Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 18, 1913, Image 3

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    First national Bank
Cillamook, Oregon
I. C. Mm. nits
li. C. I.AM II
W.M. 0. Tait
C. W. Talmahu
Wl; Imvc just itiritullcri some modern
Safe l)cponit Muxes where your vnU
u.tt'le papers will be safe lioiii fire. Wc
will be pleased to show llictii to you.
Under ; U. : S. : Government ; Supcrvblon
inthki&t paid on i imij my-osm
Cocal Happtnlnflt.
j j ,,i i.f llrnter, l lit luwlt.
ism(. f lisnbaMl. wi In
Stiuve . ; milo lo'iirtlcf "l rtf
Jtf M i'" ". ( llobi I" the
lt j -if KUfhf'anti'OCalf mol ul
:'" Krl
Ilouw m. . i'.tf lV tffow' ll UUlflt
(Otitic 'XMS W li. Uwitjlil.
rm Mr.if nf HMrcmcnlo, Cl.(
'lhr n l larrlllxek left on Mim
ii; Ut I' Hlrl.
Ciwi r ". heifer bortct for
W F li ifU,
It ,'ncifci. f Mnhler In UiB
ctr liif'i
tlr t ir pwi-ty lo ;tjmli'
tlucr It waliW Ihofti.
Jult nr.- rl n far ltl f lf "
KCn4 ircl ial. TllUmooW ForJ Co.
AiLriir. T. II CJuvno. rrturnl on
5lifi. fr n a iniitnj trl t Port
Sub W.I for al illrcri frtun h
p-:... r ip. Attl ttolbefol.
M ; M, lUrrlMNt ami m at Httb-
Kt . . rcc TllUtlVi-lk vliltir Sat"
I' .r a, i inn HUllltxir UhT tlatrV tHlW,
e jc-. .,ii. froali now. Julin Thybir.
lit. V I 'i. nnli! of U.ttittlfl n lstor Of
Mr. t li. nine U ww vl.liifli; nl Uio
llrrr,. , i n,r
Vi. ill. ot Im, wan irntwuul-
mi; . . "in town tho rtri of th"
A -I !, Unini for Jt5 wl
l.'r. r - Variety Storw. "Drop ! nf1
J ; ... r. f Un- !Cit llonvnr
1 r 1 ami trttiMHCtiiu; Uulnii
Vr .i f n.r WH)k.
I ' I .nub, who wit traiiin,tiiK
fc i i I'.irtlMml ll wk. ri-
tun , , .in iny.
K' f ir I. iinu oiillllitrlllilln fur nw
tr, .. . , . i,i in. 1U will do yiiU
K'ki.1 j ..t ii iimmnmlilo prlro.
W. H.nii to tliiink tlin klml frloiuli
H'xl , liln.m mul uupm'liillv lint (.. A.
It. ul, , Kimlly iiNHiNti'il Ml Inn fuii'ir
l of 1 1 f ,t r, Julin A. Wiinl.
(I. II. Wiinl
!:. !:. Wiinl.
hit i m 1 1-iitrtTTTiTTi iniga
C L () U (i H
Win ii you wmiiL niiytliiiiL;
pt in a 1-IUST CLASS
Drag Store
I le also hoops
THli RlvlJAMMv
Druist and Book Seller
P J, Worrml rnturiirtl on Stlinlay
from a titullict. trip nulalilr.
A SU rm roiich furjfcnl; fmir aerra
rlcarrl. Immic bikJ barn. Krtulre at
licrabl oHlcr. ,
The rtwuly rmttl rrturnol from lit
trip of ruail liupcrllort to itlilc
jIhI on Kutxlav, I
Hot Whmlcr. f thr J'raJtk Kl.h
haiehrry. a In ioti FrMy. HnloiW
the trntn for Piirtlaml HaturOay.
Per al A mitnlH-r !of itwn milk. '
Wwi, Mmc frctli arttj inr that will'
lc frmh on. John Or hlW, Palrvlpw. I
Dr. 8. M. Wrivlt, h)tlclan ami ur
gmn; fiU lae-a atwl i;yaranl:- tlirm.
Ottke (V.itimrrclat HulMltlh' Optmaltr
Ttl. llMlrl. I
I. P. ilroln ix I Henry Jonlan of
Hay City arvlJohtt Koltori of CariUMI
vtillnl Maannl k)t:r at Tlllamik on
Katimlay rfenlriK latl. j
Cnyl" L IVriitncit afn! Pranrra llon
ton wrrn ttnltol In marrlar at the
ChH.tUn ('hurrh partonae on b'umlay
monilnir la. IIpV Jojki olIKIatliiK.
Jemot Chftnern Irfi thia mornlni:
nn a imilnea trip to I'.irllnrwl. It ha
j lute 53 yuarn Inm Jim viattol that
etty. Ho will no ilmibl llml IhliiKa
aomewhAt ehanucil lliprc
' Thormish brrJ "irc white ckK ltn
Indian Uunnor Puck ea U-W I"""
tPtUfti alj a fi flhr ytHlltl' Will
1 trMiiaii Itunnor llrakna for Halo Mr.
Anna Honnlrko. VnU trRfln.
Chan. Jobnaon. wlf.i himI littlo y,r
wore WMittKr to Portlawl IhH
mornln. Thy r tkliB tlmlr
llltln Kf I l Purlin. truaunont fur
aoutd npinal or twrvoua troulitn.
Clytli Klnnsman loft for Ablntl,
Haturiny. f Uf hnvlnj? tlM m
hi lttmtr lllilr. Il ml hU wife
rlwd tn remnin Hwr ll aummiir in
th h.iMa Umt Mra. Kinmtmnn'n lieltli
inav b benvntmi.
li S. Smith, of tho Urm of 0- S.
Hmlth t'.. f P..rllml. who rwfnlly
p.ir.-hn thn M f'on t)MtiMmt Itlnro
, f Mi Mubrtit, h Imim in the city
iluriitt! i ho )l wut-k. In Juf timo h
will Aub-4ivi,le thu pine nitl Mill it otT
In mall tr.-t "l ' "u' for ,n
prttacnl h will put unm ' on It nJ
mat It proline much n Mlbl.
Mr. Smt'h M Ul vnlimbl.
iipm of proiwrty In vlow of tho fwl
thai lht 1 1 III 1'iU-rn.W Imvd UUly
nurchiia.il tho XumrU rl uplt ml
u b.r proiH-rty iiHhal vli'liiity. wilh n
vitv to futtirtt iU.vUipinunl. Tim !
vvliipmunt of thf NelnrU rountry will
bn of Ktoiil iMmoflt to Tillitmook City.
nnl will (in iinothor ntroiiu 8Mikn in thu
wh.ua mm for ll hub T,",,im,;'k,
Cily ii nipiilly KrntvliiK coinnmroiiil
i. H...I w.i nrri'il III Olir Imt
Imiio In hliillnii Uml t!'mrt ,,m
rl,l...l Uml 0k Nnlim o
I with tint niuy CB"' ',ll(nvll, H
lh.lu.lt:.iV.I.'filui. In imrt: "Court
Ionium tlmt motion uMof.'iidiiuU C . h.
Hmlly, ! ' ,,mu,' ',"
M,,u.l. Slmrp o ill-niU bhIiI "
,,.) la lu.n.by ovorrulml. It furtlmr
apiM-nrliiif Uml liurulufi.ro on bupl.
itith. una will! "k Noinn ni'-i i,u;
,i,H1 u,r..li.:a.lunirUat ho ho i.lloww
to pro,- I hU' ' ,rial f ,,, H,"" r
i.i p-u.nt.irV imino In rn.o l'll'
Hl,1mM.nako;1.,ipli...ion for .H-ml.
,.(. uml It iiIho nppunrlnif t Uio
I, -n.f -r hmI.I lv. "K'ntioiKMl mo-
Umlwiik tlmt Iho ci.1.1 .OmK N -
, wniv.d Urn rlKlil " prfMnt h.iI.
(,lilllin w, flk.,1, I. in tlmro oro or.lom
hl,lHuM pi'titlonl.o uml Iho mum.
r.-tty .llMinlaSftl." i no r
Ily kt,H wlmro it ili.l at t' h
i,u.i i a liiiJ'"lr.
iWlil.'! I'l
nil- I'llllll'lllOll'it
w.U irclai liu.'Slo
Pnatlcal Intnlratfnn,
Oitmrifniiiiiii !: Tint iiw1 nt
New .lrfj, mitlinr itl liltiiinle I'noJ.
fan." iniil h jurii .if t ' l -it I limplm
Hun wlilib l iMi. I. in kilo iIm lenat.
lie mii pntiiiu h. iit tllf m iiih
llllil, tome wen i t vi'iir nKn, and
Kti'ciwl hi iih Htnirf by f hnrl-
I la Mil PIimMmmI, miic t . f Id cliiKf r-
"Mi ll Mcflll- T'ltttlacllll llllil decided
lo it" in inn- .if l hi luml hotel nttd
HimtiluMt liliil In .Ii.mimIi. Iilnt, dealr
lim him in liv.. nt it liiiiiinii.Mv hitch .ip
Nun mi H t alley, t t' d I In. poet hud or-l-1ll."l
ff mini, iiiontlia dvrrlb'
ml l'!ll UN fullllHH
"lid. Il' iih iiinii beautiful fKl U
lim twirtd Hiii'iik mi (tin frutil jHirrli
nil ran look down Hid rnlley. iirrr III
tt underfill rbiiti.rluu trrea. :rove of
eoeimnnt palm ntii) Minclnlin to the
, ultli if m hundred of ahadc ii f
rolor, from ;rny to Hip i).twh lillli. of
beaten Ami fur Mp-nl limplratlnB
I Mlt a nil Ulf liai'k Mirrll, where I
In in)' tvorl ami throw the atwi
fnnn my cU'nrrttr mi the grave of twe
illrlttt-i - V(,rk World,
Tailing T If tiofnlnf L
"I Uniulil leu llii-hIIkt ilnr nt a J
alnrr" and n yminK hooa
k.--M-r "Thf proprietor aaw that I bad
tloutila a I urn I the ijiislllr. ao tie darted
bltrli o Hie r.'nr of the alore eile't
nl lilm to ri liirn with a nip nf ateain
tllR Ira. htlt he btuilKllt ainall aak)
trnx and mnf.-b He Ihrew ptnrb of
Ira Into (lie Unj. Ii.ili lied It with
llrhtrtl mat. b and ttnlrhe.1 II burm
Then be applied the aame teat lo
other brand of Ira that had rlnline4
my half hearted nlletfltinrr Th flrmi
anmple ahon fd only a amall flnkr of
n i lira. In. ... -.mul three lllliea na mttrb
" 'Whlrli .Iiiiwi, audi he 'tlmt lb
nrat t.'U la the beat '('lint la all Infal
lible le.t The belter the r.1 thr fwt
the nalie I III. lie nit Ixiy CU'tnliiera U
e Iim lll.1t wuj- befole bliyltlU '
"J Itil the nahle lea, of i-our
HltUT then I llMr i.tiilere! what tb
atnojre AHierlrim -t. er wmild ay If
hla cluti'lliera liuiild apply a lltbted
niateh to thi'lr lea ratiller beforw gl'
Idk ati order " Waahlncton rttar.
Tailing tha Tima In Turaay.
In Tnrtey thr wntch and chck ar
ttremely rare, and n tile crowd of pr.
iHitia rimlil U mtindeil up on the atrnvt
Mlthittit lliiillm: a tnti-h nmniij; (hem.
but the lintJtea hate till I'll e(-illll fly lu
ceuloua wn) of nppniiltuntlui; the time,
and anlne of I hem hit It Ufa rounder
able i.itin ) Thej locate two cardl
Ual uiinia of the compnaa and then.
fotdlUK I heir Iminla toKi lher III mtvh a
manner Hint the forefinger (Miltil u
wnnl nud In opMilte dlle.:lluii. Ibtpy
uli..-re Hip ahnde .na In thr uioni
IllK' r etenlnc Ml certnlti Lliowti hour
one ntitfer in (lie oilier will jKilnt dl-
recti)' at the aim. A conipnrtaon of Ibe
(no abadowa will determine the hour
11 . -vll .Mini tier ajalrlll followetl lu
Hint coUlltr) nnd aome othera of til
orient la to nliaerte Hie e)'e of n rat.
Ilnrl) 111 tln mornlni; nnd etenlm; the
uli la niiltut At t ntid li oVIo. k It !
ovnl. and nt noon II ronalata of a nar
row all! -IIUfTnlo Utpreaa
Batittxing Honor In India.
The) had n Im" ullnr n) f r"lnK
Into lmnl:ruptr ninon the Miimunrl
In India. m uiihnpplly eitlnc ny M
tile I. i.'t uridine IllethiHl "f the
ttliile iiinii When n limn .iiuhl imt pay
Ida bilia In- would anmiiK.u hi cm!
Itnra Tliet Here lialiered Into n nwim
111 whleh the tlialiur. or h.iii'h.ild Rod.
wn ..iHhrliiil. tint .iter.il up with a
.lolti and ttlllt Hi" 't'e (umiil to th
nll In order tlmt It inlrht not wltue
Hie M-.'iii' that fat to follow The In
iih.'iit would thi'ti. In trnrti of mmim
Inn. lie on tln rlmtr. pnM'iiilii hla
bn.-li l hi rnntltnr. who. mi i irlien
aljtnnl. would tall on him ttllh Him
and allpiier and U-lnlMir him (III thrtr
trrn lb wh et:Hiiit.'l The hen tint;
flnlalHHl. Iiun.ir wiih divlnriil to tx
tlille.l all nrniltld
Tho Crltarlon ol Dmgor.
The I iiiKe nl WellliiKiiiit ome drove
Ulr tiwirm- Wnrivinlcr from Wludifir
In hU 1'iirrtii!.'.' The tlnl... drove mi fo
rliiiidit IbiH Sir tJeorst'. itretntliiK every
ilioiiieut I lull ii li-lTll le . nllUlon would
la-cut. I.wti"' him i"'t drive mo TuhI
"I'imli i.iii" mild bl uniee "Where
there l ii" reiir then' l no thinner"
"Ml ili'iil .Hike.' repllnl Sir (leorue.
"If four l Hie . rii.'fi.iu of dnmter for
Iihu'i'u'h uil.e "top and It'i me net onl.
for I va net ei lu iirli a funk In m.v
fe."-l.oiitlon .Mull
Not Afraid.
Ite. rulilmt i lilb it Von reiillr.e the
ttunpiT .efore ymiTr Vou are nol.arriild
nf li.tt inn Imr-t'i fhoi iinder youV Sorb
,., Itrcrutl e i liad two motor
biiiil" i'Vp:.iile niitiiT un. three auto-.
Klnri over mi ol an neropliine full
with me iliilluu- the past "oclal m'limin
ittnlie- -Piit'li.
A Droadnuiight.
'T whm tiilUliiK Hi IHukI'.v UiIk morn
tin; iilioiit I lu In text Mii'iidiimiKht He
rtldu'l appeal' to be inii-li liiteri'sted."
"1 Hlmtild think not! IUkbIiJ' murrlefi
one "-ItlnnliiuhMin AKe llernld.
Life U Mhoit. and we have never too
niiii h time for uliidili'iitni; the heaittof
tliiiie who are travclluir I lit dark Jour
ney Willi us, Oh, be swift to lovn
(unke luiHtf lo bo kindl-Ainli'l.
HU Obligation.
WlKB-Tlin troublf ltb llarilupl
that ho dooHii't moot his obllKutloioi.
WauK-Meot thoinV Ho wouldn't too
(IKnl7.u thoin If bo ilia.-Phlladnlphla
No ono Ima any moro rlKht to go
throiiKh Hfo imliappy thuti bu b t
iu through It Ul brt'4.
For Sale cr Trade For Tilla
mook Citv or County Property
Mo. I Two .,t In ltoci (ily Park, Portland, one block
fr'iin trcot cur.
Mo, 2 Three Uiln In University Park, Portlnn'', Oiroj
block frnifi street $r.
Mo. 3 Two lot lit Ivoem- City, mm block from lrut cut
nml four Murk from the Hlh School, CitrnoKlo
Library aim! Statn Uhivt-mlty ".round
Ma, 4 -KM acre of wheat laud In Morrow County, nil un
der cultivation, m k-I wheat belt.
Mo 0 Oni! lut hIhI fin..' rim Irfirei hi b-l rcidnce part of
Sim J, Ciil., U abort blwk from th.j illicit
hrhoot niwl Htato N'.runl BrhmA, mcl two nhort
litirki. from three lri'ft r lirmn.
All tho Ahovo Will Inula For Tillamook Oily on Oounly
Cement : Coal
Root Paint
Docks and Warehouse Front St.
Handles This Range
On Your Own Account
hnvo you tmy nionoy in th 1 aV A pnv of ur earnings ntiKht
to bo'plai'od there, .m wny. Kcrv''.id' can all'c rd to savo some
think', however little. Hnvo n 'm nc- .s it of our own ml you
will feol huppior, liottor, t: ore ii. liiu ;utoi:t. M.iKo your little
nionoy earn inure, and so row biKUor., notice than honrdinir it
whom llro or thiovos can reach it. Your bank-nook is a recoipt
and un evidence of your wise economy.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook, Ore.
Tillamook, Oregon
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
between 2d and 3d Ave. West
The Best On Earth!
Make the Home Look
""A J5-watt N'.t;H.i Lamp on
yunr front porch cm lv lit every
niRht until tuHidshl and register
not over fitly cents per months on
the meter.
Tillamook Electric Ltpht &
Fuel Company
Gold r.omls?
In Simla THr Vtttr tna Yourigttara
Ir Keo re.rrn Ouitt.
The ill.HH' ii.-.ili. , .1. I In- lli'lzllhnr
'He f Slllilil III I. .Il.i IWe il nrHillfl
pni II- ! I'Hitlliu i ltr i.iiliie heilila
llll).' II alll "I KMleT Hi tiT'liT ti
..'IhI the luiiiij.ii'i. i i.'e. Hint lo
ti.'p lll.'lli .piiel. hen il Hew enrt
n.rt.l M nmile inif tear. Hi thu
mh-..i(j mentioned there w h iiiiiiltii:
plii.e where roa "if llll'lr.'ll
mli'hl l' "wen III cnire ebe.e to ih
The water of n hill aprlnz "
.lj.itii n to fnnilMli a Tle or lit
tle iHinta. eneti hIhH the thlekin
of oliea Utile llller lipJKialte eitlll
Miot waa n kind of earth pillow nnl
a little troiith t rry nuay the wa
ter I'ji. li ' llllil wiu xi laid lti.it onn
of the water put played on the tup
of it- ii.-nd and the water then ran off
till.. Hie It'HiUll
An CiiBitah othrlal Kuliriea that the
priwea wna ii(mt alll'reaaf III. There
li.iiT were urh fnet and lltltroilble
Hlie iBibiea aa tbrw uuder the H1U.
The M-iile were nnnlmoi: In aa.-ert-lii
thai the water did the children no
rmrrn. but that, on the contrary. It
le'tiefltc.! and InrtcnrntPf! them. In
fnrt. they -emed to think that n child
oot alltijet'ted to thla proceao tnuat
crow ip aift brained nnd of little nc-roiint.-
flnrir'a Weekly.
Th Dainty Foota Oamaol Who
cam a King' Wit.
It hna tn-eii aakt. -.Not one $rirl lo a
thousand know I be orlirlu of the friend
of her childhood. Cinderella."
Her real uame wm Khodope. tnd
the waa a beautiful Kgyptlan maiden
wb'i llvetl (170 year beTore the com
mon era and durlnc the relsm of one
of the twelve klnn of Kirypt. One
day Ith.xlope ventured to bathe Id a
clear stream ayar bcr home, leaTlng
hT tburt, which were very istanll, f?
Ine on a bank. An eagle, pnsitlns;
abtive. caiiKht night of the little
da! nnd mlntaklnR them for a tooth
ome lldhlt. jmiinced down and car
ried off one In hi beak
The hint unwittingly played the part
of fairy sodmotber. for. flylns over
.Mempbla. tvuere Uie kluc was dla
M.'iiluu Justice. It let the shoe fall dl-rv-tly
at the klna fe:L Itt tw.
t'aiity and dalntliie Immettlately at
tracted the niyal eye. and the king de
termined m know the wearer of co
running be
Mtx'tiuer were ent through nil
the kingdom lu M'.trcb of the foot that
It would tit. Ilhodiitie Wit dually di-
civeretl (tie ntuw placed on ner foot,
nud -die wn .-jirrUil In triumph to
Mt-mpliK wiier.' he licame the qiien
nf Klui' l'-;iuimctlcu.
Th Old Man Upheld Hi RaputatloA
For Being Contrary.
Tnele Jake" was one of the char
acters of Banbury. He was as dea?
as a post when he wanted to be
and as contrary as a bundle of sticks.
One of his uetehbors came Into hi
yard one day and said: "Cn.le Juke.
I'd like to borrow your wasou tbl.t
aiornln-. Mine Is buvins a spring
"You'll ha-rt' to speak louder," r."
JoIdihI I'ncte Jake. "I don't hear very
well, ami 1 dou't like to lend my
wnxon anyhow!"
The old man was an eiert maker
)f u helves an occuiwtl.m in which
there Is more urt than the unliistruct
rtt would suppose mid theo handles
tie left at the villnse store to bt.. sold
ou cijamlslou. One snowy day. as
Purle Jnke cntue stamping up the step
of the st.ire. another old fellow who
was known as Cucle Horace remarked
to the men toiinalne rU-out the stove-
Til treat the crowd If 1 don't tuaku
I'licle Jake iitfrt-e t- the tlrt thins 1
suy t hlui tt hen lie .Minus in "
"lon't Ik? rstsh. I'ncle Horaee!" call
w! out the storel.eopor. "That never
happened yet. an.l l: Isn't llkeij- to.'"
Met I nele I' '-me i""rel;. .iunwt
lint picked up one of I'lu-le Jake s ax
helves. Tlte door onned. nnd itl cnue
I'liele .'ako.
".l.-i'.e. " s.-h' I'li.-le Mo'nee. rtinulns
!;' if'ser ' Mi'l t' iw ii the s.iu -ith
ivoi-d. "this is n I'l.'hit ;:i.'d ax nail
die "''t. It ain't." replied I'lt'-lo Jake at
on "I can make '-ool handles but
Uml one you've sot is-the klml ix-oplo
wtiut. Tlnv d.m't Unow no better'"
And Cllcie Moure treated the com
tHUiy to siuiUiies. craeUers mul chivse.
-Youth's Companion.
A Lecture on Economy That Mark
Hnnn.t Delivered to Dingtey.
Mark llanua did many things In a
In tire way. Nevertheless he was not
averse to kIvIiik tils serious attention to
little things on inetislon. Senator linn
na one nfteiiuKU tn Washington boartt
ed u trolley . ur Seolnc llepivsentatlvo
Dluuk'.v-lie of the tit lift law jttht et
terlnu the fnuit door. Ihinna wnlktit
forwiml anil tool; a seat beside him.
The conductor approached and each
man paid Ids separate i-uifiiie. Pluuley
with a live cent piece. Haiiua with a
Tho conversation tell atom; the Hues
of business. Iteports. they aureed. in
dicated that every class of business mul
Industry was prospering. "Uvory one,"
Bald Haiiua. "seems to be making good
IMugley protested. He Unew of at
least ono man who wusn't himself.
"It's very simple, Dlngley. very," re
plied Hnnim. "You pay your carfaro
with n nickel, tho full hundred cents ou
the dollar. You may have noticed that
I pultl my faro with a ticket. 1 buy
them $k- for 23 cuuta: tucrefaru 1 sava