Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 18, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbe Cillamook Berald
C. 6. Cromblcy, editor
Issued Cu'Uc .1 WccR
.si sc-ond-vlas nuttor Mav 17.
Ort'tpn:, uinlcr tb
sfRscRirrioN $1.50
Jidvcrlls-Wm Kales
1 , i! Advertisement
j. ,,
i ,
-l Insertion, pr line i
h subsequent Insertion, line
irtend Notices
iher Claims
N. tu-i s per line
(.'..r:- of thanks, per line
IvaK 'cr line. first insertion
So-re rather unpleasant events hve j A SHETLAND PONY FREE.
tr.iTi'. red durinir the past few days in
c :'t-.-tion ith the in vesication that -ery school boy ami k'irl will tw ilo
is K "ic held in regard to our street ( ii;htel to Vnow that they wro inK to
tmnwvemenu. In fact I have an opportunity again this year to
there has been mire or Uws unpleaiant
re i-i connection
inecilon nun r mi- n-
; from the very beinninp of
4, tk. M,i--t it wu Mn.
At t on.V IL iiS..
with our lat- un
the w-irk
ir:iiiv inmiuni inni oniy iw i""
.l,r",etndfewm.intrMt5 of our
city wou.d be paved and nearly -erv
one was in tavor oi ini. nwevrr, j
when 't came to letting the contract,
a much larger area was taken in re-1
gardless of the remoistrance meeting
and regardless of the remonstrance :
petitions which wore presented to the
council. It will be remembered how
. .. . 1, i
certain citiiens plead with the council
acainst the paving of certain strietsr
sill :vu I
but to no avail. Now we realize that
in order for the council to do its wor
properlv and make a goc3 job of it?
Undertaking it was obliged, to a cer. .
Uin extent, to take the "bull by the
horns" so to speak, however, it has
been admitted by the mayor and some
rtf ,n .mnfilm.n invilv.i that the
...rri.wl .lf.th-r tnn far.
Much blame has been placed upon the j Hauler Bros, give an air gun to the
old council, and pcrh.np rightfully, but hilu ras.nR the moat poultry by June
others have been to blame to tome ex- ' t; alld ,htf -N-rthweat Poultry Journ
tent and we believe that all should Kv a ub.cnption to every
take their share of the responsibility. ' P"ze xhe ultr' department ;
In looking over the situation and study- I tne b' w'bo fits ami shows the best
ingevents which nave transpired since shet;P will get a gocxi casn prize and
the letting of the contract, we believe 1 1 one who dovi the bost m lnc P'K
we can see where the press of the city .ng contest, feeding and exhibiting
made a mistake in not supporting the ! two P and finishing an account of
citizens to some extent in their protest ; th same' lowing cost, profit, etc..
before the contract was let.
H-id the i
press assumed the proper attitude at
that time the council might have been
influenced thereby. The Herald is will
ing to take its share of the blame as a
matter of misjudgement on our part.
Now then, there are others who are to
blame to some extent, and they are
those who had much at stake but
put up a comparatively mild protest at
that time.
In regard to the detective work and
other investigations that have been
done in connection with the pavement,
we believe that some sober second
thought should be given this phase of
the situatbr before thoae responsible,
fr r the same are criticised too severely.
The r tuple have trot a right to know
whether t.ieir pavement has been laid
acc.ruing to contract or not, before
tN-y me .tsked to pay for it. This is,
as ac hi.'e said before, merely a busi-rt.-.-
pn. usition. In regard to the de
tect . i ork that has been done we
v ?.;.( u,at there are two distinct
pu:u w 'iieh should be considered in
r.iri 'U this matter. In th first
a jntract w- l.-t which included
gof- .
si :
, dtfem. t
mted and un-i-.
.-ment against
til in saTie in
g MtiticfK-nt of
1 : tne council
i ...,., W1. oe
. t because of
'vt because of
.ere are others
think as we do
y, who Us '.t
! to these nut '.
who, eon-
si ier g the foregoing in connection
v. tn t',t r 'act that It is en evey day
Gi-c.r.- cl to read of graft disclosures
vi r. i'. urge corporation have, here
8"it;t-. , debauched, ir some caeec,
U c. it -t lanbood of the country, have
t"ul.t i lat a thorough investigation
r t be , good thing and have acted
a- njint,y. Y'q beliuve they were
. t in tl ir rights in so doing. It is
t(. I." i!i lured that an honest man
bhoul.i ut pjtto bo much troubb.- arm
t'j su'-h a ciHing as Mr. Knudson vas
jt v. Huwever ho will t,o doubt
n-ulifce afti r fr.reful thoutrht that the
,nore bevee tne nr. i-htiifitiiun the het-tc-r
it will i, ii. the end. In fact pro
ceedings ha.u now reached such a
Stage that trie stronger the light is
turned on and tho moro thorough thu
investigation, the better it will bo for
everyone. If there has been any dis
1'onesty in connection with this matter
we want to know it. If wo have a bad
job of pavement we want to know it.
ItiKht will wrong no mun.
Women Destroy Valuable Plants,
London. Militant uuffragettos de
stroyed many uluablo plantH and did
o"ier damage, reaching u total of
$ri000 in tlio liotliouBoa of the Kew
Horticultural Oardenu liero. Thua
they dovolopod another part of their
plan of campaign to force the govern
ment to give the vote to women.
CucsdJV Hrld.iV i
UUO. al trie pi viiets hi miniums,
- . . .. . ..... '1.111.. .....
art of Marco s. if..
a vkar in adwnch
liach subsequent insertion, line
Resolutions of ondoletico ami
notices, per lino
1" Basing J6 Professional otirds.mo.
Display Advertisement, per wen
inits to insure "publication in follow -
ing iwmiay anu rrraj iwuto.
Keaaons ire imperative.
! win a Shetland ny at the State Fair.
I The Portland Union Stock Yard Com-
. , ..... . i
j Pny are Kmnc the ,H,ny and t w ,11 Iv
! a nice one. Nothini: in all the prlie ,
I f ' -"'-V-1
. ... ., ...... .... .u .
"lM ' .lr n"en"on w,Blu,c(.on. reaehe.1 Cloverdalo Tuo,d.v even
j .
' . . ,
or ITlrl wno maizes inc oi'm i-muiv .
live stock at the State Fuir next fall.
That exhibit must constat of at least
one trio or pen of chickens or ducks,
two pip and a sheep. The boys ami
girls who compete for the pony will
hui.i .in ..T.fv.rt!ir.il v tn romtwte for
. .-..1 i.i.. .,-;...o In
rr. j ,
1 . ...n..t k.ir.) ..'.ll Fl.1 ..U11
; . i
yt . . " . !
P' ,r T" ftl e-,h
"reed J. M. Garrison o.Ter-, .) cash
to he boy or girl making the large t
inn oesi exnuu oi iwuntj , un- ,nn
Poultry Association gives a line cup
for the best on of birds (one male and
four females) ; "Poultry life also gives
3 CUP for which the-V C1,n Compete :
w" ' receive a imerai prize wnicn we
will tell you all atxjut in another story,
and-in the prize list which will soon be
published. The total value of prizes
offered the children at the state fair
this year will be over J3X).
Now boys ami girls don't you think
it will pay you to try to win this pony
and some of the o'her prizes above
mentioned, all of which you can com-
pete for while trying for the
Get busy with our chickens,
lambs and gardens.
The following named, applicants were '
succewful at the recent examinations:
Dist. No.
Flossie Davidson 5
Gilbert Bock - 0
Glenn S. Taylor 22
Joseph Everest - 12
Emma Bauer 22
Fred Coulsen 27
Robert Watt 81
Donald Simmons 31
Martha Balmer .jj)
The following were below the mini
mum or failed to write on not more
than two subjects and will be permit
ted to cjmplete at the May examina-
tion by writing on one or two subjects,
o.dy as the case may be:
Dist. No.
Herman Tubbeiing 6
Mabel Sherwood IS
Wrennie Keltow 18
Elmer Bailay 22
Manillus Day , 31
Robert Ford .10
Mae Holgate 61
Ora Holgate 51
Highest average -Robert Watt, SO
per cett. Second average- I'toasio
Davidron, h5.7 per cent. Third average
-Emma Hauer, &!,8 per cent.
Highest by subject: Orthography -Glenn
S. Taylor, 80 per cent. Reading
-Emma Hauer and Robert Ford 00
per cont each. Writing Mae Holgate,
09 pur cent. Geography JCdna Ky,
99 por cont. Arithmetic Robert Watt,
99 por cent. Grammar -Joseph Ever
est, e9 per cent. History -Mao Hol
gate and Robert Watt, 95 por cont
each. Physiology -Arthur Hunter, Leo
Doty and Lloyd Jonoa 100 per cont
each. Civil Government -Floasie
Davidson, 97 per cent.
Agriculture will bo required at the
May examination.
The quoDtioris requested from the j
State Department were delayed on '
account of the blocked truin ar.d were,
not received until after the time for
the examination. I had brought a few ,
lists from the cnpitol while there at
State Hoard meeting: thence the rea
son for a number of districts receiv
ing but one copy of the questions, with
instructions to have questions written
on the blackboard.
W. S. Iluol, County Supt.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. l.AN'P OFKlCKnt Portland.
Oregon, r-Vbrunry 14th, l.USI.
NOTU'H is hvreby irivn thut lluuh
... , r . . ...k . ....
v v,.i!h. oi maino, urrirw. .
'October ISth. UXVT. umde lloineaienu
Kntrv No. 1M. Serial N'o. 01116. for
,SVJ SWJ. Sw. S. NW, NWJ. Sm. 17.
mid B Ntit Sift ion IS. rowtwhlp 3
South. Rnrujo S West. U'lUmltw
j Meridian, has Med notice of intention
' to P'"'1 rtv Tr Proof, to eatnv
... . . .. . . ..... . i :i I
lish elnltil lo tne lami nouvv uwni
, Tillamook t ounty, Oregon, lit I tim
moo. urORon, on we ow uav i ii.
Claimant iwhm mh wltfl": J. J.
HrownlBR, J. J. llolh'tt. lo Mpom,
ami B. B, Uowlnml. all of Hlnltio, Till
ataook Co., OnjRn.
Cl.ON'l:kM)Al.l: MINN'S.
Ftmxi Courier :
Jamo Hurke ami Hurt lludon stnrt-
oe:lrinc th, RnlulH, ,,MnUy
thoir KI,raKC ami nut0 ropair shop.
J- --b. with hi, wifo
iK from NVenatchee and vVjHino.day
morning too cnaw oi wie v. loveruaio
; Hotel. Mr. ami Mrs. Holcotnb are
! pleasunt people to meet nnl we feel
! confident they will W much appreeia-
ted in Cloverdale's only headquarter
for the traveling public. NN'o welcome
j them to our city.
... i , .i L(i
i ne jounu ui me oiai-Ksmuii
mtr. can h0 K.arii lU,ce
In the
Cloverdalo blacksmith shop. For the
post four months the shop has been
closed the greater part of the time for
the want of the services of a smith.
E. C. Whitfield, who recently sold his
shop at Bstacuda, Ore , ri'-vpcncd this
institution last donday ami is now
I serving those who require the services
of a blacksmith.
Rev. Hayes, of Portland, reached
Clovcrdale last evening and will be
among us for the next ten dnys hold
ing revival meetings and giving lec
tures illustrated with stereoptieon
views. Saturday evening a lecture will
be given at the Meda school House.
Nightly meetings will be held here
with the exception of Saturday even
ing. Shortly afternoon Monday, Guy
Allen, Elwood Squires ami Guy. Smith
went out in the breakers in a small
tlat botiorn iish boat which they had
taken n cross the sands from the river
over the board walk. They intended
to go out to Haystack rock fishing a id
had not gone far before a large swell
caught them ami filled their boat Be
fore going out Smith had removed his
shoes and put on a life preserver, this
precaution the others did iHit Like and
when the boat filled they could not
reach them. Smith ays they
clung to the boat for some time
and that he tried bis best lo
save one of them and that if he hid
not relinquished his elforU when he
did and made for shore ho would have
perished with them. The boat and
life preservers were pickod up on the
beach later in thu day, but neither of
the bodies have yet been recovered evi
dently the undertow had Uiken them
far out into the ocean. Squires enme
here to visit with thu Aliens shortly
after the holidays. His homo is in
Indiana where he has a grown-np
daughter and two other children Hit
age was 41 while that of Allen was 26.
Smith is about 26 years of ago ami
when he reached shore was nearly ex
hausted. He is part owner and has
charge of the gasoline launch Jack
Mr. ami Mrs. Allen, parents of Guy,
are almost frantic with griel ovur the
awl iillair, awl have tho sympathy of
Iho entire community.
Lake C:unt Dial Cloesd,
Klamath KUIs.A deal which
been i-cidinu two years was closed
the Oregon Military lniid Grant com
pany were filed here by tho Oregon
Land Oon.cr&tion.
This laud was originally granted for
tho construction of the military wason
road aurots the Cascndo moimtalna to
Lakevlow, In La!ce county. Tho rant
lie north o? tho KUuiatli Indian r-i,-orvatlou,
that within tho roBorvatloa
having been exchanged for lands on,
sido. Thero aro about 60,000 unrea Pi
KJamath county and the dieds cell
for a consideration of about J4 per
acre. Much of the laud Ik Hald to he
firm timber, soiuo la Kood paaturo anil
imu good for agrluulturo. s'hat their
Iduria are for handling tho -lauds aro
not iiihiIh jjijIiIIc.
Business Directory
A Director of cacli Oily, Tnwn and
VIIIukb, Klvlnjf lUacrliillva skolch of
cutli iiliue, Iwatlon, ("jjiulnt tun, itlo
Krl'li, liliilni umt bauklnir polnl
nliKi C!uind Dlroclnry, couitilled fcy
liualness und nrofexlori.
. It. r I'lllK M- IU uvm.,
the tVunty Cirt of Tlllittnwt C'wtnty.
V)nxm. will, on thw ftth day uf Marvh.
UU3. reeaiva oirer to wll tract of
Jam!, anon oKar lo 1 ma.lo In writing
l.v th owner of the particular tra'l
oir'ied. Vtty land p.ir. hrte.l hereu.nlor I
, l.y th connCv will Iw for th wtabltilf .
uient of u County Pr farm, under '
'authority of the Uwi of Oroaon
A v land offered mual Ih within THU
uiook County, ami tw Court naervoa
th. right to rejt any 1,11 otrera.
Dntwi ritlamook, treirn. Feb. B. llU.
I J. ('. Hidden
County Clork of lillamook County.
1-VI. It. Mr.
lit tlie County Court uf the State
nl Oregon, fur the County
ol lillanuHik.
In the matter of lb" eatnto of J.
Henry Cochran, deceased.
Notice is hereby givon, that John R.
Oatmnn, administrator with the will
nnitexod of tho tl- of J. Henry
Cochran, decensml, has rendrrrd nml
presented for final settlement, and
filed in said Court, his final account of
I his administration, and that Thursday,
the &1th day of March. P.Lt. m 10
nVtoek A. M.. nt the Court room of
said Court at tho Court Immuo In aid
! County of TllbiiHk, in the State of
Oregon. ha been fixed and appointed
by ajd Court as the lillio ami place for
the settlement of said account, at
wnich time and place any person in
terestcd in said estate may apjwar nml
tile t'xci'iitions hi writing to the M
account, and contest the rattle.
John R. (hit nut i.
Administrator with the
will annexed of the Bfftato uf
J. Henry (Whran, demaacd.
Dated and first published, February
Uth. 1913.
Date of lait publication. Mar.'h Uth
Department ol the Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland.
Oregon, January 22nd, 1913.
NOTICE is beieby given that Chester
C. Shaw, whewie Mxtoll'ice address Is
care of Shnw-Locke Realty Co., Port-
lam!, Oregon, did, on the 2lh day of
April, 1912, file in this ollico Sworn
Statement nml Application, No. 03-10 ,
to purchase the SNN'l of SKI, Section
30, Township 1 South, Range H West,
Willamette Meridian, ami the timber
thereon, under the provisions uf the
act of June 3, lh78, and acU ntncndn
lory, known as the "Timber nml Stone
Uw," at such vnluu as might be fixed
by appraisement, ami that, pursunnt
tu such application, tho land ami tim
ber thereon have been appraised, the
timber estimated 0.fX honrd feet at
76 cents per M, nml the land $U).i)
that said applicant will oiler final proof
in support uf his application and sworr
statement on the 1 1th day of April,
1913, before the Register arid Rrrnvrr
of the United Slates Land Otllru, at
Portland, Oregon.
Any person la at liberty t i r trt
this purchase before entry, or imtia'c
n contest at rtny time before pa tun t
issues, by filing a corroborated affi
davit in this olllce, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
In the Justice Court for the Sec
ond Justiwu District in lilln
mook County, Oregon.
Henry Plaskur, ' Mem Plnsker, and John
Plusker, partners, doing bjsm.
under the tlrrn name of Plusker
Fred Whooler, l-f ndant.
To Kred Wheeler, Oefendunt : In the
name of the State .f OroKon, you art
hereby roipilroil Ui a ipenr and answer
the complaint tiled ui;ainat you in tho
aiiove untitled otirt and action, n
or l.uforu tho last day of the tune pre
scribed in tho order horoin, which caul
ordor vas mado and datod on tho iHtli
day of January, 1913, and if you fail
so to answor, for want thereof the
plaintllfH will havo judijineiit aaiiiKt'l
you as doiiianifed in tho complaint filed I1
heroin. ;t
TtiiH summonR iH servud ujion you by 1
ordor of K. W. Htanluy, Justi-e of thu
court ahovo-mentionod, dated tho IKth
day of Jairuary, 1913, thoroin ordjrinjr
that Hurririioiis he surved upon you bv
publication thnroof in tho "Tillamook
Humid," u nowspapor of ijunurnl circu
lation in Tillamook County, Orotfon.
ce ,mU w,.,,U t. I...I
. , i""
;ok8 from thu dnto of thu find pul.li-
weonH from thu dnto of tho f!i-nL mil
cation thereof ; iimi the tlmo for you
to answer Hald complaint bci'trm to run
from the day of the date of tho find pub-'
ncHnori oi huh niimmorm, I Cuhha((e, pur lb.
The date of thu Iirnt publication of.'CurroU, per lb
thlH .Summorm is thu 21nt day of Janti-; I'arHnlpH, per 'h
ury, 1913, and tho date of the hud Siiiah, per lb
publication thereof, nml tho Just dnto I'limpliiiin peril,
upon which you am required to mmwer ' Apples, por box '
on or uuioro IH March 1th, J83.
Attorney for I'laintiirH.
Abstracts on Short Notice!
it v tin:
Pacific Abstract Company
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
TtlLunook County, Oregon
iWllh Ml Ms W itl
MjI.i SJJ AU.i Muiuil
U. O. HON 117,
Painter and Paper Hauler
Contracts Taken
Kstinmtcs l:nrnished.
Al Work Ctiaruntrrd.
Tillamook. Or.
MOS T SPnll A (iiiol) HoRSK
'v ki'.-inr him in s)mlb old Harness.
We are spiling Harness made of tho
bt-t tock at nrteoa Uml oURht to'
leu.pt )ou.
will not -inly improve the appearance
i.f ynur liitTic, but contribute to your
safety (s well. .Ninny n runaway could
! avuidcd if the old Harriets had Imicii
disrsrded in time.
fillamool. - - Ori'fjon
I he
is the best
medium in
the county
jit Reaches the People
The Red Wheel
Gencj-al Reputr Shop
I 'I'll s'l I 4
ror. sale:
Oao 22-Cal. Gucclal nirjh Towor
Dr-vapo Itopeatcr Trapjer'o
Qua Marblo Oaaeaouera
22 and li-Cal. shot and Hall
Shot a una
WANTED Gceond Haad Violin
l illnmuok riniUcLs. ,
Thu follnwltiK prlciiH nru now paid
for fiirm nrodiielu i.i 'I'm.. i, i I
. I. " :
p - oirocu.'u ovury i hursdny :
Kkkm nor doz.
lluttur, por roll
SfO.75 to
.171 lo
I'olatocH, por owl.
ChcrHe, per .
l.OO to
iH. ,L,hl. llrim .,
H-hjh, heavy, droned, pur lb.
Reef drenHcd, per lb.
A. D. nMKIN..
Ortir-o In Sluigron llldg.
All NN'ork C.lialllrcd.
I) It. S. M KRkKONf.
Omrc: Nrw Cnncirtr lllilrf TIIUmoeJ
W. 0. McGcc, M. D.
ANI Sl'Ktll A)N
viiurr ..tu itMir in .nuiuai icirtituu
I Crnlral, 3rd Ave V-
Dr. lack Olson
'Olllce Hours (loin V a ill. to fi p ta.
f C U D.l D-.l C... nir
(loth Plionrs.
J. E. REEDY. D. V. M
(I loth I'hunr.)
E.J. Clausben
I W Y b.
Tillamodlt Itlotlv
Attorney at Linv
(Jllir.c In (.nnnni-rrl.il Hmlilifii
Allorriryot-Law and
U. ,S. Communnnrr
Oppoiilc Courlhouic
JOHN 1 1 I.AM) llfrNDfUSOS
Oliiriii'vnl l a
Ahstrnr Ier
I ilLinwtvt. ir..:i,t:..,. r HA
Olliiv L'O.'MMH, Tillnm.JoU
II lock
i iiiuinook, - (Jrc
R. N. IIRNKLR. m lm
j Knur Doors Went of llnli ry
I I'lirinrn I) reclnr anrl ! (,., I l'...l,.fir.fl
I.ndv AioiiHtMiit When Rc(uit
Pioneer Transfer Co,
0. L. DICK & SON, Props.
Roth Phonrs
'I he Same Price to Ijveryono
in i
IUI I would umlfc n moil'
. i . ...
ichiriinif Kut tiinij a vtMis
snDsci iptiou to tlie
Ladies' Home Journal!
(iive your ordure to
Thomas W. Shea