Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 07, 1913, Image 1

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Mm I lift
Jz.RGE:sr Circulation of amy Pap- ,m -r,, ,
' ' ' ill I IV vy V ' (J IN I Y
hi. n
'lU.AMOOIC, Old'.OONj l'HSlUf.UV 7, 11)!,'.
xo. r
' it;
' ' 3
1 1
i J.
First llatsosiaiS Basil?
Ciiiamoofc, Oregon '
J. C. Um.uhs
0. C. Lavh
Kli.fi, Tait
Paul SenifAwt
W!: M inmitlM mo,;
T 7 Snfe DrpnU wherr yottr vat
nper will lie wife (Venn firv. Wc
( pleaneti iohow tftrm tr ytm,
I ridtt : US. ; Gtjvrnittat : Slpcrrljifpn
IfsJaten Livi:,g up io Ploclpn
flection Zi. Tans h-jtally levied ihk! i
hariced In liny year may be paid on or '
ifore the fir i Monday In April follow j
IbK, end If not so peld they (hall be-
gthat IT oov-half of the tasoa against
Th prurv mad durtttalr particular parrel of real property.
laio on personal orotiMrtv
Io ExptfJitu Tusincss
The paving Inveslhratlrtsc committee
whin, wout outside th fif.t of the
week u inreatigale and enaminc the
pavement of other citi-! retur-ied on
Thursday. Several m- !- .,f ouUide
PviniC have bwi shipped )n (oe 0(lr
fwople to examine.
The committee picket out n peva
ment man who will com nt.-e in a dnv
A conaiital tonal am- i OT 'r the purpose of examining thf
the . PaToni.
Senalc Would Limit President
to a Single Torm of
Six Years
would restrict
tt fhetr vblttUr ple4cM to Mt'1- tb" time for the payment I President of (he United Stales to a! Several sample of Tilbrrfv.k oave-
so errfoWawl! acrly In Uie l remainder of aurh Uim my ! ! lt ttrro of U rear, and wouM , "ent are now in th? Ka-..: of thr.
report in
!litf (hinl m tt'u Mt ih. iii.ii. ai.ir the
aiS to lAdttwm thtit matnl)'rf,VlrwJ 'nt any IndlvHual U paid
f ihf lialatiifw are trylf U Ufrlim or before tha ait flml Monday of I -odnimt
TH the
't, and knep at il'UMi h8 ri to and Inelude thn- firat Mon-' " Wood row Wllaon, Theodore chemmt -ri wtlr make
il- tvtlow f IwatiMMW wU4i(walflX f Ot4w noxt follow I ; but if; HoowreU and William H. Taft from hout 10 days,
tli fiawtes 4oura of previoa )p rrmninlnc one-half of uch Ux Im wktn elertion asaJn. waa approved J
tfl paw on or before the ftrat .Monday fy the aonate, by the narrow majority
tiat 0 fAajU (Hntsr l Ulartod. (-UbrT, then urb remalmoR half
TlM Oktcctad atcva pHtttr flctU- ta dli.mft, and beaidee, the
tMrwl io tktfUlatt. Only tb' iMret thereon v hull be
ktm Mm m thrown mi, but ibar P'"01 nl eollcetcd at !h rl of
tl ;a (m a (UN wa. tndifd by Dm "!v centum per annnin. from
-w.fC Oi Wlia. two o theoi ' r1 Monday of ApM proeedioa:, j wstJ;l W--k rtolut.oa by vote
Uoauwlj btH ijMMw two dwtmtrVlly I'1 Ux'n " delirquent taxi-s tbure of 47 10 3.
iMvr;d itbe (bird- On. tatrodMOwa hi ewllacteU from the Ux payer ! ' Chamberlain, of Oregon, and Worke.
by AfeiMit ta u ropeftt the flat &mry f' , U the benefit of the!
Jaw of ltl, wbleh l duo U boeoma tmr,lJ'' uu P' eontum h t Hmalty. j
90etl i 1U If not replied. for he in-fit of the county or '
The o(br two prt-lde tlua lU Kor Pr public corporation which ahail
ur4or. ury of tat am: rtat ;(,,vu itrwi in nny portion of nurd
trattrr eeUI coairoj the lot pot- - iteTri at the rste of tweivt-,
In j office and lht the male puitst, Ur r"lum Mr annum on much tiuta,
it m i omr ana mat tfie utaie pritstef W" r enuum on aucn iKAta, (
I' attail be auaatoiefl he th wi ,i (tf rwm the day on which fhnv tuKMimit tt" Propoaed change la leriahUton
me l mourn t until U.eir po)mnt; pro- : c"ooi oe roreloW. The role abowc
Work on the now Chriatian Church is
now proffrcaainif r.icelv. Cor,
dtrntfaJ lerm. the aeoate adopted the b well in hand afrain after
tbe stormy veather of January. The
wlte of toe eho.-ch are now construct
ed and the work of puttiot on the roof
will K-on beirln. The art glaaa for the
window ha arrived. o th.-r.. will ti
no delay from that aource. It is hoped
that the new church will be ready for
dedication on Hater Sunday. Mr.
Roy will soon ahip hi cement plant to
Spokane, baring completed thie part of
the work.
of one vote.
! After a three-day nbt. In which the
Projtrwtiitlvfa Joined wlih many Hopub-
ltcaa In oppoalog the reatricted preI
of CnllforoU. .re the only I'arlfle
Cot aetialon bo supported the ala
Slo term reaolutiou on It final paa
a4te. Tboe voting ajfatntt tt were
liorfth. Idaho; IkunH. Orison; and
Jonra aol i'olndcxter. WaahlmrUw.
Jol how the r.cst houi- will receive
v .
I Smack Your Lips at this
Delicious Candy
f andy u (m t twh a M f0tix to (foal with after you
3Se Per Pawitd
mrtrwwea TOMTIT WblHHr HOW It It OOMiblo tipro-
.itj ( Mnall a prt-.
-AM ook Drug Store:
K. K. KUOt.
, Mi i 4 IAn North oi Puttalltrr
-Urliot) GuarantMNl Mmt tk V Not Salkfittary
j .lnry ot !UM a yrar an4 not later
Ihnti ixwrmber 16. 1914. All of l be
I ejona of the lll flat atdary law are
reflated In !b hll,
rrwrt nas uni iat(o; in Utnat
l'i! f Urr Uotrett opunty bond
tag ruad bi!l by the aetuite probably
, will moao the ratliua: of joint coo
' (reno cominttleo to ptct on tin lbtr
- rwu and J'MnJ bllU. Tbe Kurd wit
paaaed the boa and kuown aa tar
Oraior Wll, While boti pn oodntjr
boudtnc new ubay ia i ae jnawt
Vldml. further, that thiw aV.nll Kj. an that it baa hceu treated aa a ooUtieal
wanco of three wr-conl rebate unon '"tioti by nenatorw. Sonif of the
iy lux paid on any separate parcel of 0,1 Influcnrlal Itepubllcon aonatort
uroperly or upon the poraonal ,ro"1"l ' nd In all probability th
pnifH-rty churned to any indivbJvul m , fH"l the onate that the Urn ha
aforesaid on or before the 15th day of ct,me hen aome Umltatlon moat be
Mttreh. nest ortor to tho dato wium ; Pul n poaatble nmbtUoos of men will
mth lax would become tlt'liivpient if
not paid.
ci ;nS7. On or iminediat.dy ftor
fiaSr't nlondarof May in ottoh voar
tiw St.. -iff anall troNd to colltci nil
inovo tho houne to adopt the roaolu
tloa. Tariff Hearings End. .
The bouae waya and raoaaa commit
tee baa completed all hearinga on tar
iff lovbitoa. Monday, th Ocstocravic
twJtas .i'4aad in bit tvountv immi i.mmn
Wi&.,- rty. of Vvmcb oabalf wa ! erabar majut frasBYtfj: (he na Ho
St'N'PA Y AT .:.(n I'. M.
ArMrcwtl ly
rs meet'g at christian church
AlllllCMH'tl I IV
:MA DRAKE, M. D.( of Dniw, Colomrfo
AT 7:.'tn 1'. M.
Willi Same I'rtir.uii at Utidi
"The Sunday School Man of Oregon"
Will Ut)th Spetik at Iwioh Clmroli
Dr. DtfiK-' u il
hc White Slave Tra'
Sifal on
Daughters In Bondage"
I bounty court ahall b the BUpervlnttig
puwer in rtxid miimra. but the p(ople
ot iHiuniien rhll ote on the queelion
of fal ho.wl
Ih' Hun! or tlm-SKn bill rorldea
for eleotloo of dli'gatea in road dia-
i trtcta, thee delegate to attend a
eounty road meeting to determine up-
; on road qqeattona.
Houae Ovtrrldts More Vetoes
The follow ma vetoed btlla were
p.ird by the hotiaa:
it'll retutHtt depot Mnta to ttoot
at -. ' iufomatlon rooolvod aa to dc
);i imm for tho convnlencc of
ih. tr...!int public Keouinng abut
!! n iru;M'ityownttni on eounty nd
to u. Mroy thiatle and other novloun
In. and provldlnc a petmtty for
i) ; doi.'ig ao. RequirtiiK rhool dinv.
t. r to pay for iikii.tIhI and latter
i hre. throuch tlu-ir own cnreleaa-
nw, conirnctor' )' unpaid btlla.
frotilbttlna: axpondlturcii over and
' above I lie auma uppmiirtatcU tor any
public Inatltutlon or department of
tho Hinte and orrntlmt nn omeritoncy
; btxtrd to look aflT uch work Tro
i vldluR that no eii-nditurt nhnll be
mad bvforo an appropriation i mde.
Saloon in Dopots Prohibited
i Uitdor uniwidnii'iitK which have bron
i ti
I made to ih" Hnnkliia bill in the mm
j ate rtKulatliis tm imIo of liquor noar
ieiolii, the bl! now prohibit the lo
cutlyii of a saloon hi auy diiol, uudcr
the name roof a the depot, or tu an
tt.l Jtu fin tmildUui. Originally the bill
wM iiiU'ii.fo'l io prohibit wiloorm from
t m In. . i l v.ithln SOU tet of u do-
..m Tlu' 1)111 ia ::lo anuinded to i'X
riii.lt' Iriict "tore from Its provlalons.
Trea Textbaofcs.Arivoaatori
S. niitor Ouy introduced a bill pro
tltlntK tluit frc textbook ahull lie
fi,nusli'il in nil (he public aclioola of
i In- hi hi i' "i ept In hUU NOlinola. Tho
l.i II protliliM thill t'itoli aalionl ilUlilct
almll pity (or itx own txioktt.
Any itnclmr or nnyoiio noniiootoil
ofriclaily will) llio pulillo mcIuioIh Is
prohihitml from In ttuy way liulue ft
uuiicUilly coiiiiuoltHl with tho puralmtio
of aurh IiooI.h.
legislative Drevltleo
ItoaoliKlotiK of rt'Biuirl on tho ilcnth.
of Captnla .Innioa Hliilcoly, of Urotvim
vlllo. wiro mliii'li'd by hoth Imuacn,
Senator CiiIMiih' hill flxhlK tho nil-
not hh) m hroinbforo tirovii! on or I ocrnUc wu wb,ch te 10 rfplaw tho
befor- tl,.. drat Monday of April, to- j Wb'-AWrich law. They wiU keop
-ethur ith tho aeoaltv nd inioroet. Moodily at the work from now up
T l V I t' IflKd I...M l.f. .... HUH IU-
ia ir,a rwu iiir, I UK lUls.
On Wednesday oiKht atabout 10:30.
fire waa discovered in the warerooms
of the llyors & Son store at Hubo.
Before anything couki be done towards
vinc the property the warehouse and
tho store adjoining were enveloped in
flames and aoon burned to the ground.
Ums is oatimated at i 15, COO, covered
by $r.M0 Insurance.
Sta:. jmJ county, 23 mill.
Tdl iM Kk City. i:t mills.
Bay ty 10 milU.
Port ! 1 illamook, 1 mill
P..r( t NVhalen. R mille.
INirt f Kay City, 1 mlb).
Union Hi;h School Diatrict .N'o. 11-
1 mill.
Schxl Diatrict No. 9, WJIaon Itlvor,
' mills.
School DhUrict .N'a 6, xVoenrnov. '2
Sciiool DtoUlct Ko. 9. TUiumoofc, 6 '
School Diatrict No. 11, XorUi Nehal
em, 2 mills.
School Diatrict No. 14, Gtribal. i. I i
The annual chee.'o far. tor v meetinrr
Sixty-third cimcrojB con- j at tho factory the lirat of the
month. With the exci-rtion of Ed
Seh". I Diatrict No. 15. Foley
(Crane '). 10 milta.
School District No. TU, Wooda, 5
Sohool Diatrict No, 17, Trask
Himea), l mill.
School UUtriet No. IS, 0rtorn. 8
ehoo! Diatrlel No, tt, Clovordalo
6 in: lis.
chKl District No. 28, Ixmg I'rairia,
in lit.
Scliuol Diatrict No. 24. Halm. 1 mill.
School Diatrict No 2fl, Vjst !leaor,
7 mill. i
School Dutnot No. &5. Mohlor, 1-6
School Diatrict No. SI, Hny City !t
.hIiooI District No. M Heaver, f,
mi ill.
School Diatrict No. 33, Fauoott Crook
1 mi lis.
School District No. 86, Wilson
fRoouliora) 1 8-10 mill.
School District No. IW,: Sumll.iko fi
Scliqol District No. US, Kivonlulo W
School District No. 30, Nulmloin 1-fl
School DiatricCNo. 10, Miami, fi
School District No. It), Trask (Hupp),
11 mills.
School District No. M). Houldor
rook, S mills.
School District No. 61, liast Heaver,
2 mills.
beli.ml District No. 61. Folov
.!!. Probably a few da ufter the
I m houee la organised the rv ib.aa i Hlum who was elected ir.jttad of John
bill will be re.id for presentation ulurii the director were re-elected.
Tiw blajti-'M rut, it is said. w,l) be (
made on wool, leather and aitricuttur.il ; ,
products. j
Row wool, ur.iicr 'Schedute K." the M Moore i: ; t.. .-a!em last
blKgeat Item of th? whole tariff revis
ion, it U t.T It'll, will b- put on '!:.;
free V.st This will be sutisfactorj to
the manufacturers who declared te
fQr the committee that the prf-nt
duty did not now protect them from
Carded wool manufacturers, haw
over, declare that the ilutv In mv.c.
sary to their exlstmico, ! wrklre 0 rt of last
Leather is also duo for n revision 1
G. H. Crani. was trunsa.-tinir business
:i Tillam!v Thursdav.
Mrs. I. H Moon- t:
week to viit relatives.
John Proctor ami family returned
Tucia from a five week :sit with
rehttie at Galea Creek. Mrs. Free
tor's mother, Mrs. Huns accompanied
them home.
William Turner returned Ut
from Due!!. Ore. where he has
t cr.
A Mutual phone was : stalled in the
uowuwara prowtuiy to ice inv list. ) name ot Henry Ziirfluch ThursJny
uonipentation Act Keported
lead at in The Hera
ury of the Kovoriior'a prlvato neoreiary
nt $8(K) a year waa pimsinl by the
fccnnle tiy a volo of IK to 111.
The seiuito ilnfealt'tl (ho liouso hill Mos,18) !imiij, '
of tho if-vlsloii of laws commlltce (o, o..,.,.., n,atrllft No. ,.,
. i.... ....i ..i -
repeal mi iiuoii'iii mil iiiitiniuK 1 llllu" j 5 inHi
tics to maintain iiiiimiuiiosiH saua-torliiniH.
Snh' of Ihiiior to a minor or ullowlni;
n minor to plrty hy i;amcH aioiind a
place whom llulior Is-cold will iveult
la lorfjUuru, of t,l)n HceiiHo and a
heavy penalty under tho provisions of
u mil lulioduiHil py tionutor uaiuius. ,i(ur
S.'hool District No. 6(5, Hocknwny.
ill mills.
School District No. 67, Tillamook,
0 mills.
Shot ifl Croiislmw does not know as
yotjust wtt duto lio will lieuin col-
I 1 A , . . ... .
locum; IIIXCB. JNOIICO Will llO L'lVOIl
A favorable report on the senate
workmen's roinpi'iisatlon act. am.'tid
l to make It appl to employes of
i';tes8 conipaui.'. well as to iN.se
of railroad, and to i;;ve stale courts
concurrent juriMlu tiou lth fed. ral ,
eotirlii in It oi'lori ciavnt. wis : "r- ,'d
upon by the house judiciary commit
tee. 1'he proK'ed law would pri er.be
specific amounts of comp.visit! o-i to
be paid by railroads and expro 1.0111
panles to :iny employe tllsablid by an j
.iciidcut while on duty.
I'liome Ta Is Ratified '
lViict taxes upon the n k ."t of
rli'.reiis of the 1'nited Slates, whe'her :
0urie(t iroin Idle capital or from the
conduct t.'f buslnesa, were made possi
ble by the ratification ot the suter-.T.h '
nmendmeni to the Federal rontiiu
tlou Delaware, Wyoiniug and New .
-Mexico, indorsing, the Income tax .
Mmjndineut through their respective !
Leiittitutures. completed n list ot 3$ I
states that have npprovod It, two more
than the three fourtltH necessary lor
Its iinal adoption. A law will be intro
iluced as soon ns tho extra sesslou
opeus, which will probably tns In
comes nbovo $4000.
Pension Plan Proposed.
A system of old ai?e retlremout for
employos of tho postal service was
pioposod by Senator Penrose, of
Pennsylvania, In an umeudmont offer
ed to the postofflce appropriation bill.
It would i;lvo tho postoffico depart-
inent authority to Krant "Indefinite j
leavo or absence" to nn employe who
liccaino Incapacitated for actual work j 'g
with annual pay nt the rato of $000. '
Joeph Kutchor has a donkey pulling
stumps and binK up hi farm.
Miss ftoxie Woods uf Denver was tho
jjuest of Miss Minnie Desmond Fridav
and Saturday.
President Jay Daker of the East
Beaver cheese factory w.i the city
Wednesday on business in connection
with the company. He was settling
up the buiness for the year Idl2 and
ordering supplies for lil,.
the right to vote for representatives
In congress
Hi'llewiiB the Puctfic coast cities
will be flooded with immigrant:, tihen
'he i'.in.im.i ,.nal ope, is. l'o::,jress
1 a i -li i h.is asked :or an np
; i t'fa: ,o.i oi sTSO.OHa for ..n i:!imli;ni
'ioi. Maliou at Seattle.
Senator Jncksoii of M.,r. d has
uiiroduced a bill propo.-.. - '-'an for
ivd.-ral cooperation wim il.e states
ir highway improv eun 'i - The bill
nouM authorise ihc ioveruinent to
pay half the cost of Improving hiEh
wnys used by mall carriers aud would
appropriate $10.00y.i'uo annually for
the work.
Tillamook, Ore.
National Capital Brevities.
A bill nuthorlziiiK the construction
of ii $2,000,000 Lincoln memorial tem
ple on tho banks of tho Potomac pass
ed tho house.
An appeal wns mnilo by women to i $
tho coimresslonul elections committee
for lUlBKflL'.l nf Ihn lilll In bIva wmnnn '