Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 14, 1913, Image 2

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. Cromblcy, tilt or
Issued Cwicc .i W:clt c c c Cticsd.iv and Friday
Entorcd -Qnd-ci:w matter May 1". 1010. t tio p.t o'Bc t Tillamook,
Orciron, under thfl act of March 8, l$7l."
Jlriocrtlslrtfl Kates
Lceal Advertiwnwnts
Vint Insertion, per lint - ;
KMch subsequent insertion, line
lomtsd Notice
Timber Claim
Notice. per line
Cards of thanks, per line
I Each subsequent insertion, line
I Keolution of omtotence and
' Uxiirc notkn". pr line
Business A Professional cnrds.imi. 1. 00
Display Advertisement, por inch .28
ALL Display Ads mut be in this of
fice on Monday and Thursday Morn-
uiirs to insure publication in loiww
ing Tuesday and Friday issues
Rert.ons are imperative.
H. K. Corndl. U U !., Church sta
tistician fur tho I'. S. hni made out
his report for 191 II nml furnishes i
wwo Interesting rending. The lartjer
bodies of churches are nil making
marked piotfross numerically.
The doitomiimtioM making the largest
gmwth is the Uoniitn Catholic. Their
total membership i now IS,WT,IS9
with an increase of 12ft. 000 for the year.
Thuy hvo Increased their number of
churehet during Uie your by USt nnd
their priests exceed the number of the I
preview year by 123.
hi (lie ciiunly Court of the iMntc
tit Oregon for I llliuttooK. dimity.
In the Matter of the lvt Will ami
Testament of Hewjths Hyroro. De
Nolle is hereby given th it a peti
tion for the probate of the will of
Kenirtha Myrnm. deceased, and for the j
1aic1s, ier line, first insertion -
rnrd Tillamook or N'ehtilen i of prac
tical impor',incc. As a general and
practical proposition, it I evident that
the lands come within the Tillamook
watershed, even though a few trifling
rivulets may Slow in the other diree-
ft.... I.I.HJ t.lti.t ... ., AIIa.... !
. J . ....... Vv.'a. ... . . w. , .VIIV'..' M .
Thw is a nroeeedimrin the nature o , . "J
Tart of Orecon v. Port of Bay Citv.
Appeal from decision of Hon. Percy R.
. .. ... .1...
quo warranto, or-'ucci w -i
iditv of the orcanitation ot a port cor-
various ads of Centres rantini: to
the st.tcs the swamp lands within
their limits, wherein it ha always
portion, created under the provision, r m w , e e,n it ha, a ways
of chapter III. title XLI. L. O. J held that, if the eator rut of a
and called the Port of Buy City. j 'f ' ubd.vion was not swampy in
The facts are as follows: In W9 the !,"l'r 'nr "nip iwrnon
rithom in the vicinity of Nehalem 'T I Uogaboom
Bav, which is situated north of Til-, thrhardt. u.l. 231.
lamook Bay, orcanixed a port under the . The 'f "othi;r v"-'w of tht co"t',"
provisions of the chapter cited. th. j tton in this ce thht is not unworthy
south boundary of which was placed of attention. It is conceded that the
r,racticallv upVm the summit of the Ptton was ,n propor form, the notice
Christian Sciential now nUinlier IMUne of letter teeiamentary to
STi.COtJaml are evidently at a tandtill. i Swen Petnr Sweiweo, ha Infer (Hel In
Their reader have tlecreasetl by ISU
during the yen r ami their places of
worship decreased 7t.
The total number of Unptista in this
country number 5.4. Itt2 with an in
crease in all Baptist bodies of 121.000.
thi Court : Hnd that Monday the 10th
itav of March. 1013, at 10 o'clock of
sax! dav. and the court room of sntd
Court at the court hoiMc in I tlluiiiook
C'ty, TilktmuoK County, Oresuu, hnvr
been appointed as the time nml place
This is a jtrent show-in. Minister ! for WeaHnR said petition, when nml
ranije of mountains which separates
of election properly ijiven, the return
have inereaed 5Td and their number of
churches '-17, slniwlnc growth of re
markable character all along the line.
The OUcfple of Chni known aUo
as the Christian Church has a member
ship of 1.UI0.KS7. an increase of ;tU.771.
Ult they rcort the remarkable le
crease of 101'J churches and lrt minister.
Mormons show great activity. They
number 3W.500 an increase of 111,97(5
members, ST7 preacher and 70
Lutherans in America now number
2.3.'Ci,702, an increase of ritf.iOS mem
bers. 2tV ministers and I6 churches.
The Methodist Kpiscopal Church, the
largest Protestant body of the country
has a membership of a.'JtKl.&tt an in-
ereaseof 5S..MH The entire Jmember-
ship of Methvist InmIIcs North and
where any person intervKtet muy -
pear and eotiteet the tin, ami show
entM. if any he has, why said petition
should not be granted.
Dated this tth day of February,
Homer Maion,
County J udge.
Kb. 7, Mareh 7.
Nehalem Bav from Tillamook May, and Properly made, and the proclamation 5outh3ndmbers u.'6.0J.r an increase of
included all waters tributary to the Ne
halem watershed, except a few very
small spring branches near the summit
of the range. In 1910 the Port of Bay
City, shich inoludes all the watershed
drawing into the north side of Tilla
mook Bay, was regularly organised,
the south line of the Port of Nehalem
being designated as the north line of
the Port of Br. City. Th? proceed
ings were in every respect regular and
of the formation of the pirt duly and
properly rendered. The jurisdiction of
the court to declare the organization
of the port dpn i upon the notice
given of the election. State V. Songs
tacken, 61 Or. (122 Pac. 292) ;
Wright V. Mc.Minnville. 50 Or. 397
tii rac. :r.ii. ints notice was su-
thcient to call the attention of all
property owners withjn the proposed
port to the fact that it was proposed
no objections are urged thereto, excent to oreanixe a oort corporation, and to
.....AklinL .1... U .. 1 I.- . -
ur v v. csuiuuju uiv uuuEKianes in in
that it is claimed that the
fore referred to. being tributaries to
larger streams flowing into Nehalem
Bay, are a part of the Xehalcn water
shed, and that, therefor?, the attempt
ed organization of the Port of Bav City
is void because in contravention uf that
subdivision of 6115, which read3 as
follows; "Where a petition is file I for
By the provisions of the statute the
county court was required to convene
seven days after the election, to can
vass the returns, and to enter upon th e
journals of the court proclamation de
claring, among other things, that the
port has been duly and legally incor
porated as a municipal corporation.
the incorporation of a port under the P'3'"1'' a"d " other having interests
nuvcrau 10 me organization ol the
memt'ers, 7St minister and 230
'Prenbyterinns mainj," body show
1.363. ISO members an increase of 27.-JO.
Total Presbyterians number 1.9il,9t9
an increase of 37.7&5 members. ISO
minister and 65 churches.
! United Brethren number 320'WO
- 1 -
showing an increase of 9126 members
ami 55 ministers. Churches show a de
crease of 16.
Advcntists which number 95.303 arc
hardly hokiing their own.
"the Nazarenes are not accnunted for.
Whether their leaders have tailed to
give their figures or art; loo fuw for
consideration, we cannot say.
Union of some of the bodies is now
in process.
Koman Catholic growth is markfd.
yet it is not so rapid in the percentage
provisions of this act. the territorial
limits of whicn do not include such
count as a whole, the limits proposed
by such petition shall not extend be
yond tha natural watershed of any
drainage basin whose uateis flow into
port were, by the publication of the
notice tf cleetion required by law,
duly and legally apprised of the
pendency of the pru-.-eding. and
either before the election or within the
another by. stuary. or river naviga-. seven intervemnjf after the elee
Notice t Creditors.
Notice I hereby given that .1. 11.
Robinvn tins been appointed Alitiinl
trator of the estate uf Daniel Hull, De
erased, nml that nil eroiis having
claims nguinst the ltl enisle are
hereby mitincd to priKU-ut them, with
iroju-r voucher, within u (6) inunthi
from thedato of this notice to the ad
minitrnt3r or to his uttortveyn In care
of the County Clerk nt IheCmirt llo-ue
in Tillumook City.
Snow A Mc(aiiant,
Attorneys far Administrator.
D.ited January 10, 1UI3.
In the Comity Court of the Stntc
of Oregon for Tillamook County.
In the Matter of William Crahnm
Dean, an Insane Person.
To William Graham Dean and William
McQuarrle. Guardian of snld William
Graham Dean:
Abstracts on Short Notice!
ii v tiii:
Pacific Abstract Company
I.. V
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Kecord of
TllUmook County, Oregon
OVMK Mut.HK 11.... I
.Miln MJ - AIhi Mohul
Painter nml Paper Hauler
Contracts Taken
Estimates I'nrnisheil.
Al Work I'.unninii-eil.
TilliiiniiDk, Or.
Otllr III Mluirtlii Hl.t,
All Wofk (iuilllrrd
I'UVrilCIAN end StH((0.
Itft!... .. a lit v.i.
W. 0. McOcc, A.D,
MrUMAIII 1ltfr tint. tA. I
iMi.iiinnaiiin. i MJ-m.1
(Vntral. 3rd Ave K
You are hereby citutl to l- nnd ap
pear In the court room of the County
column as a number of PrnteV.ant hf.. ! Court of the Slate of Orogon fur Tilln
les are. Immigration account for
mueh of the increase of this church.
.Moat of their growth is In the cities.
An interesting feature is the Mormon
growth, which is the Urges l in the per
centage column nf any body in Amuri-
mook County. In the City of Tillamook,
County of Tillamook and lit of Ore
gon, on Mommy tnu 3rd day uf March,
1913, at 10 o'clock of said day, then
and ihore to show cause, if any you
have, why Thomas Coates sh. il l n..t
ca. Not only that but tScy show the j be appointed guardian of the pt-rkoM
... . ... . i ..u t , . , ...
me irom me seas, situate wunin sucn ; ffu' iw me larf-est numiier ol increase in the nam-1 and ontat of William Graham Dean
county." ! court and pointed out the ellescod de- I ber of ministers of any bedy in Amer-! within thr SlaU ut Oro.n. rv,i
, , lects in the petition, and in a simple ica, namely 377. They are a rniwion- for in his petition on III,, horein.
It is
The slump among Christian Scient-
ista is about due and shows in the re
port. In membership we Aral no in-,
crease, i neir places ol worshin hava
rnnrcrfrvl mvl th viHno i fects in tbt' petition, and in a simple ica, namely 377. They are a mission.
taken at the trial conclusively shows, , a '"pensive proceeding have made ' ary Church.
that all the territorv embraced within : "' P"' roro taere.
the proposed limits of the Port of Bay and if tt!ed bv review or PPI to
City naturaliv drains into Tillamook c,r,'ult court nd the 1BMlin they
Rav. nrf U trt nf th. tr.v,. -f . nere seek to litigate. The finding ofi
that bay, except that at about the . ",e couniy courl lna' " port hau been j ctecreaaed by 76 and thir readert nutn-suTi-nit
of the range aorae of these duly and ,eKal,y organiied ami incor-jber 152 leas than laat year.
suhH streams overlap in such a man-' Pratj- and lne en"7 of thi finding! The decrease in aome reepecU is duo
ner t at upcT the same forty-acre tract ! In the jurna, waa a fi"l adjudication I to the movement from the country to
are fo'jnd ssrring branches which drain J of every foot wewary vnder the law J the cities. The shift from rural dm
towail Nehalem Bay; and running ; to con,titute 8 V!l,id corporation, in-. triet to the city ib depopulating many
para l el to them, but in an opposite ( c,uJ,n the location of its boundaries, j churches though the real membership
direr ion, are others whiih drain intoiand lhe mtivr ouht to ho litigated j of the bodies is increasing.
Tills-took Bay. Because of these con- 18 aujuaicata. ihere should4 be! The largest increase in membership
Hy order of the aforesaid county
court, thi 30th day of January, 1013.
Attest my hand ami seul of said
Court, the day and year last above
Homer llason. County Judge.
Hy J. C. Holden, Clerk.
Jan. .'II, Pub. 'J.
; a cross-cut saw, with ".rr" --""mK 'nierel ""verse uiai uwnoe, no.us:. mo iarg.t in- the undersigned administrate
liar length ami shape, ' ln"' UMiznUon should be required j crease in numbers of churches is found , Ifruio 0f Andrew P Hibl.v
oumlary by le-jal suhai-' " et PwPy before the final in the Iiaplist boily, 573. The largest n, any .t all person hv
is res adjudicata. There should' be
ditiji in exact and mathematical Mn-! 8on)wner 8n end 10 ''t'tion in re- j obtains in the Catholic Church, 125,000;
strue- ,on of the statute would require a ( w 106 orKanation or these i the nuxt largest in the Haptist boIios,
lin .'hic'n, extended upon a map. I
ports, and, proper notice being coneed-1 121,000; the thin) largest in the Metho-
would resemble a cross-cut saw, with ea'. Pl,ea claiming interest adverse dist bwliea, 86,022. The I.-irgost in
teeth irreu
rather t - an a bonndarv
ision.. Such a line, when urvey;d er of tne county urt is entered, I increase in ministers is in the Mormon 1
and m;.rkt i out, would prove t, he an intead oi waiting until the prelimi-! Church, 877, I
endlesr, .sir .f nnfnir.r. io. .;..: naries of organisation have beon com.! The luriceat decreaso in rnumhuniiiti i .u.. .... .. ,.
" I !. . nlatari . t.- ,.m r .u.. " I. I :.. .i "r . lnc "'"
lyjcriy i jdjoci lo pan taxation in ir- ' 1 w.... v. u. mv wurpura- i nuijr iii uiv nni.uiur uunos. uw In Til:-.,..., ,t,
regular trai ts, whose acreage would m upon tneir auties, I " iarKst uucroase in ministers is
not be ua-il.- eoTiputed. Evan whe
every sjrvev had been pnm r.l tH
would U- dpfi -Ut for
I based upon trifling irregularities. I ber of churches is found to Is
a partifjlar pier-e of land near thr Tne ecre ' circuit court is j P'aco in thu Christian Church or Disci-!
IIIvmnM I n(,u r " u : 4 lulu . . ,1
...... im i uiirui, iui in nuniiwr. JofthoHstato
Mr. Justice Burnett concurs in thei .Mormonism and Christian Seionce are 1 Ducensud
result. , ! not ulasami with either the I
N'otiee is hereby given i all wh-.m
It may eoncem, that the Coum
Court of the State or Oregon, for thi
County of Tillamook, has appointed
I mc unoursignefi aiimifilstrnlor of the
ing claims
against said t-statc are hereby rt.pilred
lo prt sent them Uj tb undersigned at
attorney nt
n I lll'tlllODX Citv. Orwnn !.
Dr. Jack Olson
yittlce Hours trom l , m tnitv
Ortr F. R. Bests' Rest Estate
llolh Plumes.
J. E. REEDY, D. V.
DnN'T SPOII a (iooD IloliSK
lv keeping him In shabby old llsrncss
We are selling llartinM innjij of the
bt stiwk at prieii that ought tn
tempt you.
A WKI.I. MA UK llAlt.S'r.S
will not vnly improve the nppoaranco
of your horse, lu rontrlbute to your
safely gut well. Many a runaway could
be avoided If the old I lumens had Uen
disenrtled in tune.
lilhimook - - Orcqon
(llotll Ph-l)C.)
. J v . i i icer
- - - ri . . v. . .
TillniiiooK HI'kK
Attorney .it Law
Ullicc In Comniercl.il Huilfi
)U a "M"" uiBir uuues, ubc.wsb hi imnisiers IS i aether witi. it... rr..i...K .
hen and then interfering with the prose- i noted in the Christian Heienee tolf,!,,
cation of the work by prowling ; 152. The largest decrease in tho num! ' Zll " "f
. I based upon triflins irregularities i ber of churchea is fouml to lnlVlt tnUun I i .... i , '
is the best
medium in
the county
Attorney-at-I.Aw anil
U, S. Commiiiioncr
Opposite Courthouie
summit of the u.viding ridge, and say.
with certainty, i t which watershed he i
Btoo-J, wtho.i . tareful topographical I
aurvuyir'i-i .- rxi.it of view to tha
ne:'gnrx,riT,' irooklets.
We d'j . ot . lie-. i that it m
intention of the statute to r-.-.ju.re su.-;) j Payment for butter fat at several of
technical a -curaey. In a gent r il way the largest factoiios will he as follows :
the Nehal-.-n watershed is north of tn.- Maple Leaf, -10 cents; Tillamook
line established between the two porU, Creamery, 38J cents; Fairviow, ri'j.."?
and the P-it of ,'iay City watershed is 1 cents and Throe Kivers, H'Ja. While
soutn Ol tin; I; ,d. (he obieet of th- 1 nricea warn
not classed with either the
or tho Catholics. Tim Itoformod Cath-
olic Church isHliovuiL' sono vltnitiu
' ...... j .
Thu Iluptists and .Mothfxlmtii alono
cnjual tho Itoman Catholic in number.
Lutherans are growing, ranking fourth
uf all bodies.
Protestantism shown an unurgutlu
i missionary spirit. Incomplete returns
Dated January JMUi, l'JKl.
JamPM HillltV Ail,n,nf...... '" " ""'
J , ,.,ii.,f,,.(,,..; -
of Andrew K. uibby. n Keaches the People
i ...
idw.is io prevent land owners from be
ing taxed Ij ,o .tri iute to the im;rovo
ment of harlwrs when, by reason of
natural conditions and the topography
of the country, such owners could not
be benefited by thu proposed improve
ment. The watershed with it3 advan
tages of a down grade V) wator com
merce hau suggested to tho legislature
a suitable unit upon which ports nut
embracing a', entire county should be
formed; and it is evident from I he
testimony that all these advantagc-n
are secured to property owners in vth..
locality by the boundary line selected
i i Una case. Whether u bucket of
water emptied ut a particular spot
would How north toward tho Nehalem
or south to j-ard Tillamook lUy U not
Important. Whether the general tre t J
or inclination of the lanJ IncIuJuU
within thu proposed bounddrioi i3 to-
Notice is hurt-by given to all whom
It muy concern, that tho County Court
of the statu of Oregon, for riHamoolc
,,l.u..i.. .i oiu ... . i 'univ. mis auiiointcil Die- umliirit.i,...l
considerable higher a year I .1 I 7 , ,T 0rW l"r 1 '!"ljert Administrator f
lis time, November, 1911, pay-! 1 r 'tfltu"t HiipnorU 21002 the estate of Mary A. LV-hinger, Do-
. iiuhvu workers 1 --I ivin.i..j iinvuig cnu nH
in the field. irivliiL' durintr ,...: !'Kinst said estate aru hun-hy ronuinxl
m-IOI,."01, which shows that n- i..: I K"'?!!1. J'"'": "nderslgned. at
of t.'nriHt conntrains men to givo as
never before.
H. . Kuhlman.
ago nt this
muni iiv iiib t,a Jie lactones were as
follows: Maplo Leaf. 38 cents; Tilla
mook, S'J.b; Fairview, W.I and Jhroe
Itivpra, 37 cents. Maple Leaf had an
average test of 1.7 per cent for Novum
ber, bring its mill, '.an average price
of $1.88 per hundre'l pounds. Average
price recuived for November ciiees.j
was a little ovir V, ei-nts pur pound.
ii present mum u, thu undersigned, nt
tho ollice of Carl Hahurlach, Attorney1
"t.l'"W' , '' ',''" City, Ore, on, to-1
gothtir with the proper vouchors, with, i
The Red Wheel
General Repair Shop
I lltvr N'r wi s r
Ono 22-Oal. apodal nitrh Towor
savaffo Eopcater Trapper'a
Ona Marblo Oamo Oettero
22 and -a-Cal. Ohot oad Ball
Oho: a una
YTAITTED fJoeonA naad Vtolla
Business Directory
A Directory of each (My, Town and
Village, Klvlne (Iciicrlnllvo nkelcl, nf
each place, location, jiopulallijn, tele
Braih, uhlwiluf nn,j ijanklng polnls
alao C'lamlMeU Dlreclory, compiled fcy
p U. U 1'OIJf & CO.. BKATTr.V.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed, by thu
Comity Court of tho state of Oregon
for Tillamook County, administrator of
the estate of Kay Wilson. d....i,.,l
All persons having
in six months from thu dato of thmi
ill,atmi'.tl TiII,"""'lf. Ore., January!
Kobert kichiri(f..r A.imi..ia. for farm productii at TlllniniwU en..
thuLstate of Mary A. Hlclilnger. Do-. 1 '""'! td "very Thursday:
' I.,. i
Tlllnniook riiirkct.n.
The following prlcuM aru now paid
! llutter, per roll
Potatous, per cwt
('hecMu, ur lb.
claims against said r-u.,..-i ....r Cabbage, pur lb.
estate aru directed to present tho same r T MM Tor Z mL KfiT'i P' ,mr ,b'
to mo at .Sand Lake, Oregon, with , fr() I t J' 1 , ... C WUM '""nl.-H, per lb.
proper vouchers therefore, within six j train at T iluZr . "1" .... w ,,rl peril,.
.17J to
to M
months from thu date of this notice.
wateu I'ufiuary 7th, 1913.
U'o V. Wilso
' Tillamook to ts factory four mll.-M a.V.Vi J , '
from TillumnoK. Leave bl.l E at in n ' i.'?!' x ' ,'00
' Hab.rl.el.'. oufco bi tZ March la 1 'hrU' "r
ator. 1913, 1 ,wl" UKn ,,l!"vy. ln.'si, pcr h.
I'umpkliis, pur lb,
.01 i
IMMki a a . . . . ....... ...
Allfirnr-nt l n
Ahttrnc It-r
lilliiniook liiiildiuq Knom
ii. T. sons,
IV.imil'l f VI- I I Mi A It'TIIA
JOIIifc 'J0:-1()., Tillauio
I U. N. m'.NKI.IC. Miff.
I Tour Doors West of Ilnkory.
i? i , ... . .
Uuly Assistant When HcUchUiI
G. L, DICK & SON, IVor.
Holli Plmiirs
'Ihu Snme rlce to Kvcryont
tl' III. i ......1.1 I ...A
dcsirxihlc Kilt than a yciw
fimtseripiion lo tnc
Lad IP' Hnm Iniifn
mmm 0 WW
Give your ordorn to
Hue drtssed, per lb.
m ft v ii ti m m i am
---'"-in Ul'