Cbe tillamook Rerald C. 6. Cromblcy, editor ;sucd Cu'icc a lUcck Cucsdav -mil Friday Entered a eond-.-la- matter May IT. 1910, at th pwt .vfW at Tillairuwk. Ortrn. under the act of March S. 1S7V. Sl'BSCRirTION $1J0 A YKAR IN AOVANCK JJIeVCrtiSillfl K4tC 06 I'r! Adv-rt!eraert ! .rf lrf rti'Vt, per h.i" - .W Ea.Ms ulrant insertion, lira . 1 ' mrte.d N ttvs - Timber Oa - 10 W Notice, oer l"x Cards of li.ar.k wr !;( laicals ict li- t'r! i-r "i Each subsequent insertion, Iw Resolutions of ondolence and Lodge notice, per line . Buaiiwas Profewwroil eh,m. 1.J OisnUr Adwrtwewent, per ioeh . A 1,1. Display At mult be in thi of fice on mgn to inaure publication in ir Tuesday an.1 rrwaj Kcaao. are imperative. me, ling. 7:30 1. M. Vwpr Song JervW. A practical talk by the pasUM on. 'Standing Tree to Moml OwivicUona." A conviction is olwf that convi ri ce th reason, detertftlmw th will, anvl &t the hesrt. gpeeial tuefe by a chorua choir. Stranger In th city art- cordially invito! to all r serelee. The church is or blue; wei of the post office. D. A. Mackentle. IHor. U. B. Church Note. O.'. ;.k 1. .n ImThm Iks nuklir Monday and Thursday Mow- , nmixnKt," fhow mMaa r rsi ifaiii4in in loinv fOttOH' PR I PA Y. MARCH 7. CITIZENS TAKE NOTICE On Saturday cvenimr at 7:30 o'clock there meeting at the Court House of all citizens who ested in our pavinsr. Everybody interested should as there will he important business to consider. Crnnnittee. will are Han been in the taut ten day an In crease in attci-datwe and advanced in terest Several have sought the bet ter life. The addrvtae have been of . th htftwat trade and Dr. 1 Mrlter i not failing to prewrnt th straight truth o characteristic in ministry. Ttw nen$ are now at a hopeful staca, You who lira mlssinr these ad dreeee are miain much you should ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICR TO CREDITORS. NVUcc l hereb given to all whnm it may coocorn. lht the fount) i Vusl of the State or Oran. fur tho t ounty of THIamo. h piitel the untie raiffnod adminlatrator of the Katato of Aralraw V. Mbb. doeol. and any and all par" havtnR claim nitainat aaid ratal are hereby rwtuirod , to prevent them to vho undwrairwd nl theolfWofT. M. Uoyno, attorwy at taw. in Ttltaanool: CUy. Orepon. to-; ethr with the proper vouch ra. with- ( ,r ii mtnth from tho dale of Uta (Kit ice. Haled January lltn. 1913. Jamea Itibov. Admimatralor , f the Kjitate of Andrew F. IMbby. . . eaaeo. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. cotne ! The Headlight in itf uaual ctannor thrown a few bouqocU at itMlf in ii5 last ieauo and takes upon lclt the credit of ha vine secured the ft07.fCO appropriation from the government. If we were to UKe the Headlicht for it, we would uppo that Senator Bourne had never lived. We expect that it wili be only the matter of a wDle of week before Bro. Baker that it wa. not publicly has been p?tpomjd. The new rule for tardine wont he a inter-jVaow whatever your intentions retrrd- tK th future. Theao mooting will ho carriad on for numUir of ti;y Dr. iarker will preach Sunday morn ing at II .0) o'clock, in the ovaolnK at 7:30. Suodny Scho.il at 10 A. -M. C. Z. Society 6:30 1'. M. .Mct'tink;' are hold In the home nnoonced it ' ,S:30 P. M. except Monday ami Satur- in- . dar. "Vhit ia Thv 1-ifeT" Notiac is hent'V gitn to all whittti it n wy concern, that the li.nt l ourt of the state l Oreijt.n, Jor iuimk t'ounty. h aiH'intcd the utMlcmiHol. Robert Kichmitrr. Adminiatralur f tho citato of Mxry A Kiehinjcer. lc rcaaed. and all perao havmvr clainw aa;aint said estate are hereby rmtuirrd to pronont them t the undersigned, at the otlice of t'arl llaberlnch. Attorney at law. Tillain.vi. t'lty. Oreion. to- ! eetber with the propr viwchnrt, with l in i month from the date of lhi toticc Inted at TlllaiiK'ofc, Ore.. January to effect Monday and already the tardy , There will bo no service Saturday 'r'Ai ,-.,-,. ! evening. Kvery body welcome. I. R. .Meose, Pastor. CALL FOR BIDS. takes upon himself the honor of bem? ' the prime mover a:id chief intietor of the present pavinjr, invesueations. Methodiit Church Notes. That resolution, as it not a "beaut?" As we have previously stat ed, we are sure some of our counciimea never pave it the oroper thought or they would never have voted for it. Some one's fine Italian hand was most assuredly visible in that document. That resolution aijod for three thincs vir: First, it stood for an endeavor to make it appear that the city adminis tration had done its duty and followed the regular course in the matter of investigation, when it is a well known fact that the investication was taken up only after the repeated demands ami efforts of our citizens. Second, it stood for a direct slap in the face for our citizens arid their committee by attributing to them "sordid" motives (definition of the word sordid : filthy, vile, eross, dirty, base, mean, vulvar) j in their endeavor to get a square deal ! in regard to this matter. Third, it Eeeraed to stand for an endeavor to j provide a soothing balm for the wound-' marks have decreased in number. BasVet Ball has been dropped by j both the boys and the girl and the boys j arc now practising bise ball. j iai wee is lesi wees anu ciotjiwj j The School Board of School District j No. 9 of Tillamook County, Oregon. . will receive bids until March 15th. ! 1913. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M , for the grading of the school grounds During the last four years the aver-, of district, in THia-nook City, age annual increase in Sunday School 1 Oregon. scholars in our church has been 'JCO.WO. The School Board will also receive From March 30th to April 1st there , 0m)s up to the same time for the con will be held a Parlimcnt by represent- , structioo of concrete sidewalks on the atives of our benevolent boards to ; fr sldejl o( the properly of dbtrict. j which we should send delegates. Bis- . eiEht (S) tvt , WIUft unil to eor. j hops Cooke, MtConnell and Shepard j strucl to meet the requirements of the and many others ill be present. , ejty ordinance of Tillamtsik City. Ore- Mabommedanism appears to be on i xun The bidders are aLw requustei to 1 tne aeciine ana wnue so caiieu t-nnst-, submit bids ommitting the coastruclioi ian peoples seem to be applying the f jWewalfca on the south side of the finishing touches the real cause for dis- f sctKxl grounds. AdminUtratnr uf the Etatr of Mary A. Klchinger, De ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. N'olice is hereby given that the un dcrsigncd ho been .ipHjinto.l, by the County t'ourl of tho tte of Oregon for Tillamook County, idminutrtur of the estate of Kay WiUon, deceaiiiHl. All persons having claims against said estate are directed to present the same to me at Sand Iake. Oregon, with proper vouchers therefore, within in -m-ntha from ttie date of this notice. Dated Febuary 7th. IU13. l.v V. Wilson Administrator. Abstracts on Short Notice! ii v tiii: aTl ll lak. A tV -f A- a" a. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County, Oregon Ql'rMCU 0K0UN0 I'UOOK TOWD.'IIOTIU. llOTll P1I0NILS Milu ill AIui Mutoit P. O. 1IOX 1 17. TILLAMCKDK, 1 JK ll -f 1 MRS. W00DR0W WILSON integration is due to internal corruption. .Se.xt Sunday: At 10 A. M., Sunday School. There is room for you in some one of the classes and we have competent teachers. At 11 A. M. Public worship. Sub ject for the morning, "God Supplying Human Needs." At 6 JO. Young Peoples' .Meeting. At 7:30. Evangelistic Services of nwrail All bids for aideuaiks and for o-rad. mg to be submitted separately, the right being reserved to reject any and nil bids. Dated this March 7th, 1913. W. C. King. Chairman School Board. ed feelings of the Warren Construction j s,ng ' and Praise. SuDjeet, Satan's Company, who have been so seriously abused, while they have been endeavor ing (? to give 06 a pavement that would not creep, crack, ravel or run down at the heel. How much nicer it is Ij cater to the Warren Constructi n Co , than to stand by your fellow eitf ze.r. m their hour of need ! COMMUNICATION. Advice, -"Cast Thyself Down!" Public is invited to attend these vices. H. W. Kuhlman, Pastor, Church of Chriit. 10 A. M. Bible School with clatse for all. 11 A. M. Preaching by Pastor Fifth To the cit'rena of Tillamook City : - I erroon ' series of sermons on the At a meeting of the City Council held ! Parab,' Subject: The Talents, in the city hall Monday, Mar?h 3rd, a ! 3 P M Junjor Christian Endeavor, resolution was presented to the coun-1 6 :3n l'' M' jnior Kwleavor. cil by Mayor Harter the full meaning! 7 130 l'' M- Thi; "gular evening ser of which I did not fully realize until ! v,ce be in caW of tho Loyal reading the same in the Herakl and had j 80148 ei's- Ti"-' young men will have I have known or realizod iu purpose to j fu" charSe ot service, belittle the citizens who made the in- Following is the program. vettigation I si.ould have most empha- lrvy Kekj8n presiding, tically objected to it for I fully appre- date and endoree the action of the scripture Lesson Leslie Harrison. citizens and feel that the council should thank instead of kicking them and insinuating tba their investigations have been prompted by "personal in terests or sordid motives." G. L. DICK, Councilman Fifth Ward. BIG LAND DEAL AT PACIFIC CITY. F. P.. Beals recently purchased the Halaney holdings eonsieting of the -summer resort known as Pacific City and 800 acn-s of agricultural and tim ber land, also the Dr, (J. P. Bissell place and the Frank Bowleg ple.ee ad joining, a thousand acres ir. all. Mr. Beals has moved a donkey ermine onto the property and will clear a large tract of the land. He has planned ex tensive improvements along other Jlnes, Violin Solo Prayer Special Why athletics work with Brute Wade. Harold Jope. Class, Bible School Benly Starn. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The Freshmen are making great etrides In bookkeeping now trying to make up for lost time. For some time they had no teacher. The Atheletic Association are plan ning to give another play soon. Mr. Moore who will direct it has picked out a very Interesting sketch and has a good caste of characters. The Ciceronian and Emersonian liter ary societies have been dissolved and in their places two socities one con sisting of the boys and another of the girls will be formed. What the new building means to the class j0hn Ebinger. S010 Clifford Jope. Class Motto, "The other fellow" 1-ee Doty. I feo,,J Wrn. Anderson. ! What the Bible School does for a j 'ounK ma" Thayne Honey, I Why oung men should attend the Bible School Geo. Ethell. I Special Loyal Sons Quartette. unering, Notices, Closing Song. Benediction Class Teacher. In the name of the young men a eor dial invitation is extended to this ser vice. R. E. Jope, Pastor. Presbyterian Church Note. 10 A. M. Bible School. Adult Bible class--Lesson: "The Destruction of Sodom." Young People's Bible Clasa -Lesson :"The Challenge to tho individ ual." Graded lessons for all ages. 11 A. M. Morning worship. Theme of sermon; "Can Sin Be Forgiven?" It is encouraging to see the morning audiences growing. The best hour of the day for worship is at the morning service. 6:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor. Topic: "How may every Sabbath be wj.uuay: - Jer, 17:21 27. Let NOTICE Of- HEARING OE pin ition eor eroba i e. In the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Tillamook County, In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament of Bengtha Byrom, De ceased. NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR PP.OBATE. Notice is hereby given thit a peti lion for the probate of the will uf Bengtha Byrom, deceased, and for the issuance of letters testamentary to Swen Peter Swensen, has beer: filed in this Court ; and that Monday the loth uay oj .iarcn, J913. at 10 iclock of said day, and the court room of said Court at the court house in Tillamook City, Tillamook County, Oregon, have been appointed as the time and place for hearing said petition, when and where any person interested may ap pear and contest the same, and show cause, if any he has, why said petition should not be granted. Dated this 4th day of "February, Homer Mason, p 1 n L - County Judge. Feb. 7, March 7, The Following Merchants arc (jiving Away GOLD BOND nn . ! A. IIALTOM'S STOKIi. Prv C.oo.ls. CLuhitiK, Slmch, tu rtlC I iM 1IT.I1 M......W II. ...1- ..l.. Supplies, etc. U I VI . X. M I 11 I I'M r.. I,, V I i c r u 1 1 , cir. TILLAMOOK KKl-I) CO.. I-ccd. (Moccrics. Mnchtucry JI-NK1NS JI-Wl-LUV STOUI-, Wniehes. DiumoiulH JONES KNt'DSON I-VKNITTK1- COM PAN V. OliM TH MAT KI-:. Where Evcryhody Goes. I i?. ZACHMAN, I'lutuhin Supplies. TILLAMOOK' lll-KALD, Issued Twice n Week. MONK'S S'lTDU). Voti Know Where. SIDNEY H. HENDERSON ' ejt iit tut SovcyiwJ IOMN f! ANIi lll'NOt-U a .1 1 ..I . . ... 1 m 1 . ti TILLAMOOK TITLE Ak AUVI HAIT ISi wlil iiKATM LAW : A IUSTKACTS : KEAL ESTATE SURVEYING : IN SI' KANClv Bh Flwnn l illamook, Oregon Mrs. Woodrow Wilton, who will be first laoy of the lanU and preside over the White House (our years. WILSON HONORED AT HOME CI TATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Tillamook County In the Matter of William Graham Dean, an Insane Person. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKEGON: To William Graham Dean and William Mctuarrie, Guardian of said William Graham Dean: You are hereby cited to be and an. pear In the court room of the, County Court of the State of Oregon for Tilla mook County, in the City of Tillamook, County of Tillamook and state of Ore- gon, on Monday the 3rd day of March, 1J13, at 10 o'clock of said day, then and there to show cause, if any you have, why Thomas Coutes should be appointed guardian of the penon and estate of William Graham Dean within the State of Oregon, as prayed for in his petition on file herein. By order of the aforesaid coilntv ....... . 1 ' .WW I I . ' .uun. wim oHn nay 0r January, IO13, Attest my hand and seal of said Court, the day and year Unt above written. Horner Mason, County Judge By J. C. Holden, Clerk. Jan. 31, Feb. 28, People of Princeton Wish President Elect God Spec.. Princeton, N. J. Thousands of th. horn' folk of Princeton and with tlu-ni the atudenta of Princeton I'nlverslty. gave Woodrow Wilson a farewell d- moriKtrallon n they bado him god speed to the white house. It was a unlrjiH) trlbutr to the mar. .ho. after 27 year of residence In h Historic mv. ii, jmu iicvii elevated to Hie presidency of the United States, in that both students and townsfolk Joined in cheering hhn. A brask band, a ulare of fireworks, and continuous cheering brought the presUleut elect to tha door of bla bun galow. The streets were muddy, but tho marcher trudged merrily along. When they reached the Wilson home a great cheer went up. C, H. JtoUa soh, a Republican, and A. 8. Leigh, a Democrat, bore a silver loving cup. Colonrl David M. Klltin preseutrd It In a brief spiKch. Tli Till,.. I. . An excursion to the beach ... nl. ' m. "7 Zi . ' lMl .. ""am gives 00 Gold (.l..tS. .Jh ," :,K,'CUi,0..,.,ne.c',urc'' en- Bond Trading Sta ' ' " " unu come w "! Peasant evening subscription Tillamook Harkctn. The following prices are now paid for farm products at Tillamook City. Coirectcd every Thursday: Eggs per doz, Butter, per roll J0.7C Ut Potatoes, jMir cwt. Cheese, per lb. ,i7j Cabbage, per lb. Carrot-, per lb. Parsnijm, per lb. Squash, per lb. Pumpkins, per lb. Apples, er Ikx 1.00 to Hogs' light, dressed, per lb. Hogs, heavy, dressed, per lb. Beef dressed, per lb. 10.20 .85 .70 .1. .01, .02 .02 .02 .02 12.6 .00 .08 .08 CONDENSED REPORT OF TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK OF TILLAMOOK, ORE. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS 1KB i, I'ilJ. Kr.ourcn. I-aris, Bonds, Wnr'ts, etc. Heal Fjitate, Fur. and Fix. Due from Banks . , , Cash unil Gist, (terns , , Other Id-sources . , , I-W.1M.48 . 3fi.7fil.-W . 7l.7V0.iT7 . 27.700. W 247. 3tf tl4fi.fihH.y4 Liabilities. Ciipltnl and Surplus Undivided Profits . . Dividends Unpaid . . , Demand Dcioaita , . Time DeKisita , , , 1 Dcoit DeposiLH Cain in Deposits In Last Year Feb. 1. 1U13, as above Fell. 2l, 1012 . . . I-V,4.040.fi5 nu.a10.04 I5O.00U.51 Do Your Business with a Growing Bank J. E. REEDY, D. V. M, VETERINARIAN (Both Phones) Tillamook i t Oregon i.JI.. .,JlJJL. . x L1 -- O . OLAUS8EN Lawyer Dhutsciihr Advokat Tillamook Hlock amps with every $1.60 j Jaaehts (Ks nm Slop; .an In.uiu), 1 w " I I'ils Kcia rU. I'm Uiniiikfl whUiiUsI built GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Law Office In Commercial Buildina tmma ..... w IILLAMUUK, ORE. JOHN LELAMD HENDERSON Altrny.aMw Abstracter Tillamook Building Room 216 T. H. G0YNE AtteTMy-it-Uw Ui U. 6, Coausiutoacr OapwiU UurtkoMM H.T. BOHS, LAWYER COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT. Office 202-204.. Tillamook Itlock ullamook, . Ore. TILUAHOOK UNDEHTAKINU CO, . N. MHNKI.R. Mgr. Fotfr Doors West of llakurv. Funaral Director and Ucaiue Embaltsaf Lady Assistant When Kequistr.l. Pioneer Transfer Co, G. L. DICK at SON, Prof. Both Phone The Same lrlc to Everyone E. N. CRUSON. Painter and Paner HaiiL'cr ContractH Taken liHtimittc'H Kiirniulii.I Al Work Gunnmtwfd, lilluniook, or.