my ;on 'Ul.tlojl llaltli tcpfaet )I1 p m. Offici '. M. IT (finj ill HUM? is u Where QUALITY U Par.tnjount RAY & COMPANY Cecil H.ippcnltifls. I yfl It lit tnatloo. f N'olmUlll. t In lb" II A . U lo order at '4arl. . I- ,tt I."ttl. of Molilor. It In LfT i" renl I'fiy u Li K,r.4ki...n In Portland OiU I ! itt. NoJilflfi w Hi Wn , . . - - .1 Jj'' I". K f-'v" made butlnctt lr in 1 M' . I ' I ,,.h..t.f Krh.lcm, w. ,'rWllntK , V,lnl.r. .r 1 I tor and Hal tta) at the PAnnttU , I ;..! i .... j '.Vf't! "f SamllV w TIIIa. " lor WolncMUy, j ,ft 't; '1 f irlllill w In lb I, j .1 r Thtirwtay. II J T - . "f lUinWV. w In tbo . Wr! .!) M TltUlflar .( , f li !ifnnl't Calf incl ul 1 Til -" Kcr) Ca. ttnre. IHm- iij... -c )afk tCfcwt ami oUlltl : x-r V (5. DljJllt. D. I' H '"y. ft ChiVpfiUI". lf 'l ippirt lb" lilflh of fi- Mr .t.lMr. (toy CamiiUII. trr-: Vj 'or m. PrnV KU'l f ni , tkttr In U10 ty lliUMUy. .. 1 ..!!.ct vltltur on VrliH' f talft illri fnt 11 t r.cil nml tlcllvcrl. So i M Kimltlrt uf Mehlor vent r . .titHMo at till CiHlllly saat HKr Infi pit Wlcly i f wtli with lur ilauRhliir 1 ... . . . . .1 .f-wi , . ... V n .. .1. ii.m of Ui. wnll-lp-do, f SVlmloiti uiilry. wn i" t f '..irdy, t iitnn Infl thin m,rlB i! wtlMi trip to thn mirth unly, who him lumn lrMiiMt M I'artlnntl till wmiU ro- Inin tray. I tur Mr u.tir lliilibui, who li b'i vinii.i , . r Hiatur Mr. Miirolf nt I'orl lard, u l ,n p on i'luiradny. K .r v ir h mno coiuiiH,tliiin for sow er, .... -1,1111111. Hi) will do yon n j"t. nt ii ri'iinonnlila prim. A 1 r.r ull I.iiiii Chirk v. Clo.. Clark tho North nml of thn county w ' I nt thu clnrk'n otlU'o on Thiira- '1 VISIT C LOUG H When you want anything bpl in a l'lKST CLASS Drug Store He also keeps SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR EVERY PUPIL CLOTJGH TIII5 RKUAIlUv Druggist and Book Seller WW. WIHTH l'I.Ot,)ft lot of sruisfmuiou in co Iciiuwiii; ttmt when trmliiiK it inir Htoru yon nre Helling tin? hem riuftlity joocIh thnt money enn ulj. Uiiu; also ilint ive enrry n lmn variety, which ntultef it etmy for the SIIOIM'KKS. SUUUULUUlSlJU )r. 8. M. vVemlt. iihjr.irlnn and tur-fc-cwtti; flu nlmn nml piaraiitr(i thern. Oflen Coinmerlal lluitdlnK upixnlU TM Houi Mr, l Mr. Chat. Orerrtt, U have lrti ependln their lt(witymixiti In ColK-'intn r-tmrv to TllliimouV the flftt f the week. A bill hat brow Introduced In the limn by Itaodley nml Car Un deinltn: ctffctrtfNftll. lett nml dntnomtr a lion far nit aad prurtdbic for Uilr locution. Tho tinoVer clvnn al the Cemmerela I Cwb lt We4rirlUy a itreal t K ee. A la rtfe number rn In altend attro find ccryW cel ( nil Jay VMUif Undoon. wU wutkrtl on U r Joc.Kiuj4wi and Commnrelal trulld. MHC ilttflnR IbMr rrwftlon. ar- Conl rirr be ha Iwon mnptoyrtl at coinoMt ifk, ). M, UWUon;. vri family oW hit ranch at NoUrU h IxmikHI lh Catl Hunt placn 0 Ifll arr tmitJl of in, Mr. l.tUbf)C no hat a valu. able rrtixw of prpciy. oll Watml. .tvl M-tll maka hlm-H a eomfortolilr Mr. HtlRofaU rpprotnnllnK thr rattUmi Wptt Csit turvcy. which had a ttd(lm firant f a fraiKhlno OmtttKh tho elty on K Rtroct. U pllll at worV in UtW vUlnlty -crlni: Hk'hu-of wa)- for hit ntmMiiy In tin inutility aurroumllm: McMlnnvlllo. MfMlnnvlllc rttiihono ItrEittrr. Ja. AofUoMiiattr. Jat. Myrrn. NirV Allallpr, Slvn ami &atn Harrrra ptP (twnty ot Ht on WodnnwUv. Thy intrlwnl th county nri ' iitoard to LKe liuirovMMnt of a atrip of road f rm lh Common' pli norili la th now Hphi furlory. It pnr that thl alrlp of rood ! vury much In nMJ of Jmpro"nrit. thore belnK lara-o ri-h? thai wnuM bo benfltl. Ilarrv W. ThumM. til chmnl or !at I'u.vsrlcaf factory. I vitl'lna hU htrenlt at Jr.nin! WW. ' 1 rl tint . Mr. Tho na l atop- ..if,f with hr imrriiU. Mr. and Mr. iV M. I ratt'ii In IiIUw.kjK UurlnR j t-i. alcm-. nl in tht mi-ntim vlll ! lu.r uiu-l. a aixl hor cmiln nml ,ur aUllU - , u,i uelnity. Hunnvmrad it'l.tUlun t TillnOViok I improvinir of Intr. vorl now reai ttaint? InoHirti'of roiwlrur lion. nw i.wU bfing mitf. ""r iw- trie lluhl. mw fnclnR mlnT ""'. tr Du.irird i building ii coiiuno- rfuwliinu. alau Mr. Milclmll "il Mr. t:.nluir. W. M. Hil wi build n trtiuinl houno on hi lot. At ih Allan lloitao imrlor onThur dny nvnnhiK Oi'PUr.! Hi wildln( of n yiniMK wiuplw fr,"n ' r,.rtliiL' niirllort wnro Mr, (V Coohrnm. nml Ml ll,rl' ,M,lh wolt known nml rouoU'd yuunu puupio ttiliiti.uiH hd lu't'ii ro rr.,.i, fri.tmlK tho hiippy oouplo lopiirtfil for liny City vtww tlwy ox- ,.ot to iimko lhlr lotr" . V. KuhluiiiiioilUMntod. I v. WiUon of .Snmllnki) rnturnod fro!.. I'orllHnd thn flrl of tho w.-ek vt.,,,,1,.,1 Hfiv In thnt city. IIIU'I fill - , Ho wool out ovr n nionlh KO for thn ,.f iirlnL'tuir n iliuniiKo Hiit nil. Mini. ' .. ;,h.Ht l.o nillwny company for t 1 Of hi Wh0 Wl'-l." 7 i...... iiL-o. Whllo in l'urt- iiiiimn punt" " , lm, h0 w..h Inkon nick with lumlwiKO lim v.ih conllncd to n mnpnni .... Iwlty-llvo dny-. Mr-. Wll-on I ,liiiiht.ri.n'l hiui bcru. WOOD BIDS WANTED. Tho Clovor I.o..f Crcuncry Compnny w,HhcH to rccolvo bids on jircon body ,m,k wo()( in four foot IcnKthH ,1. " 1 . . .... t in on north f TillanmokCity. HO cord, to bo .lo. O, , lll I. .,. . I ..I llvorcd mroro .uny i. ri..-fo.oAui;uHt in, ww. ;;;( ply roHcrvcn tho rlKht to reject nny ,'M;;;,;,ol1;'oinco, Tllliiimiok, OrcKon. lliii'Kttln Dny .Subscription for the Oregon Dully Journal taken nt l.m.utr'A UriiK Store. Dully nml ritiinlny liy mull, i ycitr, S.s.oni l)illy, J.i.755 Stintlny, $1.50; Semi wcckiv, Mc, 1 11 in oiler cxplrcn l'd. 7. BIDS WANTED FOR HAULING. (l ir Iiif c'riimnpry Cniipniiy will rorclvo bill fur lmulltii: l 1.1 chi.'oao from II fiirt-iry to tlnamcr wlmrf mid train at I'illninook, nml Kiippllna from TlllaiiHV lo iu fartory four tiillim i from Tillamook. Imvn bid nl Curl llaherlarh'a olflc boforo March lat., 1VI3 LAUNCH I1UNNY, DISABLED, PICKED UP WITH TWO ABOARP, AnHiKM, r, I'rli . - Tlir alc.ilil- ct rmii mrlvrd fiiiin Sim I'fiiii Ih- o till r v rnlliu. IllivlilK I" t"w nil I'nitlltllil I'lal: C'lillipiiliy'M linimll liiiiiny, Ir.ikniK l.iiitly mid i iirtinlly .trf bUlrl, with ftrtiltjr Tlliilll nun unit II. 'riilriMin on honrd. Ihr IhiiihIi lr(t liny City four lny iiu" 'r I'ottliinil, Hint while fonnini; TillitinonV, Inir wa titrin'k ly Iiiikc ; which loortinl ninr of ihr iunklnu, nlhiwim; ' llir witter to pour In. Thr frinlnr ulau wrnt tint (l! (-(Illltlllaaillll 1111(1 tlir critlt ilrlltf") hrlplcaaly III rrn. On iiccoili't nl thr Icnk out uinti Hn coniM-ii'ii in miiiiiii uy in Hlltll t'tmalnillly, but thr other lilt- frit .i mil Iiiiiii utiiuia,L'kH nml mi rlluit wna iiimlr btinl up the iuii.t ii llir loir mum Ion uoiuli lo tnt birk into Tillumook liny. Con. tr.iry wliola noil i-iurcnl" drove thr l.i'.ini-li lolly til inltrn nit "horr. I'br tmr i-iiii til wutrr oil wa loat Wlillr rrotnllt tl.r inir unit Mltliin ii nliort tlinr tlir aiiljill allplllyof provlnillll" Wiim fl!ll('Jtc(l, IVir.riitr with huoircr noil loa of Ircii lur four ttny. tt.r men dctrr. oi.iinl to bc.ii-ll thr rnift if mi.Ulc. Arc orttinuly, (luiliik' hint niiiht they iinulr.l dlrri tl) for the horc nntl (ilfklin; up ii (uviirnlde wuul iirrivnl .iboiil ir iiillen oil TlihiiniHik Kink, when they wer- albtetl by the lruio, wlili-h tiMik them in tow. While i-oinplctely eihtiiftetl. the men ure nnliijiit til iiih! the litiliicll in not acrloimly dinii!ieit. To ctr lo the covernor power to veto any Iart ar jmrta of a rnrl aimronrtatlon bill where It enr- rtiw approprtatlona of auma of money fur mriou purpotrt, I the conatltu- denial amendment to bn aubmltted to the people nt the next corral idee- lion froleetlou aitJlnot loan rharka 1 the jhject of a bill lulroilucwl by Senator Karrell. It iirolde tlml no al;n men I Of wnt fthnll be Milld to aecure IcKin of le thtin 1200. unlta It It a -i-ptell IU wniinc oj me nu'iu. -i . en no Mich alsnni.'Ut la to he held 4. when mud by mrrted man. vt ept by the written conaunt of bli wife. Indian Nn. The liner,! Indian imiiie ore thoie wlileti iHilotie to the cloud clll All tliit.e tiHinit. nr derived from ineti-or oluRlnit pbenonienn They nre the tiunle! of iiHinei lii tnuiMnie from in itlun Into CliBllah Tlie Krmit cloud eltill Slum. wlitHe nuliie iii reiilly Kelllwe. wo nhuis known to the while n lliili-ln-l!ic-lity A certittn nniul elnn BIN. wtioe inline win. tie rlvml tnnn Hie henullfnl ihi'iio..ieiniu l the iidvnm-e of the iippro;n h urn mlneliii.d. whi liiii'wu to tli ivlilii im U'nlUluu lldln-n pretty uii.iie. mil one rennirltia espliinnlloii to I tender!. ml Cm-IiiihC'' Ltflitlntato Qucttion. I'nlber No. Indeed! Mi fntbrr W . .- i.. ii.t Me tell II lie! Willie -Wm i;i i.iIimi tt tleill il" iiralittuniy -On ... l l-ll' Free! Free! We will give away five to every Child horn in Tilla itioolc County, one solid gold liaby ring, starting Nov. 15, 191 U, ending Mar. 1 st, 1 OKI. HOWARD WAHLIN Leading Jeweler Tillamook, Or. latost Prloos on Tung" a ton (Mazda) lamp 15 Watt $0.45 ir watt 40 Wntt (.0 Watt 100 Watt Fronted IninpH fi KiTuctlvo Oct .45 .50 .65 1.00 contH oxtrn. 11, 191U. Tillamook Electric Light Fuel Company & For Sale cr "Trade For Til.l.a mook City orCountv Property Mot t Two I .t In lb" I ily I'nrk, I'ortliimJ, one bkck Irom atreel enr. Mo. 2 Three lot In University I'ark, Portlnm', threw block from itfeol enr. Ao. 3 Two lot In KKene f liy, one block from trsot er nod four block Iron, thu Illh Hcbool, CHrnely Ltbrry ifl .tUl I'lilvwrnity rmm!. Ha. 4 Wi nereii of- wheal ltl In Morrow County, nil un- dar riilliviitl'n, in K "I whwnt Iwlt. No O One lot atwl hue r. i .- m-o in Iwal ridenee rmrt of San J.e, ( l , U r.iiorl lilnrku from the Minh nml Stitte ..'..rrnil Sehixd, nml two abort bloeVa from three itri-et r briea. All tho Ahovo Villi Initio far Tliiumook Otly an Oaunly Proturly. P. W. TODD, - Tillamook, Oregon Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile LAM B - SCI i R A DE R COM P AN Y Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West ' mmmmm gaSW ALEX. McNAIR & CO. Handles This Range SIDNEY E. HENBERaON Surveyor .iSl'uhl'.'K.XTI.l' LAW : ABSTRACTS : RKA L HSTATE M'KVI-VIXC : INSl'KAXCE Boll- Plwiio out; so that they won't leak and won't smoke. When you buy a RAYO, you buy a well-made lantern -the best that experts csin produce. At Dealer Everywhere STANDARD 4(1 Markat Slr... The Best On Earth JOHN LELAND HENDERSON N -'- J n us. Attorney at Law ani Notary Public Tillamook, Oregon Don't Blow Out n the Wind They are built for rugged use. Built strong and durable. Built so that they won't blow OIL COMPANY (California) San Francltco Rheumatism Neuralgia Sprains !n V Mill -TT. 'f T'A K S Vf. .'. uk . ' '' " ' f J.rl " ' 10 " fl 1 b. I .- K t . 1 ' 7 .r I- ulr I. . i.t, l t !.. ! to . V) .l, l.l fMll 1..I.J luM (r- irfi " QykU tlw fltrVW MM. A.WriOKA. "f 1 TlnSlptne , M-MTt'!1! ":', ' - ', I'-" r.rt In t'-r t fjr.1r-.5l B )mi ir.url I 'l niu.a )-rklt.2 til ; .1 - tk .1 I - - t A t,,u .. 1 l;v' r- , . . 1 I r . ! 1, .t . . ' -u It. I SLOAN'S LINIMENT "Itapood Unlmcnt. Ikeepiton hand in the My daMer tfitam'd her and ced ysr lammtnt, and it haj. not fcart her tlie.. Of .'. C, li.r-.ii.. y-t. At All tlKTt Trizt 2Jc, 60c, SI .00 1..,-. rtUr. tszt .m:trr ital Dr. EarlS. Sloan, Bocton, Mju. Ma a Oaotf O&m-en of HimtaK. Wo tjw..rh o - H-rett "The Excnr aton' H- !- "xi and neitto It "Th Whlii- I or ltyNtone." fie one iiid tmit wtieii tie Urt thouebt eri ouaty or treinu a -t be looted Into blniM-lf to w how lie wa dtted for the work Mod wmed to find there -thnt Act crent ctft. the vital oul7 4 statement wtiteti abow thnl. whatever other people amy think of aim. be tint! n (Kiibiy fnlr opinion of himself. He frequently expreel hi opinion of bis own poetry nd otiee iwld that be bnd widened the doumlti of tbn toet over . whole field deeunil lrreelitlmable. BMr Than th Thatr. "How it it thnt ltnfu never take you to the fienter not more?" -Well, you ee. one evening It rlbel, and o we Und to sit In the parlor -Well, ever since Unit we ob. I don't know, but don't vou think that theater are an awful iHireV Coruell Widow In Sutpema. "My brother ha. tiiknn the dnnlr. cure." renmrkwl the ilrt eiulnuan "11 il. It i-urtil lllliiv' tiwutred the and rlntuniiu 'He fear so." I'lttf-tinrsti I'osr. The L'toal Cuitom. "Mr Wein i a tiiMmml who would r'aU on Henri like m Im,I; Put ni dear ce wnuld minx-it vth itie pretty tiiinliu rilesrentle Itialter CHICKEN DINNER AT TODD HOTEL. Do not forget the Sunday chicken I dinner at the Todd. Better than you 1 can have at home and for less money. ', Come und try us. Service from 1 30 i 7 p. m. Rnnch for Sale on Siletz. j ?0 acres S. mile river front, 20 acres ' bottom half slashed, in Krass, tho rest beuch land partly ahishod, set to trrasi, i good new house with hot und cold writer, in, barn and out buildings, all ki. ds of small fruit. Plenty of .ut range, if want to dairy. Can sell n ilk , at door, on mail route and phone. ! three quarter of a mile of school, all 1 . . 'r -.1 A eUnrt ti..i. v ill oiler fr $2,000. Call on or write to Win. Scott, Kernville, Lincoln Co. Ore. v.-J3CC?f cir.i VvVvS-MIKCT:'! Busifisss Direi0S7 hf A Directory of rrl City, -j Villa, ule.rf d.-s. ilrilve H cacti lac. !...-ai. .-. r-Tu'a Town and ,-e Siietch of alion. tot- ..H Hi.iTii.inir ..-ul banktnz iolut: also Claaitaed Directory, compiled ky liutlnejj and profeHion, (V H. I 111111 A. IU., 9UII1U. Electric tters Succeed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and femals weaknescs they ore the supreme remedy, ns thousands have testified. I FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND S STOMACH TROUBLE S It Is tho beat medicine ever cold over a drurjelst's counter.