ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Largest Circulation of any Paper in "Tillamook County Tillamook, Oiu'.oon, March L'f, '.) .'!. NO. 18 I 14MJ ftfmft l' Double Gold Bond Trading Sl.tmp.s Friday with Each JOc Cash Purchase in Every Department Udu-V Home Journal Patterns for April Now Ready -Magazine of "Good Dressing" Free at Our Pattern Counter New Shipment American Lady Corsets, Latest Spring Models Spring's Fascinating Dress Goods and Silks at "The House of Fashions " I tlui dhmviiiK nre oiled the must f.Hliin.mUi- aurl lcir,.llc of black .siilcs n)ul dress uooth, plain and .o.! NtutiuKH 'iixl iiovdu hilU at prices which will interest every ec nomieal woman. WORSTED SHEPHERD CHECKS 25c Yd. I st.tplc httihioimlilc novelt in loth Inre, me .' a ui-l small black anl white checks, washnlile ALL WOOL IMPORTED BATISTE 69c Yd. Hit new Mill eliuuiitL matenal in a splendid array of t' c latest Spring coloring lor dresses and owns. IMPORTED FRENCH CREPE ALBATROSS SOc Yd. I ntucly new weaves, til wool soli finish material iti a beautiful rane of street and evening shinies WORSTED, DANISH CLOTH AND SERGES 35c Yd. Just the correct materials for children's dresses, women's waists, etc., in all the practical Spring color nip, .ty dcsiraldc weaves. This week you'll find desirable, dqendnhle HLACK DKIvSS GOODS in the most fashionable weaves and the latvt fabrien. famous for their durability, reliability and the unvarying standard of quality to which they must conform. These moderate, attractive prices will mean immediate buyers; we suggest an early inspection. FANCY BLACK STRIP! fANANA 98c Yd. Extremely fashionable material for gowns and dcmi-tnilorcd suits; width 44 in., exquisite high finish, soft, wearable fabric. FANCY BLACK WOOL EPONCE fl.41 Yd. The season's style sensation. Very smooth sur laccd. finely woven fabric, high finish, rich black. Exceptional value. ENGLISH MOHAIR BWILLIANTINE 69c Yd. kVersiblc brilliantine HI in. wide, dollar value, !iiKxioi quality, very bright and lustrous, perfect ever, finish in a deep rich black. BLACK TAI10W WOOL SERGES 69e Yd. K tin proof finish, high natural color, hard twisted wo i. compose the makeup of this good serge. ery mndii.itcly priced. Iimttincriblc Showing of (he Littcst Waives in Hlnck Dress Goods Not Mentioned in this Advertisement. 1'iesh oft the loomsthe season's latest silks; prices ticketed in a manner usually expected on clearance " Is but NlCVIvU on absolutely new and fashionable merchandise. They're idl here in the wanted shades at tuns astonishing price concessions, 36-ln. BLACK SATIN DUCHESS 51.19 Yd. j EXQUISITE STRIPE TUB SILKS 98c yd. iu'II say it's well worth $1 f0. A remarkable , A heavy beautiful stripe twilled silk, 27 in. wide, quality for service, all pure silk, deep rich jet black. the predominating weaves for Spring and Summer, in 27-In. IMPORTED CHARMEUSE 98c Yd. , cvcr-v wnu'd coor for Wtt'sts lrc-SSt's 111,(1 shirts t harmeuse still holds first place m the realm of j 36-ln. BULGARIAN IMPORTED FOULARDS 51.25 yd. Iii.mi, lieh, lustrous finish, nineteen ol Spring's most ajj lu. ritfc nrc tleSL. ric, novcitv sj;s; t,c ,,rcat liuliiug colors to selectlroiu, street and evening shades. Lcmm f0r them gives us only a moderate showing. 27. In. WASH SILKS. PLAIN AND FANCY, 33c Yd. , See them today. I here are few silk labries that will give just the j 27-ln. IMPORTED SATIN FOULARDS 98c yd. sntisiactioii these duu't.v silks will lor moderate price to-1 miks and waists; .shown in the newest and most ui ' da t eoloi mys. 36-in. HEAVY LINING SATINS 51-19 Yd, uit.ible lor coat linings, fancy work, etc, flcv.vy i - mil with a halo ol shimmering richness, ilidc for st' 1 uiious wear and service. Extraordinary showing "I l tlloi s. 1 Great is the demand for foulard silks this season, nothing more serviceable. These are the genuine im ported lacouue elleets in elegant designs and colorings. 56-in. BROCADED IMPORTED CHARMEUSE 51.98 yd. Nothing newer than these beautiful brocaded char meuse lor stunning dresses, shown in new designs and shades lor street and evening wear. , Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses of Superior Style, Tailoring and Finish I duv I.V express brings some new garments to take the place of those sold the day before. Visitors to t in ua i cpu.s . ..ii'irined with our most compk-te gathering ol authoritative styles for 'tau-ohsd smJ COATS PKOM ,00 UP A Magnificent Display of Spring and Summer Millinery A SEASON IN WHICH THE SHALL HAT LOOMS LARGE i M.-vii-Lii iirLNuicnts. Imt lltsllinn creators somehow contrive to create Milliacry seasons cou.e and jj" U .Mix i"" I" . show (listiu(.tivdv .,.,, fashionable rood- new ideas with each incomnic; nulhnei icM'ni.. clnat very ular aiccs. no.charc3E TRIMMING SERVICE II times to all those who purchase Untrunmed Hats i amply prepared to tender prompt ami emeu.,, balcony depar rMENT. and triinming.s iti our millinery section. We deliver "free of elmrc" by pnrwl nwt to any point in Tillamook Co. purelwisiH ol $1.00 or over. Try shopping with us by muil or phone your wants. Ordei h lillcd and umiicd mime duv iw received. SnmpleH cheer fully went upon requcHi. The new Spring ami bummer trimming" are uenuunu. Tit Com Csarealaal to BTarywaar- NEWS FROM THE ART DEPARTMENT D. M. C. imported French embroidery' and crochet cotton, colors and white, Clark's crochet cotton, all uumbers.eolors and white. Harbour' lustrous linen crochet thread. Carlson, Currier's embroidery und crochet silks. Bone nnd ebony tatting shuttles, Wood nnd bone crochet hooks and needles, 54-In. HEAVY LADIES' CLOTH 7Sc Yd. Kspeeiully adapted for riding habits. sWirts and negligee suits. Colors of burgundy, navy, black, brown and cardinal. WHIPCORD AND FANCY WOOL MIXTURES 65c Yd. An exceptional lot of new-novelty suitings specially priced; in useful colorings and a large variety of Spring shades. TAILORED WOOL SERGES 98c TO 51.33 Yd. Ileavv all wool storm proof serges, wirv twisted I finish, splendid materials, shades ol navy, brown, bur- ! t'lindv nfl lilfii-Lf nnil irin FASHIONABLE BULGARIAN SUITINGS $1.65 Yd. Rich mottled cflects and illuminated mannish mix tures. f4-in. wide; the very latest for tailored suits, coats and skirts. Building Operations Tillamook Churches Progressing Nicely. Celebrate Easter. Odd Fellows Gelling Ready lo Build Some Churches Have Special Programs Fine Structure; Maionx Contemplate Building: Catholics Will Build. By another month the Otl'l Fellow will havu under way the erection of their now Imnlmijii block and hall, on thi-ir projMjrty at present occupied by Vi-h & Hotwy ao.1 the oW I. O. O. F. hnll. The new tiulldtntr will Ix; 80 x 102J feet, two utorlcii, and will be conntruct- cd of brick at a cost of 121,000. The new huildmi; will have a choice location an') when completed will be a great Improvement to our city. I Work will begin on the new building a Mon a thoiie now occupying the ite can secure other quarter. Grucn nenwuld ii Kohrbach, I'ropi., of the Tillamook Sheet Metal Works, have bought the I. O. 0. K. Hall and will move it or.tu their lot opposite the Lumen iilacksmlth shop. I'elz and Money will move Into the dough building lately occupied by Finley Bros. Mr. Houston, the barber, will move into the office building lately oc cup led by iioyajohn & Arnold, opposite lialtoma, and will occupy the same un til more suitable quarters can be ob tained. I'lani have been secured for the erection of a new business block and lodge hall by the Masonic Building Association on the corner of First Ava Kaat and second street, ir in con templated plana are carried out this building will be a Ana ornament to tha city and will coat $20,000 or mora. The Catholic Church society of this city will build a m church this aura- r at a coatoX rastar n 4wa nA-thr thousand dollar. The new $20,000 Christian Church is now faat nearing completion and will be ready for dedication about the first of May. This new edifice will be equipped with a gymnasium and all modern arrangement for the comfort nd enjoyment of ita membership. Work on the new bank and hotel is being rushed as fast as possible, with the prospects that the bank will be ready for occupancy by another month and the hotel will be ready by the first of June. This new $75,000 structure will be a great addition to our city's safe investments. For Children; All Have Special Music For The Occasion. Khjter Sunday weather was not all that it might have ben, however, the services at the churches were all well attended. At the United Brcthern Church the (children rendered a special program in I the morning and Hev. Metc delivered an Easter sermon in the evening. Rev. Jopc of the Christian Church de livered an Raster sermon iKi'.h mornfnfj and evening In the cvcni.ig the ser mon wns a stcrioptican lecture on "The Life of Christ." The regular Easter services were held at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Rev. Father Van Clarenbcck preaching the sermon at 10 AO A. M. Rev. D. A. Mackenzie preached ap propriate sermons for both mrvices of the day and special music was provided at the Presbyterian Church. At the German Congregational Church appropriate services were con ducted by Rev. Paul Ebtnger, pastor. Regular Easter services were held at the Gtrman Reformed Church, Rev. F. C. Schnuelle officiating. Communion services were also held. On Palm Sun day the following children were confirm ed : Priska Neigcr, Gertrude Schlappi, Clara Mayer and Julia Neigcr. At the Methodist Church Rev. U. W. Kuhlman delivered an Easter sarmoa after which a missionary offering was taken amounting to 9218. Soma tit was also received for other benevolen ce. Of tha above amounts, the Sunday School gave P& In tha evening tha 84ay 8ehool eraier tha direction of Mrs. Kuhlman rendered a very intar- ting Easter program. SPEAKER C. N. MCARTHUR LAUDS REPRESENTATIVE HANDLEY. Salem, Or., March 20th: -In review ing the work of the recent session of the LegiHUture, Speaker C. N. Mc Arthtir today paid a high compliment to Representative T. B. Hundley of Tillamook and Yamhill Counties. "Mr. Hundley was one of our best men," suid the Speaker. "He was an earnest und sincere worker in the cause of many meritorious measures before the house, und his services upon the judiciary committee wero particu larly valuable. Mr. Hundley showed himself to bo a big, broad-gauged legis lator and the people of his district will do well to re-oloct him if he desires another term." Speaker McArthur also stated that the recent session enacted more constructive- legislation than any otlior session in the history of the state, and that the sum total of the appropriations wus $:e0,000 less than the amount ap propriated in NEW FIRM FOR TILLAMOOK. The Tillamook Sheet Metal Works is the name of a new firm just getting established here. The new firm does plumbing and general repair work, and has bought the Odd Fellow hall, which will be moved onto its property recent ly purchased on Third Street in front of the Larsen blacksmith shop. It will be three weeks at least before the building can be removed, but in the meantime the firm will occupy the building next to the Tillamook Bakery. REPORT OF DISTRICT NO. 49. date: 20. SHEET AND PILLOW CASE SOCIAL. On Saturday evening, March 29th, the Woman's Relitf Corps, auxiliary to the G. A. H,, will give a Sheet and Pillow Case Social at the store build ing lately occupied by the Finley Bros. The ladies are requested to bring boxes containing lunch for themselves nnd partners. At 8 o'clock a short program will be rendered after which the ladies attired in sheets and pillow cases will be auc tioned olT by Chas. Reynolds, Uie old reliable. The Woman's Relief Corps are just organizing and they need a little mon ey to help themselves along. Every body invited. Everything free but the ladles. The Steamer Elmore has gone into commission again on her summer run and will leave Portland for Tillamook Thursday evening. Month ending March 21, 1913. No. of pupils remaining at Boys 4; Girls G;- Totals 10. No. days taught during month Whole nn. days attendance 197. Whole no. days absence 3. Whole no. times late 0. No. of pupils neither absent nor late 7. Average no. of pupils belonging 10. Average daily attendance 9.S. Per cent of attendance 93. The pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month were: John Stivenga, Annie Stivenga, Stella Stivenga, Rosa Abplanalp, Lizzie Balmer, Phineas Huverstick and James Pallin. Katie Sheets, teacher. REPORT OF RIVERDALE SCHOOL. Month ending March 21. No. of pupils remaining at date, boys 11; girls 9; total 20. No. days taught 20. Whole no. days attendance 10. Whole no. days absence 10. Whole no. times late 1. No. pupils neither absent nor late 17. Average no. belonging 19. Average daily attendance 18.5. Per cent of attendance 97.3. labol Noyes, teacher. I LAMAR'S I variety store ! Tillamook, Ore t ".DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND"