Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 11, 1913, Image 3

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    . , , " -
;,.) ! AoltN I'UKK VIH'i'it intuit
in ti lot of miiisImM ion in
IdKiwSiiK llwil when trndiiiK l
. our Miore you nrc kcHhik Hir Ih-mi
Hinlily j4(mhIh tlmt money citn ol).
t ft i it ; nlno t lift t we eiiny n litre
variety, which iiinlie it cimv lor
the SllOl'PliUS.
Where QUALITY In Paramount
1X9 9, jUUUl JUUUl . A JUUUUUlxJl
Portland; Or , 'Wb.:J1, (HpArli.1)
A Mouuio Dill T.',pri)Villtu for demon
Nlratlim work (hroiighojl tho jtlnirt
under th.t ilr'cllin of Hid AKflmilttirnl
fylletflt, In Und.irt.oO(, It I gilfll(
mppoit In nil quarter, It lit illallriet
ly n inaiMur fur tho bonuflt of the
man mi thu il I ami w lu urijul
ndvritMj-:tt to the runil communltle of
Honu.r Thoinimoh, of ("rook, Klam
uli ami Lake countlm, iImcImhik thin
Mil In the moat important plwHt of
laiflalhllon before the preaent hvmiihi
lit (fiat full Minn before It. II" lie.
elar that vOilm It U of vital InjK.r t
anee. tn the aortion of the tutu ho lep
frnxril., l U of iwjuiiI liuliutll to nil
par la of Oregon.
Arroiditig t the roorl of tho 0n
i:on i'iimif vniioii (..'ommiaainu, UiU
tutf h 6f6,(jJ,WK) loci of alnndlw?
lliuter, or oiw ilflb that of tlm Unit.)
Mtatea, (touted wulvrower in Oregon
troama U rapdhlo uf producing a, 3', -000
elerlrlr horarpowrr. if.WtO.OOQ
arret uf thle ulntccJH be I r r I K ' l-'-l "t
' fiMt f JIW to I'Vj wir acre, making the
Or K M Wrndt. phyelrlati and aur- nlHj when Irrigated, from J100
gl. nta glBMee ami guarantiee them. lu lim i,r arm. The r-l-.rt ...Itllnca
guarantiee them. i 'jm r acre,
In a romprrhrnaivr way Oregon!.
OnVe lutmrrr lluildiltg oppoall
..v many durmatii retourcea.
to thr llKauao Oregon waa admitted to the
hflmn. Union on February H, IMtf, a euRgr.
tic to order at ch
A, H t.atm, uf IIpUi, raitti
ftly Mnjtdaytn prove op on hl
A f T.n.-.
,1, lut t'(. 'r
. i i n . j i .
. ..uu, nn was ariianini) Iljr J,
f Nrholclll. wa III thoi j U.nH,,,, ,w j ju J,
I If a Irfttmrr ls U aittimllnt! ilntal
lfnTi f Ho!", waa ' rllci;c at IHtrtlaml, nrrlvrtl hnrit oil
sh fl. M tly. ifcuixlay fojf a fo day -tt with rola-
i Itltc.
Vi Scii r Hmilit HumUy with;
fi,fai i y I . , . . . , . i, . ...
urn xv-sst ih n i-mmor .wf'
v,t ,-, ijrxiifl, ttf Hay City. ai vallu it v.miV, returrtttti on Monday.
! (.'" ""' I Mr ft Qsvtir at ( orrallU to attrtnu
j ; tri. rlurt)l on ,Satuily
J. A. J&kfrtA til lEftAttuufL'. nnrtftu
iartlml Uy hi JottiMt Utf, arrlvrj
Ij , 4 i'a hfufJa'e I'alf Itiral Ut
thill ha hr.m inailr thai thia he Curi
tho "Vali-utlne Slat:." It la clalinrj
that thia MrUiJiiiyilt haa mlt untnrB
ovrr thn llllalraijliu; "Wrhfixil" and
"llrovrr" m htrii hivr ilono duty for o
many yran.
Work la hoIhk forward on the new
I ranOrKun mllroad Ixilin; built
wtiatwaid from Valr by the Oregon
liaatxrn It y . Traina ar runiilni: to a
I oi ut 37 mile from Vulr aivJ cradlni;
orratiui will U continued throuchout
th- wlntrr.
KolluwttiK v I a 1 1 uf commilter-ii from
Imatlaa lrli
J ' c, ' tii made
U Stv ' l-alajr.
Itjw- e ami outfit
horn Samtay. Mr. JkM ill vla.i thr UKlatoro of OrcK"n atxl Wh-
with Mi brothor t. (1. JnfVwti for a lOKlon oM.rolt;lf Ml hurvcy olllrlala. a
day r ut, wtttlo ltr will friiialti rrcotiiiiirmlalloti ha ht-tflt made for the
.at! atlotaiourhlRbM-htMl. airoirlatlon of tlM.lJ from thrre
W ,! that Myer ai.l of to maVr a thorough IcMIk..
HrK who- .Urn lrod ..t wMt, I'0" UfV-' ,,f 'l-""1 t-"" 0
i . if i wl . ... .. Falla water iowrr altc l.n;li-vr in
fofnTTMl nrt lllirf
ti ib tht eiif Honday,
K.ii tot lalo dlrH)t fwn
aiii at cal Atl ttolIrrrl.
of (tarlhaUll ,,m" s"v,l amall itxk of
gut) In thotr Uarn in aojiply" thrlr
iatrnicr l
to ltmh'a
C.ii K'ul" wa
PxirtUM thia llMl(U.
Itn- f .r r-npty aV
t V . li watila them.
v- T,f. of UrlttliKV, waa a
V.-I a mult. Owlior fall havr
It Ma'arci, of Itravnr, wa
UM-: g i. .u in thn city ijflltir-41
r'.,r i c uMinlKir otto dairy cow.
I yrre . 1 1 f rah rw, Johtt 'Htytr.
or. U.
cr, .
fl j
I !l H i-iaUlt, wIki U liaehifK
j! '.an -aUl. aJKint Sunday wUl
Hi" party alalia) tnat the project ia
fcanihlc a ixl that 3,toil horx'power
may br deVrloed the year around and
aiO.OOQ additional l.oreorr for 8
month of tha year. It ia aaid that
thia ran Iw mailo the hlittet water
iMtwer plant in thn world with the cost
of 'iteration the loweat.
I'laim arr now twirii; lutd to make
the IDI3 lUwe IVallval the blKKeat
event of the year on the I'arfllc coaat.
The Hoyal Itixnriuna, n i'ortland or
Calilcatlul), have alnrti-'l a rnmpain
fur JIW.000 with which tq.itivc the
1'ho live countlea nmVIni; up the
Southeast Wnnhliulton Orecon DeVeU
I . 1 1
1 1-
II. I', Khrhkni wemt to l!lmore 1'srV
Momlay ujarnint,' for the porKj of
k-iV loc after me iletatlt in rontmctlon
with building a How beach hotel of tfir
Ih)h1.'Wi tyf-e for C. I- Urwlaey. The
iKiildlrti: .III be 31 x 70.
i. II KIIUoo ami wife, who have
(wen tuitinc Calttorhla KlnU during
the part few itwnlha, retlirnnl laat
xrrV. Mia, llllUmi haa bell III allied
tier return,
lMlinott Jniiblna made a trip to (Ve
laria ltav in Monday and rolorned with
ante flahloK boat that ho louk over upment LeftKuo wont on record, nt n
Jere Inat yar. While otMle he did ineetiitK of the orsiuiiriuion, for n
aotne eei n ftahina;. lie hat j.;i.ru: kmII community exhibit nt the Snn
with a nnrty dp a flahlni; today. I'ranciaco loaition In lUlf, in uddi-
A l'lordali- r.uort l-ta that whilo r1 rlielDaiio by IkiII.
Uoy Allen aed W. airf Elwo , tte. The I.ea(ttJ lndrl tho no
Saiulw aRt 46. vl.ltof from lndl- Ovlty of the Oihimbia .t Snake Hiver
n eifthtn i..r Hay.t.rk Uwk Vrny A-nocUlion I.: u w-ork tor
m. M..rla the.r Ul ciip.il rnvl they "P rvr traiwm.rution. ..nd nJopted
Wrrr ilro.il. A man bv Ihe nam., uf r.m.lutfon iuKw Conrau to nppro-
KMih h.. .re1m,...ed ihin r.mchcHl prlnto .uiMcieiil find for th rompli..-
.1 ,re lit aafely. Uun of 11,0 1 ""l0 1 n'nl ,,ru" w
! C. 1. Wnod. ami wlfo of llivr r- J vii
..aw atifioitwea tht Imp rivtl in th. city Monday with their CI.U W.KWAI.U .xi..
i.i eolteel te nxt (,veii year old mn who l III wnd waa
rv 17. .wraie on Monday afterni-w by Or. i nm wwriw .
,r,.auy rlvl l th I--U. .1 the U,aU h,-MiUl. At l-at jrl (hmn .oft .Mommy tor ur,
ev.,n.n am. enme up U. re,t the l.tti. fellow aee.n. u l- on
I"""''":.. . . ... ... ........ ... ihoelivS-turilay.
ti. , wan, reeeivea " ltxl CUrk Im. aeentI ,. hool t
ZrJit W- W. Mo,.,. , U, up
it v M. lud.vof oW ..UM hordutltn, thoro.
. ... ,, . . From te nresont on hook i,iovenim
l.il.y haa been ae riou.ly II . ov.r W ) ,o M. I he o -Ina I n ,uni.
ilia. Aceonliuu' " wl be UriMiKhi u i iiiinw
iTtfsr ml Henry Tthl.
-v county aal vtaltuw
..- eoniioetlorva for '
in. lit. will do yon a
ui a roaauiinhld prioo,
ii...r..vl..L. i WmWaiUv and the foiiernl win no "
-Ho U now din, nt--ZZ :
II. Hi . . i. it . I .. I I n4 I t . i . IV. n Hi" " -
l.v ..,li. the i. A. It. wnicn . "
ret,, ..., t., UitUiM.ru today. nwinlwr f.
1 Mr ln I'udrey, widow of the
I I: il v mill wife, who hnvo been ! . ' .' , .. .. . v... .M i ill, ..I .Imi.
""" w,,w """ .
' m niii.irillll Miuiin iiuihik "
I'ii lew month, returneil on .Suniiuy,
. ..o .... f.lllr... (r.trt. W It 0 Ul
j unry " " a ...
n.H.i.Iti of TilhummK iiml Hny
W ( Tromhley nnd wife uf Hny j fit v, nltu I'm mUmn M'.
r.u ...... . . .. . . i .J ih.i ruilrond men "f too
v,w TtnuiMl l.l int. J. ... J.llien ihmiu' . ninth. .im
Jiatunlay, returnln homo Hornby
C'loverdiilo Mho. M W. A., wlllnivo
it mimpuirmlo unll lobrury It, nt
tludr hull.
Minim (Veil (tint nnd Miibul Owen
woro miionn the piumtnK'or.s to I'urtliittd
l.'ornuliua Ward, well known in this
part of the county, wim found doiid in
hiHcnbiunt NcHknwin Tut'sdiiy morn-
inn. Up to Hominy ovonlm; ho Iiml
For Sal e c r "Trad e Fo R4 tj 'rj-a
mook Citv or County Property
Mom 1 Two h.la In ttw ' .ly I'ark, J'orlUrid, one hloek
from atreot er.
No. 2 Three lot In Unlvemlty park, I'lrtlar, three
blix'ka from atreet ear.
Wo. 3 Two lot In Kugerie City. on l.tock frwri trt car
nod four bloeka fronr. Ui IIIrIi Aebool, Cmnlu
Llbrnry nnd Hlnto l).lvraf ty i;fooiaj.
tlilml rtat nrrim of wlnsat land In Morrow ('Hinty, all un
der niltlviitiiiii, in g ! whenl Ixrll.
No O One lot ami fine r. io im u In Iwat rel.'torie part of
Mini Joao, (,')., f ntviti liloeka from the Hiuh
hrlior.l hixI Hlate Nxrrnil rWho.il, aiwi two thort
bloraa from three mrrclriir lln-.
Atl tho Attovo Will H'.tUt) tar rilluntook Oity on County
P. W. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon
Cement : Coai : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docki and Warehouje Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. Weit
j Tnay'r on tn Job Wll tha r.ma
1 High'., bundaya and Holidayi,
' The overage worker in apt t rcganl
. tlti enry mk? bunk cmfiloyee. Inn
' ninth u there li i. pojnimr notion that
Ui hour nro abort and tlmt m- kiim K
ofT Hork nt nlut .1 In the ftern'in.
' .inlif. Indeed, there ahordd ! n t.ilv
i lake aoruewhere" thnt WK .-aalt.it.M
1 keeping nil IibikU to "laihinee "
; A h matter of fact. In eertfiln of th
nrceat Imnka. imnl'tilnrly Ih-w III
New York, there la always rto m
nt work All night long, ami on
dnya nii'l hollilnyx aa 'rell. thcae li.nim
have ntnfTa of won ketit boally cng rfel
III ofH'tilng letter ttiouannda of letter
- aorting iiml Hating Innnoier.itiio
jClo-eka and drnfu representing
1 an ma of tnowy The- men ' uet
thltn.M readv" for the liny forre V. ro
' It not for the night man workins n
,t.iotly Hie day fone would aoon m
I liet - f In the Mfternwn nnd )
the oeit morning there ore nt work in
, the blK btinlo. two ahlfta. They cnll
i tbemaelve the "acoutlng forte." Kneh
batik hn n l.ltf "drawer" In the Keiier.il
KeitolAre. nnd every hour durlns tl)9
nlcht m'-aM'ngrr lake from thia draw
t er It ui i ijfiiillntloa of mall,
j One larse link reejre nn avernsc
mail of S.Oi lettt-M u day. nnd of the3
two third arrive dtirins the nlsht.
I Tln-e letter contain many check nml
. draft from all part.
1 Aa oou a they have been oi-n-l at
the bank the elleeka are eounteil nn'l
the totala verified with the footing of
the Data The letter" nre then xtnmpetl
"provrn In." aa bnuk clerk i-stil It.
Then they are ncknowledseU by rlerka
detnlUtl for the purpose
A big tnak l the n.wrtment of the
Tarlooa cheeks nccordlnt: to the tiook
wherein they are to be entered .Sight
dr.i.'t must be crouiK.il according to
the route- of the Icttjk mcsjienera, and
everythlnc rnwlble l dooe to turn
over the nlsht'a uceumut.ttl.n of rnall
lu iroer Uitfe for the clerk-. In the
morning UariKir'a Weekly
handles This Range The Best On Earth
J 'resident
Attorney at Law Jnd Notary Public
itSfuKI nKTi:i"
Sl'KVliYl.NC. : INSl'RANCli
Both Pu... Tillamook, Oregon
Tom Famoui Women Wamori Fijht
Llko Unchained Demon..
Tut fanioua tKxly of women war
rlon are dccril)ed by Jtr. Murtyn In
"Life I u the lesion. In which he tell
of hU esjHrrlenan while nerving with
the I'oreljm lesion of the French army:
"Any one incline! to tympRtblze
with the nniazuns on ncconnt of their
hex anil look opou the combat tietwwa
them and our men as uneial m
take It from me that their symimthy
would be inliplawl Theso young wo
men nre far and away the lwt men In
the Dnlioman army and. tvomnn to
man. were quite a match for any of
us They were nrmetl with Sencer
reiH'ating cnrblntu und made mu.-U
U'ttvr uw of them than the men made,
of tholr rlUes. and for work at floo
cjunrtew they had n KUiall. heavy back
ed chopping iv.ml or knife very much
like a South American machete, with
which they did sreat eiev.ttlou.
"They fousht like unchained demons
and If driven Into n corner did not d;s
duln the uo of their teeth and nails.
One of them was seised and disarmed
by n murine Infantryman In this tight,
hut she w far fn.ui Ik-Ius tH:iten
that she at imv tunutl on her captor
nnd set about ltltiu tiw ne oir The
mini yellwl out for hl-T'mother. but the
lady would not leave oil worrying htm
until she was eut down.
"The uniform or these female .war
riors' was u sort of kilted, divided sW-.i-t
of blue eottun stutr This -:iri!!-. ut
barely reehel to the knees. It was
stipH.rted at the wnlst by n leather
Ik-IL wltleb carrletl the cartridge
luiches I in- upHr iwrt of their inal
les was .julie nude. tut the head was
entered iv.ili u iMfitl.sh ml f-i. or
t:irbMWi. b to whli ti v.is stuck uu ea
le'; feather "
When you want nnythiiiK
kept in a FIRST CLASS
Drug Store
I Ic also keeps
Drutjgist nd "BooK Seller
Fourth ittreot brunch of tho Smillmn ....loyim; god health. Death ro-
I'acilic for th.-lf kind and bonevo 0111 fr(m hi(irl trou,,,0i TU fl,IRT.
uaaiatiinco roiuleroil her while in lime (, wj nt 0retown Wedtu'tidiiy.
of need. Mr. Duilroy was n truck- .
...,.ll..,r In the omn uy of Iho coinpiiny
latont Prion on Tung
uton Mazda) Lamps
1ft Watt $0.45
lift Watt - .45
10 Wall - .50
CO Watt - .65
100 Watt - 1.00
Froated liimpH f contn oxtrn.
Uirocllvo Oct. U, lfilS.
Tillnmonk Electric Lift-lit &
rucl Company
eller u
and w.. well Hkl hy the meiubeiR of
.. II .l..tti.r( itl.tlllH.
"' I
A teleKrmn wa received here n few
,i,,y. uko Minim: tlttii . (,''. wh0
In now renldiUK' t Sntii:o. I nl.. w
...rlntiHly HI "III. blood poim... ng and
waa not oxpecle.l to live. On Mn v
,,utl.,T telegram wan recu veil which
Hinted that Mr. Cohn wiih bettor ..nd
out of .humor, which fuel wn imUv-l
wolcomn iiuwh to hi many frl.m.1 here.
W I Hryim. who lm '"'en vIhIIIhk'
,,M 'filendH in Indium, and IVnneBHCo
.liirluK l"'Ht r".n W,n,n!;,J""
turneil In "ilhimooK .-.uiiiiny h"."
! mniianlcil by hU H.op-duughtor, l.o a J
:&ok county. KijfQingss Directory
..... i.... K.ilui-r nt oils lor a' '
uniKiii.i : .'. ...l..,. ,,i tv a
tlludruRUll DtilJ r . .
Weekly, t5f, nils ifr uxl"rt,
Jcb. 7. '
You'I! Smack Your Lips at this
Delicious Candy
Tho subject of Candy is not such a bij: question to deal with nfter you
have once tasted
35c Per Pound
In quality and gol"ess they equal any 00e or ?0o make. In fact, it's
html to toll thu difference. You'll really wonder how it is possible to pro
duee such doliciousnens nt to small u price.
Tillamook Drug Store
E. E. KOCH. Ph. G.J
1 Doors North ol Fojtoffice
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Money Back if Not Satisfactory
Phone. J ..J!., I Mi In 1
Not a Graduate.
The editor or the AlU.iii Dye has this
editorial note u a news di.spat. h
That .'..stern du U diet got up In
th' nteht fer a little o.d snifter o th'
real thins nn hlil of th .ihIkiIIc
nsld Jnu : o" 'I hI Ho the etfe- rs of
tli" same. t- I Her oJI He e.m'd never
have P.oi'iin- ie nue ilruiklli .lei no
how Th nist I. an- we made thet m
Hike we uol up au mode It four tunes
nti.iv In sitcthm. ttiliikin" thet our
boje had , t.-lli 'ii u new an de
lightful flavor, uu not until we spit
outiloers to th iiinrntu an" set th
hteps it tire did we disblver our nils-take"-Atbinta
Many muscles nre located at a con
ildenible distance from the point where
their force U to be exerted and are
connected with the point or opemtlou
by slender strings or tendons This Is
a provision of nature solely for eouven
lonee. If nil the muscles whose power
Is concentrated In the hand and foot
were located In the hands or feet these
members would assume nn Inordinate
ttUe and weight nnd become more trou
blesome than useful.
t&A Uheclory nt each Oily. Town unit
VIII.1K0, lilvllitt iIkh'III'IIVU ahm-i. ui
ciu-li liluco. locution. ioiulntlui, tolo
lirapli. alih'l'li'lf ""' lat'.tl t"hit
ul ChiaaineJ Dlracliiry. couilled ay
i., ,.!.. and liiufeMl'Ul.
II. I 1'OI.K Wvn.H
Mother Gooia.
It h reported that the following oc
curred In n small poultry store kept by
the widow of-the deceased merelmnt:
"1 should like to see ti nice fat goose."
an Id a customer entering the shop.
"Yes, sir," replied the boy. "Mother
will be down directly." Woman's
Homo Companion.
An Eye to Butlneaa.
"Son, would you llko to see your
namo written high on the scroll of
; fame?" "No, pa; I'd llko to aeo my
namo stamped ou sotuo doaiestlo artl
clo that no family could do without"
: 13lrmlm'hauj Ato-Heruld,