Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 14, 1913, Image 3

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Tho only BmklttQ Powder mmdm
from Roy at Grmpm Cromm ofTarimr
Coc.il Rnppcnlnii. J
jl ( J it in Portland OtU HiwW.
made In oritur at .arli
In town
Cutlil I!iik1k?
(' P. I.Jrlle nf HUUborn brtm In
! Urn rlly during Die poat few day,
Henry listen of HriMitrti Sprlne
OafUm-Hiie; Ulitnr In town Wed'
(irny and Ttiutnlay.
Dr. 8. M. Wendt, phylclan mid ur.
geoli; fit glc and gtmrantre Idem.
Olflm (imm-rrUI Jlulldlng opKltr
Ttd I lot-1.
Ml Monnw, of Seattle, who ha
kcM vlalllng at Hit hemx of her Uter
Mr, li. T. 1 1 a I loin for Mwrm time, left
! (or tier lmm on WimUy,
Morrl Jiclmnl ha taught o' Mr.
Cmirirr b luiuta nd one t on.SUth
Street. Morrl ri )( to move hi
fmlly Into the iMtrn In the war future.
r.oid Momb?
Carl lUUrrUrh ha been elected
rrtrylrmn of the NeVown ami
Orciuwn ch--r Ucturlr. thu adding
two morr fafturlr to Mr. Ilatarlaeh'
lift of fsrUirlr.
,' " llatmirt of lloUi Hi
Itsmi! Ivina of Portland In
Lad b-tv
(. ta ut I'Merdate wa In town
AdAror riK-li of Hay City wa in
Ito.nTr ..-lay
Ooi.i i..ni?
ivr .f Clovcnlajo In the
Icitjr T r'y.
H V l''aW f HeaVer e In tho
IritT T-sla
M illarhfonla' Calf meal at
Mr ...I Mr Ale- Mr.'.'alr rrturrwl w(k, we , ,jt, tlrn)ty during
fr I've'-" V olncailay. fir Ua,t Wrv U.iilti over thr rounlry
, w ni..i-g JarV ,fe and outfit
Kt' '"n f SandtaVe- wi a
rniUtco. v.iior Thurday,
I...M UiikKs?
Jim xir empty V to'lmb'
t l! WallU thnit.
rW .! uf Hoover ltrHight a
Im4c( ( . in timi ThurKiay.
II Wri. lrUmr nf J. II. Wanl
;t if- t&.initif fur IVrtUrHj.
AH r..o T II. (iyitt U In I'ortUinl
(bti ru -mi MfniU.l)al liuallirm.
(,,.!! lloinl.s?
H Y irhmitt a a Hllf- Vl.
tor : Iit I yllo on Valnlay.
U'f . Sutton haa loaaol the Htar
TVt'v fr-in I'Jia. Hcytwlft (ut ont
Si V.rt far aiW tllrrrl from tho
mil!, t xn ami ilellvernl. See
HUih MeNlr arnl
Thet.t i,a)lrl arn I'rtrttaml vUltor
11 ri' -
with a vtrw to buying, mailr a trip to
CloronUIr niur'lay.
Dr. IWtat rrpiiru the lilrlti of a
Jaughtcr to Mr, am) Mr. Jack l.atl
mcr on Miay. Jack now tpp to
thr tu of lit turVcy lnil. 'Hie tur
key trot I now Ux Uiw for him.
Mr. IMtmtllrr of lVph in the
rlly tho nrl of tho ;; to pruvo up
' ot hir bninaIfail. Sho w afimptttil?l
j'iiy L A. Yafh awl II. J. Ilaulry. who
Were li-f niltlolir.
Gold Bonds?
Wari mvn Ik-rbb thl week th laylnir
of thrrt lilofk flf mrwrrto wlk on
TWrtl trc't. In front of Uii prcrty
nwnnl hy I. S. iVhltMM Mayor
llartcr. CUuil Thayer, Dr. Sharp ami
Mr. Ilaa.
On Mnwlay, Fohroary 17th. at I'm.
a(', our rnltrc line of Wotnmi'a lw
8hi-i. (Jxfonlt. Uo anl runil. n
gain, lh MlirtK trlJ of all "h
n.U to W.7t. Your elwl for ton
doy at 11.80 tho pair.
Amateur nighl t Urn Star Jlmnlu
was nitrCtl Ujr all who wotti ur
1. ful In L'tiltinc In. Tho tinneo n
! i rwf.irl niwl liiiclitnr, Ktltolyfi j, j, Mr. OWnn lweli ami Miw
wtrr , . mrera tn outaldn olila lt Qy, ftobf t earriwl llrat prUo.
' . j lnm JoMMtmt rclvil swonu
, ono numtmr op lnlry W priM. Mr. Hurry Hutlon wUho. U any
ui. frwih now. John Thylor, ,h. will be ut th Ihwtre h tiftor-
, k ; ntmn (lr t .VclotfH. nrvu Mil wianinB .
; e..ivto f.ir tho pruo". may rom wl
(i'.l.l UotitU? rN-elvo H.rmal intlructkn wt Iho
s,a mI wlfo roturno.1 i,1,,,r '
U, fr.in a lrli t IVIIhimI owl
I. lr, ,
I hitio lirimin
..noty Star.
Tho Womn' C'linttiwh Toinpornr ; .MiinMim. MJO ticro Soc IC 2 N W.
.... in 1111 .
. iNilun ro tiucrv' rroneoo n.. nil- yM
f.,r HAe lit''""1 nv on Ttowlny ixt. j ..,....., ..pus
T . IVh l"ih at the horn-of Mr. JonnluJ WAKUANH DEKDa.
Drop in awi . M , .. ..... r, . ,.., . j i om L GiHirite.
IU 1 IK(1 I" ' .
cr, m
1'Vli. l"lh. at tho hum 'OJ .ir. jimri.u ,
t? Ti. ri . i. bo nn nil ilav mt-
! . n. l!..lnn tflll J ui.1 In on Mtt f, 1'nrk- ml to Clovnnlaio
Knell inomoor r'i
Twin UooU I .anil Oo. lo Alnm bimp
aon 1275. lot II bl' 21 I'win Itockti.
will trit moiw or inoim-.. g i; ,U,C(, & w tQ I(,i5,rt a.
u.,,.uv for 'Tho nwinlMo "iryounu hour ii w itimnl, $281, lot U7 blk f. Noiihknhnio
" 'f . ..i ... 'i i uiiiiitiiiirv wiiii in;
iimtirv'Hi - ' ...
jorgiininu.oi.. A titrry prot;n.i.i will
lutein lit 2:' rloc. wiwi ,;i
to onilvoi. tho i..vuion. A ailvur (illor-
injr will lo rov.oil.
J II I'.ukernf Mwln wit in Urn "'Uy j Mug ,mu 0IW tliinx (or tho luncliwn ,
W.i !,., Whll.t horn ho ntuilo Utw Ui) irtr..m frtim 18 io I "Vlork. Alao,
lf- i . i ... .1 i .... i . .ii. li-l..tf l4 (
Mien n pioiinni unu.
l'rti. ., Hhvro ho will triiiunut
fif f..r a ftnv iluya.
lidd llonds?
.ir hmiao roiuioollnnM for
. hiniiii. llo will lo you n
l at it riiiiMiiimlilo prloo.
( L O U G H
When you want anything
kept in a I'IKST CLASS
Drug Store
l lc also keeps
Druggist and Hook Seller
C,ltU 11. .iids?
j, V. AppU'Kti' to JjHi'pliim Dully,
$10, lot hlk I Siimllttko Ity the Soa.
Miinhnttnn Iteiilty ('- to II. A- C. E.
Orny. $105, lots ( .t 7 lilklU) Mttnhiittmt
J. C. .t M. I.. Twltchull to nurmim
A. Huinko, $10. lot 22 blk 1 tract in Sr-
'M 1 S it W.
H. V. Anthony & vf to J. T. Mnrr,
,10, trm-t In Sue 18 1 S
TIIIhiiiooU Houck lletilty Co. to Mury
I. i .,i,.i.,i IM. lot. 10 lilk 17 Tlllu-
THIRD SATUKUAT s. 0. Kuml ,t wf to Myrtu (i. fortfii-
Masonic Brethren,
An nxporlmt'iit l' iliitnrmtno whfllhor
' tint iiii'iiliittor will Imtrh na many cliicka
from n kivimi niitnlH'r of uk ' kwI
lalttlni; httn, uml wdoiliar Inculmtor
j r lilrli will lt nn ulrniiK In vitality, ha
i Itet-ii lii;,:un by nuimi inomlntr of tint
!(lfKOM Aurlrullurnl npnrlmril
1 ljKUt, roinpji.i of fnrmttra InUir.
rmtejl in working out, In nxiK'rtl(iil
J with tho itxlemlon illvlalon of the Oro
v.m AKrlniltural (!ollv.'.i, tirohloru
oii( iiiany llnea. I
ii. ...... ... i. i i.. ii.i- ......i,... I
ii.' '..iiiiin m in- i'ii in villi .llir
rxHfrllllrlit, No 'ifri, will nlinw tht
iiuiiiIht of vKr aol, tho nutnlxtr In
fertile, the number of chirk hntehuil,
nn.) the nn ml. r of rlilrk dcml in tin;
hull. To hov tho rolalivo vitality of
Urn chirk hntehe! hy tho two moth'!,
a loconl of thorhlck that ille atiotlM
Ihi kept. To niMkc the teat rnoro accu
rate, aumo Incutialiir rtilck aliouhl h"
put with hen hatrhtMl ehlrka urwlnr dun
to hrwol, and alwi uoine hen hatchnl
chirk aluitilii be put with incuhntor
chlckn In lirtxxler. an. mortality rec.
onl of both kept for four week.
At leaat three aittlnK nn''
one incubator ahould be uwl, et nt
the aame lime wiOl tho aarno kind of
eiK. The caro and falrhea with
whlrh tho ck'H arc eectirl will Influ
ence tho accuracy of reulta largely,
a cut'a vary greatly In hatchlnt: iUal-
I.at Wednesday, a Mr. llakor kind
ly granted hi pupil a holiday, tho
calon leln Lincoln' birthday, a party
of aloul twenty high ichool tflrl walk
rl to N'etarta, The tart wn ma'o
(rom tho choolhouo at II o'clock and
the hotel wa reachel at half pat two.
After lunch and n merry hour on tho
beach the parly U-san their homeward
journey, the lnt traKK'lor rcnchlnK
home at tovrn.
Tho day Mm; pleaantly wi;rm with
a cool hrccte blowlnic, even though the
road was umcwhat muddy, a very
UtMiil time wa cnJoycl by all.
Thte taklnir the Ioiik walk, occpt
Ml I'aullne Heat and MU Kmeraon
who vent homeback, weru; Mlc
Allc.tT.Kld. Helen Heal, Kvn Wolfe.
Alllo ami Vetna I'liillitw, MarKitrcl
Coale. Klva Hall, Stella (ioyne, Frodit
Sc'iunelle, Arcta Kvcraon, Myrtle Wat
lin, Kuth Sour, lirma Doerne, Harriet
bikI lluatrlce (iaylord, i'aullne Ileal
ami Mario Emcron.
Gold Monds?
FurnWhed By Pacific Abilract Co. '
Feb. 7, 1913
Mnnhnltan Itenlty C. to l'wi H.
Iliefenberi; & Jna. H. Hiekri. S-IW, lots
i t 10 blk 1 Mitnhntlan.
Feb. H. 1113
Knwoil Ilsmanl & wf to NoUon l.
Whueler, $10, lBOncroa Sec 12 3 S 8 W.
II. A". Klnniuiiiin X- wf to Jiu. W. i
livit M. Hiwtor, $7000. ICO n in Sec 1
3 S W.
W. H. & I.. A. KnluhtloO. F. KnlRfit
i. lot It blk 9 Tohl' ml to Nnhalem.
Iv'olvin l'tm;born ,t wf to P. E. t
Allco I'aiiKlMirn, 1376. lot 1 blk S Nor
ton ml to Tilliiiuook.
DccnI. Stnto of Oregon to John 0.
For Sale or "Trade For ""Tilla
mook Citv or County Property
No. t Two ..ta In Koie ( ity I'Ark, I'ortland, ono block
frori atrect ear.
Mo. 2 -Three lot In Unlvrmlty I'ark, 1'nrtlArK, thrco
blockn frof.T tr-t enr.
Mo. 3 Two lot In Kuem City, one blrck from atrvet car
, arid four blocka from tho lliidi School, Girneiii!
I.ibrnry nnJ 8tlo Univomity ,;rouiK)a.
Ma.4 nff of wheat Iii.kI in Morrow County, nil un
der cultivatloo, in K whwt belt.
Mo O On lot nrwl One refnc In Imat rcaidcncc part of
Sim June, Onl., U ahort blocka from tho IliKh
Seiinoi uml Htnto Kormil School, nnd two ihort
blocka from threu atrcot cr Htm.
Ail Iho Ahovo Will i rutin lor Tillamook Oily or Oounly
Tillamook, Oregon
A lull iilUnilniieo is wiiiest.'ii
,,,! nil visit ii.K hrotlins arc cn
diiillv invited.
i. T. IIuai.s, W. M.
C. Ii Tiiomiii.icv, pfotvtary.
Cement : Coal
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Handles This Range The Best On Earth
Methodist Church Notes.
1'aor Scott! He found th' pole but
lost bin life! This sUffireit. tho Mas
ter's wordu, What shall it profit n man
if he train the whole world and lose
hi own soul?
Mexico City remind one of the
French devolution. Truous from tho
country may do wimt iood, but the
public school and true Christianity
nlono will lead Mexico out of dnrkno!.-.
Into the llyeht.
Tho Wobbu Hill, n ubstitu'o for the
Kouvon Shepani bill, prohibit iiirT the
shipment of liipior into "dry" states
has passed both bouses of conp;rejs.
Easter occurs Meiroh 23nl, only five
wouks away.
Next Sunday at 10 A. M. Sunday
School. Competent teachers and
classes for nil aoa. Come.
At 11 A. M. Preaching. Subject,
"HeliRion (liven Expression."
At 6.JW Tho Youni; Peoples .Meeting. !
Installation of utllcor. Mr. Herring
who has spunt Hvo years in Y. M. C. A. .'
work among aailors uml soldiers will
apeak on "The Army Canteen." j
At 7:30 , Evangelistic Services Sub-j
jeut, "Second Mile Keligion." Mr.
C. Mcflliee will render u violin solo, j
Suog-sorvlco for all. Strangers are j
invited. i
H. V. Kublman, Pastor.
non, $10, lot 11 blk li Nnnh-kah-iiio Mt.
First Hank A Trust Co. to J. C. Pad
dock, $S0, lota 3S, 311 & -U) ttlk -IS Rock
away lleach.
1.. mill liver lMilt. 20 lieres
The Clover Leaf Creamery Compnny ,,pUwm ,,nf 8isiltli, i tfrass, tho rest'
Ranch for Sale on Silctz.
Stiff Joints
&ro relieved at once bv an applica
tion of Sloan' Iu:.imct. Don't
rub, jut Ly on lightly.
"Sl.ian's Ijnlmir.t Ism dre mor
( F! than anU.iut I u. fertrica
q loi Hilt j.'Uit. I jot it f ii i liurf o
ii luvilv UiAl 1 Uul to t. ! riiiUt lu
tUnlnl-ttlnio.(Uiuri' t tliou,flit
nt Ur.l tli.Nt i tt-uul.l h-1" uijr
h.n.1 likun .tr. t-i.: 1 c i a liottleof
bluiu'e Lauui.-ul wi . ur -l oi; liwxl."
Wti..-:; WiiLtLLii, jiur:,.ii.
Cood for Broken Sussws
O. (1. J.-sra, li i..Uv iu, i. I., uritiM s
I utnl hi" ui" . i it 'Vi-n
sSiit'M ao vo tbo ki .0 c ip . u.-t by a
(all and touiy h it at.le"...ii J
utK t r.iui. , ii i K In n'Ji LUau Uireo
Mitks Bttor ttisaccideuU"
Flna for Sprain
Wn. KrvuvA Yi a.84 0nmert
Ft., r:..i...n I, JJ. '-. ! ".v
fr;o-,a .niliu-.l Ills iiulil.' K ba.lly
ill ii t niM.t M .'V J ) jt-ftMl n
1 tnl.l bun that I " 'I hat linn out
lii a v.-i i-k. I ai-plic I SU'iu' Miilmcnt
mi.t In four i!.i-.s lio w.i wi.rkl'ig and
.il.l St van' M a rltfl-t good IJul-luent."
Trteo ISc..
SO;., nd 1. CO
SIciMi't llimi
ou liorwn, wills,
li-p mid
lxuHryJ-.:t 'rco.
r-arl S.
Lntotit Pi'Iogs on Ttntn
alon (IVhtxtln) lamps
IH Wiitt - $0.45
LT) Watt - .'lb
dOW'ntt .SO
(it) Watt .65
100 Willi l.oo
Frosted lamps fi ciiIm ;xtni.
Firefllvo Oct. U iw"
Tillamooh Electric l.iilht &
Fuel Company
it1t il1il.llitil Hilt, til i'I'MSS.
hemloi'U wood in four foot lengths tie-. i(J mw ,u)Ugo wUh ,)0t 11uJ C(ll(J
i I ..I llr fni'lure four 111 es north I " . , , i .... 1...11.11 n
iiveiu- - . water, in, oaru unu om iiiiiiiiuiks
of Tillamook City. 30 n.rds to bo de- (f imM, frHtf lMonly of
llvered before May 15, 1913, and bal
mice of W cordH bofoio August 15,1913.
Company reserves ttio right to reject
any and all bl'lt.
l.imvo bids at Carl Huburlach's otllco,
Tllliunook, Oregon.
Gold Bonds?
ninge, if want to dairy. Can sell milk
nt door, on mail mute and phone, j
three nunrters of u mile of school, nil;
kinds of gaiiui and iUh. A rhort time)
will otler for Se.(H0. Pall on i.r write
to Wm. Scott, Kcrnvilly, Lincoln Co.
Pm 1
" iiri
YaU,t Herald:
The Headlight still continue it at
t:rnpU Ut ducrcdit tl.o who nrc rnnk
; Ing honest effort to dUeloc whether
j or not thl city and Ha property ownern
I have l;cn juatly dealt with by tho
j Warren Conntruction Co., nnd others.
The attitude of the Headlight in
j the matter ia in keeping with it muni
inrotmUtency, unfnirnei and stupidity,
jit hn upheld certain city olliclnM In
, their nttempt to arbitrarily faiten liens
i ont individual prbfierty in this eity In
! iiimi ranging from VMM) to II2.0C.I.0O.
Thi Httempt was made without tho
j aiightest effort being msde on the part
!of the oiriclalg referred to to enrnplo
J the paving and take uch other pre
i caution as ordinary care and prudence)
would demand. Pause and consider:
Incurring an Indebtedness of between
two and three hundred thousand dollar
against this town of ontv 1352 popula-
tion w ithout knowing whether you
I were paying for a good article or it
jgokl bricK. Tola is juet what these
omciala were seeking to do and just
what the Headlight upheld them in do
ing ami just what would have been
done had it not been for the timely ef
fort of certain citizens who, backed
by an overwhelming public sentiment
j demanded an investigation. This in
vejtigation may or may rot establish
that tho Warren Construction Co.. has
failed Ui live up to its contract with
the city but that the investigation
should have been made and is fully
warranted and justifiable no man of
sense can deny.
The Headlight attacks the motives of
some of those who have been promi
nent in the investigation by charging1
them with malace and personal spleen.
No such motives exist. The people
who are at the head of the movement
are active business men, who are
spending liberally of their time and
means and are rendering an inval
uable service to the community and I
believe have the moral support of all
right thinking people.
Irrespective of the result of this in
vestigation it is clear to any person
capable of reasoning that this city and
its property owners have been subject
ed to the rankest kind of imposition.
This little city, with little more than
one fifth the population of Corvallis,
has, when Fifth Street is finished, the
same number of miles of pavement
that city has. It is said we have as
many miles of pavement as Forest
Grove and Hillsboro combined, which
cities have a combined population of
if Tillamook's growth is no more rap
id in the future than in the past many
poor people cannot financially survive
this lixlh;i'(i extravagance and their
property will be confiscated.
i he most irnporia.it duty of a news
paper is to protect the community from
such conditions as we have described
but the Headlight has maintained ab
solute silence, further than to make
dirty, cowardly insinuations against
those who have honestly striven to
protect themselves and their neighbors
from injustices. Why has it done so?
We understand it was about to speak
at one titn" but for some unknown
reason changed its mind and has been
a real good dog ever since.
Air. Baker, jou belong to a class of
loud mouthed shallow fellows in this
comni'Juit, who never have contriputed
appreciably to any substantial advance
ment that has been made in this
county. You and they do not possess
it.e mentality to discern between pro
, ression and retrogression. You think
binding this city to pay between $200,
100.00, and $310,000.00 with an as
sessed valuation of $500,000.
000; .breaking up the green
sward in cow pastuies and paving same ;
paving untrnveled side streets; accept
ing miles of pavement without investi
gation; blindly binding your neighbors
t pa S'.mi a r.igh as $12,000.00 at a
clatter, without protection excepting
to fall back on a bond that you attempt
to talk about, and know as little about
j ihe man who furnished you the dope;
crying down your neighbors who are
I stung into the thousands and are at
U.i.pting to do investigating work
that U the plain duty of the council to
have done is progression. It is retro
gression, Mr. Baker, pure and simple.
in justice to certain members of tho
old council, under whom tho improve
meins in question were made, will say
that they have acted fairly, co-operated
with the citisens in their work of
investigation and and we believe t!iem
ttbovc reproach.
Will add that the party whom tho
He.ielifcht was evidently aiming at tit
Ins. issue as to sigjiini; the pei.t.oti
. iK.j.ioveiiuats did so under a ins.
u, ; :ti.ei.sion of the true condition us
Juy exrsted ami was assured by a man
... .:.uiu he reposed confidence that the
cvftt of improvements would not exceed
o0 per cent of what they really have
cost and was. misled as to the extent of
the same,
A Taxpayer.
Gold l.owls?f
Reactie tho Spot
Stop lulu Inslantlr,
Tliu Great I'ilo Ken
cdy. I'm uplniuUet.
wi"4 IfClll 110 il
Do not forgot the Sunday chicken
dinner at tho Todd. lietter thfcn you
can have ut home und for leas money.
Come and try us. Service from 5:30
7 p. in.
t , - -vr-, .at toy rr ' "ry t -1