Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 07, 1913, Image 1

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issued twice a week tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any -Paper in Tillamook Oountv
Tillamook, Okhc.on, Makcm 7, 11)1. 'I.
NO. 13
wrinri (iwiaigwwwimww i
Spring Millinery Openmg
Mondty and 1 uesday, March 10th and 11th
li WHICH U7i IXMli; MA. OVH Fh'li;.'IS A'I I'ATKUM
i i . t 1 i . . , I .11.... t....!. A 4 ? tllt
E I I V new Itltll novel ItlCII uurmiurni uv iumim ruitij;11
, , , iK. broaelly (Itupliivcil. Dm' unquestioned leadership in the selling M
h . h i-liifcH millinery"1 iPl,,n'' l)rccsl is wc" k'(,w T1,c ,ut' ST0KI5 receives
wlut publicity it need's chiefly from the jiratifienticm of its constantly widening
cifi'li -t -iHioincrH. The dtniinetive feature that has made this branch of our husi
nrH - M.aonlinarilv successful is veiy clearly shown. It can Ik described in n
.. Mts arc more bcautilul than ours-none can lie. " e get " crcmii
. i ti ...:ti: It... .....
from i . vn downers. "I" lh0ftl' lhul m,r ow,i 8I,,C"UI" i "
da it.. ,sK and can see no reason for the extravagant prices that many cay milli
nc h ., March 23 i. Elcr, already our workrooms are full to overHowin with
order We suicst '' curly inspection.
. When hnl mil trimniinR rv ptitvlmsal here our expert j"Mtwk. 2Mlo 4i30 .
MH; iu j. tifiiwerwMxtim Ytr.tr hut without mUiitiouni chinZ U,,, Ai,mitml
We Sound the First Note of Easter in this Exhibit or New
Gowns, Dresses, Suits and Wraps
V" Mil he entranced with the show.,.,' which we are .unking this season of Knr
1 ,, as for even,. and scui.-dros occasions, as well as lor street wear lvvery
fas) .,1,1c fabric i, represented and each one relied the Inst thought of the style
m.u ,..,( the fashion x orld in Wm-WM, down. Louts mid buns
on we invite one an I all to our display opening m our balcony section.
Tlio Usual Ceremonies Attend
Induction Into Office of
j Woodrow Wilson
' WMhlnston, --Woodrow Wilson t
tarn Um Ihlli president of the United
ii.le Tuesday, urnld Imposing cre
eiorilr and tumultuous scem- of pop
ular r.r-flilnc Btnndlng at the hlntot
fc enM front of the capital h took the
oonntituilijnnl onth of offlcn. and In
lib. brief Inaugural address made a
f-nld appeal to nil patriotic mou tor
cuunnol mill nld.
The program arranged for the p
nl and erroiMony n rlrtuMly thr
hum n thni of other InnuKiirntlonii
Of ri-crnl y-r, Tim two bis features
of ibn day worn tho Induction of tijc
prMrnt and vlc irrldrnt Into of
flcn at tho Citpltol and tho parndv that
followed thciio crrotnonlf.
i At 9-45 A. M ., Mr Wlliton and Mr
Mnrnhall. accompanlrd b' the con-
jrilonal coniinltt-. bncan the ahort
drlt to the While Houae. The party
whirled up the drive to find lrcldent
Taft waltlnc to welcome the IncomlnK
preldent and vice prealdcnl on the
front portico.
At 10 17 o'clock Ihe ride to the capi
tal beitan. in the first cnrrlnse were
frenldent Taft and Mr. WIIon. Mr.
Taft occupying the rlr.ht hand aeaL
With them wr Senator Crane and
Dncon. In the accond carrlaK" Mr.
Marohall nal at Senator Overman's
rlKht; and with him wna alao Uepre-K-ntntlvo
llucker. In tho third car
rlaRo enme Heprenentatlvea McKlnloy
and Cnrrett,
lTfldi)ni Tnfl aml..Mr.JlLUoa were
at olico mcortod to the jiroBldent'a
room, whore Mr. Tnfl at once took up
tin- work ol HlKnlnK hills. Mr. Mur
t.lmll w ent to the vice prenldenfa room
accompanied by membora of tho com
inltli'e. At 11' 30 o'clock committees from
the house and iiennte wnlted on resi
dent Tnfl In the marble room and Rave
formal notification that congress was
rvady to adjourn.
I Monday find Tucs-
l. i .able COLD UOND
Ti i :i-.r Mamps wilhefich
1"' jiMiihasc in the bal
cou V.
,n t tif.irr riorrtliinttolrr)lifre
We tleliver free of charge I
1 1 I.
in any point in i iiiamooK
Count v by parcel post.
purchases amounting to
$1.00 or over.J
Thomas R. Marshall, the new Vice
President, who will preside over the
United States Senate for four years.
Retiring President Finds Regret Over
shadowed by Pleasant Memories
WasblnKton. 1'resldent Taft's last
day In the White House was one of
his busiest. As a working day It did
not Inst more than ten hours, but It
was crowded with unusual events, full
of Incidents that fall to the man who
sits In the White House, nnd crowned
with pleasantries. The president
shook hands with several hundred cit
izens and officials of the government;
received scores of teleprams from
friends nil over the world; signed his
nam to pile after pile of pictures and
letter and held three reception.
He qtilttetfthe roonThc has occupied
for four years In the executive offlcet.
with n smlbt and without a backward
Sl.mct'. nnd with jnnny a pleasant rec
ollection of the days he has spent
there. He met bla old time friends of
tho WnshlnRton diplomatic corpH and
the Justices of the supreme court In
ihu White House, and. last of all. he
Kavo tho first formal wulcome In that
mansion to the president-elect and
Mrs. Wilson.
WasblnKton No president elect has
iver found the capital of tho nation
whoj destlnlo hj Is to tculde moro
brilliantly arrayed or moro abundant
with enthusiasm than Woodrow Wil
Mr. Wilson and his family arrived
at 3 45 o'clock Monday afternoon.
' With them in sprclal trains came
students from Princeton Univcralty.
who formed a lane from the train shed
to 'he president's room In the station,
where the Inaugural reception commit
tee el senators, representatives and
citizens awaited tho Wlfeon family.
One of Mr. Wilson's last acts as a
private citizen was to call, with Mrs
Wilson upon the president and Mrs.l
Taft The president-elect and Mrs.
Wilson were escorted to the White
House soon after their arrival. Presi
dent and Mrs Taft received them la
the Blue room. '
Surrounded by cheering thousands,
the president-elect and members of
his family were hastened from the
station, escorted by the official re
ception committee to their hotel.
The dome of the capltol glistened
under a brilliant sun aB they passed
and the city presented a panorama of
patriotic color as viewed from the hllL
Smiling In the glow of a kindly day
Knwinr in the olnudits of the peo
ple, the former president 01 rnnceum
University, who rose through the gov
ernorship of New Jersey to the high
est office In the land, looked happy.
Before visiting the White House th
Wilsons received the vice-presidentelect
and Mrs. Marshall. Governor Sul
zer. of New York; Governor Pothler,
of Rhode Island, and staff, and a few
personal friends. First, however, im
mediately after their arrival at the ho
tel, the president-elect. Mrs. Wllsoa
and their daughters. Joined In an In
formal reunion with other members of
the family who have assembled from
different part of the country.
FSrst IlationaS Ban!
ICillamooU, Oregon
j. c.;iioi.ikn
W.M.lf.. T.MT
C. NY. T.M.MAr.it
WE have )..st installed sonic ...(.den
Sale Ik-posit Uoves where your val
nablc papers will be sale from v. xu'
will be pleased to show then to yon.
Unekt ;Tj7; sTTGr nmn t : jupesjon
With Ewry.CMh SiAscripttoB totue
Vhlnt...i llu- thoumu.d wo
mm., murehlm-. In Ho woman HurfrnK.
pageant Monday, virtually fought lhlr
way root by '' "l1 ,'""v,,lll nv,k
through n HiirmiiB mo ;'"
l,lt(. .U-fU'd iho WuHhhiKK'U l'"lle.
lwumi.od.tl.0 murch.. and
nroi'oMlmi Into llttlo companlos. Tho
worn.'.., trudging Htoutly uU.ng under
,.r,.at dlfflmilll". wro ublo to com
;,, l(lS. ,rrti only trooj.8
,f CMv.lry from Kort Mr wen. ruh
Ml Into VuBhluluu to tnko clmrRo of
:mllyvanla ""' No l.u.ugura
,,, ,mH ,nor P.od.u'od h.icI. hoo.ioh.
hleh In niiviiy Inalnnt-oa mm.ui...-
nolbluK h'SH than rlolH.
lllii.M.ir. . , .... ......
i.utor. In CounimniHi in....
1 . ...... ...nu ir. havn'bvon n
mou turni'ii wimi " -
uf rago demonstration Into ... Indl
t on .ueotlng, in which Wash-
for tholr Inucavny. -
m,o,.t.H cihk r.isd:l
U to mnko un Investigation nd o
Sato the reHPouHlblllly for tho IndlR.
nltle the mnrchers sufferotl.
nlTr Prndo. in Itself, ln.plt.of h.
through two walls of antagonistic hu
,M0 .B ,rs for the most part
UpT h r ;;;;; .10
aura tO JlUOH IltHl Jern. -
SToHh-'or-l otlh. older
wru fofosjii to (Hop out-
1 TOIr
Marshall rills Long Vacant Office
Washington. For the first time In
many months tho United States pos
n.isnes a vice president. When Thom
as It. Marshall, of Indiana, took the
aath In the senate chamber, the
vacancy In thnt office caused by
tlie death layt year of former Vice
President Sherman was filled.
Known Casualties 4t0
Washington Although the known
casualties for Inauguration day and
night reached n total of about few
were serious nnd most of thcgi were
of minor tmtunv
Mimv of tho Injured, especially those
who received burns at the display of
firoworks. went for treatment In the
downtown section without the aid of
Gold Uonl Trmdliig SUmp wltk Hernia.
The President Who Will Rule the Na
tion for the Next Four Years.
At ll'lti o'clock Vlctl President Mar
Khali, nccomputitod by the' congress
ional committee, wits Ushered Into tho
roimtu chamber and given- it deaf in
tho front row. fstjlim the presiding
officer, nnd when nil tho guests wore
nsHomhleil ho Hteppod up to tho desk
and nt 12:31 o'clock took tho oath.
Tho march from' tho aennto chamber
i t,. .mt front of tho cupltol whero
tho onth of offleo was administered
followod. Prehldont Wilson was led
i,v tho Homito sergeunt-at iiruiH. He-
hind them came the Justices of the
United Stntea supremo court woarlui;
finwlne Judicial robes ovor their over-
nt. Wilson 'and Taft. walking, fol
lowed. WIIhoiij removed his hat to
tent tho weather nnd n gnlo of wind
quickly dUurnuwod ' nnr. He re
nlaced hl hut Immediately,
At 2:05 o'clock1 the new president
Antm-nil a foursome carriage and re
inrnn.l to the WllttO llOUBO, He took
the rlgbt hand sent. To hU left rodo
wmiam 11. Taft. the retiring I'res
dent. Opposlto Wilson sat Senator
Uttcon of Georgia and opposite 'lull
t Henator. Crane of MiuBacnusetii
rrni. and MiiV nbor ol
the oougreaaioukl iBauaural waaU
troopH of cavalry, inmntry and D.inas.
Mrs Wilson and her daughters also
occupied carriages In tho triumphal
march fnjm the capuoi to me
House. The trip un Pennsylvania aye
nue was one continued ovation.
Preeld?nt Wilson, holding his Bilk ha.
in hie Imnd. bowing to right and left
Ketfrlng President Tail nt m
emnly in his seat, looking stolidly nt
the crowd.
The Inaugural parade was declaret
the qtoM pretentious of any In history
in length, numbers., and novel feature:
It was unique. For nearlv thr hour
It wended Its way through Knusjrl
vanln avouuo.
! Overriding 29 of the 40 Vetoed Bills
j Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
Salem. Or. The Twenty-seventh
I Legislative Assembly passed Into hls
tnrv at 11:40 o'clock Tuesday night.
Of the 40 vetoed bills of Governor
West. 29 were passed notwithstand
ing the veto and 11 vetoes wero sus
tained. Of the 29 that were passed.
19 were salary blljs.
Some of the bills passed were of
large import. Including the Rogue
river fishing bill and tho bill provid
ing for investigation of tho 'resources
of the Cclllo rapids In the Columbia
Probably one of the most important
bills which was vetoed by the gover
nor and in which hU veto was sus
tained was the Abbott bill, repealing
the law placing the State Printer on a
flat Kilary. In addition tho legislature
decided to sustain the governor's ve
toes on a number of important meas
ures. Including the bill providing for
tho extension of the recall provisions
of the constitution. i
Subscribo for tho Herald. It coims
twice a week.
Recall Machinery Agreed On
Olympla. Machinery for tho opera
tion of the recall In tins state embr.ic-
I Ins n number of new features was
I -....! unon bv the state senate with
an 'unanimous vote. The bill as passed
places In working shape the constitu
tional amendment adopted by the peo
ple at tlie last election opening the
way for the recall of oil omcinis ei
ccntluc Judsea.
Geo. Loehrpabel, Wm, Tohl and 0.
A. I-omnlen of Mohler were attending
court hero this week. Mrs. Lommen
eamo with Mr. Lommen on Wednes
day and returned on Thursday,
Have Yon Seen Them
We have received a limited amount of them and
until March 16, we wi
With every one dollar purchase in our store
'Drop in and Look Around."