Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 01, 1913, Image 2

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    Issued Cieicc .i Week
rtne of the Recorder f tVnvrt anew
and for TllUm.H'k Omntv. t '
Hook . KeCtmlS I ",r
' tv irtuo of an execution ami order rllamKk t'.Hintv .Urtigwn. all in T..i-
Cramblcv. Gditor ' f ur",n jtn-nt nwd w "p numbewi furs j N,,rt; ',l
V I U Ml U I j ,-rv,. trndiwol nd entered in th r.r Kg numbered l 0 Wt of th
c CuesdJV Wd FrldnV cuit Court of th Sut of Ortfun fr Willamette Meridian, in Mid t .vinty
l'illif,.k c'.uintv in th suit wherein ., State. ltlhr with all n irnr
M. S. ('owIiikI l plaintiff and th- menta. Hereditaments and appurtenance
Nehalcm l oal Company ( corporation), thereunto belonging. nr.1 If there hM
Entered aHNond-cl.wmMr My 17. WW, at the poit i-flc nt TUUmoo.
Oregon, under the act of March S. liT
flwrrfiiJta Rale
Itrnl Advcrti5Knt
First Insertion, per Hup $ .
Each subsequent Insertion, line 'V
Homestead Notices - -Timber
Claims - 10.00
Notices, per line - - - A1
Cards of thank, per line -Locals,
ner line, firt insert toft - .?
Each subsequent insertion, line
' Rawhjthn of ondolenee and
Ijollf notice, per line
Busine A Professional cards, mo.
D;! lay Advertisement, per inch
A 1. 1. Pinflav Ad mint he
ftce on Minda ami Thursday
iitim to insure publication in folk)
in Tuesday ami Friday laauea
Reasons are imperative.
C. K. IHiamoi), i'aul Fcormier ami n not we name ent u auiv iw mm
' Soderluml are defendant, duly attested ,,f ,aid aeveral udnKiit eot al
on the iMh day f February. 1913, ail j interest, then I will sell separately
to me, the umlersiifned. sheriff of the folkinff portion of said real estate,
( rillanHMk tVunlv. directed, and com (,.-
mandlnK me to make tale of the land. Second : The Northral quarter
.lift premise ati franchtaea hereinafirr (.K ll of the M.irthwet quarter
I (;dcriUd to satlnly the several JuU- .je V. J of ?eetion numberml twentv-
w i nwnu ami no areominariv iuis een z . in iMnoip
' , and decree in id judwent ami dwciee ; three i.1 Mnrth of Ranije numbered
" a follow, to wit. iT.n I0 Weal of the Willamette Mer-
"f'.T Firat: A judgment aid itecree it.(an, tnether lth tlw tpoemrntm
tttainc Oreirotv Mtttb SS, WIS.
Editor TiUantook ileraki,
T llaiwok. Ore.
Pear Sir:
It will be considered a favor by Ukoae
m ..... 1 k u . . .. . !
j the defendant Nehalrm I'oal i'oinpni.v
1 for the tutn of $13,iK0.i. t..vlher itf.
hvr nwti and dnhurwnu-nta lael Jt
421 St) and intereat thereun at the rU'
of 7 per cent per annum from the 16th
dav of Jamiaty, isia.
Second: A uunt Judgment nd
eree in favor of '. F. Peamm ami Paul
Sctrader and aaint the defondatil
Nehalem Coal Company for tJw sum uf
W66.Vj, together with their coats art.)
diburement taxed at SI 0.00. uith
intereal thereon at the rate of 7 per
cent par annum from the 16th dn of
January, wis.
Third: A judgment and deem 1
Uat week the HercSJ made a ttate-
ment to the effect that a new Catholic j
Church wa to be built In thi city at '
a coat of Be twee1 t-o ard three thcu
and dollars. Those fiirure were not
correct The new Catholic Church
which will be built here this summer
will cost about $8,000, aub of which
has already been suoscnoeo. me jn( article :
plans have not been wholly decided up-! fhe poople living in the Valley of
on as yet. Howerer. we can rett assured Nestucca River between Bearer
that the new edifice will be one that ar-d Blaine hare lone been handicapped
will meet the needs of the Catholic b). tweX tnllt only road i o
membership here and will be a credit poor as to be a disgrace to the county.
tothecit. Ranchers hauling from Tillamook to
1 1 - v 1 Blaine bring 3W!0 pounds to Beaver
Much i being said theae days in with two horses and make three load
resrard to the white slave traffic and wf it from ti.ere with the same team.
the social eni. uur nation has re- This road wit bo ill and maintained ; thereon at the rate 01 1 por cent per
mained asleep so long, in regard to for a number of years by donation Ian- j ,hu l6lh d,) of J"nunrv.
these matters, that we have allowed or with but slight assistance from the j NOTICE IS HKKEBY-GIVEN that
them to grow and form great sore spoU county. Of late years tbe court has 1 1 will on' Saturday, the 6th dav uf
that are eating into our very vitals, made small appropriations from time 'April. A. D. 1913. ut the hour of ten
The social evil has been the Droblem i. i.n. .k!A ksw h.n .n.w in o cloc A. t. ol nKi day. at ami in
o:' the aces and indeed a difficult one to patchwork that lasts scarcely as long
solve. Not until very lately has there a it takes to Dut it in.
For the past five yer tho court has
been putting the people otr from
year to year with the promise that the
next year tt.ey will do something, but
like tomorrow thin "next year" never
. ,it il.. favor of detenilant H JwOerlurm an
l-UUCT.l w W "... ,1JS . .J,, tk.. .-f.l..,t t,.l
Company tor the turn of sifcl.l l. to
gethrr u ith his costa and disbursomenls
taxed at SIu.W, together wtui interval
thereon a the rt of 7 per cent per
annum from the Ittth day of January.
Fourth: A judgment and deer'
favor of laul Schrader twraonultv
against the defendant Nohnloiu Coal
Company for the rum of U
pether with hts coet und dtsbune-
menu taxed at $10.00, with interest
boon any real systematic endeavor to
pet at the bottom of the matter in this
country. There has been the spasmodic
attempt at regulation, and the .oas
rnoiic attempt at prohibition all over
this coun-, ''at apparently has mtne
broupht ft.i th small results. The ex- a short tim-. back the supervisor for
tremisu have been palling and haulinr j this district started from Beaver with
over this question for years, but to no
avail. Surely there is some practical
common sense manner of handling the
matter. Whatever method is finally
adopted for coping with the ocial evil
it must necessarily be of a slow but
steady and increasing movement. The
character and lives of our people must
change before we can overcome the
social evil. If every bouse of prosti
tution in this country was wiped out of
existance tomorrow, they would again
be in evidence in a short time because
front of tho Courthouse door, nt the
City of Tillamook, in the County of
1 iilamook and State of Oregon, otfer
for sale and sell at public auction to
the hignest balder for catb in hand at
time of sale and subject to confirma
tion thereof by the Court nil and singu
lar the real estate and premise in said
decree described, to-wit :
All of Lot One (1). in Section, Five
(S) and all of Lot Six (6) of Section
Four (4), excepting Uie fifteen (16)
acre knon as the Union Mill Co. 's
land: and all lidelands, wharrtng md
water rigiils adjacent to aiJ IaiI One
(I) and southerly thereof extending to
the channel of the Nehaiem River, and
;et wide, and twice t also all lidelands, w hurting and water , ou-i cwi ' c v mm v.f'
a hill with a 15 ! nghts .adjaeent to Ut Six (0) in Sec ! " J . bee h. N A M
ine and . 10 t,on Four " aw) southerly thereof ri Mil Section IS. I
tne essentials lor their malting would it was not so bad as ho had expected,
still exist. Proper training of the If it had been any worse no doubt he
children in the nomes. and economic would have left his team at Beaver and
conditions that will allow early mar- walked all the way.
riapes, will exert a strong influence in Mr. Buel. white visiting the schools
overcoming the social evil. u,t week, left his buggy three miUs
In discussing and probing into the from Blaine and finished his trip borse-
wnite slave question it has been do- back.
cided that low wages on the one hand
his deputy in a light buggy hauled by
two horses, to view a change petitioned
for recently at the upper end where
the road is twelve feet wide, and twice
that aeep and over
.ant 1 r m a aula ... J .. 1 A
. . ... extending to the channel of the Neha-
per cent on tne other. Arriving at , t.m jvor. all in Towwhip Two (2)
Smith's they left thoir team and j Nor la of Range Ten (10) West of the
walked th last, and worst, two miles, t Willamette Meridian. And in addition
Upon his return to Beaver tie same S "W, "hKU.u.0,w ( and.
Farmer and reported that while the
road from Beaver to Blaine was bad.
h..fMlitanent and appurtenance there
onto belonging, and if lb pureed of
uch sak shall I msunVwnt to atif
fir aiM'iint of il ludgrocnt. dr-ree,
li.tereattand cwU. then I will sell sepa
rotely the following portion of M
nal eetate, to it:
TWrd: 'Vh Sutheat ijuartertS
of Jectlon numterl Nln (9). In Tvn
hip rumbered 'ilvrre (S) Nnh of
Knge numbered Ten (HU Wett i-t the
Willamette Meridian, ard the MkoMng
lKunued and deecrtbed tract, to-wit
Beginning at the Nitthei Aimer of
Section numbered Twenty (201, in atd
TownaMp and Rang afareaaid, thence
running -?outh o.te-half (Jl mile to the
turler trctton post on the line ltwrvn j
aid Section numtwiwl I wenty (3UI
aforesaid and Section numbered I wenty
one (SI), in mid Uovnahip nnd ransju.
thence wet ahwg the quarter section
hie a distance of elghly-l-o and en
half fael. Ihence north on a line
parallel w.th the east boundary lino of
said Sectior munbored Twenty (10)
aforesaid one-It-If (! mile to the norUi
boundary line of nkl Section Twenty
(2li laforevald. thence east along tho
north ltne of Mich Section l. the plaeo
of beginning, together ith all the ten
rmentt. hermlitament a'td ;iuirtc
narcea thereunto belonging, or m an
wue appertaining.
OATEP at Tillamook, TiMaimiok
CHinl, Oregn. thi iTTlh ilay of Ket.
ruary. A P. 101S
II. I llr.NSHAW,
Shcrit! of Tillamook County,
State of Oregon.
Abstracts on Short Notico!
itv Tin:
Pacific Abstract Compan
.. liltl.'KII.Mr, laiM:ei
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
TllUmook County. Oregon
mini uuit m w tti
BO't'll IMIONliSi
SUtn M3 Ati Mutuil
P. O. IIOX 117
5L.li?e 'dinry '"w udv. '.' Tillanvk County. Orogo
appurtenant awl adjacent to said Iit , rt , .
Ooe(l)iii aid section Fiv(5)and to saki mooK' 0ri,k'n. n the 5th i
and an abnormal desire for fineries on
the other, are the two chief causes
among ms.ny others, for tUe downfall
of so many of our youne girls. As a
matter of generul principal, womn
kind should receive a fair wage, which
The U. S. Post Office inspector at the
Blaine P. O. March 27th.. remarked
that if the road were not improved
very much soon the post office should
be taken away.
The people living io the vicinity of
Blaine have recently signed up for
.u m, .ro K.ve lDe sensioie gin jwo.oo worth of donation work in a
petition which shall come before the
County Court this week, to have the
""u i-uc K"i wisoing io ao ngnt, a
chance to live and enjoy life and re
main respectable. In regard to the
girl who is given over to vanities it is
quite a different matter. Lack of par
ential training to begin with may be
the cause of her developing into a per
sonage who will demand much more
than a irood wage for dress. Right
here is where the old fashioned slipper
should be utilized as a civilizing in-
road put arou id the hill before men
tioned, which is the worst place at the
the county
gravei it
IxjI Six (6) in said Section Four (4 j , and u II
water, wharhng and other right east
erly thereof to the channel of said river.
Also the Northwest quarter (N'.W.J)
of the Northeast quarter iN.F-.i) and
the Northeast quarter (N K.p of the
Northwest quarter (N.tt.i) of Section.
Twenty-seven (27). ami the South one- ;
half (Sj) ui the Southwest quarter
(S.W.j) of Section Twenty-two (2i),
all in Township Three (3) North of
Range fen (10) Weal of the Willam-.
ette Meridian granted to one W. J.
Cook by Andrew Klein and wife by'
deed dated July 9, 1&01, subject to the
coi.dilii.ns and qualifications contained '
in the deed thereof to W. J. Cook, and
atso that certain right of way fifty (50)
feet in width over ami urro the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Ihehouthwcst quarter (ft.W.J) of the
Northwest quarter" (N.W.I) of Section
Twenty-three (23) in Township Ihreo
(3) North of Range Ten (10) Wct uf
the Willainetto Meridian n ran ted bv
la ted
Dcpjirtmciit o( the Interior.
V. S. l.ANP OFFICE l Portlaixl,
Oregvn. February Hlh, 1013.
NOTICE is hroby guen that Hugh
V. Wetsh.lof Blame, Orogon, who, on
October Isilh, llr7, made lloinentead
Entry No. 10366. Striiil No. Oltltf, for
1, Sec. 17.
owrmhlp 3
South, Range 3 Weal. WilUtuiette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final flw year I'rotjf, to tal
lish claim to the fund nbovu dencrihod,
before J. C. lloldun. County Clerk of
on, nt Tilln
lay of April,
Claimant nnmea its wltnouu: J. J.
Browning, J. J. Ilollett, Per Moon,
and K. E. Rowland, nil of Bliunc. Ti II-
anwwk Co., Oregon.
Tlic l;o!h)vi i Merchants arc
(iivin Avaf
Trading Stamp
HAL TDM'S STOUi;, Dry Im.o.Is. ClothttiK, Slioi, etc
l 1 1 Ar. I Ul.lHl.ll, Ditiys, UooKs, Mitttuilct ,
Supplier, ele.
KINt; SMITH CO.. Honlwnre. Stoves, Mmi
terinl, etc.
TILLAMOOK !il;! CO.. Fectl. (.rorcrics. M.ti
STOKIC. Winches. Dmtiioi:s
t;i-M TH1-ATU1-;, Where I-vervl.o.l y (hics.
K. !. ZACH MAX, I'lnmliinK Supplies.
TILLAMOOK HLWALD, LsmiciI Twice a Wt eh
MONK'S STPDIO. Von Know Where
MOW: Nrw Concrete Hide. TIIUuiim.W
It. V. lll'S'Kl I' Hf
l our Otr rt i f I ak
I'uior! Dirxtor tv,l Urrmcl fttSt
l.ndv Altant When U
W. G. McOcc, M. D. .Pioneer Transfer!
at time. A like amount from ! V.f,".011"'4. ''V ,lt;d
itintviiHmu .k;- j ' JuIv 9 WH ubject to the qua il
rontj fhould make this road and UuM utui coml.tiorw in the said dee,
W. J. Cook.
section is being delayed by this one
Ti.e development of thii whole rich!. the South half (5.1) of the North thereon
. nan nm t h s.n t iuai . "
yr.':. zr"""" i.Rt r .....
m'.orhU ,r.aA .u . , . . SP-r'- oi necimn .ii.xn en ipii, inu o, mm hcu nine nil a
miserable road and the people feel in- Southeast ouarter f.S.K. 1) of thV &.uth. lory, know,, . th- ..ti,i,.., ..... ......
Department of the Interior.
U, S. LAND OFFICK at 1'ortlun.l.
Oregon, January 22ml, Itil.
NO I ICK in lieieby given that CI cuter
C. Shaw, whoso potolllre i.ddrc in
care of Shnw-Ucke R.-nlty Co., Port
land, Oregon, did, on the 25th day of
April, 1912, filo in this olllc; Sworn
Statement nnd Application, No. 0400,
to purchase the SWi of SKI. Sccliun
deed io 30. Township 1 South, Rang i H West,
....... . '
niiiaineim .leriiiian, and tho timl
therein, nm'i.r th ........;...
dignant over the treatment they have
In fact, we believe that be-' received -and have a right too
fore ar.y great change can come about
in regard to the matters in question, I
me parent win bate to take more ill
terest in their children and exert t
stronger parental influence.
Your vury truly,
C. C. Wihnof
east quarter (S.K.i) of Section Nine (0). Law." at such value
an in tuwnnnifi mice .i) jNorll, ol
and srur.i-oN
Olllcc N"ot OiMir 'o Mutual Telephone
Centra I. 3rd Ave. F
Dr. Jack Olson
OIllco Hours Irom It a. m. to 6 p. m.
Oyer F. R. BcaU Real Estate Office
lloth J'honrH.
0. U. DICK ft SON, i nv
lloth PlHivra
'I he Snmc Price to licr)c
HltaltlliNT llhNTMT
Ollirn in Sttlrgrfin lllilu.
All Work ('.iiiiiiinlrrd.
Chamberlain's Tablets for Consii
pation. -p Con,t'f'-tioii, Chamberlain's
tablets are excellent. Kasy to take,
tdal. Fof " V &,v- liM " " ""all payment..
40 acres of the best cleared bottom
land in Tillamook Co., half in meadow
ar.d the balar.ee is all logged am) near
ly stumped off. There are 0 cows and
good team. All of farm implement
go with tne place. Tho houbu and barn
are new. lls.J00: : .000 down and th..
Inquire at
On Your Own Account
have you any money in the bunk' A part of your earnings ought
to be placed thero, anyway. Everybody can ullcrd to tmvo Home
thing, however little. Have a bank account of your own and you
will feel happier, better, more independent. Make your little
monr-y earn more, und bo grow bigger. Hotter than hoarding it
where lire or thieves can reach it. Your bank-book in u receipt
und un evidence of your wise economy.
Tillatnook County Bank
Range (10) West of ti.e Willurm.Ltn
Meridian, and aio the lulluwi ig 0e
scribed lands, to-wit:
Beginning at the Nrtheat corner
of Section Twenty (20) in 'luwnship
Ihree (3j North of Range Ten (10)
We.U of the Willamette Meridian,
thence southerly aln:g the eat boun
dary at aaiu Section Twenty (20) one
half (J) mile, more or leas, to the
quarter corner between Sections
ti rnleht bn llxfil .
by appraisement, and that, pursurmt
to such application, the land and tim
ber thereon have been iippraised, the
timber estimated 80.000 board fot nt
75 cent er M, and the land M0.00;
that said nppllcant will olHir dual proof
in support uf his application ami sworn
statement on the llth day of April,
iuij, tieloro the. Register nr;d Receiver
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M,
Twenty (20) und Twenty-one (21), said of lhe Dnited Statoa I.und Olllce, at
iuwiibiii(i una uuiige; ineiice westt-iiy I'ornaml, Oregun.
(lloth I'honoD)
Tillamook i s
I'itiiiier mid I'npei Had
Loiitiacts Iiikiii
Kstimntes I'lirni1 itcd
Al Work (Mirirnnu-ril,
Ttllm iok,
t s
along said uarler section line eighty
two and one-half (H2D feet; thence
northerly on a line parallel to the east
boundary of sj.;d Section Twenty (20)
one-half (1) milu, mure or leaa, to the
north boundary of said Section ; tlienco
eauterly along the ufureauid north Ihiii,
dary line uightytwo and otiu-hnlf (821)
him iJiiite oi neginnirig.
AIo tho North half (N.J) of the
North half (N.J)of Section Sixteen (10),
in fownshlli Three l!il Nnrth i.f Ir....,,,.
Any person is at liberty to tiroli-at
irus puretiaso Defore entry, or initiate
a content at any timo boforu patent
issues, by filing a corroborated alll
tlavit in t, ollice, nlleging facU
which would defuat tho entry.
Ti.n (1...., . t .L ll.MI
wh v.u; "mi ui inu vYinumoiio .Mer
idian. Also Iho Southwest quarter (.S.W.I
of Section Sixteen (10) n, Tnvmahip
Ihree (3) North of Iti.m... T.. nru
West of the Willamette Meridian, con-
I..IIUHK une nurmreu arm
uero, all of thu
and promises I
io.ng situated in , ""J ua, liliilrtor of the eHtali. of
El. J . Claussen
I)i:i t.sciii'.r Advokat
Till.'iiuook Hlotk
Attorney at Law
Office In Commercial Buildinv;
lilliimook Ihiildiiuj Room 210
r',.i,,... ,.r 'I'm...
,7. ,Y " '. ",iK mute oi urogon. ""won, iieceaHed, nnd timl
ogother wi'h all and Mingular the ten- tho County Court of tho State of Or.,
wise appertaining. y M"M(ly, tho 7th day of April. 1013,
i'hatntHaidxafo. I will nr. II
tho following portiorm of said real e.
line, lo-wii:
i'lrst: 'lhe NorthwuHtquarterjN.W.l)
of the Northeast quarter (N.E.l) of
W'i we,'t':ll-,v-'" (27) ; tho South
half (S.ii of Dm K,,i,ii,,..u. '
nt III .. . . ..
' " '" m. in mo court room
of baid court in tho county court house
in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the tfmu
und place for the hearing of ohjeetloiiH
if nny thero are, to mud account, und
tho closing of uaid eatato.
IS W li ,r i',:i i"rvur vnu ui-Mingoi aaii eatat
(ft.w.ji of Section numbered Twenty l)ni,.,i i.vi. or,, ,.,
two 22) : a iifv (M fLi .i,.i7, 1., u,,UlJ ' 'Hi. 10 1.
yj'ur ilcr0BS, 1,1(3 Southwcat quarter ' A 'vvhoii, Administrator of
N w n ru UIV Nortt'w,-'t ipiarter tho Eatiite of N. M, F, DuWson
iVr'V " ?ecl 0,1 n,lrn,,-'l Twenty- Uuroasvil. ' , u?w'
..-.. . grui.ieu uy ueed
executed by Herman Hchollmoyer.
Allorney-at-Law and
U. S. Comtnitiioner
Opposite Courlhuuie
Masonic Brethren
A full nttciulnnee in reiiuw'1
'ml Mil viHiliiif hrotliciH .red'
(liMlly invited.
Iv. T. IIOAI.S, W. l,
C. li. Tko.miii.kv, Secret try.
'dated July if, 'recoU tC U' "Ur""J
H. T. B0TTS,
Office 20:.2R, Tillamook
iTiiluiuook,' - Qrt.
Tillamook TlnrkcM.
The following priced lire now H
for farm prodiinlu m Tlllninook Chi
l!oi reeled every TliurHdny :
'-IfKH per do.,
Huttiir, per roll
1'otatoes, per ewt.
Cheese, per lb,
Ciibliago, per lb,
('arrots, pr h.
I'nrHdipii, per Hi.
HiUiihIi, per lb.
I'uiiipltliiH, pur lb,
AppleH, pr box
Hogs, (IreHsi'd, per lb.
Mutton, ilrosbi-d, per 1,
Heof live per lb.
JflUfi In
.171 I"
1.00 t
r.i to f