Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 28, 1913, Image 4

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Even': Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
3500 Acres, 1100 City Lets and Fran
chise Included-Marhff-Ni
W i Wllsev has pi.r
. '...f-d toe holdings of Major !. D
i ny in North Bend The J '
tu,vn over Sl.K.0O0. nd p-. "
e --xehansray -em a t'r.' r-
IT-pa. v- . say he ' 'T"
n for - -fe jod.i.-ie ail
htt Mb- 'to in V' !"
rr Pacific this psn'i-
r- - i but e starter.
Tbe transfer include the fr- '
of th Belt Ub Railwv -: '
npi Transit company. I3i- a -- '
lind oa the aetttntttla ad-'--;
MarsbflaM aad North Bend. 1 - a rs
on '.he lower bay aad over IS '." .. f
br,ae railway rights, which m-
of city fraacnlaea and war department
permits, also Included with the el'y
' are addition) tract of
acre i la one piece and 0O acre Is
another AH of the tand is platted,
and some tract are improved aad
streets beln Uud.
Nehalsm Valley t3 Have Railway.
roolA. 'A'ork oa the Columbia & i
Nehaletn Valley railroad, to b ballt
by the Kerry Tlrabr company of Port-
land. 'ill commence at ooc Th i
builder, expect to have the road tc
operation wlthls 10 raontis ;
Tbe road a ill be boilt .'roa Wood"! f
Landins on the Astoria & Colnsjbta
Ruer railroad, thea down Jlshha-fV '
creek, strikia? N'ehalera rire- at 1sh-
hawk. From tbere it will keep op
Deep crk for sereral rslles, t-adlr.
la Clatsop county.
Lumber Campi to be Buiy.
Astoria- Actlriry la the So;lac In
dustry proraUeii to b" more pronounc
ed In Clauop coaaty this year than
erer before la the history of the coun
ty Several new camps are to b op
ened aad carapa established, and It I
estimated that within th coats? few
nontha ot Iesa than J3.W0.&O0 wilt
be eipe-(jfvi ta betteraecta, eiten
uoaa and eolpraenL
Squatters Finally Beaten in Hearing
Befsre Federal Officials.
Portland. Final and absolute vindi
cation for the st.-jKhns Stietz home-steafV-s,
after 11 to 13 yean of strife,
ha.-da.hip 2nd anility, has been for
warded to the commissioner of tbe
?neral land office. This vindication
cam- sj a result of a thA'i testimony
;c Portland, oo charge preferred by
O.i .er L. Hull, aad a number of other
It Ie afcm-d that this is ibe vry
last Itapeijlraent that can be put la
the --ay of the remaining Slleu home
s'.eide.n. They bad filed their affida
vits, eomplyins; with the Haley la--.
Hull aad some of the other squatters
who are trying to take thj land away
from the original entrymen, and get It
or. t ielr own location, aot cnarges
to tbe general land office, accusing
tbe tior.--'-adir!! with perjury. The
bomf nxrztittn are vindicated of the
perj .r cbarse. and also their good
fai'b li doing tbelr very best to cow
pi;, wi-h tbe Uv is declared.
Relief In Sight fsr Shespmen.
Entrrprlto. Wallowa county abaefp
uiti ra boKiaalng to breathe easy
tiKua after coming through on of
the: n.oat severe wintera ktiown in
year, ju the Snake and Iranaba rivera.
T. -now, which fell to unusual
iietni- and remaiaed oa tb rroond
se,(,ra weeks, baa melted off tbe
ho m I, 'lillKidei., the ground is free of
frof nd there Is an abundance of
Bend May Develop New Induttry.
liend The first pulp ever maiiufac-t'ir-i
from central Oregon timber bag
rem-hi-d Hond and the glowing reports
of in Aeuiia.ijc and tbe possibilities
for miiniiaf n.ring It oponv up are
Kree'-d hero witn enihui- ;i-rn
fin J i'iu.ir j two carloaflt of "lodBfe
pelf" p in- a email black pine that
irowri .j0!, uioubaridr. of acr s of land
in Ibe ipii.-r Iji-m hut(; valley, woro
hcnt to 'i.i- j.uip in ill at Camas, Wash.
Tt'c sample of pulp is accompanlnd
by a letter which says that tho pulp
1 1. of a proiiiiuliiK ijuallty and that
tliorougli tosts will bo inado iinrno-
dlutely In manufucturlng it Into paper, j
It ib Intended to use tho first paper I
mudo from Dogchutos timber In a leaf
let that will describe this territory.
Runaway Convict Captured at Gervals
Salem, Junior ThompHon, one of
tho two men who sawed their way
through the bars on a window at the
Insane Asylum, where they were
workln?, was captured at Gervals, by
tha city marshal. Jack Clark, the
other jaiau. Is still at,Iiurge.
V- He en H Gj-'4;'-? P-'J ? :y
t f . f t-s Su"'aj t 'Jujg'4
t ;n
Pa'-aSe e rtji
Wain.nSwn Gevernor', Act ShJtttr.
r-i-n w. www nwii V-w-... i t t
Olytnpia. Vb Tbe openlss sua
la hat Is expected to be the blcsest
fteht of tbe seaaioa of tbe Washington
leidaUtare was fired by Governor U
ter when he vetoed the bill passed by
the bouse aad seaate last week pro
viding Sl.dOO.OOO annual tocrae la
tbe state hlchway food, aad aaiiouac
d that he stands nnalterably opposed
to the bill lncrelnc the permanent
highway fund from J '..000.000 to :.
SOO.iKH) a year, which has passed the
When several Ball Mooters and
Democrats bucVed over the traces In
the boose of representatives, the reto
was sustained with five votes to spare.
Martnall Refuses 14300
Indianapolis. Ind. Thomas R. Mar
shall, vic-I'resldent elect, refused
HiV). That amount was carried In
the regular appropriation bill to re
Imburse Mr. Marshall for money spent
for boose rent, lisbt. hrat aad water
daring his four years as Rovemor of
Ir.d.aaa. The -;-i;ovrnor said he did
cot b-::eve the appropriation constitu
Salem, Or jo eraor West was at
ti- executive offires again Tuesday
afte- at abaence since last Friday af
ternoon. Uy his move he gained about
four days- on tbe legislature in con
sideration of bills before he Is corn
peiled to veto them or send them to
the secretary of state.
-Well, I have heen found," was the
remark the executive dropped when a
newspaper man strolled Into bin office
" it Is a funny thins." he contlnnwd.
"when I gave a receipt for tbe bills
that I found in my office today the re
ceipt as dated today."
Governor Weat bad no further corn-
meat to ma tee on bis trip.
One of bis first moves was to veto '
senate bill IK, which was Introduced
by Smith of Jos.jphine and fixed the
salary of certain officials in that coun-
With bob houses now well lined up
an tbe question of remaining over for
five days after adjournment to cons!-1
der vetoed bills of the governor there
now Is lutle fear on tbe part of the
mmbrt as to the use of tbe veto ax.
as they state they will handle the
reto bills as they come back to them.
In the first real tourney at arms.
Governor West was decidedly worsted
by the legislature.
Vetoing the general appropriation
bill, carrying considerably over Sl.
000,. 00 and representing practically
tbe conduct of the main branchoa of
the state government, he hurled It
back at tbe legislature with ;t veto
The bill was first sont back to tho
i house, from which It enrno. and by nn
i overwhelming veto tho inombora ro
' fuxid to sustain him. Coming Into the
I sc-.'iute, the governor could muster but
bovoii votes lu his favor.
t Portland.
Wheat Club. 85c; bluoHtem,- 05c;
red ItusHian, Sic.
Hay Timothy, $15; alfalfa, in.
Hutter Creamery, 37c.
KSK Candied, 13c.
Hops 1912 crop, 17c.
Wool Kastern Oregou, JCc; Wlb
larnetto valley, 20c.
Wheat IllueHtem, 93c; club, 85c;
red Russian, 83c.
Bg 15c,
Hutter Creamery, 35c.
Hay Timothy, $13 per ton; alfalfa,
1 113 per too.
f' hi
-.MfK March t. the . jrfew It',
t . fit will rim: at r M dur
: .', ir'nie snd iumnr
..r are being considered bv the
e .. -eerlms ataff of lb O.-W. K. N
r im rlectriftcettoa at the Itae a
t eon Portland and ataae.
1 h, dairy of Smith Rner snd
k. nr.
' ,
(k.uJ the property ot the To oeetnl
t"remery company at ftee4saorL
T1" f'.'tiaad Uaber companr !
' a UHOHM CKnp of
i and eipecU to eat lOw.MW ft
- !ily. It 1 buitdlM four Bile
to coaaect i(a Ike Colam
r Jid.
v.a two aui of tar4rfee
. eatoat Ul b )M im Tlte i
tb aprta. which will be
' ueh arojcr la the ay
. .t ai aod aoraiaaeat taiprove
r.t city.
. !:e of Caayoa City a4 l
-e (aaterta aa Irrigation pro
. vater oa a tract of !
r rertil bud lyiaic e of a
" ater f apply U to b- takes
f- : tper Caayoa Cre.
'v -k haa beea commenced oa a far
r. ire fartory at Hooltoa. Coaree
t t.ns pm to for the earfoe etf aad
the balldtn. I. beta rr-rmJlj pot la
hape for the BMCblaery that 1U be
fw lMtaltolMW x d,,
, ejV.-e iW lot alJ
Robert WalSer. the
brother of Re C. U Waller, pastor
of the Methodist church of N'ya. Or.
u accidentally killed. Aloae be had
coae dock saootlnx oa aa island In
Snake river two ralles north of town
Directors of tbe I -an- County Fair
&aocUtioa set September I to Z
Inclusive, as the dales for the annonl
fall fair. K. M. Warren w.ta design
teJ as the "Lane county delegate to
the meeting of the district fair board
at Hoscburg."
1 Tbe most effective slaughter of rab
bite ever made In the history of
Lak-vlew a at the drive went of
town, showing the enormous total of
about 11.000. The total estimated
(number of rabbits killed during the
' winter Is J'.OOO.
Tho St. Paul Commercial Club t
presses Itself In fa.or of an eltric
line from Aurora to St. Paul, via Far
go and Charapoeg. They believe such
a line possible and want to Interest
President Strahorn. of the P.. K.
K. In Its construction.
In a communication from thu offices
of tbe state superintendent uf schools,
the information Is lven that th Port
land I'nlon Stockyards will gtve a
Shetland pony to tbe boy or girl hav
ing the best exhibit of poultry or farm
animals at the 1913 state fair
Jam-s Huffman, who ns working
on the A a. Tulley ranch each of Wal
loa. was gored by a bull and Injured
no severely that he died He bad tied
the animal Into a stall As be turned
the bull made n lunge, one horn pierc
ing Huffman' lungs and pinning him
to tho partition.
f'aptnln Edward Anderson, formerly
master of the steamer Sue !!. Klmore,
who was wanted at Astoria on a
charge of forgery, "as brought from
Seattle by Sheriff Burns Anderson
Is accused of forging the name of II. I..
Miller, engineer on the steamer Kl
more, to the Intter's pay check and
then getting it cashrd.
Seaside has a new two-story build
ing being tjulpi'd with up-to-date
, machinery for making cheese Kx-
perienced workmen
will have It In
chargo and the cheese manufactured
here, aa well as good milk, will be
(supplied to summer guests. Milk will
j bo ticlii In bottlos only and li milled
In the most sanitary way.
I Lying half buried in the soft, mud In
the basin of Young a bay. tbe bodv of
a logger, thought to be named ijtotio,
a recent arrival from Portland, wua
found at low tide by llann lirseit,
low tide by Han Ijirsen.
keeper of tbe bridge, who waded In
tbe mud up to his blps to the drowned 1
rs ea n lts4 uii.ii sl t i. I m.l a it. .
i ""v , M " 1 "
ur.uat: u, xaasms. a rope under tne
Iti. Cnxtoii to see tin, printing proas
ior seiuera in waiiowa COUIl- "nil lluve the procnatH explul
ty In the vicinity of Uuterprtso Is , ts-rsrst U iiinliitiilni-d nt nigh pitch di
promised in an action takon by tho Ml,l''' tl"' fact thin tin-re Is no c-ostiiin
general land ofllce, ordering an exum- 1
inatlon of the township In that locali
ty with a view to their rostomllon to
entry because of alleged overlapping
In survey lands which were withdrawn
In 1906, and settlors since have boon
darned the right to make entry.
At a rascent Commercial club meet
ing Ht West Btayton It was ducldi-.I to
go In for making that town a logan
berry center. The plan Ih to sell Hie
berries dried, as there Ih a rapidly
growing demand for the name, and tho
r.tateti where thin berry can be rained
are very limited. With Irrigation
available In dry Heanoim the hiiccchh
of Hie loganberry IjiihIiichh Ih admired.
...v .uru...,viia "iiniiii-nn m nmiureii. i
The chief of engineers at Wanning.
n. a C. has approved the report of I
Major Mclndoo to the effect that tho
revetment on the Willamette river
near Independence has moro than ful
filled expectations, but he holilH that
damage to the river banks farther
down, where the river bus cut Into val
uablo hop lands, Bbould be repaired by
local Interests and not by the govern-aient.
Th., Are M.d. With Ra-aad Numtrsla
.nd W.lbe-1 Cr,.Ul.
... ,. r.
Th tli.-n of .1 l.linl mm werv
v.: in mine or tb "f tv i
Ihr rfeitlOIC rHlp fo Ibe lhH l
Ifce pubik- Ulrar ho be imJIj
, drew a atrb from bin ,VtH. vtieO
i (be fr riowd It n-Hh aap ami
I ben itlMrm ht Ww 0 table.
' i eVtot-V. I ctm.m 1 a lettrr te
. bp MbfarhlB WBO ,r.
brttit 0e.r , ... , the moi.
. ,
of be rter. The wn rniea
oa the beif. uad Ui Wlal tan am
ad denarted
Tbe blind inan'i tetitac tlttte by
wt h hrrr,,el a rallur. wbt askevl
boat It.
-Tom rtfU Oad.- td the llbrmrlaa
-aa... aaa-a Ktlfkrl fWML-1 lfTf
-.U be. s! often at.lt tbea Tt.e
a-atebei are of tbe bnatlae nw oH
bet taey bare no rryelal. ami lb- uu
aieraU are em toward Tb Ulwl per
a OfHNa tbe -aie. and by pralni
tu diMrerai ilsbtty on I be fare be ran
teil (be time laantly by tbe r"l!n
of tbe batxlt Tbe wat. hM are r-ife-rtally
made for ibe xlchtle. the
batata NMnar made differently. u they
ata; be dl'drurukarietl at
"I bate "ti t.lnl ith4 t4ml
near ao eleeirt.- cb x. that trlXeonre
aa the lj..'tr anil Uh nuti la hand
! until tbe lelt rtnev Aa It die
o tbey t tbeir uu bi moliitc the
i BSIRnie luni .imiau uniii 11 low u-
I tliMr llntnli nail iibk't M helil ela.'t
ty at 12."-.Nevr YorV nmra.
Tha Way Haydn's "0 Minuet Car j
to Gt That Tula.
Tbe.t. l n enHile reason for the
title, attortir.1 lo many pie. r-s of iuu j
ste. a.iiie of tbetu eten CUsilcsl I
Irvtlotit, Most (enernllj Ihry are j
placed there as all Atti-uipt of some
publisher to "Nim" Ilia !: and aet'
hla gtnl Then agnln. me (."tillni
titles may bare their origin In liid
deuls nl.iui as lmrlaut n tbe f
Haydn one tlay rfelvetl a vtt fnm
a btttrber who avald tbat himself and
his daughters were admirers of
Haydu'a muatc am I as the young
woman vaa mwii to t married be
made tiuld !) ask ttmt the com(oser
write a tnlii'iet for her wedding Kind
Papa Haydn" cornenteti. and In n fe
d.vya the man of meat obtain.! bl.
4'H l'a NIIV I " Ht U(l
waa suiTrtet lu benr this same mln
uet playnl under bis window On
U-iklfig out be saw n bond uf tutial
clatu formlna; n lin around a large
ox. tastefully dt-'oratcd with flower"
Son tbe btitcher came up nnd pre
cuted the ot to Haydn, taylng that
for such rxcelliiit music be thought
be niient to amke tli composer a
preeut f the U-t ox In his poaes
al"n Kver nfter this little -mri!
linn wa- mlletl the -Ox" minuet, W
Frniicl (Jutes lu "Anrcdotra of tlrea-.ii'.clniis.-
How FranMIn Lasrnad Minnara. j
Franklin roileetrd thirteen principle
to cover the small nmcnltln of dally
life R.i.-h wek he plekiil nut one nnd '
praetlceil It diligently, thus creating t
hnblt It tools three months to mvrt !
tbein nlL Uacb year be practiced each ,
one four full vt-eeks He kept this up
for mnny yean. The nnrouth Frank
li of e.-.rly manhr-it who found Taul;
lib bis wife for giving tilrn n silver
ajHioti and n rblim bowl for hit bread
and milk Instend of a ewtT spoon
iml earthenware crixk. developed Into
tbe Ktatesimin and limit of the world
who won the respect nf Kngllslimen
tbe admiration of Frenchmen n ml the
gTi-tltiide nf Americans Hnrrinr
ion Kmenon In Knglni-erlng Magailns
Pleasant Laaaona In History.
Improvised historical piny, form
pnrt of the iitory lesson In n Iiinlnii
school Children nine mid ten year
old net the battle of llnMIng. Im)
repre-ientliig Wliilnm the Conuiieror
arid King llnrold lending fmrtli-i of
Nonimns and Ha tons. r..ec,lvciy
ii ... ...
. ........ ni... aivonis. mid tile armli-.
ja.lvai.re mid wi.h.ln.w r Istl.-al.y
! W'heii .1 ii.nlien ink- ,l-,r ih
' Win
nrUT t It frifflljfil t f laa ti.-Wihor mil,.
'"rt"niiu iiii-.iiii,m hIhiiu
. . .
' Imttle anil ttif elmnu liTS Id
trnyiil Alining oilier pluya jirino
are "rno .siege of ChIiiIm" unit
Inirodiictlon of Printing Inl
i,1(i i.. ...,..
"K """ "" xl-'-.'e setting, the prliitln
prom tieing
wooden box
repri-xi.-nted by a plnin
, Not the Real Thtnn.
I itoiii n city .ipiiniiii-iii Hull, Jack
, wan going for the Hint time to Hn-m1
' Chrlstinaa at bin grandfather!, ftinn.
Ah he ran up the Kt(.,M of the old
Iioiihi- IiIh gnindinoiher i-nuglit him up
In her arms and put him ,0vn, ros
and Imigliliig, before the great log lire
In the living room
"Inii't thai im... Jackie, i,o.vY" ah.-
mW. "You don't have big log n ra-sa llkt-
, unit in New York, do you',"
Jlie lioy looked with wide eyinl ii-
light at the huge logs as tln-v l,i..i
a. .. a' '
. ,.rBei., ,,, - -
, J' ' 'I"'"" ' Tp-
z 'rJ .nTLTMy ' M
'six rooms and bath.'
"It's nlco. grandma, but It's only nu
ImltaUon gas log. Isn't It? We have
real ones in my hou, -u,,ll(.ot,.H
Painfully Poll!..
Old Oentleman (to bov on iu-irii.
ZJZyl Mr.'01 Wl" ,m,"vv"
..... . . .
j I aaa BHillie to you, SIT.
i Thu advertises! llt af .l.'llnU
l" f .r the ve.r of U l h
iun.v wf n 'l "I 'I' mate l.kl
ture vhu-h u e'nlm.llKl In Oxptrr
The Ue folklr.c Jvprtle
rfl tM'rly. Maatwl li iiIUiih-iV
(.Vuntv. I'frB"". liMe tlellmiuetil on
Moml.tv. tVUitwf 7. 1912. ! ntr
.uhleel to a txtnaltv of ln T rvilt.
arid Intettwt at the rule of IX l"r
i " '""TV i I
per nnin truni .( .
wnti t,y .ttnll Kr txtt
m(tt,r ltw r,piratkM of U mmiMia
i after the latex rhari:il ak'aliMt tlie
fiunni; real ptopirt arr ilullmuint.
I the iberilf la nuthorlirtl upoii tlctnolMl
of an jrrvi maVini; apillratlori. I
j u" eerlllleaU of Uelln-
I niaaiNei- HhMa k a fctrUlMl rtf I flirt fail W .
t M" ' " - - -
' y ' mU""1
ami coU of ailvtit
i ertmratea u( ieiirMaetry ian
Inter el ttvm the dte uf Uttah0 un
III redeemed at Ibe rale of IS (wr
i per annum.
;S II. liotbermel. K of S, V,
1 J and S nf S. K . $t.
' IT. Tp I N . It V SV.. cot.
I tainin ift) arrv
M II Kelle)(Truatre) S. ) of
I N K J ami N J uf S. H J.
j se. sat, rp. i n., it. a w.
I I ont.nrilnjf V) arrra
J I' Maonnla. S. il I f N. W.
i. N K I of 8. W i ami W.
of S. K. I. Sec ili. Tp. J N..
j It. 9 V.. rtmtalnlnit M
aeres .....
, S. I' Chrtatenaen, H. W. J,
I Sec. aa, Tp. 3 n.. It. v w..
I containing ItV) arrra
i.M. M. riltie. W J of N. K ,
I tHi s'. K f N V. ), Sf.
j Zi IS. Tti. I S.. It. '. W.. inUlt.
I lllg 'M acrvs
I W. K Ovarns. S. i of N. F.. I.
See '). T. 2 S . It. 0 W . con
' taming SO acres
M II Owtjm. S W. I of N.
j W. i and N. ft". J of S. W I
Sec. 10, Tp. 2 S.. It. 't W..
rnriUlnlriif N) acres
C. K. Illack, 30 acres UfT K.
side of N W. 1 of N. W. i,
, See 13. Tp 2 S.. It. 10 V,.
ami 30 acres off S. side of N.
1 F. I ! S. W. i. Sec. 13, Tp.
2 S , K. 10 W ...
D. F f.HiUon. N. K. 1. itVc. 22.
Tji. 3 .S II. ' V containing
lu) acres. ....
!Tillam)k County Hank. Ixit 4,
vi. i i. a ,1 , iw. J ....
contalninc iX'M acres
Tillamook t ounty Hank, IjiI I
and ,N. K, i. of.N. W. J Sec.
31. Tii. 3S. Hanged W.. con-
f" Tract
- i - uu
!. For further ilracrlt-
Hon, srr Tract bunk In Asaes.
sor's office, paste Ml, sec, 20,
Tp. 3 S.. It. 10 W.. contain.
I Ing 32 acres
I Tillamook County Hank. S. F
1 of S. F i Sec. 25. Tp. 3 S..
It. 10 W., conlainlnif 40
acres .....
j l J. Lamb. IiU I. 2, 3. 1. u
and f. Illocl. 9, Millers Add.
Ui Tillamook City
It. Crenshaw
MierllT anal Us t'ollrclnr
I lllamonk l ounty, Oregon,
j Datcal this February 2D. 1913.
Permanent Hifbway, Tillamook
County, Ortfon.
CAM. F0H Dins.
sralnl bids will Imj rrrelviil by tho
Hiiard of County Comtnlasloners uf
TiltaitlV.l- I'i flr..,. .nll 1 ..'l.l.
,.. M.( M,rrh'V,. PJ13,' for furnishlnrf
a mniorl-l and labor necessary fur
the construction of different cnmct-
unu types oi nani-surlnro or txtnnn
nent pavement, on tho Improvements
mentioned below :
Hitls must be addressed : "Hnuril of
ounty Coininissiofiers of Tillamook
Coutitv," ii nil the unvr)i)Mi marked
"Hid for the construction of errnn
nent Highway." mm I must In- accom
panied with a complete set of sjicrill
catlons of the Ivikj of pavement prn
p'jacd by tho bidder.
The work consists of grading, pre
paring iiuht'riii!-:, illtrlu-a ami shoul
ders, and conatruelirg a Imrd-surfwce
mail from ll,., Vurf It l,..,...l " . . , l mi' "
..... ... i .. . "J"
mis s uiy in a i ,, ij,
Citv to H ( ,ty. Ore-,,," r
1 K't U.umlury of Tillamook ( if
Fn.t in il... ! l . v 11..11 i ... .t'
, - ' ; ' '..
,V Th.. tT,1!" f!.,w
I .a ' "...
iiiikiiiMriii, HI ill nil 1IIW1 ffrnilssat
Inollev oriliir Ii. ,.
Hum not less Hum ten per runt of the
amount of tin. bid, made payable 0 the
County ; such check or money order to
In- forfeited to Tillamook dinuy ,y
the surccsafiil bidder lu case he falls
within 110 lny of the date of the award
of contract, to furnish ai i-ei.tablo bonds
in the full amount of tlm contract
price for the faithful completion of
the contract and the payment ot all
labor, inati-rial, mens and Hiiln-ontract-or
claims tlu-ri-iiiider. I u. Hoard re-
bill0" rl!ht l" r"'','Ct ""y ""
Ui,itci this Fcliruary f., IUi:.
1 ,'"..rf.1."r Collri,y '-niiiisHlom-rw
i. "if ,l',,,"","k (:" ' (Jr"K".
Hy J. C. Iloldun, County Clerk.
HiKliway, Tillamook Counly. Orcwoii
. Nntiri) is lii-reliv givi-ii that H,'.i,l,i
I.I, ., ... I I .a ---.....a
'."'n .""".." receivi-.l ny t, (mnl of
i ounty i-ninm hh oiu-rH uf THIiiiiini li
Cminly, Oi.-Koii. until 1 V,,-k t,
W.ti Mttr.e !'"' r ' nUhllS
... .... ...sasv, exi-t-pt as othorwlno
Perilled, and all labor, nummary f,lr
tho cdiKtriiclluii of (ho improvement
mentioned .w, said work to bo ,,mu
sir clly In ncnmlarn'o with the iiIhiim
iiml wpeclllcations upiirovcil. ami now
on mo in t in ol Icoof thu County Clerk,
mid n Iho in tiu co r tho Count v
KiilH muht l.e nddreMwl, "Hoard of
fV.t.,4 ..If ... 1 at a tllHIIIIH
, "Um tor tho construction of Suction A.
.i.i- tin., iiiv i.i, uariiii in ill aillilnll til. j.u,,. ' i J 7.-
, . " "" ' , ll II I I. if ll... I .........!. f
"i iir nin,-nn aiiiiiia covermtr llin tvn.t ..f'n . . n . .
. 1 . ' , ",' rnnstruci.Ml. , ... .,. r,.,,- , .V
t r.iirn im must In- lU'eciiiimin I... ,. I '.. - ""'"
, , .... . --I v.1 .'J ll r, ...ill... ...w. ....... ir-'.i. ....
I.'.... ' vo... n l.ll l IIIIHK OI I I IlltllUW.k I...... .1 .. . I
" i.i,., .... . ii. . hi -'. .i.i iiiiih iki ' ir.i.i. v.... ......
- ... ... .. , w iiti.i.i-Y iitii.ir tl. t. ,
of (lid i.tll. Wherlf,
III, I, I. r 1.. ...I......
I. "iiivi v lllill II
Mil for romlnidlon of rul (tul
fAH nltu o.4 to .m II , fu :ti m H i.
ti. irrft ti '
1 1 rue turn "i entire romi
. ... . . . . c
Tliw wurk r.inlt of rlf hrf .
ilittiica urxi iiiunir(, utMi I 4iKP.
liMli.'r mMl llvttlra friim kl.i.... ?
im iz tin wie piiirin l .),
HriK'lilon. I Hlaliun 7t x I I
Itiwn uf WlicoUr, r tift,
iMviiiraiiuiia iiiivr 1111 11 it t ' I ,
.. ... . . -
line .T ' A X . '7 . o "m V" J '
vuirp M iii' jr nunc) f
Any j Krti ln.l imi.t Ih ir,Wi j
M..nni ,1..1. .... . I....L -
I ttiiiii tir i if iiiitnrv i.tL.Mk
Mill mil le (hall 10 tK'r r I -I
ainotinl uf tlm bill, inailn i nn,
tiiu i ouniv . iui'ii 1 1 c k
- - -
( utinly ly tlie urrrafu i t
raae tie fall Hull Hoy. r nt
: nf attanl t( rohtrttrt ti f r
noar slfle IxHNK In tlitt 'uu
em tract (irire fur (bo fa tl fu
plellon of Ibe ronttart. an- iK
molit of all latair, material men I
: suo-ruotrartur . iaitus trrfr i,
111 LI.... ill l. . .
li.mii'l wi.i U" i.iiuiitd i ii.
. 1&.CO with th l ..ui IV I ,t, I.i..
II i (do rulurn ul Uie ( lal.a a'l i(
llorrlcrarrc the r u' I U'
jct any ir an ihi
Datrd this f,tb day of Krl it
Hoard of l ouniy t mtti a rt,
Tttairek t ounlV
Hy J. C. Hulden. iuntv
tiLUw.. t;ii.-.-.l r a.
.Nntlee It hereby KIVcll lhal
bids will b rrcritnl by (ho Ur
Ul I filtMIV I .vtt.mlaalil9.rrB t.r T.ll..
(.iionte, Uregi'ii. UilW 1 oiud,
I . . ... .... .IIS .lit-:
sik-cltiol, atwi all la'xir nr.rj
! ittrntlulinl tloW said Work lo t
and prrtflrations aplintvaxl and so
t .. ilm ..in . . r a. i ....... u i
I. t.i.. i. v ... .. .j tt
alto in ttw olllcc of the lounty
Hlita muat Ins ..(ilreaac) JUarf
. ' .. ..11 I
ami u rnWi oibischi iiui j
j Curutrucllon of .Section It of the t
?& I Cn County Itoad.
i . . ... . .1 ...
I nc wbh ruciaiaia m crartef
li w A r ..raiimif nrriitrini. . ....
l.2l) dltchca and abuuMcra, anal lmMlt
nriiiKcs anai trrsttca (rum .ilaiua
(0 near the He! ijlorc. lo SlatlMS
l Clerk, and also In tho office c(
bid for construction of h rrtle
i artiriT aiaii iiif rvitta t tiir t it.n nt
i . i i .
i roanl.
Ml i The road runa from rl
! (lph. up Three ItlVcra. ami la
' a rectinatrurllon 'f tlm old u-d
r.arn uei nuai ik) arriniMnmi ij
t-.Lt , ......... ...
iuuiuy, or a i' u nionoy urorr, is
aum mil Iras than 10 ir cent it
a', ainiaiiit of Iho bid. made liaralU U
(jiil'tity , audi fhrrk or money ildrf
of i lorieilrsl in Ulam), loUBlt
tlie aurresaro; WiWrr, III rase M
wiimn .u iiava ill ma naia til swan
iiontia in wir iuu itinuuni oi uii
frarl fir!.. In. ll. .llLfnl .
of tho runlract aiul the tiavinrf 1 cj
I. ... . ' .
, tractor's rlalins thereunder
i. i.i i . .... . ...
is. rai utii. . r-... . i r-i...i. ... .
tlin rlllrn ..I... ..1 ..sl
inn i warn rr-rvi-s iiio right ju
Jcct any or all bids.
Hoard of County Cotnmialnrxn
i uiatniMik Lounty,
Hy J. C. Iluldcn. County Clerk.
' tl!t "T'll I r
e eaa h n a i a sa samaarsuxjsm . u u ii w .
Notice la hereby glvnti that Ki
bids wM . received by the lljsri
County Commissioners of T
the flth day nf March, 1013. fir
. , . . h 7, '""""" i ,'rl
dhl-rwlo s lerllle.'. mil nil Ul r.
furnishing of nil materials, ex'-rtt
cssarv for lie r..l..tr..r'l,.n of tha
.fr.'l','ll "
1 " ,,1 Viow uu TZ it '""rti '" af
. n"w n" "I"' in tb . u
, " iM-wnuiiP l I'"
I iillitv C erk mul nl... mil,, irrt
I ..' "t - .Mres.,, ."I .rd
" i ( 411111 1 V ( I f t . f I s. . a . 4 'I aiW
... . sa a '
TO. 3 lo M, ft; from M .. lo "21 1 1 &
also for i-oimt ruet inn of entire i nJ-
..t i. .
If. I pills 2fi tO Stllll.il. .'I'M I. Ilia it!
per plans and Hn;eiMatiiiii , w n'
in urn oiiu-u in un- l (ilinty III .
iiiso in me oiiiri. or ii... i i.n.iu
Kacli bid must b,. at'comtiai ir t
.. ........ ,,,1,1 ,,,, iiiinri in iinsi'i"
l ounty, or a I', u, inoney onlir, In
amount of tho bid. innilo iMtfiblf
lo be forfeiti-il in 'I ill Ii till lilt I 'i.llltf
till aallf-.'siktaifitl I. (. 1 1,, fa'
, , - - -. i Kiiiiii in t,iinw n' "
V H I'll ilnvrt nf ll,.. ai.sia. ,. f .... un!
W"J" " HH IIHIU U Hi'"'"
V - -M.tiaa.il (, V U,i,M lla-
i.rm hit uw nimiriii nunn ot on of
rn riicl. iuu ll. .... .. ..il la
ii 'it in i ii i ii ii! ii n ii i iii uiiii.n.ii imri
rlaliim tlieic-midcr.
IliililerH will lie rc-iuIrMl to ilt'l''
itl.Xni Willi If ll I il II I I I It f'l.a.,1 I i a (IUU
I iisMO iiiixi atirvvs'-
thinH, 1
any anil nil UUU. '
- ...... ,,M, W i vDiuiuj
ti ;f tounty CoiniiilBsliiiitri
. .....i.iwiin v-miiii y,
Hy J. g. HOI.DKN,
the tir.tnl-wt.vkly ller
- - S--SSIS- - vv n J
I IS I I T It I :ill.l If, .a.. I fll tl t aa.
I a year's aub HntL '