Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 11, 1913, Image 1

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Largest- Circulation of Any Paper in "Tillamook County
till V
Tlt.l.AMOOK, OUHCO.V, I'ldllM'AK v II, If)!.'?.
NO. 0
VALENTINES -Post cards, lunny Jointed cU.xtacWth, beautiful works of art, from
5c to 35c - .
February Sale of Lace Curtains
f i s ,Mit .nimwil event M tin- lime .mi are i-niiti-tiipln t in i-lmumj: the looks of
' 11 li'Misrhold Tlu-w fMnionhnai v i eiluetioiiH will certainly inti rest the coil
tl tmc Isuiihvwiftf. Iiulinlnl iii thin mi It will lc hall pairs, ninle pairs, and
, ..lunuci in .an iiiiw mce curtain Hi-pin intent. Hemililul .lesns, waives of
titi.il.aius. cable net ami m!rii, Noic the wonderful m ins.
M Imc? Ctirtnliw. Cream or Whits? .
I ;.o ...... ...
J 7o ...
A HO " ...... ...
:i ."o " ...
,, ()() ...... ...
86c pair.
$1.10 "
f.96 "
2.15 "
2.78 "
3.J5 "
98c For New Model $1.50
(in into the lmlconv wet ton thin week
mill ct one of thee KtluoatH nunlr o
.ma Hilk, I iiiwh ol heuiHtiti fuel limine
ing.H, all IculllM.
Smart Tailored Skirts
Kximnclv ool 00 values, superb
ly umn tailorvil, nuule ol fancy mannish
..istiis Mid plain panatnas.
Remarkable Sale of Shirts and
"'DM I in today and see these three mnn
nprvialK. Strictly new Spring specialties at
must ii -!ieeable reductions.
Flannel Auto Shirts, $1.50
l i .-Ms of jjinv. tan or blow n, nobby tail
ored m li s. welt seam pode!'; nil sixes. Very
lut... ... ... $1.50
$1.50 Negligee Shirts, 98c
M i ll ol silli-fmish madias, tan and w hite
wi' (hcI pleated Ihihoiiiv l" h t in com htyle.
1 ru v.. i nils. Extruonluiai alue - 98c
Fancy Knit Ties, 25c
Just the same you pay elsewhere "He for.
Nohli chuiiKcnbk elUcls. checks and M ripen;
cvtr.i loiij. Vour choice while tiny Inst, 25c
Firemen Will Give
Oyster Supper.
flic Spring style book -t
Lulus' lloim: Journal
patterns . '. ,V
l.ad s' I luiije ournal In'
I .'t uai v 1 Ce
This store delivers pur
chases of $1.00 or over
lice of charge by parcels
post anywhere in Tillamook-
Hi,' Corner funtrnirnt 1 f erlioro
First SlatsotiaS Bank
CiSIamooh, Oregon
J. C. Noi.inix
w.M. o. t.mt
C. W. T.M.M AC.K
I'.vin. .Sciikaduk
Wlv have just, installed some modern
Safe Deposit Hoxes where your val
uable papers will be safe from lire. We
will be pleased to show them to you.
Under : U. f S. : Government : Supervision
i Will open in b few day nml bo man
! agrd by J. A. Dahlgren, formerly was
in charge f ll' McMillan Studio here
for wveral year and whose work wa
vruP known.
We wilt inako the beat of photograph
io work. portrait, groups, ouuide
view mul lantern alidea, etc
Post Cards nn delivered in one hour
after iiojintlvo in niutlii.
Our piocosiiea tiro the latest, our
t y (m new nml we guarantee entire
satisfaction or return the money. Our
price will nlwayn be i low sis anyone
oIho nml nvo will duplicate any oiler
nuule by any, ami wu will appreciate a
nharo of your lmimH. Wo bono our
old frliMiilH will i-all and now ones also.
Our location will be near N. H. Cor
ner of First street and Second Avonuo,
lu Siirchet ImildliiK. Tillamook Studio.
Tillamook, Ore.
ead it in The Herald
Buiinru Mfelinj and Good Time Will
be Combined in hndeavor to
Create Inlereit.
Tlllatniik Cnnntv mnvmllnn n.n.
I v.-ni 8aUinlny rnornint; nt 10:00 n. m. !
in ih j. li. utiurch.
C. H. PhipM, SLnt Hamtny Rhvoi!
ixrrHUiry, and Dr. J. V. Milliwatt, an
ofnlnont Sunday School workor, wor
CMvmtion OfHttx.-.! by sont; and
prar by pnnlor. I. K. M:ae. In the
Noted Social Worker
Visits Tillamook.
Emma F. A. Drake, M. D., of Denrer,
. Pleads In Behalf of Woman's
Rescue Work.
On Thursday overling February 13, ) ujwi.-i ny on anu Dr. Bmrna P. A. Drake, of Denver,
Uic llfmiii,of tb.; nty will l:(vo a ban- j '"-J"r "i l'"r. i. r.. mcwic. in ici Cob Correnpondinn SecreUry of the
jijUt-taMl .yt.,r Ui;r t tbo Tfaid ; ''(',-'n, ( n" eanty nilirarH, Sey. i World'H Puri-.y Federation, has just
lfotet at which time ne olfort will b j ' hiI",,, "JuclI a round Ublo whicli ' cotnpcted a stronuom ertrnpais;n in our
iriW t.. c i,itc nvw Intii in the ik. ' wm "tru-"v helpful ; hero que-, miihl itl t; c lntorwlt ot lhc pI(.fic
pirliiM-nt. Ilie baiMut will Ik? free to Wl!tc ref"r'I a found on laf. Count I'.eMue awl Protective Society.
I fl - i t.ll t.M.I HMU.-.....I I... .1... t ' . . . .... '
nil atuvp iin-tneii and exempt flrotnen, ' . "J j She had been acbedulud In a peak at
while tl.oe who are iKit firemen but ,)r J V- M1"lK thon addrossed Uic the r.om Theatre and the M. E. Church
with to Join the company can do to at convention " "Tcachor'a TralnitiK'." ( orl Welnesday evening but could net
thi tlmo ami take in tbo baiMjuul by j !,prc urc " tl:w kt"rnnl!,: j meet these enKasemenU because of the
PM-liiK the initiation feu of f l.(W. TcachmK in the public tchoola I not train MnK gevt.raI hour late that day.
m.e l.iHiiot will b arvl at 7;C0 Vc" "ct; s in suryiay i 0n Thur9jay amj FrlJay afternoorw she
aenwif. xor we noioniy unn tne chil- ,
The Ixiyn are innkini; w strenuous
endeavor to build up the department
aivl nliould receive uncwurmrcmeiit from
uvry nourcc.
Hun D'Ocnorea
1 Celery en llr.Mich
Sweet Plcklo Spaniiih OllveK
Toko Point Oynter Stew
Scalloped Oysters.
Potatoes A la Jackson
Chicken Fricace
llaked Potatoes
Small Pens In Cream
Potato Salad Mayonnaise
Assorted Fruita
Vanilla. Cake
Stewtl Fresh Figs
Apple Pie Tillamook Cheese
CulTee Ten Milk
Thfs morning Judgu Maxon and Com
iniK.iioncrs Farmer nirJ Bdner left for
BUoke at the schools, and on Thuixinv
to Understand the word, but lead '..venim' at the Prt-shi teri.nn Chnrrh
them to Hun forwbom the word stands. 0n Friday afternoon a meeting was
Many are not only defective in their held at A G and on Fri.
training U teach, but defective in tl.cirjd8y evening he spoke at the U. B.
undemanding of the word they are to I church. Sunday was taken up by a
t'',c', woman's meeting held at the Church
I believe the time is coming when we ! of Christ in the afternoon and a union
will give more time to teaching than meeting at both the Presbyterian and
the limit we now give. tj. b churchea in the evening. On
You must begin to teach the child I ilonday afternoon she spoke at the
where you find him In bis understand-' Fairview school and on Monday even
'nK j ing at the Fairview Grange hall. Her
You must teach the things that are- im mectjng was held this afternoon
teachable to the particular individual ; at the M Church before the ft'. C.
in the place' where you find him. T. U. - '
To know how to teach is to know ; 'Dotor Drakc jg doinK a Breat work
how to adapt the truth to the special . heralding to the world the great dan
class we teach. ! ac which lie jn the whUe 8)ave
2:30 p. m.. song. Prayer by Rev. fa whieh is rapidy increasing year
Kuhlman. Kcv. C. H. Phipps spoke ,by year amj ha3 reachcd the point
on the subject "A Graded School." where no T0Unl. :ri ,afe rom it
While this subject is not new In theory i withoat she has bestowed utxin her the
amnto some extent in pratiec.yet It was jDrort;r Darential care.
seen after this discussion that as a gen-: Another phase of Dr. Drake's work
cral thing, few schools are op to the ' to as.ilt in lhe work ot carin for
standard. not so because outlined byj wrrekaKO of the white slave traffic
the secretary, bat viewing Trom a com-1 whjch is lnJcwj a mo ,Vorthv miwion.
man sense standiwint. He divided the ' She is a most able and worthv worn
and engaged in a great and noble work.
Portland and other outside jiolnts for "hod inta three divisions - blemen
ihe purpose of Investignting hard sur-' lttr from beginning to 13 years; See-!
face roads. '.ondary, 13 to 20; Adult, 20 on. These'
Kids will toon t e recuived for 400 ' division were then subdivided. The
feet of hanl surface road east from j secretary covered a wide scope in his !
the pavement on third Street to loin remarks
the county road alread) constructed
and for 21VK) feet from the pawment
on Second Avenue ICasl north of th
railroad track.
I ne investigation is liolng niHdc so
thai the court will be in a (wsition to
act intelligently when the bids are re
ceived, and for the purpose of getting
other Information in recnrtl to rond
Contractor Win. Hoy who is building
the new Christian Church, accompanied
by Rev. Jopo and Attorney Ilottsmndu
a trip to Portland today for the pur
ine of securing some decorations foi
the new church building.
On Monday evening the executive
board of the Commercial Club met and
Irnnitacted the following buitinoM:
Motion was made and carried that
triciaionta who might remain in out-
city for a short time could have the
use of the club room by paying their
monthly dues of $1.60 in advance.
It was decided that where delinquents
were In urrours $12.00 or over, they
should bo allowed to regain their good
standing in the club by paying the
present emergency initiation fee of
$10.00 and a months dues of $l.f0 in
It was abo decided that a rental of
$10.00 a night should be charged for
all parties or institutions that might
want to rent the hall.
i motion was made and carried to
tho effect that from date, the chairs
or other furniture or property of the
lull should not be loaned to anyone
under any circumstances, and that it
was the desire of the club that all
property at present loaned out by tho
club should bo returned at once,
Thu board passed a resolution invit
ing tho Federation of Hoys Clubs of
Oregon to hold its annual meeting here
next full. If the boys accept this In
vitation they will probably be enter
tained by the churches and citizens
in general. However it was thought
wull to let an invitation be sent by tho
club. The convention will bo attended
by 250 boya.
The applications for fourteen new
moinbeta were acted upon and accept
ed, This makes 21 new members who
have joined the club slnco thu present
campaign for now members was inaug
J. V. Milligan then spoke on "Graded
Why graded lossons? 1st, For "Evan
gelization," dealing with the individual
at every period of life, hence 2d, "In
dividuality." Going from birth to
death we have the following periods:
1-5 years, sense; C-S years, social; 9-12
years, individual; 13-16 years, social
select groups ; 17-20 years, co-ordinating.
Secy. Phipps then spoke on men's
organized classes, of whieh Oregon has
100. Here we must refrain from fur
ther note for want jf space.
7 -90 p. m. After the opening service
Secretary C. H. Phipps addressed a
sis'till audience on the subject of "Seven
Sunday School Symptoms," Knowl
edge, Vision, Kesonibility, Love,
Friendship, Prayer and Service. We
only wish that everybody could have
heard this address, but we daro not
say more upon tho subject.
Sunday morning each church bad the
regular service.
At 3:00 p. in. Dr. Knuna Drake, now
representing tho Louise House of Port-
and, addressed tho Indies at tho Church
of Christ and Rev. Phipps tho men at
the M. K. Church.
Tho evening union meetings were
hold at tho Presbyterian and U. B.
churches, with the same program at
Owing to the growth of the Pacific
Telephone Company a new arrange
ment has been made whereby all bills
are mailed to the subscribers and they
are requested to remit or call at the
each, Charles Phipps and Emma Drake,
M. D., both speaking at each church.
These meetings were well attended and
we believe everybody went away well
The report of the nominating com
mittee resulted as follows:
President - Rev. D. A. Mackenzie.
Vice President - - Eva Wolfe.
Secy. -Troas. - Claud Dawson.
Supt. of Elementary, Mrs.H.T.Botta.
Teacher's Training ...
Rev. H. W. Kuhlman.
Supt. of Organized Classwork
Rev. R. E. Jopo.
Home Department I. E. Meese,
Temperance and Good Citizenship
Rethti Phillips.
Supt. of Missions Rev. Dora Young.
Mrs. Ella Dodge,
" Retha Phillips,
Rev. H. W. Kuhlman,
" R. Jope,
" 1. E. Meoso,
The report was adopted.
1. E. Meese.
On Your Own Account
have you any money in the bank? A part of your eariunRs'ought
to beplaced there, anyway. Everybody can afford to save some
thing, however little. Have n bank account of your own and you
will feel happier, bettor, more independent. Make your little
monoy earn more, and so grow bigger. Potter than hourding it
where firo or thieves can reach it. Your bank-book is a receipt
and an evidence of your wise economy.
Tillamook County Bank