Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 11, 1913, Image 2

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4 V
17. "?tBl
Cie CillaniooK Bcrald
C. G. Cromblcy, Editor
Issued Civicc a lUcck c c Cucd.iv Prld.iv I
Vninrprf a s-ond-c la matter Mav I. 1910. st tm? tt ivrW nt Tillamook.
lorn- half (Jt mib". morw or Wa, to the
I ....nh Itauminrt of said Srollmi . thioicc
ionntrtly ntonit I Hi nfntcaald north Ixhiii
ch.wd Hoard of Sflwol Puttn-t i Ury linn pMy-two and "' half t2J
frt l UW HC 01 iWKiniunjr.
AU. iKr NWh keif (N i) Of Hi"
OrRvn. under tho not of March S. XS7V,
srnscRirtJON 51.50 a vbar in ahvanck
Jldvcrtisfiia Rales Kach subjuent insertion, line
' Resolution of omtolence and
IxhthI Advertisemeits Uge noticva. pr line
1'iwt Insertion, per line - i .10 Husincso Professional on),mo.
Kach sulwonrnl insertion, lio .06 Display Advertisement, por inch
Homestead Notice - A Li. Dfeolav Ada must bo in UiU
Timber Claims - - U'.w filV "uA,i.v .ml Thursday Morn
Notices, per line ... .06 jnjs w jnnurc publication in follosr
Cnrds of thanks, per line - .06 intr Tueadav and Friday iaauea.
Reasons are Imperative.
Ixcals. ier line, first insertion
TfKSIUV, MARCH 11. 1913.
Amonjr the state laws recently passed Nehalem Bay LiwJ ('. to C. C.
is one r-lative to the sale of livestock, j Tripp lot 1 blk 8 Necnrney City, f60.
which is to the effect that no wan j Nehalem Bay Land Co. to Ella F.
shall oiler to sell 'at public auction a j Tripp lot 1 blk 83 Necamey City. iSO.
part or all of hi dairy herd unle he ; j c mh & w , j u C4nMft ,
has a certificate to show that his cattle wf tat a m 2 eiofe, jjfip.
have been inspected and found to be , to j R
free from contaKtous, mfettious and u-ki., m
irviu wmi t.i b i' v van uwit vvi
No. y of Tillamook County. Ore,;. .
will rsih, bld until .NUirfh !..
lDia. at th Innirof 10 nVlock A
for tho ermfinit of iho wImwI r rounds
of aaid diatriot. in TltlHmoofe fu.
I Oregon.
The School Hoard will nlao iweive
bid up to the aanie time for tha r
l6 atruction of concrete idev alk on tl
tJ6 1 four aide of the property of diatrict.
I'ieittbl tSJ feet in width ami to b con
'jS I struct to meet the requirementa of the
of. city ordinance of Tillamook ritj. Or
gun. The bidder are alao requmnte1 i
submit bid ommittnx the eonstructixt
of dwalk on the s.Mith xide of the
school grounds.
All bid for aidewalkf nnd for grad
in- to be submitted sepamiely. the
right being reserved to rejwt any and
alt bids.
Dated this March 7th. IM3.
W. C. King.
Chairman School Board.
By virtue of an execution nml nrdcr
North halfiN'.llnf Snetion sjxtoeu tin),
: in Townahip tliree (5) North .f Uutnto
IVn ll0 Wc'- "r ,h" Wlllaini'lte Mor
' i Han.
1 Aim- the Southwest uuarter 1".N 1 1
of Section Mxteen (Irtl m Township
Three (SI North of M"i;e I'pn tl)
West of the Willsm Uv Mertdian, con-
Inltinii nas
I acres, all of the alnive drcHbd lnls
1 smi premise Ih-ih" situatot m tne
( ounty of T(llaMoo!k State of Oreiron.
' Fogether wrh all ami aingilr the ten
rmeuta, hemlllanienta ami ppft-
t naiKs thereunto txrlonglng, or in ny
wise appertaining.
That at soul sU I will sell 44-parateljr
the following portions of said real ea-
tale, lo-wlt :
First : The Northwest quartcrtN.W. )
of the Northeast tuarlvr tN K.il of
Section lwenty aevn f?7) ; the South
half i$A of the Southwell nuurtrr
IS v h of Section numbered lenly
. (mii (h . a lif'y tu) fit right of
I wav acroa the Southwiit quarter
liSW.i) of the Northwest ipmrter
i iN.W. 1) of Section numbered Twrnl
! three, acconlifiitv si crantrd by drl
' csecutcd bv Herman Sch.'llrooycr
t dated July 0. IWI. itml recordiNi in th'
j office of the Itecxirder af t"onve aneo
in and for Tillamook lKlnly. at pi;e
I , Him ok . Kecortt of IHitl for
riCumoo '.'ountv. tlreifon. all in Town-
commumcaoie uisess wiwin one ytr i ..if ul iuimi umn a iinli-nwnt Mml !. V i
i... l. a f..m.r h Nehalem Harbor Co. to J. R. Arnold ! 'JurTrt.. 1 "h,P "uml-yred . Three
not had his cattle inspected i not al- et-al. part lot 5 blV 6 Whdeler. S-tOO.
lowrti to turn them into a field adjoin- , U . M. Wilson & wf to A. B. Collner.
inc cattle cf another farmer whose J und. div. j int. in 2S2D acres in See's,
cattle have been inspected. The own- 16, 9, i, 5, 22, S 17 1 N 7 U 51.
ers of stock mu?t obey the orders of Lillie Jt F. M. Phelps to Cilers .Music i Soderlund are U foixisnt'.. duly ntleelrd
the countv veterinarian who has Ue f Hnn U,t s hlk A N.Virt !on lh lh .' r'ebruary. !S. mi
wer ot toe state veterinarian, ana
hi the countv veterinarian orders a
fill ,r!h .,(
cree rendered anu entemt in tu vir Ksngo nutnborel Ion (10) V,t of th
CUlt Court of thebUte of ttreKo for , vV.lUmailn M.rt.linn. in
. iiiiamook county in tne suit woerotei siie. totfether with .ill tho tcno-
m. a. lopeianu is piainin: mi inr mcnu.herIHnuie.U ihI aninitti-nance.
, NehWmt.oaiCompanv (. CTrporution) ( t(M.reu,llo Udongmc. rd if lher slmll
. u. r. raarson raui acnranor w n nicent to satisfy tho nmeunt
.if Mtd st-vornt luilgmonls. cts nnd
ami interest, then I Mill sell separately
heifer under two years old killed be
cause of tuberculosis the state pay
the farmer SIC; when the animal l
over 2 years old $25 is paid the farmer
and when a registered animal i (tilled,
fifty per cent of the value of the ani
mal is paid by the state.
All incorporate 1 towns must have an
inspector of meats and milk.
Geo. Williams Jfc wf to Everett Swift
' lot 6 blk 3 Sunnymead addn to Tilla
mook, $250.
We understand that a co-operative
mercantile company, which has hitd
Headquarters at Portland and which
has heendo-.np '. .iness throughout the
state, has eor.e bankrupt, leaving its
creditors in the lurch to the extent of
some $200,000. We have ben told that I
Tillamook county residents who boucht j FrKUi" Timber Co. lC2j acre, $10.
stock in the concern have been "stunc" Alameda Trust Co. to Stuart & Fer
for about five or six thousand dollars, ! cuson Timber Co. tracts in Sec 12 &
all told. Thi indeed, is a most de- j 13 1 S 9 W.. S10.
to me, the undernigned, sheriff of
Tillamook County, directed, ami com
standing me to make auto of the la ruts,
premise and franchise hereinafter
; described to !uilit the several tuJr
F. R. Beate wf to W. Q. Chase lots ! ments and hens accordingly as adjudccvt
1 i" " oik a .Muianey s aodn to un n juukhwih mi uin-, 3 North of Ranee numbered
and other tracts on Big Neatucea. $10. a"v.',. t.Jil . . ! Ten (10) West of the Willamette Mer
rirsl: A judrinent und .lecree h. . n... ,...... .. i.t. .t . .
First Hank Trttst Co. to D. C. ; favor of M-,3. lWUnjl ami Wl.t ,
Koss lot IS blk 62 Hocknway. J35. ; defemiant N-hjta. lI ompan , un t pr,v,l. of
Mrst HanK ,t Trust (Jo. to W. R. ' L . , . i . i ,u" ait ""'' e nauiiirieot to lwly
Boulette lot, 17 U blk 65 Hockaw.y ..Sn'lt hT a I i: C?Tl7i ft"?
n.,.K tin .. r t i 'nterest and ciU, then I u ill rll rpa-
... . ....u.;. w.u ... real estate, to- if
rJTTt K r' !T JK'wnt al,1,)tltV Thmf fl.eSKith..lr,uarter(S R.
crire in favor ot . . t . Pearson und Paul,f i ,
the follow lig portion of said real estate,
to-w it :
Second : The .Northeast ipinrter
N K.1I of the Northwest n irtrr
(N Vi.l) of rertton numbcm! retit,
seven til. In Umnshtp numbered
Stimson Land Co. toWillard H. Stirn
Kn tracts in Sees 27, 2S, 2S, 30 32. Jfc
33 in 1 N 6 W.. $lu.
Carl PaUlaf & wf to Marion Doty &
; wf lot 4 blk 10 rbayera addn Tillamook
Harry Hamblet, cl-al to
Stuart A
plorable happening, for no doubt many
of our people can ill afford their loss.
It is .-urely time we put our foot on
J. D. Morris & wf to W. Harris lots
25 & 20 blk 9 Snndlake by the Sea, S10.
MriRbton Development Co. to Chas.
' . r. i i . .l i .
uiCKriie no yo auoui mecouniy - j. Kademacher lous 33 & J blk SO also
seeking whom they may devour. ,' iot AS blk SI Brighton Beach. $.00
A reat many people believe our mer-1 Fo, PoiWieon, ,ol 7
chanu are pil,R up .mmnse protiU ; blk Sand,ake by
and are settinff unduly rich otf the far- , '
mer. Did it ever occur to you my dear' Clyde Newell et-al to Henry Tohl
reader that not one of our" grocery or lots 2' 3' 5' & 6 b,k 19- tl
dry goods merchants are able to sport ! G. H. Ward to Marion Doty lots 1 ,
an auto; in fact there are only two 2 Sec 33 4 S 10 W., $700.
automobiles in Tillamook City owned Mary C. Abry to Marthe F. Abry
by merchar.ts, strictly speaking, while tract in Twin Rocks, $1.
nearly everyone else, except the print- Llovd c Sfnith to Jarne8 WMltam
ers. it seems, can have those luxuries. i0f hlk jo urvi
Schrnder ami against the drfendnnt
hip rumbered Three (3) North of
fW.W. torether with their eoau nnd 1 S-T.f .. ,.m mLT'. . i".1 ."J .V .
tnui.U-l ami described trart.
in w t-i i mi mi i itk i Miii iruri
i 11 r .im r r t .irutrt is.. w t . . -7 ..... . - - -
V , .VZ 7 1 . , UK''nninrf at the Northeast .-..rnor of
J-n .rv 19 n " y l ' t,on numbered Twmty fiO). m said
January, ui !T.,un-,;., ..1 u .. 1 .1
favor of defendant B. Soicrlund ami
aguinst the defendant Nehalem Coal
runniiii; south n u- l.ulf (j mil., to the
ipinrter scctiun port on the lm tvtMren
1 said ectioti numborrd "weiitv i2im
sum oj wi.H. in- ..1 1 .. 1 e ... .
ether w ith his costs ami d.sbursements 1 ..17 " 7L l""u"rl," '
taxed at $10.', toRether ith interest t 71 IT"' "', , ' "'"'""'I' um ""S'V
thereon . the rate of 7 per eon ( Trf, 'f"f ,lh" '?"rl,,r T"""
annum from the 16th day of Janunrj. "Jl-'i la ht-tw" "
ji-,13 ' half i&ij) feet; thence mirth on line
'pJurtn- A iudirment and dcr-e ii. ' par"lu:1 -u the oust Iniumlnry lino of
favoT of sThrder TZ S.
ukmivH the defemlant Neh..lem Coal j i",:: T. . V .".'1 '"J ,w " ""
Company for the wim of itW.Xl. to. T P r-in. ' b1 "", 1 M !-
i-..thr with hi. - ..hT.Jl t'. roald. tboncr east alunt: Ihe
menu taxed at 110.00. with interest "?r"' "n" ut ub 8-clwn f. ttw plaen
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent
of lioirlnninf. lopi'ih.ir with all it... i.,n
inervon ui wie raio 01 per cent per ' ..7 . 7
annum from the 18th day of Jnuary1 1?', ) " -piwrto-1,113
' t naner thereunto IwlonKiiig, or in .my-
NOTICK IS HKREBY GIVEN that : Vi1"!?'".!..
I will on Saturday, th.- 5tn day of ; T . L Tl.,U
April. A. D. 19.3, Vt tee hour o? t-n DZWX
o'clock A. M. of said day, at and 10 r y' it f
illani'Mik. Tt!lamu
this 27th day ot hub
Abstracts on Short Notice!
11 v Tin:
Pacific Abstract Compan
Mtl.'RIt h'tTt .Miuutfin
Complete Sft of Abstract of the. Record? of
Tillamook Covinty, Oregon
Klia Muvtl. . l.u
MiIh 41) AU Mi.toil
tv. a nox 1 ;.
The Im11o int Merchants arc
(iivin Away
T" J
II.M.TOM'S STOK'i:. ht v (m.o.Is. ClmltitiK. ShiHp.ttv
(. U..S. I L l.til (ill. UniKs, Hunks, Stittioiirr, Sd
Supplies, otf
1. I VII v. ; 1 I I II III I I ..... I ..... ... f I ... I I 1
' I II v. ' , IIWIM.iltlv, OIUV11. I XI 111 I" L'
tor ml, cu-.
I ILI.A.MOOK I-IiI-H CO., 1-Vc.l. (.nc,Ti:.s, Mtuluiat
JliNKINS JKWKLKV STOKIC. Wfuclu-s. Diauiim.N
J ON ICS k' N T I )SO N I-1 ' K N TViE C O M I ' A N V .
(a-M THI-ATKK. Where I- vetvhu.lv Cuv.
. I ZAC1 1 MAN, I'h.mhin" Supplies.
MONK'S STt'DK). Vnu Know Where
t ei ,
Competition is tooreat, our merchants
cannot atlord tlese extras. They have
Rot to make their prices richt, and if
the quality of their Roods it. not what
' Iront ol the Courthouse door, at the
City of Tillamook, in the County of
liiiamook unit State of Oregon, olfer '
j for sale ami sell ul public auction to
. the hignest bidder for eath In haul at '
J time ot sale and subject to connrmu-!
it.nn Ihurii.. l. I k.u t . ..II 1 .
ManhatUn Realty Co. to W. F. Halo lar the real estate and oremiscs in said
Hheriir of Tillamook funty,
State of tJrek'xn.
F. R. Ilea Is & wf to Almoda J. Mc
Nair lot 11 blk 20 Sea View I'ark, f!0
it ought to be, our merchants are right 7 i S blk 3-1 Manhattan, Heach 70. (decree descritwd, to-wlt:
on the ground to receive the "kick"
that naturally comes from an inferior
article. By all mear.s, the safest plan
is to trade at home anj with people you
know something about.
Patent. U. S.
tracts in Sec 1 &
to William Scbultz
!3 NOW.
Agreement to convey; Colin W. Col
tarn to J. E. Sullivan 1C0 acres, 511. (.00.
Fcrniihed By Pacific Abstract Co.
Tillamook Beacb Realty Co. to G. F.
Osburn lut 14 blk 17 Tillamook Beach,
Tillamook Beach Realty Co. to D. A.
Osburn, lot 15 blk 17 Tillamook Beach,
Thos. B. Watt to A. B. & Martha
Kuenpel lots 33 & 34 blk 49 Brighton
Beach, $40.
Chas. Eisner to Sam'l J. CalTland,
lota 29 & 30 blk 24 Rockaway, M0.
H. E. & Martha F. Abry to Mary C.
Abry tracts in Twin Rocks, f 1.
T. B. Potter Realty Co. to Chan. H.
uiKKS, unit. int. in loU 17 & 18 blk
63 and in lot 18 blk 3 Bayocean Park.
T. H. McCormack to Ella M. McCor
mack tract in Sec 5 2 S 9 W- $10.
T. H. McCormack to Leonard A. Mc
tCorrnack, tract in Sec 5 2 S 6 W, $10.
0. W. & Daisy Carr to A. Ramsey
tract in Erjrick Thomas D. L. C. in
Tillamook, $600.
Henry J. Valentine to Nehalem Buy
Land Co. lot 13 blk 20 Necarney, $10.
Geo. H. HlRBinK & wf to Mary J.
Wentworth, lot 1 blk 21 Ocean View $10
Nehalem Harbor Co. to Carl A. Dett
barn lot 12 blk 70 Rowe'o addn to
Wheeler, $10.
Tillamook Beach Realty Co. to Mrs.
Gus Heitschmidt loU 1 & 2 blk IB Til
hmook Beach.
Frank E, Pangborn to Wm. L.
Veatch et-al lota 7 & 8 blk 1 Norton's
addn to Tillamook $2800.
D. W. Rhodes to S. SchifTman 1C0 u
In Sec 17 2 N 9 W, $ 1000.
All of Ixit One (U. in Section Fivn
(6) and all of Lot Six (0) of Section
Four (4;, excepting U.u liftuen (15)
acres known as the Union Mill Co. 'a
land; and all tulelands, whurnng and
water rignu adjacent to uid ImI Une
(1) und soulherl thereof extending to
the channel of the Netmlem River, anil
also all tidelanda, wharhng and water
u:L t-ii i r ' also an iiueianda, wharhng an
HiiKuway, iniaraooK Lounty, Oregon, i nghu adjacent to U. Six (til in Sec
Notice is hereby
lion rour (4) and southerly thereof
Iep:irtmei)t ol the Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFK K at Portland,
Oregon, February 1 Itn, 1U13
NOTICE i hereby jjiwii tn.it .lun
V. Weish, of lllmne, Oreir
Entry No. IftWi, Serial No. OMIfi, for
SW SWi, Sec. a. NWJ NW. Sir. 17.
and EJ ii El Section 18. lowmlnp ;t
South, Runu 8 Weal. Will.nnuH..
Solve yo
I i n. I I. j.rviii .ii.r i. 11 iji
SVr'i rr-.
Aii..j..u .it . I ft.. . 1
van im
IVxh I'lxHtrs
Tillamook, Orcgoel
,' iriven th:.t ' '.'..rii, ,.r I,..,,. t..., in, ui. . . . t ...
bidg will be received bv ih.. kr,.,i ,.tv ...it.. . .... :
Lount Commissioner!, of Tillamook to naid upland on said lits One (1) and
County. Oreiron. until 1 VI,-.t .v r. ..u..r . -
. . - , r - .V . . .-".., u.u yv .hi ui mu i.iihi uufcweeii oruioarv
Idrd day of April 1913, for the furnish- high tide lino and ordinary low tide line
mg of all material except as otherwise appurtenant ard adjacent to said Ut
specihed, and all labor, necessary for , One(l) in s.ud secli.ni Five(6jun.I to .nd
ine construction of the irnnrovument i Lot SixlGiinsani Sei-iion Kmr ii .n
" . wfinti. iiiiui; o isa i
extending In tin, .h:.rn...l ..f ih.. ..
lern River, all in Township Two (2) Mur",la"- '""i "f intention
m miiKe final live year Proof, to esta'i
lish claim to tho land above described,
before J. C. Holden, County Clerk of
Till.im.io, (mnty, Oregon, at Tilla
mook, Oregon, on the fith day of April.
incoLioneu onow ; said work to be done
htrictly in accordance with the plans
and specification!! approved and on file
in the ollice of the County Clerk and
also in the office of the County Survey.
( Bids must be addressed "Board of
Commifcsior.ers of Tillamook County"
and the envelope maiked "Bid for the
Construction of Section B of the E. E.
Cross County Road."
The work consists of clearing right
of way, grading, preparing subgride.
ditches and bhoulders, and building all
bridges and trestles from Station 4.3 x
0 near the Hebo Store, to Station 659
x 01.6 ar. per plans and specifications
now on die in the office of th
Clerk and also in the office of the
County Surveyor. Bidder to submit
Lot Six 16) in Mam Section Four (1), and all
water, wnarnng and oilier rights east
erly thereof U the channel ot said river.
Also the Northwest quarter (N.W.I)
of the Northeast quarter (N. E.) and
the Northeast quarter (N.E.i) of the
Northwest quarter (N.W.I) ot Section
Twenty-seven (27), and the South one
nJ (i) of the Southwest quarter
(S.W.i) of Section l Meniy-two (&i)
all in Township Three (3) North of
Range Ten (10) West of the Wlllam-
eiie Meridian granted to one W, J
uook uy Andrew Klein ami wifo
iniivnJcliiiMiinvislies to announce
her Spring and Summer Opening
On Thursrbiv, l-'riihiy ami Siitunhn , Mauli Kl, 1 i, 15,
Ililii m Johnson's is where the huts nhwivs lme
nnd nlwfiysuill sjienlv lor thunsilu-s.
Claimant names as wjtncsisin : .1. J.
Browning, J. J. Jlollett. J),,,. Mikhi.
; 1 r UMm- T"'-!Tiiiamook
H. F. HIC. BY,
Tillamook HnrkutA.
flU I Thf ffiltflUtrWJ ivlj.at ... n. ... ft
deed daieii JuK i 1..01 uni. . . u' i " ""w l,B,u
conditions and quulilicatiotii contained orr" pr",luc"' l 'Hllamook City,
in the deed thereof to W. J. Cook, and Coirccted every Thursday
albo that certain right of way fifty (60) l' .
feet in width over arl acro the Vol. 1 hKK' lr sJose.
lowing describei real fht:ii,. tn.uit . Butter, ner roll
Ihe Southwed quurter (S.W.i) of the Potatoes, per cwt.
per lb.
per lb.
.17! to
bid for construction of each mile" "sc. , KWtf Sect mn Ch T' '
arately; also for construction of entire I fwenty-three (23) ,Tow, sh Ip i h ec I m
1131 North nf lu,,;,.. 1 . ... L: I Cabbaee. in
The road runs from H..L, i "Si" "UBl.'ir. . ' .
n,i1r,h ii,. ti., ii... i f ;, ""' meriuiai grunted by per in.
Each bid must be ac ornpanled by a ! Z m. an, co Id uU,ho tld'Sw I f ,U"Hh' lk
certified check on a bank of Tillamook ' W. J. Cook. C 1 10 ! Pumpkins, ,,r b.
sum 'not Ls & l7 .!? t 1 . of North ! AppK p.r box
amount of the bid, made payable
oouniy ; sucn cnecK or money
bo forfeited to Tillamook C
the successful bidder, in case
Mitllir. 't ,. .1... .1. .. t
th conTrac to .,,f T!BJW th Willamette
bonds in the full ,, mount of t n Zr ' f V' 7 " .u,u ro,,owK '-- Tile Hothcr' ..v,H.
(U I..
a lf
to ihe! (SiB. of Sect on SV T , "V ' I'
order to Southeast quarter (S.E.I) of the South. ' , V'' ,,reMC''.
)Uritv bv 1 eastoiiarij.rr I.' n i u,'. m.. ..i,.v . Beef i reiHeil nor ll.
I r if i n 7 "' lillie IUJ, ' '"
ho falla l all in Township J hree () North of
U, .86
(Both Phones)
t I
Dhctsciihk Advokat
Tillimiook Hloek
Attorney at Law
Office in Commercial Building
Tillamook Building Room 216
. i f c,auns thereunder.
A cnuifb tn(ull.ln.. i... .1.11.1 , ..
Townshln t i woimrcii HhOIlK
Ten f l i? ."""nte". U should be nloaHant to
If f II . . . ra ... 1111.
wi lametio Mer d un. 11 snouid )u elfectuu . Chnm
three 13) North of Id.,..,., nv... w.'.
we:.t of th,, wn , ,.:;?. tt.,rj
lii.i.inru ...in i " . . wuiametto Mer
&iiTffi,k tA '-.ain-a Cough remedy Is .,, 07"thui
T OI '- plans and sjHicllicu. half () rnlle. moro u-.J1 " . " 11,8 "wther'a fuvorlt
i. . I . '
The Hoard reserves the right to re- 'J'
quarter corner between
ject an
to tho
or all bids
Uth da
Pwentv (20) and Twenty-onu (21), aaid r
fownship and Range; thence wusteily
where. For sale by all dealers.
Tillamook Coynty, ",u,,Br" 01 " i ?" (824) 'eut5
boundary of aaid Section Twenty (20)
y J. C. Ilolilen, County Clerk.
Jtsschti ih Bpot
h opt tn IniliitUr.
f he Grr I'lln Kat
lr. fudplnluK
lib f tcul Hnl,
Attontty-at-Uw U
U. S. CoaaiasioMr
Opposite CourtkoHM
I0fl.ee liO.'MJO.k Tilhimooll
I illaiiiook, . . ()r(.l
K. N. IIKNKI.U. Mfi.
Four Doors Wist of llakury.
Funsral Dirsclor and l.Jcn Einbslofl
Lndy Assistant When Kequistcl.
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L, DICK Ac SON, Prors.
Both Phonrs
The Same I'rlce to Kveryone
Painter nnd Puncr I'liiimcr
ContniotH Taken
listitiiates Pnrnished.
Al Wtirk Gimrnntccil,
Tillamook, Ut.
WM . ?iy Casi. Subscription to the