T Cbe Cillamsok fierald C. . CroiKbUy, CdiUr lf ued Cwlcc a Week wond-oU- n.iti.-r M.iv IT OrvRon. 1.1 v or tho act Knlcr St'BSCRiri io Sl.so A Jlilvcrlisind Hales Lo"k' i!vrtiraent5 I r-t Insertion. per lira" Km -r sul sequent lnrtion. line ' i mrost'Ti ) Notice rir'iotr t'li.m ... N tioi". rr 'it I'.ir.:- of tharVs. per line L. . wr !u , tint, inwrtion i .IP .tV5 S.OO 10.00 .05 .05 FRIDAY. MARCH US. T.io (Mtnoletion of the Pnama Canal will brmjf law numbers of Europeans to the Pacific Northwest Thi Ute- .... i u... limi n.! strain. It ha. been made to often that some of u have bwomo dulle-1 to itt real ig- nifiennce However a little matter of ne ha recent h come to lieht which ... t'A . ittU think inu. Th. now item in ouestiiMi relate to tho fact that transportation companies in Europe are eliinif ticket by boat to tho !arin Northwest on the install-! ment plan, the same to be used upon I time of planting should bo stated and the e npietion ot the canal, and it is ' if more than two acre are to be plant said that 'n the city of Hambure alone ed. JO. 15 should be sent for parcel pt 60,iV people are now buyinsr steamship tirVt to the Pacific Northwest on the i inii.nm.' nln. , Doi ite rumors that jometiines arise to u.t ofTVc. that the PorU of Tilla - rriooN and Bay l ity are not working in; harmony, it is a fact that our ports are working in harmony and have alway worKod sn harmony. If there has been any fr-.ction between the two ports we never heard of it. The officers of tho Port of TilUmook whi-h was lately de clared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court were alwsvs willing t come through with mposition regardle as to whether Bay City was to gain an ; advantace thereby or not, and we rt sure the officer of the present port will act likewise. The meeting w' ch was held at Hay City yesterday awi the results of the atne is psetty g-nxi evi dence that ocr peoule are hroau emvicb to consider th" welfare of the whole rather than the special interests of a lew. The county court and the commercial clubs of the countv have entered into i a contract with the Sunset Publishing r fnr n.-,n ill,tr:.t1 hHnh picturing and describing the resources of Tillamook County at a cost of J1500. This book will contain matter apper taining to all parts of the county, and will deal with all of our industries and resources. It will be a workmanship from the fine view 0fi piece point 0j the rrinter and the matter and photos j contained in the same will be so ar-! 1 1 . 1 1 . . . 1 . This work rrieht he done at home , 1 1 and it is nonihV thai nmn nf i cal printers could get out a fairly cred itable hooklet. But there is one thing certain we cannot produce as good work as the Sunset people can give us. We believe in patronizing home indus try, but we thi'.': this is a case where in the county demands a better article than the local printers can give, and for that reason we should consider the interest of the county at large, rather than our ovri interest. Another phase of the situation is the fact that by acting in conjunction with the Southern Pacific Ry. Co., which is fill nuvinir 1 1 rJ"l i f .monlu U of prmting the 24,000 booklets, we j cure a cheap ni of distribution. In fact the rail, l wi.i ,i:..,i I bute . many as v. a wish them too without i'ost to ua. The bAleU will be free to anyone who rr.ay wish them, for distribution to friend-i abroad, so our people do not vant to backwarl about demanding them from the diiferent Commercial Clui h tbr rughout the county where they will i.e ffit for diatriiution. Hefire the book are accepted tho ii.atier contained in tbern will be pag ed on by tho publicity committee and finally receive the endorsement of the cojnt;, court. Much pains hps beet, taken and will be taken in tho publiua tlon of the booklet in uncatinn uml there is no .uubf but what we will get ui least thrte times our cost of tLe booklet in advertUiug. INCREASE WEALTH OF STATE WITH BACTERIA. Thousands of dollars w.re added to the wealth of Oregon farmjrs last yar by the bacteriology department oi the lUonattno Oreuo. W jl'o wh'ch furnished' in- experiment station rieuiturai college wn en lurnislieil in oculutiun cultures so that Alfalfa, red clover, alsike, peas, beans, vetch and other leguminous crops could lie grown where before it had been unpsible, The cultures were furnished free, except where large amounts wore asked for, and then the furmer paid the postage or express charges, Hun dreds of farmers were enabled thus, by proper seed treatment ucpording to Lirectlona sent fr ... t.. college, fo CMsdV -a" Friday .it tho p.it otlke of Hnrch 3, ISTV. ut Tillamook, YKAR IN A OVA NCI? Each subsequent insertion, lino hV-olwtiorto of ondotoncc ami todg notico. per lino Husine -. Professional cards.uio. PispU.v Advertisement, per inch M I. nmnlav Ada must bo in thi .. . i . HntN.tttv !.rn- . nnhllratiun in follow- in Tuesday ni Fridsiy iue. Keaon: are'imppwlivo. - they had not bsen ! rw fropf where able before. Th experiment sUitkm will agAin furnUh 5h cultures this season, and any farmer in the .-tatt who wishe i them can cet them by wnunc ;o meid. myiwm-i www cvum mo j bacteriological dopartnient. 0. A. C. ' cost and ruin, or to calculate the c j irvaili. He shouW state what crop j in physical, mental, industrial, ami the culture i-i to Ih( used on. and . moral eroVieney the tralUc occiiofc. or two week? before ho must plant. j the department wili have preiare the culture.. The stamp. Inoculation of the seed before plant- , inc. it w found, mad it powibie to 'crow letrutcinoua crops successfully j and to increase the amount approi- roalir 73 per cent in the hundreds of j ' t-j-ig iven jn tne season of 1912. But eed inoculation will not rectify pj. s)j condition caused by lack of lime, such are found in many parts of Orepon. Moreover, if nodules, or small bunchi. are found on the roots of a crop already crown in a field, it is not at all certain that seed or soil inoculation will increase a succeeding planting. 1 These cultures sent free to farmers f bv he bacteriology deDartmcnt at the -- - v colluiye are the sara a tho sold by dealers under J liferent trade names. This is one of the directions in which the college is working to increase the profits of the Oregon farms ami the productivity of the soil. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. (Cuntinued from last ' Friday's issue.) , ,. U.h' ds the h0Tt traffi,c 3,t.1" f X" ist in the American Republic?' rol- lowing is a continuation of the reasons as given by ex-Governor Hartley of Indiana. Tne Federal excise tax is another potent reason why the liquor traffic still continues. The exigencies and . r 1 . 1 . . necessities o- war coerceii me reiuciam conscnt 01 wncoin 10 me levying 01 a neavy excise lax on me mnnjfacture anu sale of intoxicating 1 "9"""- "Itnnimit wa.s With him it witt a war tax. 'vied in a necessitous hour. But the traffic was prompt to comprehend the value of the bribe offered the American conscience through the apparent relief from the burden of general taxation an excise tax atforded, and quick to recog nize the worth of the badge of legiti macy governmental sanction and certi ficate would give it. Immediately preceding the civil w.ir it existence had been seriously imper iled. A n unber of States had edged it about with limitation and restriction, and a number of others had inhibited it altogether. Civil war alonu hail stayed the movement for iU extinction 'T) , f pncu a"d '""'"t'on of the perils of war "" r.ouiu again oe criai lenged In tho guise of a burden-bearor it sought the shield of governmental sanc tion and protection, believing ita exist ence would be thus assured, and if so, willing to pay for the boon, to confess itself an evil and to submit to regula tionregulation which it knew would not regulate, regulation which has broken down and failed whenever and wherever tried, from then till now. The necessitous hour, because of which alone Mr. Lincoln consented to the principle, passed away, but the tax remained. The bribe succeeded. And me principle oi governmental sanction toc cash-ln-hand-paid became the settl, j ed policy of all government, federal- State tnd municipal. For fifty years the children of the ' nation have been largely educated I through the price paid by the traffic in ' that s!Ctin of the udder eaeaped while Herald, a aemi-weekly newspaper pub municipal and State revenues for the I tjein' "diked. Ilahed in Tillamook County, Oregon, privilege of ravishing their bodies, Aftur '""king turpentine was up. for aix weeks, commencing with thu breaking their wills, impairing their I P!iL'i ljy thu handful, working it well iuu of March 21st, PJ1.1, by order of intellects, and corrupting their morals, j lnto, tnu cut bathing that the Honorable Homer Maaon, Judge of paid by th(i tra,,ic into f)Ul"i: treasur-1 ieS( !nd therefor it has n.ivu luim oeen i received governmental protection, un- tuitisno. more atrongly entrenched as an institution among our people, and I Is h more monstrous peril to the physi cal, industrial and moral efficiency of the nation than slavery ever was : - Until a commerce has been establish ed, "which" in the forceful language oi ex-vice-i'resldent Fairbanks, at To ronto, last rf.l.- ucioucr, striKes ut the vitv h.-iirl ,.f 1 1 i.i,i .1 .....i ul, u Hum uuur, wnicri dchsuoho.i turn, undermine tho very j foumlaltoim upon w hich tin homo rrt! Innd imperil our social order, uml I throaton? tho moral fiber of th com munity iLolf ;" , Until. risen superior to nil Mithortty ' uml to tho lw itself. It n?t:uUto Mtd ' controls the p'voriinnmt of sn'tU oil int. dictate executive tiiesmi;es licmie rivmivv iur,"svr MiM)rfX.thopro,arlo...n,, ru.,.K ' of k-KishUMr (jnaftinont, .....i .t i..- III Ml liMltrc tho smvoreicnty of th slat ifjujlf. Tho Hinount of thi nnmml bribe tho , txHlc now pny to the American con '"$8 ' i'nf x nrr than two hundred mil- 1 lion ilollar in federal revtnuo ukino. II to IMS T aK!o irw annual onw State, eoiinty and munietti revenue, um ,SouH trrtntly nuk'iwntod. The irwl ha bn to doa.ln tli olvir eonacienoo of th natiim. to tmbod tho ! traltlc in th flnancim atlalra of nil ; i,vrnnuinl and to eiw it th n"tl- j fyin aeal of klity. With th ' tintic revenue ovr bforc them, uton I aro wont to beliav that tlwy rr mere- f by reltevwd to that intent from th . burden of taviitHin. The do wot no , beyond the trafflc t bribe of up hcHpI it enervating blight, ita moral deirra- so that j dation. Eur the aake of two hundred time to j million dollar of revenue the are con probable j tent to pay an annual drink bill KKro gating 1.7W,000.(X. Our moat worthy (overnmenl has not yet allaimitl to that nobilitr that impelled the emperor of a heathen natio i nearly three ijtmrt ers of a century ago to ay to thone who were urging him to license the opium traillc. "No I will not make a revenue from what rprenv the vices arKj misfortune of my people." i,r thm uk nl ru ,lnllr in rviiu I the federal government is r on lent to e ita cititens squander In.th in the consumpti n of an article that injutoa every hh quality of citizenship thev j defendant. Kdwm Hooker. Truster, for poesess, and adds an incalcuable burden j the sum of Nine Thousand three hun o? crime, dependency, and taxation, jdred thirty-one nod ftt-lOO Dollar, 1 It condone the sin because the sinner contributes to its collier. The moral mltct ha been arm is disastrous. Our ennpin n hwn ..ni.l r .-.iu- , .k- i. 1 f. w inn w "evMeivssv miuiikuwm ivi revenue, ami to discrown womanhood to wcape taxation. This bring ua to' and epn of uid writ. the fourth point or second primal tea-' Dted March 21t, 1913. son, our absorbing, alt-connuming love J II. CKKNSIIAW, of money. We tolerate tho tratHc bc-jShenir of Tillamook County, Ore:o"- cnusu of itt high return on the labor oniployed and the capital investod, ami I defend ami protect it because there i ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO money in it to iboec diroclly outraged, in it. e are o eger for wealth that we do not hesitate to destroy manhood in the making of it; it is more sacred than motherhood, more beloved than childhood. To obtain it we det ft I the heritage of the one, ami trample upon the heart of the other. We are more censurable than were our fathers. Ap prised uf the evil, we accept it. Silenc ing our conscience with the profit it brings, and hesitating not, though every coin we receive is salt with tears, every hank note odorous with blood. tvnowing trie true ami living lio!, we stoop to worship the idol of the market-place. Possessing freedom, we val- ue only that which flgurus in the price 1 current. . With knowledge that the?e is no nol-' ility but character and service, we are satisfied to write our history in a caah-' oook, and to weigh all questions uf right and wong in balances of trade, j We recognize no higher law than inter-' est and cupidity. Possessed by a con- j suming love of the sensual, we prefer property to principle, anil money profit to moral sentiment. Taking advantage of our weakness, thin predatory and de structive trnllic has entrenched iUulf . in tho sordidness uf our natures until it is financially impregnable. Becauac of thi i it exists. TREATING SORE TEATS. As it is nearing the time of the year when cows begin crawling through wire fences, it may be of interest to many to know h iw I healed a very badly lacerated teat last aumrner, with out leaving the udder injured In the least. Many valuable cows have been ruined bv cutting their teats on barbed wire. I have had them lose one Bjction of tho udder from that cause. The cow which waa successfully treated had a slit an Inch and a half lo"K nU t,1,J ,J,IC f her right front t'at', through which the milk leaked wli,u Hne waB ,n-''"K brought to thu mrn' through whiub nearly all from w w mu iiei rnilkr'K I was very careful to squeeze u,c ) Ujal H" " f"1 to open the wound, an(! succeeded In milking out that MKt" wimout a drop of milk escap- through the wound vowb are quiet animals and will not kick a person If one hind foot Is e curely tied to post with a half Inch rope. And thu.y may be milked with little trouble. Turpentine was ap plied after each milking for thu first i i . f.i.i l...tu 1... a. it's ruoneu and soueezed inllki.lt (jui.u il. fl-. .... " "mi- nine, I nun common vaseline . waa used qntll tlj0 wound ws completely healed. Or" .. tuVeu to et every drop' '",,k Ihwulblo ouch time. The mllV from tho other threo sections was uUn first, , it w .tlrkht for use. mtd tho other milked Into nimthor pull ami fed to tho pltf". Wo Mo find vaseline n vnry icood r..mlv to ui.nlv when miliar Pl".ir .... . ..i 11.111. tir tOItt lUHMHIK CIIMtHI - - ....... ...i,.,!,,,.,,. .xt rratcllKil. I ri nirniiiv". - Kithdrum. IiUho. Ol- KMJAI. IMv'OlM-UMY. NivrlfH IS llliRHUY UIVKN. that I. virtue of an Kiecullon and Oidmr of Sle ihihkJ out of the circuit court u the Stalo of OruKUin for tho county of Tillamook, In the caiis wherein U. C. MagHrrell w plaintitr. ami Bdwtn Hooker. Truttoe. Kohert T. Powlor ami Annie Fowler, ami J. I.. Ilartman and R. U. 'lTomnn. prit". oto the dofondantji. the undoriilKniHl, on the 19th day of April. 1913. at tn o'clock a. m.. of snhl day. at tho front Ooor of the county courthouse. 111 Till mook City. Oregon, "ill Mill, at wb lic auction to the hiirheet balder for cuh in haml. the real properly situated liiTillaiiMwk CMnly. Oroiton. difscribinl a follow to-wit : The w uf th w l, or lota 3 ami t, of section IS, tho w of the n w 1. 1 r kit I ami 2, and the o t of the n w 1 of S-c. 19. in Tp. S of It f w, and the j of the s t. the n o 1 of tho o . and lot i, &, T, S, 9 and 10. of Sec. 13, and the J of the n i ami the 11 c i of the i of Sec. It. the n e 1, ami the e j "f the n w of Sec. 'Jit, in Tp. 3 R 0 w of V. U . the time cunlain TTT 11) acre, accorling to the govern ment survey thereof. To satisfy judgment and decree rBiwiemi in id cauae agntnnt the said 1 interest thereon at the rat of 8 per cent per annum from Uw 11th day of November. 1012, th further sum of Five liumlred Dollars, attorney' fee, ami the costs iml dlibumcmenU of said suit taxed at 20.75, nnd the cunU CREDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the County Court of the State of Ore gun, fur tho County of Tillamook, ha appointod the undornigned executor of ' the Itmt will and tcstamrnt of Hongtha B)ro(il, dceeait;ii, and all porsottt hav- lug claims agaiiwt the estate of id llongtha llyrom. di-ceuaiHl, aro hereby required tu prosunl the naimi, toothrr with the proper vouchors, to tho under- Jsignwl at Garibnldi, Oregon, within six months from the datr of thin notice. Datoil March MUt, PJ13. Peter Byrotn, Executor of the Lust Will and Testament of Benglhu Ryrom, Deceased. George Willett ami T. II. Goynr Att'ys. for Executor. In The Circuit Court Ol The Suite OI Oregon, Por Tlllnitimik County. I. 0. Duback, Plaintitf, G. H. Kidgeway, Defendant. To G. It. Kidgeway, Defendant. IN j THE NAM K OF THM A r ATI-: (JF OUR. GON: You are hereby notified and re quired to appear and answer the corn , plaint filed against you In the above , entitled action, within six weeks from ,. March 21at. 191.1, thu day for the first publication of thia aummoni; and If you fail to so answer for want thereof tho plairitiir will take judgment againat you for the Hum of $.117.91 with interest at six per rent per annum from March 1 h , 191.1, and for costs and di bursernerita of this action, and for an order of Kale of the real property at tached herein, described as follows, to wit: Thu N. B. J of the .H. K. , ,i theS. I of thu N. K. . thu N. K. 1 of the N. U. , and the N. W. 1 of thu N. K J of Section 1.1, and tho ii, W. of thu S. K. of Section VI, all In T. .1 S. It. 10 W. Wll. Mer. ThiB suirimoiiH !h nerved upon you by puiiiicaiioii thereof in thu Tillamook -wuni, uuuri ur i utnnnk himiu of thu Statu of Oregon, made and, tered at Chamber In Haid County, on- tho 18th dav of March. Hun of C. W, 'J'almage. Attornuy for thu PlalntKI'. fit. The nother'H l-uvorite. A cough medicine for children should bo harmless. Iuhouldbo pleaaarit to iffko. It ahould bo effectual. ( III in. ln.ilin k c...n i.. iin..-ijr in all of thia a.ni lo Uiu inuther'a favorite wLere. i-'or Bale by all dualwa. '' i .1 . everit- Abstracts on Pacific Abstract Companv .. V. HltllNIIMWr, Mtuuixn Com plots Sot of Abstract of thr. Record of TilUmook County, Orogon Ol'l'tCH GROUND I'l.OOK TODD IIO'ITO. (Willi UuitIR W JOTH PMONKSi .NUlu Mi AU Muhul P. O. WOK H7 TILLAMOOK, The Followia Merchants arc Giving Away GOLD BOND Trading: MA I.TOM CHAS. I S ST )KK, Prv i" I.( ll till. hutfs. 1 took s. Stallutu-f. Stipplirs. etc KI.W, & SMITH CO.. Honlware. Stoves, HtttUfn . M icriiil. etc. TILLAMOOK PKI-:h CO., lu-ed. ('locent-.M. Matlunrv THOM S CoXI-'ivCTlONliK V STOKI;, CiiiuIh-h. njja IKNK1NS i:VI-LKV STOUK. WiiicIioh, HiuiiioihIs j )N l'S- K N n S( )N I'l'K N I Tt K i-I COM I 'A N V. r.li.M THIvATK'lv. Where !ivct botly Inies. K. i ZACHMAN, IMumliiiiK Supplies. TILLAMOOK Hl-UALD, Ismjc1 Twice n Wick. MONK'S STIMHO. Vim Know Where. D It. S. It. K KURDS'. PHYSICIAN nd SUKOUON Mirier: .S'rw Concfrlr llldit. Tlllnluot1k HOMKOPATinC I'MVSIClANi AM) M KCIvDN Ofllcr .cxt Ioor to Mutual Tolflpbonc Ccntrnt. 3rd Avr. K. Dr. Jack Olson ItKSIDKNT DKN'I'IST OKlcn Hour Irofn 9 u. in. to J p. in. Over F. R. Bcsli' Real Estate Office Roth Phurifn. D K A. I). Pl'.ltKINS. HKNItil'.NT lil'.NTIST Olllrii In Sturumn llldu. An Work CtiniiMllrril, ril.i.AMUOK. . ORHOO.s J. E. REEDY, D. V. M. VlVmilNAUIAN (llolh I'honi's) Tillamook 1 : Oregon J . Claussen Lawyer DnrT.scin:K Advokat Tillamook Block GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Law Office In Commercial Building TILLAMOOK. ORE. JOHN LIJLANl) III.NDLKSON Alloriioy.allow AhklruLlvr lillumook Kuilding Room 216 T. H. G0YNE Aitorney-at-Uw and U. S. Commiiiiuner Oppoiite Cuurlhouie H. T. BOTTS, LAWYER COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT OfW yno.orvi. 'n:n ,' Office' 208-20.1., Tillamook ' JJIoclc Tillamook, Ore. 11; Short Notice! it y rut: OREGON Stamps tMitnls. I loilmiK, Sluun, iU lll.l.AniMlK UNDHUI AkIM) U. N. IIH.S'JCl.P. Mk-i Four !r Vrt uf Una -ry t.ailr An'Utstlt VVhoil ItnlwritnL 0. L. DICK It SON, Prtf. IU4U PhuiMI Ihc Sniiic I'rlcc tu IJvcron E. N. CRUS0N. Coutriicts 1 nken liMtinwites I-'urnishcfl. Al Wink (itmniiiUdl. r.ii t- fr Tillamook Bak :ers FOR SALIv AT ALL GROCERS Masonic Brethren, Attention! Ilfnitl S . . .a .... u,i VMIW r I 1111 THIRD SATURDAY A full ntU'iKlmice ih rciiU'Stri) niul all viHitin hrulliorH hit cor lially invited. K. T. Hoai.h, W. M. C. Iv. Thomiii.kv, Si-eret ii v. I llliiuook TarktflA. Tim follnwIiiK prlcrH iirr now pW for fiirm produelii ut Tflliunook Cil. Coiri'dcd iivury Tliurmlny j l'KKH pur ilojc. M.20 . ,1b M .011 . .02 .02 .02, 14 .10' Huttor, pur roll Piilnloos, per cwl. Chi'i'Hii, por lb, CidibiiKc, pur lb. CiirrolH, pur lb. 1'nrntilpH, pur lb, 0.7ri to . 17 to I i!',""H,,' ',or "' ! u'niir lb. . ApploH, por box Hokm, .IrysHI, per lb.. v Mutttui, dressed, por lb,, licet live pur lb, , l.(H) to ., rs.i