Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 14, 1913, Image 1

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' Ml
issued twice a week tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okkgon, Mahcm MM.'!.
" t4
NO. 15
s tJ
"4 1
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
WM. (i. TAIT. Proitlrnt.
J. C. ItOI.DI'.N, Met President.
nl( l'tl on Tim Saving I)oolu,
Under United States Government
lement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
"Wki and Warchuutc t:ront St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Bring your bottles
A pint nt one time to anyone bringing
their own bottles untilj March 'Jlst.
Tillamook Drug Store:
!'.. IL KOO I. Ph. G.
M .tiul i
Milu I
i lXxf North ol Poatalllcr
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satiifarlory
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
We are desirous of disposing of pu grocery and
dry goods stock as well as building and Jot at
Ivliuore Park, and offer same to a bustliag buyer at
absolute cost. About $1,200 will Imndle the deal.
Terms can be arranged to suit.
, Rockaway, Qregou
Read it in The Herald
President Favors Confining the !
Special Session to Tariff !
Legislation i
Wnsliluictdii Pretldent Wllron hat !
Settled dHtp IlllOIUh Iti office to Imll
ru pruy nearly nunc of the thing
t tin l may t mpt-eied nt him In the i
iifr future. Km hi mode no public
announcement ot policy, Imi there
were few itvilupmiiiii that seem.
"J to thw tlin trend of the firm day
of lilt n.imlnlKimiloti.
Thn president tolil visitor thnt ho
i lualliud to favor the I1 1 an of
hoUt'i leader U) COIlflll" til" special
olc!i of cimp.rn to tariff revision.
Hi Indicated tliitt while he ilUl not
look forward to the mct of n cur
mnc) rnform maure nt thn special
nr.ttcm. ur.li Mil mlr.hl be whipped
Into shape III the tlOUse while til" sen
ate n wrestling with th" tariff and
c u M bo bronchi up Immediately af
ter cotiF.r- convened in regular rt
Ion tn December.
Office Not For Wilton Relation!.
President Wilson ha patted the
wnnl alniiK ihe line thnt It U hl with
that no in rin ! r of tho Wilton family
nntl no relnltie have a position In the
present administration.
Ill wishes hociimn known In rather
tartlln fhlon to Captain A M. VI.
sou. a rou. In who lite In Portland.
Or. Captain Wilton aspired to ho a
member of Him Philippine commission.
r went 13 ten Mr tJarrlnon. cerf
tnry of nr. to talk thn mthjrct ovrr
with him. Svcirtnry tlarrUon hoc't
Pit him h) i.a Ini: thnt I'ronliltmt Wil
ton haj nni out wonl that no relative
of the tirrtlilrnt rhpuld Iirvf a potltlon
In Urn nnw aOiululttratlon.
Civil Service Dart Up.
I'rtlilnt Wilton hut 1ft It h"
known thti-tt wan no liunn'tllato proi
j.nci of lottini: tlown tho ehll tervlce
Imrt lo tin- thoutuuiilt of DomtK-ratlr
office tm'l.prit- The preloni tolil Sen
ntor 1'omnrene tliat to far h anil th
oalilimt hail foruiulniml no policy nt
to appointment for minor ioltlon
In the ko eminent orvlco.
Thert had iwn n report that I'm!
limit Wllaon inlf.ht rt-voko the recent
nnler of Mr. Tft. which put 3G.O0O
fourth rhi potimntlern umler the
olvll terWce.
1Q StJtrt Tavor Direct Electlont.
The itecrotnty of tnte hnit recelvpil
notice of the union of the loKlHlnluren
nf IS ttiitK upon the proponed cnnatl
tutlnual luneiulmeiit pro IiUiik for the
iltreut election of neitntora hy the peo
ple. So far not n lnr.le Htnte lina
noted u.Uemely. The ninenilment Imn
been approved hy Mnanictiuoottn. Mln
neMitn, New Vork, Arlionu, North Car
olliKt. Oretiou. MIbmIkbIppI. Colorndo,
ii'v....,lii? Idaho. TexnH. Montiinn, 1111-
rvilH. Maine. Nevada. New 1 tamptiMrtf,
WUroimlu nnil Vermont.
Cabinet It Merely Sieve. j
'Thoinih office neekern have been re- (
quetteil to nddreiiH tbeuioelves to the
hiiiiW. of the vihIouh depftttinontH, the.
iiiinibtin of the cnhlnet will net mere-
rth MfieM of tiie nntHH of uppllcnntt
m their Utu'Ulbnn will not he flnnl.
lliiH aa miide clear nt the white)
1'iihlitlied titntonieniH thnt the nn
m.um-.-tneut of the nilinlnlntrntlonlt
, i. nhout offlcuseoIierH mlr.ht re
M.H in a ultuatlon whereby the nltor
u, K.nfral, for' Inntnnce.' niiidc rip
point menu of fedfrnl jildk-ew beforo
uhem the nonililt'fH ease mJKUt
I... tiled. luotiKhl forth thu expUinutl.ou
that muh an lmprenlon wim erroue
oim. National Capital Brcvltlea,
Socretnry of thn Navy Unnlola nn
iKiiinceil thnt In future n hiiK) lrt of
the coal supply needed for th" Ameri
can war veanelH will como frpm Ah8
ka. l'onttnnter(limenil llurlobon state4
that no appolnttnuntB of poBtmnBtere
probably would he mudo before April
1 except posHlhly In cnaes of emernenr
' Tranklln K Lane, of California, who
Ik Secretary of the Inttrlor In Preal
dent Vllton't CablneL
Woman Wltnett 8ayt Policemen In
Sympathy With Mob
j WimhliiKlou. ISefore tho tenate
ub-cominlttee luveHllKKtlllK the dU
onler which nttPlided the pnrade of
woman nuffmr.Utt here, Mlm Janet
If. Itlchnrdt. who merched In the first
aectlon of thn pannle, declared "mom
of the policemen were ttandlnK Idly
riround in the crowd and termed In
iOmpnthy with the mob' xplrlL"
"How wn thiit mob's tplrlt evi
denced?" nuked Henntor Chamberlain
$' tho' hooting and JeerlnB of the
crowd," replied Ml Itlcharda, 'nil
nlotii: the line men yelled: 'Thue are
nott.InK but bent, we enmo out lo nee
chicken.' "
Police Chief Sylv-tted fumlehed a
atlttetnent to how he had 675 offlceri
on duty for the tuffniKe parade and
3G7 lor the luntiKurnl pantile the day
followliiK. There were dUordt'rn on
Mi denied IndlKnnntly thnt he hnd
ever Mild or done imythlnK that would
hae Klvou the men "lower down" the i
Idea that the order for protecting tie
..,.i..i.. i
Desperate Battle is Waged a j
Parral Between Federals
and Constitutionalists
HI I'nwj, Tex -Deapemte flsbtlas
In in attack on 1'nrrsl. ' hihimbua. e
talllr.r a heavy loan of life In a RO-liotir
lint'ie. w reiorte'J In blatMl ftdvlcr--reader.-;
here. Koine 1600 conntltu
tloni.Ilat, rebelllnic aptlnal Hnurtn't
.::iIId: :U Koeriwnenl In ChlhunhtiK
i-r driven back by itlrnont nn nut.
'iu:nlr of federal roijtilara, atel th-
!y. center of American mining .
iiiduatrlnl Inlerett. ilotnollh i
hy lotnbardment and mreet flghMf
in w!-ch th" townspeople engag'-d
The on inKurrecto troop, who re
belli d ai;alnt the Muerta novcrnment
and left 1'arrnt lnt week after tneu
I'xlnc and r-cniltlr.B at Santa Har
baru, nearby, n.'tunied to retake the
city The rebel look the fortified
tun MirroundlnK the city, drtvlns the
fod-ral to cover In tho town.
Colonel Mercodo, the Karriton com
mander, nnd Colonel Cnttro, who hnd
broUKht the relnforcementi from the
Btnt'j capital, called for volunteer to
n-takc the outlylnK poltlon. Klve
hundred men re tended and after
chnrKea and almost hand-to-hand
flshtmic drove the Inturgenta from tae
fit''.-. . z&e
William C. Redfleld, of New York,
who It Secretary of Commeret In
President Wllton'a Cabinet.
Brief News of the week
Washington Socialists At Outs.
Tjcoraa. Conservative Socialists,
representee more than 100 stntc lo
cals end about 3000 of the 6700 dues
paylns members of the Soclnlltt party
In WnshlnKton, formed n seperate po
11 tic 1 1 orttanUatlon. This action ended
the flnaAsei.Klon of the slate conven
tion here when the radical organiz
ation which throtiKhout had demon
strated It had the upper hand, de
nounced as n "dues-paying organiza
tion to maintain the I. W. W. In Its
wild theories," nnd Its leader branded
a PiinrchUt. Tho new party stylcr
Itne.f nlmply the SoclalUt party of the
Stnta of Washington.
Olytnpln. Wash. The wnr between
Governor I. Inter and the control of tho
Waalllnslou legislature over road leg
Inlatton ciuil" to n penceftil tormluu
lion, when the (egliilnture. unnhlo lo
overrlile the governor' veto of tho
$1,500,000 road levy bill, Hurrondored,
and put throvgh a bill for a $1.25qj'pQQ.
levy, ua timmimixl and fought Iqr by
the govurnor.
,TUc pabstiRt) of tlm mvanuro In both
hoiHi marlss a hlsuul victory for the
chief executive and brings to nn end
n f Ight w hleh had throattmod for more
than n weyk to result In n deadlock
with no road loglnl.ulon.
Tho betlleineia of tho rond luvy
flKh". eatuii tis a mtrprlHij. The house
and neimte control held out until the
hist iillmito In hope o(. getting n Httffl
oienl number ot. votes lo PHhs the
Jl.SOO.OOO bill over tho KQVoninr' head
but. when Uiey countl votes and
found that they would tall 11 short
thoy "throw, up tlclr hand" tmd the
governor won n fight which he has
buuu.- engaged In for more thnt throe
wueka. '.
Irealdent Wilton la repotted to have
ffortd to Itlchurd Olney, of Iioxton,
crtlnry of ntut In President Clnve
had't cabinet, the post of nmhasaador
lo Ortat HrlUln.
Appointment us Assistant Secretnry
of tho luterlor has beeu tendered Jo
aoph N. Toul, of Portlaud, by Secre
tnry l.n, with th consent of the
prV.Uent. Mr. Teal h declined the
.-m hni it la underotoo proasirr tt
'bjblk' UroUfeUt to
SValem Center of Bl Game Preserve.
Salem.- When senate blll 'iOa ties
Into effect the city of IsaVem will be'
the coujer of n new game presonre.
to be otklled the Capital Um refuge,
aUtant llbrurlun of lh aauato, wai.
nomluiited by the Democratic caucus
for secretary. U la equivalent t an
election. Me received 26 vote, to 23
which were ncuttered amoac Joseph
Li. WtUou, tho proaldant's brother,
formivr Senator Ourdner of Main.
Spakr Clark was renomlnaUd,
llapresntutlvo Undorwood, of Ala
bamA, acatn1 chosen chalnuau of the
waa- and 'means oommlttee, tha en
Urea Democratic vronnel of that tar-Uf-aaakltag
body naaaod and ail U
ku'fntliW)ruomlMatt)"at' a kar
Mdnlotiu lK-'nV)itr (P'aiLw-'LfMUo Dno
mi ot tha house of tut'aUxijr-HsW
New York. In a 30-mlnutc clinic i
Dr. Krlederlch K Krledmann's vncctnt
which he nnserted Is a cure for tuber
culosls. wna tested In the presence o!
United States government officials
Tho seven enses treated are to remain
under government Inspection and up
on their development will depend the
official report.
U was nnnouueed that Dr. Ktled
mnnn had furnished the federal repre
sentntlves with specimens of his ba
cilli culture nnd that the cllulcnl otv
servntlons would continue to bo made
by them.
Tie Inoculation followed n long con
sult-lion between Dr. Friodumnn and
the government surgeons and' mote
than nn hour of study of the histoo
of the prospective patients.
'The soon persons to be treated, nil
adults, were brought In from various
wards of the hosiritnl where thoy were
patients, nnd oue hy ono given lnjec
Hons of the vncelne
A teat on the New York stock ex
change was sold recently for $45,000
the lowest price recorded' since 1900.
Immense orders for new cars IndW
cate that many railways touching ChW
cago are experiencing bumper times.
China baa ordered 12 biplanes from
France aa n starter for an aerial fleet,
which eventually in to comprise 1000
Accoting to a report of the senate
white slave commission, more Uaa
50.000 women In Chlccgo ore receiv
ing n salary of less than $5 a week.
Tho Greek war office officially an
nounced that Janlna, the great west
ern Turkish fortress, hna surrendered.
The Greeks have taken 32,000 prison
ers. March 14 was selected aa Salmon
day. because it Is the fiftieth anniver
sary of the establishment of the salm
on packing industry on the Pacific
Governor Italston of Indiana has
signed the Joint resolution which rati
fies the amendment to the federal
constitution providing for the direct
election of United States senators.
By a vote of S3 to 53 the Maine
houso killed tho bill providing for a
referendum vote of the people on a
woman suffrage amendment to th
constitution. The bill had passed the
The Missouri senate adopted the
Joint resolution, already adopted by
the house, ratifying the amendment
to the federal constitution providing
for tho popular election of United
States tjonntors.
Woman suffrage won a notable vic
tory at Budapest, when the lower
house of the Hungarian parliament
ndopted the government's suffrage re
form bill, by which n large number of
women are enfranchised.
Kmphntic opposition to the proposed
recall of Police Judge Charles Weller
is voiced by the San Francisco Build
ing trades. council, which adopted reso
lutions ndylslng . the union men to
think twice beforo tho vote for the
White House to Be "Dry."
. Washington. It is said that the
WIlBon-Mnrshnll administration will be
11 "whlte-rlbbon' nffiitr, with no wines
or Huuors served at any entertainment
Not Only do tho president and Mrs.
Wilson anil their daughters bar the
sparkling cup, but so nlso do Tlce
President nnd Mrs.' Marshall, Mr. nnd
Mra. Brytin and other members ot tho
Cannot Agree on Darrow's Guilt,
l.os Angeles;. Clarence S. Darro'
second trial on n Jury-bribery charge
onded hero In a disagreement of tho
Jury, Klght of the Jurors stood for
convlctlou and four held out for no
qulttnl. Harrow Immediately demand
ed ;i now trial nnd District Attorney
Fredericks said he certainly" would
have one.
Idaho Man Shoota Three
arangevllle, Idnho.- Clarence Wnlk;
er shot and fatayy wounded Mlea Hot
en Beck, wounded the air)' mother,
Mra. Sophia, Pe'v and Marahal W,ll
Itam. riruvu. .1- ihuaj.tbe revolvct
lu rata -touth aua eoi MmaeU Uuroujk
the heud, dylus lustautly.
To Abolish Capital Punishment
Olytnpln. Wash. In one of tho most
bitter fights that has been waged In
the senate during tho present session
that body voted. 22 to 17, to abolish
capttnl punishment tn this stato. Tho
hill has been passed by the bquse and
wjll probably be stgtted by Governor
Tho Tillamook Herald gives 50 Gold
Bond Trndinu Stamps with every $1.60
Tillamook, Ore.