Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 21, 1913, Image 1

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Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
)!. W
Tillamook, Oiujcon, March 21, 11)1.'!.
NO. 17
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
WM. G. TAIT, Prc.itlcnt.
J. C. HOLDKN. Vice President.
Interest Pnid on Time nnd Saving
Under United States Government
1 1 i
7 V"
(to y A"f f lt AMcfaMn
Jorphue Daniels, North Carolina j
newspaper man, vvho U secretary of j
the navy in Wllton'i cabinet.
Tragedy Occurs as Monarch Is
Walking in Saloniki
HbIojiIUI. Kltir. Oeorgo of Oreec
hs ni wifcfcmtMi while walking I"
Un trewt of Balunlkl.
ti fir asMtstiu was a (Jreek of low
fnnntnl typ, who :av hltt muno a
jAlchu Hchiniis, He tbol tint king
.through tho heart.
t H klws nn accompanied only by
Ifcn till4jnti)i, Lieutenant Colonel
jj-'rottiuudU Tin iti.imln came sod
fUo:dy at the Is I Hi: twid ftr-J one shot
fTrcm a oun chamber revolver. Tht
lratdy caused Interne excitement.
fiililnii seized limiiedlulelr mii
1fc- nounded king wm llft.td loto a
ehrr:Ki. which w hurried to ths
1 1 wait mill breathing ha
Called for
April 7
! hospltAl.
.'placed In the carriage, hut dlwl before
! Tlio Outlook
Peace I
ement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
,V M- St J IIKAIJ li K CU to I A i X
t a I Ilia, tsf A
For Balkan
' Gloomy.
I. uiilnn - T!irn l no prospect for
arrepianrn hy Turkry of lh prncn
term n prutmsed by the nllla. 1)1
)nl.li.n from Constantinople my th
lending member of the committee of
unloii B'xt invr.ru liavi' ilrchtci) that
j th" rottdlilnti cannot h ftccoptrd. am)
; II Ik i!Oi!Ti.Ux(l that thn council of
ttlltitnm ha nilopti'ij tlm ntuno view.
j All nlhr cmpltnlh and anionK thn
fvni li! UK thv hoiipltal.
Th" inMlii of th kinK. on hflng
rr.-nwl. rf mh1 cxpliiln lil motlv
t, the crln' He dttlnrt'tl that hit
Qam mi Alekn SchliiBB and. In rrply
to An officer, who arkt-d htm whether
5su had no pity for hln ootititr)'. n
tiouncod that ho UKalnnt covcrn
Hcliln:i inatntnlncd a perfectly Ira
nta)vo d"t:npttnor.
I'rrcnuiiatiK were takn at onct
throughout tin' city and perfuct order
U hcltiR raatntalnfd.
we: can fill
No Substitution. Lfitcst Methods. Just
Wlmi the I). hum- Orders. I 'rices Lowest.
117; WW ST YOVli IHWS'liSS
Tillamook Drug Store:
li. l' KOCH. l'h. G.
. I M.i I i Ninth ol 1'o.tofllM
' Muliul 1 """"
Saifcliort Guaranteed. Money Hack if Not Saliifactory
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
French Cabinet li Forced to Resign
Part. In rplto of the floouciit or-
, AmlMiBadorR tit lndon th olllos de- . fwmiu of tho Krooth Premier. Art
mnt an. roimlilxrin! ..xtrnviuant. n. J 4,Jt IlrlmuU ,.mhodl.d In what la
pocmny uu riR!ini to tu pn)'-ni , ,iro.,OTwl ,h nit upwch of hit
of lnd.innlty and tho c.-lon of Hcuta-, earf rr, ,.mito ovcrthrw the sov
rl nnd th Arpcan Island. 4 4.ft.ITint' cri th-rjuition of prorw
With the lmprbvr.mciit In weather ,Ump, r-pr'MU.tion nnd the cnhlnet
roiiililionr. th nrinlf lu thn n'iu aal
lmvi I'wome tnort' active, nlthouith
thim far rn wis of n pitched hat tin
of nnj tmportarro hn mine throuRli
London - Tlio miffraKetti'ji who
rkIii ntti'iupti'd to hold n Himday at
tnmuiti meotliiK In llydo Park wort
luohhiMl h) a crowd of 10,000 peraona.
Thoy with p'lt'd with elodn, oratiK"1
and other IttlKidleti. mid when tint po
ller wen 'HrortliiK them from tht
acntin the rlotera tore off the hntt ami
elonkf of tho women, and oven struck
aome of them In the fnc.
Tin- trouble hoKiin wlion "nencrnl"
Mr Kloni Druiiiinoiid mounted n
j;on ii.ul htnrted to jipmik to the Rreat
nexemMitKe. hleh iiui lurKt'ly mad
ui ot yoiitliM who had united them
H. Uct with ammunition of varloua do-M-nptlontt
or with trumpi'tH, mouth or
(;un i mid holla.
luir half an hour the crowds shout
rd. nun! nnd pulled thn Mlflntotte
eomiiminler In chief, whoao e!othon
i.oou wri' u iuiihh of mud. At hint
M ri Hrummoud'H ttpeech. of which
not a word Nwttt iiudlhltt, came to an
ml and a jouiikoi- woman took her
phu-o She fared no hllir. and the
poliic. realUliiK Hie daiiT the women
wi iv lu, called upon tlio ctutlraaa to
rlti.o ' the meetlllK.
K'- otcrgc ol Greece, who wai site'-
fftrd vhlle walking on tl.c itreet
In Salonikl.
Grief News of the Week
,r .. - i in mi i riTr-r f
V fire desirous of disoosiu of our tfmm'.v Mild
lfV rwwlu t.u yy;-II MS t 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 4T "11(1 lot Ml.
vlmore Park, mid oiler same to n huslliiiM buyer at
I . . . ,,. . .w 'II l....wll,, i lilt (ll'.'ll
insoiutc eost. Aliout -''; win "
rius can he ftrnmgcd Lo suit.
Rockaway, Oregoa
ead it in The Herald
oas Co and Ten Others Indicted.
Clncliinall. fleorKO II. Cox, former
political leader hem and oue tlm pren
Idem of the Cincinnati Tnmt Com
puny, lonitlier with 10 other officers
nod (liprtoiH of the tniiit compaii).
wci elinrmd with luuliiK violated the
Htalo liaiikliii; lawH In lndlctmoutA ro
turned by tlio Hamilton County trand
0'Hnr.i, of Illinois, Tellt of Aid roin
iscd In Anti-Vice Movement
ttprinitflold, III. Meutuuant-Oovot-iicir
Ollatu, clialnniui of the sonato
ooiiuiilUeo luvoiillKatlnj; th 'Vhlto
tdavo" ovll in Illinois, aniuiunced ho
hail received liittuib from Kovornoi-H
of 12 iilatert offorlni; to cooperate with
him to tiuppretiii tho traffic in women
ami Mildred evil.
Tho Kovunioru from tho followhiR
Hlatet' huvo responded; Now York,
.MauHaeliUHettH, WIbcoiikIu, Vlrslnin,
Boutli Dalioln, South Carolina, MIbhIh
slppl, 'MIi'IiIbuii, Kentucky, OoorRln,
U'yoiiiIiii.' and Weit VlrfinlaS.
Subacribu for the llcruld. It comes
twice u week.
ltredo. Texan, -ltebels. led by a
woman wnvluj; n red fliiK, who nhouted
i'ncounu:i'ment to her men an tht-y
charged on Nuevo I-aredo. were de
flated by n larKer force of federal de
fender. The woman win killed as
die led the little hand of CnrniiUlKtnH
In final charKe on the breastwork.
Deleated In their first attempt to
capture Nuevo Laredo, the little baud
of CnrranrlBias, who surprised the fed
eral Rarrliion of the Mexican bonier
town, encamped lu the hills several
miles lo the south, evidently to await
tho arrival of reinforcements before
altaukltiK iiKiitu.
The woman who was killed was
Identified as a relative of Carzn Illvas,
i a rebel lender.
Twenty rebels nnd 15 federals are
known to hao been killed. About 10
wounded are heliiK cared for nt an
Improvlhod hospital by American phy
saians and with women from l.aredu.
who iirossml the border Immediately
nfier flrliu; ceased and volunteered
their survloos, acting an nurses.
The constitutional nur-ndment pro
rldlijc for women'n nurfrage was killed
by 'he Mlsvourt tenate.
Th Nebraska house defeated the
proposed constitutional amendment
permlttlnB women to vote.
The Orltlcb naval estimates for 1913
1SH total J331.5t6.500 as compared
with t2L'5,3T7.000 last year.
The Missouri supreme court affirm
ed the constitutionality of tho law pro
hlbltluK lotteries, policy games or bet
ting. A bill has been Introduced In the
New York legislature to prohibit the
employment of children In tho can
uerlcii. of. Lhii, statu ww .
Jnptnese Kraduntes of Harvard have
subscribed to a fund of $!0.000 to be
used by the corporation as a founda
tion uion which to establish lecture
ships on oriental philosophy.
(Jiving the officials of the compan)
no warning, nearly 500 linemen and
electrical workers employed by the
British Columbia Telephono company
throughout Dritlsh Columbia went on
Widespread storms of cyclonic in
tensity swept over the Middle West
Washington. The extra gesnlon of
congreaa called by President Wilson
to assemble April 7, will bej;tn with
nothitsx but tho tariff revision bills
before It. TbU feet was made clear la
a statement by Representative Under
, wood, chairman of the house commit
tee on ways and means. Until tho
leg.t..atloa .Is well under wny In tho
hou. no general committees will be
mad - and no other legislative subjects
111 be tekon up.
Tru- president specified no subject
for the extra Kion In his proclama
tion, hut It is fully understood that
his message to congress at its opening
will dwell upon the need of tariff re
vision. If the currency, Philippine indepen
j dence, Alaskan affairs, woman suf-
frag; or other pressing questions final
' ly nre forced upon the attention of
congress. It will be only after the dem
' ocrntlc leaders of the two houses and
the president are convinced that the
' success of tariff revision. Is assured.
Wilson Refuses to Advice Loan
President Wilson In a statement ap
proved by his cabinet after two hours
. of discussion, announced thru his ad
ministration had declined to request
( tho group of American bankers to
I continue their negotiations for partlc-
lpatlon In the $125,000,000 lean desired
, by the Chinese government. The state
i Bent says; "The conditions of the loan
seem to us to touch very nearly the
j Administrative Independence of China
I. not. feel-that .It ought, even br-irapli;
cn'.Ion, to be a party to these con
ditions." Few Big Positions Filled Before April.
There wit! not be many appoint
ments before April 1, It is na bel.ev
ed here The presldeut and ids cabin
et find it Is safer to run aloiig for a
time with the old hands on d.'Ck than
to change them all for men quite new
to their duties.
Then there Is a great deal of em
barrassment over making selections
from among the vast number of appli
cants. Almost any state hi the union
and the South late last week, cut their
way through towns and cities of flvo , coulJ furnish a full quota of officials
states, snuffed out scores of lives, t0 run government with ease and
made hundreds homeless nnd destroy- ! then hav enough good men and true
ed property high In the millions.
Steps have been taken by the United
Stntes government authorities to put
an end to the tong wnr now raging In
San Kranclsco's Chinatown Btid for-
to keep things from going to smash
at home. Indeed, many of tho state
are offering to do just abctt thut.
LaFollette Makes White House Call.
Senator La Follette made his first
.Ji.tl . .utiwvw c vmiiHiuxti niiu IVf i
ever discouraging such attempts of call at the White House In more than
Boston Wnlstworkers Win Strike
lloMou. The strike of 0000 shirt
walai. walMt and drosninnkeri., who
make up olio of the three principal
dltUlotm of the garment worker lu
this olty, was settled by an agreement
on w hloh llio strikers received moat
of their claims.
Hyde Jury Disagrees
Kansas City, Mo. After having de
liberated four days the Jury In ihe
case of Dr. 11. Clark Hyde, on trial for
the murder of Colonel Thomas 11.
Swope. millionaire philanthropist, re
ported a disagreement nnd was dis
charged. The Jury stood nlno for lie
qtnttal, three for conviction.
Final Dissolution of Southern and Un
ion Pacific Uncertain
St. Louis, The Union Paclflo-8outh-n
Pacific dlnsolutlou plan, which con
templated u preferential trafflo iigree
meiu between tho two Hnrrlman roads
for tho use of tho lleiilulu cutoff, from
Ouklutid to Sacnuuonto, Cnl., was
abandoned In tho federal court hero
by tho Hnrrlmnu lutorcBtH, and It now
dovolvoa on tho railway iittornoyB nnd
tho Attorney-Oenurnl to devise a now
nrrauKotneut to carry Into effect tht
dissolution docree of th UdwsJ ait
prount court.
Chinese secret societies to settle their
differences by employing gunmen to
assassinate members of rival tongs.
Chinese found with deadly weapons In
their possession will bo deported.
Two state senators are laying claim
to the office of governor of Arkansas,
Dl each has established nu office at
the capltol. After the resignation of
Governor Hoblnson, Senator Oldham,
then president of the senate, succeed- j
d him. The senate elected Seuator
Futrell presldeut- pro tern., to net as
lieutenant governor. Futrell demand
ed that Oldham retire. Oldham re
futed nnd Futrell filed proceedings In
court asking that body to mandamus
the secretary of state to recounts him
ever Oldham.
Pennsylvania Suffragists Are Active
Harrisburg. Pa. Advocates nnd op
ponents of votes for women Joined In
buttle over tho cause before the Sennte
Judiciary general coinmltee here In the
greatest demonstration ever made by
women tu the state capltol.
Thousands of women from nil sec
tions of tlwi state wore present to
support or oppose tho proposed amend
ment to the constitution slvlng women
th right to vote.
Tfca lower House of the Legislature
BjM aaTdy adopted the resolution,
aa Ua auffmga fight cuunl fc tha
threj years. He was an Invited guest
and spent almost an hour with the
president. He would make no state
ment as to the purpose of his visit,
but It has been mi open secret for days
that he was Invited to discuss legisla
tive questions with the president.
The conference was merely prelim
inary to others to be held later. Other
progressive senators will bo asked to
the white house from time to time,
and the president hopes that many
of them will find It consistent to lino
up with the Democrats In passing leg
islation. Appropriations Exceed One Billion.
Appropriations of the last sesslou of
congrot.8. Including the sundry civil
unci the Indian appropriation hill,
which nro to bo put through at the
comltig extra session, aggregated $1,
09S.fl47.9C0. Tho annual statements given out by
Chairman Fitzgerald, of tlio appropria
tions committee, and by former Speak
er Cannon, for the Republicans, agree
on that total. Cannon adds, however,
that lu addition to that amount, con
tracts authorized for public works
luvoho further expenditure of f 76.-950.7U.
fVoman Asks to be Sent to Roekplle,
Portland. Mrs. Stanley SwaUoskl,
802 Kugeuo street, pleaded with Judge
Tazwoll of tho municipal court to semi
her to the roekplle, Instead of her
husband, who wan sentenced to servo
30 days for carrying a revolver. The
woman continually begged to bav her
hunbinul rolensed In order to t.ika cart
of th ! i r o.i 't
60 Gold Bond Trndlni,' Stamp with
each $1,60 subscription to tho llcruld.
5 ?
Tillamook, Ore.
"4 l"l t