Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 28, 1913, Image 1

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iff I
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
di, w
Tim amook, Onhoon, Pkiiki'akv 28, HM.'i.
First national Bank
CHIamook, Oregon
. C. Hoi.ni:s
H. C. Kamii
' W.M. C.. Tait
C. W. Tai.mauu
l'.UM. ScilUAUUK
1171: have just installed umiic modern
Safe Deposit lloxcit where your vnl.
u.ihk puper.s will be mifc Irwin fire. Ve
will lie pleased to show them to you.
Under : U. : S. : Government : Supervision
2 3 4 ft. wide--JO ft. long
Tillamook Drug Store
E. 1L KOCH, i'h. G.
it tt
."uliifaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
Dale ol Final Adjournment' It
Still Undecided
.SVp';- 77r..
Allonury at Ltw nJ NuUrr I'ubllc
'MM. MjEj
ilSl ' 'Ml"' M 1 1 in
l"4'. Pl.mri
Tillamook, Oregon
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
'Wks and Warehouse front St. between 2l and 'M Ave. West
Wf are desirous of disposing of our grocery and
'l'y Koods stock as well as buildiiiu and lot at
lilinorc Pari;, and oiler same If) a hustling buyer at
Jil'solutc cost. About $l,L'()0 will liaudle the deal.
U'rniH can lie arranged to suit.
Rockaway, Orego
Halem -At the rloae of what
usually lUn final week of the Irglalat-
le aeaalon comiillrntlona came . UD
hlcli make. It difficult lo tnll jut
'ln filial adjournment w be taken.
Tli? Uiiilrratatulltiii that ttrlualli
bail brxiii fuelled (or I lie ej;latfira
10 nillourn for five duvn nfinr It tint
cleaned up lla work and lo co inn luck
lor the olr iurto of ronMdeflm
III" trtori hllla It preatimed tOltbe
rt'MilbIe for ttir action of till? jgov-
ruor ami hla private aecrotary, In
abxmtjnc tUiiiiri) (rum the alec.
utle otflrea.
Tho Kiivernor declared during tha
!( dial Saturday belna" a holiday.
Ilia munle and houaa had no rlht'. to
remain In aeaalon, but lawjrrs In be-th
braurhe of the Irntalalure declare
lliat It li a Irrl.latlrn dar and that
tha tr.llalurt could work and bo wall
llhln llm law
Htrakr McArlhur Haturday thraw
tlir houae Into a feror of aicllatlltnt
by rrfii.itie trmUlou to any member
to (rare (or hom. ordering th door
locked and Itutructtna ttm avrgeant
nl ant!" lo a ii out and arreat wary
member who had left tll aeaalon with-
out permlaalon.
Tlir nriinte Indulgrd In a nornl pro-
codur when It nurrcd to allow a'ch
our of tlir 30 tFiiaior to anloct from
thr nat xrtat of houno bill, which la
before that boilr. onn bill isich. to lie
shi-t. prefnrnnco and rclvc I in re
dlutf action.
Tlir procmlurr Itaolf ipMirxl to, ha
no mor nornl than lonin of the aTrc.
lion iti.nl". Soma of (ho hllla, which
armrd to br of fir at Import lo thi
1 artiatur Included inch a thoav Kv
'rrnliiK th runnlnit of Mock at lursc
or proUdlni: for ripndltlng the pay
! uon. of wlttif or Juror fna.
Asrwlnc to thr rrport of th con
1 frrnco coniinlttri. and concurrinK In
' Tiiifiulmnnlii mad" In th houan, the
firlintf pnaard thr I'anamu l'oclf Ic ap
luoprlnllon bill, and 0raon will ap
propriate for lla ahara In tha axpoab
lion U71.000.
Women In Oregon do not hava lo do
Jury duty uuleaa they wlah to. Tha
hnilv refiined to pa a bill nmendlnt:
the lu to thnt women would hn com
pelted to aerve on a Jury when iuiii
tlioned, the aame n men.
The bill for n state Imluatital horn
(or Kirlx ami nomen went through the
houii anil wn pnaaud by a vot of
39 to 2. The bill npproprlatea 150,000
for the twoocnr term, which U to be
lined In entnbllhlnK nd umllltivll.Ini;
the proponed home. Women mid tclrla
nre lo In Heiit there un i corrective.
The bill wim InlroiluiMMl In the mmiito
utid pnaaetl that hrnliuh without ft dla-
nl tote.
Without miildiiK n Blnle .imend
uient. Hie aotiiile pntmed the general
iipproprlntloii bill for ntnle nfflcn nud
Uiarda Juat na It went throiiKh the
I oiixe
ruilhor oxpodltlng liUHluiian. ho fur
na npproprliUlou billa lire coiirorueil,
ih,- annate (maaail nil the Unlvermt)
.if (.regon and nurlrnUurnl coIIhkp
Mlli. II In number. HgrrogntliiK f 17,
lor the uiilvorlty mill $305,500 for
the usrlcultuml achool, themi huiuii
behiK In nilillilon in tho nnutml con
ilunlnu itiproprintlonii.
Tho minimum wi;e bill, which Iiiih
now illicit HlBni'tl by lb" Kovcrnor,
,1h -d iiii Imiuiriimt part In tho defeat
of 'l.awninco'H bill provldhiK for an
elnhi hour worliliiK ly for women,
with n limit of 48 bourn a week.
Umlor Hi" provMloiiH of a coiiRtltu-
tlomil amendment which Inn li'Klain
turn la miked lo put on the bullol for
Mm next Konerul election In n lenolu
in, a Inlroilui ed In tint home, the Ore-
lion i.'Klulntuie, nftur UUli, would con
nUl of IH enulor, one from each
county, anil C! repremmtatlvea.
The amendment pioponeH to ehanije
the wholo ayntein of leelulntlve repre
sentation. It would place It on n pro
portional bank with each county en
titled to one aenutor and no more, and
to lit leant one repreaoututlva.
With only nllKht oppoaltlou, the ae
ute lintmed the bis $450,000 approprla-
I i,m for the Columbia Southern
Irrigation project In Crook couuty.
Thl bill wlH enable the Htata to take
hold of tho work o( reclaiming the
lauds uudur the orluluui Carev ro-
I) Witt Clintin l'e wm Uirn ati
Wllllainalown, New York. At the ajjc)
of twciityonn ho wii miirrli-d U llclitn
Kimlierlnv llurillrk. lj.nvlnt' l,U wife1
with her (iiirifiita, Mr. C"mi cain? woal Shot While Being Taken From
to Wirnnnlli rcrnliilt( a year, when he t
returned to New York for hla wife)
hrliiKltitf her to her new home near
Oahkoah, Wla. Two children were lorn
U till union, a daUKhter aivl aori, I.uliil
ami AUKUitua. Mr. (aic movitl to
The Palace To Prison
Under Guard
Mexico City. Kranclaco I. Madero
and Jot'i I'lno Suarez were ahol and
Ncbraaka In later ycara ami cnKKi In kllrU , A mWn!hl rtdr Mnd.r RUd
lock raiali.i;, later on moving to Hac
Ine, Wlaconstn ami remuininK there u i9ntry
lew yeara, until in wuc wa caia-ij io
IjihIiip, Kncland, by the illncaa of
their daulitera who hail married and
lived la Ixodun. Mr. Cae then went
to live with hla aon and family at Ch!-
cauo, III. and then came to Tillamook
with hla aon and family where he made
hi home until hla drath, Tuesday
irwirnliift February 2-r.thJ 1013, havl.-iK'!
from the national palace to the pen)-
The clrcurnatnncea aurroundlnr tha
death of the depoit-d prealdent and
rlca praaldont of the republic are un
known, eicept aa given In official ac
count, which do not conform In all
eaten. The only w!tnee were thoaa
actually concerned In the killing.
Tho provlalonal president. General
-1 . ..... .U. 1. 1 1 ll . . n
lived to U- nlnetyaeven yean okl. ! ' "
am ( u men wua iit.uuii iu .a"i
batween their guard and a party at
tempting to liberate them.
Two of thoaa aald to have been In
tha party that attacked the autorao-
Mr. Case waa a very kind and lovinif
huabanil and father. He believed ii.
alwaya apeakln a kikxI word for every
one and In trying to alwaya do aa near 1
rlkht aa he knew how. Mr. Case'a
daUKhter died In New York City In
ISMXi. She waa on her way to vllt her
faUier. brother and family at Tllla-
niuok, after reaching New York City
aha waa taken 111 with appcndicllla atal
died at the French lioapitat. Mr. Caae
k-avea a wife who I an invalid, and
atlll realde In London, England, a aon,
three grandchtldran, daughter-in-law
and two brother in the Eaat to mourn
hi loaa. Hie funeral aervlcea were
comlucteil by Kcv. I). I- Shrude from
the home of hfa aon, A. K. Caae, on
Thursday afternoon. '
Ttio dally preaa can be counted on to
observe the drift of public sentiment
on any question; the "licaral" papera
can usually be found at the front of the
piocession in this regard. The Chicago
American, a iwpular "Hearst" daily.
has recently taken radical ground in
opKisition to the liquor businct.-t in Uiis
country. The folltwiiik' uttcrancca are
gleuneil from a recent editorial in that
pacr :
"You will never c2 another unclean
UHtKrou advertisement in the
"On Saturday this newapuper pub
lished an announcement that there
would never be another whisky adver
tisement in thcuc columns.
It wan forcetl to take this position
to csciie from the incongruity of o(
HsiuK the whisky trathc In ita editorial !
columns while increasing the whisky
sales by means of ita advertising col-1
'The rule against whisky advertise-
bile war killed In tu azebanga of
The minister of foreign relation,
rranclaco da la Barra. adds that tha
prlsonar attempted lo escape. Neither
makea a definite statement aa to
which aide fired the fatal ahota. It !
passible that aettber knowa. An of
ficial Investigation has been ordered
and solemn promise have ben mad
that tha guilty wilt b punished.
Not unnaturally a great part ot tha
public ragaxda tha official reralona
with doubt, having la mind tha use
for oanturtea of tha aotorioua "Lay
ruga." tha unwritten law which la In
voked when the deth of a priaoner la
deslrad. After IU appllcatloa there
la wiiLLam'PrtaoBer ahol trying. I a-cape."
Man who Revolted Are Shot One at
Time by Regulars
El Paao. Texas. Nlnety-ftve federal
volunteer aoldlcra were executed nt
Suax, below Juarex. They compose
part of the garrison which revolted, an
Kered at the killing of ex-1'rei.ldent
Madero. their former leader.
One at a time, the soldlera were
atood against an adobe wall. Ninety
five times the firing squad aimed and
Washington. A serlou claah may
result betweoti Kedernl troops and the
Texas National Guard at llrownsvllle.
menta applies to all the comounds Texas, should tho latter attempt to
that under the name of remedies arc 1 cross the Hlo Grande to the relief of
stiinply more or less dinuit.ed alcoholic 1 Amerlcnns aliened to be Imperiled in
concoctions." Maiamoras. Mexico.
"In short, to the extent of its power, 1 When the War Department learned
the American will keep iLs columns nmt Governor Colquitt had Issued or-
Ican of anythiut; that is dauKeiuus to ders for four companies of Texas mil-
the health of it readers or is dotri-1 liiamen to proceed to Ilrownsvllle.
mental to public morals." ; orders were telegraphed Ilrlttadlor-
Wo repaid this as tho most notable ! General y. y steoer. In charge of
developinenl touching this great ques
tion in recent years. The end of the
liquor tratllc in this country is at hand.
There will be need of all organisation!.
now at work opposing it for uno time
to come, but this declaration proves
that opposition is becoming iKipulur.
It has been adopted) as the policy of a
great newspaper, and that means war
to tho death between legitimate busi
ness euterprisu nud this pirate of the
M'as of commerce.
Thorough-bred pure white egg strain
Indian Itunner Duck eggs SI. 50 per
setting also a few lino young white
Indian Kuuuur Drakes for Hale Mm,
:nna Uoenicke, Woods Oregon.
the Federal troops on tho border, to
send 10 Ilrownsvllle immediately such
a force as he "deemed necessary" and
"under no circumstance to permit the
crushing of the river' except upon the
s,.eciric orders of the Secretary of
War "
Ilrownsvllle. Reports that Major
l.'stolian Itiunos, In command of the
MatnmoniK garrison, had demanded
money from residents of Matanioras
ou pain of Imprisonment, nuuuig which
are Included a large number of Amer
icans, caused Governor Colquitt, who
was Informed of the situation by tel
egraph, to order four companies of
Texas troops to the border.
ject, where private capital has failed.
All of thoHo who have tried the pro
Ject am) fiillml havotmaitu quit claims
to tho mate. Under the hill the state
v til tako over tho entire, burden of
eclamallou, and will get Its money
lack from tho nuttlera In 10 years by
the liiBtallment plan after It has been
undo roady for productive farmlug,
Senate bills which have passed the
house mid III which senate membcra
are particularly Interested will be re
called by the house, taken Into that
b.dv Mid li.ld upon the tr hie until tho
" iti; agr." ro mop alaughterlui
. ..tfTt'or.iOi,.
which la being formulated among a
cotorla of tho houae utuair,
Bulrjar Aeroplane Hit by Turka' Shell
Constantinople. While aeroplaulng
over tho fortress of Adrlanoplo a Bul
garian military aeroplane, piloted by
Lieutenant Nikolas, a Russian officer,
was struck by n Turkish shell mid fell
Insldo tho lines. Tho officer wns made
a prisoner, but the dispatch did not
mate whether he suffered Injury.
Single Term for Governor.
Lincoln, Neb, Tho Nebraska house,
by a vote of 80 to 12, passed u bill pro
viding for a constitutional amendment
limiting the governor of the state to
a single term of four years.
The subject of street pavement is
now the all absorbing topic among our
citircfu. Tre citizens' committee ban
gone into an exhaustive investigation
of the matter and it is quite probable
that our people will know aomethinjf
about street paving by the time the
matter is settled.
The Warren Construction Co. 'a rep
resentatives. alAO Mr. Detent
paving expert who was retained by
the joint committee from the council
and the citizen to pats on the matter
are here.
The council met on Wednesday night
as pre-arranged for the purpoe of fur
ther Icons Idering the matter of aaaeas
menta, and decided to go Into executive
esionon Thursday at 10 A. M. at
which time the various reports would
be received.
Engineer Richardson arrived on
Ihuriday afternoon and the council at
once went into executive session with
him. The subject is being considered
from all sides and aa we go to preaa
the matter, pro and con, ia being dis
cussed before a public meeting of the
citizens at the court houae.
What the outcome of the situation
will be it is hard to say.
Washington, D. C,
Feb. 19, 1913.
Western hemlock, says the Depart
ment of Agriculture, deserves a better
opinion and more general use than It
now obtains. Intrinsically It is among
the mos important of wertern woods.
The wood of western hemlock hag
generally been considered an inferior
one chiefly because of the prejudice
created by the name, which has caused
it to be identified with easttrn hemlock.
Testa by the Forest Service, however,
show it to have S8 per cent the strength
of Douglas fir, one of the country'
chief construction timbers. In fact it
is often mixed with Douglas rir and
used for the same purposes.
The wood is practically free from
pitch, has a handsome grain, takes
paint and stain well, and works smooth
ly. It is suitable for sash and door
stock, furniture, interior finish, fram
ing, flooring, boxes, barrels and pulp.
In bridges and trestles it can be used
for all but the heaviest construction.
When properly treated with preserva
tives, it is a valuable cross tie or pole
According to Forest Service Bulletin
115, the best stands of western hemlock
are found in the coast region and
through the Cascade Mountains. The
bulletin fuither gives the results of
tests by which the mechanical proper
tics of western hemlock have been de
termined, and tells of the different use
to which the wood is adapted.
Famished By Pacific Abstract Co.
First Bank & Trust Co. to 11. A. Bar
ber et-al, lot 36 blk 57 Rockaway, $10.
Manhattan Realty Co. to E. 11. Tuf
ford & wf lot 1G blk 9 Manhattan, 5150.
T. B. Potter Realty Co. to A. G.
Deans lot SO blk 50 Bayoceen, $10.
Chns. & Cora Edstrom to Herman
Schnllmever. U.25 acres Sehollmever's
addn to Kehalem, $1500.
Anna Sehwnbauer to J. L. & T, Ked-
ford lot 20 blk IS Rockaway, S50.
S. G. Reed & wf to E. H. Cotlis. lot
20 blk 0 Neahkahnie Mountain, $200.
A. W. Atterbury & wf to Lena M.
Scroggin lots 9, 10 ami 11 blk? Miller's
addn to Tillnmook, $1350.
3. M. Batterson & wf to Geo. A. F.
Ludtke tract in 3 N 9 W, $1 et-al.
HuchL. Rittenhouse & wf to Geo.
A. F. Ludtke tract in Sec 31 3 N 9 W.
Tillamook Bay Co. to Stella Nyland-
or lot 5 blk 17 Ocean Lake l'urk, $300.
Willard 11. Stimson & wf to Stimson
Land Co. tracti in See 32. 29. 33. 27.
and 28 1 N 6 W.
Subscribe for thu Herald,
twice a weak.
It comes
Tillamook, Ore.