Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 14, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbe tillamook fierald
C. G. Cremblcy, editor
lsucd Ctrtcc J OJcck- c c c Cuc.dnv -ami Friday
Ft. ,i -viv' v -natter a-r 17 Wl-V at the pt
ir'n. jcder the act of March S. IS7V. "
fW at Tillamook.
HeHr1ttfl KJtc
Ixa! A.ivertwsessents
F...-h -
H '
7 r'nr '
N'-'.k-. J.- r
Car Is ..f Utanki,
Iocs'., xT line.
. per If
t IRM.Ttl'.f!.
l' lit!
I .10
Thi lrrlid lt of delinquert
tt ff th vear tif ISIJ M in ur
maiue .-f n a.-t if la Stat Lil
ture hich t mbwlid il CnapUr 1C7&
TV utr lav following- advertised
real property, situated In i illamook
Court v. 'r(t-n, bsvam deltnqwnt n
Momfev. tVttr 7. HM1 r
tubject to penalty of Urn dh csmt.
and mtswrt at th rat of It nr
per annum from Monday. April I, IMt
until they shall have bn paid. Any
day ftr th pration of at month
after th ts charted aa-alaat tew
f. o Monday and Thursday .-, .wl .vlJJW . ...,v.,r,.li .
Each subsequent insertion, lin
fUsoratian of ' oodoieBC and
Led rwtv per lin
Business) Professional rani, mo.
ri.iij Advertisement, pr inch
At t. Display Ai must be in la it of.
in to inaur pur.!i?tkm in follow
in Tueaslny am rrway
Kraaooa art imprUv.
FRIDAY, MARCH 14. 1913.
Durintbe j.vvt week the Herald j
turned down a pc f adrtwiir ,
matter buw it MF-K.-kei of Biiipr
Mntation. and voaki. bS,
hare m'!ead om. U i UMe thai
eryon pot forth an ent to too ,
and pot don aod oot wry of ;
pra.'t that f-mes oar way no naatter
bow small or larpe it may b. TV j
Herald will not accept aiy adTrtiun ;
MfftWut CaTi Ktu.
The Gtdaons bar placed nv tu4M
Bible in Um botrlt of "aahinU
Tbw vaa law
had a muck ascmatiaft
more kaoxr taw tro. ttepte, ewpvl
tory than ever bwfor.
uf ant wrtun nwktnt aiipiitattoa. to
' taw t t)m a nrrtiiWat of dlin
' qnry, upon payment of th tajiea,
, penalty, interest and coat of adwr-
! CertitScatM of delinquency ahMll bear
interest tnm the date uf iiauanc on-
Ui rd3ed at the raU of U per etnt
j per annum.
; S. H. Kotherroel. E S uf 8. W.
1 and S. : of S. L h St. ,
i 17. Tp- 1 N.. R. 9 Vf.. t
j UtniB4C 10 area Sfl.Tl
M. H. Keiley(Truatel 5. i
The Selxwl Hoard uf Vh-wl Oiitrtf t
S, of Tillam-h CoMntr.
. rHre bhl until Mn?h IMh.
1913. at th hour of 10 o'fhxk A U
f.r th eradin of the aehool C round
of aaM diatriet. J TIUA Otv.
Th Sehool Board will atao rKW
ti.t up U th aaia tun for th run
ulroetton of nrt ajdewalaa on the
f.Hir tide of Ih pnprty of ditr-i.
ihl M feet In width and la he
truchal U meet Um requirement of the
irdinanr uf Tlllamoh t't. r
gun. rhe htduern are alas requeated U
aoirit hUa ivnittlf th pt.nttruUon
f id walks on Um ouUt mm uf h
.-hii.il dHtunda. '
All Wdn for aidatli and fur rad- I
irvr Ui b autwaiturd aeparataty.
nht oelnr rrr4 to rrt ny
il btda.
latd tht M.rrh Tth, Itll
W. C. Kin.
Chairman Sfhocl Board.
a tim when Vjuttr ,' N. E. t and N. j of S. K. K
WMilhu now; -.It.LAJL- 5 W"
ConUimnr tttu acre
J. P Macinm. S. S. of N. W.
I. N. E. of S. W. I and XV.
i of S. E. t. Sc. 24, Tp. I N.
K. 9 W.. conuintaf: l(S)
tf Const be not riaeo, then u our (
l .1 A ...ClI . ... : ut. J 4mi im . Lb. .
;rom (rraners fcno t-iy, m - wfnKnj; twb, jww acre
everythim: in it power to expo them ; ram and y are yt in your St. S. P. Chrwten. S.
whenever it t oossible to do KX The Paul ! SC- 3 K-
Henw h whiih Claim upon Uod i law ana pram- vi r.nU w : v
sible alor.cthU line for th protection ; alwava cooditiofial eialted
of Uk people, and w belie there j q, to b of oy value, moat have i
Socle be a vorl move ail ox ta foT foundation elmw lire,
county in an endeavor to put a top to . Xtxl Sunday : -
the many mjustien that are heaped At 10 A. M. Sunday School th nb
uron our peool every yr. The 1 t Tetiutr Abraham' Faith. You
prafter. appear w,th the ftrt bu-djo. ,nSetwUa , .pp. of
the feasoa, be on your ruard. They ; tcMtm
w.li oon be upon u in aotfci. M u A M pJB
vice. Subject, Christ' Triumphal
Last year a smooth individual worked So try Into Jerusalem.
At S.30 Younc People's Meeting.
At 7:30. Special Evanfrehatic Ser-
vtee. subject, In Uerii Be: Ar
, rument.
I H. W. Kuhlman. Pastor.
thU territory u aeent for a map that j
W. t.
eontainioi; ISO acren
. i of ft. t.
and S. E. i of N. W. 1, Sec.
14, Tp. 1 S..R. 9 U'.. contain-
j tmr law acres ...
W R. 0eo. S. i of N. M i.
! Scc.9.Tp. 2S-. R.9W.. con
t ititnx 9) acres
JJ. H. Owm, S. V. j of N.
W. i and N. W. i of S. W. J
: Sc. 10. Tp. 2 S.. R. 9 W..
contaimnc acres
C. E. Black, 3D acres off E.
aid of N. W. i of N. W. i.
i Se. 13. Tp. 2S.. K. 10 W..
: and 30 acre otl S km of N.
i . t of N. V. J, S. 13. Tp.
2 S.. R. 10W.
D. F. Coulaon. N. M , Sec. 22,
! 1 p. 3 S.. P.. S Vi.. conUininc
ICO acre. ....
N'tic is hereby given that th un
dersMfncd has been appointed, by the
i v ounty Court of th stal of (rtrun
tift nit Tillamook County, administrator
the tat of Ray Wilson, dMrd.
All persoao having claiitu aint id
ifo.Si estate are directed to prnt th umr
: to me at Snd IjiVc. (ren. with
proper voucher threfrt. within u
fl SO months ffm t he date of this notice,
j Dated Febuary Tth. 1911
!v V. WtUon
A lmmltraUjr.
Prejbyteriin Church Notes.
TilUmook County Bank. Lot 4,
Sec. 30. Tp. SS., R. 9 W.
! containine 15.93 ncre
j TilUniooi. County Bank, lx
was supposed to be the finest thiar of
its kind ever put out. Re went on to
tell how every nook and corner of the
state wucld be broush: out in bold re- j
lief, with every farm house plainly
mark-ed. Tr.e a?i went further and!
Late, mat a tpeciai corps oi surTey-, I amj v p : v' i-
ors and investigators bad been put on, t-wer K- owtocs will preacft next , 81 T 3 Rnc 9 W
the wo. who were ?oine over the 0"'J '-' ,n u'vniv -ow
territory with a fine tooth comb, fisnjr-; at 2 P- M- Everv 'nr
ativeiy speaking, in an cadeavor to i ttena-
cive the subject in basd the mot min
ute consideration. In fact, the fellow 't
talt would lead the ansopfaUti"ted to; 10 A. M. Bible School : Adult Bible
believe teat the map would eo tain a ; elajM. taught by Prof. L. L. Baker;
likeness of hn nrt wife's mother hoe-1 Young People's Hible cla-, taught by
ing onons behind the barn in the 1 D. A. Mackenzie; and ail crade down
parden located on toe S. W. corner of to the Bepinoers and Cradle Roll
the N W. corner of so on etc How-j "Save an adult and you save an indiv-
ever, when this map was delivered and
anotner fellow called for tae "dough"
it was discovered tisat this wonderfel
worof "art" nich you hd agreed
to pay ?-;.0i for, was just an ordinary
map tr.at .u.u oe oount at any legiti
mate book su.re for 11.00. If we are
not mistaken this same ;rme is now
beinj,' worked in thte vicinity. Look
out I jT it.
iduai ; save a boy or a girl, aad you
save the whole multiplication table."
11 A. M. Mornint; worship: theme
of sermon: "How to deal with iin.
8:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor: To
pic, "How may every Sabbath be the
Lord's Day?" Jer. 17: 21-27.
7:30 P. 41. David LivingaUme mem
orial services : Address by the pastor ;
tuinini; i5 m acres
SandUke Cranberry Co.. Tract
Sid. For farther descrip
tion, see Tract book in Asses
sor's office, pae 361, it. 20,
Tp. 3 S., R. 10 W.. cur.Uin
i."if 32 acres
Tillamook County Bank., S. E.
of S. E. Ser. 2&. Tp. S S..
R. 10 W., containing 40
L. J. Umb. Uts I. 2, 3, 4. &
and 6, Block 9. Millers Add
to Tillamook City
II. Crenshaw.
Sherilf and lax Collector of
Tillamook County, Oregon.
Dated this February 3D. ll
Notice is hen by trivmn to all whom
! it may concern, that thti lotnty Court
f3.0n of the stair of Drvifon, for TtlUrmnik
iCounlv. ha aupointod thr undvrinoil.
Robert Eichinirvr, Admintstralar of
fS.75 the estate of Mary A Etching. De
ceased, and all Dro hattnir rUimi
cinst said eslat are hereby rUtrd
tl.ao to present them to the undersigned, jt
1 th oflVc of C arl llaborloch. Attorney
at law-, TilUtmuok t Ity, Ore i on, to
(ether 'ilh th prootrr vouchnri, with
in six months from the date of thu
Dated at Tillamook. Ore.. January
svtn. tyis.
Itohert htchiniror. Adnitnitmtor of
the Estate of .NUry A. Etchinger, Dc
Pecp!e In tiie Mews
yonsecrauon special and appropri
ate music by a chorus choir. Evtryon
Seats free.
D. A. Mackenzie, pastor.
Beef cattle have become so scarce
ir. Til.amtfiit County that our local re-
ta.'-s nr.a 11 necessary to go outside invited,
to escure tieef enodgn to supply me
nome aem .-j. m. r. Leach, manager
of the Tillamook Meat Company, made , ADMINISTRATOR'S
K.to t.ie sit si.or. and see what out
side oeef was jroinjt to cost him. He
fvuM live ie-f -frlur. around 7c and
oresrj tvf I'i Vi IJc wholesale. which
mear.h tnat T...amo-jk people will nave
Vj pa;, more lor t:ie1r meats fruro now
on, as all .,t.v-r riicau have alto Rone
up. Hijrn ;r.-ttj bet f is a natur-1 con-
EeQUerCe .if ATI I-.fT(ffcd virmlnl f.n !
whicn mear.f tr.dt tr.e practice of econl i Beniftha Byront. deceased, are hereby
ornyistne o-,, co.rse to pur.ue in fequ,red 10 Preset tne same, together
iiVt Un. L . a- 1 1
comoat.r.( r. Lr.es. Manv of rU;r '"' voucners, 10 me unaer
Ex Attcn cy Georral Wlckersham
will so to San Frat.c.ac to sail on a
worltf-rirdlins trio March I& Um will
David Livini-ston. the Apostle of ! & accomp.tnied by Mrs. Wlckersham.
Mrs. Levi Z. Inciter, widow of th jirii months from
..once is hereby givon to nil whom
it may concern, that the County
Court of the but or Orwron, fur the
County of Tillamook, has appointed
the undersigned administrator of Ihn
Estate of Andrew F. tubby. dceu.d
and any and all perwrna having rUim
affalnsl said estate arc hereby rtrrjuireri
to present therti to the undersigned hi
th olile.j of T. H. Coyne, attorney at
law, in Tillamook City, Oregon, to-
gelher with th proper vouchors, with-
the date of this
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Tillamook, hat
appointed the undersigned executor of
j the last will and testament of Uenxtha
. Byrom, deceased, and all persons hav
i i ig claims against the estate of said
people et tvo r.iucn meat anynow, and
there is ofter. oncalled for waste by
many. These things will have to be
consiiered in the near future, for we
will toon be face to face with a situa
tion that has confronted the people of
Edrope for many years. While outside
Air. Leacn bought a carload of dressed
meat, and from now on much of our
meat will come from this source.
signed at Garibaldi, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this
Dated March 14th, 1913.
Peter Byrom, Executor of the Last
Will and Testament of Benxtha Byrom,
George Willett and T. II. Gone
Att'ys. for Executor.
British opium merchant! have bought
and stored opium to the value of &j,
(M.VjO during the past 10 years in hopes
and anticipating that China would not
U able to stamp out the opium habit,
among fier people, and that they the
speculator' would reap a rich reward
in the'r -pu -ulatioru. They are now
finding ,ut, however, that China is
about to succeed in her endeavor and
that they are liable to be left with a
lot of wortnless opium on their hands.
This anticipation has caused them to 1
bring pressure to bear upon the British
government in an endeavor to have
that government force their opium up
on the Chinese, and to the shame of
England this may be done. The Y. M.
C. A. societies of the world are en
deavoring to raiBe money enough to
buy the opium in question for the pur
pose of destroying it. China will no
doubt do her utmost to keep the drug
from her people. However it seems a
shame that a Christian nation like En
gland should tolerate such a proposi
tion. It is quite plain that there are
still many battles to be fought before
the souls of men arc placed above the
dollur, even in the dealings of so-called
Christian nations.
Wtrrun Brandish Berlbbcntd Petitions
And Are Hustled to Jail
Iondon. Kearr. Inst the militant suf.
, fraivttes rolRbi annoy King CeorKe
' wid Quten Wary and create a disturb
I JC mad- the royal opening of J'arlla
1 mest and the procession thereto from
I tte j nlurte, an owcuslon charged with
r.srvounrKJi. K0r wtre such antlcl
I pktkn groundUee.
five women attomplrd to break
through the cordon of troops while the
royal procesrlon w.-ui traversing St. I
James' Park, with the Intention of
throwing petitions Into the state
coach. They carried the petitions In
rolls tied with the suffragette colors
and brandished them enthusiastically.
It Is doubted, however, If the king
nnd (jueen saw the performance. The
police pounced upon the women quick
ex-Cttleao merchant and for
prominent In Washington so-etety, dlod
at her home It Washington of apo
plexy. James H. McNIcbolas, of I'ortU&d.
Or., held in the county Mil at Cleve
land. 0- in default of 120,000 bond,
under indictment for using the malls
to defraud, broke Jail and (-scaped.
Announcement was made by thr
family that Levi P. Morton, vice pr?tl
dat In the Harrison administration
and ex-governor of New York, i gnri
our! Ill at his homr In New York. Hr
Is tO yars old.
Those women of Massachusetts who
do not corr the points of their hat
pins with some derlce that will protfet
the public from injury hereafter will
be liable to a fine of 1100. An act to
this effect was signed by Governor
John Gross and Rupert Mitrkl, In
venters of "water shoes" with which
they have walked on fresh water lakes
In Europe and America, walked across
Kan 'rancieco bay, traversing six
rnllf.-j In two hours and IS minutes,
Frank it. Ity an of Chicago, on of
the labor leaiicm convlcti-d In the
"dynamite rout j-lracy" trials, was rs-elf-c'-d
n . Ident of the International
Afi:r l.i'.ioi. of l.':-idge and Structural
Iro- Vi rkera at Its r.esslon at Indian
:poj;.s I'rofeef.or Oncr.r Olson, demonstrat
or at the llinms-ta school of agricul
ture, kurrendcred hlmielf to the pol!c
at St. Paul, admitting that lie had shot
and J llld lyde N. Darling, a luunilry
driver. The ouly explanation Olson
gave of the rhootlnx was that "his
wife had told him alL"
years ; notice.
Dated January 2.1th. 1013.
James Ilibby, Administrator
of the Estate of Andrew P. Hibbj,
the undersigned, City Recorder of
Tillamook City, Oregon, by authority
of an ordintnee duly pimm-d, will re
ceive hidti for the sale of two street im
provement bonds of Tillamook City,
Oregon, one for J500.00 ami one for
$317.91, issued under the provisions of
Section 324H of Lord's Oregon Laws.
Bids will be received up to Wednesday,
March 19th, 1913, 11 1 10 o'clock A. M.
Dated this March 11th, 1UI3.
City Recorder of TillamooK City,
Clover Leaf Creamery Company
wishes to receive bids for thirty five
cords Spruce body and Hemlock wood
in four foot lengths delivered t it.
iy, before they could get Uirough the mctory four miles north of Tillamook
line or soldiers, and led them to Jail,
Tillamook HarkcU.
The following prices aru now paid
for farm products at Tillamook City.
Cotrected every Thursday:
Kicks per doz. ),16
uutier, per roll 10,75 to .HO
Potatoes, per cwt. ,7c
Cheese, per lb. .17 to .IH
Cabbage, per lb. ,01 J
Cnrrotp, per lb.
Parsnips, per lb.
Siuash, per lb. tfj
Pumpkins, per lb, o2
Apples, per box 1.00 to jjj.r,
II. 1 . .
nogs, uresseo, per lb. ,jn
Mutton, dressed, per lb. ,jo
Beef live per lb, 6J to ('.
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Compan
.. 1
Complete Sot of Abstracts of thejRccords of
Tlll.unook Covinty, Oregon
(IMlk Milt ...!
Mil SiJ AU Moto4t
box n?i
:. o.
The Follow in Merchants arc
viim Awav
CluthiiiK', Shoen, etc
ltiiiiL- Sfiitiiii-ii v. I.
11 A I.TOM'S STOUi:, Drs f.uo.l
C'HAS. 1 Cl.Ol till. Drugs,
Supplies, etc
KIM', it SMITH CO.. Hoiilwnre. Stoves. Itutldm.' M
tcruu. etc.
TILLAMOOK I-'BI-D CO.. l'Vel. f.niccries. Mnchuurv
I I I I 1 V I iVkf I I X ! Is I I 1 I 1 X 1 s. V. I I 1 I . I I 11 in I ... I .
v',v N. WV. H'tHl t 1 IM, .lf4,3t v )U
JI-NKIXS JI-WICLUV STORK, Wniclics. Diauu.u.lh
J t )X 15 S K NCI S( )N I'T R N I TI ' R 15 COM PA N V.
C.I-M THHATRI-. Where livci -ybocl v (..e.s.
R F. ZACIIMAX. IMumbing Supplie.s.
TILLAMOOK lli-RALD. IsmiccI Twice n Wqel;
MONK'S STl'DlO, Vou Know Where.
f nl rut
SofVf f kk
Allmwy ! t.-w 40J N44ry Viik
is i hi n i him
IkAh Phoiirt
ri-:al i-st at l
1 --r--
Ililn ajoliiisoinvishcs to announce
her Spring and Sum mcr Opening
On Thttrsihiy, I-'riday find Snturdny, Mjuth l.'t, M, J"),
Dili: ft Johnson's is t here the hats always have
11 ii . . .
nno always win speak lor tlicnisthcs
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(Both Phone)
Tillamook t :
-- J - Claussen
Dhi'tkciu-k Advokat
Tillamook Mock
Attorney at Law
Office In Commercial Building
Tillamook Building Room 216
The ilother's l-avorlte.
A cough medlciriu for children should
b harmless. ItihouMbu pleasant to
tske. It should bo eirectiinl r'i,,.,.
an enormous jeering crowd following
In their wake.
Subscribe for the stmi-weekly Herald.
Fifty Gold Bond Trading Stamps with
I a year's subscription.
PHu n. ....!. i i. . . .. . 1 1. ....!( . . . '
"k. nmu wooci w ne ueiivered , """"'i uougn remedy is all of this
fifteen cords by May IMh next and bal. ' ' the mother's favorite uverv.
For sale by all deulers.
ance of twenty cords by AugUHt 15th, j where.
1918. Company reserves thu right to ' ...
reject any or all bids. Bids to be left
office, before
at Carl Haberlach's
March 22, 1913.
Cloyer Leaf Creamery Company,
Attorney-tt-Law !
U. S. Com
Oppoiite CoarllioiaM
H. T. B0TTS,
Oflicc L():.2().t, Tillumook
1 illamook, - Ore.
i- ..i . . .ami.ja
. N. 1II5NK J,U, Miri.
Four Door Wrt of llakorv.
Funaral Director and Licensed Embslmsf
Lsdy Asslitaut When Keuucsted.
Pioneer Transfer Co,
G. L. DICK At SON, Props.
Both Phone.
'Ihe Same Price lo Hveryone
Painter and Paper Hanger
Contracts Taken
Kstimutfu K iii'iiiuIkwI
AI Work Ouarniitcfil, '
Tillamook, Or.
Kcaetimt Ik
nlflM imIii lll.l.iill.
TIiu Ora.l file Km' (
-. i di iin iuui
With Every Cash Subscription to the