913, Image 1

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    . li"
w 0 w c
' Mil1 13
issued twice a week tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tim a.mook, Okhoon, April 11, HH.'l.
NO. 2.".
FirstTNational Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
WM. G. TAIT, President.
J. C. MOLDEN, Vice President.
Intcrct Paid on Time nntl SnvinK
Under United States Government
You Need a Tonic
-a- (itwKAXTici: is hack of rr
h i AMOOK DRUG b I uh t
L 11 KOC1 I. I'b. G.
Sitiifaclion CBar.nlrrJ. Money Hack if Not Sati.factory
irst Class I m bhop
m, Loppcr and hect meiai ttufil,
Plumbing and General Repairing
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Events Occurring Throughout
Iho Statu During llio Past
Indian Bmk Divorce
Tl )la -It x itot Mt uncommon
far Indian to apply to olflctata hrt
1tti th rHMii tbMi tney I" trr1l
"U white folk. ' ty (Hit It, but
UlTOrr proce-dlnx among th red
irtlMN o. thl imwiIou Ip unpr ereijented
jtoti action. Uavrc. baa ta In
etftuuxi y t'tatlln I'laiot lUt. Warm
Uprtiu Indian. PrliaHt LtlH. bt
vli, cualil not aland th burden or j
Bin a0. At ) rat darted j
ttnrtl. as alien In hi complaint.
t totally br dHlon a Now
Yaar't raaolutton (or h lefi htm Jan
i nary 1. WM. about a month nftr they
j 'r mar r 14.
I nwrll waltl atrr eight yam lor
I life nun to rtar to him. lot hop
; mm! lbn tar divon proceeding
, .
' Notto Man From Alt Over Ihr World
Comlno ta Cltlienhlp Mertlnu
iMrtlnad Itapartit tttm oftlelal
))... Ljuripni, twtb in intlaburK awl
l-bH.vl lthla. ctintuiuw to Inrtloal that
ih , ,tj World f. nulaHaa ClUmn
abtn ruiifcrtiaro, to bo bold In Portlaml
Jane ?lJuly 6. uill b a alhertrtK
ary Umfly atiy4 anil ona of cun'
tnamlini: influrna. Tu namw of
.!h.p ho ba aerl to give ail
Jrwtim. tliK tubjoct nUnwl tor iil
ouou. tlw uuinbar of Muln rcc
tiarttnt: thulr Uinlr lo lm irioal auJ
' in I nulriaa tbnt nr tioliu: uwilo con
rrnii ( ttt riM con(rni;e Inillcntu
thai i up oonfrrutieo will wirt ny
thin thai na nm-iHltHl It In IU fur-rt-nrblna-
Mtarta uihmi aocloiy.
I'urtUnil baa twiw forwaniml tS.tW
of th llt.MO plrxlfM by till city for
thu ontiTtalntiiKtit nnl inibllolty fnnU
of tho f4)iitiruic. Tb Usnl flimtico
-jimnltt' In i!tvlltiK tnnnna tor rul
luw ibn bul.iiico.
illamook Sheet Metal Works
Next Door to Tillamook Bakery
Homcbojt Live on Umpqua Trip
RoMburc Infornmllon bun bron r
crlvwl In ItoHi'burg that th Scbb-ui'l-mllph
tmrtv of ncvcn p-rotis bo b'ft
hro In n luiUHobont on Mnrtfh 1C. bitvn
floint'b'tril iblr Journey ilown tb Utn
jiua rlr.'r without ai'olilfiil. Snvon
.lava worn conumil In innklitK
tin- jtmriK-y Tbln in 10 ilnt lotiKrr
than tho tiriy cnloulnll It would
TIiuk insKon n font ncviir bofori ne
romilibMl on tin- l'mMtm rlvor. Kow
pormmH bi'lli'vcd tbnt tln ImiU I'oulil
aiirvl Ibi- fiTlea of will! inpltlH on
ib- rtur or tbnt tin' voyi:o would bi
ouinplctiHl without lone of Hf"-
William 0. ViiT5n. of Pennivlvanla,
wa It (cerrtjry of labor In Prealdcnt
Vllticn' C4hlntt.
Oenntctltut Ratlflc Amendment for
D:tt Glcctlan of Senatori.
fehlaioti. Direct cb-sctlon of
Untttil Statue fuwiutor by the popte
wan autborltw! nni! wad" compulaory
whan ib) Connecticut legtulature rati-
fth tb cnnnlitutlonal ntnondincnt
r..;b!ii!ltl by oonsresa loas tban n yoar
ffert 4tua!'o!j tbnt results tbmuRb-
oaCih c-mtry. wla're tn:iny loRlala
ia hftvu adjourned until 1015. !
. uA as to leave confusion In tha
-mltSa'Of'rnetnbcra of-the nenntc an to
how mc rr!y tapa towanl direct elec
tion of aooetorx will bo carried out.
Wlillo the proclamation of the mtere
tnry of atate. nnnouiiclni: final rntlfl
u'iou of ibti nmcndinetit by 3$ ntnteK
Congress Convenes with Dem
ocrats in Complete
VanblnKton ConKr, openlnr In
extraordinary ialon Monday under i
l'i mocratlc domination, wsa Dllvfnel 1
bjr lb'- artivmi. of the I'rosreatlvu '
org-(i i. -ai j'.:. i the l.ouae an I an l.v a
alon of ti. i.tjo.. bearing tuft. ettcs.
i:v the. f novcitleji. howevei. were
ovarrl .'! l by tha preparatio.. for
the tr. t l at'brwklnK event of 1 u a
day. w '.en J'ridaat Wllnon dellvt d
'il tar "f meaaage by word of rnou b ,
I to the ".oa'a lawtnaki-rs. 1
j SUnd: ' before the iiennto and
j h'UM f , erenutle in Joint bch
t ! ith no oiaor Ircaidunt nau uono
fur mora than 112 years. President
Wtlaon Mated simply and temely what !
h ttuUt ahjuld bo done for the wel
fare of tho country and aj.ked his lt'K
lalattiu coll(tKuee, tnao to man. to aid
In kmtpmic the pladgo of their party.
With a avf.Mp of decialon that shat
tnre.1 prifCedent. the President bmahod
nstdo all Imnplnary Itoundarleh be
tween congraat. and the executive of
flc. nud rwacuel hlmsolf. as ho :x
proaaml It. "from that isolated Inland
of Jaloun autbor.y'- which the pres
idency had come to be regarded.
When tho muck-heralded iucldont
was over. oongrecH aeetned pleased
and tho proaldont waa dollghtod. Ho
expnawied hlmialf lo hl frlundu as ltn
preaaed with tbo dignity cf the occa
ivlon, and some of bte confldanls later
declared that ho loft the capltol great
ly rolloved to think that, after all, hl
precedent-fltnafhlne bad not been !uch
n cataclysmic tbir.g as itne hnd pr
dictod. I'ronldent Wilson's message to the
extra session was mutually short.
mnklni onlv about 12ui) 'norda. It
Dr. F. F Friedman, the Berlin ape
cialltt, whose tuberculosis cure has
created wide-spread Interest.
Erief News of the Week
Examlnatlo: b will be held at atl
army posts July 14 next for civilian
j candidates for ni pomtments as second
lieutenants In the wob.le army. There
are only a few vacancies.
The 137th legislature of New Jersey
adjourned without passing a bill pro
viding for Jury reform. Failure to
pass this meature Is In opposition to
the exprosscd wishes of President Wil
iion. Shawneatown. which is 50 miles
above-Calro.on the Ohio, was prac
tically destroyed by the flood, bit no
lives have teea lest. The water caaii
up slowly rjd all had plenty of tlma
to flee to the bills.
Inrkerbum. W. Va.. suffered the
u.'iou of the amendment uy as suites making only about l.w worua. u ( - " hl.,.r- (,rinir tho
nonlred by the law. Senators llris ,,.! entirely with the tariff, leaving worst f JlTi of
. .. . .u...... I . .... . .v,.. ...,,. i recent Inundations, n r. :oil atage oi
tow and liorab. liaidera le tbo dlnet
fdeciloua fir.ht In congraiia, oxpressitd
tbo opla!on iltat the asuendment for
all practical ; i rpoats now is a part of
the conciltutlon.
Michigan Women Seem to Lose Vote.
Potroit. For the second time In
leaa than six months on the faco of
significant returns available, the con
stitutional amendment permitting wo
men suffrage was defeated lu Michigan.
Ortnon Senator Uellcvei 15 Per Cent
Doty Is Needed by the Growers
Washington.-Senator Clmiiiborlnln
out the following iinlhorliod
hut-ment of hla poalttiin on wool;
i . . i. w of the fuel that Oregon Is
rt aoolKrowlUB state. It seems to tn
lu il. ..i. imratlon of n turlff measure
,.oim. l oiuesHlon ought lo be mmlo to
ilu- wool growing liidustiy. particularly
i u. w of the fun tbnt reduced duty
i r.ialned mi Ibe inumifHCtiired pro
ami I hiii advised that wool-growers
i me west and middle woat would bo
h in-died H1 lul vnloiom duty of
unu - -
I ir.lNIJJ'.l.SUIN
i . .1 .... i m
f - -iiirf i
. Sii.ii...... I BUT 1U'H" 1
mam 1 t ITS. HI A.
iaavaa m wx m. i0bIinura&
"7-fr i BB BB ! A HI A i ITB1'I'"
" : ' '- ' -.-Mm as IM' Vill,
. . ...mi Tlllrt Hill 111 l'i (u;unoi
wl,i not udd Bppiwlliliiy to mo coai
of the iiiiiiiiifiii'Hiri'd iivodiii't. nud
nieivfure would not have nmtnrlnl in
flueiue on the high mat of living.
It' the house imsH Hi" genera! tar
iff bill li signed in carry out iho pledg
ttbleli di-moenilH and republleuii
made to revise tbo tariff downward.
1 would not lot my vote be Infliieiieed
l,v .my one Item l'ln"ed on the free
Hat iignlnst my personal objection. In
other words. U U bijtler to s.icrlflco
,v l.idlvbluul IntereHt limn tbnt a bur
,,;,mo rate of taxation be levied
t),o Whole people. I believe the
,.,ff ought (t) be ivvU-ed downward.
, , far i.b my vote and Influence
Jo.' elu.ll be. The retention of n
1'llulit duty on wool, howovor, would
o, iulate fi.uiocn.tlo nolloy or llw
U0.ll)i;itiullli of the denioeratlo PbU
' i. i neoLtlon If the govern-
.V ,t can nfford to lose tbo revenue
;;Ht wold be derived from u .mull
duty on wool."
London. With the promised "reign
of terror" In retaliation for Mrs. Km
meltr.e Paukhursfs conviction already
limugumted by the burning of nice
courses, blowing up of railway btatlon
and train and the destruction of an
other country house by suffragettes.
London was under the closest police
surveillance that the present genera
tion could remember.
Scotland Yard detectives were ev
erywhere and all the uniformed re
servofi were on duty watching the
militants wherever they held meet
ings. Hvery woman suspected of be
tng n militant who appeared on tbo
street carrying suitcases, grips or
packages, was made to give an account
of herself.
Parliament buildings, museums and
pliues once public, where tho tuition's
treasures tiro housed, were under strict
giinrn. to prevent militant vandalism.
No arrests hud been reported In
connection with the Ayrshire race
track fire. The grand stand, Btnbles
and other buildings of Iho course near
Ayr were completely destroyed and
the police claimed to have elites that
made It certain that women did tho
work. The loss was i&.0uu. At Kel
so, in ScotJand, two women were taken
by tho police Just after they hud set
fire to some rags under tbo grand
stand of n race track.
to the discretion of congress tho meth
od of handling the issue.
Champ Clark Re-elected Speaker,
When the house convened, the Dcm
ocrats. following their caucus deci
sion, renominated and re-elected
Speaker Clark. The Itepubllcans com
Innted It-prescntatlvo Mann of Illi
nois and the Progressives nominated
Representative Murdock, of Kansas.
Victor Murdock. leader of the new
Progretelre party In the lower branch,
at the rery outset stirred up a flgfct
over tho seating of lie; resentatlre H.
Olln Young, of Michigan.
Progressive strength was tested on
the speakership. Mr. Murlock receiv
ing IS votes. Tho new parly, however,
mustered more votes later In the fight
on Representative Young when It at
tempted to prevent his taking the oath
of office by resolution Introduced by
Representative lllnebnugb. of Illinois.
Democrats, led by Representative
Fitzgerald, and Republicans marshall
ed by Leader Mann, Joined forces in
sitting upon the new party organiza
tion, tho first recognised thlnl organ
ization In the house for 60 years. Mr.
. - I
Young was sworn In, n contest of his j
recent Inundations. A f. :od stage of
5S.S feet, six feet htghe.- than ever
before, has boon roached. Only one
death Is reported.
The newspapers of German? are en
joying themselves hugely ever the
antics of the suffragettes la Kngland
and arc filled with suggestions how
best to deal with these "vote hyenas,"
"4eTil women," "fire witches," and
"bashl baioukeses."
Nine pouches of regtste.-ed mall,
ontalnlng $100,000 worth of postag
stamps and new currency of approxi
mately J100.000, all water-soaked by
the floods, reached the pcstofflce at
Bt. Louis. The stamps are a total loss,
but the money may bo saved.
A federal grand Jury at San Francis
co will begin an Investigation shortly
of charges that prominent brokers of
that city were guilty of criminal con
spiracy to loot a federal bank deposi
tary In trading with Charles F. Baker,
the assistant cashier of the Crocker
National bank, who hsn confessed to
embezzling npproximntcly OO.COO.
Hundreds of tbousanls of dollars
are necessary to nlieve suffering
among flood refugees In Indianapolis.
- " ,, ., i j acconltng to tuo rupori in m nine...
seat by W. J. .McDonald, a 'regressive j cor. thQU
to be considered inter ay u,o e.ecuo.,, a 0 bo toUUj
Samuel H. Nichols Dies.
Kvorott, Wauli, Santuol 11. Nichols,
formerly secretary of state of Wash
lugtou. and before that a Republican
leader lu Minnesota, died hero, nge
83 years. Ho served two full terms as
scmotnry of state, beginning In 1001
and had begun upon n third teru whoa
In 1&00 his office was charged with
Irregularities and ho reined.
60,Gold Hond TrnilinR Stamps with
eaab yoar'o subscription to the neraia.
Tariff Dill Cuts Duties on Food. J
Removnl of duty from many articles ,
of food and clothing; reductions In
the rates of duty on all necessaries of '
life; an Increase of tariff on many'
luxuries; and a now Income tax that ;
would touch the pocket of every Amer- j
or partially hotuulo. and It is said
that $100 will be required for each ol
these. State aid Is being asked In
Indiana by Indianapolis. Torre Haute,
Peru and Logunsport.
Professor Freed of " -dsr Charge.
St. Paul. Minn. T-o ;ury in the
lean citizen whose net . .come e rrofofiSor 0sc,r M. Olson, for-
itOOO. are tho striking features of t o " J tInlVur!5Uv of Minnesota
new Democratic tarin revision inn.
Sugar would bo free of duty in 1016.
the bill proposing an Immediate 25 per
cent reduction and the removal of the
remaining duty in 1016.
merly of tho University of Minnesota
farm school, charged with the murder
of Clyde N. Darling, alleged wrecker
of tho Olson home, returned a verdict
of not guilty.
.i.Mihl li mmln free at ' c.i......:i... f..- ..,,!.. lv llmlil
once with a correspondingly heavy re- Fifty Gold Hond Trailing Stamps with
ductlon hi tho tariff on all woolen ; ' year's subscription.
goods. ' ' - "
All these other articles tiro put on ; vwivwMwertwjvw
Tillamook, Ore.
the free list, nnmoly:
Meats, flour, bread, boots and shoos, '.
lumber, coal, harness, saddlery, Iron j
ore, milk and cream, potatoes, salt, ( .
swlnn, corn, commenl, cotton bugging, , ',
agricultural Imploments, leather, wood r
pulp, bibles, printing paper not worth ;
mora than 2Vj cents per pound, typo-1
writers, typesetting machines, cash t,
registers, steel rails, fence wire, cotton
tlos, nails, hoop and band Iron, fish, I j
sulphur, soda, tunning materials, uce-'
tlo am! sulphuric acids, borax, lumbor i y
proiluuts, lnoludlng broou.hundles.
clapboarda, hubs for wheels, pouts,
laths, pkkttU, .Uvea, ehluuies.