Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 21, 1913, Image 1

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issued twice a weektuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in "Tillamook County
TlLLAMOOK, Okhoon, Im'.WM'AKV 2, 101.'$.
NO. 0
First national BmU
CillamooU, Oregon
J. C. llol.lM.N
, V.i. 0. Tait
C. W. Tai.maou
Wlv Imvc juji ut.Htallt'd some iiuniero
Sole Deposit Mom?h where your vnl
11 ilile pa pert will lie safe (root line. We
will he pleaded to hov them to you.
Under : U. : S. : Government : Supervision
t trnl
,Sr'i lrt.
Aifctwr a " Neury Public
lie Tillamook, (Oregon
One Dozen Score Curds With A
25c Deck of Cards.
Tillamook drug Store
K. K. KOCH. I'll. 0.
I' ' IWIIm,,,, , l N..l -
Section Guaranteed. Money Back if Nol .Satisfactory
Send for Cur 19
Diamond Quality
I w i v pnje has lieea
i "iu(,iliil with Ntirtli-
i i n condition in
1 livery mtiI linted
1"' liun ti-Hteil in our
" ii laboratory and
' ii found ooi).'ariiis
1 I l I Ojr is (IfJHMItlnllU
mid rt'halile.Wliet her
'ni Wiiut to luiy now or
"it, it will pay you to
have our cntaloj,'. A
poilal hritiKt it free. Send
K'dav for Catalof;
ai Kcui. rii
-o ,J. -a
Trip ,'0",
Wirill'u'kl. HILIi
t'il(i ""
ll.lrult IU.I . .
I..HUHI Cuuinl.r
5 nWlTAt-W1 25c
General Huorta Has Been Pro
claimed Provisional
Mnirlu City Kntucuro t. Mmlrro
Ms hum tun k 1 out (if 111.. pri'nlllr'Itoy.
I( w nrrliM nl On national pulacu
by lii-jcml lllnuqutit. Kub'junnll)'
k ;mil hi nmlxaatloti
GMnral Vlctoriano Iluortn. com
mander of Oi Inderal troopa, km pro
Maimed pnnlnlonal prldoiit.
About tlin Um Mailero na nolirxl
by lllRli'iliot. (luntavo Mmli-ro, liU
bniOtti. tlio ri Mlulairr of flnunco,
arrr.ttHl hy (lfnrrnl Hunrta, who
wtui liinltiK ltti lil m in a quM ro
lAtiraul. Ail rmuntifo of tlm calilnr( prompt
Ijr ven; plitonl niidnr artful with llin
aienpiluit of Knimto Mnitrro, ttio uu
Olo of, ill" lrr.tloit, who Imlil llio
tKirtfollo of fllinticrv tin wnn apprUod
of tlm tntnntioli. ai;alut thi llaJoro
Kovrnilimiit mil! matin hU rcot,
Tim ftrrr.t of Mailorti took plnr In
thn Hall of llio atnbn.ta.lor, When
tlm pr'eMotit riilorn.! tlio room bo
fotiuil all thn rtitrutirou nuanlnl. Ono
wilillnr. ovrr njeltwl Uy th" v.'orda ot
lllatt'inrt. polit-d JiU cull at th lirrnnt
of SlaJtiro, ho U-apml upon Mm. In
lint utruccli' tint Kun -n illncliurr."!.
wuhiMt litjurltiK ajiyonn. Th nolillnr
a illMtrtut'il and placwl umlpr arrmt
Uy onlcr of (Scunrnl tlucrta on tl
olir.r of firing without onler.
Wlrnii thfi arroat of llio jifulilmit
anil hl minlttr hrcamo known.
croil rthnrol In tho atrenta,
tlirouith which thoy parnilnl. ahoul
ItiK "Vlvaa" Tor HuortA and Hint. A
cflaforciicn wnj h?ld b'twr-n tho rep
rifiitntlvMi of tliono two Kwumt, nnd
an nr.riKitiifiit a reach ml wlH'rrhy
thi apitolnimmit of Ufiixntl llucrtn to
tlu proOalonal pro.tdcnc)' wim pro
Oviiwl l!uirtn mail" a pch from
(! halcony of tho p.ilncn to th nn
tn'iuli!l orola. 1 to ilrrlnrnd that hi
had no ptirwiimt ambition and an
iioiincml tilntaulf ad mllltar' Kovurnor
and Cnral lllanut aa military com
maudrr of tln ftilrrul dlntrlct.
It la fully hi'llovrd that a dffltlltn
ar.r.M-mi'nt will b roaclmd lmiwnn
thn robl forrra and (;innil lluorta.
Th lu'Koilatloim will bo conducted
through tho Amcrlrnn emhaaay.
Onr of thf flrat ai-ta of Oonrnl Hu
urt.t aa pnvlalonal prritliltmt wna to
notify Amhaanador Wllnon of On
cliiitiiv of KOYt'rnmt'M. Hi Informal
tlm nmlxntandor that ho had In 111"
powor an prlaonora In tin national
palace tint praliiinl of tho ropiibllc
and liU mliilNtora.
dmiurnl Wuorta nakrd that thla bo
Inlarprotod aa a patriotic uianlft'Hto
of a man "who haa no ambltlona othor
I linn to aorvo Ida country and who
wlr-ht to rooatnhllah poaco In tho
country lo liianro tlm aaft'ty of tho
Intoroaia of Ita hoiih and of tho for
slKiiora." ToloBramt havo boon boiU to tho
Kuvrnora of the aUloa notlfyliiB thorn
of tho proclamation f Iluortn aa pro
'.ilo.wl prraidont, ami alno to tho mU
.wtry "ommaudurti namiiliiK thum that
r.oncral oloclioiia will bo hold.
With Erety Cash Sahwip.i the
Castro Freed by U. S. Court.
Now York. I'lprlano t'aatro la frco
to i -ouo and bo In lhla country nt will.
Judut Wanl. In tho Moral dlatrlct
.ouit. auatalnod tho wilt of haboaa
i-orpiia In h behalf, ovorrulliiK tho
Immlarntlon authoritlcrt.
Itnllwaya Avert Strike
Now York. Uy acccptliiK arbitra
tion uudoittho Urdinau act, tho cast-
ipii I'll llrmulrt llinrtiUl II HtliUli of fluv
in Thi-oo mini, iilidor
. llll HI '
tho law. will dcchlo tho flroinou'a
olalniH, mid tliolr doclalon will ho litntl
liu:. .
Wisconsin for Direct Election
Mmllnoii, Vla. W'lHcoiiHtn bwiiiii; in
fnvor of tho direct election
of United Statoa aenatora by tho poo
plo, WllOll a JOIIU renoiuuon, )
ailoplod by th atato aonato, provldlnR
for Hindi n cotiniltutloiial iinieiidniont
wim paaaeil by tho lower hoiuo by u
iinanlinouw vote.
Thla niiikoii the tenth atato to ratify
tho luiioiidiuont. Tho othorH urn Colo-
.... i .,i,... ... K(w York. Ohio. N.
"WO, i -
nroM-n, Illinois, Wet Vlrglulu, VUb
1 1 'mpnniro.
j I buy at homo Ix-caune my Intonate
nri iiorc.
Ilneauio I want to w o my kooI.
Ilvcnuiiu 1 irll what I proluco here
at homo.
Horamn? the tnati I (Kircliaiic from
pay hit part of the city and county
Ilecaum tho cotniiiurilty that U Kod
nnmnjh for rn to live In la enough
to laiy In.
Hociium 1 believe, in trarmactinK Sun
nf with friend.
llcauo tho man I buy from atamU
back of hU txl-l.
llccaum ovrry dollar (pent at home
niaya at home and worka for the (level
optmrr.t of thi community.
Ilecauitv the man I buy from he!
supKirt my nehool, my rhurch. my
IoIkc and my home.
Mrro fa where I live and here
where I buy.
Adopt thc.e refaona ami Oiereby help
to make your own community a better
and more desirable one in every re
F-nube- By Pacific Abstract Co.
Feb. 18th 13.
Jnnrt M. Pendeifaat to J. S. Wall'
are, $10, lot 17 blk 1G Tillamook Hcach.
Kvorrtl VL fiUes & wf U 1. A. Tay
lor. $100. lot H blk 44 Kockaway.
t;ha. K. iiumea ct-ai to u. n. aro
110. lota 1.2. 7 & 8 blk 1G A. A. Mill
er' addn to Tillamook.
Jul x A. (Turtln el-nl to Olivo A.
Cac. $7&0. lot 6 blk 1 Maple Grove atl
to Tillamook.
Q P (lrivr Hi wf to Norman Me-
Donald, ft. lots 26 & 20 blk VSnndlake
by tho Sea.
I.lnvd C. Smith to Xlra. Clarence M.
Satalifur. $10. lot '2 blk 16 Mar View.
S. G. Uecd & wf to A. & Alice A.
rantiell. $10, lot 11 blk 6. Neahkahnle.
S. C. lewl & wf to A. 1 linK'e,
f-60. lot 11. blk 12. lot 7 blk 13, and
lot 5 blk 14 Neahkahnle MU
I). HllliiiL'a .t wf to Frank J. Dye,
$,'O0, tracta in Seer. 2S & 33 1 S 9 W.
P. '.v ltvfra wf to Jnoon J. Pew-
ell, $10 tract In Truman Harris li. L.
C. 2 S U W.
II Iwl & wf to Henrv C. Har-
riaon, $10, tW a at head of Nehalem May
H. C. llarriaon & wf to M. W. Har
rison $10. tract in .Sec 34 3 N 10 W.
In KiviiiK a atatement, in our last
issue, of the remarks made by Mr.
KuudHou at tho council; nicotine in
connection with the late work of the
detective ; wo failed to mention the
fact that Mr. Kmulaon then and there
demanded a public investigation. Carl
has a host of frionda hero who be
lieve bovond n question of doubt
that he ia innocent of any nift
Nevada Ulvorcss Checked
Kttuo. Nov. Novadn'a dlvorco Indus
try rcoolved n death blow In tho atnte
ftenato at Carson, when tho llarnoa
aiiiondiuwiit. providing ror a oneyoar
ivaldpuco na n primary requisite to an
iippllcutlon for lenal aoimnitlo'i, wna
adopted by n ote of 0 to 1. Tin.
inoamiro, known aa tho Harnos hill,
had received the approval of (lovor
nor Oddlo and haa boon adoptod in
the iiHsouibly.
Gold Llonds?
Joaquin Miller Dead
San KrnnelHco. Joaqitln Miller, tho
pool of tho Slorrna, died In his one
room cabin, which ho built with his
own lunula lu tho Piedmont hllla many
yours nno.
Wheat Club. S5o; blucatew, 94c;
rod UusbIiui, S3c.
Hay Timothy. $14: alfalfa, $12.
Mutter Creamery, 3Co.
ICBBH Candled. 9c.
llopa 1012 crop, 17c.
Wool .Custom Oregon, lie', Wll
laniotto valley, 20c.
Democratic Party Leaders Aro
Divided On Appropriation
WanhliiKton. The Reneral problem
of !imocratlc approprlatlona was tak
en up In a conference of Democratic
advocate! of (onomy. The action of
tho hoUKe navnl affair committee,
whr. tho Democrata, aftnr an all-day
conforeno, failed to reach an agree
ment to cut down tho JHC.000.000 to
bo carried by Oio aaval appropriation
bill, wan the principal nubject of dl
cuM.lon by the CO meinbera of tho
hou who aro determined upon eeoaa
tny. Th? piirty I,nlpra are j-Teatly dl
turbid by tho apllt In tho boua on
the cuetlon of appropriation. Th
knn.rnrlnflnii l,lllu -(.fr,tln ff In III.
prewntatlve Htzserald, of New York. J
chairman of tho approprlatlona com
mittee, will place the country' expen
diture at a point hlchT than haa yvt
bMi reachod. and economy adrocatirs
deUrs Uiat tho appropriation of fhl
coaicro will b at loat HWW.Wt
over thn billion mark.
Tli- Democrats who urn oppose tm
thft two battlenhlp procramrae decrarr
that unleaa the amount carried b7 the
narsl bill la materially reduced tiler
will proacute a filibuster which will
preTeot tho paaase cf the bill at Ul
Would Bar Strike ky S4(4nf Rm1sw
Th threatened rlup of S4 eaatpra
rallroada by the propoMl atrlk of
firemen wan the baal of a rwtohitlon
for Borernment ownerabtp of theao
railroad propertlea. Introduced when
the honae aaivcmbled by Representa
tive BerKer.
Ilerser'a resolution proposed that In
case of a atrlku and tlo up of the rail
way aya'.cni for more than a week, thti
president of the United Slates uhcniJd
bo empowered to telle the railways
with all their terminal, bolt lines,
land, coal mines, workshops and oth
er properties on the ground of public
emergency, and hla riRht of eminent
domain and to manage and operate
them throush tho post office depart
ment until consresa should create a
department of railways.
Filibuster 9nti Knell of Bill.
Unless "economy Democrats," ld
by HepreBentatlre Roddenbe-ry, -ait
filibustering against what they char
acterize as ortravagant appropriation
hllla. It appeared almost certain that
no more bills would bo paaeed in the
house at thla session.
I The flllbuaterers are now preparing
to prerent action on tho $1S0.W0.000
pension bill now pending In the houne.
The naval bill, which prorldes for
two new battleships nnd carries an ap
propriation of $149,000,000. was allow
ed to atniid but the public bulldlnRS
bill was cut until it now carries only
about $25,000,000.
Immigration QUI Veto Is Overruled
The Immigration bill, vetoed by
President Tuft liecnuso It Imposed a
literacy test upon Immlisnuits. was
passed over tho prosldenfs veto In tho
senate by a vote of 72 to IS.
Tho overwhelming majority given nt
tho end of a abort debate lu which
l'realdeut Taft'a attitude was criticis
ed viRorourly, has slrongthened the
probability that the bill will bo passed
over thu veto In tho house.
Joe Cannon Dined.
The heada of tho nation, tho cnblnot
and officials, high and low, met to
toaat mid wine and dlno,"Uuclo Joe"
Cannon, and wish hhu "Uodspeod bac";
to Danville. 01." "Uncle Joe." hla
cigar tilted back along tho wollro
ineiuborod angle, sat back, at tlmea
overwhelmed with emotion us ho fell
tho touch of human friendship amon:;
tho tributes paid him by frleuds and
foes alike.
Set speeches to the "best flghtlns
mini In public ltfo" wore made by
l'resldont Tuft, Speaker Clark, Secre
tary Nagol. I'ostniiiBter General Hitch
cock, Attorney General Wlckeraham.
Senators Moot, Williams and ronrose.
Representatives McKlnley und Mc
Call, Senator-elect Jamca, and a host
of others.
Following is a list of aome of Tilla
mook County's largest payers and th
amount which they pay.
Hammoral Lurnl:r Co $35,633.19
Whitney Co. Limited 2fi.D5d.-W
Duncan Hrewcr 3,312.6'J
Cheboygan Lumber Co . 3,209.32
MIodKctt Co. Limited Ut.iOH.Zl
J. W. ami J. H. Cochran. . 5,072.37
G. Von Platen 6,350.49
Oregon Lot-pini; and TimUr
Co 13.705.51
fV. M. Mcllieroon 3.C51.16
T. M. hotter Realty Co 3,C01.5.r
WiNon River Lumber Co... 17,065.49
Field Eldred & BI(Kmfleld... 1.005.C3
Miami Lumber Co 1,026.22
TVheeler Lumber Co 1,165.69
Portland Timber Co 4,690.18
WriKht Blylxctt Co 4,507.13
Dubois Lumber Co 11,163.87
Wheat Mluestom, U-o; club, 86c;
red RuBslun, 83c.
Mutter Cronmery, 38c.
Huy Timothy, $1C per tou; alfalfa.
$12 yor ton.
Total $167,346.11
It is estimated that there are over
36,0-X) beseh lota on lthe tax rolls of
the county.
The city and town lota of the county
are assessed at a valuation of $1,135.-
617: and the farms of the county are
aweneed at $1,339,745.
The Ux rolls show that 1416,704.80
t;to be collected on a valuation of
lli,lz3,47S as follow.:
State and County Tax $339,396.07
Special Schools 36,413.96
Union Hich School M 2.69S.66
May City 3,693.56
Tillamook City 8,178.89
Port of Tillamook 629.15
Port of Nehalem 17,675.30
Port of Bay City 8,619.15
Total $416,704.80
Cbwrth of Cfcritt.
10 A. M. Bible School, with classes
for all. A pood place for boUi old and
11 A. M. Preaching-, third sermon
in scries on the parable of Jesus, sub
ject : The mustard seed.
3 P. M. Junior Christian Endeavor.
Regular evening preaching- service
at 7:30.
Second sermon in the series on the
conversions of the New Testament,
subject: "The conversion of a bad man.'
A cordial welcome is extended to
you, we want you at these services.
R. E. Jope, Pastor.
. U. B. Church. Nates.
Special meetings will begin at the
U. M. Church Sunday morning at 11
o'clock A. M.
Dr. J. R. Parker of Philomath, ;Ore
gon, Conference Evangelist, will have
charge. It is remembered that Dr.
Parker was to be here January 5, but
was unable to get here because of the
condition of the Railroad. Dr. Parker
has a wide expeiience in the ministry
and is a strong preacher.
We trust every body will make a
strong endeavor to attend each meet
ing. Sundav School at 10:00 and again
Dr. Parker will speak at, 7:30 P. M.
following the Endeavor.
Meetings will continue each even
ing throughout the week. Special
services will be announced.
Let everybody come und help put
something into these meeting.
Come, Come.
J. E. Meese,
f"irytrs a total appropriation of
t9t.3Sj.:.S. the army appropriation
bill was reported to the senate from
.he committee on military affairs,
which Increased the allowance mado
by the houee by $CS0,150.
An aggregate of 51P.S0O.OSO Is ex
pended annually by tho government to
maintain the public health sorvlce of
the various departments, according to
u atatemeut forwarded to tho senate
by tho secretary of the treasury.
Tho largest penslou bill evor report
ed to congress, carrying appropria
tions aggregating $l'S0,300,000, was
passed by tho house by n voto of 219
to 40.
National Capital Brevities.
Coubub enumerations lu tho clttea
and towns of the United States will
hereafter be taken largely by letter
carriers, If congress gives Us sanctlou
to u ptuu proposed by CensuB Director
Durand, tn hla auuual report, just
buuU public
Tillamook, Ore.