Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 28, 1913, Image 3

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: rood
Made with iSilfercni iMinfl Powders
from o forks of Elaborate Chemical Tests :
An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) wan modo
m!h .it hof thrco cHffenmt Uind'i of baking jxnvdor
crv.un ofhirtur,p.03pluitu,MKt lmn and submitted
wp.it tu ly to th nctfon of tho dijjKUtvo fluid, each
for th" uimn length uf time.
T a xvlntlvo porcutuajjo of thu food dicated to
shown tin follows :
Hrcnd mndo vith
Hoynl Crcntn of TrtrtAr Pnwtfcr:
pOO Per Cent. Digested
BreAcI made with
phosphate powder:
Per Cent. Dieted
Bread made with
alum powder:
T67x fVr Crnt. Ditfcited (
These teats, which nro ntwolutoly reliable and
unprejudiced, mtiko plain a fact of great imx)rtance
to cvcryofKJ : Food rtused with Roynl. a cruatn of
tartar Baking Powder, to tihown to Iw entirely digtsj
tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found
to largely retard the digestion of the food tnado from
Undigested food to not only wtwted food, but it
b the txjurco of very rrutny bodily ailments.
j Cecil Happenings, j
"'I n , Waito to Ofdrr at orb-
1U V ry 4 t'firtUiH l In Ui
t4 (';, ), (if ,S'atnlali In
W . rt ..1. f llov Cttv. waa In
, liciforn owl h(irn for
' !i-l.
. r led i (da uHirnfttK t
it t !.. ttm IrnltonOUrn,' tnnd-
n 1 J t j . I II. iih 1J HrtiilHV
1 r
1 Ml,, t Hay CMf, irniw.
. m (tin ty Thursday.
and ix little for
-fivnii ruiriil from hm
, IVtUml, Thurdy.
M ,-iirr f llouor w trnn.
' i In tmvri S"rtlni4ny.
I' u jrk Wfiii will uulAt
W i. Dwlght.
I ' Vlrkur iml little nun
, . In Portland thin morn
nil J hit llurkn, of Clover
I illniiiiMilt vlailora Tlltlr-
''I - lliii.lifi.riln'rt Clllf limit I lit
Till I III . J .
l' Utt : n-Hirtft Out Mrlh of lwy
II M .11... I it ... I
' "H" i . ii, iiwim I'll i until
" I ami C. W. Mpllvnlnn of
II. . . . . ... r. -
I llllllltr Bt'HW 1 BMVic
iriur-.,,, .
Jn' n , uwxl it our Itmil (if nxlrn en-
... . ... i(llJf( , iiiiiiiiiitin i rv ii
Ivh i,,,t , wjfu f (Jiovnrtltilo
- - . .n ifr niw iiriyn inn nt
J'fanV KsrwtJi. Anl Afnlrron ami
t".t I'srlc) uf liatlliatifl wcjo Tllln
tnK t'itjr vltitufa on Vlnnly.
II. A. Watilnn t), I), Kjo SllallU
, will lc in ClovcfiJalu Mateli M ,
anal 3i).
I'dai, HurVn hi ml Morton Kverrnt of
i CluVritlald wrrn If nactinK lnilii"
i tn tlir ray WlnciJay ml Thurwlay.
8Ub VikJ fdr Bate Ultcflt from tli
mill. m wtl ami tlollvofr!. Swj
l-Hif talo: Ono mimlnir on dairy row,
( yeiar ebl, frimii now. Jtrftn Thy In r.
W. (J. Uwtfjbl nml C. W. Tnliii(
rturtii n WwtiiMxday from H-ir ! i
neon trip to So him. IViUwil and otS.r
ouuido )oinU.
A 20 cr MKh for tnl; four net
eltwrml, uottp ami Uarrt. I5nqulr t
1 1 am il ultico.
J. I.. J'rtcw of Sluiriilan, forinurly
iiHirltuf uf th I'aclfle Sl Uorki
if tltl rttf, li lin m towu ilurlnK'
Ui (xtat Itnv ilny un UualnwM,
l"or ! : A tuirotmr of i-:Kl milk
co, iMim frh hiI twiw that will
i Ih fii-ali o. J HhW. 1'mrvltfw.
I A .tiKnl hiuiait lirotiin fur 2f)C lit
l4tt' Vwmty Sturr. "Drop in nml
luu'. wrourtU. " j
I . ii. ..!... IlilUlwim. wiu
niturnvj iti"ji " .
i truniHrtiiiR tiutlnww in two city Thura-
day. H l tn th employ uf the cut-
ium' ctimmittev whrti i InvintlKiiliiiK
tin? trNl mvinniit
I . . I 1 .....I ...... lllllf inlltM frUIIl
norry ihimi, uu
1 llunv.tr, urw. Will null clump, fall on
'or Hililnia A. J. lliinton, lloiivor, 0r.
1 vl . t I. 'ISmitiir ft f I'mtliind nnil
Mltn .Stnilii Moulin" ( HoiHi', Iil.. i
hiiv.t bm.n K't t thu Sum MmilWnV
In.iiui ilurlnK tho pi.t wintk. 'l'hoy loft J
for llinlr hiuiioH this inornlni;. I
Juki ii'Ciilvcil tlirnot from tint Kiwi,
i u Imrrol of homo unulo mirlnim. I
illamook Im'ciI ui. i
W. J. Hill onn nf tlm proprlutnrn of
tlm Tlllnitiook Diuk Hlorit nrrlvnl hero
fioni I'ortfinul with Ida family mi
Jhiiratluy, Tlvy will (tikn up tlmlr
riuliliiiirit In tho I Hilfjiihorj hmmn.
Dr. B. M. W itmlt, phyalclnii nml atu
'"' ; lit hihI ctinriiit(i(! tlmm.
Ulllen Commi'rlMl Hiillillni: oppoallQ
Trxlil Mntol.
Ni'llln, the iilim yi-nr oM iliiilchli-r of
Wimlny Himh, of Op tho WlUoil Itlvi-r
romilry, full on WilnufMlny whllo until-
I "W'K i'HK HI tho hntll, atal frndiinal
! Ixilh hr nriiia. Mr. I(iih hrunnht tho
: liltlii to Kiwn ill noc nml hud Dr.
Winuli im ftr hr Ihjuriw.
I'ImI rlti lutiiHliy work ilomi fit lowj
prima Wm.6,, Oliwon, Hnniiymmol. j
IVtor Ifynnii of Cutilnilili v,a In thiv
nty WtHlnuiufdy, Mr. Ilyrom In tint
luii'aur of wiihi elmlco property at
Uurlbnlili. Ho u b& yinim of iirnl
ipilln arllvo fur Olio of 111 iik'i, Itn ha
litrti lixrnlml In CurllmMi nf 1877.
Tlwio u:lihrial liMllan Ituimor iluck
nnl I-', II. VV. lmUnri) for mIo at
II W 'r noltlnn. S W. K, Knt.
" Tathrf Van Clarmihrrk rotnriiml on
WPt'lay from a trip tu I'urllum),
Imro ho hail Mrn for a week or mor
rctirlm.: plana for tho now Catholic
Clu rch whlrh v l rriTiiiI hr thla
ommi'r. l-'athur I.n Miliar of imar
I'unut (Jrovn iilr(nt) ln:r' In tho al
onrri of rather Van Clanmbcck.
Pur vour hoiic rutiin-rllonn for ac'
rr, im .arhmaii. Ho will ilo you a
Kooil Jol at a rraitunahk' price.
(Jn tatunla).''vcn Ihk 1. F, l.arrn
waa uiiIIimJ in inarrtaKt to Mr. Sarah
Itlchartlron. 'lln wiililtn took ilacr
at ,n hoitn of the Ktoorn, anil waa a
ijoli-t affair. Itcv. Mc (, paalor of
tho II. H. Uhurrh odlrlatol. Hold the
hrtdn atwl KriMtm ar wi-ll and favorably
ViHiwti hir bim! have tho whc.
of many frlomia.
No. 2 Colli blant lantern nlobra 10
No 1 lamp itfaUvnt. ttn. 2 lamp n'ohoa
10c I. nitiar' Variety Store. Drop In
nml liKik nrooiKl.
Mlaa Tlirrran Gaylori), who haa been
v t 1 1 1 ii t: ouiahlr iiolnta in company with
Ml Hlanrhr McNalr, rcturnnl borne
Turlay. While In KuRrno they were
efitertailKil at the homo of MIm
MeNalr'a ilaler, Mra. Klrner I'alne.
Iliey were aim) KUcnlft at a club ilance
Klveii by the Atnbly Club of thnt
rlty on the rvrnlmj of February 21.
The KtiKene Dally (luartl ieaka of the
party a belni; a brilliant afTalr, nml
the name of Mr. ami Mjt, Kltncr
I'alne are incnllouol amoni; the pntrona
of the oceaaion. Mja McNalr will
remain In Kiucne for a time.
A Kamsey, Into of Seattle, who la
coiutmcltm: a laundry building at the
went end of Fifth street on property
recently Unit;hl tf Mr. Cnrr of Call
fornlii. returned on Thurdnv from
I'ortlaml whe.ro he bail been to secure
n.H'urnnry machinery. There ban beon
some nbjiH'liotui to a laundry boini;
built at tho eml of Fifth street, rl
drmo protwrty nwwrn i"l wnntlnj; nn
iiisltttitlon of thia kuxl o near them,
and tlicn thore ii tho objection that It
bliieka tho ot'iiinc nf tho atrort. Mr
Hnmey had no knowledge nf the.to ob
jitctlon when ho IkjiikIiI the promrty,
however, wo underetntwl that lie in
willing to innko dltrrtnt nrriuu'.
munu If ho can do no without making
too uuu'li of n aiicrlilce,
Fur le : 30 iicroa of ;ond lom.
Win n von wniit anything
ht in ft 11 UST CLASS
Drug Store
I le ulso keeps
F. C, FeldHclimi tho content mini i
,iyinK n comont wnlk on tho mint mm
ml(haldo of tho M. It. HimonkniU
roaidonco prope.ty on blillwoll
Wlmlovcr you buy from olhniH,
wliou you wnnt tlm lirt liiyors bo mno
nml ot your S. i w. i.eKi'oi.i ii.ivn. M
'mid liidimi llumior duck oK
!jh. llnrriHOii. Holh IcIibIh at $1.00
Ijier Hettl.iK. A.hlroH.i .Ion. llmrlHon,
Make the Home Look
Cheery '
A 15-w.UI MiUda Lamp on
your Ironl porch can be III every
,Vhl until inUnlRl.l f'K''
not over lllly nli vr montln on
tlm nii'lrr.
Tillamook Eleclric Light &
Fuel Company
Kdltor Tillamook MortW:
Denr8ir: .
1 hnvo aeon in your pnpor of Inst
week a i)0etion "Why 1 buy nt homo."
There onis lo ho omo klrkft Roini; nx
to thnt, but to niv opinion tho merch
ant or noino of them nro not entirol)
without fmilt theini'lvpB. If they
would not run down Tillamook County
liroduco by mnkuiR buyers beliove thnt
ouUido fruitaiind voKolnbbf tire bottei
(bun homo crown. If they would not
buy In tho outMilo nmrknts juiit for the
n.ike of miikiiuj u few oxlrn dollars
whenever 5 buy enn ot tho hiuiio nt
homo. If they would not ehnnjo 'Jo
per cent profit on veKCtnbles uiul tnk
ink' in trnde. In nhort if they would
help to build up tho country instead of
juttt merely runnini; lima busiiions for
tho Hiiko of their own purse, there
would bo leNH complnint mid I Kiiesti
iiIho, Iiibh buying: numowberu ole.
Trent thy iieiKbbnr in thou wnntoHt
to bo t routed thymill. Hoping thm will
find ii pliieo in your pnpor 1 mn
Ymira H oh poet fully,
L. StulvoiiKii,
Tillnmook, Oro.
I will nut bo ronponnlblu for any
ilelila conlrmstod by my son lliina nftor
thlH date, Foil. I Hill.
.lm. Mary llomor.
Business Directory
i . . n .a
A DlrtHilory or cn uny, mn
Vllhiiio. alvlnir ileicrlpllNe akutch of
each lilac, lucallon, luiimliillou, tulo
..nii. liliinlnir anil liankliiir point!
aim Clajninea Directory, compiled r
HtliioiliM Cliurcli Hoi
Thownrld'a ifrenleat rieeit Ii not
(wire religion tui much aa moro (l. r't
Inttlty. Miil'oJlat of America un-, nlaln, '
li.fXK) at a Jublleo Fund n clobr-.
lion of Ml yenra ffoedom for lava.
Knator I thru wolt away. Plan I
for yinir Knator miialonary oircflmc,
now. Ihoii brldK IU
We win greatly plontwl and ttneourafi
wl by lc.rta -i Uio fM-HW atatlnn that
thu I'opu of Huiiw Un enat bw (dtwa ami
cliranittai n) Tlm fact that hi
over formed th Inibfl I cauo for ur
prlao t
Next Sunday: 10 A. M. Sunday
School Attomlanco laatmolilv urnwnn'
but there la room for you. We hu.i
claana hinI toachora for you. Plan U
niino ami brlnt your lllble.
11 A. M. I'remihioK aorvlce, aubjecl
"I ho Supreme tjorndenco."
Vonrii; l'iplo meetlriK all) ISO.
At 70 UvantjolUlic 8ervice,Subji- t,
"Turning tho World Uido Down I"
Hrliu: our friolnla. Slranijera an
I'mbylcrian Church Noltt.
10 A. M. Ulble achoul Thl la the
educational department of thu church,
ami no member or adherent of the
church ran remain away nitrioul auffvi
ini; a l. Thia is a uniwim: Bchoui.
will you not "hare in iu i;rowthT
II A. M. Mornlnif Wornhlp. !la;-
turn, Iteceptiou of Membera, and Com-
munioti. Tins la an Inipirint; nml hcl-
ful aervice.
0 30 P. M. Duvotioual aorvicc fur
youitK pH)plc. Topic: "Working out
one'a droama" Matt. 6:13 Id. Younic
HHiplo Ixjtwcon the nKoa of 13 ami 100
cordially invlttil.
7:30 1'. M. I'raiae ami f!owl acr
lr;. Tht-mu of the pastorV aildrcra :
"Christian Unity Coming by the Way
of tho Church on the foreign field." If
voo nro and or dmcourae,ed over tho
necllno of p!riuinal ridii;ion, come and
lu-ar thia addrets It will do you Kood.
D. A. Mackenzie, l'ator.
Church of Christ.
10 A. M. iliblc School. We have
claCM for all. if you do not attend
anv other nchiKiI wc would like to have
you with u on Sunday morning.
11 A. M. I'renchltii; fourth sermon
in aoriea on tlio parnblcti, nubject 'The
3 P. M. Junior Chrbtiun Kiidenvor.
0:30 P. M. Senior Chrtalinn Kn
deavor. Kvonlnir fervico at 7:30 Third ser
mon in series on Ntv Titftnment Cor.
versions, rsubject : 'The eonveniion of
a kikhI man.'
A cordial Invitntbin is extenleil to
you to uttoml these survicos.
H. K. Jope, Pastor.
U. B. Church Notes.
You hwvo missoti much in not henr
InK Dr. J. H. l'arker in tho first imd
uvory inessiiKt up to date. Dou't fail
lo hear him from this lime on.
Dr. Porker is tii. in and forceful in
the tirusonuition of truth and in every
respect in worth your tune to hour.
Remember tho sorx ices each even-
Order a Sack of
Guaranteed Flour
and then yoa can be sare of good
btead, good cake, pies or biscuits.
Your money back if you're not
entiely satisfied with
aaaaaaaaaaa- m r aai aaaam. v tj
takes a
good flour
aaai rr aaaaa BTBnaaaaaaai aaai aas aaaaa'
I tyttrjtt. Bjflfl
to back up such a guarantee.
And Drifted Snow Flour will stand
the test. It is tie result of the best ef
forts of expert millers and will make good
baking a certainty for you. Remember, your money
Sperry Flour Company, Tacoma.
For Sale c RTrad e: For Tilla
mook Cixv or County Pro pe r ty
Wo. - Two b la in Hose City Park, Portland, one block
from street car.
Ho. 2 Three lots in University Park. Portland, three
blocks from street car.
No. 3 Two lots in Eugene City, one block from street car
a: ! fi ur blocks from the High School, Carnegie
l.ii rry ami Slate University grounds.
Ha. 4 ?2fS acres of wheel land in Morrow County, all un-
tlei cultivation, in Rood wheat belt.
Ho S -Ono lot ami fine residence in best residence part of
Sa" Jofc, Csl., 5 short blocks from the High
?choil and State Normil School, and two short
blocks from three streetcar lines.
AH tho Abovo Wilt lrado For Tiltumook City or County
P. V. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon
Yield to Vinol.
Tho medical profession do not be
lieve th.it consumption Is Inherited,
but n person may Inherit a weakness
or tendency to thai disease.
A prominent citizen of Evansville,
lnd writes: "I was 111 for flvo
c;oaths with pulmonary trouole. and
had the best of doctors; I bad hemorr
hages and was la a very bad way.
Through the advice of a friend I t?.etl
Vlnol, and I feel that It saved my
life. It Is all you recommend It to
be. I believe It Is tlie Kreaiest wet!!
clno on onrth. I bavo advised others
to try Vlnol, and they have had tho
same results." (Name furnished on
Vlnol soothes and boa Is tho Inflamed
jurfacos and allays tho cot;;h. Vlaol
Sloan's Liniment gives
quit, k n lief for couh, c. ld,
hairsetiovs, sore throat,
croup, asthma, hay fever
2tnd Lrv. at huis.
Mn.Ai.iir.ir W.Paicc,o FrtxloaU,
KlU... WMrl . '-Wtf U.4 b. -il.'ll iiQl-
lirfiit la (.. f tiiilr bikI Cml it an ex
coU'ni ri . .-ft rc--.U iwiaI tiiy leter
in auu .t iiiiutit.r.
itiR ui 7s80. Sunday inornluK "t 11:00 creates an appetite. strenKthnns the
A, M, Como exectliiK, hrlKHl.
No iorvico Snturdny evening.
"Come uikI w il! uo theo gootl."
1. .Meoso, Pastor.
rai cu dnt'.'Iri
.AW Hi ii r w H.,N.xn Wm
i. t.i i . i. . i
, i wii'..iMU iuiii LiiamMi
Irvm titii rnnffo thai
jfAtf " l'ii tho world over ru i
t 'iS l"'"'-ir IUkbii ula- ui
iutm niMifht (ivi-ii I.isen
tlnvimhoul i Ii ri'ini Amifoivs
oaves lout your lua tuu.
The Great and Grand
f 1Cauestic
dlKostivo orgnns and gives the potlent
Un'iigth to throw off Incipient pulmo
nary diseased.
Try n Itottlo of Vlnol with the un
JerstaudlnK that your money wll! b
returned If it does not he:
Chns. I. Clounh, Co. DruKtsts,
Tilliisnook, Oregon.
lwan numlvrof cxcIusl-ofintuiM3,ciirh
onu nditiin: to Its durability nml imu'tl
r:U svrviro, liuikins thu Majcmiio tlia
boat miiKH J'ou can buj" n-tfarUlrau of
lirico. 'l int's why iif two oilier uiaiiu
lauturcra try to ImlUlo it.
rou kaix ux
Alex McNnir & Co.
c ned vv ncsi
General Repair Shop
?0n 5ALZ:
J Qua Mirio Oimc Gs.t:ra
23 nal She: aad ISili
j; She: aum
M . 1 J' miR.ofM. ' ,ri,
irr,'. I I. ! I . a In it a I v .r
lJci.i'Ua: ! i. a!l l e .-! m
t!i . - !, Mi u.f.iwTvhrii,
ailui.i.tjL.0 1.: tuf trouble.'
Mil Y ii. -ru.iN..E, STU Kin
Ami . v. Ci. . a, ',11. rrit: "A lit
tle bi'T next .t - r !ml croup. 1 St
thu lr. 'ilu-r SI 'n's Liniment tv trj.
Sh Bit i" i I! r- Jr.'ps on jujir
befi-ro m ' i t bfl, a:i.t he c '. up
uh ut lUe i-ri tu the morui. "
Prica, 25 c, 50a., $S.OG
on trie
HR 1
m l n
by keootnir htm in shabby old Harness.
Wo are aollinK llnruss miule of tho
best stock tit iiices that ou(?ht to
toutpt you,
A tt'El.b MA 012 II A KN ESS
will not only improve the appearance
of your horse, but contribute to your
safety us woll. Mnny n runuway could
bo nvoitleil ifstho old Harness had been
tlisi'iirded in time.
Tillamook Oregon
is the best
medium in
the county
It Reaches the People
Keaclicn the boot
Siciit luui Instantly.
SesiZaii i
Drulst and Book Seller
timlimti and proriioii.
. - V.re..l .- .v liim
l'ni un IK Ultlt.
vi"i ffCUl uoiltt