Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 01, 1913, Image 4

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    M:!un NI:W.
Vrom Fntcp-nc'
Whet lor will -iv-n have n skstipg
rnk mil novi:-it picture show, the
rlsna havtrc alreaiv been drawn up
l .r th h.i;-
01- KM- M.
PKOI'liU I v.
rjr -
. i
thr 1
in t
TH will afford
rUiMts to tako in
'ir"y. and ahv roll
spirit moves J hem
. -l.x
:lt l; ilifi I', -h.
,. Krenob of
Urile r-erhd In
' " r w h , h hr had
,t in Knrlh.tm, low.
tV '
h- :
- tu.it
1 I
. 'll't
to t
Nihn let
kr - i
t-o f,
I'tfnrt, .m a barge anchored of thorp.
These cables are 1 inch thick and
each is fastened to a 7 W.t mush-rwm
ai-rhor it addition to 20 ton ordinary
ships anchor. Two donkey engines
have Insen put on board the bark to pull
on these Hnrs and with a full head of
steam they are capable of putting on
an enormous strain so that if there is
am uive to the ship at all it will come
off th beach without any question of
doubt. Some people of course are
rather skeptical but they are from
Missouri which acounts for their doubt-
ful attitude on this question. At any
rate it will be well not to be over en
(R a duet
The malignant tirade of the Hoi.i
light hsttmst the movement in T;ll-
mw i? t. prt.tee tNo i t and afrmt
tin pr.porty owners in the pswig
mattei against injustice and iiuvvsi
tion still continue.
There is not half a doen open mind
principal of od ,-itiiens, frw fivm prejudice ami
" - his, m Tillamook County who are at
' : ' ' " '- i: familiar w ith the s'Uation tl.st ilo
" ' ' ' " "t uphold ami commend truo h . t
their farsightedness, untirt c r'fort.
.tr.- vieve'tou t the public. h.HVe li u'!t
t. hht e idence of rtsijraiit vi.'.ithii
of corlrs.'t on the part of the Wsxron
(V-twinn turn Company. This statement
i h.i the fact that KVBKY
' lr.i'K F THK CITY OK
'1 itK i. 'KV.s fUMMirrKK H S
CONTRACT. Th folWwinr ia a listj
ui guiiui ui uieillliui WDtt llve nllrtl , ...
the pavement ami. without exception, i Ttw4 mr fcv
havernx,rteia violation of ,tr.ct ' ,n,,ft" tU f"
or, the part o the Warren Obstruct Urn i 'T' ? ' W"rf "
; J. C Compton, of Salem. Uun ; ! "" 12 M U th
S. H. Graf, or the Oregon Agnwiltur-1 0 ?Z , ,
ilMlw: The Portland Bactenoloffi-1 . 8 b" bee deprlvad
fi oi ice i oiumpia KiTer tnoe or
sn I
,.i . uetti-ig
caf'o to the
i.it' .
! I
,i r i .-.) mil pe
1 1 fill 1
The ahcole Uote-l. forutarly llir
tte'U'b.'irt Hotel, whh li for !5 y.tr
.uin Ken au huioric bnii'h landmark,
btirnsd tn the smund.
MatuiH-ii'M iairmn re-ii(ved last
tinvih a ehiva for 1 1 . IS for the
.ri .uu irritufi fr.Mn hi hTd of JP
. .! liiiiKlhK an erjt of III SJ
for t ich cow
f't.bitc In Kls will be the principal
top'e at tl"- etem itovemiM eon
rer. -cr (n I'tah. probiihly tn June, un
: r ilte pliis rf t'.over.cr Wmt. whj
u prx "si ioni of that conference.
Uoert!or W st h appointed C i
Uib's of tjiaeiiew to the office of
-u;ity tumey of ljke county, under
th .ruviatoos ot the count) attorney
Uw, htch becomes effH-tiv June t
Jatua Stephens. rtt tn.irsh:il of Mil
' In the Comity Court of lite Stuto
o( Oregon, I'or I tllauiook
Cuiint v-
cal Ubntory ; 0. W. Kaaaett Co
Spokane. Wash. ; Mr. Stafford, ehem
ist at State University at Eugene.
In the face of this evidence, in the
face of a revolution unanimously adopt-
In th matter of the OuarJlanhp of)
i howl Mill. Katber Milta, Franaell
Milk Edna Mill ami AWah Mill. )
Oriler to show rot why order for aale
. f real property sh4iki not be made.
Viola Mill, guardian of thw estate
. f tle above named minora, havlttit
f retenteti a petition for the aate of
real iMperty betongintf to said minora,
-I in which thy have an interest, and
t so(Martnit to the court from tch p
titi.m that it i necesaary and woukl U
r v ueiicisl to me said minors that su. h
red! estate should be sold.
It (i thla ffind day of March. 191.1.
r .ered that the next of kin of ii
mimtra, and all perwins lntecete-l n
their eatate, appear before this ruri
t the oliVee of the County Judge in tiu-
(ourt House tn TtllamtNik l iiv.
k-v.u. oo Monday the Ifclh day of April,
lilia. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M
and show cause. If any tnere h, h
license should not be grantl sai l
rusrdtan for the aate of aueh al
estate, aaid real estate being deecntmi f
aa follows :
An undivided on. fourth interest i
I Ait 2 of Block 8 ia (Jort A Co' Add
icni.i:is. wun wnotn n nan uvea lor " "
to years, and who ts the another of hi, , twn w '' f City.
o eJiUrfna 'oU 2 and S in Bkwk 7. an
rate u win oe wen not to oe over en- uiuiumuiair auupi-1 vftn (he death
thusisstic lest we might all be dlsap- bv 1HW 'i"' in " mass-meeting ' k colcrt
of I
two children
Whh the death of XVonjt Oa the
t mounting the
I I .
! a
mismmm mtar rTniiniiiHiiniw w
vv ka - mi ii ii hii w mm i i Pil
VI' VWU ..-w... msv a
Much ha. bee,, said about the annual hi r f ' xHo concert, the oriental
earnings of farmers in other parts o'jiSmS J ' wwM rtt on th baBJ,od d
T liamook Couvty during th past, but T T, ' I, mwk j Mth the musician.,
it been kft to Mr. D. F. Thomson ' " "7""" (,?- I' ! Mrs Roy K. Johnson. lf. of th e.
of Mohler. to make the flrst itemised if".:: K : ' I- Tillamook t1n.,.r th ,w,n ,
report of this natore for the Nehalem V? l"f ' i SprtngfWd. Is at a local bcplul Inn
Valley. It proves that dairy farming. ,.S,P1- '. A. G. Beak. tt.,fcert0ll, oona,.,-.,, ah n rMU of
elsewhere in the c untv even though
thi fact is not appreciated by many of
our own citizen. For thJ benefit of
these and others interested in the
uairyinc industry we take preat pleas
ure in submitting the data as given us
by Mr. Thompson in his letter.
If it is possible for one farmer to
make such a splendid showing there is
no reason why others cannot do as well,
all thintrs beinp equal.
Mr. Thompson writes a; follows:
Mohler, Ore.. March 2t, 1913.
Editor Enterprise,
a. Aklerman, IJavid Martinv. S A
Broadhead, Chas. Kunie, Geo. Ed
munds. Claude Thayer, Cheater Hokien,
Carl Hat-orlach, W. G. Dwu-ht, V. S.
Hayes. J. S. Ulnar. Henrv Woolf
G. B. I.Minb. Peter Heisol. J. a. Diehl
' and riftv ntivK n
aiite wun contract ami other Surioui
badly burned hn hi clotblnii cauttbt
fire from the kitchen tov
O H Todd, of EuKone. .ind Alfre.1
j Todd, of Portland. h.tre lo,n.ird mrcr
! al hundred acrr of Itind lKht tnll.u
snd 1 in Block 15, of Fuller's
to th towr of Ray Ctly.
tiU S. I, & aral of II !.. I. ,.f
Hajs" Addition to Tillamook t it
All the forcing being in TiIUiimmA
County. Ureon,
Also an undivided one thml mtcrr..
in Block 33 in l.aurol Park Addition
,ai laid out by H, C. Tlwrnin. in
t'lnUop County. Ore con.
It is further ordred thnt mariee
nereot oo msile by publication for at
least three iuccixmivo vceeits in the Til
lamook Herald a mwappr publiahed
and of gcnerul circulation in Tillatiwuk
Hf)flfllf 1 hit H,inrti This Pvt I..
-w "'v w m a a m wwaHawaa a a a .a
east of KuKcnw. hre th.-y n 111 ! ounty. Orojcon.
.tentvdy In th cronlns of: lUwiier Mnon, County Judge.
peppermint for the m.irkot.
in this Nehalem country, and the pos
sible terms to be derived from our bot-to-"
lan'.i-. I am sending you a state
ment of tr.e ir fume from 12 cows kept
on less loan 2" seres o: laid for 1912.
No Krain fed, nor do I take the family
milk ued into consideration.
"hecks as follows:
Mar-h S 23.S1
P"l 156.S0
..ii.,,.-, i, c. n . ... . peppermint lor ine m.iraol. ' fiici ."urena, r.M4
allegations, r. C. Itaker standi bv th , . ... I . .. ...... .,. .
lVrwPi.i..i ' . . McaptnB irom me asylum at C'h J-1 tiomcn. Cleric
arren Construction Comoanv. its hire- 1 i i-
ii,, ,.-o., . . r - , , . Imawa hero h n committed Inat t H K. MIIU. Deputy
vv,.i . , . i u . ! 8tvlo1 "Emperor Solomon." was cap
What a spectacle is here presented - lurr., fter . fw hour. Ub
h man profossinK Christianity deliber- Arthur Kni..,nM rvl. 'n.A
son of It-v. ii. c. l)ari. of Wolf
Creek. -Kraa killed at the Hormi 9ho
mine oa Cteyote Creek by a pmnmtur
eiploalon. He waa uken to Wolf
"f, W.I 4 v III J UCIILTi
ately lyinc, slunderint: and malicnin?,
- . ..a,. ,,,, v.LKVIi. .... r------ ,
Believing you to be much interested ' w " aarxl ,sai ai-',n" M neighbor.
me wiuoii-. me oriiiun. the ir if
oppressed, the weak, tie would de
liver thorn into bondage, confiscate
their property if need be. And why
mis unconscionable zeal in the interests
Creek, trot died without regalnlnx consciousness.
Wllllaus Hantaan, an employ of te
! County of Tillamook )
I I. J. C Hokien. County Clork of aid
nwi County, do hereby certifv
, that the foroitilnt; eop of ordnr ha
I ben by me entnpurw! with the orUrin.il.
i and that it is n Co: roe t trnnocript
i therefrom, ami of the whoh, of ani.
f , . , nuuw nariraiin. an tmpioy Ot to
tL'lTST "ectHc. waa e.ectr.xue,
UsTfVet f"h .si r ' ' UUe toi wba WOTkin mouth of a tun
2tnrW nlraclthCon.lrttrojld commilon are making an I
struction Company to lav a Hitnl.rhi. ........ .... ... . I
i.eo ... mmiKiiwii ot me acciietii. It nasi
108.53."' "wna .North from the city not been learned whe.h., th.
171.62 ',rr"u 'roat f ur country eaute j had relatives. j
original ordor s the same apjam of
record in my oiBco and cusUxly.
In witneae whereof. I have hnreunto
sot ray hard and alllted the ioul of
aid court this :2nd iuy of March
J. C. lloldcn. County Clork.
By K. Mills. Ueput).
iM.Mi - "'"ei tfieabbiiu,n proper-j Thoma Myers, while handling m.i
. . Till Jfe I ft 1f br.n w . m 1 1
AU'usl 154.22 , VT-r, -wuMy iwen. ; chlnerjt for th Blcher,mlne at Whtl
t-Dtember nc aa l "Wosand dollars per mile to the u.. ! n. ..... t,mj . 3 .,
x tober 143.01 ' Pyer County? Are you mov-
Not ember 75 71 1 by th ssme c'dration that
December ... 40.U cu 'ou to renounce your prohibition
Received whey at 6e pr 100 lbs. S3 40 i tr,r'cifieA d become a saloon advo-
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Total nSGa.OF
This shows an average of 310S.76i per
caus at the last city election?
Baker, the anarchist renrm. .
more wholesome type of cltiaenship,
Civ,. Taking int.i iwnaiUin 1 ia l..-.u.. , '
r . L . .v.,. uw," - .uiuii)e ana contemptible
tact tr.at the labor 0 producing this ' than the editor of a paper who lives off
$lo was merely milki g these cows ! the public, ("bitea th hand
and fee.iir.g them hay during tne win- it fieoda him"; and 'in the
t-r who can say that dairy . interests uf the Warren Construction
arrong , confining. j Co. and their hirelings, sks, by mis-
A good deal has been said of lat by i 'epresenution, slander and other vil
Mime t,f th nnut. .,. ' ...... , "
i'ir mw omer ". w poison th public mind
partR, alitut Tillamrxik County land against a movement being carried
being l.eld too hisrh. and intimtin on bv n.h ..
t..at the t.ome seekers from the swelt
eririK "r freezing Bast cannot afford to
''u it. Had we not better say, he
armo- aifnrd to be without it?
These fig-ares as given can be veri
fied by Mr. Haberlach or Rudolph
The publishing of the foregoing item
will bf for the good of our Nshalem
Valle .
D. F. Thompson.
i- t. (J. V. Lodge. The
County Bank. The Tillamook Lumber
.0.. etc. and such subsUntial citizens
1 as v.. C. King, Sam Broadbead, B, D
i.amar, et-al.
Baker, you can continue your tirade
"t vituperation, falsehood ami elander.
but you can't intimidate or swerve the
people of this city m thUr determined
ney. was killed by a heay flvwhesl
falling on him. Ilia back was broke,
and he lived but a short while aft.
the accident. A special engine wa(
jsent to Sumptar for a physician, but
th injured mas died before help ar
rived. Sheep shearing la practically tn
finished In Pol county for this season.
The farmers say that the yield of wod
la much lighter this year than for
many years past, and attribute th
cause to the fw storms during tho
winter. Three or four pounds per
sheep are the average among many
large flocks.
The city council of Newport adopted
a rf-isrilo Ion r-r.ritpln ik. r......i
- .. ... mjv . II 1 1 1 I
iiiiamook ; Statis engineer corps for reporting
CtiuKliiMcdicinc fur Chllilrcn.
To much care cannot bo w in
lectin a cough mdicino for rlni.lr
It Should bo pleasant to Uke. r. rl.m,
no harmful substance and be m .at. f
fectual. Cliatnberlain's Coiiith Hi in.-.iv
meets the riuirenents niul m u (u
orite with the mothers of joung -tiil.-
ren ever whore. For sale by all deal
tifforta to secure justice.
around the bush,"
Straight at it.
in no use of .hip "i.oo.
Found a Cure lor Ulieumatism.
1 sunered with rheumatisn for tw.
We mitrht aa uiaIii... u kwu
out .th it first as last We want w 1 1 . 7?" l Kel 'ny ri!ht ,mn,J
tn . ,, ,., la"' " eant cu to m' mouth for that lotiL'th of tirnr. "
to try ( '.amberlain i Cough Kemady 1 writes I .., 1 cJ. V. ! '
the next time vou havn . mLh T?l . T f Chi'In". Mapluton,
There is no reon So f.7i wo . 1 d'not.ZT lU M 'TV,,'
mmi iiuiu jl ruiistrii ULMth i
- . ... 11 IIIBTIJ
and people everywhere- speak of it iri
the hlghtht terms of praise. It is for
sale by all dealers.
Slack half bushel of fresh lime, by
pouring over it boiling water sufficient
to cover it 4 or five inches deep; stir
ring it until slacked. Add 2 lbs. of
Sulphate of zinc (white vitro!) dissol
ved in wuter. Add water enough to
"ring all to the consistence of thick
whitewash. Apply with a whitewash
brush, and get your lime from the
i.auiD-&iiracier Co., Tel M. 178, who
handle the largest and freshest line of
tnatism since.
For sale by all deal
I will- not be responsible for any
debta contracted by my aon Floyd F
after this date, March 13 lain.
I). F. Trowbridge
A Diplomat.
depth of only 8 or feet of water on
y&qulna bay bar and ordering the ny
recorder to writ to fhe Oregon sena
tors and representatives asking thi-m
to take early action in obtaining tn
authoritative survey of the Yaquiua
Eugene Hanford of The DsIIph has
been nominated for midshipman in the
Annapolis naval academy by Ponars
man Sin not t anil Addison Y. Flnkei.
burg of liaker is named as nlternat.'.
Examinations will bo hHd In Pndi.
ton or liaker on April J5. Any other
young men aged butweon 10 and V)
years are eligible to take tho examin
ation. Tho contract has boon lot for thi
bridge to bo built by Marion
I and Yamhill county Jointly at a point
near Newburg over the Wlllamoitn
river. Tho contraot for tho construc
tion was let to tho Pacific Coast
lirldee company, nnd the steel to th
Northwest Steel company. '1 ho en
tire cost of tho structure will be m
000. The bridge will be of the can
tilever style.
An unknown man was wm,.,i
tho fair grounds at .Salem while pre
Bumably stealing a ride on a Southern
Pacific train. The hodv u
ltd shortly after tho train hnd ,.l...i
and C'oronor Clough was notified. No '
paoers or nih..r i.i.., . . I
were jounil j
Thoy Aro Uid to Adv-inUn by FUb
rrnen In Cuban Wjtert,
In the iieittiihorliiKNl of lluvann n
moat ptHMi.inr ini-tUHl of wH iirinu mr
tloals purxutsl I bey iniln or at li-.ui
take advaniagf or the luatlii'ta of n
cortnln t nKll ,.nj ,,y ttl(.
Hpeulaii roe (monniiiK rctorsodi. !
cntiso Ita Iwob Ii iisuuliy f,,r
MtOUlH' b
It has mi .mil pi,,!,, i,a. hod to Its
beail. tho iirfae of wlili h is irnvorw.!
by puruiioi rldi!.H, 11 tnm i.im 1, it f.fii.
Urmly iidhoro to any si.imi y u lmly
elloONo 'f, ,(1.a wlllcl, HO ) ,,.H,
of turtle oiirh .nrry n tub conlnlnliie
j a number of the.. rois
I When the slooplnt; turtles are seen
they lire iipprom boil, nnd hh hood iu
they are Jmlitisl near enough n rovo U
thrown Into the son' Upon perceiving
the turtle Mm Inmluct loaches It in
swim right toward It and lit itself
llrinly upon ihe croniiin.' by moans of
us niMk Nioner would the rovo allow
Itself to be pulled to plorea than give
up its grip
. .1 .
n 1 ink. wnirn s llllllflicil to tho lull
or 1110 MHli. n wblob n stH,. iu
toued. allows tho llMlieninui to pull
bis prize Jty H.(.,,,,r inaiilpiilatlou
tho revo Is pniieif off 11,1,1 returned to
toe tun. to be ready for iue the next
no a turtle Is slgliied.-Kt. Units
Cement : Coal
Root Paint
Lime : Brie
Drain Tile
r..-i. 1 1.1 1 .
wwi.ro .i.iu nnrcMouse rrnni M. between 2tl and 3d Ave Wof
To sAvnurru: CHICKS
Diamond Cluck Food
Our ,,.,. j (laJl
Seed Co.
Portland, Ore,
Aik for CA 'I A I. Of,
N... 252
Make the Home Look
A li-walt Mardj I.wnip 00
your irom porch t.i l In rVfry
':'' tuilil mldiilplil .u.d rri-hlrr
not ovi-r (illy cri.t. rrr iiionliii on
lb' mdrr.
Tillamook Electric Light &
Furl Company
I'-iIl i,( .,(
s 1
t: .1
t it
' Oncovsrsd.
Wife wt w,,iiid vou do. (Jeorge.
11 .mi ivimv iort 11 widower? flub Oh.
I suppose the XMUie lis you would If
.vnu were loft n widow H'lff Vnu
horrid wri'tcli! And you told mo rou
r 011M never onro for anybody else. -llosion
Jlle Child Mothnr hl,.h h.j . . . on th
lm7 I . 1T1 Bnu.I,re',,,,!" ne of "jr." " 1,1 ''"wwy catch cold eaten that he was a Isborlng msn and ""'
1 Kansis t:
Ths Oiar Qirl,
Wife wh don't vim m,.L.
flllllllol ilkos'"
"I will if , w). ,t.. ,d,h(. MAm
i"o roil or wMtM iiuiiii.iv.
II) lournsl.
A. M. Austin
Civil Unginicuk
AND SrifVliVOfr
Mutuiil Phono,
hli.iw tuln iiiiuiiilv,
(,ira I'Hn (nu
"lr. I'm ilplnliil.n
i"i rcrui uurtii
I 'i it
A WI.I.L MAlii: ll.j
will not ..i.ly impnn, n. ,
f vour horse, but , ,,ir,,,,i,
Mif. tV n woll. Mun riM
! lUoided If the .., lir, ,
... ur.lr.l tn lln,,
1 'it '
is the best
medium in
the county
muiHLUII M'Jssi- It Keaches il PnJ
w-w V a VVyiy
Read it in The Herald
50 "Gold B,,ntl Tradillf, stmpi
wun Jivery Year's Subscription,