Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 11, 1913, Image 3

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    Cocii lfappnlnfis.
., le lt nrl'r at .tirlt-
,,t llimynt U in town.
x , i, , ..f ilamllauii I" In, the
i lii I'otlland (lit
, ,,f JUaVer vn lit town
, .,f (tnrtha.tll i III
' KxltlhMlV In tin'
, , , 0 ir(t TliiirwUy HHiniluK
, . pig fur nl. I -
1 tt. 'f Hiln" ffiurnwl f wit
t . !, U.l Huttday,
(1 r . ol.liltvl fftlltl th? Kt,
ff. ' e made alf dtUttt.
1 x I t rcl (!.
i C'""! farm marc, IJu.
f.iHMMtiaiu fur ocr.
. A an He will ll ) I
i , rniiiiiallla liflrc. I
v euc. in fM ll.W.
VI !rle-y, ruiii.t. I
i t r.Mruf I'urtrtc I'llv ha.
n f..f oeveral J liiii
TIiciij will ), n ititntliiK if -l)ni llrtt'.u
lepaiimt.nl TjiuutUy tiVMiini; Mi 7 m iNDUSTRIAI. FAIRS TOR
ii the ( 'ity 1 1 nil, ; TILLAMOOK COUNTY.
Dr. K. M. Wemlt, physician
HriiillUi;lttMi.l,iHltiirntii lli.it..' At the teacher' ltn.tltul. but full
;.),l,11r1,,liu',,,l,w',l IIiiIMIiik oiMit tho MtlJ.H of. the IndmilrUI f.lr or
fait wun taken uji with tint teachem
of thn county. Allur boiiiij illacuaalon
iiii (lit. lulij.tel tin. following plan win
ihliled iiM)ti liy mii txir.)itl(iii from
iliu tiiHclnw, h IioImi; the mint praej
Urn I and lieneflelnl for tin rrrtlnty im it
whole: That tlmto be .inhibit at about
Tild lllilel,
I Mitt rtmtinrtnl a H. way whatever
with the Mf firn iXtnlHi'in Cut ,tu n
wntfuti nri in my Ikii,
Pirn Corn Klrt.
It. II, Aahcntfl, fo Rnrf ilauifhuir
..I P...I I-...I l. I I.. .1 - .... , .......
. .v.. ,... ,,. ,,., rur wmiy uit.w llirt.ml p,.. iii Din county.
Uke rhftiuf U. Alton Uh .J. 0tM) , Ul ,M)rluMlj , U)(, ,(JUl,,.
hiKrMMn Ihny rvinK nmiiU , ,) nttr ,w r,(ll,,r of ,
ILL tttntt.lnif. wiunty. Thi. u wnt IIh.ukIiI wimiM
S timtnttUiMl tiil Dm rnjmrl tlml iimtio It miiIi for vry lxy nml irl
(irutit MltU Iim Imhh n tmttnni nf Uict who Uiltil to (ilitc.! llmlr iroluct on
For Sale cr Trade: For Tiloa
mook Citv or County Property
Wm. - Two l. I In Uuoii ( Ity I'nrk, I'ortlnrcl, on lilock
from trfol rut.
Nu.2 Tlirt-i' l.U In Utilvt-riklty I'nrk, lirtlm'', tlimi
lilock from tr.'l rr.
Nn, 3 Two loU in Kucrm- ity, on.) lilik from lrit ear
hinI f'Mir lilorVn from thu IIU;h .ScIkkjI, CHrnct;iu
I.ilimry niel Sluto Uiilvcrnlty roUti'lu.
Hti. 4 KO art of whuftl IhikJ In Morrow 0unty, nil un-
IT (iillivuttop, in v lit nt belt.
Nit (i ('nn lot nml linn rcm.iiiieu In lira I rufll'lano piirt of
Mno Jc, CmI., U h'.orl Morki from the Miifli
Srhuol Mini Htntf Nuriiril Srho,l, hikI two uliort
lilorku from llirit tr cl nir lim-x.
All tint Alittvn Will 1 rutin Fur MluniooU Oily on Oounly
P. W. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon
.... X. . 1
x- I ry ami . 6l
, ' ! TU "Cot.! D.tlUr
f. ; .-Hi. fr ttutal. I),
t 1 i -r.ft the Mrtti of -on j
Ml Wm. It tllltt.:atrattll i
'nn with o ehrrk lilt thn
tr '..nvrnlmt twl tl-
; ! aoV ltnitity UnnV.
Y'Hini! tnl Mr. It. C.
f llravrf wtfr TlllAltH-lk
I r tat tat.
r liability of making ml-
K- -h If )oU l' all llHU,
. ,t lv. by rhV. 1 lll-
. I a'.V
in no oi .Mir li.Mitui l mil corrtwt,
Vt'ti .imply iiillrtfriiiml In rif
at.l to tJe luattol.
Mr. Anna Vlrfe f TnrititiB, wmj Iii.'.
Ik-pii viltlM hor ilatislitnr Mr. I. II.
.Solium, ilurltiK hor lllt., rtorne. In
Tnroina thn hrt nf titer Mtk. Mr.
;.VIUm l Iniptwlng In li.'nlth.
Tlmro ihdrwl Irvtlan ltiinnr ilurk
ml I. It. W. Igltuni ttjjK'i fur ! l
It.W) r MltltK'. ,Hr W. M. N'oyn,.
Kml thr hy nii-l trl" on ill" form
hyowttlttK a Iwltnr Kraile nf lik to
Internal ihe y.wnttntrr. Iln)n hy
iHtylnt; r S. C Whltn lnhurn lion
atfl lixllatt Itunnnr tlurk rft,' of Jm)
lUrriHin ntn! Um havo aomcthtitk'
iMautlfal at rll Urful.
The Kmhroltlnrr Club ttirt Imt wrnk
wltlt Mi. Fulantl. TlMito prctcttL wfrr
Miuliiin Hue.vt. Htllwoll, llttrrln,
'.VillUirn. 8iMMlt;fac awl IVIaM, Tim
tiul light fctihfn-nu iMin;itlii. of
cVp id tm vrr mirvp.1.
Thr Uill A hi of Hir M. M Churrh
inl 7oiJoy l titr hiiH) of Mr. II.
V, Kulil.oan The uiil ii'Mini;
ilntalttni u thn (tirottfif tv turnnl lu
lu a o-fll aftdriMKitt. AImmii filr o'
rtcwK tlntnty fnfrhttirnt wntr K-rvl.
Kur ibU. X9D wtui of k-'woil loan
inhibit, to ilo I. It wu thought lint
ti aim ImVi; tliri'.i (lllfrr.ttil mibarrip
tion Ut, oim for ubcIi lotfnllty, mid
Iivj tlirw print llU to crt;i.il,
Tin mo nulhirrlptloii uinl prUu liU
would w for thu uporlal locullty nlld
wutttd Ixi ttiailo Kicille tcKnullrik' this
Tho nwrnt lA'nUlaturo IiuI(k-I thu
muvtimntii by provlillni.' n flolil worker
who l to doVulL lit Hum to thin work.
We wir.f informii a fw duy tutu that
Dm 8tat.- I'rttit l.ltt for thl. full nt th.t
Stain Kalr will bo nearly thu nuttiti n '
lost yyar. Ilitiirn wn nr.) In u Mtiotl
to priwe) in putparini; our lint. Tim
limine. imm of 'I lllMinook iibcrllK?d
librtrally U.t )iwt, Wo apprurialcd '
very much tint Intornt that tlmy ox
pr.t.tmi fur lliv muv.mmnl hj opcniiiK
tlmlr m,1.i'Um'i1.h or giving of utuful
artlr.. Wn Impv to rtilarun tho prUo
lint tilt ynnr by ifTrilitt at Icunt a.-cond ,
prlK'n on ail vxhiblU tl.nt ll tmom ad
viaulilo to pUfo on thu prtto lint
tna t year our prUcn varnxl. Wo Iw
llfVi' it wihiI'I bo IhiILt to innku cn.h
pr.ipn u lira t ly uiilfurm nn poll.lc.
, It Ip abut advUral thai tin- priiva nhuuld
bf tlm vntttr for Inith cla..'.. Thai l,
1 that claM II, Iwlw: chlWron tttxl.ir
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
For a Long Life.
Thin I tho prwrliitlon for n Inn
life Klvon by an old RnUemnn In Con
necticut. -Iio l ninety. nltm ypnn old
mid Ktill wll nnd chfwful. ' Llxo
tTnprat'ly. m low to nngr, non't
worry, tako plenty of cxorin In tho
froxli nlr, nnd, nlxjro All, ke.-p cheir
ful. Hhould the nyat'-m Ket run down
dlR'ntlrc orKJinn wonk th: blood tbltt
ftud kluKtClah, Ukq Vlnol, which lit a
dcllcloun combination of tho mmllclna
lyjdy-bulldlntc propcrtleii of cods'
lire, with tho nnUsn Kreanc ellml-nat'-sl
and tonic Iron added. We re
gard Vlnol an o:5 of the Rreatcut
body-builder and RtreriKth-crcators In
the world for atcfd p)ple.
Mn. Mary Ivoy, of Columbtm, 0.1.,
nay "If people only knew tho Komi
Vlnol dorii old .' opI, you would Ui
unable to supply the demnnd; H U
lb finest toalc and atrength-creator
I ever UM-d."
We wlh every feeble old por
tion la thl vicinity would try
Vlnol on our agreement to return their
money If It falls to clvo satisfaction.
Chaa. I. CloUK'h. Co. DruKfjuta.
Tillamook, Oreton.
t '
.,, . 'st.vp HanJtry trturtlr"! thr
(tf at' i the rk frutn hl at-
i ! .' n at Saliitn.
I it i ar f celrlr. Owner
. eaift- by railing l th H. T.
t. "i a : .tiilnfii; h(l,
r , . (,n nM Chrlatlon Chureh
j . ! ..ariinn ran Imld by
!' rf Itl'V. JO',t.
M ,4. atv.1 Arllnr nl-
' '. 1 4irm vultcul at the J. I
t- ri cr.- over Sotnlay.
I' obi. I rri! oata yiHI had bnttor
rl,, m MU hrn lull i.ntl.L' ttl haVP
r V k" mmiihI. 8jo Shrwln.
f.t I. Ilamllti, only llrnt cla
- rr in TlllamixiU Ctiunty.
Tr 1 Mnr l'aty nrrlv.l at
mil i -it (, Krldny lant nml impart-
l . ...It-. I ... I C.,.
... .. .. . .
Cpd ,iatf and wfi of Onitoil. who
hiv. i.,M,. ....,ii.... . tin, k,i. i.cncri
hlimn I II. ! rll ...Ilirilll tl tllt'ir
horna i Mmidiiv.
Kir -air llunm. rulilmr ttrc biiKfy.
hrn m, ri and whip nil In fimt .'In
ronil.ti .ii. Will not br.tak Urn outfit.
liKltiint ( bun, I, Clotnrh.
(mo, T llatnlln thti hou" tnovrr.
who h.ia b. n vlaltliiK' In California for
fpw wi'. ka, returned lant Hatunlny
and I. i;uin rvaily for liualnvaa.
Our larK.1 llro-liroof Unit af for
lp. lii.iilro Tillamook Tltltt A Ab
trartto., 2H5TlllamKik Hlok.
If you havttn't rn the latrat In the
way of biiKKy Improvi'iimnta, y" p"
It at tin. TllluitMKik Ffwl Cm, Drop
In and look It ovrr. It'a a Hiarh.
twrlvn y t;ar of h: ihoUlU have jult
lrry lamt, aitc aral luw half mllr. from , a kwI prlro for the am i-xhlbtl a
Ikavpf, rr. Will .pII clmap. Call on rUaa A, lpnt Ihoap i.vcr twoivo year
or adlri A. J. Iluaton, llnavpr, Otc. 'of bhc
Whauvcr y,h buy front otlmr.. , V' nu KUo,xn from any
vthtty.-. -ant thrlH-.t l.yrr l .urr county i..frotrd In thu
and ?pI )-r S. r. W. Inherit rhlckpn ' movement. 1 1 will Mulro united clfort
b.h1 Indian lluir .lurk w ,,, j on Urn part of tlm teacher, par.mt and
J.... HarrWr.. Uth klr-l. at n.oo' Iff nl r at.-.t Ko"d
... I . I I.ul,,.lr,nt l,lt,ll. fur Ihl.
otlloi-. Aiblrrta Jt. Harrlaon. i " . - -
l-JV ami tfirn ot ini cuuiuy. Any um:
may co(tiK3t.! who H under twenty-one
yram o a(ru I
W.- trttal Hint nil friend" of thu lioyn
and jjirla will lend it hclplrti; hand. .
IxHjk for nwrit thouk'hla In the paper;
not week. W, S. Hud, !
Omnty Supt.
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Itnllom. mlllliipry ntwnlntr l prov
lf a tttvp In vrry wav. Itrtjc
rrowd. bavu brpii n'.tndlnt: durltiK the
pa.t iwo tlayn tJ the ladUa rcm to
1 mjoyiiur tlm altair v.iry much.
Tim a-ura if prtitllly trlmnm.1 hat on
di.pUy prpnt a bnatttiflll aldit.
or ap or trado : Ono fiit i rr
cjp cutllus enfilim lathr, 'J Imm
iwltitf, all k'Ibm t cut a tO threml.
Al4 im IS Inch hnml wwr drill
pr.. Ileal oiror for caah or trade
takea With. Can Im '. Aak or
write V. I Mattairvll. Tillamook.
Mr. nml Mr. W. Maddux onterlnlnwl .
few frlnwla at canla Satunlay rwnint;.
..... . Mr ntyl Mrm. I I. i
rhtllttn. Mr. and Mm. A. II. Uu.t,
Mr. and Mr (5. II. Maddux. Mr. Kihi
Severance nml Mr. nml Mia. Web Ma.i
duv. l.ltthl refroahmelila were tmrvud.
lat; A ltlrk pin, i;uld nilK'K't.
tweett the '.'botnaa conf.'Cll.iiuiry atoru
ami the (iem Thentro. Kimler ploaad
leave Jltm nt ll.irnlil olllre.
The Corinth Wmnon' Helmf Corp
Nti. M wan .irt:nnu-l ht'r Kebrunry
.'fllll and the charter wa closed March
lii. ft... nitlrtira e eCl'Kl were nira.
Clill. , ... . -
Cvn ItUKcr, I'reaideiil ; Mr.
U.yii.ilda, Senlur Vice I'r.a.
Murv Weaton. Jr. vlco-prea.
Mnry Will, (ninpliiln; M"1 MrJ' 1
While. Sec; Mra. MarKitrei
The l:orty Vc.tr Test.
All nrticln muni have exceplluniil !
merit to survive for it ptsrltal of forty
yearn. Chanilmrlaln'a Coiiah Kumedy :
wna final oirertsl the public in ISW. '
Krom n ainnll bcKinnint: it him tfrown ;
in fnvor nml (htpularliy until it bus at
taintal it world wide reputation. You
will find nothtiit; belter for u coiih or
,. I . I t... ,. H...t ...III ilrlilifrritnil
t r4llil. lit I Mini J .,
. . ., .. 1. 1- .. ..fl... m ...trj.ul ti
Wliy . L IB II llltllll! .,fcVI , f. i "
tttorw thnn forty year. It not only
;i on relief it cure. For utile by all
Mr. It. I). Uinar entertained the
Swnntlkit Club at her home Friday,
February iWlh. Tlm tlelinhtfully
l.irl.i , plnnned iiftenux.n attl the ilelicioua
Mm. ' luncheon which followed were enjoyed
Mm. ' t" t'l" fullem extent by all present.
The maaia of the afternoon were: Mm.
. uti.t. i
It II , Cr..ll lllW. Mm. UlOUl'Il. .MM. VtllHC
Jtist What You Need!
Ache, Pain or Rheumatism Driven Away by
a Plaster
l-cch Good on tlm Hack.
Tillamook Drug Store
E. E. KOCH. Ph. G.
Phone J jJJ;, J Main I Door North of PoitoHlce
Sattifaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
Sloan's Liniment is aqu ck
and reliable remedy for lame
ness in horses and other farm
"SImo'i Unlnfit mnw' b-t-thlng
"n carta tor lantrueM In hor.j
lul ttbir h-'tm at .Simula. I wol.iJ
lut li thout It In tny aVible."
t aktix Iwvu.
CJ VTcal I'jCi bl., Vok Ut.
Good foe Swllin bjJ AbM.
J'tli.y fiina4,,flAwreni. K n..
IL l).,.Na 3, wrtt - I hJ a jubjo
with an abfaj uu bor nk anl one
Uk. N-ttUot Sloa.n'a Liulmeiileut itjr
turt U"r I P it -l lt tor
giklljuidimailxrUi ft mJfwotBrj
ltitCC aval ttio iWcL. '
' is a quick and safe remedy
for h cholera.
GtTTrvor ef Ccorcii ua
Sloan'. LininK-nt fcr Hoi CboIra.
" : hr.inl C, yr. Ilrom (who It quite a
T tliai lie niui nrrer i.t
li.ia Ir..n rlit !!- an.t that Bl ri-m.".'!
! i a uMnpotintal of .u;.-'
ljcim:it to ll.u of n.-j.d-rn-tn:
xheJnv a th aMro-il linpri.e.'
!. ni'i.;h O- r. Hrxwn an.1 ir wif
nrtr at t. a Affrteii'toral C .
l u.Mluc an.1 In tho diei'.ln of
riTsn ot tS ilia, 0"T. Hr- - r n
rate ttie reaJTBa:no-l a l!fall
Satas-aii Daily Mi.vrs.
When you want nnythinK
kept in a FIRST CLASS
Drug Store
He also keeps
Druggist and Book Seller
.. ... ..... . n '.,..-. i . )uiiine unit Aim. lull.
.. . , -lit, III, l 112 1 it r II in. iiiiiim i
M... Fvi. Wlnti. Aiiii'l. (luanl; Mm.
ii i iti.ini t'inductor: Mm, NettUil
K. I'mk", Ai't Conductor; Mm. Stolln
t-.'.rre. Prt-ai Corroapomluiit ; Mr. Ina
....... I..... ....iriniic iiiitructtir; MUaoa'
IIUIIHHh", ' ,11111
Alim IVrrv. tterlrudo Schlappl, Lillian
L!.iii.irHlliii nil. I Mm. HeBhle ChalToe,
'..l,.r HenrelB. TbeV timet 1110 BCCOII.l ,
ttnd fourth Katurdiiya of tho month at
2:!I0 P. M.
Tillamook, Ore,
Cltroiile Stomncli Trouble Cured.
' Them Ih nothliiK' ' HHfouriiKlnB
Umn .. chronic illm.riler of the Htom.ich
' h It not HiirprlHlnif th.it nmny ffw
' i.i. ...M. mi ailment when a
tor veiira wim n...
ermiiuen. run; I. within i ,olr rc h
!iml,yh..hd fori, rillo? AM
,)m,ymtri.K." y ' lM' '
Wakel"'. MW.i "l "
Chi.n herh.ln'H TblU, nml !
snK then I hiivo fdt rfcctly woll.
ill, evloualy ued any nuintor of
fToIont mJlrln. hut none of -
wcutif any IwtliiK hcncllt. horaaiij
by ull doulcm.
i a
I 1 1
I " At All DraW. S3c.e.Af 1.90-
. - - - I Klr.n'i Tv-o on Ilor-. Ctt I
' J I AiUrMt Dr. Earl S. Sloaa, iisc'a. 11
f 9 h i .A
i nu is isrn ras w .a c.
I will not be responsible for any I VJVsriMMMffFlMMiWiii 1 L K.ch. Fine Flavored. fiir
I . . . ...... II I I 1 JWm JII.W St a. :, t jll
I Ulta Cimirneieil ny my nun ii..". rji 1.a cJ... VQMifg..iaU.,. . a." tn I Larr. Longer rou. I -VUl I
tbia date. Feb. 2S. W13. J. ffl MfVrgN 1 ifeffii
Mr, Mary Heme, UVSt i ffl EE"!
m -l 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 uH.wau.1 I mrat i.n i it ; -eir, ,i i
m f i.iiiiiiiiiii Rrswr. ffaHrr. nil 11 larce in, s iyi
v r i -sMiii warn "csajt pzzL&ir
MIr the Home Look H" HFI Hm5MB 7SiJlr n c X
; Cheery ?"J3il S3f"W rToNY'Sl
I S TtlUmook Electric Ligbt k ( k 3 JiSm fis- r2
I F.i co.M.r ALEX. McNaAJR & CO. iflw0
WILL SPAXDlNGJMar-grr. C XX r , 7 MM
IjiJ Handles This Range The Best On Earth j
I ! jjlTrtlAtnnnfc Wtli 1
tf iarairw II L l.t I .v
We ate desirous of disposing of our grocery and
.dry goods stock as well as budding and lot at
Klinorc Park, find offer same to a hustling buyer fit
absolute cost. About $1,L'0() will handle the deal.
Terms can be arranged to suit,
Rockaway, Oregom
by keeping mm in snauoy otu narneaa.
We aro selliiiK Harness made of the
best stock at prices that ought to
tempt you.
will not gnly improve the appearance
of your horse, but contribute to your
safety as well. Many a runaway could
be avoided if the old Harneaa had been
discarded in time.
Tillamook OreftMt