Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 01, 1913, Image 1

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t- ji i lima I M i i w gwm i t u mm Li l rnr ' r-..o.i tfa i
Largest- Circulation of anV Paper in "Tillamook County
Tillamook, OittfooN, Aimmi. 1 1
Double "Gold Bond" Trading Stamns Fridav with parh 10r rash n.ivrhncp
throughout the store The new Spring Shoes for women and jpung ladies are
ready for you; low and regular cut models in a variety of leathers and stvle?
April Week Sale of
"Needful Notions"
01 particular Interest to dressmaker and Spring
sewers. Rcd each Hem; mark the. wanted
ones and come to the cut price notion
Mle-ThU Week.
i, . nl! tr auppot teiH - . . 4c, II for 10c
K , i (ll.ir supporici'H - 4c. .'I for 0c
i hairnet .... 4c. It for 10c
,v tia nccdlcH - 4c, .'5 for 10c
'.It- hooks nil eves - - 4c. Jl for 10c
.ule dress hiuipM - 4c. .'t lor 10c
I'll i - 'irushcs, cxtni line bristles - 29c
,S t racing wheel He
' ktr, Kan" lmir brushes - - 29c
i; i iihtm line hair combs .... 7c
IV m dressing couil)H .... 9c
I'l.uiho drew fasteners 17c
Men - and boys' trouser buttons, lii dux. 12c
Turn int folding eurliiiK irons ... 7c
Vvhs and white triuuniiiK braids, bolt 7c
C -',' itc's perfumed talcum powder - . 17c
L"u i aWc and pin cabinet - 10c
Him t holes, yard strips .... 7c
oil belt pin books .... 7c
Ruh i oof corset shiehis - - - - 19c
(il l- Ircss belting, I) yard piece - 17c
,Sxi tnser for gloves and dresses - - 7c
lnii i in cube pint 5c
Al l 'turn thimbles, all sizes ... Ic
Sti i ijct i v fancy emeries - - . - - 7c
Dciiuil tooth foruahc . -..--'---- I7e
I M rii's tooth brushes .... 7c
.t.ule toilet soap
i os iron holders -
t hair pins, atsorted
i mvhel eot ton
1 f. n 1 buttons ...
un'iidiiig tissue
and nickel safety pins
top toilet pins -.
ham! brushes -i
linger shield
iln riiiM'S
I '.-j eouon, Murk, tan. white, C spools 10c
The Fashionable
Figure I
lliAK ju.st the right tin of
" Anieriean Iwidv Corselt&for
your figure (and there is just
that model for you) and you vv ill
have absolutelv the correct lh.es
of the present vogue, the snilirt
low bust, the- straight hip and
the altogether free, uncorscted
e fleet. American Lady Corsets
are guaranteed for their superior
style, unquestionable quality mid
faultless fitting. Let us demon,
st rate our new Spring niodelsfto
you. I'rieed from ,
$1.00 to $3.50
Special April Waist Item
$2.00 !?or clever new tailored waists that are well
worth $2. OS. The new lay-down round broad collar,
French culls, exquisitely embroidered plaited fronts. They
are marvels of high art, classy tailoring and the last word
from fashion's tailored waists. balcony section
n dress hooks
and black roll tape. R Tor
in! hair pins, 1 f plttfS.
wax. neat handles 2 for
large cabinet hair pins
t stocking darner
eouring ..itts .
iOin dress markers
toilet pins, card
1 itttng shuttles
: .e folds, all colors, piece
inn tons, all sizes, dox. lor
lights, all sizes. ( lor
ii models! wootleu ), doz.
i top whisk brooms -
10c i
7 c
3c l 10c
Jfou Are Invited to Inspect Our Display of
Beautiful New Gowns
and Dresses
AMA(N!KIC1;NT variety ol new models. A distinct
ive, exclusive showing of Fashion's dress modes at
extremely moderate prices. The materials include the
very latest weaves in wool, silk and satin, all are per
leet'ly made m high class dressmaker fashion. The fab
rics employed are French and Hnglish serges, stripe and
(bit ted foulards, channeuse, invisible silk stripes, silk
am! wool poplins and illegalities, in a wonderful array
ol Spring's newest and most fascinating colors.
Stunning wool one-piece dresses - - - $8.75
Ueautiful sdk dresses and "owns from $10.50 to $19.50
Beautiful Charmeose Silk Petticoats $2.75
The new changeable silk channeuse petticoats with
deep accordion plaits, soft, clinging, good wearing
sill Willi a high lustre satin surface, including all the
desirable Spring shades and changeable- effects.
Chiffon Sateen PetlietMts-Spcclal-$J .50
Stunning new styles in blue, tan, Nell rose, black.
LM-av, green', white and pink; deep accordion pleated
(jounces with the new brocaded etlects.
markable values.
These arc re-
U.idrrn8 Nobby Ccl. 75 .V 7i crns in-'ide ol hard Smartly tailored coats of wiry
i NSpH,,(s.y.7 S,zc: : t cms . lm ;ulur wMo, st( izcs o to 1-1,
"I wnrstid s hei.lieiil client , , t nnimed witli hengaiine, occp sauor
i ; ..." i i ,.. a mis :itu eiuiM " .. , , , i. i .i .... .
VII' I ' .. 1 .. , ... , r nil' l. I' '
. mu'iv. .Tilling
Iv n
anuied. Si'zt i 2 to (5.
LVx " m
c .I. . . .lud. must he introduced in oui
W'K "imt iS oK." W.lml B..r nl. is over
. u ' nsocction of onr mauv patrons who, because ol the crowds,
i l then- Sprit-M hnts a.t Jrrathcr than before Faster, when the
f styles can be accurately gauged.
In the Millinery balon
. , ,. i ,,.,.,1 n,is- week inanv exclusive trinuncd models not heretofore
will be d.sp aye ' 8limrt ami nKcim siZed hats,
shown, emb ne ng
You will also hnd n a u , , . t fashion rwe
tihd phunes, pan use-. .... . .
.A.ill.l'ICJlll DCaillV iwav-r..
i III- -----
Tnta nrlvnnfnm. of OUI FWC delivery
by Pared Post to any P,1: in 1'",H"
W will deliver free of all
-postage cimrgea,' merchandise to the
'amount of $1,00 or over.
Furniihcci By Pacific Abitracl Co.
Nrbitfcri' liny ( o. to Harry Schtil:c
iliTki' lt h blk fi, Nnbiilom Hvnch, WO.
.'Ilio Nelmlcm Co. to Jot. S. Utynko,
lot 1 blk Z, Whtok-r, IleO.
I-'. It. lltniA to A mm M. Morton, lot
.17 b 17, 8p View I'nrJt, 110.
Pim IliitiV. & Trunt Co. to Alisla
Kceniir. lot 3 blk CO, l'.ocknway, fM.
I".ili.r 1'iHno Houno to Kilcrn Music
Cxt. trct in Sic 20 3 S 10 V, $1 K-al.
John II, I)untaD & wf to A. I'.. Ford
tract in K- 26 6 S 11 W.
Twin (lock. ItcaltyCo. to C J. Town
r. lot C blk 22 Twin Hock. KV).
Twin Korka Hunlty Co. to Kllcn A.
FairrbiM lot 11 i-lk2l Twin Itockf, 1225.
C. (5. North & wf to A. (J. Thornpton
lot 2 blk 3 NutnrU, 10.
I, ni.-da Inc. to Jarnea G. Peterson,
lota 11 i 1 1 hlk 10 Munzanitn Hcuch,
Joxcph .uWermaur& wf to Uaac Ward
tract In Sec 2.1 6 S 11 W, $1100.
S. G. Keed & wf to Hccil CorjwraUon
lota 8 to -. blk C k lots 1 to 5, blk A,
Ncahkahnlc ML, $10,000.
II, S. Lamb Si wf to lx-wis C. Hen
field, lota 12 to 14 blk 9 Miller's nddn
to Tillamook. $10,
Large Attendance
At Union Services.
Rev. Mackenzie and Rev Jope De
liver Splendid Addresses. Collec
tion Taken For Flood Sufferers.
On Sumhy evening the Methodist
Church wa. the scene of an unthusias
tic union meeting of the Presbyterian,
Christian, United Urcthren ;irnl Metho
dist chuches.
After the usual preliminaries and a
short r'ffram by the yountr folks Mrs.
D. A, Mhckcnie favored the audience
with n most beautifully rerwbred vocal
solo which was much appreciated.
This was followed by addreues from
Hev, I). A. Mackenzie, pastor
of the Presbyterian Church, and Ftev,
It. K. Jope, pastor of the Christian
Kev, Mackenzie's address dealt chief
ly with the World's Christian Citizen
ship Conference which will be held at
Portland June 26 to July 6. Hev. Mac
kenzie has been appointed on the state
committee which will have charge of
this threat gathering. Noted men
from all over the world will be in at
tendance, and the Rathenn? will be
Tillamook Hay Co. to Myrtle Porter, 1 de u? 0 d!eKatea '""" hns
. - - n-...i.L.. tiM tian orRanization on the face of the
lot 7 blk 7 Occanlake Park. $1M. "
Goo. A. Ludtke & wf to S. M. Hat- "'nl ue'e' M Prese."-
terson, 22,40 acre, in Sec 31 3 N 9 W The purpose of the above mentioned
' ' organization as explained by Rev. Mac-
W. W. Samson to J. E. Samson lots " uChrJi9tf-7-
29 & 30. blk 6 Rock.way. $1. df0m. nd fdo. w,th thc
I). E. Kmmctt to K. K. Jones tract 'tand.rd of 1 iv,nK amon nien; that
in Sees 20 & 21 4 S 10 W, $10. f1 eHVe 'htt,ru Christianity
r.nr. M Vnu tn John J. Stoltkc Iota 1 .
23 to 27 blk 29 Sandlake. $10. j
The Sunset Heach Land & Inveat
m,.nt Co. to L. A. Jones tot 17 blk 20
- T - -Sunset
Beach, $75.
Irma-M: Vose to Jtfmi B.-Stoltc,
into their business, into politics and
wherever else their activities may car
ry them.
! Hev. Mackenzie was then fa lowed
11 & 12 blk 27 Snndlake, 510.
S. G. Heed & wf to H. N. Burpee,
lot 7 blk 2 Neahknhnle ML. $10.
Chns. Unjrley to A. McGill. tract in
Sec a G S 9 W, $10.
Webs'er Holmes & wf to J. II. fc A.
M. lV rkinn tract 141 x 103 ft. west of
blk 6. TillainooK, fw. i
by Re Jope who spoke on the out
look at WashinKton." Rev. Jope made
mention of tha passage of the "Webb
Bill," which prohibits the shipment of
liquor into dry territory and spoke of
it as the one Rreat cause for encour
agement in the fight on the liquor traf
fic. The mention of President Wilson's
I name ami some of the good things he
Ik b, nuumooK, i ,s dQ( bro ht forth h tv applause
Jennette & Mogens Somcrs to James, Y
lat 14 Sec 29 4 S 10 W
I.l yd C. Smith to A. M. blocum, lot
2 blK l Bar View Heights, $10.
Hay City Land Co. to Magdelenii
Fox, lot 10 blk 7 Buy View uddn Hay
City, JS5.
S. M. & Paulino Ba'.terson to Geo.
A. r Ludlko 120a Soc 2 1 3 N 9 W $10.
S. M. t Pauline Bnttorson to Geo.
A. F. Ludtke und. i int. in tract ad
joining Union Fisherman's oo-opera-tive
Packing Co's plant on Nehalom
Bay. $10
Hannah J. & J. C. Pidcock to A. G.
Foster. 3Ja, Soc. 9 6 S 10 W, J1&0.
uunng me evening a collection was
taken for the rlood sutrerers of the
east which amounted to $20.57.
tit the
, Koosa
From Courier;
I .l.ihn Whiteuum. of Orotown, was
iiituuittirir till the uutiro.nir Tillamook
All oight-MHtiul boy arrived
iw.mo .f Mr. and Mrs. Clius. T
yestonlay morning.
Dr. George roiwrts the arrival of a
nine-pound girl at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F.d Hanson, Hobo.,
L. M. K rimer has closed a deal for a
Pmui !W automobilo and will have it
i.r..iw.i.t tt CWerdale !as ewm" as the
roads and weather permit.;
John ,ller left Wednesday for the
Sni,nnn Itiver country ito visit a bro
K.iini, Worschktil returned homo
Tuesday ufter " two-months stay
Women's Spring Underwear
Knit underwear in every wanted
weight, combination and separate gar
ments, in silk, lisle, cotton and light
summer wool, regular and extra sizes.
The public sale at the Dr. Mills
place was well attended, hogs and cows
were In great demand.
U. A. Benton, of. Willamina, is visit
ing his sistor Mrs. Desmond this week.
H. E. Turner and Casper Schilds
went to Portland on business Thursday.
Geo. Dorr went to N'etarts Sunday
where he will work on the now road
that is being built.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Blackburn were
Tillamook shoppers Thnrsday.
Mrs. W. E. Andeison is visiting this
week at the Reynolds home.
Earl Pearson returned Sunday from
Nohalem whore ho has boon working
the past two months.
The cheese factory has opened up
with Clarence Nelson at the vat.
Mr. Alex. Watt still has the donkey
engine and a crew of men clearing;
ground on his farm.
Mr. Blackburn will move his family
to Blaine the last of the week and Mr.
Churchill will move on the Dr. Mills
place just vacated by Mr. Blackburn.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Moore and fam
ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods of
Beaver last Sunday.
11 acres bottom land with buildings.
I cows, and horse, nine irom iowii,
nrleo $4,000. Brand new 9 room bun
,,l u-iiii haeme:it. li nctv of land, 1
. : . . ........ ...lit. .intuit (inf.
aero nemos, nm ..,r ,
'!inn Kinu home near town. 10 room
iw.iw.i w it I. ( Hires of land. 1 aero or
rhurd. aero berries, price $5000.
- ' . . o . I. .......
Acreage in price to sun. oee u uwu
er. A. Plasker.
Holiiesi Meeting.
Subscribe for the semi-weekly Herald.
Fifty Gold Bond Trading Stamps with
a year's subscription.
TiUamook, Ore.
The Tillamook County Holiness As
.n.tuti.iM ulll meet Fridav evening at
7 ;30 at tho home of H. W. P.. Holmes.
Naiareno class will meet at the same
Dlace Sunday I'. M. t 3 o'cloek. A
cordial InvlUUonJMXtemJad. to.lL.. I t hi iiilsss4 S