I mi. . ' I'lVl) I, t'Nl ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Largest circulation of any Paper in Tillamook county 1 1ll! ' hi i, xx Tillamook, Okkoon, Makcii 1 01. 'J. NO. 12 t,, y rrw i i It IK m i 0f cm! SPI-XIAL.-Friday, March 7th, double "f.OI.D BOND" Trmii,,., i,,,..- .;,i, lU I. . June m every department II you have not already ot a Kiauip hoolc et 1)I1C t SALE CHILDREN'S FINE LISLE HOSE I week children's .M.V IinIc Iiohc, size fi'-y to 1)U, underprieed at an unusual hMI' " 25c calf I PRELIMINARY M. O Mini showing of xcw ijjpiiiig; iviiiunery Bi o ih lice in our wotu rooin cliui out the new I ui hats. Thin week you will dud a wondciful col- Mali'" " "tspmy, autlHMiiie mode, creation ol must Uwu it-MKuers, taiioreu ants, tires ham, picture hats, hats li .dl occasion; nl.so a beautiful display of trimmings .tin up. ornaincutM, feather, ribbons, etc.. at very inoder ijitj iurs Our .Vo Charge Trimming Service is at vour disji.d when having your idmjws and materials here. Beautiful New Silks and Dress Goods I TNI M,AiI.i lajicumtinf: arc the new Spimj stlus. The V slmwini' is 1 renter than ever before: satin strioc wash silk-. J i.uy weaves, beautiful brocades, imported French taffetas, fancy charineuse. ncli injured messaliucs, etc., all priced at remarkably low prices. TIN N'KW DKHSS GOODS assume a prominent part in the new Spring dis play i e asjtorlments tire Inrjjcaud the varieties are manv. which will certaiulv he of u "crest to thoc who arc planning their Spring dresses and suits. A vast diow uii.' of imported fancy vorstels, heavy IiiiUsh storm series in all colors, nov cltv whiH.'(irds, wool poplins, hairline novelties, etc., with a broad showing ol all dint' i.iw in black worsteds and silks. Easter Tailored Suits your inspection Reasonably Priced $15.99, $19.50, $22.50, $25.00, up to $35.00 v7 i inactive are these stunning newsuits with theiu-w 2(5 and 28-inch jackets. nit range of fancy and plain wool materials, with skirts plain tailored or in tlic si . i s, i dt aped effects. Metier make your Faster selection early. K,trn size him I'.) bust: jackets in these run in length to 'AO inches. Young ladies' suits in a up id varictv. Stunning Spring Coats Rcmnrknbly Low Priced From $8.00 to $25.00 i w Al.TllorOH the three-quarter coat has Spring's fashion call, we also have a good showing of the longer models lor those who prclcr these types. Made of Ottoman cords, novelty chevi ots, series, homespuns, etc. Young ladies coats in smart tail ored styles. Charming New Silk Dresses Very Special $10 to $18.50 VK7K arc offering these new one-piece Spring dresses at a great Miviug and every one n marvel of beauty; not only silk but line wool serges, batistes, etc. Tailored styles, also after noon and evening models. Oreat values at the above excellent prices. Pl "e ,En' DUolny of Beautiful Spring Waists $3.65 lo $5.00 NliYlvK before were such charming waist's marked at the low price these are. Authentic Mew models in every new Spring color and material. Make your selection in the balcony section this week. Just Received Maeramc Trimmings New Mesh Veilings Imported French Laces Swiss Embroideries 'Item's 1IIU Corner CunuMtunt to brlioro Th are here a dainly to the hi New Shoes new Spring stvles everything from S pump or slipper j gh top walking l ladies'. CI-OVUKDALi; NI1NVS. Vrom Courlor: Mis. M,,r iilVli 11IU Mm. Floyd tlo lino nml mithhiK hut th very IiphI will ho Hhlppeil liorr. Tlmy will lo noli! to Tllliiimmlc county runeliorH. rollowliiK nil opirntlon for Infnntllo M, nrU ((Vtf (mtl Mrs. Hoy,., I,,,,, ,;,.yo,r-oM UllHwm roturntd yoatonlny froni u,l ,r' 1,1 ' , (!hltrUH w.l.y,vhHwUI.Till.mook frlomta. )U (,0 ,,, 'wo ctirlon liiuf HolHtuIn mittlo will . ,iort,H Momliiy svnlnr. Sho liml w rccolvuil Into 1'llliiinook county t,lH ) i,0oit nllllctfil wllli (IiIh ilruuil iIIkuiiho "PniiK from thu oiiHt. Mr. Ky wlillo f)ir tiU paHl llirtm yuiim nml H 1 1 t t I'ortland rupontly, Mwcurcil tho Htir-iinvu ami money couM i lvw "i" ' vliUnir Iuwh. IlllnolH und WIhcodhIi.. 1 wli IlimuKh a lullouto n reli of tlm ml Krade of UoUtoln 0 ,t.r,,ij,, tho parontu vnlnly Imp nif leiw. n fow thoroughbred Imlla. tU It wouM pro vo wtm Mr. KUbrook U n export In tho cut- their coiwonU hho wua opornUd on hint wicK Thuiwilnv and Friday even inif Mr. and Men. Johnson returned to their homu only to lectdve a ines-fiitf1' Sundav iiiiiriilnir to comu at onco an hIio was faillni; rapidly. Owlnjj to Iho pcor enixlltion of her hlood he wiw un nllii to vvlthi.tand tliooporatlnn autl lilio i n broken It Iv IouvIiir only the aweet per , fume ot her memory ulie passed to her 1 olernal real, Mttlu Norma was of a aiinny dlapoaltlon, her patleneo aiul i happy amllo all through her allllction endeared her to all with whom aim came in contact. Thu funeral wua held from thu houao Wednesday after I noon will) interment in thu Union ctni I etery. Tho aoirowin; frlenda havo tho I aympathy of tho entire community In tnuir bereavement. Exciting Meeting at Court House. Citizena' Committee Meet Willi Coun- cil and Produce Evidence ia Street f PaviiiK Controvenjr. On Friday aftcrmxin of Inst wenfc ho city council met In adjourned cs- ilun at Uij court houm lo conkidnr further evidence in connection with Lhe InveolfKntlon thai have been tnudu by the citUciu coinuultfu rulutivc to or utrcct paving. A laruc crowd had fatticrwi at the court huu.c by Z ' 'clock, tho hour act for th proceed- ,1jpi! to Ix-tcln, and shortly after thre 9 clock Mayor Mnrtcr accutnpanieO by eouncllrticti 1'ach, Sappint;ton, Hales. nd Dick, Iteconler 'l'old and Attorney !oll, entered the court room and took fal scat with council at one of the loot; tables within thu railing. Tho Mayor i and council wcru followed by rcprc- Mntativrs of the Warren Construction 1 Company, ami members of the citizen J OOmmlOco. F. It. and A. G. Beats j and W. DwiKhl and other members of j thu committee accompanied by their ' attorney C. W. Talrnaj;e. took their J position toona side of tho council at a 1 Ionic table upn which they proceeded to pile all kinds of street pavinc ex hibit, which were the results, as was aeon proven, of an exhaustive investigation. As soon as everyone was seated and quiet had been rcatonnJ, Mayor Har- Ur called the meeting to order and aaked that all rcorts bo filed and tes timony be tnken. City (engineer Itichardson was the tirit Mltnrs called. Ho was placed under oath imd wus usked to give a re port. He tendered the city recorder a written statement to the clTccl that tKv rr port of Gilbert & Halt, chemists, who had examined the ptveraent. might be virtually considered as his reKrl and that he would stand hack of their findings. (In regard lo the Gilbert & Wall report we will speak later.) Attorney Tulmagc representing tho citizens now requeued Mr. itichardson to answer nomu questions in regard to the street work, which request was not complied with. Mr. Itichardson, our city engineer, stating that he would not answer any questions unless they wore put in writing. Mr. Kichardhon then went to the back part of the court room in an apparently nervous atate of mind. At this juncture At torney Talmago under oath at.tted that few days previous, he in com puny with F.- It. Ueals and '.V. G. Dwiglit, called on Mr. Richardson at Portland and that Mr. Itichardson told thorn that ho never was in favor of bi tulithic pavement for Tillamook City, that necessary foundation could not be laid hero and that lie so informed the council, but tho council paid no atten tion to his advice, Mr. Taimage fur ther stated that Mr. Itichardson told them that our pavement was not up to atandard or grade and was not what it ought to be. At thta point Mr. lticharison volun teered to oxplain to tho council that tho top dressing or wearing surface which tho samples before thorn con tained was largely made iy of sand and was not what specifications in contract called for, Mr. Do Long of Salem, for several year an employee of the Warren Con struction Co., Init now not in their employ, was the next to testify. Mr. DeLoug stated that lie had laid many in lies of bitulithic for the Warren Con struction Co., in ditrerent towns of Oregon and Idaho and that in nil his experience ho had never laid any bi tulithic pavement that looked like our pavement. A aamplo of Tillamook pavement and n sample of Salem pavement which lay aido by Hide on thu table were compared and discussed. Mr. Dol.ong expiaiiaa Unit while our pavement hail a sheet of bitumei. anil aand for a wearing sur face, tho Salem sample showed a largo aggregate of rock to tho very surface of the pavement, (which fact could Lo readily aeeu by anyone) this surface work being bound together In a hom ogenous masa and presenting an actual wearing surfucu of rock which wua se curely bound to tho base rook founda tion. Mr. Del-ong further explained and stated that our beat pavement In no wise ctmpured with tho Salem pavui ment, while thu spocidcationa for tho two pavements were the same. He ulso atnted that ho had always re ceived btrict instructions while work ing for the Warren Conitructijii Co,, First national Bank Tillamook, Oregon DIRECTORS: J. C. Hoi.DHN B. C. Lamij W.M. G. T.UT C. W. Talma ok Paul Sciiuaiikk llfli have just installed some " Safe Deposit Boxes where vi modern Deposit Boxes where vour val uable papers will be safe from fire. We will be pleased to show them to you. Under : U. : S. : Government : Supervision INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Z to sec that all sub-grades were risht. and that the base rockt were properly laid so that when the surface was put on, the work would be considered com pleted. Mr. II. L. Gilbert of the firm of Gilbert & Hall, chemists, now read his report which was virtually the report of Engineer Richardson, and which we preTiously made mention of. The re port in every instance seems to recom mend our pavrmcnt as being O. K. The report ia addressed to Messrs Stannard & Itichardson. Among some of the things of the report the state ment Is made that "samples were se lected as being representative of the entire pavement as laid and subject to their report." The Tillamook samples examined by Gilbert & Hall were compared with a sample laid in Portland of about the same age, and the findings of the chemist in regard to these two samples is reported as being about the same. UKn being questioned in regard to the extent of his examinations, Mr. Gilbert stated that he had nat exam ined the wearing surface separately, but had examined the sample as a whole. Upon being further questioned as to whether he had ever seen any bitulithic pavement like the Tillamook pavement he answered that he had not. lie also further admitted that there was nothing in our specifications which required a sand top as found in our samples, Mr. Gilbert's report ended with the following statement: "The tests made on tho representative samples taken and the inspection of the completed work convinces us that the specifica tions were complied with as far as it is possible to determine by this evi dence." The report of Gilbert & Hall, chem ists, was too lengthy to allow publish ing in full. We think, however, we cover tho ground quite thoroughly . when wo say that it puts the stamp 0. K. on our pavement as it now stands. I This report is in reality the report ofi Mr. Richardson. I A. G. Deals now took the floor and asked the privilege of asking Mr. Speaker, the Warren Construction Co. 'a foremen, some questions. At first thia procedure was objected to, but late er Mr. Speaker came forward and answered some of the questions. The questions put to Mr. Speak er were as follows: Q. Is not our soil of a spongy character and hard to compress? A. Harder than some, and easier than some. Q. Could it be properly compressed? A. Yes. Q. Was this top according to speci fications? A. Question objected to. Q. Is the sand dressing figured as a part of the wearing surface?" A. Would not answer. Q. Who authorized the putting on the sand top dressing? A. Don't know. Q. Will this tine dressing last as long as the regular bitulithic? A. It will. Q. Will it turn water belter? A. It will. It is quite evident that one of the things Mr. Beats wanted to find out through questioning was as to who was responsible for using sand instead of crushed rock a3 a wearing surface. Mr. Speaker said he did not know who was responsible and to the same question Mr. Itichardson our engineer, answered no. Mr. Wren who run one of the 10 ton rollers for the Construction Co., here this summer was then called, ajtd he stated that in' all his experience with a roller he never found but one place that was harder to roll than our Tilla mook soil. He further stated that they did not dare roll the soft spots in Tillamook very much, because by i rolling theso places tho water was con tinually forced to the top and kept the surface wet when it should have been kept dry. J. C. Johnston, chemist for tho War ren Construction Co., now comas for- (Continued on Page 4.) On Your Own Account havo you any monoy in tho bonk? A part of your earnings ought to bo placet! there, anyway. Every ody c. n afford to save some thing, however little. Have a bank account ofjyourown and you will feel happier, hotter, more independent, Mnko your little monoy earn more, and ao grow bigger. Bett r than hoarding it where fire or thieves can reach it. Your bank book is a receipt imd an evidence of your wiso economy. THE OLD RELIABLE Tillamook County Bank