Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 28, 1913, Image 3

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lUMir EllW ! rTf I,wf-l,--,.t' Mr. lUr..y. proprietor of the i
limf DlKIRi CMJ I -r ol.f K,oy rjH... Mt, j.. ;AU.. r.U Mt.am I.u.'.tr, will M ready
J " ' (for bu.lho. on Monday March .'II.
Hrf W Hamlin only flr-l r... i Wedne.d.y j. N.PKn rwH
'i, . "win uuny. I froiinlw uwry HU!k Furm l Jnffcr.
''' '" '"'". I'il' U,WI four month, old. purr
"MTl llfir II U I If W 111, II I MV II I III
i ...
Union aervlrea w be hold at the M.
If, Churrh on 8uml.y evening. AiMm
(uo w tin delivered by (, iMirli-ra
lif (be llllteronl tlpiiomllmltoha.
IUy fur pain o 00 wr ton In Urn
ham Hr (Jrai. (Hover oti tlio I'rnnl
Heater ranch. l kHouc.
HiHunrr and ljMl't wnnt-i ChrU-
Hun k-ii.1b pf'tt(ti. Ailih
ma, TiiinHnv city.
St J
Lbiolutoly Pure
, fly A
mm Rmvml mrmmm
0rm of tmHmr
Coc.il HapptnltiflS. t
c to order at '.ach
at! I Ik! f Portland, la In the
y ! ((fin tnro. Ku.
i-..aVr, Ore.
- a fUlrnt vfaluir tt
etwd r
. mn wlt ti)lt-ti (Jlr
Us). I tin Hiiltnnl nrrlvixi itvri' liy ox.
prraa. Wp urn glad In ee our rancher
Invi'it In pure blood alnrk. It will pay
them uml lm a benefit to the commun
ity l large.
Choice baled Timothy I Ifl.OO per tin
In carload lota. Fancy Hiirbank aeed
iHitntiu, (itt rts. t.'r 100 Ilia. f. o. li.
oara. M. Hummer, Bank, Ore.
Sometime Tuiity night or early
Wnlnitfuliiv tiMiriiltiL. atoneofut entiirrtl
. V. Morton lefl Tmiraday morning the cww barn of Ja. Woodward who
fur 1. 1 In. Waah.. where he went In live near the K tlrliU river, and put
look ..vcr kiiiiii prrty wblfb h niny fbl on tbr tat of tbrri nf hi ww j
ttailn rillamxk County ruallv fi.r mllcK ro, WbnMr. Wmxlwurtl wmt.
, in tli burn In llm moruliiK br illneuv-
l r .t JCWw. of Kl W.tr.0- rt, m f(m, ,,, v,,ry ,, C()nt.
lrry Una. o nn blt n.llt from , f- ,lrl,y w ,,, rtt 0(1.e
llvrr. Ore III .HI rb..p. Call on Bh), wJi u tn,BK,N l n,Uk tl.
urMrr.. A J llu.ln. ltaBvr. Ore - T) Uj)ik t() ,,,,
Th" l.ihr ti'ill! tin l'rr-bytirlan I oil of t)t ri bKi bimI It U thought
t'bufcb will tcrvr dinner at tbnlr room tlmt Uof'ifw the tcinU bt-nl tbo cnw urn
t i. - I II ..L. t .-m It I I . 1. I-.. . I 1.11 -
yiri mo 1 iituiij nnim iiviii a i w l vj imuir in iM-rmnr iir y nmi rnutil n Krai
For Sale : cr Trade For "Tilla
mook City or County Property
Ate. I Two li.Oi In Hor ( Ity J'nrV, TortlHtxl, one block
from ain't; t rnr.
Mo St ThrM lot In Unlv rlty I'ark, I'ortlarK.. tbrco
block from atrft.-t car.
Hom 3 ''wo Iota In Kunt'fit' Ity, trw lilfK-k from utrixt cur
mihI four blorka from the IIIkIi Srbyil, Curm-tcic
l.lbrnry nnd .Stnlo Unlvurally KrourwU.
Nu4 nrrt'it of wb'l btml In Morrow County, nil un
der cultivation, In K""1 wbcul bt'lt.
Mo 8 One lot mid flru; rcaldrticc In beat rmldtmco part of
Kan Jot, Cat., 6 abort blorka from lb MIkIi
School and .State Normil Scbfxil, and Iwo abort
blorka from tbrco atrfftcaf llm-a.
AH thn Altovo Wilt Irado For Tillamook Oily or Oounly
P. W. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon
Ml Kfltll'
In lb city
. ,i of nrtbaMl l in
rk by tuMiliIr
lull pheww APSI
u In l'fUtwt oh
. i iifpj-i frnin ihf Hat,
r miJt! iorfetium."
maH wh ajHl
rotitmritou for
ry. Ii o Ho will do you a
nU'aaBl, ' 1 rAionablf pfli'.
tl Hir K ' twpnt!!r to I'nrl-
K t1 . t f 'f w.irk In prlvalo fan
' vCH I r ! Hurald Olflrc.
iidr ami Karnirc (ipiii. - ... . i-
. M '.j ;ft tm Tburtday morn-
'i j.v 1 wbern bti will tranaaCt
u ' - n fr daya.
r M Wvv-lt, phyalelan awl atir-
t flu k-iimira ami iMlaranlrca inrn
kiltl w ir I in vurk In prlvaln fatn-
t , ir- at lldrsld olllco.
Vatrh f .r thi datfl of "Tho man who
ki lrtl t o moal'-,"
If r uwi'iunl tiata yotl had butter
rry w an tot jjtiliti; to have
ik I , .. 'umd. Sc ShrtHlo.
LariT ir i f..r ati. 10x2t ft. Kro
o.i c S S at .on nt TM lloll.
A 'i tir and family, of Cluvur-
klc wrri ti town Tburtnlay.
A r ,, r, brldKt; la nuw bfln put
" . ..uKbitrty alouKb.
ha k S rtliliit'l.in. of t'lovtinlab',
a acat vlallor Tbnraduy.
Wa ' r Iwnhitmiiu uml wlfo of lltiuvnr
tff I i i. .k nlKitipura Sviilnt;mlii)'.
ru. i .1 llnrnid Hook fK. 'tll"K
iff i Sid Mm. (' Cornfortb.
y-r v. tbu old Cbrlallon Church
Nil'l. , I'naat-Halon cull bo btiill !'
Apr. Si't- Hov. .It'pn.
A k I'ciiuut by tlm nmn of SrhulU
kf A i .. .mi. iiMlilniftoii. boa boon
wri' f a f, w duya. en.lottvurlm: to
rl" it Irul for tlm nun-hiMo of the
lllt'u, . ,w mill uml lilliibor bllHlllitHH.
I' M , on 1 tiraday. l!vryUly Invited.
Ttirrr la ce liability uf inakltlk" UlU'
taVraor bxln rli If you pay all bill",
IMC lu'lloi; rut talM, by rlwck. 'I Ilia-!
mwA County bnk.
A ki"1 yount marc to hire imiI for
th au.mntr. True to work alv;ln or
d'Htliln Htwrulrc at ilctnM Oillto.
'.Vanlml man to Imotd wu haa vfr
to Mr. Woodwartl. Mr. Wtflwanl
dtH-i not know who could have commit-Ir-d
aurh a mean, low diiwn tilck aa hn
baa no rimmlra that lit! knowa uf,
On Tliurlnv fofcmwin Altornt-v C.
W. Talrnak?.'. . I. Cloiiifh, l. W, Ttahl.
whet will watte for board awl amall W. 0. Dwih'ht, and Mrr lnrhof thf
waf. Atldrttn lm W. Iltlamtwk Port of TllUmtvtk. acromiMtilotl by
Oiy, JCapl. (!rot of tlio uovornrnttnt arrvlre
.... , . . . i. i . n i lure, an! ('. K. Trrotibloy of th
nij0i,n..utiviatiH1t , i, wonl tl) IU. nty whP l(l
rtfc-.-. th. prUI.l ornnlmM)V; nm Hav City met
. - m lh moat tip-lolau milllnnry ' ... . . ..,.,.
.. . ' ' In joint atjtm ami Ulrtliul matter
r rilWiilwufc tHinty. fnatlvo to .omti dtiU In eloalnK tin
UfiMttibr lh Hhafll and I'ltlow Cao j t, ettrtract with tit.- tfovornmunl for
.Wlal which lh Wortwn'a Mcllftf l'ort I (jw cnalrtjrlloti of Ute Jttlty ami other
willirval trfcmgh'a empty aUro on j harbor improvement!.
Saturday vnlnf, March WUi Kvnry- Hoforn the KoVfrnint-nt will bwl
itttn ittm but the ladiff and ttrny will; t hr wnrk. a atiretv ami rotal mil it le
' ' i .
t a ttonKl otl by thaa. Iteytwlda.
iSVr' 'mm.
Alttyfncy it Ltv kiA UAAty Public
1 1 M CD K fit HAT II III
Jiolh Plwno
Tillamook, Oregon
I ay yoqr with a cbk on tbo
bnltk. lit more convenient ami aalia.
factory t the ta colloeli.f aa Well aa
youraelf. Tillwok Cwunty Hank.
ii'k-.... v.au Imiv f i ii m otbera.
. "J ' ' I Rfcnil. iitiiik ri'"F,
wbtut tw want tlir lwl' lovr tw uf"r0niini.onl drli'irallon
...i ... U t IV I l'tioro jIiirkrll I i i I
ami get juvt v . -
ami Indian Kuntwr tluck ei?K from
Jna. Herrtaon. Ibith klwla at II. 00
trr aetllnt:. AddfnM Jt. Harrlnon.
Cu4tctttn rmlruollon I make a ar.
tatty nf aldeakt. atca all ropltiK'-
I Mani yttur work et my flRum. All
ark atrletly Kuarantctnl. A. T. Dolan.
t). T. Wrrachkal. one of Clovonlalc'a
well to do ratirhtira. BCCompanletl by
Mrti. Wer.rl.Vul, ttwk the train ihla
mornlnc fr I'orllamJ where they will
vlall relatives fur a week or more.
Mr II W, Kuhlman accompanletl by
v. nttU .Intiehler lilir-nbolh. loft on
C L O U Cm n
Win ii you waul nny tiling
kept in u I'lUST CLASS
Drug Store
I lc fil.so larps
Druggist ndJlppK, Seller
will vlall her parenlfl
week. Her mother hn Iwun Milte er
lotialy HI for atime time.
Wanted.- Middle BKtil or elderlv
woman to do bouao work In family of
Ibreo. Work llttht and K'otxl chnnc
frr woman tlealrlm; a home. KiUlrt;
Kiamlner. Hy City.
Miaa Heatrlre (Jaylord entcttalnetl
. . I... rlaaa MlltldllV. I llO
ner iSIIIKin '
Children played cmiiM. bad an l.aalor
Imnl and aanu "
other amuaomtml. A Iter a
lunch the children d.!mrtetl aitout ttix
Arnold firti'tnmmwnld, one of the
proprietor of tb Tillamook hlieel
' ' ... . .1.1 .....I.,,, lir
Molnl Worn leu " n........'h
Portland where ho will be married tbl
,'Vt.nlMk'. After a Ihv ima j
Pi.rtb.ndho will return wim m nrmc to
Tlm Odd Fellow 1mIko will reoeivt.
....... ...i. mil., of tbiiHloro buildinu
occupied by I'oU & Money. Hid
Himiild be In l o.u-o. Addnm S. A.
Ilroiidheml, Sccrotitry.
Keep the boy nnd tflrl on tho fnnn
byownlMKoLoltor itrade of utoek to
hiloroHt tho youiiKHtor. HeKln "
m.ylnK your 8. C Wl.ll I.Kl.ni hm.
and Indlitii Humier thick KK ' "
nrrion and tbu hnv aomothii.K
timiullful n wull m UHoful.
- John MI'dor who I.mh boon In tlio
atanrimt bul.eH In liny tWy,
who ,ub boon out In Portland for n ow
n'.ntb. won in tlm rlly Woluod..y.
It, wm rolum to Portland uml remain
there for .. month or more nfter which
h will return to Huy City and ....l..
n!iiKit In tlio luxury Him re
L'lvmi that n nine fixit channel at mean
JbiKb title tnuat Ik maintained from Hay
City to TlllamiMk It wa lor the1
ilUctiailnn of thi particular phaxe of
the aittialbtn lhat the lwot-irt met.
It wan Ilnalty derided that the orU
liotilil brink" (ireamre Ui bear on our
aaklllK the
llelecalltin to Kit before the war tie-
pnrttnent wild the protonltbn of al
ItininK tho Port of Hay Cilv to five j
Uintta iMiiiraiiteflini; the malntulnancu I
of the channel to Tillamook.
The Port of Tillamook l In no rxl
lien to no Into a guarantee of thi kind j
partly becauao of the provlalon of It
charter and partly becauae of the fact
that our Hirt line and jurisdiction tloea
not extend Into the bay far cnouKh '
However, the ptirt of Tillamook ai;ree j
to reimburse the Port of Hay City for j
whatever expeno tho latter xrt may
be to In malntainlni: the channel.
It waa decide! that tho to'ei;ram
ahoilld Ik.' aenl our ropreitciltative nl
Waabinifttm al onro ant! thi wa dttne
Immetllulely after a moellnK of our
port In the afternoon.
Al the cloe of the bulne
at Hay City tho kuoU "'' ol'ior
prcaent Includinir. J. O. Hotorth, W. S.
Cme. Ciu Nelon and !.. F. llrtxlo at
down to a line three course luncheon
which had been prepared by Mr. K.
M. Hlm-lo of the Huy View Hotel.
After pnrtaklnu of thi aplonditlly pro
paretl ropaat the nenlluinoll doiartttl
for Tlllmnook.
About tbo Flmt of April tho nroeory
llrm of ! It A Honey will move into
the ClotiKh bulldini: lately occupied by
tlm Flnley Hro. Thi up-to-tlatn gro
cery firm will then occupy one of tho
boat buino locution In the city, nnd .
will continue to endeavor to (,'ivc tho
public only the bosl k'oo1 nt the low
et living price.
m . t
Mr Hiitntiv. proprietor of the now
Cryaml Sloiun l.mimtry, toll ut tlmt
he will lie remly for hunine Munduy.
I'ho now laundry buildlnjr U XI x o
feet in dimuiiHioiH nnd la equipped
with Hteam pover which run two
wiiHhorH, an u.xtnictor, a combination
hirt and collar Ironer, u maiiKlo and
nil other arrannemenl that ;o with a
llrt clan laundry.
Tho machinery I new and Mr. Kiinv
Hoy I in a poltion to ivo thu peoplo a
tjood quality of work.
Tillamook, Ore., March 28, 1013.
All oulHtandinir Tillamook County
Warrant will bo paid upon ProMontii
tlou. IntoroHt coasi April I, UUJ.
11. L. HcmIh
County Troimuror.
Doctors Use This for Eczema
nr Pvnn. Px.rommlaaloncrpf llriiltli,
nriMl ntlvnnet'o. i-'or'; - j
nrntinw nurooii on tiu'
aro mv im.'" , ,.,..rurBi. i.
tot JCauiua.
JH-. HolmH, tha well Itnown aldn apt"
elullHt wrlio: "t am convlnepil tlmt tho I
I) li p. ITfHorlptlon la aa nmoli a simolllo ,
for eaxoina na tiolnlno Mr nmlnrliu l '
lave ticen priacillilnu tho P.P.U. romiuly
fur year." It will toUe uway tho itch I
tho Instimt you aPP'y I
In foot, wo aro no atiro of "vlint D.D.D.
will tJ6 for .you. that wo vll ho ulu'l
lii Irt'ynfr hnve nil tiottliTon oup Biar
liiloo that It will coat you nothlnir un
li'as you llud that It iloon tho work.
First Class Tin Shop
Tin, Copper and Sheet Metal Work,
Plumbing and General Repairing
Tillamook Sheet Metal Works
Wo xi Door to Tillamook Bakery
we: can fiii
"I would rather
sell you a Studebaker
When your dealer tells you that you know
he's honest.
He mny have cheaper wnpona in stock, but he
knows the Studebaker is the best.
And so do you.
He wanta to give such good wagon value
that you will come back and demand a buggy
made by the same people.
Stuclcbakcra have been building wagons for sixty
years and they have won the confidence of dealer ana
farmer by building not the cheapest but the bat
Whether you live in city, town or country, there s
n Studebaker to fit your needs. Farm wagons, trucks,
business and delivery wagons, surreys, buggies and
runabouts, with harness for each of th wnio high
quality aa Studebaker vehicles.
Sic our Dcakr or Write ui.
STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind.
Thf Athcletlc Aatoclntlon held a
meeting Tueaday night for the pur
potc of talking over baae ball. Noth
ing definite wan decided on.
Tho Junior had a meeting Tueadny
night to plan for the annual reception
V the Senlo'i. It waa decided to give
j n play to rain the nceeary funda.
j "The Two Mr. Karly'a" given hy the
I Athetotic AMOciation waa n uetca
, but owing lo the low price the tirtceU
were aold at not quite a much money
r aa was expected wa procured.
The nlnlh grade will (5n!ah !oo'
kecping next week awl will then have
more time for their botany.
' A Student Hody meeting waa cal'ed
I WetJncB'Jay eventnir and plan weru
rnaile for n High Schwil excuraion to
Garibaldi Saturday If the weather
would possibly permit.
Moat of the Phyics cla arc a Irillc
behind with their laLoraUry experi
ment but Mr. UaVer i wltn-holdtng
lh latt grade until the wnrk la rnado
up ami they ire progressing much fast
er. The Teacher Training Claa havu
taken up several new subject amor.j
them psychology.
Metbociit Church Notes.
Xo Substitution. Latest Methods. Just
What the Doctor Orders. Prices Lowest.
117: wast yovr busixkss
Tillamook Drug Store:
E. E. KOCH. Ph. G.
Phonr -J jjjjjj, J Mln I i Dooo North of PcetollL-c
Stifction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
In apt" of tie thr-tning weather
Paste- services brought out large aud
iences. The morning services were concluded
with the missionary ottering amounting
' and absentee will add to this
Ijvtngatnne demand the attention of
the r.-' irioua world. For thirty year
h- tailed in Africa suffering great bard
s . ps. O-ee he was torn by lion and
-7 ti.ui he was prostrate with the Af-r"-n
f".er. His heart was buried in
the 'iet f the dark continent while
hi remai'.s rost at Wettmi.'stcr Ab-l.-v.
Next Sunday :
At 10 A. M. Sunday School; Compe
tent teachers and classes for all aces.
("orrie arxi bring your friends and your
At 11 A. M. Public worship. Sub
ject : "Thomas, Who Would Not Be
lieve That Christ Arose From The
6:30 P. M. Young Peoples' Meeting.
7.30 P. M. Union Services. General
topic. The Present Outlook. 1st. Tho
World's Christian Citizenship Confer
tnce; by Rev. D. A. Mackenzie.
'.mi. The Temperance Outlook From
he National Capital ; by Rev. R. E.
H. W. Kuhlman, Pastor.
Elder R. 1. Blalock will preach in the
Advent Church next Sunday at 2:30
P. M. His subject will be "Why the
Baptists Should Maintain a Church in
Tillamook City.
Come lo this service, and if you are
not a Baptist learn why we wish to
build up a church where there are al
ready so manv churches.
Mr. G. C. Price has again taken over
the Pacific Soda Works and is getting
' ready for tee summer's business. Some
gooJs hnve been made up and Mr.
Price is getting his plant in shape to
' do h big business this summer.
Thnyne Honey has been employed to
i asstst at the factory.
40 acres of the best cleared bottom
land in Tillamook Co., half in meadow
and the balance is all logged and near
1) stumped otr. There are CO cows and
good team. All of farm implements
go with the place. The house and bam
are new. $13,000; ?3,000 down nnd the
balance is small payments. Inquire at
Herald oilice. tf
Are Being Cured by Vinol.
Did you over cough for a monthf
Then Just think how dlstrosslnK it
xaust bo to havo u cough hang on for
three mouths.
Mrs. Maria Prlmroso, or S7 Newell
Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I had
a very heavy cold which settled Into
a chronic cough, which kept ma
awake nights for fully three months,
nad felt tired all the time because my
rot was broken so much. Tho effect
of taking your cod llvor and Iron rem
edy, Vluol, Is that my cough Is gono.
I can now get a good night's rest, and
1 feel much strougor la every way."
It Is tho combined action of tho
medicinal elements, cods' llvors, aided
by tho blood-making and strength
creating properties of tonic Iron which
makes Vlnol bo efficient In curing
chronic coughs, colds ntul bronchlUa
at tho same tluio building up tha
weakened, run-down system.
Try a bottle of Vlnol, with the. un-.
deratnndlng that your mouey will
bo returuol. If It doca .not hell) .you.
Chas. '1. CloUBhr Cu. Druggists;
Tillamook,! Oregon.
, '' ITT.' v M ' I . e
'Vji cvt, r ,(f,,.;H f