Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, March 04, 1913, Image 3

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1 1
Coc.il Happening. g
- - - ...
,.lyei IP llrttlK Mill..
1 '
, .1 I -
9 n WWllI)
rifef am.
kiri fur
... Ki
l .U IHU fnV fur
I Hiatal (mi MmI)
... r nrat Willi
. o an MMiwlny hi
, M.-lfofO.
, ( nU' t'U ifiaat ut
, i i tv, atorv.
,illo was a paau
-I rnUff.
. . f lw4 f ,o
nttaiM IWI Co.
1 l v IHuiUwd vtlfd
rt bmw r 8irday.
. lf wWV. (tontt mt kw
' -i it km n . unty ol
. m f (I. T I'towl-n
t l . la. TWJy.
. i .mt aot Ulry w,
Jain. Thylr,
' . sr IMITaf an nil
I rrvMMary.
' t k tttrMl ft lb"
. r ! and ttoMvwml. 8
..ri. it Wrtfi af & eltl
j.. Hmtoeh an Mrti
..,. U. Hi ffwt.lli
. 1U Mrh tut , Imi.
!. af
Ptr ( '
Hf '
I (to. !
I turn
at ilw frfvaj?
-h for rent
, four frc
Ijtotltilr t
vraa fournt eM nwr
ttmr mil nt liar-
A rumMr uf Kfr taUk
Hirnnjjof of llm lUjr
u to, now hit ft imllar o-
"ic ltnm
rmlk Star?.
fr 85 t
"Drop l !
M. miwJ Mr. Nortort. wlit Imvtt. Contrnry (on niinor lo Km cflVa tlmt "Our price In Uhj mit,n to t-vtryonc, I
lpn ir.lillnjt nl)tilih, nrnni nrrMi.t tlio Tlllitwwk County i-ow T.ulltiK Ah. iinmoly, IC rvnti IWllnruf t nil I'orU
vi.Hltitf TllUuiwiV City frlMiwU. wKflmlmi will bo lUlmrMlfil, Cliin. Ian') ilmlot, whuthor tlmy m mrker. j
Jiul rtxrlvtil dlntcl from Uht ICwl, Kmiuo Inforiin in tlml Uki iimorlntliin witimiloKloti iriin or vliojtitnlont. Wtmt-1
n Imrrxl of liiiinti ttihtln Mirluitn, ' tlll In Inct urt.l will urly i-wrry on ever olhor f nulla Jmv Imitti H l
TUIaiihmiV I'ii.nl O. wtirk Uiln rumlHK ruoii. 'Iluiro tirv a our door, Uila In lint Drat Irmtnncu lo'
Mr, , C. Wlnk.ttiliaitt, fortflorly of 'atrnwlm In lio flllti), mihI It la which i have I won ureutoil of tilil
lillmtl. tint Uu f t'mnai (!m,vh , nuMNMHry thru mi iiuiiriiMira iiy. urn win noin thai win
In itow iniilnrl liy V. A. WHIIhih m l b-HimnI i Ht ow fix tlm upw ijiiwitlofj atnttM thnt "It
Mrttmw MNalr. Tall, IUbr Uh. ( M. V, ,ch tnntlo i IwhIiimm trip lo
IIrIw, Worral, Wlllstl antf Mwknrl . th rwrth ami ( th cunly MoiHlny
tutaiU of Ur. Barrall at ' Mnir cnlM Uioro by the fuel llmi
lauHa. Tlia nfWrmon' HatUraon it r roiitotiiiilHtlnit
w pmt In nt4l wtrl. roIkk out of llu. inal lulnM i)f
I'df tcMir liiiuu MiniuoiinHa for routilof the hiith nrlca of inur.t. Mr.
i.afii may bo rii.miwn in iw nnor- (0 w)l(fV0 Uw ,,,1, aUc.Uor, u
lb- .mllfa ml bualrMna of tho iwrtli )(M by tb d(((y ,lK)r t tli, :ivri.
iifw bf tlio conly. Mt In i'Ulnif )hni.
i. v wwi wiji, w iiaitri , , , . -' j -r"-"'-'
i .i ..... i mrntrm mikI w, inuat mil Ln lUrtirlniKI 11...... i. .......
airiTn in m euy .'Honqay. r, uttl . . . , l(rervui mnmBw
nrtifli! Illj
U rlnluifl"
in m) further Hint "Uila haa not hun
ci'nnruKHl," Of rwirau I know who
lieon InnptrlUK tliu nrtlrl'm which
liava l-n apfwarlhif in Hie OriiKonlMn
anl Journal from timu i tlm, nrxi
aoiiivotiu haa hocn Ink Inn pmna U vmi
mar Med cple uf ain to m.-vwrul ut
the ialrymcn hum. .Muny havo Ivmii
or, arhrnan, tt will lo
Sktoi) M al a rtMMbW prk.
I', It, ('wt0i am) wf uf H(B,tr
, nj utKing UHinriuAi marine
.an iilOM.Ml ih folWiiL. i. It la noon nlml l prlew nrtuUmr rwlcn ; .j1m, for M hw lif,(J ll)U w(nU,r
. . .... i I fir Lwn. : .... .... .i.l. i .t... ,
.u. ouimhi rnnamoa 10 tmvd a ohm
lUnul wqfls nti.
w ' ' i h r'ca iw i ' w
I tamp x to tut ie. no. t lamp K)ori vltml lo a 'Hplwniwr Ta
For Sale or Trade For Tilla
mook City or County Property
No. 1 Two lot in ftc ' Ity Pnrk, I'orllan'I, ono hlrk
from ntroot rur.
Nu.2- 'Ihrni- tola In Unlvcrnlly Pnrk, Portland, throe
hlorka from atrtiot cnr.
Ho. 3 Two loU in Vmw Cly, oV lihok from itroct enr
iiwl four hlfwka from the Ilih ScIkI, (Zntrmn
Lihrary nrvl Htntc Univi-rnlly uroorxl.
Ma. 4 W) nr-rca of wht-at Innd in Morrow runly, ll un-
ir cultivation, in irl whent belt.
Mo O Onp lot iiih! fine rennb-nre in l-at rwl'lrwc part of
Snn J'ff. f'til., r, ahort bl'ka from th High
Schl nrxi HtU" Normil Sv-rrool, arnl two nrn.rt
lilo'-ka from threw atrct-t car line.
All tlm Ahovn Will IrsicJn For Tillamook Oily or County
P. W. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon
or two.
"Kning n ritttttr In trwl Urnlliiir
in lhl MMiimunlly yi m coniully In-
on KrUlay Ui
wnrt tin, unl-
tNMwra rlnimwl thm the imirkvl wua
"liarv of rhtiO" Km) wa firm, when
a a matter of fuel thr w-im Iota
of phtMWRral tho marhut win t!tcldij.
U not firm. Now whon th miirknt l
IVt 4
U'rr 1 1
or aj t-lr.
. - "rp-enwf Haifa t tor
r.. TillarllMlk TUU A Al
. . ). rillamook IUh.
VI Wrmll, pltytlnlnn nrat Ur
'i lnuni himI t'tirnntwa thiin.
' . itirrfinl lluilillnt; npHnlir
i. i
ILiih.. Wnlknr, who litu ln
.( -ii-.'ami for noma time, ro-
,!UiniKk (mil 4illwy.
A t) IVrklim. who vUU.mI In
i ui wrok, rturnml n Sun-
:I20 nrroa uf KWil
i. ii hih! nun hnlf mlloa from
-rr Will null t'hurip. I'nll on
i A. J. Iluaton. Iloavur. Ore
Alt. rr y Holini-H ri'tiimtxl on Kun
!) ft'Mt. mi i.xti:uili'il nitty ut .Snlom,
llu rn.,i ,ini.. i. liv.i Kuiiitlnn uf tho
Tliir-iKhhrnl Indlun Uuiinnr duck
nd 1" ll. W. UiKhiirn fK,? tor nnlo nt
11.00 ( r iu-ttlnK'. Hon W. K. Nuycn.
'e 'n.dcrntnnd thnl tlm llunnol lluw
kln m-w rcnldiiiifu on tint Whltnoy Co.
much will mkhi ho neroinmudiiti'd by
elirtrir lichla fruin liny IHV.
antj lti rtMind,
Vis, J, (I. KannwJy rnUtrnml on
Monday from Port Ural, whrrn hn bad
ttin In aiutmlanrtt upttu Mr. It. T.
Ikttnh, who irnllr iwUrwtit an 0r
nrUon. A. 8. (trk Ut of (kie.rdatci baa
hWt;hl a Half ittlrrmi with Hairy
Solum m Ihn Htar Tli)itin. THtty n
titw) maVinr ron td or a bt Iranrnvrf
iiici U lo lhlr houeo.
Mr, W, t., Watrh and family fmtn
Cotlnua f5ri rrtvi In Tiliammit
PrMay ovnin ami lmmllaily uk
tm nana ln of ittvir now henna In Rtinny
Mfimtt which ihr narvhatiMl of Mr.
Pamsborn trral waslm o,
Mm, J, T. Moot, wife of lh frr
tMalor tii I hp M , R. Chorfh her but
ho ij nuw omihyinK the pulpll l
Callagm Oro. h bon aeritwinly III
and tnvV(d lu m lAin Ho
pita I, Hr frnla will n ifM to hrar
that ! I rwivarlnt: rapidly.
fi C wHt. about JfrJUr
.oil ih 1'ar-lrV Horla Worlia lo tn i 8Jwr Ulan Sun
Qraam ltii.ihnr. nun afin Uk-m r
thai tnaUloilon and lll aonn rr-lurn
hrrr. to ufeo full elrt! f ilia Mtn.
Tliay' Ilnwry will look aftrir lhr workf
urttil Mr. Prlf and wlf arrlti",
hy wnirtf a ballur rdc of to?k to
tnurt lH youniiratfr, IWntn by
buytnu your I. C. Whlur IKhorn bon
and Indian Kurtncr duck r-cita f im
HnrrWn ami lltur havo somnlbinK
bcollful wdl nn uaofnl.
IHrk iMt of Wtwdn 'M bnklK
baml with TlllamooV fHamU Uiday.;
Mr will rulurn Ixfin tutiwrrow nerotn
panld far Hmiw by Andy Heat-!
(rwho lately rlrn4 from Cnnnda.
Andy tmd tb trip nortli In lwp of!
nfirurini; rdtlitf front rbeumallcj
irottbtM. Ha wan dlaapimlnKrd liow-
Year oW Whll )r4iinelon rocVrraln
for .alo tt 6 '" w"l "haiv
uni Uluo Andalulnn Kbr f"r llnth
(It; l 80 nltin for 16 ok. HUwUd
Uluo Andluaill tVk runt
t? 1V0 ud niDriKut. Pin' Wrd r
okl (.VnAoral and aim blu Andaloaian
Han for ! $1.00 aneh. Irn I.
Mm IJuk"1" Jnkln inilortnlrwd ttm
liml.roldirv C-lul. IVbruary li it
h.ir bomn. Thp inimbor pruni'iil wore
MnntlniuiM nodrtt. Ilarrt. Mtljweii.
ItUL'ur. Mnwliium Thou.
nml Stiinlcy Conloa wnro lnvlt.nl t!"''-
Durlnif the aftontoonn Hl w 1,1
Inn nn.1 nnk.' wan nerval
Thormiuli-liri'd punt wlilto "k'rT atrnln
i.JI.m Itimniir Huck vi'X H.W l"r
Pttlui? iiNn n tfw II no ynumr
1... II.... ll,,iM,..r Drukiirl tor miH'
mutt InviUtitma laauml by Mia C.irtnida ' llrm awl lharo la hardlv nnj checa
liblnHtir lo a fnw of hur fricmln lual j tlm rriwrU ar.t Jtmt lh rovcrno. li
wk. Approprlato Knmi' wro play' think lU mm arc rriakiiiK inlnlnfco
a.1 duriiu tlio inliiR. DurinK Dim In tht. bttcaune thwy would mm! tha
dainty lunrh of aandwlehra. ullvitn, popl. hott.tr by kIvIiik tho nelual mar
wafer, nod Hi" cu.ntta wcrt' uaoli kot condition. Ttu.y enn ancertain
prvianlod with thu pltrturo ot hur lout tho actual comlltin by bnviriK th.-ir
tov and ovvr tbolr ttncwp each uno r.ijiorler cnll on the nirvcrnl donli '
lold liS lry of Imr nion fur nlnKl"- from lime lo liiuo, and not conln.i
blnalntM mttUl n clnirut of ayutpalliy. , them to what onu or two mny nay. "
Tha "plnatora" ptoiont wr Mti "W mual certain.., do not intend t-
Kallltf Onylord, tlaulfeh Itorn, Holn , limit th rmmlwr of Kopl" who wi.h (
Oaa. Iritis Crhoa. Mario Huldori awl . lo handle our oodn, and we hnvo p.'M (
, ...... .1 . .. I ...1 j
Vtiroa Phillip. ' conlderabi oiiori ami mono? w uih
Tb .taumant mada b.t wook ihnt '""
th . P. road intntled to bulW tbruh , 'r. th(. .y .lock, thin
to Uolpl. tW. .mmi.Hr I... crea t,,J j h mnfM fOIIWwhure
M'ytl.. lbwaj.1, aart of ihe! wouW jutl B. have It
cnty nndan.toin Tillamook. H.a, M ln
,idat. Ihra ar anooon to ..,., of .(rnM w lmvi. io(Jk1
. 1 ... . , . .. t , u .. .r 1, .M
raally a fact. While the Sun nUli
ment wa not authorllive it camo from
a reliable iMturc ami it la coiiAdunlJy
.iip-!el thnt Iho Hit will bo otml.
mi wnniwanl frorn Shurldan noon. -
We wlnh ttxprt-aa our Imnrl fll
thanka to nil Utoi whi .jxtmalml their
kind help and nympnthy In our lat
A. K. Cn bimI Family.
The Forty Ycnr Test.
An artlcla mtut have cxerptlmml
merit to nurvivn for h jHtrlml of forty
ytnrn. Clinmbcrlnin'n Onitib Itwmudy
wu Aral ulfurml to thu public in ISTi.
From n nmi.ll bnlnninK it hnn K'rown
in favjr ami populnrity until it ban at
UttntMl n world wi.lo ri'pulatloit. You
will find nolMntt bnlter for n couch or
wld. Trv It nml you will unilorntand
why ll l a favorite uftnr 11 H-riod of
moru than forty yoara. ll ni.t only
Klv relief il cur. For iwle by nil
From Journnl, Port bind, Feb. 14:
The clieene miirl.ul in vry wonW imd
nil pricen nr .fuwn to 17.: n jtouml for
triplet, which i Jc lower thnn nomo
wuro n.dllnn ll week.
Tbuciiun.' of the wortknenn In tho lo
cal initio In that thu bin .lantern puck
urn hiivo been nucr.'tly outline the
pricen. ltlncliilm.nl by nome of tho
whuloniilern that tho Tillumook annoci
mion. through Curl Huborlnch, lu
white Hucriitnry, bun been nelllm,' K.iiicrnlly n
Mm. hull cent lower to pucKurn innn u
other wholonulorn.
Whllu thU Imn not been conllrined, It
Iiiin cmmeil much indiumitmn iimonn 1110
Portlnml to bo tho intwt unantisfarUiry
mnrket on the. eoaat. nml w; will mar
not our KO"d "H rljslit. if Portlnml
taVea all Hny nt x-k."
"A for packers Imatmcdown price,
they have bon thu verv pooplo who
have helpvnl to Veep price at a hiRh
litvcl by buyln choeto In the rtuh of
ilw aoAMtn ami torin nnme. The
amount of chuono nlnrwl by othor in
teronl i ncKlli;able, an anyone can as
certain by loukinc over our book.
Then, too, nlncc lhoe pcoplu make the
monl bunlnen urtu of their main lino,
it do.1 not ncom roanomible that they
would wnnl to brin down the price "f
chopno, but nitbor thnt they would
like to ueo ebcdao nt n rood ticurc no,
,.. i nt MimtHilu with their other1
lino o much."
Cheeie Situalion U Gaining
Strength in jlarkel of Cont.
From Journal of Feb. lis:
The mitrkol for cIi.hmo in showin
1 muru ntronnth. Pricen nt Tillnmook
are belnic hold firmly at 1kt for Port
1 land delivery In larRe lotn. whivh holdn
! Uie 17c jobbing mHrkel here rnther
Klfortn to purchase Tillnmook (.up
, plica for ir.c havo fniled even in car
lumi lutn. nml buyer hnvj been forcs.nl
in pty loc in onlur to ocuro their
needn. liven tho iHfk'o pnekurs hnv.;
h.,.m forcLHl to nnv tho price. nn! thin
iilono in one of the bent stens of the
atrctiKth of the tnulo'n poaition.
Crl Huborlnch. necreinrv nml nnlon
mutineer of the Tillamook Hssocil.tion.
in nt Innt holding itu own. nml thin will
prove n bit; factor in tho future of
prices nml the movement here nml else
. here nlone; the cohsI.
The fuel thnt thu bit; factor 1m ve
been forced to pny the price doinunded,
oven thouirh it w ' llf conl
tor thun they really wnnted to purchnse
nt, iniltcnten thnt their bolditiKS nre
down to bed rook, otherwise thoy
would hiive held oir loiiRer.
liciil cheeno nellorn tiro bcKiiinK to
w ..1 n more botieful view of the hiiuh
Alum Hoenlcke. Wtxxln On-Kon.
.. .. .....I l.nv from other.
fin.nvri 1 ' 1. .-..j 1 1 ...,i,i, 1 mil if mil 11111 iiiiiiini; iiiu uul h iiti'i. '... .... r
' .. . ... 1 .., 1 111m riuinni n - r. . ,,,1,,,, . . . intmiHll
whet ymi want me ... v 7- , . ..,,...,.,. liml mime Uro alreiuiy " 1 : , f" thc
I.ol horn cnicKou " . . ..,.iii., 1 i"-"- j
. 1. .... i.llll. III flll Hill I 1 1 IT IIEIIIUL I l, I V I .........
wiruu.i'iiiiir. " - iiuca.ion.
. . .. .. .. ..,.. I, i... 1 1
aliick ami tKo tne i-oon ihij o..r.
..I ...if viuir H. ('. W
,iiiih.,j .
1 i..,ti,.i. iiimiiiT duck ek'n from
Jon. Ili.rrUon. Ilulli klmln at $1.W)
ilML.. Aildronn .Ion. Ilarrlnon,
u'i,..ii,..,- 1I1U will be done or not is
not known, but it in ntnted thnt more
Poultry NeltltiK I'V ,tl" ro11 iH ,h" ' Coon Hny stock Imn been purchased by
way t l"iy ll. - llu',1 I Porlbiml InilopeniloniH recently
(I, M mil. The fuliowink' i't"" jever beioro.
,i,w i-ACII whoii w re In IIIKUU. U'bo onu em Cllllin llllll ll.e mm-
! I
vint 1
Wlicn you waul miytliiiiK
lept in a FIRST CLASS
Drug Store
llu also keeps
t!l Inch IiIkI)
SO " "
48 " "
CO " "
Ti " "
Cold Hond
per roil fl.lf. lk HgHocintl(ii In itlvint; ilnulf Into
.... " " $15 'M ,ll0 hands f tho packers, who Imvu
.... " " J2.'.l0 ,um, ,, to beat down their prices
' " SJI.f'U ltm l other intorcstn cnmbiued. It
.... " "$:' ,wh tho e.-intern packers that brought
with cash I'"""- forward thu custom chuotiu to this
market noino months iiru in un ollort
to break cheese prices nloiiK thu coast.
When thu forunoliin article wan
culled t Hi" ntttmtion of Curl llnbor-
! Inch, hu hI'I :
I will nut ho responsible for any . : : :
dubln contracted by my nun llann after
.1,.,.. i.-,,!, . i.ii;i. u
.Mm. Mary Komer.
chanen. KltiK & Sniltb Co.
Tillamook, Ore. f
Make thc Home Look
A I5.WJII Mtd Lamp '
your front P"fch " U .'" tv,f!V,
fdchl until niWiilelil 'ld "PU,r
,t ovrr lllly emu ir month on
Ihc meter.
Tillamook Electric Light
P.i.l fnmnanv
t MV a ww.-.j tr
We are desirous of disposing of our grocery and
dry goods stock as well as building and lot at
lifiuorc Park, and oiler same to a hustling buyer at
absolute cost. About $1,100 will handle the deal.
Terms can be arranged to suit.
Rocicaway, Oregon .
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Attorney at Liw ind NoUry Putlic
Tillamook, Oregon
BoUi Pbon
ft. wide JO ft. long
:: 4 ROLLS FOR 25c
Tillamook Drug Store:
E. E. KOCH, Ph. G.
4" Doors North of Postofficc
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
r m 1
The Land ot"
Sunshine and Flowers
via the
I 060t'...sr'-!lTAj B
You Can See in California:
Attractive mthhuV tort faimni hotels, liot .iHnp nml outiloor
Cport At 1'i.Mulc.a tlir worl.l H.1U.-.1 o.trich tarm. mil mi.snl cent
lu..m. AtVm, Hcrnnr.'lni. nml Kive.-i.k the Urar.Kvf.ro e. -.U J at a
Una the womlcrttil mlinnriiic unnlrn, utul at various other jiolnt
attractloi that drllclit tho t-je ami inform the mind
Low One Way or Round Trip Fare:
Kouiul trip ticket to l.o Ancole on ale Unity with i Ions return limit
ami .to .-over at will. If you wl.h to Ko .till turther m.u h tr .
ticket, vlu all rati or rail ami .icnmer tluouijh .Sew Orleans can 1
.ecureil ut reasonable rates.
Kurthrr iiarticulio. on application to any A;cnt AW for ilescrlptive llurnturv
-il ,t".tllori.l. or Va..lileNote,-.le.c..l.l..y tr.pSan l'raiitti.co to New Uriel.....
John M. Scott, General Patiengcr Agent, Portland, Oregon
The riother'5 hnvorite.
A coukIi inedicino for children should
be harmless. Itihouldbo pleasunt to
take. H should bu efVuctunl. Cham
berinin'a CoukIi remedy is all of this
and ia the mother's fitvorito every
where. For sulo by all dealers.
Subscribe for the Herald.
It conies
What would make a more 'mil
desirable gilt than a year's
I subscription to the
Ladies' Home Journal?
Givu your orders to
Thomas W. Shea
Druggist and Boo Seller
? twice u week.