Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 11, 1913, Image 4

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    Vf.CT. U. COLUSltS.
NSrtAUin Ni!W:.
; 'f
i apper town so that it will be en th
keel with tlxt county twsal. II intend
to build a new ilM on the property in
the near rutwr if prent plane are
'earned nut.
There are good prospect for an-
i her shingle mtil bring built hr in
t future from preeenl indiea
f T,0M daily rapar-
ii, S-.tra' loflur hae been
:Tered Ibr trtl ' -. ariil tmild the
' ' ' Mi I
, ! "
1 ' 'I"
. 1
' . &rw '
fo ' -
..ivh. : ' ' !'
' ..sin - " -i :'-
I s t -
i i t -
iS i - . . i
j r
, , -,. : - -
i; . ..; th - tv.-
v.t ; ir to
r . .: -urn - - ! i-
,e - .M.'f - tie . r- .it i u
ai ' :it vst --if .
' -eri;e
". . I s! ' c
i r- '
r :' . angel
. . ''r ' ' rrtirr'
. - . - ho ht-L vn,'3 ej
c - '-heir eomrour,;-1
i -i r.ot afraid to attack j
t and vice evils, j
;l hut a yet no choice as been
W started i" rcai emt on
, a at Whaler Mr.
j, .. t , ' -"ir-iatn'r if
n a . .i -d it .-v cted
. , viur':! he rra.iy
f , . thi- .-vurae f two or
t(..: . The machinery
vA, ., , t ri W '"! t
l :t . . m. at anv ! .
T ) at the Bnsht0i Mills
, fj . i v so t ."?' itnpoKai-
,(, - i -: ir Ho: i i ' hau! in
nj , : ! tit mi -r' up. A
,t - -I'.'fStv capacity it
exj . " r. m S KraJietaco any
.)) t. iB,oer She will
nisi -. . , - ir! btwfi the two
jxrt- S. ' iambef wilt a bo be
h,p other points
b r will permit the mill to
be i( - - ! .'iH-raliwa in the future.
Th w -f. r mitl will atart op ajtain
the U-: .- . .-: "f this week and a full
crew - : . -t.-d to be on ham! to re-
f .
:ui n of their vartow pui
T'.e ltKr'it camp at Rector re-
Mjmea activ'tiet the firat of the week
nrxi ia alreauy aerxiintt loa dawn to
u.e mill by train. Thaa will fire them
a guod start to keeptba mill well up
plied with log, provided they tft
eoouit ears to make deliveries, it ia
understood that the Brighton mill will
ako atart during the nest few day,
which will add considerably toward
j nakiny the new em of proapenty that
is :mw dawninc for Nehalem, a lasting
11. B. Kern of South Bend, Wash
I iniftoa. is intending to start a veneer-
inty rwt nmnm Mfttitw hmr it hm tAti
900 children ,n it, including ' timbl w aMd ior th,t
Tt nrr of h AiwinUInn mlntne
towa. nhw wt4 n aotl bor. ImI N-n
nbaMt fw ome mntith. and joat he
fore him Mttrn to hi majorat dtN
hH rol pawwd a rte "f tiv
oo him. At the nest mewrta f the
town rom-tl the ntaynr wma prwnt
atK foand the utiuottx of th iwertaa
canferwar to tntala tht
-A raw of cetre was pawed th
nyor tor ootatnyftuc hi lei t . and It
wa nwolved to auk fnr aa m plana
-Who prarwaed tbb rot of waanar
t&jaim i he mayor
"I did " Mild a coBcth.
-Yu IM. lti ymtr aatd tbp asayer.
tepping frxim Ma preaidetittat chair
Tl'o take ihntr and he tn. fc him
TMeutly In the fac. "Who aaottded
tbf nwo!llt!MB,"' he akel qntatty
Ttwre wa no aaawer "Who aeceoded
th - rewtitiTr he flirt again Still
tbrv wa a anawer "Phen," aald the
Bui.v. taUui op hla pen. "aa there
waa no e. -m,l. it'a out mt ordar.
Strike It off the tainuteaT"
StwatA( ' tJeten Cewl
In the Khwuv mtier. SwItierUmi, n
extraordinary Truwoy la tarried out
every July Ttxta U th .-booahig ef a
oaeea raw by the cow toeaMelvea. a
lance oatther of c. ever 30O at
time, are aeaentbied tn a 8eV1 to
choose their rwret. The queen cow
the one which is Mrwrtg enotich to Oght
at) ih other nun off the paarar and
remain ia ptwaeaadua of it beraelf The
owner of the cowa ere not allowed to
atK-oarage tttrtr baaata in any way
Tbe booor o4 owning a queen cow b
Vetrniy coveteu by tbe Uwral herdaaieo.
and they do everything they can in or
der to turn their animal oet a inner.
In their eageruea to bring their beaafe
Bt and weO on the day of battle many
of the berdataen feed them a we k or a
fortnight beforehand on bread am!
wine. Th cowa de-d from a fight
tag rare and are a I way eager to have
a rap The "election" of tbe qoawo
cow often lat tbe greater part of thy
day and t watched by crowd, who
cone to tbe cto from uihm round
H WcoM Hv WeeVf Wndit Only
l W N over Owg.
IVrhup ! Ulxl MM- of all the
many klMtc achemea with whhb Hrit
hae bM enannired to d
t that whkb waa khowa at U
tH-re a- Bralle'a big Well M Br..e
a a Helglaa engltieer. roahlinB teui
p-iarily in Kngtawl who. In l-w, p
prom bed th tlieo TUie mint, rr
,lrd Job Hwrll With a achente r
idk.wr a a mile tattle meter
,,..1 fpoM aaiie leHb thai Hltd
la( the earth a intern! heat and there
by render KncMiod Independent "t her
cvi .ui-ily when tbi gave out
i.,.r,l lita4l, alwaya raihef attrai-t
by tiahHMiry pr)e.t. altrntlTrty
..iili1erd the lirine nwl -auwl
i .nit and ewltiuaten to te lraio H
Hi- flrt dlJR'-u!J a tbe luf.h t
ruler whk-h would he tee i eel a In
t.i (tccur Muxter tr wtr l'u, u a
pr.e4 to hewp ui.-ler t ..infii
caitwvna being ud for the irje
Mrther eeavalin. while the ffhtahed
portion of th abaft wsi to ti retefd
atertgbt by "t'et" Of gruaU
aet ' rNrtl4 eetnwnt
a tbe m-hrUHo waa. It fooad
ptrnty of fi.lcwte. att a prm-Wtal
bill bad been, waa ald. actually
draf ed the overthrow f tbe
gwternawHt on the fnim Wae tteJo
waa aamvift4-J ml th whole bi
oeea waa thenceforth conatgtMrd to
ei merited obtltioa. - l"aroa'
PrrnMncnl llihwav, TiHamonk
Countft Orrjon.
nniiMira win o rnniirrti .. ii,,. ,
.1 i.i ...!.. !'...... .. I I 'M
tciiii iiifi t.iiiiiiii i in t i..
the leiurn id Uio plana iiih!
lioaril riHrve Ihn riKln
any td all bid.
Dated lhl alii dny . f IM.r,,
ILiard of l iainiy '.u...i.i
llltanatioa I bounty.
rfy J. f If i i
t'4l. t,
l'At.t. FOU HUM.
N'trrH K 1 IIKKBHY UIVKN. that
aoaled bhia itl be reeeiveil ly the
Hoard of Unt.tV fomfilaaoner "f
Tillamook Co,. Oregon, until I o clock
P. M.. Marth t, Ifia. ft furniahln
II malerlsl and labor tcaary ff
the eontruetir of iine-i compel-
itietyreaof hard aurfa.- or perma- shwy, Tillftmcok County,
nent pavemeot. on the iwprovemenU
trarnttened hk : NOTit'K To tDNIUAt i
HmI mutt lw addreaaed . 'H'ard of N,(l, flrlf,v t.
bounty fummiaaior-era f 1 Mlaiuoak j , Mur,, ,,
County. ' nod th envrlor markm t'nty tmniaat4m f ..' ;
'WW for th eontruciHm yi perwia , tWnty, (reer . ut til i
Crown', a tweet-faced taint,
fi gray curia, has made Okiaho
. . famona for the Urges: white
cradle roil in the world. There
T wrm imut WRj wim WV V
- In due time alt these little
are graduated into the Hrownell
purpose. Tbe plant wiii employ about
nty men with an average pay roll of
J7.0CO monthly. If this industry ia
L. Tb ioy.l ch.kiren of thej, u wH, ,tl r. u
her, at seventy years of age.
oar prospects for a prosperous future.
. ,i . .
rjeen oi ine ay. every ; u. v , .h.
. Browitell has a gathering . . . u . . . ,
)lhcr and wblto ribton re-
i Use W. C. T. L. is the bos-!
dear little woman ia blind ! 1
is happy and contented and)
i ' r -Warns she always sees J
ii - children.
Tka has been haying work
be National lecturers and or-'
Temperance workers soon '
that the etr.rirceni of thej
overwhelmingly in favor ol
m. The Geary Union bohsts
it who Sil-wi e atato presi
irapectin the quality of Umber in this
ib rew gasoiine cboorvtr "MireD"
of Portland loaded with freight for
this port was grounded on the north
spit Thursday afternoon while attempt
ing to croaa in over the Nehalera bar
2 hours after high water.
Captain Mays did not take time to
Sod any bearing but steared for the
' first smooth place h could find in th
line of breaners when he came near
Tht Sad Cji of Jane Hobb.
Not o long ago a luiucasblre road
breaker olrt hi wtfe to another man
and thought tbe tranaartion waa per-.'t-clly
legal t-aus be had place! a
baltT round her oerk. the end of
n-hlch bt put In tbe hand of tbe pur
cbar after the roonry bad been paid.
Tbl tx'lief riaea from th custom of
oklen day?, when nivee wen actually
led into the market place with halter
roand tbelr oeoks end anbl to the bent
purrbaier It was thl ruatotn which
If-l to tbe htirmmo ditty which rnn:
"A jolly abneronhir. John Hobhe, he
marrtal Jane Carter: no daral waa
Barter, but abe wa a tartar. Jane
liobbt. So be tied a rope to her. Jan
Uobha. and like a lamb to tbe laasti
ter to Smti'-Peld he brought her but
nobody buocbt her. Jane Uohbe h.
who want a wife? cried Hotiba: but i Ueraid
Naval Cart Wjh Palli With th
PutSing Ret ten Attaens.
roort martini are not infreeotlj
nek) oo battienbliw la the Oharfeatowa
oarj yard Numetiftiea a U-r will
end for a ttoto a Homey to defend
aim, although this tendency b dt'ir
aged b) tbe orncwra. Xt attorney
toow they have Oo ahwlul right to
practice ia a naval court and can do
only by prnlln of th court, bul
or-aiooally a lawyer gen aboard wbo
rteMH not reallir- thta (art
A -mllor who wa charged wlih gam
bling Had rr-tainvd an attorney to get
tiim cKT Tbta attorney. no had never
loch a ra befnrn. went nrtekly
Into the otrfe-er' ardrtbe. uber th
court u atctlng and without trailing
oo -rremon.T twnn to aditr the
court in a Plastering manner
"Just a mlnu:." interrupted tht pr
Ming offlcer "U'bo are yooT"
-I am Mr Hudoipb Smithera." thr nt
tnroey r piled, "and I an n mewUir of
th Ma-bnctt. lair "
"Ob. you re Mr Smltnere. art your'
continued I he oicr. "Then you are
the man whom the orderly wants to
" lie called the orderly
"tVbxt do th orderly waot'Of w7"
aaked the atttiroey In a aurwrt'ir too
"Nothing rury much." rettltl tb
chief juattre. "fie merely waota ib
-bow yon oC lb alp."-.irw VorV
tomebow they tell aa th" wife trad
big feHowa were all of them set term.
Ilk Hobb,- Utodon Spectator.
Auetien Bidding by Eiectriaitv.
Dutch market gardenerv do not take
The Womanly Teush.
Adam waa a bowing t!ve throagh tb.
Thl to the living room." be aald "It
Is furnlht-d aa tuiurtooaly na txMelble
he Relief Cs.rr. hur -Wo , tn br- thinking that it was the chan- their produce to tbe "middleman." but . In thee pr-liiairlc days I have pared
r honors travel ir: double bar- mu om Pvoceou imi
iinn Kn.ir.. kii,- : cnannei wnicn
J " wiw.na, turnout- i
rebes aid palace like high ,&m
Wing, the thin U:
te secoH i h ; isome -
nicely. Oklahoma City is when he truck the spit, however and
ti most beautiful cities in the L",n la L"pu,,n rc""zec " ne WM
Stotea. With thirteen and " " ne
naa remained in the
for the past two years
sine the jetty ha done its work.
There is positively no excuse for the
mishs: on the Captain's part ainc he
has be ott the Nerialem Ibar while
engim r , im- Ulfatd Oshkon and
aio t-.' iJat,y for a period of five
years, n I tn-r f .re should have known
letter ir.r, to rink his vessel in the
reaki r- h:f r.- tting sure of his
The , JJ buoy has drifted down a
rn ie below the bar during the present
r. rtheaat wind so that it was r,o aid to
n -.: igation in this instance.
There is ev.-ry proapf'ct for getting
he Mireneoff th rit witho'it tiam-..-
Curing tLe unsfu-rit hifh tides and
tt c i-,ar.' ' ; rjou smooth owing to a
irr-tigeaat wiwj from uhort', it ih an-
t v.T advar.tag'; in favor of the tran-l-;,d
v(-irf. to ir sure her getting back
into U-f. w iter ini-le the bay.
il.e GrriiaWi Life .Saving Crew nt
tami-ngby Vt (onijtt in putting out
It r.o aru d'iu.g other errands taut they
rc a,a.,it of undi;.- auch circumatan
Later: TT.e Miifn haaTi-V, 08te3
end it ha heen found that little dam
agn waa done th venae) or iu cargo.
make him come to thm and p'irchn
It. They have i-o-ofertitlve anrttno
marts, and th produce ! old by auc
tion run by electricity, at which qual
ity ia guaranteed by the Orowera' Co
operative arx-lety At th-i nu-tion not a
no eipnw on II. and yet It lacka aorn
thing or other, aomo flniil touch that 1
cannot natuu."
Kvo took a awUt look aronnd Then
rbe pulled the magazine table out a lit'
tie from the wall, gave the morrta cunlr
uord la aald tieyond the announcement j u twUt. laid a book on tbe window all)
oi tbe quantity In the lot for sal, j and kicked Uio tiger kln ruK bark a
There b an eleetrie puah below each ' fool from the door
?.ie betr
fiavir .-. alii .'
ai.iernbl j
. nee
f sr-h
nu .
'. ' ' VJi
r t.-eij
. : mar
r. jrns
:.K ,
' ti
merchant's seat commnnii-attng with a
elorfc far with number on It. Tn
polo ter on tbe dial fa' i net going.
fhen it reaebee the figure mm mer
chant Is will Ins to pay be tou hea his
ouab, th pointer atop, and without
any possibility of mlKtake and without
any one except the clerka knowing the
buyer's nam, the goods change ha rule.
"Wonderful"' cried Adam and gased
open mouthud at th magical transfer
The cave waa inoro lhau a cave now
It was a home.
There's no place ttku home. Nwark
A nottcoiirormiMt clergyman iu .Man-
A Patient Man ' cn w " eniwaiuia over a ietir lie
Th ltlirn,-.. nf tin. 'mniriA Inmm i WOftl.V IWeelved fTOUl til b-nr of M
wiio lt out one of Wnj?ni-r'a lor a certain rti ehun-h lie bud written Tillamook .County,
'Klnir- olraa hna ofr-t, Ur, ftn. i I virar aaklllg for wnillaluO to
oent Highway." and fntiat b arewtn
oattiad with a romittt aet f aprciA
cations of the Up of pvwnt pro-
pwrl l y Ihv bidder.
TI.,- ffc conaiata of grading, pre
irn.u aubatd. ditrk ami shout
dart, and conatfuctirg a hard surfer
rasai from the Sorth bouwlary of Tilla
rnuok I itv to St on th
road runntn North from Til lam
t itv to Bay Uv, ttregjin; abto from
th Kaat t-tiumlarv of Tiltamowk City
e.t b .the I. K. N. Railroad on la
road rubbing Kl from 1 ilUmook City
to Fatrview. Th plan oo file Hi the
tOlU-e of the County t'hrrk show the
location, alignment, profit and grade .
and the contractor i to submit bis own
seceineationa rovorin the type of
roadwav orouoeed to be ronstructe
Each bl moat b aceowintd by a
certified cheek on a bank ol iiiiatnook
t o or a Poatornr nniney order, in a
aum not leas than ten per cd of th
amount uf lit bai. mad payable to the
County . etwh ehch or money n!r l
be Iff feitort to Tillamook fount by
Mw w imMrw hi in i.'p.i
within 30 days of the dat of th award
of contract, to furrueh acceptable bonds
in th full amount of th contract
price for th faithful comnletxen of
the contract and th payenenl of all
labor, materia). mn ai1 uH contract
or claim thrreunder Tlw Board re
serve the right to rjcf any and all
Dated thl February &. I1S.
Hoard of County i'immlKner
of Tillanxj'k 'r, Oregon,
My J. t , ItckWn. t'ounty Clark.
HJlhway, nilaraook County. Ofrxon.
Sutler i htb given that aealctl
bids will h rciveti by lh trd of
County Commiaalorirr of liarnvk
County. Oregon, until I o'clock, the
oth day of March. 1913, for Ihn furnish
ing of l material except a olheruiac
apeclfU'. and all tabor. tvacoarv ('
the rtJfMilrurtion of trie improvement
mentioned below , id war. to be .(...-,
strictly In etrdan- with the U'
and speeiAeallona approvml mx! mi ! '
in th offli-e of the t'ounly Cl.-fV .
ali In tact olHce of the Count) S-.irx-,
Bala moat be nikireatnl "IU-anl .
Commiaainncra of Tillanto.k i -m .
and th envelope roetked ' IhI f - t
Construction of Sect. on It of th. I. !
Croaa County Itoad. "
Th Work roruiata of clearing riM :
of way. grading, preparing ubgrair ,
i. i . . ..... .i i '
oiuroee ami ar.'jeicra. a'.i .o:iiit'v:
Srldge and triatlca frx.in Static; i
0 near the Hebo Sl.r.-, to Station
Ol tl a per plana .'. l ei-in.-al .
now on tile In the olJV.- .f tde ....
t lerk and also in the ofTw
tmniy Surveyor, Binder t.
bid for conatrunion of h u
arately ; also for cwitu-tii. .
Th road runs from IlrU.
Dolph. up Three Rivera. i..
a rertmatructkin of the n! l r. I
FUtch hid must tie acci.iiipaKo .l U. ..
certified cheek on a bank -1 Til. an... k
County, or a P. O, money order, in i.
sum not I than 10 i.. r cent ,.f id,,
amount of thbld. made paya: le to tl..
County ; such check or money order I .
be forfeited to Tillamook Count u,
the succmmful biddsr. in .-aae he f.uS
within 2b days of th date of .r.i ..f
the conlraet to furmah ace. i.iui.u-
I . J I .1 m a 1
oomia iii in run uinount f ti.e ..
tract price for the faithful .-ompl. t,... I
of the contract and the pnymei t of ..n '
labor, material men u nnd oi. ..... ,
tractor's claims thereumler.
Bidders will be reuiri-l t dep. it ,
lo.oo with the County o.rk to i,...,r.
the return of the plans and apeeiii. a ,
The Hoard reserve the rinlil to re
ject any or all bids. I
Dated this 5th day of February. !tii:t
noaro oi v outuy uommin-ioi.rra of '
day of March, in is. r. r ti,.
ul all materials, ruri' .
ipeifiel, and all Ul r. ...
the ei hatrurtion of i..-
men) toned IjoIow anoi w
Strictly In eoiini. r h.'. .
and speciflcalbM'-" .!
on file in th offtv- .1 -iii
ami also in the nit..- r i.,
Iiii mast he m klr--
County iVramMf ' . r f
.oorit;," and I'-e r . , .
"Bid roe th CooMrov : . - i .
of the UlfcHI i .. .
Hua.1 ' Hkldei t.. .
bttt fw cooatrw-iii f u '
bM plus iM 1 to M 1! f. M
tf piO t.W. tt tit Jtlo ! ,
to St, tth pb. Jl I, -
alrmrtron of entire r.m-i
The work ooita "f . ir- ,
of way, grl g. pfej lfl ' 4 .
flltehe are! .icf. a 1
tirttige nd lirotla i'r -tn 11 '
04, 4 on the Norli. l- o
Brighton, to Staimti t.7:. ! i
town of Wlwwjlrf. a , r . ,
specirtcatlvi . Oil 111.
of th too') lrk ii . ..
ortlce of IB Coo'it f Sor t
Kerb Idd wut ' ,
certified cheel a i".tk 1
County, or p, 1 1 iia in i i i i
turn not Wa Ota. 1" i- r ,.
amount of the 1...1. ma-l' i -i
the County; u. b . i.e. ...
erdaf Jo b f..rfeitl i- In
lOUnty ty like ur.-ea.af ul !.. .
caac he fih Don .U, f ! .
of award of ci-ntra. I I" tor '.
abb Iwnda in lh- fu.l a
CoOtrart prlc fe th- I a 1 i .
pWtion of the nlr.-i. f
men! ef all ml r. Inalrni t
go-Ci'iilrict..r . cIohkj ti.. n .
tl iilcr. nr.!. fr .all. ' I .
J.'. ! '. tl . . 1,14-lt , I
III r ti.f-i f tl .i p'ar a
I l.i H-.-ir ! te(or the r.gi.t I. tr
ie. I any of all tiki
l l .lr I thl '.(h .! .f r "' ir .f .
II. ai.I .f l out t jr i ii o . -1
ii jo-... it I .. ...I ,
l. J II . it . ' . t
t .
- 1
- 1
- '1
( . Ii
1 Am We!i"
of HmI. Ky " ...A c.d
.ill my lion.'.- ... ;k. I r
ycirn I suftcn J v u .
p.llfH, I Co.. .1 v. if. !v
nl.tml on my ft-v t '.
Circe tlilfcfciit tlu.; fi ti J
f.iiliil to lu-lp iT-.r, I jj.iv e
(.'.mini .i trial. N"v, I ltd
like a new wom.111."
' ;-
pa ret.-1
Bieuted oro. but perhiii not more
foreiliiy than lo lmdon Well op
abive the iii(.'e wits a burly tliriire In
hooiepiin. e!dei)i!y a K.-ottlMh fanner
wtki uud come to London to ee the
sight and heor the -oiiiiii After sit
ting through three long et be mur
mo red audibly. "'Twaa a patient toon
that wrote ail this!"
eooducl a funeral in the i-lmr. Iiyiird
"lie itaioetlintei) sent me iimwi
coiirteiua note." the rnnieiiifornilt
elergeiTiHU rwld. "InH t eanld not tiefp
0"tltnu I hit It would lie Hwa)le to
gjw to in word" a siulater tneuuliiir
'I tie lion, r.lll; 'V'lO Will. laHll totuorrott
ami ul au.v other time, be moat wel
cfiuie ut our churchyard. " LudiIuu
Ana v. era
Originally the word "Impertinent"
Signified merely "not belonging to."
When WyelllTe amd that titer were
many men in thin world who wro
"Inipertineot to earthly lorda" ho did
not mean that they wttro "cheeky,''
hut merely thai ihoy had no innsiurt).
'I'hen. as ukmI by Hhnkimpearn. "tin-
amo to mean "Irrelevimt-"
tra.. mi M,t I .1..H.....1 ....
, , . . ., ., ..... - -----., v., ....unci in llirjwinu a
sroa in tht r,t distant fut- much larger movernont at 17Jc for uip- llfyi" "absurd, silly, tillo."
ndingof lottery tickeU or I"'- fr dnlsies imd 19;; for
its concerning lottery i v. - . Americas. I lie market for the
!!"jo of Hufiru
'! a brave and
t 'ie sending of (
' ' : ou'h tho mail, ',
V v;;re sorpris-'
t r, .it th num
From Journal of 7th., Portland.
la.urabie to such a! There is a bettor domuml for cheese
- i.o.uraoie to such a' A l"i '' iw uneeae ll4,rtlni,i'- ,.
. thi. ?u.tion and wh,,h SfSS
Ootiino Evan.
"Oh. Ovorice. ileu i." alio wlilaM!nit
wbeiibe allpiied the uugagutueui rtnu
on her tMperiug dngor. "how aweut of
you to remember Jual the sort or stniiu
I preferred: NoUu of tlio otherM vii8
titer o thoughtful."
finorge wna Mtnggutetl. Inn for n hid
luulit Ttinii he 'Ullie l.iiel; Willi: "Nol
ul nil. deiir Vuu overrute iikj 'I'IiIh Ih
the ouo I've alxvnya iisoil." Lumloii
Mirny titoilits
:u I
w i ..
I xcl
tu J
iva concerning lottt-rv I' iv. - , ' ne marxei ror t
i so Drohihiti.H V, if, ' ! . , . , aUer h noininjil recontly. o
, . , ' mg to use meg o n er ngs gonerallv
fro-r, ht- ( iiiti.D siati i..ull. ..ml i i. K'-i'or'iiiy,
- ,,HI.(I oo iiuxiuifl uiu umiu to rnaKo
Jor mivertuiineritii be own quotations.
Tillamook is again oiroring chouse to
. , . . local pal tins, hul the nricu in hall
r-galation. of th. , gteady and all efrorts lo S
hav been so framed urs havo iirovod unavailing iIm:.. .i...
huilt up and onifraftod upon by '""t 'M hours. With the prospect of a
ruli -,
aid II
Th Vromj One,
"ily. hut Sophroiila anil hur family
are luzy people!"
"Are tlieyV"
"Why. I went there the other day,
mill. I give you my word, there was
nothing working in the lioiiie hut the
preaerres." Iliiltlmoro American.
i.rrn ji ut as to put the loijislation of "'""''d demand at preHent prieen,
th.;)n,reaBi th, hand, of a few thfhey'i.a've "etn WZZ'
men, declared Senator La FolloteL The truth of the matter rtt moat
tno ii.i.i.lr Il. .......... . ..r II... I..... .. ... . v
"Hiiuggn Ih a moid eecenlrle ehap."
"Kuril! Mo him named hlu place 1'lnu
Teniieit "
"Well, what of It V"
"Well, lie Mux pin,, ticea ami n ter-
riiee."-.Iiiilge'H l.lliiary
By J. C. llolden, County CI, rk.
Hlgbvfay, llUnninok County, Oregon.
Notice ia hereby given thai .ton led
bids w'll be received b tht l!oir. of
County Coniniiaaiiinera of 'Ii. 1
amook County Ongon. until I .. U-k
the (Ith ila of March, im;,, f,,r tKl
lurniaiiiiig oi nn mat, rmii. . xi oi
otherwian atiecifled, and all i.P.
eaaary fur Uio ronatniction of tl,,. ,,,,
provement mentioned below, mm w. rk
to In: dono attu-tly in accoriliiin i ,t,
thu plans anil apecillralioiia npt.roved
am now on file u, th(. ,,(,.,. 1)f
( ounty Clerk, and also m tlm otliro of
the ( ounty Surveyor.
t Mills must lie adilreasiMl. "Hoard of
oiinly C'ointniMitmra of Tillamook
.outity anil Ihy envelo,,,, marked,
Hid for thu CiinHliuction of
Netarts County Road." Illihler loaub
mil siipiirnto 1ida for i-onalruction of
o. "r .. ,'" l"uaar III si Ml ion
Ml . plus i (JB.J: froin (itutioii Ml plu.
o.o to .ii, ii , iruiu ni
The Woman's Tonic
A wmrua's hc.iltli dc- C
pemls so much up n her I
ot'lu-atc oomiis, th.a the
If.ist trouble there nff'b
her whole systt-n. It b
the little thir.s th.it count,
in a woman's hit? and
health. If you sufkr fr.-m
any of the aches a" 1
pains, due to V"m.ini
weakness, take Cir ' i. at
once, ami .ivuid iniic st ri
Otis trmiLks. We ury.v
Jim to (rv it. He in t,ui ii
Mntlc Stroiiu liy Vlnol.
RiiiMlown toii-litiona in- r tu t
by inerworlt, worry, (on rlonu t.a.
flnwimiii, u. chrome ,-oukIi , ,,.,i
whit h it u illiiifiilt to cur...
Wo want lo ny to every pormm in
lh a conditio,, ,,, ,.,, V(ll), )Uf
delirium, ,,i jV)). ,U1(I ,ron ,
without oil, the Kn-at HtreiiBtli r.
"lor. It win h,ippy r , u,,, M ,t
I" lh.) miiHt eaally annlmllali',1 fiiriu,
renin a good, lu.niii.u
"iii""!' r
Aviation Foiled.
"The Ifui time I saw you you were
t i ......1 1 1. it a I.. ('... ..i i
t.t ...... i, a- . . , t Vi I ,"""' 'a iii.ii. moat, i " h.ivjr .mo iiiiinuiug on
thin week, ilia speech was directed ?' t,lu. 'JUyerH are short of cheese. T..ev doing Home high llvlne."
aganut the conference report on the tu,VXn,,n.n& '!,f th.".ir I,urco "Voh. hut my heirship was i
Immigrat.on Hill. "I hope the time is presen t t"m am at ?he hlniff.e ,Ui """'-"-8L Paul Pioneer Pre
comtng when these bodies will bo tna.le Therefore they uai '"Tee ,n.V.
luKo hold. Appropriate Advice.
Ihero Is far loss cheese available at Kt Into some occupation
not sue-
more democratic and more responsive
to ineputiiic will," he added.
also for ctniatriietb.il ,.r ..... i ' . ' . " '"rienuve orgnilH am
The work wiiialato V.f m i .1.. '". V m '"l bu 'l' Iwltor a
of way, oraillnir, prepar ,, r , a T .
ilitches, and shouldnrs, from Hiittioi. .. . H" Jlmt r',n,, tf n"e"
IB7 plus ar, to Slation iVdi i plus : .a 2 !," Ww,t '"""'". In., Mr"
.... i.i.ii mm npi.Tiiicaiiiiiia now on Hie "y; i'nr inriio yean
In the olllco of (Im Counte ri.,i-L .....i WW all run down, weiitr ,i I. ml
also In (ho nflli-e of il... i: V. no nimcllii. im.i .. n..- ,.n .i
veynr. " I am c nil i ii v i i.
Tho Human Hon. '"'Ii "Id iniiHl ho niTompiiiilcd ly a '"'"k my health ami strength which
Crawfo.d -Do,,', you believe (hat a ' '"k on a liunlt ,,(' Tlllamtk U ju.t what w ,l! Sil o"
man ahoui.l he the arehli-. i r his own J; 2 "il" u'11'n"y nlr, In a Wn an. cnt,ll,l,,,V , vhml iV I u
but he Nhn i iln't hiillii mi in., oi ri. . ! "i ."""iu payaiilu lo w.. i....... .... ....i.i
Sulwrlbc for the semi-weekly Herald
ntTL ?" or? i'""1 !m,!- l,mn "it with simp about It."
aid ?Xtjl,awh K.t.,UK.
Mlo rat trapsr'
Irate Patient.
"Vou iinderniiiifl me well, doctor
you ampiitatu my leg hIiiiII mrver set
foot inabln your door imulii"l'rls
.... .......... . ,,, l-ih-k r ,,,(,nyy on er
;i lie forfelleil ti.TTIIamnolc CoiliKy ,y
till. Hlli'ei.aufol I, I, i . J. '
, ; ""i u case i u tails
wlf iln .lays of the ,la(e of awanl ,'f
-If !','"'ri!"!t'-".'i ",r",Kl1 fcfiabl homlH
... .i.u ion innoiiui. oi tlio eoutriift
l.ria for ihe failliful completion of
muiVibV k. l.U 1'biii.witof nil labor,,
n aterial men'ri apd tiiili-cunlrnep.rB
claims thereunder, ' rB
Try ti hdttio
Oil nur iriiiirfiiilim to
refund your money if It falls to
heiiclll you.
Hrlir .a ih
Ii(-i i.ni in.U. dr
I Im 0n)a I'll.. Unit
lr. I'm iii lit lobw.
wl'U I etui iiuxl