Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 08, 1913, Image 3

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    ement : Loal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
A y H - S( : H K A I ) 1 5 R CO M P A N Y
A jnd Warrhouje Front St. hclwcrn 2d and 'M Ave. Wot
Coc.il H.ippnlnfl. g
to order .1 'arh-
t M -hler wt In town
ltp man who .polled
Jit. II. r.,H-r left (hi ki.jMiIih; for n
Vl.ll wllh friend, and relative, at
I'lirtlntwl ami other ouUWti poind.
The A. P. Coale lumber Co. wlllcb
U.Utjhl the Tillamook tntil ai k,
lh'ah jif U(Mm Monday.
W. M. Clla.n, wife a to I daughter of
llalioy. Null., arc vl.ltine. wllh .Mr.
i 1. .1 HI ... . . , i
i nam a prWtra . U. UnaM- 01 ltil
A li Ihiui? of 1t room, and bath.
I'arty leaving town ami w rfl on
ca.y term., (.'all at till, utfir.
A Horm for .ale, wt. It") lln. tell
Year, uld, (ey, get; Mr.. J a.. Alkln
.on, South I'ralrlc
Cha.. Wiley f Hravcr trfl tixlay
for Ala.ka where bo will work In a
A&lrnrtH raflhprv fur 1 '. 1 1 ...t n.
- ' . . . n n.irj tit t I ,
III. .on Itmll "III mm ko to ,lka
fur an Aiioris firm,
j f , j- man who till tit
. tl' . I- w.. In I I.
it K "w " ' -- "
. 1 .
f-i im n
ll mule tuftfllUm.
.... .. T.-.t In
5th f UtvcftUlo w HI
.1 ntr M Uy. There u lc lUbllltr of making int.-
. ,r M r....t,rllont for ow. ' Vr ' l"6 f )u (') U bill..
J ll .1..
& it ftt"'iabp t'Hrc,
n I'urtlaittt on ImuI-
S f f I'
Ik! i
1 'P-
IrKldtline wmr tacn. by chock. Ulla
iiH.iV County bank.
Mr. II I. INittrr obo ha. bcn v.
Itlni; br daughter. Mr. Kimnr Jark-
;jl a rc b ...
tfl of Park, Waab., for lV pail U
ii.ftcl Itivk egg; .mine .nomh, ,clun. .il,er bomr at Ik.vor
U Ml l.lttPtlOrWt. at, S.lUfd,r Ka.,H.. rrl.
R Ilea I c ft tht. rnorlllnt tat a Frday aflcrtMit. traltu
'' ' l I' f1 Onto bal Timothy llfc.W j-ir ton
ate uf "TIo mn wbo In erloMl kiU. Fancy llurbank .nxl
imtdtcm.. d& (U. txir 10 lt. (. u. b.
, , .. t .-I t. ba. letter M' SmWor' 0fc-
it r .. i-'t gwlns I" bavr- I'ay ymr tar. witii a ebek on tho
f , 'v i Shrwlc. Uik. lu mom eonvrmlmj ami .all.-
u.. cftihi.inornli,,; far 'fl'lor; " ,u
whec be I... i-onr, for ,MrM- Tltoo.k County llank.
h U ttr,.i. ,..iCUn ml .ur- " ' w "1 vol
u a fen,ari-a tlwm. ,or m , ,s,f r,mUl '"r1
ri in bar rlnt' iho tnlni prtia w bich
I wa. a Ana Cult.
i .ie ' r.in fur 'Jio, l.amar'. ' ...
... it. i I (JtMn'rcto eflnirwttH I make a .to-
' lalt)' nf .klcWatka, tlrtft. ami (fulllt:.
I II t'hrl.llnn Cboreh J wml JMWf WOrk kpI my fiK'Mro.. All
I -..,.,(! ran l UpM by wark UrirtW ilarantl. A. T. Dolan.
I J. II. Hathaway tcxcall) bwiRhl Mr.
f.r.j. i no r ton In tho IVlr't inlnriwt In Unr trmcpr. firm of
v. i.iuvor un tbo 1'ranV : Cult & llunoj and fruin nuw on tin- new
if i i. t fifiti tii ibi I ii i a in it.. tifwiMr ( nit iirm
JUfl Mr fKi Mrs. Hilton un IIjc! Iur bWwi S. C Ithodd UUml Kl
I.Mr. ttiwJ Mr. J, M. M.OJ jmr rttni;of 16 crck.
j-.. . .1. a. aii .V. if.
ii tn-r tun. Un) A Co. , inUrcwU hmv JUi htd riml fmth in
, i mi fin un nnti u vmituu h iiiuiuii
iKI I !i - ii lit lldl'r Iti1fn '
.. . ... . f chat Willi him.
C. A. Crn(0rlh U iu'ltini; tbo btillil
ln latnly cetiilwl by tho Cnntrnl 0y
tc llou.c. in .bniw t ln.tll Hrt
clntu rtwtnurant witflL Mr. Cornff rib
t.rlnlnlv knuwii hi biiilno. wbun it
ouiti. to prmluclnu aoinuthitib' kihmI tu
Vhtvr )i0 Iwy fiom utlmra,
wbun you wnnt thu lnyrn bu urc
mimI uiir S. t'. V. I.ui;lirn elilckuu
nnti IiiUInu HMiinur tlupk gK from
Ji. Ilarrlwn. th UIikU nt $1.00
nir ttinR. AililroiMi Jo.. lUrrlitnn.
1 IttV, 1 InH. It ...ill. II r. f silMMil
---- - t.ttiiip,, ,MJ III" M..t
( IIIMIIII Il. lllltnj i
i "if t ,n iii wio iiD.llir.n. r. u.
No. 4S.'
i 11,., ..
' Htt .
k II 1
ii fcffi ,1).
t '.r ni iik Worthy OrniMl
i V llnytitr vUllml Ib.t
ii mi I wuii niynlly
li l.vori'il u llin' utlilru..
k' ntul thii wurk of tho
-m 1 1 IUmI by both tbo
'' 1'ity i'liuptom nftur
nln worn aorvnl. Tbo
"ii:vi i, r. fruin liny I'lty wur
tClrt,.i . fl J (J (UI)rl, Ml.
lit .
"Hii.ip, Mm . In), .Immiiiml-..
I 1 r ii.I.Imi- I I" llriulu
Dr. Ilitwl; ntul wifo,
Killc J
Htrr w
"i .Mru -,1. i-:. (irnluM- iim . nl rn.
C I () U (i 11
wiuiL anytliiiii'
'lit ... IM IkMIlt f. 1 I I
lit" filso keeps'
j i. r ii .
ana ooow seller
'ict0 (iuld Klib I'mo. Sturtliii; itoM
Krdl.y, wowill Hive with ouch
pnri'lm, of UtiXAl.h KliMUDHJS or
K.xnll .Muri-hnmll.. th f-illuvvinK:
Two (ioltl Fl.h. oiio kIoU. oiiu Imix il.li
fwnl, S'ou Mum mid Awl. I'obbl.. All
fiuo iiiul only mm oh till to ouch party.
C. I. ClwiK'h, (lrit.
J. II. liiiylonl boon miming
Horn oyo lhl . Ho wim
homo lyo in K"' " I'riItt- when
hoiiio of tbo lyo hiIiihIiiI into his oyo.
omiHink' iii"' ' l,,in- "" r,IM nl
onco into Dr. WomltV ollli-o ami tliu
ilm-tor wi.bhoil tbo lyo out 'it onco, lv.
(in; limi rtroat rollof ami naviu tho oyo.
Tho Hi-hool board hrni oniil(yo.l I ho
followink' tom-hom: I'riiu-ipiil, J.
Iluohiiimn f Clmttarny. 'iihIi. ; anil
iiKHlHtanl prlnd.al, It. V. Monro. T!.
hlKli Hfliool toachorH will bo Mrs. H.
t!. llarrlBon and Mi I'arkor. Uml.
f'rnilo, Mi'Hi (I. I.oach; Jlril. Kra.lo,
MIhh (ilmlytt HkiiIs; Ub. Kra.lo. MIm
Kva Whoolor; Mb. Krailo, Mitn l.hia
Dawson; tHti. Kiu.lo, MIiw Hlanoho
I.uoi.h; 7lli. K'rmlo, MIh. Mnrv Wbitu;
Kill. Krailo, MlH CvurnUi Soworrti , tliu
primary toai-hoitt nr. Mm. Clara Hurtfo
mill MIhh Kathryno Huiko.
iiu Hoalii l.uinhur
A I pariion uniuh - ,
.. '. .I...I in ...ill at Mr. IIoiiIh'
1,1), IIIO I
I nl leu onoiiuor limi"
j olllce mul sottlo un noon tw convenient.
I'mni i:iiiirirlo'
Jnhn WannioU ntul family of Minion,
Waali., movwl ibiwii to Wbrnlcr In. I
wi-rk wlirroMr. Wnnnlrk I. onip(iyt;
" inlllwrlabt nl thn Jmi.nti BIiIiikM
Mill. Thnro nri twulvo children In tb
fninlly, nil of wlnmi mu halo nml hourly
mh! ulvo pMinl.o of hoconiliiK ii.ofnl
ImI imlutUloua fltlw.li.. Kuril l.ildl
ttoiMi to tbo tpobillnn of tlm Nhal"in
Vnlluy air innimllnuly woImiiihi nl
Hit. limn uml nmiiir an unprocmlunUHl
tin ream, in tbo n imbor nf ro.hlonta ii.
wnll n. aiMlni; to thv ill.lrlel ttehool
fuml. whleh mnminU to IIH0 in thu
family .lane, thnr bcinu nlno cbllilruii
, of fbi byr. If tbo pojHilfition of
Wlmvlor fuiilimifl. Uik'row nt tbia pneo
' It will fMjt inko loni? bofori; tbo nlari;
may boonno tho runtor of population
nf Uio J.'nlmlciii Vnlloy. In tho inonii
tllilo wu may alao iuwt like mldlttont
In uthor plato. ! tlm vicinity, ami
tbon, laktiii a. a whole, wo will not bo
nl all aurprltotl to annouorn boiuo
tnrtllni', uyo-oKinrra In tho wny of
at.tl.tlca at tho chv? of tho tm-.tfiit
Jamn. IVcnoy, tiiBiia(.:rr of the 1"-n-y,
llroiinnrr & Co. foundry lcntrd
at 'hllarnooV City, .pant a fow hour
In Krhalcm City Vrlnrlay on bu.l
nr... (In cunUiuplatr. cxpandlnt: hi.
field of uralion. by Includiiu: tho N'c
hulcin V.lli-y, and tcallic. that I will
hijcofiHJ profilabln to hi. company. Tha
rxtriiilvo lot-Kllik' oy)rallot). bclnK
carried on lirro a. well a. other Indus
trial acllvltlc would Indicate that a
fouivliy ami machine .hop could not
well afford Ui overlook thl. .octluu of
the county, Add with thl. tdca in view
ho will make an effort to devote hi.
timo ami talent, to keeping in touch
with ojicrallon. here to a. to handle
all the work in hi. lino for prvcelivo
patron. In thl. valley at bin foundry In
Tllisrnook. Me ho. In.tnllcd n com
plete pattern plant In connection w.tb
hi. foundry l an cxM.-ni of fci.tK)
w Ich will enable hlrn to cn nro uun
tbo work co aidcribl,
J I). Richard, n contractor of l'ort
land I. putting' up a tine cottage for
Mr. A. H. ono of Oregon City nl N'e
nhknhnie thi week. Mr. lUchanl. ex
ited, to remain In ihi vicinity all um
nier awl nil tho.e intendlni; to build
will do well to Kt hte IlKUro. on the
V. A. Kowo of I'ortltnd, brother of
F. A. Kowe of thl place, came in Sat
urday to remain .uvoral week on n
vUlL In tho meantlmo he will make
hltn.olf u.oful doini; .oitic civil enu'l-
ncerlnir work nl VVhcclct for Uic own
er, of that property.
Work ha Iwcit re.um.'d on the road
between .N'ehalom City mid bouch
point, by Biin:rvl.or Carry ami crew.
Thi. road f .uhjvcl lo more trntlie
than any In thi. district even lit proiont
ami it will increase in priiortlon un tho
lHiildtfiL oimratioim contiuitu to irrow.
ConiHuenlly it thould be put in tlmt
cU condition nl tho enrliv.l jKimitilo
muineut. In ouler to meet thoie rc-
(juiicmi'iil.i. At pre. out it Is nlino.l
tuiiHia.iblo to hiiul honv loud, over it
owintf to the depth of tlio m.id uud thi.
nliw inconvonionco. those who find it
iiocoMnry to walk to and from tho
boncti. A change for tho Inittor l
therefore delrablo itlmve all things.
Miin DulniiH nml Gamble, two of
tho ptincipitl stockholders of the wheel
. .
ur l.umlior i ompany aponi hovenu
day nt Wheeler last week nrranninK
for tho cointiuction of the now mill
and other mutter in connection with
tho airMlr. of tho company. Tho con
struction crew U already on hand and
active operation hnvo boKiin no that
tboro i mi further doubt but what they
numn bu.ino lu tho earryiiiK out tho
mIiiiim iilron.lv nnnouncod horotoforn by
Uiin with joforonco to otilurKinK tho
mill to tbruo tiimw ltn p runout capacity.
The lumber for tho bridge across tliu
l(iub botwuon Tohl Ar Anderson
stun and Thoinpmn'n tlvory stablo i
iiln .dy cut and work will soon bei-i to
put it in. Wbun thu u do.iu thu street
will bo tillod in with dirt to tho level
of tbo s.piaro fruiitiiiK HownnFa
eornor. This will bo graveled in due
timo and when iinishod it will surely
bo tho roalixatioii of n necossary and
Important linprovomeiit.
Mrs. JoMiph KironborK-or, who has
lieon in Fortlaml and Soasi.lo for tho
past four weeks loturnod Sunday. Sho
wa nccoinpanlod by her kiiii Oscar,
who intomls to romain horo suvoral
wueks before roturninK to thu Koso
CKy to ontimio Ins studies at thu
IIoIiiuih HusinoM CoIIoko.
From Courier :
Two surveyors in tho employ of tliu
(tovorninunt Imvo boon in our midst thu
liast fow days irottiiiK' tho topography
of tho lands, Wo understand thuir
work is to dctormi tu whether thu up
lands are bettor fur 111,'rieultural pur
poses than fur Hlono and timber ami if
ho Hi rocoinnionil plnoln t'""" I" 'I'0
homosioail list for entry.
A tolonrnni received hero from Har
ney ISstnbrook Htutos that on April '2
hu shipped 31 Unlsloin heifers mid flvo
bulls and that hu oxpects tu nrrive in
Tillamook in twelve or fourteen duys.
On Tuc.day U.t i)ccuri-i thn Stfiln an.
nlvor.Hry of the wnddliij: of Mr. nml
I), A. Ilalluy nml In thn ovnnlni! tbidr
i Imineillnlii noli'.hlwira hlMjl tbnm to
, eommoinornte tint eventful ocrn.lon
; by KnthnrliiK at tholr homo. After a
aoelal evnntiiK with rofre.hmonta had
j been .pent nml wnll wl.ihon bud been
(nld tho nelKhlfim roturnixl t their
, hom flr InuvliiK .cvnral pleen of
llviirwiire it. meinento. of the occa
.Ion. ("ri:o WrtbliKt'.m h purclmm-d
tho llltb) blue Uunrh from Mr. Hay
and GoorKo will enjoy thn plonaure. of
notir IwutloK thl tummigr with n dan
dy little Unt iNpiipped vlth n Cnllle
1'itrfectloii online of the now ignition
Ilarnoy Kmibbnk Inn purchiieJ from
F. It. Heal, the nw mill at I'ncffic
City nod will 0rMte the shijiu thl.
Five load, of honvy iron Klrdcm
were rocaiveil here Wudnendny ui le
.hlpMl by Ixini to the llulo Notucc
river for the brldKc U built there.
II. A. Mile, nml wife, of Wood.,
were Clovcrdttlo bui'nv.a vl.itvr. Mon
day. Frank WorthlnKton, nccompnnlel by
Mr.. Klberl WorlblnKUm, drove to Tll
Uuiook Tuewlny.
For Sale cr "Trade: f- or Tilla
mook Citv or County Property
No. I Two U.ln in llo.o City Fnrk, I'ortlawl, ono bbck
from atrcet car.
Mo 2- Three loU In Univcmlty Fnrk, J'ortlam', thrcu
bloekn from .tnet ear.
No 3 Two lot in Vmkviw City, orw block from trot rnr
nnd four block from the lliith SclK")!, Crneie
Ltbrnry nml State University i;r'uml..
ftOt4 X) acre of wheat land in Morrow County, nil un
der cultivation, in Kood wheat belt.
No IS One t and fine residence in best residence part of
.Han Jo, ( al , U abort bo-k from the High
School ami State Normil Schwl, ami tw short
block, from three street car lines.
All tho Abova Will lratto For Tillamook Olty or Gannty
P. W. TODD, - - Tfllamook, Oregon
Mr.. It. I), Hay. mul. ted by her
mother Mm I'. W. Todd entertained
the Swa.tlcn Club at their home Fri
day, March Z-lth. The afternoon win
pent In needle work and k'nrne. The
after dinner speeches were marvel, of
x'tlc Krandeur ami clearly showed
the literary ability of the members and
their quests. The KUe.ts of the after
noon were Mcwlnme. Kim;, Myer,
Cremhaw, Told, Whilehouse and Mn-
A dairy ranch fine location on Tilla
mook Hay in Garibaldi, contains 00
acres ami half of thi land is Kood river
ttotlom, ami the other half a fine rich
tide land with a hill that contains fin.
hard blue rock, connecw with the rock
(Unrry. ood hou.o and barn ami all
the iws and machinery i;o with it
Two creek with fine .print: water run
through the plnce. We will sell all or
half of this place.
tO ncres of the beat elenred I otto in
'land In Tillamook Co., half in meadow
and the balance is all IokkoO and near
ly stumped olL There are CO cows and
Kood team. All of farm implement
Ku with the place. The house nnd barn
tiro nuw. JIS.000; 3,000 down and the
bnlnnco Is small payments. Inquire nt
llcrnld ollice. tf
It acres liottom hind with buildlucs,
4 cows, nnd horse, mile from town,
price J-I.WK). Hrand new 9 room bun
gulo with basume.it, 11 acre of land, 1
acre berries, near tho new demit price
JiltXI. Fine home near town, 10 room
house with f acre of land. I acre or
chard, J acre berries, price S5000.
Acreage in price to suit. See the own
er. A. I'laskcr.
f L "I 1
bv keopinir lilm In shabby old Harness,
Wo aro sellinir Harness made of the
best stock at prices that miirut to
tempt ynu.
will not only improve tho appearance
of your horse, but contribute to your
safety as well. Many n runaway could
be avoided if the old Harness had been
discarded in timo.
lilWimouk - Oregon
Tillamook, Ore.
Attorney it Lxw nd NoUry Public
Both Phono
Tillamook, Oregon
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
First Class Tin Shop
Tin, Copper and Sheet Metal Work,
Plumbing and General Repairing
Tillamook Sheet Metal Works
Next Door to Tillamook Bakery
recpie m tiic t'.ZW'Z
Thi funeral for the late Klnc Georsi"
tool; plnce .March 30. nt Athens.
Sir Gnrnet Joseph, the Viscount
Wolaeluy. field murshal. nnd one of
Hr'.taln's gr-ate.t soldiers of modorn
nm.c. ..w - F.- n.p. r.d nearly SO
TUe tc c .d tr.::l cf CI. reace Darrow
on a charge of brihiiiK Hobert Bain, a
uror In the MrNnnura tnal, was put
er to Juuo 16.
Colonel nooseelt, epiwklns at a
i ro .rewUvo parly, announced 'be in
tuat on of that psrty to ?trle for tho
chciion of womou delegates to the
next eou;ltuUon.il eouvontioa.
S Ivlii Pankhurst. youthful mlliiyiit
-vllrr.jtette. won Uir release frcm Hol
ivr! y prison by a hunger strike. Au
ihor ties decided that further impns-ni-..i:ii
ould endanger her life.
I'hyoiolnni. are tnklng extreme can
..on wuh Pope Flu. X. His heart is
ery weak, and the recent illness
en used physicians to believe that f.'it
ure of tbnt oran will follow the
sllpMost unusual oxerilon.
'K.e long Ulluals seuntorlnl election
deadlock in tho loslslnture wns broken
with the election of James Hamilton
Levis, democrat, and U. Y. Sherman,
republican. Sherman is elected for
the short term. With the election of
these two. the United States senate Is
now complete Tho democratic
streiiBth Is 51, against 43 republicans
aud two progressives.
Portland. j
Whent Club, SCo; bluestem, 97c;
red Hutislan, S5c.
Hay Timothy. $15; nlfnlfa, $12;.
llutter Creamery, 39.
KgKs Candled, 20c.
Hops 11)1" crop. ICc.
Wool Eastern Oregon, ltioj Wll
lamutte valley, 20c.
r f .o beat i. a'. r.alj
i. ulor.'iio and Lhircoal
Iron iho ra: so that's
f.hra iven thn v.ori.l nvpr m n . Vi.
(IM I'sktict Haks:i alwaysunl-
MiV inii un at own- iaszb YSS
f ihroufihoui f. h Icni3 AsarsTOj
savca tx: your tuet bilL
Tne Great and Grand
Malleable and Charcoal Iron.
oroadi-istot'sdara' ...tynrUprai-
col scrvu-c, tuatuu tr,o MxJtrmo t'10
.Kt pjnw jou c.a I1. y j.n-.rulft?si of
pti,v. 'iaat'hi fif-.iuoiucriaanu
iw.lori.-n iry to uuiuic :!.
rou s.ux ur
Wheat IllueBtem, 96c; club, 86c;
red llusslnu, S5e.
Kgga 20c.
Cutler Creamery, 37c.
Hay Timothy, $16 per to.; alfalfa,
$12 per tou.
HtT"! AIex R1cNeir & Co- !.
l-Wi I - lb -M tmr K
Couli Aedicinc for Children.
Too much care cannot bo used in se
lecting it eouiih medicine for children.
It should bo pleasant to take, certain
no harmful substuueo unci bu most ef
fectual. Chamberlain's Couch Remedy
meots these requirements aud is a fav
orite with tho muthers of youn child
ren everywhere. For sale by all dealer.