Cheese Four Million Pounds Manufactured Last Year- Valued at $650,000. A BANNER YEAR. An Increase 01 iuu,uuu rounds in Milk and $150,000 in . Receipts. MY FKKD C. MAKliH. ' Till.nuook County had another bnuiiuriyeiir, in the hir ' .itimtiut of cheese iniuiufaciured in 1 01 'J, the out- " - ...:u: i.. ,.i .1... ..hi i.. .t,,r iivi'i 1 1 1 1 1 r iiiiiiiiin iiiiiintiH in im iiiiimiiM I lit t - i ctn i have brought the county to the (rout uh the Ih'hI il.m inn nectiou in the Stale of Oregon, vet for nil tli.i' '1 1 inihiMtry in practically in i t h infimey There ... ii iniU .if niM-iMt nf idli- lfiiw! in TilhiMinr.W Ctnintv. .11 1 " " " - .- (lt,i . tilh in the Nestuecn Valley mid the Nehnlein i-.untr which in waiting to lie developed iiutl turned ml'le dairy farms ly ihone who nre looking for tnv I 'in n in WeNtern Oregon. The increase in the am in t "I cheese produced tu HH'J was over t(M),(HMI .i. iii. iv i- thni 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 fin t it t eil the nrevioiih venr. Am j-.n , - i . !..m.. .mi. mil of milk modueed hint venr. the MirureH eii i'tut hihI uutki il e ei V 1 it v iiii ii t.tovetlint the tlmrv industry in thin eountv oiiMiilenilMi, CARL HABERLACH'S REPORT. Handled 3,211,004 Pounds of Cheese, Valued at $524,718.61. MittillSlirH V H. hermnn. JI.1 f,. t old Spring" Cherne Factory; 12 2. Capital btoek DUtnfnmlln;, 000 00. November milk nold, return in, Zt.n; December milk wold, rc tnriiM in 7,1.01; Maple Leaf Creamery, .I , My balnmc 7.0TO.JA; tutu, i3ls..1I. Tlir following report 'ovrrn mimic of my work for nfxtecn chrcae fnctotim lor willed I Mttcit im necrrtmy thiiinir 1012; Toiul milk received, 20,i:r.,.1ll Hih. Tol ii I rhrrnr mituuf.ietmcd (entlimitiui; ".mill iimoiint on Itmiil), :t,2ii.t'Ji id-. Tutul Imup cheene iiitin itfnt'ltirctl, Il.tSCt. Ttlnl tiutlrr fnl In milk, 1,I34,.V1I lb. Amount rrcrlw-il lor cheene cnt i ftiuti ntr tm.)l iimouiil on liiirnl), 1.121. 71 til A entire prire received, lti:U renin per ll, net Tillamook. Avrntsc yield, UMl lb. of ihcrMe per HO llw of niflk. Avnnj-r of 2 M Ibn. cliror per lt. Inillar flit Avemur Inittrr fnl content, 3.MU pi'r rent. K'rrrlpln of milk nd value of ptndurt ituri" III. cheene for the nevcml In. Inn. nre ii fulluwA: Milk Niioir itl I'uctoiy Miii'lr l.cuf ('iriillirrv 'I lip 'I lll.nm.ok Ciriimrrv;... I'niivirw Miilry Axw'U rUtittti I'mlOp (i rmiicry I'llire Klvrl I irliniPf) .... Mi'ldn I iriimtjiy Compnny .. 1 eiovrr I -f I'lriimory J.iiiii; I'mitic C'temncry 1 ICIwi'ihI CirHinrry -I (Uili) i.ilim t'lirpup J'tu.'tory. (Viiinii t'o up Ciooiiipry .. tlu.t it went uhove IUJ. fHX. (X H I ponntlH, whjeh will lvm Cmlliy iili'ii nf the liiree numher of euwH Diitured . I'lrti.m VhIIpv ciirrrc Co. , in Till.unook County: Tin eon-. - . . ?m".Zr l.lix I HN.'iU 1. US 11 3 IUI.U7I ?.;r.l.l( 2. TM 74'J I.NV Or. l.rniivi i :oi.(wi I.IOOih i.ioi, im vauii IKI.7IW i:o.-.mi :r.u wi 'H.3tU jii.i:t.,,.in I.llH. (,'llCCHC. . W7,rci .. , iiu,i:wi . . in i7 ... . '.S'i.'IH ... . 'Mi.fti ... . vn.tri . 1 17 HVt . . . . iri,62 ... . rjvivj . . . . to. ICS . . . . Sl,7fl ... . . . . 40.IM7 ... . . -'i.urii . . . CUNTRAI. CO.OIMiKATlVK '. U KAM KMY CO. Company recti veil for tlir year u lotul of J.mi.ftd IIik. of milk Tliic wn ITilJi Urn more tllun wan re crivrd diirinu: It'll, the tftitn heintr ?JL per rent. Monthly receipt in pound follow: Jnntiiiry, 10,711; l el.riiiiry 27. 14.1; MnrCll. HI W; 117 771; Mny. IM.9 "; June ii.ri2; July, isi.rri; Ainrn-t, ( IB7.HU September. IUI.HO; Octoln-r, TiiJIj- Novemlier, :v),7.V), nnd Ie-crmt-er. tt,0M , Hr(, Thin milk continued ll. Imtter ft, nn nveniu'c of I.OM per cent Imtter flit. Jittim-itin cheese ftill on lisnl nt 73 IIih ier tio-e, l'.int' the yenri output of rheene to IVA'-ii IUm. l.t1 boxen of fheee ntntuifiirt- ured ICtlni:itlnt: cllrerc on llatld nl 10! : cent pet lb brimr viilue of year output to 2),177 Otl. i v'.iiln in value of rhctee over 101 1 wnr f 10..117. V2 Or 1 0i tier cent: iivcniKC , xi l'J 'II -iiml lartorv receiver J', ccntu for ZM1 ! la), 'i'!o"i-r 'ehpcce. or 7.1t. 70 for the 'i "o i y"r "iil77(V' ,n I,'',' ,nt f.i'.tory rliared 1177110 ",ul I'1'11' ,,or t'"''' '"r m,u1' V-ei 1'J ' eheefc to Tillnmook mid 1-lOc V".7'V ler !I. cheene mmle ut the factory (-m"i duriiKT the montlm of Mnrvli to. '1.103 1'2 AiiKii"!, I xttli fm-lnoive, for inspect. ''' imr II. t- year' rhiece. , " . .. . . i.. 5''l 714.01 ' f.SIC"l"' lor me jviii. uniminii; Uctory received i'A.130 18 for mii' Innr ' ll-e-e. or lip. per 111. chef e. Hauling checiie, 110.0 HxppitcM for the year were Z 'JU 211 Resource : S:ipplic on ham', T1 () ; building- account, 17.4.1, canli in bank, JH.I.W ; title for ttm J in; Nowmber chceiie, $110.10 Totnl, 51.111 : i.inhilltjei: MiMn payable. $. 7)0.00 ; dm- cIicpkp milker, JtJrt-i; other ac cotintM. S70..V1; MoSc account, UO. Total fl.lHI 24. Amount. wl. IHI M 7.1,7(0.01 illM.M 42 Ml .11 41.1IS..1-M hand and 50! . - . . ...... it a.' IM ill. in I il nnmrnniMPHi ,.v.... i.:.,llIU,n.. ,, the of 1. centr for niaklliK clipe.e, tile making' ,.,. lir -,,,I. were 52.:i.1. 1.1 tip HI t n llUtrklllile feiltlire of the elleene IlKlllHtry Hint I j,rKC ,lllm,i rillnmmik, would IhIiik the making chnrKe to $W,Ha.17. J u,jH connection wi-hto mat u.,r .N.i.iK'itin of $l.r(KX) in the receipt. The re- j.,,, (1f u.p lactone,. howcVrr. ci..ue ...ore. o,. the baniH of m centHi witii tV,fil-,,,"IT v?H"t,oc-"t"n,i '--V-l it i it t ii fiviM" JuHKJ.iani. wuiie in i w i i lor miikiinr ciicefp. eiiiiMii" '- nvvi.. ...Kv. ..v.... , per lt) Ibn. milk Avcnip butter (nt pun. 41. .t ee.nn ppr m. Duled I'ebumry lt, WVA. CAKU llAllltW!.Al'll. . ii.ii ........ ii it 'i in i:m i writ tin . luniped to $0;0.KH). At thin niteof increiiHe every wax H will not he ninny yunif before the million mark in r iii In l ... ( .itl Hiit.erhich, who in Kecretary-Hiilemiiiin for IS cht.. (,u torien. and hinullet more eht-ee tiniii nnyone lMtirf from hOittu of tin: otliur fifclories ore ns followt .Miami Vntlpy CiPlimery Otetown Cheene I'lii'tnry . . .. .Nonkowin went into the innrketH of ( Jrejon, L niHoi urn, ! Mr,i -,tirv Since Mr. I lull- ( '"v'r i t" ..ii i. . I'.tcilic Slope. Hold $T)l.'l.7lvS.(M worth ofTilln-f tu " k t onutv h ch.ete. (itit of the totnl niiiouut of 5.r)0.- .... - . . . . i i . ..... -v.i'f :.. 1 - ihxi lux went into the umrueiM oi i U. ii'L'ti.n tuid other WeMtern Stnten cri I. Ii.m been iiHHociute.l with the Co-Opennivc Awi.j cniti he Im lumdled tin euorinoUrt utn.uut of chevrej ami . i.f rit-tiMl with hire huiiih of money behniiutf oj il.iinim ii in n nioHt Kniinf.'ietory iiiiinner. To nhow) It" a in- work in uppreciiiled by the different !iho;i-. I. . k. epH ttchliutf new one lo niK ini. wuicn mu mihI nf recoiiiiiiendiititJii lie could receive. coiicf run the milk producer iihiki is the price . i. i l.n. which nvenitfed -II. He per pound and $1.(51 i"" f.unilH for milk. Lant year wow the bauueryenr I I . I., r id,. laixe amount of milk produced but the ..-at for high price. Thi conclusively proven .u.iuk Couutv iHn uleni wrimn mr twin 111 industry i miokI -4ucceifully and prolhably I'oiiihIh Nllk. Iic-nc (W.0I7 .... CikN'M KtO. 1 1 .... W, 7 10 -10,711 .... tMUf i.:t07,;i72 .... i.'.'.i.ii) 1.01.1. !v .... 1 1 1.. "07 K'eluine not complete. Factory Reports. j 10 m Thin 'u. a uain of :d 1W Ibn. . elieene per 100 Ibn. milk and 'liken . .. ' ; : i i... 1,1 I'lillowtni: will Iv (muni tin irportH of n Im tie number 'f tin fr.rto. ii'm, iihikI of tlicm iKiiii-.' ftiruittltcil by Mr. 1 InlKjrliuli : Ml.AINU CKICAMICK'Y CUMl'ANY. The fnrtory uncived iltinnif 1012 a l, .fnl ol ISO 70? Ibe Hi milk. K'i--.pipt in It'n. tier .nMh Iiil'o; t.irch H.IU2; ApHI M.iv. 77.72J; J-nie. 7 777; July Tl.lW; Aiik'l.itt. i i.'t ; M-'fililier. .11. 7714; (V ' Iuji, .0.011, ami Ni-vember, , ', 1 I'liip iiulk l ontuined H.7TS Ibn il iiltei l i Av-ernue Mitter ft I In un k 4 I . t Tina it a nrv liiirh aver . . . I I I.. v"IIIM . . . .. ... '.I. I ... ... Line number of the dfiirymeu nerun mime ,ittr. . -.- .iftiutr t.." .. f .1 1 il..i i wu ni il. iiueratcd in tlir Btuiimei I er. while w nveiMtfeti lar nooe iou. Minrf ,,. :.t....:.,. i lioi nf the (lllirv. lien rui-e : ,"..-7it Ibn ot eheem-maiiufactur v ...... .u....- - . , I. ...I ,;.iu 7 I 1-llM-t. it winter Iced, till' mane . flt.w wl't lor $.s.;i.w. mi nver ..... tvn i, ...,, ii.. ii..,. ,.f xitlV. I il nmook. (hviiiit l.i..iii;iliie in i nimiio.m v - , C . I. .. I ... .. N. Mtueca Vnllev couufry ihoucoi u.e ue. mv . . . ' . i .i i i mill luniiiiis i ) I ilairvinu" nun proiiiKiM ...... ........ , ... t v.-ar valued at $imi.l:H). TIiih ih a plendid hI...uu,u fortheHouth part f the ciuiiiy. which luix u briL l.t b.ture before it. Mr. CMuis. Way. who wan one ol th. pmnccr dnirviiien of that Hcction. estmuites the 'iit ,i ., ehcrHc from the NeKiucca Valley for the past I" ..i tit 7,(H )(),)( H) pounds. V. (Mirifteiisen, who is einpluyed l ia Tillamook Count v Creamery Association so u.a. d under sam- ti-i, In -i ..( -I" ' Ii.,) it: . Ii ' itin tl,. , III' ti ll.. . he iiiHiicctor, ii superior jeratle of cheese is manufacture t eh ins eoi.ditiouH, supervised the makinj-' and (-raded l it :heiw. ..r ...nut m the liirire factories. Last year lie inspi-cleil a total of U, IU(),.S!)7 pmiiulH ol ciieee. won . wo- deponed ol as inspected cheese, and as jobbers p.i fu b at clans of cheese, some of them will not ii.j Hi..-, which does. ml havMl.e o.k. l the ...speclo. Mr Chrisieuseu has done kk.I se ... ''I'''''''11 "mull higher o;rmleof cheese anl manufactured . . . ".ore sanitary rcWiil.iliH.H. an, i ll.e assot t. s n tu he eouMTalulated for employing h.m. t I s i'ntup to poor cheese beinKMnannlaeturetl and . I . pu on tl.'e rket as high p-iulochciw, . n.spei .1 tin- factories and the cheese in Huh count; will ti'Kethe time of two nispectois. point from fliiirv With bid n small proportion sh. P ( . in!,;ea.iioi.Mt wh jl 1 '. .u Tillamook City, which is in the Hi f t o Hi u irvin.r enunirl' and L-rnss producing m.-c ion n the at the ii vennte price receive" 101 1012 cheene. niiiuelv. KHIc per lb . tnn'tc .1ni. per 100 lb-, milk liktimntim: n few ennen cheene on the dark, benign the venr'n cheene value to ?l.1.77l to 'I'lii-. in .in in cienne nf 70 pe-rent in vnlti. over the 1U.2S0 7!S the loll ehectu bro.!,ht. 1'ii' torv received 2lt- for eheene. receipt- bfilic J.mKUl. 1 tun encbmini' yon tin iteuiitil ejtpenne account. wh.wini; each iliu of ;pennc or miller to whom tMiid. A'o i lit it the nitilte--ii hand. ! li not include a new fen er nn.l pwir u( Hi-ten. nt these nke the th.c- o thone in the fiict (ii y .mil nhunld be chnryed to e penrtif actNi tut. The rcc in lo innttitlecl .. W.i er work tit a ttnt ' (X) mid C.'iUhI the f.ictrv at a co-t ot 1" 00 K'eoouivi'a: Cnnh in bank ?.4 1 ; .dunceir to put run for cheeye nold (Oct.). rompHiiv for Novei. MHr anil ! cembei ninkintf. jll.12-'; Supphe on hand, $11 1. SO; l-'actory mid jriouutl. ifl.1.10. II. Tctwl. 2.00i 10. Unhilitien: Due siei'iTtiiry. .VOO; .Vovc.nbcr money receivetl, ?a6 00. Capital mock outntuudincr. y.100.00. Ti.ttil. i-Sil.00. iitoni; nircly or. a c.arire of 2 cent- per lb., not cour.titm b oil inir out of the2enln. On the ot!. r hand, neveral factorien ptatlei! an your coiiifat.y l.d. hav- couttu uco 'l rharte enonirh n tle could accumulute euouK'h money to take up the nhnren each stock . ... I...,., ... :.....-.. ....t , 11 r-jl Ol i lio.ucr neiu, nn inreicr.. ....... .... . . . ... . t 1 ri. i lien Ilicy uo noi mm- i- ctiurut enoutih to pay heavy divid endn nftenvmtln. Kenottreen: Mtppiien on hand, jlls.ia; Canh in Tillmnook Co. Mank. OS7. IS; Muildinc; and eipitp meat. 07i W Due for clie-nc. .XI 2S. line for making cheene, 07..1D; total 52. 1. 2. l.i.ibil.lien: Capital ntock paid in, ?l,0.VUti; line for milk. ASt.sfl; lliilnnce, .titplnn, jOCI 42; total ?2.4:t. 2x Amount. 10. G.K1 01 43,10117 1P,WH01 ! V- 11... fP.H: ilue Tllli TlI.l.AMOOK Clx'lvAMlvK'Y. Ifactoi v icceive.l ditiintj- the year I, I Is, 1 12 "ibn. .f milk. K'eceipm per iiHinth in Urn were J.intturv, .1i.7H0 Ibn : leb:univ. IS. IM): Mmvh. I0I.1S0; April. 150,201; Mny. .U1.IW0; .f"";"",'. '-.Vi ' ,t of 2.1 ciihou .-till Mute. 020,022; July, .1S;t.;t21; Autrunl. j i.'.hrit r n'" Cm.ital Stock out l.ein- .hi.n.etl bv -WI.0I1;, I2."172; OctoLer; i '"n 1 I j I I vTvlViV- ntill n,..lollve.'etl IUI;, l."0 .12. '"cJ J u "n..'r0Wii Wv b.iliinci, Vo7 Ihln nhiputetit tn December. 1 10 7tb. i x Thin milk conimue.l l.1i.:7l Ibn. IO1'1 or an average of 'I.SI late. I In irie will not iivrr.itre up ! , neveral nttier Aveni.,"' vteld wan II. l.t I"- or bee por 100 Ibn milk. 1 think till it the hiirhf! ield obtiliiuul bv anv In tor in tlf county. Ilut'ei tat piyi" .'linen. 4't sc. ; Ap'il HT.Oc.; -Mny. :v.; Jim-. :VV', : luly. m ic : ,miu-t. ; epeinbei. lOc.j (U'lober mm .no- imti payiuniim in ii.,n'i mutely ,10c. There tt one I uniiuid fin', name be n urn mourn. iv ni The value of till . . .... ...... ..... .. .. . r.. be lactorv receivea r " oi nunei in. i in li i ii t cheene, the yem'n mnkir'n per cent fat. mm.imtmi; to $1,107 21. lintimati : cheene on liund, I have no reeotd of the epenne, hrin;n the totnl make to 401, IK0 Ibn. m i ount, tin your lenidrnt I Avenme yield, 11.10 lt.i. cheefe keepH up that account. per tin. mn mini. I iuive ileportlied in the Tillamook u.aotl boKen of cheene niatnifnct Coitnlv Mank a total of 7 1107 OS, uivd balance ol cheene money he In if "till Mutter fat ucen lanu,.iy, ISc. ; due and the other beiu l opreeent ( l'ebi uai y, .12.2c; Mmvh, ,15Wc ; id bv cheene taken by iiatnuif, Mej April I7i ; ?luv. RV.; J .toe, SW-V ; nattouH having' taken fflO.lll woithju1y, 11.2c; Attuitnt, 10. Ic ; Septem of cheene. her, IH lc-i October I.V. - lintinuttinu cheene on hand at 10c, brum the total yem'n output to 57.1, 70,1, OS. A vera ie received lor clieene, 10,;ilc Tillmnook, net. Mnkintr cheene at l;ti brinirn the nmklnir chmKi to $S,122.:tS KspenCH for the year $.1,8.10.21. WcnnurccH! SupplicH on hand irll7.W; Canh in hank, a,tlU3. Kt; AuirtiBtine Keyer, October cheee :is:i2; Wheeler I nr. Co., October Atuliew I. htiHteneu, l.ONC. I'KAIK'.K CKliAMHK'Y CO. Factory received a total of 1..174. 2.1.1 Ibn. tif Thin wa- a sntn o: 2HU.S2W Ibn ever 101 1 . or over 22 pet cent. Monthlv receipt- in lbr. w-f, J.iuuur -. 2 '..117; I'eb-.oirv, 24,.11; I .Mitirli, ii,.wi; .prn i,ivw; .-iuj. .tr. TVfl; Jure. 2;ts "40; July, 22.- 2-2. Aiie-u-t InV i:tt; September, 174,1; , October. 13.1,011; November, '.U,i:, and December. .11 Cs2 j (''). 00 Ibn. of b. liter itu in nil. K I AvrrHje butter tat. I.2M per cent ' l-,t.tiiii.itmc niinill iti u t i I I cheene r. hii'itl. brunrn total milk- I of ch to 17.1.272 Ion. Aetne yield, 11. Iba. f cheen er tftJ Ibn." milk. 1 211 I oxen of ehee-p u::i;uf.ict tired. I l-.n imuttu cltee-f o h m I briuun t-Hiil v.tlti" vo"?-".7 5 0n 1 bin in increane oi $10..Hli. 11 ovr TOIL ur u ef OS per ce- t. l"mtor i to receitJf.2J1.01 U. umkuiK heene Kxiniren for tue e;'r wen ;2,W1 01. iactir nlno Hiid otT f?3."0 i-0 cr. the t'ortuiie. leaving f.1JC.0.' due K'eHoiiree'. Snprlies on hum) td; Cnnh in bank. 17 .10; Ml!" b l maki'ii Novemb r a"d Deceirliev rherne, :t:il.20; Atlvancetlto patronn. -fKKI.ljO ; I. ma mid l-nctory, l.'.oUOJ; i.ST MKAVHW CIIHKrsK CO. I'lictorv lecelvcd iln ' nur thin year soo.OOl llt. of mi k 'Ihin wan a uain of .TP.O'O llm over HU I. orHO per cent Ueceipln per month in Im. weie: I'Vbruary nnd Nnrch. 01.772; April. 101, .100. Mny. l;tt,7IO; June. 1:17,0.12; July, li!.PS.lj AuRUrtl. im wi. Seiiieniber. IKI. i.KI; October, ,, , 1 v.. ! i.r i( 7iii mid !).... lis ;t ' " ' cheene. 2ft K ii lt en rv no liinn.- "w . r . .;i.i " ...I ...I. nre rill romi laciiiui., '".tnweHi. nun iiiiuiJiiui. ."' . . i i... or i, ..- huiw, ...... 4 t 111. Ullllllieil OV it ,l'l II... ,.l,.Auu.... ' illfiiiiook's famous cheese eomiuuun - iViiH, ion tlio tiveniKe yiwi w.. tooted. 22i.m; total. $s,:mi.ei water route, T H .nllk tontuinert iVI.UHUb,. of UU; 1-j . dienjror. jlilt); C K. llinl ven,e of ...OlOp,' ey. IJ, Alfred Ofi UIS Urn. of cheene were u.nde. I Stiinle I..10; Factory mid nrouttd. or 1 :W boxeH. vveni,'0 yield nviib -i;' 'L"""m"V '""-""k"'"""'.' t" " '..ul'll . ...1,. .all I IV I lilOMItt linv Itl tl 1 j tt AUll. Ul.WOOn CKKAMKUY COMPANY 'PI... f.n-lurv (li.,il.(r l(l' a total of I'.Hfil OSl lb- oi miik, a ct-.iu over 1011 of 107.001 Ibn or ovei 14 per cent Mo-ithlv recei- tn were. Match. 11 Sl.llbe, ; Apt il, lis,70 Ibn ; Ma'', 217.1114 Ibn.; Mine 230 701 Ibn ; line. 221.071 Ibn : Auirust. IS1I 72 Nhn'; M-ptemlier, 101.222 lb" ; Oct Wier, 110,700 Ibn.; and Nc-ember. I7.W5 lb" Mutter fat in mil. .12,!t02 Ibn., an aver, me of 3.sS iter cent fat. lintiuiattnu: SO boxen Novembei cheete on hand, 117,10:1 Ibn. i f clieene were made, 10. 0,1 ten cheene untile on mi aver Wits per 100 lbs milk. November cheene on liimd nt UH'u.. cheene nold for $23,012.20, $7 (Hll over 1011 or over -11 per cent. Average price received for cheene, !0.12e per lb. net. 2.051 boxen cheene manufactured. I'ricon paid for butter lat tollow; March, Sic; April, 17c; Muy, 3Sc; Mine IKIc; July. JiO.tlc,; Ann'iist, !lSc. Srptember, lie, nnd October, 43..V. Ktliiintiiihr November cheem, TMKKK KIVKRS CRHAMKKY ASSOCIATION The factory received during the year 2.2T0.7I9 Ibn. of milk. Thin wan 270, K'H Ibn. more than 10! 1 re ccip,n. a uain of over 14 percent. Monthly rccciotn in Ibn were km follow a Jannarv, 10,022 : February, Ki.:500 . March. 100.473: April, 240. tf23 : May. 36..010 ; June :V!7.t72 ; July. :7. 10.1 ; AilKUnt. 27r,37() ; Sep. te .ber 2:11,312: October, 171.103; November, 140; and December, .7). 073. Kn'.imatinsr the cheene ntill on h"nd brinirn the total yeirn make of cheete to 212.314 lb-. Averatre yield, 11. CS Ibn. cheene per IC.) Ibn. milk Knttmattn unnol cheene at ltJtc bnntrn the value of the year' cheene to $41.11.1..1;. This la fll.2.17.4) more than 1011 cheene bioubt a train of nearly 3S per cent m value of product. 3 45.1 boxen of cheene manu factured ?7 2Til Ibn butter fat in milk, tin avcnie of 3,s'2tJ per cent fnt in milk. Average price received for cheene, 10.3c. per lb F.tcton received ?..0I0 2.S for tunkintr cheene, or 2c jier lb. cheene. Kxpe men for the year, lean the nmoun. of mipplien .old to patronn and wtnount now on hand, were 51,412 HI t mn nendini; yon en cloned no itemised expenne account. Would jr.Jirtre-it thttt you hnve name checked over anil nlno my book h, and that you rclect ncme one to attend tr the meeting of the Creamery' Ansociation. Since we have had the inspector, we. Ihave brought the yield of cheene ut) cosn.ider.ible, and the reputation of our cheene for tin. fortuity and quality ban been con-uleratoe tnereaeeo. Renotircen and liabilities : Ke-ourcen : Muildinsr and ground, $l,S2.1.t1 ; nttpplien otl hand. ;J0I.25; patronn nccoun. 5101.0S ; canh in lillamook County Hank, fii. i2; due company for October cheene, SVvOO ; due company for mukintr November anil Me-'ember cheene. $2120. Total, I.uibihtien: Capital. -lock outstand ing $1.7C0.W SAND I.AKli CRKAMKRY CO. The factor- receiveil durinir the year 221. .122 Ibn. milk. Monthly re ceiptn were as fo low- : Mnv and April. 43.023 Ibn. ; June. 10, 71? 11 - ; July, 40.-2.Vi Ibn ; Atttrunt. 37,70 lbrs ; Septeni'-.'r 2Ct 7.11 lb- ; (N,-i,,i r ia3S0 Ibn : and November, 7,00 I s. Thin milk contained s.u7 Ibn. butter fut. nt: nvetntre of 3.i( t er cent butter fnt. 22 231 Ibn. of chee.-e muimfai tmed ami old. a totnl of 31.1 iiieet.eno.ti tor .ox 1- an ,iei- it lie if 15. Vc. Owintr to the wMt operated per lb. fnct f.Ht the bictorv durintr the neanon when the lowest prevM'.-d, p-icen will .i- raue Ii -r 'li.iu many t ther lactones. Fm-ti-i'. rtveived 2'-.-c lor ir.aKiuu; chee-e, .r $.Wi 77. Also rhiirued ?lJ."Jt :n June lor nel'l cl'.ee-e m adibttiT to the riul.n' in.ikn:i; Im rue I .im nfudit'v: rn Ion ,1 an iteune '. .iccumt , i tli- epenne-i mr the whi 'h ti'mtlit-r wih '0.1.1 pa'ii me f..r terice in. reUinc .mil nee -eta ry w tk in.: .1 o' $5.1-'."?. A!n an it n $40.2." wen paid Int DSuiuoml !.n- lu.nber . Inch i em I clntrued tu tbe factor and e.iUt ineut nccount. Several uf the billn, like the MiN u'r bill, contain item- which should pr'l.iM ' e properly c. unjed tt) nmr.e .u i i.niit, but 1 do not kpow h w much there should be no clntru-ed, nu charged them to expense account, Malnnce of $7.1. Oi) was paid the bank, but when we pay patrorn it will be nece-sarv to secure a loan ot between $1.1.00 nnd $.K 00. as 1 thought the c.eese maker was 'inul oil before, but find I wan inistal;, n. Resources mid liabilities of the company me ns follows : Reources ; Cash in hnnh, $02 i4 ; due for cheese sold. $237. .10. Factory equipment, $272 77. Liabilities Due patrons for Oetii. her and November milk, $3.13. ,10. Dt:e Habe.iach forsellitmr same, $0. of of COLD SPRINGS ClIIJKSli FACTORY. The factory received it total 1,100, ills Ibn. of null; or ;i train 12 er cent over 1011 Monthly rece'ptn in lbs. follow Imntarv. 10, 130 ; Febriuirv, 20,:r27 : March, S0.7SS; Apt il. 140,377 ; Muv, lS9,ai5 ; June, 171 471 ; July, 15.1,0(17; Autruft. 124,472; September, 10-1.007; October, 74.7'.li ; November, 31,2.10 ; nnd December, 21,700. Thin, milk contained 13,131 lhn. of butter fat, mi tiverujre cf 3.710 per cunt fut. 125,821 Ibn. of cheese niunufac tined, Avernire yield, 1084 Uh. cheenii per 100 lbs, milk, One lb of butter fut nmile an uvenifrt of 2.01 lbs, cheene. .:M3 Ibn, butter fut