OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL IHTEiK Events Cccurrirg Throujhcut tho State Curing the Past Week. BRIEF NEWS Or OREfiO I People In tho Nows DELINQUKNT TAX LIST. 191. Owyhee Rancher fr Shooting Afflr. V.e. L. f '!ti In tie ho; ;.l 1 : .r XfcNee are tti.1f !' r. .--.it of a Ktln$ , n the Owyhee. bo!'t si' -h.-ait cf Vale Both : .'u .t over to the croid bYr the C rd t i" '"'' "',r tn!t Ki! Kn i:'-ifi a charter Pftrtn i'i Condon m.ii" street be ttar.cd i:hu she tiKXt month, ac cording to the "f th ''"J council. 1 CUntepn ( It curs at a mass mot log ckvd.J to hold tie next miiwl Mrbrr -nd rose tettivnl on M.iy Hrnr K llotll. Hemcvrnt. elected Cnlted Stale senator by the New llsmpahir legislature Sintt Pernhardt. the not! French actn-M. sumined painful lujurl it automobile accident it Ua Ag!" Frank Johnsoa Ootntnow. of Waah ingtoft. H. C. ha boen appointed rhlef s.UUer o the Chin'" goemrant in th reform of tu constitution. Alesta Ueorsjeau. editor and publish 4.1 t, -'i ini'illiA and b arre' htc) ten i h iv Jar l-ti ; the I side! b I dro't forM nincl they WOUll to Cfi when lap ft head. son. - oh '! cro -'vplc feel in matter of ,i 1 nvi 1 paMt" 1 r.itich. o -.en MtNc . and C M th t !ei;s :J i he re- H.irion. were -.I iilp to pAa through th? i.ot fled the men thnt c.i .irovid. and that he the m.n who attempted re Rtrtoa cut the wfrs. ,iH fired upon him. ttJ- ! it nserouly close to !! .H. N'-' pnnt!tnt from h!. r.-'urti- 1 the fire. After flrtng Motalla ins t: nn a Incorporate t:- t ..'!. ' In tarirfly. :l i t the need of lv i ou:tr hcm ln' ri A.lr b .rit out (Knt the .Vs'nrirt rtn tttl court csu- asHint Jst'ksnn F turned TcrJict finding the defendant ftti! ai murder la the nnrt l"sr to reply to querle from Wjltar H. Jones. tcretory of the dtstrtct lair atscciatloa at Eusteaa, the attorney seaeral rendered an optnlon to the .,, prr,ripa! addreta at a caUUratlon effwt that only county fair could , inrotn. Neh, WednWKfay at the heivafier draw support from th tat. birthday aBntteraary of Secretary of i rhitt mlvertt.-! Itt r .linnueil tax. Cr the -r . f ll'i; i m ir miatue of nn net of the Stte I efiUU ture which i emptied in fhapler Ko rSr.NKRAI. LAWS OF I UK lM ! The tave ui tlw following advcrlUel ireal property, situate! in i llUitiooi. jtVunly. ureifun, hat delunjuent (t Mnntuv, t-olir 7. !0l. ainl r.' uhjeiioii penalty of ten l"'-'"1. nd interval at th ral of !-' wr . "t l-eT annum from M da. April I. I'1' ' until they hll have been 'id "v nvieied h a lurv In tho dtadrtct 1 ay attar the etplratton ..f m. .i,. convicted y a iury in ut tric chat! aaamm the 1 follotu( real property nro dlinu t. the pheitff i aulhoriMnl u'i) ilewi..l of any ron minn apph atme. i ;ue'to Uiem a certificate of ilrln lnutfcy, upon pajment of U" l. ' twi'al y, lttret and cvU of !' tiinf. t'rrtifleatan of doltrnjuenrv h!l lear interval from the date of nuiKr til redeemed at the rata of ti per c-it l-et annum. mm S. il. Uolharme). K S of S. V 1 nnd S. j of J. 1. 17. Tp. 1 N.. R. t V'.. con ttMtn l0 acre $-1 . II. KelleyfTiuatre) 5. I of court at MIinepo)U of criminal libel The complaint wa made by May.'i vU.ce 0. Nyo of Mlnneapotta, four houra. j Colonel Joaeph P. ott. upart.. jury In the ) tendent of New York atata prlaon Aditm ro removed from office by Oorornor Sutler, fhnntea of nonfeanaoce and i 'fvt of duty aaiat tha p.iria endctt were preferred by tiie fxrter nor Uorernor Hcdirea of Kanaaa made secn! shot. Culp tell, wtth a bullet wound through his loft leg. McXe went 'o the houae of a neighbor, noti fied l m of the shooting and lold him to no nd see how badly Culp Injured. N. K. 1 and N. 1 of 8. K. i The MUWOO bond ! voted by ! SwtP trrn wrotury Bryan tm-t ntan ,rg W acroa the people of Oraota I'll for tha pur- from Waahioirton to attend j jIukh., i, s. E. 1 of N W pom of bulMin a rmakun K. aocrotary of th. J"-l. LVri S railroad from Crania fa to tho till- . ... , .H ti.., i l ? : J. 80. i&. Tp. I N . K. v n ., contatnitujt i" cie SL IV Chrtrtemwrn, P. E. & E. BRIDGE DEDICATED Litt'e Miss West Seitters Cjrnationi Fro-r Pilot While Thcusanda Cheer. Salem With b!at of whit!e. fho'its from thousands of throats and the blare of bands, the new Portland, Ku;cne & Ea$tra bridge that liftfc. no's valley, waa sold at par ptaa ac 1 era -i Inter st. Th eattra Issue Roea 1 to o:.e firm 1 Miss Ann Whitafcer, who ha boon 1 importuned to allow her name to b 1 use I at the April election as cAndt-d.-.te for member of tho Kujtena ooon ell positively declined to run. giving as her principal excuse unsanitary con ditio'! of the council chamber. Brtimlod loss, tacaped from tha own -r s brora and floating down th liver, do r.ot become abandoned praporty und are not subject to be sal raged by outs'de parties. Thta la tho decision ptincd by the I .ox Salvage uaoclfltloa rauk!in K. tjino, secretary of th t interior, haa been made an Indian ! chief He had bestowed upn him the , Mle of "Lona Chr by a delogatlon 1 of niackfoot Indiana from Montana, who called to present him with a Flr Chanced with being Jl'W.OtW short In f of l Sa. . Tp. S R, containing 6o aero il !d Tittle. W ; of M I I. t of peace and bucksklu tobacco baR t mj , i, 0f N, Sr.- 16. Tp. I S..II. w.. itints 11 as r raosl ... his accounts a a.tanl cashier of w S o i ., v k 1 the Crocker National bonk of San Sec. 9, Tp. 2 S.. R. i-.m h'raactaco. Charles F Maker, one of the Utntns- 80 acrea M. H. Owena. S. W. 1 of N moat trusted employs of the Inatttu Hon. a self-made man and a pillar of an Oakland church, la rcjorud r.ear death. National CapiUI Drevltiet. t ie weat and the east aide of tne wii- t ,n the courtJ M gt lMrn. j l.mette valley together formally was j That no member of tho leglalatu.-r dedicated to the commercial develop- may accept a position aa county attor i.'.ent of thia section. acv under thc bill passed by the taat ; Tut little daughter of governor ani i !e?!iature. een though they should 1 Mrs. West, dressed in white, stood or. . naign a, menbers of the legtslaturo. the L-i!ot of the enrlae. .... ),. The event was belns celebrated at i by lhe attorney-general at the r;u.mt j '"U"f' k iwtrking an Important step In the de- j of GoVernor West mc """' Allor e:a1ment cf a webllke system of In- j Kor flrEt tlme tn ,w ht,lory thf Oon ral cRrnoMa to the point .. riiban lines belnc built in the WII-1.. ....ku ... 1 f Oen obUgod 10 ordar , W. ! and N. W. J of &. I , So. 10, Tp. 8 8.. R. S V . containing NO acre !C. K. Hlark. 90 actea oif K. I side of f. V, of N. W. i. Se. 13. Tp. 3 S.. R. 10 V . and 30 acre oh 8. id of S fl. I i I'I ! $ 1 N r.t .' Fro '.dent Wilson Hpnolnted Gonr nor lit riut of North Dakota. trnror of the '.Jnited Slates. Rich, rtl Ulnty. of Boa loo. to whom i'.-lv'e u Wilson offered the pout of Aiabasr dor to Great Britain, haa do IS. :..n.'tte -ally by the Hnrriman la- , da. This bridge connects the bi air. & Falls City branch with the nc 1 mnch recently completed to Fir an! S-Jcrton. T:;?ustinds of visitors were hero par t ;.tint; in the festivities, and the .ty waa in gala attire. ... . . , , :1m iicpa::cini of Justice cioaod to all There waa a spirited struggle 1 ..... . . . . .. .. . r.t.ujrs i i;jv p. m.. sooatora ana there for months between the "wets 1 ... , ' . . ....... . .. . , epreaenutives included. and the "dry over the question of ' Umatilla Indian Goes East. P'-.-idleton. Chief Shees-Mok-a-noot, ncrr commonly known a Chief No :".h.r, of the Umatillae, left for Wash ington, D. C, to hold a council with , V. ...... j n n . i due many of his tribesmen from the KHi-rnmenl, the delay occasioned la the matter not meeting with the chief tain s approval. Unknown Man Kills Self. Astoria. A well-dresaed. unidenti fied man committed suicide hero by hunKint; himself in an outhouse at thq ''.ty park. The bedy was discovered .y three boys. The man apparently was about 35 years of ae. smooth s-haven, with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a blue suit, wttb a small white stripe, derby hat and gold rim-ip.f-1 eyeglasses. The suit carried the lal' 1 of Kemp ii Hbert, of Spokane. STATE TAXES TO BE TREBLED ui.'.-rani exchanged rat! ft can ana of Xc . to vc it ioa approved by the senate t mouth ago ax tending for a term of iw yean the Franco-American apo i irol ,.at!cn treaty of U0S. CVi pt.tiy Mami nations have bcon :t- . tv tho navy department for a..- i. for tha purpose ,t fllllus it v i.r- -b in the grade of sweond lku--- . - Examinations will Iw hold in tlu- fol owing western cities: l)m ver, Sa ri :i.-;ico. Sail Uafce. SiUl THE MARKETS. 95c; In Fiddler for Recent Legislative Jig Salem Comes High for Oregon. ijalt-m. Governor West checked up total appropriations for ih r3-etit I : : sal period and gave out uoma tut- rr sting ftK'ires on taxation. The 'hk rate for next yoar will be fie:ir!y thr - and a half times as huh as it is for thia year. I ! e total apprnprintions- includinv stin:ing appropriations for tr. tw, u:";. aggr - i' ?;,:,;j,U-- The sta.id 'z ppropria; oms are $1,2ii.u and th- iJiiropriatlo: - ma bv the retoni le-'if .ture amount to I",45i),u0. 'I be aiii'i nt of funds to h- rained tbiii year ac-ffjlug to the esti:i..ae8 of the Ux isslon is t.l'4U,000 of which i about 1520,000 in the treasury -bout ISfiO.000 will m mKed this brouuh licenses and other Indl ources, leavitiK $l,liO,00(; to l thiB year by direct taxation. l'e iming the amount that will h rait ' thia year, tho governor points oui t at there will be $4,00,000 left to b.- raked in which, aftor tsub iractii.ir the if. " ,000 that ill be de rived f; .m indirect sources again, leaves (ilo,Ofi) to be raised by direct taxutiou in llil-l. This mini in about three and two-fifths times the amount to be raised this yoar, and will Ii cre.ibe the mate tax rate to about four mills next y ar. Portland. Wheat Club. 58c, blutimum, red Russian. Sec. Hay Timothy. 515; alfalfa. Ill SO. Butter Creamery, 37c Eggs Candled, 13c. Hopa 1012 crop, 17a. V.'ool Kaatern Orogon, amettu vnlloy, 20c. lo: WII. com: tber- ami ye.r r" t ra : 1 aboi:shing the town's three saloon The matter finally resulted In the It censing of one saloon. j Indian war veterans who are ontl-, Hod to the benefits conferred by th ! act of February 19. 1913 the Richard-' son bill granting an increase to J20 per month- will not be required to j make application In order to receive the increase, according to the coin- J missioner of penslona. With the arrival of an immense dredger from San Francisco work Ii being rusb' J on the Lake Iablah drainage pr-Ject, whereby 1S00 acres of marsh will be reclaimed and con verted into garden and berry land. It is being soil n EmMi ther is no- quite a colony oa ths ground in tents, awaiting the erection of 'heir homes. Approximately S. 500,000 salmon fry and 3.000,000 ateelbead and rainbow trout fry will be produced at the Elk creek hatchery and liberated this spring and summer in the Rogue river and its tributaries. All of the risb are being (eld until they roach the fin?er!ing stage. The stoelbead taken this year are the largest on record, averaging over 12 pounds each. Portland ' to be analyzed. All the city's methods of municipal adminis tration are to be brought to the light Comparisons in efficiency with other ! elilci and other method will be made. The city's ills will be diagnosed and' ' Hf mutter of the deed from rcmidUb prescribed, in accordance : Kiln Iltimiilc, she -mm- wh- ho with an arrangement between a com- jL-epted. miftee of Portland cltixena and W'll In the mutter of the jitirchMMu of liam H. Allen, municipal efficiency track of Inrd in sec. 21, tp. l N. expert of New York. 10 W., for 11 county tool licuee, Diails of the Important modlficn- " warrant win ordered dtnwn m tion of the time for payment on lands , favor of Geo. V, Phulpa (or in th'.- Umatilla project have ocon an-1 ' eluiin of Will f iooid forilT.'i.Oi nounced by the secretary of the Intor-! wllowed. lor. From settlers on the third unit, A w.irrnnt wan ordurcil dtnwn in of 'his project an initial payment of favor of !. M, Mend A Son for j IIS lor building charge is required nt .'I.(H for the St hollnieyei fill. the t'Bie of filing water right :ppliea j ilcmlock uud Ane AII011 and tion and for lands subject to the ro- Uoium MiicKonxie of TillnniooK. Clamatlon act. In the fourth unit the j MUaea Allen and Mni Kenzii' nt:. initial payment is $12 per acre of Irri-! cjiiij.iniied Mim (lull home i-riduy 15 $T..'0 1 i M.eo IS nr. oltib, ))c. Seattle. Wheat liluestcm, OOo; er Rubslan, si He. R?xs- 17c. Uutter t'rearaery, 36c. Hay T.inoth. fK per ton; alfalfa, 1 1 ;er ton. COUNTY BUSINESS. gable land. Several of the littlo villages of Kla math county are planning to Incor porate. The new law prohibiting the nale of liquor outi.ido of lnoorporated townh and cities hit a number of plans in tli's county, and iho e lntr eveuin;'- iiwi ri turned to Tillumook Sunduy afternoon. Sunday afternoon at o'clock John llorlia, of Heaver, ami A. M. Iil4 of Tillamook, with (wo Iriende from the hillci city, weir ested In liepelnu tho places supplied ( t aiillt on a HitiidHpit in Tlllatnook with wot goods have hold rnoetiro'p Hay ly tin liaitic tide, while djir. Tllrman Loses His Hartf Senator Tillman, of South Careltaa, lost his long, hard fight for tha chair manship of tho powerful senate com mittee on appropriations. The Demo cratic committee lists accords tho ap propriations chairmanship to Senator Martin, of Virginia. and taken preliminary fcteps to In'f.t porate Fort Klainutli, lily ami Mai,,, All of these plat-en now have ono , rnoM saloons. Heciaratiori of Intention upon t part of a husband to become u elite' dof'B not confer nltlzcnshlp upon t wife, according to an opinion rendo) by Attorney (Jenirnl Crawford, holdu that the husband must be a ' zen In order to confer citizenship up hir. Ho Bursts that sun can rem.' tho t'lfflculty by taklnj? out cltioru' papers horself, and in that inuiin' rnuliir hertelf coinpetent t vt,c Itctlous, &fK claiiin. lhe tide carried oil their hunt and left them in n dan tforutin Munition uiHil );, '', jt.-H uf iloliMtmville, in a rowhout, look tlio-ii olf. The powurhoat front the liluHnviritf Hlalion at flonhaldi, under command of Captain Axel AnrlerMou, alno arrived on (he Htene, hm (he men alieatly had heun litken away N0TICK. I will not be responsible for any t'ld.u rnntracted hv tnv em Kloyd 1'. uitcr this (lute, Mrtrci Hi I'JJS, U, F. 'J'rowhrldKo E. I of N. S !. Sec. '. 2 S.. II. 10 w. I I). F. Coulaun. N. K. 1. S. ii. ' l p, 3 S., R. S W,. conUinir.rf 1 Itio seres. .... j Tillamook County Rank. tt I, ! See. . Tp, S S., R. 9 W . containing tS.99 crw i TUiamook t ounty llar.k. U: 1 j and N. E. I. of N. W j Mrc. 3I, Tp. 3S. Range 0 W., cn ! laintn H6 SH arrva Sand la Ve t'tanberry Co.. Tract 16. Kor further deaerip- , iion, see 1 raci door in saM I aor'a office, pase 3j. ec. 3), Tp. 3 S.. K. 10 W., eonUln- Int; 32 acre 1 illsmook County Rank. 8. K. i of 8. E. Sec. . Tp. a 8.. R. 10 W., containing ID acre U J. Umb. Uu I. 'A3, i. & and 6, BUk 9. Millers Add. to Tillamook City il, Crenshaw. Sheriff and tax fullrrtor ! Tlllainook Count , tlre.-t, Dated ihl February 90. 191-1. Highway, Tillamook County, Orccon. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby eiven that icaled ; bids will bo ricuiv.il by tne M,nr.i I County Coiiimisntoncra of Iilmiix. I County, Oregon, until 1 o'clock. t. 3rd day of April, 1'J13, for the furnul inc of all material except ax uthrrwie Spcinel, nnd nil labor, necesary f r the construction of the iinproeim-i.t mentirMied below ; tmid work to he ilime strictly in acconlutire with the plan and specifications approve) niu! on til.' in the o'llre of the runiy Clerk and also in the olilce of the County Survey or. Uids must be ad'lreed "llonni of Commissioner of Tillamook 1 ounty" and the envelope m.uki-l ' Hid for tin Construction of Section It of the K, I, urea LkJUnty KowJ. The work consults f clesruu; rijrlit of way, grading, preparing aubgrade ditches and shoulder, anil tmlliiirig all bridge and treaties from Statioti i.i x 0 near the ll. lx, Stire, to Station r.VJ 1 Ul. Has per plan Mini spe, if'irut.01 -now on file in the olll.-.- of the t ..1, ,t Clerk and alo m tne o(tn ,t u County Surveyor. Hinder to Hul.tr. 1 1 bid for construction of each mile e. (irately; also for coimtiu.-tiou of entire road. ihe road runs from ll.'l.o .toward Dolph. up Three Itivc rx. iohI is" partly 11 reconstruction of tlm olii road. Kaeli hid must lie accompanied )y u cerlitoij flieck on a Imnk of 'Iiliainook Count',, or a I'. O. mom v ordi r, in the Mum not lesa than 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. made payable to the County ; such ri.cek or triouey order to be forfeited u, Tillamook County by the successful bidder, in ease lie fail within ZU days of the date of award of the contract to furnish acceptable bonds in the full amount of the fun tract price for the faithful completion of the contract and the payment of all labor, material tm-n's and sub-contractor' claim thereunder. ilidilers will liu reoiiireil I,, ,I,,,.m1. $5.00 vitb the County Clerk to insure the return or lhe plans 11 ml spneillea tions. The Hoard resorves the riehL in ro. jeet any or nil bids. Hated this llth day of March, lillll. llonni of Countv CoiiiinUiini.r. ,.r TjllMinook County, liy.J. u iioiden, County Clerk. Chronic 5tonwicli Tniuhlc Cured. There in nothing more iiseouriiglri liiiiii a chronic disuider of the Htoiriai.li' Jh It not surprising that miuiy auiror for yours with hucIi an ailment when a purmiiiient cure Ih witliin Uiulr reiicli und may bo liiid for a trille? "About one year n,;o." says 1', J, Huck, of Wakuleo, Mich., " )0IJga package of Clmmlierlalii'H Tablets, and since unltifr them I huvu felt perfectly well, I had previously used any number o! dlirerer.l me-ljpC8, but ,e of then, were of any luhtiag bcneilt." i.'or HUU by all dealers. I2m7 tf ,.lr.t - VUl.WA.1 Ig?W ' ' ' k''l vys?! Vy 1 . i , ,1 i 11 i i .r VLtl m , I !' : . V8 L '"- ' r 1 " ' '"'"l il I'M - mi. 4 Ua4 y .1 tl t-i. VG i 1Majestic B 1 C-Jt Tltc Grwiond Gmnd 1Majestic Range ,'-rolemtftuiT4.rh i t.M .U(UU' tt-l 'l Ik" U i .1 rn -r tntU f I i' I r "r1 llwuiu .tutl Uf U it. Kuan . ..'.i 1 i w rou it ai. at Aln McNali A iVVot, nic. CHICKS MMniidy 4cv II lltrii.ii . MLS " WW! I tl f I I If I j -llalJIIinill V.tt (.! V Poilt.il..., I ,..1. I 4 i ' ' I f l fV e ( 1 1 A i. .i'J W u I tAl i 1Kb 1.4 tk ff. u.. (to nn jt Our lfM3 CATAI ...... I PORTIA ND.SE10) COMPANY Portlaml, Ore. on I Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains u . 1 ji ti hi . 1 ' , . :... itt . M -t' l.l-l - . 1.. I. 4 OtJrl tho Narvm . r 1 it o r .1 4. i e J' SLGAK'S LINIMENT m "l i f'A 1 In.niont. I V.--j U m la. ' i . ' ' M . '' , ' 'rt Ma 1 ' ! 1 -f - -. r I -.9'J j .' I i -t nt . and 11 l.A r 1 1" t 1' rr l-.-rrn 1 1 T ill . nt s s r. I. Y 1' , -.VI A'l 1im I'm 2i., 5O,3l.0O ! t ' gt ' f itbl Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Mutton, Mai. j , 1. MA VI UT1U IIIICU I ( I ).!( IV. ,, U14 D: I Cu.u r sy4 14 t l -a- ! f ot Port In nd deed Co. I'uflUnJ. Of. FRAIL, SICKLY M T-... I II. .1.1. 1 .. t- Letter to Moihnt. Am Mil, f,i.,irYr rtrii. v. Ci:r i.Mldreu at" 1 - j) I r n Uoncfil of ' ..... ..,.. 1 . . . '-'ef J. IMtnund Mc!r s-v toon, ir l ''" ' t'w t.aro hor blnh, bad ' f art 'meat llrcrai 1 1 tr .turn car ml to eio Up (.ar lioulUI ana a . ' - I I or thrrc bottler f ! tho gu4 i( l.aa d i' n h , tAir II wU da tt.'t . 7h', child t t?r 1 r n. file run 'rfi a , x:!.rt Vtnol iViiraf,. ehlldmn. o!d l" run-down and del" ' t fall. Tlila'iu I Ofr A JVKKT S I he 1 11 1 solium 111 ia is the best ddvertisiiuj medium in the counts J A I ' DON'T SI'OH, A (idol) HO(S JiV keelg him In ,l,)y ,,, UlirtieM We are Si Ming i.ri.eH imiiIi- of t, mi. 1 ioi n 111 price Unit oiiubt (l teinpl v.iu. A WKI.I, MA DM II AlfNi.SS Will not ,y niipiove (he 111 ieiriilice of your liorM-, JUt contribute p, your rtafetv nt, w. ! Mnnv a rimiiAuv could bo i,voui.-, if the old IliirnoH ,a.l been (liHcarded in time. W. A. WKOtiAS, lilltimook - - Orcfjon ii n 1 ,1 r- 11 1 ri n e ri n f inn run at. ni.ul.llto Hit 1 l,u lenZasi Kfiifliti lliq hn, tll.,. uin nuiunily, Hi dri.il 'in Kom nir I'm until ml.i wi"i inul nuu .Subm-rlb.) fur the hihiiI-weekly Herald. Vit'J " ''' ;' .H111..1M with u yeur's subscription. . PUBLIC SALE. At tho Dr. M1II1. place. Hi n 1 iiiatnoot:, tire., at I i'. M , ilnv. Mnreli Villi, ml' 'il... r la -- v,,i, , . tin Mr(i'inI pniM.u l v . ii l nfA ... ..1 . ii. it s 'Jit j i on ifiiii. nitini. 1 iji 'v ten pigs, I brood sow nnd - : j-iits, iitnnii mi 11 n 1, - sii nu n, iiiiit A- T ill. 11 if ft. it ,1 """""I HlMlliM' (HiriMMMt ll(ll I" ' IM) it nijii, I Ihuty al, in.r V- W ul i.t.A I I.i . e .... 11 . 1 ..t.ii nimi"l "IMI 11 IIH (If MI) II 1 1 K1UIH hout two I01111 of uooil hit v. ttHiM, nu niiuin iiihut ' rttlsll I liaa (iflll I... ..1 I llH, " vii '' i; iv til iiii 11 1 mm 1 " la I a I j tint lo.i. -1 .. 1 . a ... li ... f.'rC irM, iiwik utVMIIIK HIHTl'Ml lit - J" " A. T. IILACKIUIKN, JOHN THIKLKK, Owium. H. H. CLARK, Auct. The flotlicr'A 1'nvorltc. A cough inedlelnu for children fhwl lie iinrinlt'HU, It ihuiilil lie ploiuuint take. It hIiuiiIiI l.u ull'iicttml. berlaln'H f.'oii(fh rernn-ly Is nil "f "l anil fa the inutnur'a I'uvorito where, For sale by all dualcrs.