Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 28, 1913, Image 2

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    e. 6. Cromblcy, Editor
T5ucd Codec a WiU c c
. a -t.... t.
srXSth.rTtOX SI S
ftrrt Irweruoa. pe - '
tA sobte iroa. Mm
Mtwetd Ntr " ?
Tiar dates - w
;.'.ea, per fir 1
Csrd rf tfck. re i! '
Lxals. 'r fcne, ftnt use ft.-? i
It rt!i aorb Uff ? the P''
arri Si. alt ami kwv. yo 1
be on ya jttiirflxen '
for the craft? fell. If b --em '
gets W on -inc saaehi-
dead er sacs fciad .' ssio irny"
rery pwpwKties. M te M M j
fo--, p wiB o Miurat: jw w- j
ply uV yoor arikiM. Y
keepnUet for ia wfciajoa. Tfc Aranact
finditrtwlrtjppiekBtal 'fcjt, ordr4 lie oWJltIB of tf
ejr mrk ri . U t fftt, fcmarf at lit umy at
boald brek into yoor baoM byi alfto w .j.., mfaartaUoe w tr-
up tb theHff ami nsake cr-ai Jaa
bost it, bot sow rfc arvat eaa
come ak(t and m yoa oot at yoor
eye :eUs to Vae extert 0 probably a
bsadrad dolUrt or tnoce m4 yJ '
cTr say a word. Yc ill not trm
wirn your ribor o ibat a My
escape iKtrsc indlel The Rrifies.
cwieKtawia tbeoe matter aad Vno
be it perlertly ae in throwinj tfte
hoo'a into yoo ac aeep a be tax Ha
mas natore it a miift-.ty funny thine,
but it is here and t ooe of tie moat
di:Tienlt tfatnc e bare to eontend
with. kr adriee is Wt the jrraiter
lino aad iel tb tboae yoc are e-
Tasre aaa been accae enuei'in in rer
Uis sanert for taoce "bo arc leadiac
tit tartUjcsuon of omr rtreet pavt
ment. Ai e hae said before, tats t
entirely oncalled for. The idea of
briajinK forth fafee inaincatjoos and
dregsia? cp tbc part ia a campaign of
dirty .-rad s imfiajr. appareotty for tbe
parrG! of beeloodtne Ue real iasse. i
rant noaKOK. Tae mteo who are btad
ir? i isretUratioo hae notbibf to
be af banted of. They are artini; wiUiir.
tbeir rigbu as citieeoa and aw payera.
In regard to tome of the detective
vor'f that hat bees done. Nearly
everyone it rrry for the troabte one of
the td eoan eilatan waa pot to and ea
peci illy ao are the me- who itood the
exr-nae. Tee detective did this
parieolar work on bit own initiative.
Fv r tinee the eoaneil jatamed dowr.
t'-r throat ol osaay of oar citheeu.
a' : in ome eates 8?a'art their al
n.'t t onanimoct proteat, ttreet im
; etnenU, the-? Y.ta. been talk o'
r't, and ta- fa"t that detect! vr
e" final!.'. - -. the job should
-sioo o i -;t prise. A we
r.av-'ai ' ''--, s do not believe
tr.e-e waa fraft bat we do notj
t'r.:-it the h-,-jld be eesatweo
or ritief- ' ' strvnr'5 for tinting
tew I i-r-aeo" ' .e-. firm
notlet ,r i.r.ythi r-.rv If.
ever, it ia cetera. 1 ' m
f.av : merit it O. K-, and ft f.rv
or e a tkirtt are clear, we art - .re t.-
tigator wiil hve done -
work in baring clears the at.-. y.-:
'jf i oobt.
National Capital Srcvitle.
I jth hoaae iictened to the reading
' t i stbinglon't farewell mottga on
1 tngton birthday.
7 ie death of tbn commerce oovrt
Ma- h 4th was doeroed by tha eon-f--r
me report on tfc legitlatlve bill.
. gfc olficara of' the nary depart-.'.-.
have recommended to Secretary
l!' :t that the battleahip Oregon be
' ' - Pi 1. " or sold for Junk.
7 aenat interstate commerce
rtuaa voted to report favorably
. j Foiiefte .i4m.on bill lor the
pt cal valuation of railroads and all
.:?--ttale cemnierce rirrien.
1.' ireM& O. Hnmy '-on'roilnr of
'!. - urreney, hat aiir.'y it, i-d that lit
!r'- led to ri'.i the ;irsiM.re by ta
'.on -. ' iing '!. I'lnd when
h-it . -r. r,KH ilid not warrant It.
Ju' ' r, i o'l.mitiee favorably ro
ifW. :i I., making it a prihon of-f'-riiw
to .jt-troy Irrigation flltobf
and i,',r.i-r Increasing bondn of U. 8.
ruarnl .ik from 40,000 to 4100,000.
On ! thiiory that traffic In woraon
In luterstato tornmerce may be rot;-
ulatfd by lobulation as well uh the
traft'.c In drut;. Kood
or cattle, the !
8upr.,me Court of the United States
upheld the validity of the Federal
white slave traffic act of 1010.
Daniel J. Keefe's resignation from
his post as commissioner general of
Immigration has h:en demanded by
Secretary of Commerce and Labor
Nagel, In a report submitted to I'rcsl
dent Tuft, based on complaints of of
tidal misconduct.
tc4a? ztoA frl
. .
..... , .t nituHft
r si - A Pt" ' .'"
!;; Itf.MWnWrt. I-Cr I'"
ALL lf 4 t A ;
f.,- f Mv-kiiv ais Thortday Mom
v. ir'.rr ;jt 'icatKwi -. Is brer-
i-.it Tjij rJ FrvUy
KrMK-srr rt ;rst:ve.
Hoa-lfltcrven!ion Plan Adhered
To But Precautions
Are Taken
cm&7 of War 8tiaMo.
AitfeoSB It was etaparti4 tbat
lt joraaimt coatcmylatd m
csasce w uz aoc-lairrrrotSoa poller.
K aa a4axittc4 tkat Mkrty
trooir woaii a n14 ta GaivraUM. la
eu of on toward 4eJopita.
IVit acauraaca from rto'
Aaier cio eociaU la Mexico that th
r.trremor of Mrxic&n (tatca art ra-
tlL.'r iiccianax tarir Joyay o
vijsiuaai PnseJdeot Hoerta, Secretary I
of State Kr.oi beltevtw the pra
! isiec U oaiy the calm before a atom
I Met Vjht 3(l Paatcd.
Plain ibeUn oi food packasea 1th
' the net weisbt aad eoateata before
they are to!d to the pobtic ia required
by s blU paad by the annate. hkb
zlretd) bad patted the boat StU&t
chance nude by the aeaate trin re
Calr a coofereace eommitteo of the
tvo hooaea before the taeaswre to teat
to PreaSdeat Tift for tlrnatn.-e.
The propoaed lav i-oold reaatro the
' set weight and aseaanre of fa food
product ur be coMptcoooaly dlaptayed
on thf ootaidV of each pacia.
Webs 3ll Not to AJJ-et Individual.
The right of aa lodtrtduaJ reaidi&s
la a "dry" vuto to Import Uaaor (or
bit own ate -xill not be reatraiMNi or
Interfered wtth if Proatdeat TtH ap
prove the Webb liooor tblpmeot bill
bleh receatiy paaaed both home of
eon great. According to the atfvoeatea
of the Mil. the indirtdoaJ citizen tiv
Ins in "dry ' territory "ill have all
the prrtiege. he had prior to the pa-, tlon Uvl. h eor.vlnctxS tbl pro
ige of thm biii. to ton aa he doe not , hitlitijn eM b mMltt .ffective. To
attempt to import liquor for aal eon j uk anT 0lJm of lhe wbjm it
trary to the law of the tut within ; to My !hat umMr, roVerr,ment, eapeci-
h Thl lro "iailyvernmant of the peoplr. ia a
the friend of the bill aaaert. thi, f ilure t, of the people
meaatire haa bees greatly mlaoader-, at th, .Lit at, tan w.t ..iom
Womtn Worry Con.;ret!CT-n.
tt it a aertou Job to bo a member
xmr theao day, accordlug to
pmJnra that are reaoonding throut-h
oi tae eapitoi. int oaroen e
Viiatr- trouble 1 the tufr&gltt
and the ant: taffragltt co&toverty.
All cotgr-srnen have been IsviUid
to rhn:h ,ib the rote for women
adrot-tet oi March I. All have like
wit vr; mifttiy informed by th
atitf? tftit c-lcie watch will be kepi
on thSr nuf.'rcge activity. The situa
Uo;i d'-. iA bother member frtif.
ejual n.ffrag tate, hot It Is jivlnp
those tram Cher commonweaitb
lot of trc .b'e to decide which camp
th.y w'i favor.
Tb !'!uffrajs!t are conduct! n
a "lobbying" campaign at tha capito
which tdd to the woe of tb legit
Sefiiny is Giflfittt In Many Year.
Preparation of th biggest genera!
deficiency appropriation bill in mai...
year wa begun by the boute appro
priatjont committee. It will carry
about 2: .(K0,000, againat 17,000.000
last year.
Deficit In appropriation!) of pen
slonc of 115,000,000 will bo Included
In th) forth'ioiuln bill. Thl deficit
1 caufd by the operations of the nevr
Sherwood 11 -a -day tiorvlcu piitihiou
law. Another bugo doflclt In In the
preliminary operation of the parcel
Telepnone Hrobe to Be Two-Sided
Seattle. Investigation of telephone
computiieH on Hie Pacific ooam, begun
In thlH city by a federal grand Jury
under direction of Attorney General
Wlcliersham, will he absolutely Impar
tial and will cover the entire coast.
Employes of the Hell system, known
as the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company, will be examined by the In
(lulsltors Just as freely as officers of
the Independent lines.
The Tillamook Herald iives CO flnlrl
Bond Trading Stamps with every $1.60 of r)av1'1 'lyd-U''rEe by n bomb ex
subscription. . ''lo"lcn li,sl wek-
( i4W, SB tB MIMU WWW rwarar-
MWrtMMty aOkC lh
t of re-iostst. u -Mn
umIwI m tb vsvrtoas Amy rwu
of tht sis-v feb from U
tag fVota a taar1 of whja aajtfcoelty ia tl
Jiury life ioat W. C AMwtt -aam
Coatt Artillery trt l. . Amy:
tvailT a crtuwratiT rafl -4nc
tr for tao Itraowt r t Urn rafet
n f IKr et the snVtaMOt
any eoeaawny In U here w
H.. ami my raojpaay rewfa a
dirwtrad of a boot ItS a Ma.
"TSr me- r rmW a rlt at
the pott -barr eaeh n nth to le
"rwrl tf third -f tfcetr pay
Vary of the men aa their atir
Jhiw mrrraama' artariaa of
fwd rJ rMh'0 wh are aaefal U
tarai ana they oaW do SMt
f nwki aae IKir credit ia par
a r bror or other akeavne howor
Ttat the fteahJi of too an wM
e rrt-.n4 tj aellinf beor aa the
rraenatioa it a itatetaent thai I do
. t rrut at all. Wit ay on eanv ;
. i-y it coakloo he troo, aa 1 have!
' trMtteally ao air ia the orcaaiaaUoe. !
jlNiy after day there w no oe;
te la the rosieeuiy aad ita tottated
Mrca,th ia about 100 tmn.
"farther dot credit the aUWaaoat
that the dawipiine of the coawasnd
mtmH he ianrovod b the tale af i-
coaol to the mm.
"I kw of ao fact th-i favoo the
al of tiojoor to the mea under tny
.-onditioaa and my obaervtttoo i that
tnv aaie 'o Uvea) b injunews aamully,
awrally aad phytically and break.
doi inatead of proaaotinir diaciplinc."
ProLibitiso Popchr in OkUhomA.
Since oort ia, in theory, Rovurn-
aent foonded Dpon the doctrine of the
t,( the majority, it faihoold
practice reflect the character, thoavht '
and atpiratioat of a aaionty of lh t
p-.'ple. I do not contend that you can j
krjrtelaU honesty and virtue into the
ettitenahtp or any community ; but 1 1
do roeiend that the hcmrty, virtue ;
and intelligence of t txtajohty of the j
ettisoiwliip of every state abeaki fh.
ion the law that tre to govern the
people of that common wealth. j
There are eettain lai that hve U !
oV directly with the moral rooduct of
our ititentbip, and holdtns to tho be
lief herein erpreaaed. t do not hesitate
to roeocaoMod la yon the pnKe uS
inch leitUtioa a will restrain the
vieioualy iaclined and bring aboet a
more whole iro reapeet for nghteoot
1 have fuood that the taw wiich ar
the hariieat to enforce are thiae the
porotoe of which ta to define the ac-
tWft of our eitizentbip in it
Uy attempt for two yaar. a gover
nor of the ttale to enforce the prohibi.
jhave voiced their approval of ttale- f
pibitio,,, arKj M My
mu(t be the law of Oklahoma
, , makv lUtemnt without quail-!
! .fu. .. VMr , ,.,..;
jiene.. thece w nut a county or city in j
, tfc lULc wner(. bootleini, :
j joints can be mairtained if local c-.unU ;
officialt, whoae duty 1 1 I to enforce
the law, will do their duty.
! believe that the enforcement of
this law thou Id be eifecled by lucai
official; but if th legislature hoki
a different view of tha matter and he-
lieve that the law should be enforced ;
through the governor' power, then it
thou Id make adequate proviticn for
ita enforcement. At present lhe only
power 1 have a governor of this dale
'. enforce any law, i by the appoint
ment of one atate enforcement officer,
who for the purpose of enforcing the
prohibition lw and no other hat th
power of a local huriir. When ih
mayor of a city with dozen of police
men at hi call will publicly acknow
ledge that he can't enforce tne pro
hibition law in a tingle city, it would
eertair.ly teem unnecessary to 8tat:
that the enforcement of that law not
only in such city but in every locality
in the state by a (-.ingle individual is a
physical impossibility.
I recommend that you pats a law
giving the governor authority to re
move at once any public official whote
duty it is to enforce any criminal law,
when he is convinced that such public
olficial through neglect, failure or
wilful design is not enforcing the laws'
and to appoint in nis stead a successor.
(liven this authority 1 guarantee to
you and to the people of the statu that 1
we will have a better enforcement of!
the laws of Oklahoma during the nixt
two years than we have had during the
past two.
6uffraalit Leader 1 Arretted
Ixitidon. Mrs. Kmmallne Pankhurst
was arrested In connection with the'
"'"Ouctlon of the country rtsldince
NO ltd: 01 III AKIMI Ol
PUiino.v row prima il!
lii the Cmmi Costrl vl the ,ntc
I Ortn tor Tlllmk County.
i t xm .r the lm win td
IWMMt sf Mtfc l
orkiorHKARisr petition
nig pros m
Nothw m beeeby giwa tht a tH
! the probaU af h w.H
fWrgth Byrxm, 4m4. and f r the
lWutrc of Wtter eataaury t
Sweii IVter &amm. has boor 14 n
tht Cowrt. aid that Monday Ue 1H
Jar of Marc. WIS. t I W f
aal day. and the room of aald
rt at tha tmt hmm tillaasoa
Oty. Tiiiajoooa Cntaty. Orwso. ba
beer, apaoteted m tha U d saw
for artor aid Utaa. whs- .ad
wbera any person lolereaUd may ap
pear aad coatast the tana, and h
eaaa. if any be aa. why i petitww
shaaal ao aa fftafttsd.
tatad tai tt day of february.
Haaaar ijaaoa. i
County Jiatjfe.
Feb. T. March T.
ci r.xiio.N.
in the County Curt ul the Slnlc
ol Orcjtwi lor nilatn(k County.
In the Matter of Willises tirtaam
IHaaa. an Ifoe Person.
TO WiUuaa liraham Dean tad Willum
McQuarrt. Gaardian of ad W.ltitm
Graham Dean :
Yoo are hereby cited to it .rd ap
pKr l the eoart rom of the CVtt
Castrt of tha Stat of Otogoe for Tilla
nwok Cowaty. ta tha ltty of Tltamt-.
Coanty of Tllnwot nd ttate of Orr
uon, oa Monway um 3rd dy of March,
1913, at 10 o ckf of taid djiy. thm
and there to show etuae. if ny you
htve, why ThooM Coala thcMild not
br appoittlod gusrdiaa of the perMto
tod cattle of Willmm Grhw Un
w-itiiin the Stale of Oregon, at prayci
for in hit PttUoA on Ami herein.
By order of tha aforeaaid county
emut, thi 30th day of January, 1013.
Atteal my hand and l of inal
Court, the day and yrsr last above
writ ten.
Hunter V.aeort. County Judirc
By J. C. HWci. Clerk.
Jan. 31. Feb. g,
fotko is hsraby t;ivn to all whom
it mj concern, that the County
Cooxt of the Slate or Oregon, fur Ibe
County of Tillamook, haa appuinted
the undersigned administrator vf the
Ettate of Andrew P Hibby. deceai.
and any and all persona having claim
against said estate are hereby required
to present them to the undersigned at
the otflce of T. II. Goyn, ttt.rny at
law, in Tillamook City, Oregon, to
gether with thp proper vouchers, with
in six month from tha dale of this
Dated January &tifc. 1913.
Janwe Bibby, Adminittralor
of the Estate of Andrew P. liibby.
Notice it hertby given to all wborn
il may concern, that thi- County Court
of the ttale of Or-g'n, for ril'amook
(unty, haa aopoir.ted the undcroigrMnl,
Robert Eichtngr, Aclrr.iniatrator of
the estate of Mary A KicbKi'cr. De
ceased, ard all pcrso having rlaimt
againat aaid ptat- are hereby retpjired
In prtter.t them to tKe undersigned, at
the office of Ctrl lltberlaeh, Attorney
at law, Tilhiu.'xk City, Ore. on, to
gether ith tf.e proper vouchers, with
in tix moot ha from the diito of Ihit
Dated at Tillamook, Ore., January
30th. 1013.
Robert Kirhinger, Adrrilnitlrator of
the Kataie of Mary A. Kuhiiigur, l)o
J.'otico is hereby given that the un
dersigncd has lu-en appointor), by the
County Giurt of the statu of Oregon
for Tillamook County, administrator of
the untat! of Hay Wilaon, iIccoiimmI.
All persons having claims against said
estate arudirocUxl to present the same
to rne at Sand Lake. Oregon, with
proper vouchers therefore, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated Febuary 7th, 1013.
Loc V. Wilson
the County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, will, on the fith day of March,
1!13, receive olfers to sell tract of
land, such oilers to ho made in writing
by the owners of the particular tracts
offered. Any land purchased hereunder
by thu comity will bo for the establish,
ment of a County Poor farm, under
authority of the laws of Orewn.
Any land offered must lie within Tilla
mook County, and the Court tt turves
the right to reject any and all offer.
Dated Tillamook, Oregon, Feb, 6, 1913.
r, . . . - J' C Holder)
County Clerk of Tillamook County,
Feb. 11, Mur. 4
Abstracts on
r A 1 A.
I cltlHV DaUiJllwvfc -wwaaaaun
Complete Set of Abstracts ol the Records o(
TillAtnook County, OreRon
( t i I b. Musi 4.1 K rt mn 9
Maw VU AU Mutuil
y. o. iiox li?
The Following Merchants arc
Giving Away
rw i
WW .TOM X STOlvI!. I)rv
Kll I t iM lll'l'll It
Supplies, t ic
ii&... t. It t i- 11
h .Mi vV rAli i It v. . uoniwiirc, .novrv nuiiu k
tertnl. etc.
TILLAMOOK FHIiO CO., I'cwL GroccricH. .Lidnncn
TIIDM CnVKI.'rTll lVKL'V STllfilv (.'umiits lV
J I- X K INS J i:VKLKV STOKIi, Wmclics. Immotlh
I J ON IiS- KNl'DSt X lf r K N 1 TV H Iv COMPANY.
r.KM TIUiAT KIv. Where l-veryhody Ooc.
K F. ZACHMAN. l'lumi)in Supplies.
TILLAMOOK IlKKALl). Lssucti Twice n NVick.
MONK'S STUUIO. Yot't Know Where.
Oifirr in SiMfKvoa (IMa.
All Wort CnaianlvraV
llt.S.AMOOK. ORF.t.Of.
Dll- S. K Hi. RON.
I'll V8IL IAN iiwi X'HOlftJN
.rt.iv Nt Coocfrte HMcTUUmwiV
W. 0. McGcc, M.D.
ani st'Ki;t:i)N
Oltlce Kelt lnor to Mutual Tetnphone
Cei tral. 3rd Ae 1.
Dr. Jack Olson
OftV- Hour Iruf. 0 a. m. tu f . in.
Over F. R. Bead' Real E.tale Office
Itoth i'tiom-a
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(lloth I'hnnet)
Tillamook i : Oregon
El. J . Claussen
Dhi tsciii-k Advokat
Till.'tinoolc l.lock
Attorney at Law
Office In Commercial Building
lilldinook liuilciififi Room 210
ii. T. B0TTS,
OHicc 'JOU-liOl, Tilhmiook
1 1 lock
Tillamook, - Q-t.
Attorr.eyatUw and
U. S. ConainioBcr
Oppoi'te Court boute
Short Notice!
4- a0.,
liuo - ls L'lutltltltr. llnt tie
II I. C.I......... k.J
. . ... II I I .
U. N. Ill NKI I Mr'
' Poor Doora Wrl of Hak-rj
uii'iu if in w ano ucni i
It.i . la.
r oneer ransrer
G. I- DICK U f '
IWh Psoi
i uc ninc it ilc lit i.vcn
..... . ..I,.,.. .
1 4 .1
r ' .......
', suom ipti'Mi to the
i. hi iii iiiiihh nun
Give your onlir t
rfi iir tM.
' - WW m k. Ill
! E. N. CRUS0N.
1 1 . . ... i
. Lonti.u ts I'iikiii
, listnnati s j ut ni. -il
A I Work it . r t t-c t
i Till
nilnmook rinrkct.
Tin. fllllnwlm iirl.d r nua
for farm prixlucl lit Tillnin '
tViirnctiil every Thurtday
Hggt per ilnt. I
Huttor, per roll f0.7fi to
I'otntoes, ptr cwt.
Cheeae, per lb. . 17 10
Cnlihngi;, per lb.
Carrot", per lb.
Parsnips, per II).
Suimli, xir lb.
Pumpkin, mt lb.
M'iii-n, per no l.UU w
Hogs' light, drussud, per 11.
Hogs, heavy, dressed, per Hi.
Ileef ilrecd, per III.