Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 08, 1913, Image 1

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issued twice a week tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook Oountv
Tillamook, Oukoon, A run S. I'll .'5
NO. 22
9 '
ISSaf iff T
1 !
, ,,h U)c purrlum--l'rIny.-iljrnufhoul the store. Dol'HLIv
i'. iiul Tnttlhitf Stamp Tillamook ant for llmc Joiirttal
. Nt'Mio uinl iin-tu-aii I.atlv Cuph'I. Muti.mli liaiil mi
vt I'li'lt t '.M .ir lot whiiihi .itltl eltil'li ell
Wonderful Sale of Spring's and Summer'
Most Desirable Wash Goods
- . . ch. trilling tnnlci wil lor Spring it! Stimuli r iIivmcs and vwiist.s. It
I to lc ahlc to buy thr ninxt ilciriltlc material! tit the beginning of
: xnlj tvat I'iMlttciiouN. Vou will wonder wIkmi vvi uumtiou Lhc fab
. . i in our tli'.y guudn .KcctiOtt, how it dpi true, but here they tire for
-i -ti lrctu'h oluMiibrnys, MJ in. wide, ilk ginghanis. sillt finish cotton
. tiiinnel waistingM for toilornl shirt, colored linens and a ho.sl of
d.. till prieetl at H6cyd.
). pitiff, ticcillc mul tins, whvn n ntnti titttrriv his trnuhles begin."
Take Advantage of Our Splendid Sale of Notions
. . . . ..
, r.orc daH will ttuc scuta t loiial prices tnevail that arc now on tits-
. mi hhow window. The wim- Spring sewers are taking advantage of j
, .i ciici'oiim pi ue cullint: - up your "home notion store" at splendid
? Iinbl v.
on't Overlook the Bargain Square Specials
merieau e.dieot. new i
Sc yd. '
' . vy buck i owe I h i tc ir.t.
. . outhcret bleached wluct. (
7 U2c yd.
Outing llaunels, heavy nap. cheeks
mid n ri pes - 7t-2cyd.
Children's rompers and play-day
ovrmlls - - - - 45 c
Luce curuitns. Bulgarian nets
'h,ioA0. iUtl i-U9ii, IWomcn's vests-,-sleeveless, line tot-
tori - - 1 2c ca.
OKI lasbiou starchiest shirt i-ig. stripes
aud checks - - fi t-2cyd.
Barnslcv putc luan while toweling
. ' He yd.
fO f-2cyd.
' v Ohutubrny ,'" c1 .
: t i ai - i2c yd.
.ipnat ginhtinto, .il! ,- l
7c yd.
A Large Display of Entirely New Trimmed Hats
The "Biv: Store" adds its newest and daintiest
style showing of the season. It is the newness ol
style that inn lies the world of fashion go around
and makes a woman contented, Although we have
illustrated here one natty model, many, many other
entirely new trimmed hats will be here too.
New Simply Trimmed Hats Smartness is cleverly
evoressed in simplicity when the designer knows how.
Our milliners know a little better than others, we
think, so these tailored hats chic and saucy, demure
or dignified, according to your laicy.
Of Special Mention-See the new "Mephisto" model,
a new, much talked-about creation.
Hats Trimmed Free Balcony Section
Sale Linen Tailored Waists $2.75
Vv.i before has this opportunity tobuyareal linen waist at this price been
Icscnu i I'ortrav mil' the latest Spring ana numim-i .mmu,,
III ., is i.s. on sale in the balcony section
h d h v ci free of cb.Mi'ge
piii" I jiost purchnseH
I'lDiiiitiug to one dollar
vu to any point in
plain . .k Countv.
llm (orniir (inuinirnt to 1ooIhto
A uiainmoth showing of
new Spring shoes for
women, young ladies, men,
young men aud children,
the latest lasts, all leath
ers, regular aud low cut.
You Need a Tonic
Tillamook drug store
E. H. KOCH, 1'h. G.
J Hell ) , , i Door Noflh ol IVitolllw
I Miilua ( Ml t
Suli.ftU. Gimiteed. Moy Back if Not SMuftry
Make the Home Look
A 15-wilt M.uHa Lamp on
your front porcli cm t 111 cvtry
nlulil until midnight and register
not over fifty cents per monlhs on
ihe meter.
Tillamook Electric Ligkt &
Fuel Conpaay
The Four Master Wlimi Turns on
Her Side While Being Floated
At 3 a. m
16 Men are Drowned; 2 Perish From Exposure;
and Four are Saved: Capt Westphal, Master of
the Vessel, Cap. Fisher of the Fisher Engi
neering Co., of Portland, and two Sailors
Kuschier and Ludwig.
Among the 18 Men Who Perished Were: Russel Blackman of
tW Fisher Engineering Company; Capt. Crowe, Represent
ing the Underwriters, a Mr. Koen of Portland; Frank
Fitzpatrick of Plehalem; and Wm. Sibb and Ed.
Estus of Brighton.
A. M. Austin
I'lVM, liNnlNKKK
Mutual riiont".
At ntxita nlrto o'clock Sundny morn
Ink' Vrortl rwidteil Tlllnmwik City that
the lulling viol Mlmi which wnit hc
ini pullml of tlx; Umcli near thi! nioutli
of the N'i'hiilmti rivi'r hmi bcon ciirriciJ
InUHloon wutor tinl hnti turriixl turtle
Irowiii) "vory mitii on Iwitnl. A upec-
iftl train wi at uneo trt to the ncetie
f the lit!r which enrriod Shurill
Croruihaw atnl othunf. who wutit to sou
wh:t coiikl b ilonc.
HUftwn- nto renchwl to the ulTcct
' that Hlnino Chttrton ami threo of
llio lift) Hiivini: crew woro nmonj thtnc
Hint wvtra lout, ntwl fur a timo it was
', th'j(tht that oihly Kinmott Jonkiim
ami Wnltcr Oliver, wlw had itel
oiiMfwhut in ttiiiK '.he txfutoff, mijjht
tn nmuuc lhi tlrwncNi. Lutur infor
i mnliiMi. luiwovur, tJi)lll thwu fenrn.
I In the afternoon clfort were made
i to nocure the wrvice of n netnd yjwe
j !al train to tnko a crowd from Tilla
I mook and preure was liroii:ht to bear
Utm the I". It. iV W. omciais uir mc
KritnlitiK of thm request. The reitue-H
was s.Hin granted and ut aWiut three
o'clock 100 Tillamtmk City people
Klarted for the wn-ek, at Hay City an
other crowd lioanled the npecial nnd by
the lime the train reached Brighton
fully 150 people were aboard.
Ileforo leaving wu received word
Uiat voices could be heard inside the
the wreckwl vessel and that the life
Mivini; crew would make an attempt to
e,et to the boat at about 5 o'clock, at
which time the tide would bo right,
ami it was with eager anticipation that
the crowd made it way toward the
wreck after first crossing the N'ehalem
river on tjio Henrietta and the Junetn
which Umts were waiting for the
The Cnribaldi Life Saving crew un
der command of Capt. Farley, arrived
at the scene of the wreck at about 7
o'clock that morning, taking their life
boat by team and wagon to the Nehal-
em river where a raft was made and
the Uiat and wagon tloated across after
which another team met the crew and
assisted in taking the boat to the
At S o'clock the life savers made an
attempt to reach the wreck but turned
back. Weather conditions were favor
able but as there were no signs of life,
the crew thought it useless.
Soon after the life savors had made
ih. attoniiitto reach the boat different
ones on land thought that they could
hear voices and sounds eminatlng from
the boat and the fact was brought to
the attention of Captain Farley who
scoffed at thn idea. Sheriff Crenshaw
heard the voices and told the life savers
u.. hut lilt mul thu statements of others
only brought forth the question: "What
... . i. .
kind of whisky navo you ueen
drinking anyhow?" And no
move wim made whatever until
ulong in tho afternoon when u hat wus
seen waving from a hole in tho side of
the boat. At this timo Capt. Farley
was taking u walk up thu beuch and
was a half mile or moro nway. His at
tention was at onco called to tho mat
ter and ho hurried back to his boat and
got tho crow ready and started out.
Tho llfobout got within possibly two
hundred foot of tho boat and then
i limed about fearing to ini nearer,
Tho life savers got near enough to tho
bout to Bhout a few words to the Im
prisoned men.
The Mlml lay on ita aldo with the
deck faring the land, with the Ik- to
the uth and the ntcrn to the north,
ami when the life suvers KOt up near
her they could see some men up under
the side of the boat where they h1
lashed themiclve..
It was thought that possibly nc rl
nil tho crew and others who had iunc
on the boat might be safe as no b-xlles
hud tome ashore nnd the crowd toon
lecnmc anxious that something be done.
However, the life savers thought that
It would b better to wait until the
tide g'U lower as Capt. Farley thought
there was such nn undertow near Ow
vessel that his Ixiat and crew would ce
swept under and for n timo the life
savers were content with sbootinij i
few shots from nn apparently useless
ejittnon. all the shots falling sliort of
the vessel several hundred feet.
Along about 5 o'clock the lifo savers
made nnother nltempt to reach tho
wrecked vessel, but got out only a
short distance when they turned about
nnd came back with the statement that
the sen was so rough that they could
no', make lU This excuse, however,
did not satisfy the crowd which de
manded that another attempt Us made
before it grew too dark. Some dire
thrents were made and some strong
talk was indulged in after which the
crew made another apparently feeble
attempt to reach tho boat only to turn
buck after getting out a few hundred
feet. Shortly after tho last attempt
to reach the boat one of the men gave
up all hopes of receiving assistance
from the life savers nnd jumped over
board in an endeavor to reach shore by
swimming but he got only a few rods
from the ship when ho became exhaus
ted nnd was swept out to sea by the
lly this timo tho people on shore had
becoinu considerably wrought up over
the apparent inactivity of the life sav
ers and an attempt was mado to pick
up a crew from the crowd and go out,
but Capt. Failey would not release the
Iwat from his charge.
A short time before the Mlml cap
sir! the first, second and third mates,
deserted the vessel, leaving it by way
of the line that was secured on land
and passed to the stern of the vessel.
They were afraid she would capsize if
she was floated in the condition she was
in. These throe seamen with others
who were willing to o, would have at
tempted to reach the wreck if they had
been allowed the use of the lifeboat.
Sheriff Crenshaw who was on the job
all as long as nnythinji could be done,
wm cont'nually urging the life savers
to do something, but there seemed to
be no "ginger" in thr crew. All erTorts
seemed to drat; nlonp, and by the ap
pearance of things one !T.'-;hl bo lead
lo believe that instead o: being en- -gaged
m the fctuil wor'.' of saving
live, the crew was curyi; run a sort
of a Fourth of July unterUJ ment.
After the third attempt to :aeh the
stranded vessi I, it soon began to get
dark and then it was certain n further
work could be done that night, and the
loor fellows weie left on the boat to
die of exposure or drown.
After Capt. Farley had given up for
the day the question of securing an
other life saving crew was discussed
and it was decided to send for the
ColumbiH Kiver crew, and accordingly
elforts were at once made to get in
touch with the Columbia Uiver life
It seems that at about this time V.
G. Uw'ght and Bill Kyrn who had
learned of the condition of things tele
phoned from Tillamook City to the
Columbia river life savers, their call
being put in a half hour before Sheriff
Crenshaw and Capt. Farley got in
touch with the Columbia river crew.
The Columbia river boys m.ule ready
at once and put their equipment on
board a tug and were on too scene at
day break Monday morning.
During the night another life boat
from the Garibaldi station was hauled
to the Nehnlem river, it being the in
tention to use tho same for the morn
(Continued on I'uge -J.)
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
WM. G. TAIT, President
J. C. HOLDEN, Vice President.
Interest Paid on Time! and (Savings
Under United States Government