Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 18, 1913, Image 4

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of .
' I no cups. TH:,IMl t $:"0.
n-d ric :l tho I'mon
;Ihi, to if hold February I.:.
- 8 ?vl. Orfjton pioneer of
ilia- htr and fortnr ownr
r.i i . ' Portland's st side.
, ,,i n hi ' in Koreat drove of
l i; r d :i ,if T. F. Smith, of
; , h .!.-! for th diatnct.
, t id lerrltory art- bo-
ii . w rlia com') horticultural
of: , . ;"o : ot hl-.sht or scalw.
i ! .intlte ter and
ho:. .: J a . !Hn. at Heno,
wui ''urr.' ctvurt. The n-
fr- - i i-k i '.'.: (Y.rnii-hings wr
0, -, , d . .v a 20.00. nart-j
k. - k-u-wn as th Bank
:d. ... lc established at Shedd.
i v-ounty, article of incorpora
ting been filed in the county
office Friday The bank will
oapital stock of 115.000.
.it Bend wiped out a row of
t .iiUdtnpa with a los ot about
The origin of tho fir is un
Two saloons, barber shop.
m ;
i i r k
Kno' n
re.--1 .rant, poo! hall and a bowling
at!t' were put out of bulne. The
katin' Mte wu cleared by Ore in .N'o
em '.t. 1910.
V.s'h ibe end in view of establish
Ins . cement plant at Vale. Georsre S.
!.;- :s developing the bis trypsum
depo-.t on the hill east of town. In an
effort to interest outside capital.
Sho.i'd s-urh a plant bo established. It
would bo tho only one of its kind be
tweoi' Opden and Portland.
Ju.lse Kelly of the circuit court at
Albaro. pronounced sentence In the
liqu.r oases. J. D. Kennedy, on two
con:rt:ons. was sentenced to pay a
$Co flut and serve 50 days tn Jail:
V.'aiter A. Marks. MOO fine and 10
days. Kd Ackerman. $150 fine. E. D.
Henry, of Harrisburg, convicted on
two counts, failed to appear.
Apple trees which were pUnted 55
years apo by the late A. G. Marshall.
h well-known Linn county pioneer, on
his farm seven miles east of Albany,
are yet bearing splendidly. There was
a pood crop on the trees la.t fall.
Three different varieties of apples are
Included in the old trees, Baldwins.
SpiUenberfis and Bellflowers.
To pave at least ten blocks with
hard-surface pavement during the com
ing summer is the object of a special
committee appointed by the Dallas
commercial clob to Interview the prop
erty owners to be affected by tho
proposed improvement. They report
murr. progress. The proposed itn
pre. -nf-nt '1 t.ike in the entire busi
ness i:-.tric
r.: .on i-i assured a public library.
A m - mt eting was held to discuss
fi.'-' - ' r "ie establishment and main-te-.t:.
of a library. A considerable
s jr- a -s raised as a nucleus and a
. ;u rommitiee was appointed tc
cor.- - t-.e work until the sum of
S. -a as s -cured for the special pur-p-s---
of buvins; more books and $50o
fT . na'nt-'nance fund.
TL- i uminissionera of Jackson coun
ty .e authorized prelimiriry sup
ey f it a i improved road over the
S . .uk south of Ashland. This
tiov m. :it :s really one result of the
Pa--.- Hvhway dotation, and Ie In
i - ih ther work In view, which
r i a aim a connecting link
i t.ie Oregon and California
ioi h of this big interstate
in ract for the sale of 163,000.
o' timber in the Urapqua na.-
t to the United States Ig-
., n - new corporation, with
. .- r
i tl
Prized Oem" Only the DrillUnt
Sarcoohaui of Worm.
Science !m tllsooverwl the real ort
(In of the pearl to be a tiru. IT
Hugh M. Smith glw 'tno ittrtliii:
Informatkm n tbl" ul.te-t in tho N
tlotml Gooct-apbk- Masastne.
Wo know that alHHt any forelcn
Ixnly-a pralii of sand, a bit of mud r
he!U n pltoo of Mpa-wil or a Ball
nlmalnay by Irtltathw cauo the
moltusk to cver It with naoro and
iake It the nwlern of a pearl, but th
NrgtMt part of the annual r! W
jf the MWld H due to (WW "IK that
;ortnall.v p"- r-rt of their tlfe cycle
a-lthln th -hell of tn pearl oytrt
MiniitK -nherhsl larvao of mailw
ironn known ai owhxWw Kc!.'e m
bevt.led In the soft tHue. uuinjr h
oro harlne been touw In one 0V 'on
.ter A th neu!t of lrrlttioo the
' .rter form- a protecting ac Nnt tht
IntriHler. and then. If t'te larrn Ve )t
btlr Is gmd'iailT mmfrted In'"
Nuiate of and the pearl uia-
fro. el to grow with the b!l
If the larva Hvs It mov pa Into
the body of the trtnr trigger
hhe which ppf.r on the pearl oytor.
there nntlenrolnc further development
ritlinatety It rea -h.-. the body of the
treat rnrs vrhloh In turn eat the trie
cer flhe. In the rays the worm nt
tain full development and pnl't e iir
rae that are rat Into tbr m and find
tlsrment In pearl oyter- Thn th
jrcle 1 liesrun once more
We may literally accept the annc
.f n celehmted Trench Investigator
th it "the iot bentitlful pearl i In re
alitv only tho brilliant !.arcopha;:u- of
a worm."
Free at our pattern counter-new fashion magazine "Good Drcssii.g"--Ask for a copy
before they arc all gone. Home Journal patterns and publications for March now ready
Specials for This Week
Specials for This Week
risli niinitv.
L'-in. l-'int
stripes -'JS-in.
luili.sh Xninsook, lun
t lurks .'iml
i t c yd.
ttaiit .
13c Vd.
.tO-in. ImtiicIi Lingerie Hut itc 19c yd.
IO-iii. Imported I'ersiim l..in 33c yd.
:V.'m. Plain or rujurcrl Silkuluu s l Jc yd
SL'.fiO Wool Huts, lull coiulxtt m.'
$2.10 o..
I-rvnch Art Lrctotims ami IH-n
18c yd.
-in. K'air.proot ? silk litusli Malnus
!8c yd
IAWT5 ttM JtX (fSAt KniV4
75c Imm' uicirsMiitl hoys' loiuhfr Nuts
30c " ivvcihlf silk Immii in llnuds
$1.50 " i m 1 1 s unto Uniinrl slut t s
$J.75 " hoys' nihluT sportuiK htuits
25c " men's find hoys' Sou'wester.
$f.00 " men's ttud hoys' ImsIi Muin.i
I apes
KtRlnnin; Saturday, Feb. 22d, we
wdlRlve GOLD liOND '1 rdlnj; Stamps
with each purchase. We have .started
a book with $1.00 In stamps for each
of oyr friends and patrons. Come. In
and get the book.
Early Arrival of New Spring Suits, Dresses and Coats
i -
Curiou Traits of One of the Sjv-J3,
Tribe of S'be-M.
Conce-nloc oue of the olisour. race
of northwestern Siberia a traveler
write-: "A few of the traits of tb,e
.-nrlou people may prove of Interest.
s tbe.v show that environment I tho
troncet factor In determining eliarac
ter Their Intense surH'rtltlon H ac-
ountel for by Innate fear of nil tblnss
they ennnit unlertanl. Their shy
ne. illllke of .tniners ami clreail of
their laiua" ami chiefs nre nsam the
renlt of superstition anil seclusion
Sadness and melancholia nre stamped
on their fares, as Is natural to n peo
ple who are in corn. taut fear of the
cenil of the mountains, rivers and
forests, whose whole time Is taken up
with propitiating the pods lest evil N
fall thetn
The L'rlnntbnl is n product of the
forest as the Arab Is of the desert
Tbo one Is the antithesis of the other
Environment has inoMotl tlf character
of each to his surroundings The four
les believer In one f!d. the nomad of
the sunlit desert, compares strikingly
with the superstitious lnhahltant.s o'
dark, damp fonts. fearsome of evil
spirits and erindn-' under their wlteb
"All throucb llft the forest dweller
is In fear of offendluv the deities, and
at detttb p ,ns Is carried out and
placed on some lone hilltop, where the
wild beats are expected to devonr It
If the man has l.d n uood life, but
lnd Crlankhal have not that doubtful
honor btniloweil upon Ltiem." CbtcaK
AhlCAULV ililUreiit n:.x'i!s t'fr women and votint huhes are now on iltspln v haeli lav Ironi now on
the express will hrinv: ti. inst such styles as are sht) n in the Knst (od live das laU rl The laou l
. t a
materials lur the Spnnu suits lir women .Mini misses are wool, iwo-tonetl eoniurovs. epone, seiis au i
lancy worsteds, fancy tailored nnd phiiu cutaway coats, also Russian styles predominate; smart plain tail
ored ami dashing tvpes that are sure to meet with your admiration and approval. The rlrvsum are hfnutilul
and attractive, made in one-piece styles, plain tailored or draped cited skirts. We invite your inspection oi
some of the latest authentic fashions, teach day many will he chosen and each day by express come others to
take their place. Alterations when necessary are free of charge and you nre fissured of the best service which
is trua ran teed.
This store delivers goods
by parcels post, charge
prepaid, on purchases
of Si. 00 nnd ovir.
Ilin Corner Convenient to tvrrjwbrfn
The greatest and best
sale of Inco curtaiiis
you ever nt tended,
in progress this week
.NUHAl.hil iM: a. lueniiy losr ni iH'armtr a mnv w in-t
fernsl from the fact that tho llml
mesance he sent aahore was tn ur.
From Enterprtso: i tain if he wm North or South of the
The Nehulem Saw Mill & llox Fae-1 Columbia Itiver.
tory is underk'oini: extensive repairs The veaaol is built of stool ami
this week. The dock nm lumber yard ownod in llnmburt'. Oormmv. The
Have we ever stopped to think how
our ancestors two or three ireneratlons
back lived and flourished with little or
ao ventilation In their -Ir.-plnt,' apart
ments? The nlcbt air ush1 to U con
sidered a very dreadful menace to
health and a sun.- tndncer of cold,
lednxitns were kept cloudy shut, and
ret our ancestors, many of thein. were
hardier than we and llvod to good old
aire. Animals burrow in their holes
at nitrbt. breatblng the aann- air over
and over asain. while birds and fowls
euck their hwida under tbelr arti
Of course ventilation la abaolutely nw
aaaary for pror rmnfort. cleantlnM
and health, but people have lived on
for hundred and
is beine re-plankexl and a new fourwl.i
It on jwt uraier the plunint; shod.
It is rumored that the property and
building locntHi thereon formerly used j likely that he will be aavwl
by the Nehatem Dairy Association as
a cheese factory at the forks of the
river, aid still owned by the stock
holders of the company, will be told
to outaide parties who intend to use it
for packing cold storage fish next fall.
P.. '.weifel is making preparation j
for building n largo hog pen near the I
Mohler cheea factory. He istends to!
fatten several hundred tmgs during the j
cotninc season on whev nui in this i
manner increaao the annual earnings j fori!!, JtO. lot S blk 57 Itoekawny.
of bis factory. Manhattan Itealty Co. to I.elt'.y A.
C. Ii. Foster's mill is now running Triomsar.. JI50, lot 5 blk (i llanhnttnti.
after having underKone a completo; Hay City I.iumICo. to Edwnrd C. Mo
over hauling which haa requirod sev- ny, 10, kt in Hay City.
chances for xcttin her olT the beach
aro favorable as yet nnd unloaa a heavy
storm should sweep tho coast it Is very
Furnished" By Pacific Abstract Co.
Feb. 11. '1.1.
Firat Bank A Tmst Co. to twis T.
Sorvf ro
.'I'f 'l itr if
Allofiwy ! nl NoUiy Vuhtil
. I?H i ill l-. U
IVith I'hoiirs
TlllAmook, Oregon
iC-e Oro'.e. was j little or none of It
' -ej.t to Wash-' thotHuuid of year
i ol the Interior ; -
., -f.y was tho ! A Giant P'.pyt 8av
i.e umber is 1
'h 'i.e n
' k a
"edar j
oh ;
. .it!
Ivinjf Jnn.es I had a tflcantlc port-r
eleht fe-t xlx iii' hes lu height but he !
eral months time on the part of Mr.
Foster and crew to tnaxo thu nccaawary
Mrs. F. A. La Flatnboy returned
from Salom where she has been for the
past two months under thu care of a
specialist. She is much irnprovud In
S. 0. Iteod and F. I'. Humku loft
for Portland Wednesday morning on
business. Mr. Hutnko intunds to build
a planing mill near Neah-kah-nie
Ueach and will purchase the nocessury
tnaehinury whilo gone. He will cator
to the beach trade especially and the
prospects for the building of new cot
tages at the various reports this year
will break all previous records. The
plant and equipment will cost several
thousand dollars.
John L. Snyder has U-en awarded a
ii., f
1 r -OK
i Ore-placed
'i r dill!
' .;.jn ih tl
. a La-.dl
i .( 'I.e J.
F..- fTM !
i d'iH in -eni
- ulrt-.-tdj
i iel in now on a
'l (.tVji-r Willamerta
-.iiK cows vh:ch
Win it wli; buy
h i I be d sirl-
:. ii-is Mr. Winv
i '.':ii'J of cheese
iant of the Eastern
tuny at The Dalles, wa
fire. The bottling works
foe building, with shingle
rl Imni the bl'i m I ;. u ,
' I' pOfcidbl" lor ' I
. --.-.-I uily copt .. ith i !,.
i :i I line ii wa- I 'n. i i i
v .-, .loomed. '1 1 voiji-
; id r.;ot wer i i-.,
tin inufhlti' . .. i, . i'v
hi' a lobw ol robabiy
uMh are intact, belns
only t-lightly duiniioud The onin
Of the nr.i Ih i known, The Lrvtln
com.. i v I 1 I iii.d th- ,oii;i.. j
worfa ui on -
was not ra'rfect, being round shonl
dTed. knockkneed and lame lu on
fot Of a siniilur heltrbt was Charles
j MunMer. a yeoman of the flanoveriau
i guard who died In ir,7fi. nnd seven
i- I vearx iefore there was beliitr exhlbiteii
In liid'u a fu b h man elt'bt feet nine
ln'l.Mt hlirh aueut whom In I'tpys
iiiary we find the following entry on
Aug 16. HMfi: "Weut to f'barlng Crow
to ee tho groat Duthmau I did walk
under bis arm with my bat on and
eould not reach his chin with the Up
of my fingers."
i r
f n ii. -.
fin 1
the l.i
dei tr
data. j
iT.. I
1 'I IU1.
. 'J, ,.l
J ca .
but t' i
If you eannot tie Uappjr In oue
way. I In another, and UiW facility of
deposition wit tit" Ivit little aid from
philosophy, for heiiith and good humor
are almost the whole affuir. Mimy
run about after fell'-lry, liUc an iiliu nt
minded man luiutlii'-' for 1.1k Imt whii
tt la lu bla hand on Id-, lie.-id
A Safe Wager.
Tovnley-ISoiiie out- has said that he
U it lieiiefiii'tiir nt nu race who muki
i no iihideK of u'lii-. grow where onh
oi e L'l'cw liffon- Snlilnilm I'll del
niiMliinif Unit t'l-Hmv inner had to nv
n In u ii iiiiimim I! .-.ton Trnin'-riit
Two Puns.
.Ml Youim tii. nil. what mnr
i'Itjc lull ii inl-li.i
ill- I III. ,,., W,,( n , .,
k'i .. 'I i i mUseryV I
contract tn clear 45 acres of land for
i Wtn, Tohl on his farm near the forks
I of the river. Mr. Snider will use his
' donkey engine for doing the work and
. it is estimated that it will require sev-
eral months time to finish the job.
I Some of the land to be cleared will also
be slumped and made ready for the
' plow or mower, while the greater por
1 tion will be used for pasture. Our
! farmers are gradually awakening up to
; the fact that it pays to clear their land
, and thus become of greater value to
them instead of leaving it in the wild
! state and ther of ore of little benefit ay
j far as getting any returns from it is
Lincoln Investment Co. to A. McGill
i 1 ot-nl. 320 iicriia Sue 0 0 8 0 W.
F. I). Stnlford A wf to Wtn. Kline,
f 1 ut-nl, 200 acres Sec 31 2 S 9 W.
Win. M. Kline A. wf to liunice K. Ilol
luputur, 1 i) L-u I. smut: us nbovu.
Feb. 16. 'HI.
First Hank & Trust Co. to .1. M.
Volkmar l 16. lot as blk 58 Itockiiwi.y. 1
.1. ii. Ifclwnrda & wf to I.loyd Riches i
m. lou 2, a and I blk SI Classic RidKo. j
.J. T. Murr ft wf u K. I Anthony $10,
170.07 a in Sue 18 1 S 0 W.
T. H. Potter Realty Co. to It. C. Ilsk
er $10, Iota 34 & 85 blk M Buyocean.
Chas. W. Smithjto William Maxwell, .
$200, tract in Sec 21 1 S 9 W.
Feb 17. '18.
W. fi. Whitcomb A wf. to W. II.
v.httcomb. $00, .10 acres See iff 6 S 10 i
G. W. Whitcomb A wf to Clarence S.
Whitcomb $800, U acres Sec 27 S S 10
Geo. W. Phelps to F. M. Phelps
$100, lot 6 blk ti Netarta.
Nelson P. Wheeler ft wf Ui J. Ii.
Wheeler, $10, 10 acres Sec Hi 3 S H W.
W. U. Helford Ui.Hmma l!lford,3$10
et-al, lotofinlkW ICockuwuy.
It. S. Sargent.U Minnie Durham, $1
lots 0 & 10 bik 'il Central nddn Hay
Hay City l.a.nd Co. toCenn Jlnifli
duhl, ilbO, lot 11 blk 1 H ..Huy View, ml
livcrythiii" lor the Hahy
Micrmos Mottles to Keep the Milk Wnnii. All Kmds
of Milks. Combs. Hrnshes. Powtler.
Nipples. Ln xa lives. 12 vcrv
tiling tin 1 mliy
Tillamook Drug Store:
KOCH &l H I lL
II. Ii. KOOI, I'll. C.
IVfll I
' Muhul
MjIii I
I lri Norlh ., I.f,lsr
Satisfaction Gunranlccd. Monry Hack if Not Satiifaclory
The Social Hygiene Society of Portland
Alfilited with
The State Board of Health
Olfm lo r4irnl.:ifrrol cl.jrgr hr l.ll.,wJi.K clrcuUt.
ClkCULAK No. 3
wii.-ii i,ii iiw t n il t, Chlldrt-n.
1 Hill I HIM Y I , I tl . .
I'livainiil Oovnluo, O.rlr ll.-alth lin-l
The four mauled, sijuare ri?K''il bark ' y v.ny.
; Mimi, bound from ValiariM,, i.'nili, for Frank HaiioiikrHlt Uj II. "f. liolts,
Ahtoria w..s jio'iiiuwl on tho Nehalum ut-"' fact in Hue 11 l ,S lo W.
bua'-h '1 hur.sdii., i M ninif, liavmrun Ujo
c'lo'f in rl.ori' to i-ail out of trie danuor
y.i,i..- U-fon- tin- otroi.K soi.tl.wost gnlu . Ml" Ext'-"ir-" Wanted.
timt was blowing at tho time and, ''''''"' ."nfuh K Wilson,
drovo liL-r on the bcarli. 1ho vossul is I
lyiiiK iiiif milu above lirilitoii ah.ut
iiiiO fi i't Iroin Hhore, and tut yul urifliiin-
II !!.
ISriiFiton ('tilled up tho Life .Suvlni;
Statioi. ut (inrilialdi nt once and thuy
worb taken to that pliico on n Hpt-cial
triiin from whwro thoy woro biou(.;ht to
thf "''', of tho trouble by rig which
int.-. ti . in nt thu mouth of thu Nuliulnm
(.hat thu t jijitiiiii had ovl-
me 'tor of (he Humboldt Dt-Vflonmonl
ooiotnliiei., iuu boon hore from I'.uro
ka, Cal., Willi a view to IiiUti'MIIiir
tlila sooilon in an aitiuiipt to Induce
tho On-Kon Trunk railway (Mill lino)
to build fiom thin point 0 i:ureiH
Tim couiilry to bn travorsod la lnr;o
ly without nillroud facllltlos, and tln-ro
la an ImmnnHo .unoinit of flno timber
on Ilin propOHod roulo. Thorn la alao
iiiuoh KOdd plnnor inlnlnK ulunK tha
rouU, and tnmo linn quarts inluuii,
(.IIK.UI.AU NO. 10 Hox llyKi,.,,B for Vou.,K W,'imi
.Ordrr:crfi.yby numtrr And r(U 2, Ump lor rtMKt.
ria-'Soclrly-.ilio irccn.nd. t,ui ollrr. forTnl,, foIowl,,P UhA.i
l;ro, Voutl. imo Manhood (f,,r boys l!l U, IM u..ti,l I
The Youriif Mim'i. f'n.i.i ,... ..... ' 1 l","Ml'l
I ho lioy I'rolih.m (for prulliM)i MMlllf' -3f;
, Addfn. IJipjitiiirni I;
-06 Y. M. C. A. KuldIIK
Read it in The Herald
The Official Paper of Tillamook County