Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 28, 1913, Image 4

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Jurist Convic'.sd on 5 of 13
Counts and Forever Barred
From Public Office.
fr .
r- I :
Washington.- -Robert W r
S.-mtHon. Pa., for Ho yen- .'.
. -t of judicial position mc
-la!ti state bench, the t
. '. . lnlt- i i
!i !
.i.l.'udard iui!t
v( ,'te o! hijih
,!-. ' wns s:".p-
is of 1'iibtu-
'. I. -'I'll !!' 1' Ml
!u- imi"'-'' ' ' '
pot-dun. -i
- .. .uu i on v ' ..r . -,
i! h:ui boon : i '
miebohavior .i- .1
had used corrupt :
to further the pri
himself and his
Miss Mary M. Bjrtelm. who hJS
Congress Must Hold Nignt Ses
sions to Pass Many Largo
Measures in Time
W.tHhinKUm With final adjourn
ment of the ti.'d congress iwo month
a. the bouse i confronted by
j.unmed calendar una th supply bills
hu-h pnmi wry day and ll
l. i-h night for the legislators
oii! a slnsle appropriation bill, th
ifsiNiatu. e utiv and judicial up
11 ini'siHirv. ht boon passed by the
ho'ne. Th l.iJtan appropriation bill
now unovr consideration and It
.-hi'ii'ii be completed thu weak. The
t'.ri Appropriation measure which In
mi.i- a at amount of detail llkel)
to i'ju ItiiKtU) discussion, ar till
to come Vt.c postoifice ttprpoprtatioti
bill ha been reported from the com
tint to and awaiting sctloa by the
Members of the bout are looking
Mt.on of coal pro- teen sworn In as Cvcj9j- f.rst wo- torttard abom , moo,h of Highland
.i m.
: pa rale charges
:m by he house of
if Arrbbald was
i the other eight
!. :n not guilty, the
case being agniust
ti.e two-third ma
r couvictfon. Any
rl.ots of guilty was
o.a the punishment
v.. a.
0 i
:.it r. - 1
-entat -i
jtU'lty ; ,
onate vi
rity in m'
nut :"ai::n
neceary ;
of the live t .
-U to bring a
3 upon tlm.
a Utile cotam."ee room off the
r floor, behimi a guarded door,
- A rebuild, his v, ife and hU son,
. sat throughout the afternoon
senate voted on the charges
man judge
Eight New Directors Chosen on South,
ern Pacific
New York. The separation ot the
Southern Pacific board of director:
day grtudiug Juat before the conclu
sion of the cession and the lenders are
already making plans to bold a quor
um of members that work nwy be
rushed through.
Tariff Henrtno Beflun
The ways and means commute of
the house on Monday began its n'trlws
thu Statu During ttio Past
Lumber gMpntcnta Ar Dig
v.iori Purlng (he ytr of li:
thrro .1X1 vetaets nhton load-.
ni tb mills In tb Astoria oosiows
ilutriii nii.l their romblned ir
toikiiixl ;-M.Mii.olS (eel of lumber (
iiL.e vw.nt.1. Ii ia trying o,IW,ih)
fr t of lumber went to foreign nun
tthite mo et with croe a mount
ii.,; to Jit.3i9.01S feet of lumber went
i il lli.-tli IHlltltS
Or. Cjrl L. A'tbwrj n.(tnor to
Or. Witty a? government pure food
Brief News of tiio wcok
nirtii round Qitiliy of TratMl
f..rti.u..i After brief dellbenilhw. a
j..n m th.i I'ttited itntm court fotmd
ci. hi sunt on three of fmrntit,
of an tn.iutmenl charging blm with
rt.uutulcnt ue of the mall In pnlt
the Columbia Klt Unrhards foil
pun lUehl U liable to a sentence t f
five ,tr In the (Mloral penltenMAry
on each of tho lbrw roiint
Ottuma. low, has adopted the COIU
miion form of government by a vote
of US! to i:tj
t'tah's four electoral votes fur le
prvsident will be cast for Governor
from the Union Pacific bonrd through of nw,ring on the all Important ub-
the election of eight new members of Uriff rvviMioD. The hearings
not connected with the Union Pacific. wl oy schedule, beginning with
announced here. Is the first direct i,Am(Mt. tt nd tiatnts. with subs-
step tn the dlsrolution ot the Union qwnt datw arranged for the hearings Hadley, of Missouri Thin ws the
Pacific system. The resignation of nf ,h rriou. other schedules and the rent reached by the elector.
eight directors to make room for new fTW Utt , thj, Wlly u Is expected
members removed from the board of , ,w - ,, nriiminarv work mar
John lii. n plonoor of IM:
Hi III tllllll.l III lllt"9t (lliHi.
The llttenl iiiulliy liov r..t (
Events Occurring Throughout' in memm cuy w npin.i M,tU(,
ni tni nrimiry
founl) I'letU 11 I) AllM .. Vll(
I'tiuttl) na fount! iledil lii tu y
(' A iinmltiH Innk nl Hnl. .
I'tunol II lrln of IIinh! It , rr n
KlUtetl nulclile by bImhiIUis hitf
ItirouRli lh" head with ,t rv..i.er
John l'ritiol Mmttti. mm ut t ,
Ileal ami bl Vtinnn ptonrn
torn, died nl Halem ftEd m
( It I'orro, city timrnlmi
rrtee. I aeeuiMHt itf nrcfpiim
and Is no under Jo Uui t.
In court
Chatlea M wklltibiirfi. an
(ilaalernr. Mho Kepi olllrrt.
fur lo d). cjmhiiimI
thootlnc biwnlf ihrtiuult (!
bit home In rtugene
Thomae llatdinc n pi.nni-..
rr at the middle i fur t..
tnry. nnd author of the pr
member the Maine.' U deait
gon t'ity. etl St) yer
More than W.ooo prune tree- tt
eenllng an upprvUm! 4i
Of f'SWl by lh people of i i,
ilrlnlty. he bn recrue.t '
Mithln lb past three .
Ilurglar entofwd ti bfji
store and new p,r . t
RptlnSfleld. ker urine lout an. 4C
to about 1 too fr.'m the ot..t.., u
taking nothlac frni ti.e u.m,
hV'bool children nf Orefiun .1
tn tgnlne ptliion i l'rei.tr - v
eOQ SSVInr: lhAl the bnttleahlp i ifj
tin delfinol"d to lead til" f'-r' (M
Cot f Hunmmj Oregon J Var Wji
Salem -I nirtng the biennial period
from October 1, tlii. to Kept ember
30. 112. the office of secretary of
lata Issued warrants aggregailnc I ft.
(.70l.t. according (o the biennial
report of lecmary of But Dlcoll
- ,.f ,
' h
a t
-t 1
' a
Duuiamllng warranla on (K-tnber I.
1SI0. smounled to li:.l7tV while iht offlHatty thruush n
Human ashes ware mailed by parcel wuadliig warrant ai ihe clone of m Canal,
post at the St. Ixitti poatoffice for , biennial neriod amounted lo 4. ' Judge (lilo m .ir.,i(
tne soutnern racmc an it memoers w. k.i k .. un.i n v.hnmrv u Kdwardsviiie. m . wnere tuey win o imu
u.. ; wttn the exception of tho? who wero the work mmr ,h(pn begin ou th burled In the grave that was dog lor 4. on)y .landing mdebtednea
drafting "f the measure or measure
i for tariff reduction In readiness for
I the extra sesaloq beginning In March.
I Manufacturers Oppose Revision Plan
k-s t cnerwise. was nit oni? wm t. u .nMj k., . a kwt qi ra.iiBtirm, iwiiviin
a' .
ea upon Dim. JUOge Arcooaiu former! memtwnt -Inn nf tk I!nlAn
:s family left the capltol to go at , pacifjC hoard.
r to the family home in Scranton. ; Tne new njenjr, of tne w
l have always known that 1 have t renrntaiir nf ih nmtiiv. .
no wrong and the rote of nc one ot ihe south.n, uclnc .toe:k. I
' holders. It la understood that At tor- I
J ney-Gcneral Wicker ham Indicated In
I his conference with the Harriman line i
I and protective committee representa
tives that he preferred to carry on
- negotiations directly with the dlroc
' tor of the Southern Pacific in dealing
I with any representatives of the 3outh
Halem granted a writ of n -ordering
sUal Ineuranre i ,.n
Frederick .Vaumann. I( a mH amount of Trtlft f t er Frr.)cm lo grant a iti-en
The question of Increased Insurance evident of allowane of claim." and i .act tiuiaes to the I m..:, ;
"Cortifteat of Indebtedness.' leaned j umitie enmpan). ( rurtiai.o
lit i
c r:i-.. ent upon the senate's action.
Pasc.gers Removed in Surfboats and
No Lives Are Lost
:;fajk, N. S. The steamer L'ranl
cf the Uranium Steamship com
bour.'l from Rotterdam, for Hal
New York, stranded on a reef
thick weather near the Chebuc
i Jlight station, nine mile belo'
li. ..at and is still held fast.
r!.- steamer eti-uci: head on when
le was half high. Late in the
xm ber bow was six feet out
er. There were seven fathoms
er under her amidships and 17
is at the stern. The plate at
w are ripped open. The steam
, far out of her course when she
era Pacific Interests.
Packers Ordered to Improve
Chicago. --Charges against Chicago
meat-packing firms are made by Bute
Factory Inspector Edgar T. Davie.
The packers must make tl.0OO.vQO
worth of improvements on their plant!
to safeguard the live of their employ
ees, or face trial on more than one
and :epreenlalUa of other laterals
affected by customs charges aired
their grievance before tne house com
mittee on ways and mean tn the first
of a eerie of bearing preliminary lo
; the sbnrp rovislon of the Payne-Aid-'
rich tariff law In the coming extra at
! si on of congre,
I Tre discussion ranged from poker
; chips to sponge and from caustic pot.
ash to laundry soap. The burden tit
rate Imposed by the Royal Arcanum,
fought so ttltierly by n few of Its mem
ber. will be taken to the supreme
court of the United Stale.
The lowest temperature of Ihe lalo
cold snap in California wa recorded
at Huaana (San I.uls Obispo county).
In the Santa Lucia range, whor the
thermometer registered eight degrees
below sero.
During the course of the Inquiry be
aeeordlitg to law and for which appro
priatlons have to be made by the
The total amount of revenue requir
d for slat purpo for ItU wa
ilmated ai ;:. J.Mt t. which mclud
od for tho normal rhol ai
Hov VV r. Iteaur of rut'.mj,
the flrwt pridnnt of tbe par.'uav
of I'hrUUsn rhMM'hea for the uar
we. having laeen .-led Ib ,,ffaj-
had of the new orfinnnntii.il at
tiualnne se-eslOM lietil In Sii.kjm
C K ltivll, of Hallaa u 'U
MonmouOi- Of thin amount 47.39S , injured when an neiie ..n the i v
wa receipts from Indirect source, ; road of the Portland i.n-.tr . . -v.fi.
iKh as fe. Ilcen, etc. and 11 1 overturned and pinned him i w
tng made Into the Putamayo Rubber IsS.f Ut waa raised by direct lata ! where h Utrraiiy . .. i.. i
scandal tn London, ii ha been admit- Hon I gleam following an ij.: uf t
ted that JO.OuO native hove been mur for tlt It was estimated teat f I, , hot lor
of the prmcnt Uriff Instead of the
chai-ge proposed by ihe democmt
'along the line of the term of the
chemical tariff revision bill put
' through both house to a Whit House
J veto last year
Real Olssolution is Court Demand
' The plan proposed by Union Pacific
Railroad attorney fur "dliutolvlng" ihe
Unlar. Pacific and Southern Pacific
i jot'uy D. Sullivan, a-ho has long been railroad by allowing the Union Pacific
r 8S0 passengers were taken off j a prominent figure in New fork regis tockhoMr br have tne eclulve
i.e government (steamer Lady I lative affair, is to bo formally com- pril of buying the Southern Pacl
r and a small fleet of harbor mitted to a private sanitarium In Yon- ftc sto k now owned by me Union Pn-
j kers. He Is suffering from a fatal ciflc railroad corporation wa curtly
; malady. It Is fear it will not be long hut positively rejected by the supremo
before tlie A-t- (ompleiiH its
the irgument was the malntennnre dred during the law It years by otfl- S.3i would o ttad4, ff h?ch Kr n)s M Ileldn, rirrx of UM
Mi,iT.ti rem rrom ioairj mivc 4h ronniy. wa bin.rbi . .unt
rial of one company
Propoavod tocren of aboui 10 per ; cd $3,St6.3. camo trm dtrifi of the rhargr preferred nga
431g Tim" Committed to Sanitarium
New York. By court order it wa
She did not have a pilot on ; learned that Congressman-elect Tim-
and were landed safely In Hall-
Pr-ident Cancels World Peace Tour.
' -hlngton. President Taft has
( r. i ted plana for the flm nn
ii.- ' of h s cltlzenrbip aff r Man h
4 :' - will take up the duties of Ww
P ' - or nt Yak- and will not ruuk5
, r M "ir in he in'ortst of peace
. ' i r itr.it.'"i He v.-;il reHi'Je in
N- ' H.i'e'. i.ut -or three rr.otiths of
e:i t-:- Aiil Ine in Canada.
t! i
i New York. Complete plans for a
! continuation of the progressive party
I for a fight to secure control of county
! governments and of the next congress,
I were announced here. Leaders of the
party from every section of the coun
try wer! in hession for two days, anil
it was announced that permanent
headquarters had been established;
that a publicity bureau would be open
ed and that the party would have a
complete organization within a reason-
UiK bu'-lne,,' its npht
to growth and its dune to the ecu
try erp d cussed by President-elect
W.' on In a bpeerh before the Com- ' ahl nat-wi
"The first objective," says the ra.
Governor Wilson s audience, j pon of the conference, a made nubile.
wer biuk preetdents. railroad preal- -u the orgaulisatlon of the progresslvo when the court
ni' i' :;-.! club of Chicago.
A .oris
court of the United State.
Th.- court took the poaltlon that a
con oration only la another name for
Mi- i ukholdrs. and lo allow the Un
ion Pacific stockholder to buy the
h'ok now held by the Union Pacific
K.tilroad company, the corporation of
hti:h they ' are the stockholder,
would amount to nothing effectual.
This action is regarded a a highly
Important precedent In anti trust lob
ulation. State Power Over Railways Curbed
The power of the states ovor rail
roads and express companies suffered
a haro blow when the supreme court
held that since the passage of the
t'armack amendment to the Interstnto
commerce law In 1000, the stales hnit
ceased lo have the right to annul con
tracts between rallroatlH ami shipper
limiting ihe liability for tho loss of
Interstate ghipments.
Another serious blow wa dellvurcil
held that tho statu,
cent tn the freight rata on now print
paper from Sattit Ste. Marie. Ontario,
to destination In ihe United Stat,
were suspended by the Interstate Com
merce commission from January 11 tq
July 11.
Clash between picket and the po
lice continue to mark the progr of
the garment maker' strike In New
York. Ladr of the waist and dress
maker' uniona declared that the mem
bers of those organisations had voted
to go on strike.
While the all! and powers are
bickering over the cession of Adrian
ople. the people of that city are starv
ing ii nd the town I at It last gnap.
Military' author! tlos have aelted all
food tn th place and are making only
one distribution, comprising a half ra
tion, dally.
A commercial panic with many fail
ure I threatened by th csar's ukase
rjgatera Orn Without Matt
Hums Flurn ha been without
mall communication with ouirttta
point since Tuesday C M Kellotl.
contractor on the Prairie City flurna
route ntid four other routes, all
tin in (entering In thu section of Ore
on, refuse to handle the mall on the
ground thru the government vini.-ited
the prrscnt mull contracts by li.o on
'icinwni of the parcel iit u-
Conrjrosa CIcJra Vjy For Mllllont Ir
Added Wealth
Portland -With unusual rwcon) of
accomplishment th Oregon Irrigation
congress closed It aecond annual
Ion Saturday night
It elected William Ilanley president,
expelling the remaining Jew from the - Thompson of Echo, C. C.
oily of Kleff by the end of the Russian cbtpman of Portland and M. U Uu
year. These Jaws number 161 mur
chants with their families, do a busi
ness of 2fi,WX).O0O a year and have
current liabilities of II2.SOO.000.
diiu neaa oi great ousine en- ; party In every county and congresslon- lnce the passage of tin, Inierstato
terpr.h. ail district throughout the countrv with commerce acts, anil nartlculnrlv the
I din't care how big a business tb purpose of having county tickets Hepburn law In l'JOO, hail no power to
People in the News
I'rosiilunl Taft bus ronomliiatotl
Charles P. Nell I to bo commissioner
or labor.
Itoald Amundsen, discoverer of tlio
south pel, arrived at New York for
an extended visit to this country.
Captalu lljalmar Johsiison, who tmil
achli-ved inuc-li success In polar re
ioarch, ciitniulitiHl sulcldo at Clirlstl-
of Canby vice president. J. T. Hlnkl
of Hermlston was iiimnlmnitsly re
Chosen secretary -treasurer.
Tho congrekK tecouimoiiiled uch i
cbauge ami progress In recliiuiailon '
iimtter as to bring frotn John II Lew j
Is, state engineer. Ihe opinion that, If
reeoinuiojMlafloiia aie adopted by tho
legislature, the slate can stralghtou
out difficulties coiiiiocUhI with re
claiming I.OOD.OOO Morns of land In IHn
projocis, at an approximate averago
of 130 per acre, mid thus Increnalnk'
land valim, without slice ulmivo inrtu
niici) to lfiO an acre or a total of $00,
000,000 ntjilml worth lo thu slnto, jjle.
lug homo room for 10,000 fniiiltlim.
r.rr " , provided it grows bis In con- '
no t wi'h keen competlttou," he said.
".' ;k; future business of '" United
Bihi.r oes not depend upoi -be gov
ornn.en', but upon the bUBlntig men
oi th- cnlted Stateg"
v linon ai four things must be l0 ihe next congressional election,
doi'; '.i tier by tbe business men vol- 1 .
nominated for the election of 1914 and penalize railroads for falluro to furn
of making an effective far-reacblnK ish "rs for interstato shipinunlH.
congressional campaign In that year. National Capital Brevities.
Emphasi is laid upon the purpose of The navy d -partmunt has awarded
the party to have a candidate In overy contracts for eight new aubrnarlnoa to
rongressional dlntrlct In the country 'com $500,000 each.
rhe death of Senator Davis, of Ar- .Angeles, with found nut guilty of Imv
uiit i:ij or ti'ultr the "whip of law."
Tlii i" iour things ware:
"Nnti iui resources inuat be coQserv
ed :mh1 o MM d for the common good,
H.iw 11,: 1 -iuIk must be put at tho
dihpuhtil 01 e er .- person in the United
State.s 0- eCjlj.ii lerillU.
Uanklii'4 :n dlt IMUHt be pit OE
terms of ( ,)t ilitj to all.
''p.uhii.o.-s muiit bo free of twrj
form or of every klud of monopoly."
Renewal of Var Seems Probable
London. Diplomacy still Is busy
bpcUIlk a ioluiion for the flalkan dead
Jock. Pear that the ponce confur
erico will end In falluro and that th
ullliyi will take, up nniiB attain are
KtrJtyr ihi'.p at any tunc tiioe the
plcnlvi. ' -j caiuo to Loiidou,
Wieat Club. 84c; blueetejn, SCq;
red Russian, 70c.
Oats 12$ per ton.
Hay Timothy. $1S; alfalfa, ?12,
Ilulter--Ci iiiuer , :',7c.
Kuifh-Ci-i.-l'.-ij ;u
H'iis -l'iI2 crop, L'Kc
Wool Kastern Oregon, 18c; WI.
lameito valley, 22 fyc.
club, 82c;
Wheat Mufbtc-m, 87c;
roil Jtukuluti, Tjq.
ICgg 3So.
Hut tor Creamery, 38o.
Iln.i -I. . 1 .. 4 I. - . ....
uu) niiioiuy, pur ion; alfalfa, i,i
por ton.
kariHUH, probably ineiui that Senator
Cb.itnberlalii will bei.oriio chairman of
the public ImihIh coinmitiee hIioii tho
democratb r-ort;uiil.u the next senato.
Tho Iioiiho coirurilttuM on tnorchiint
murine began hearing Tuosduy lo
Investiiiaie Iho methods and practices
of doin'-btlc nrul loroiun stoaiiislilp
lno M, particularly as to any agroe
tuentn, pools or combination with
The Inauguration of tho parcel post
ou New Year's day wu an uimwillflod
Hii'-cess and so completo hail tho ar-raiig'-inont
boon mado that not a
bn.oh was reported fuun any point.
Among tho artlcloH sent mid received
wero hriiidle pups, sides of bacon,
cue", fruit, home collar and lll:o ar-
On- firm In Cbtcao p'lrchaned
ana, Norwty.
Anton Johnonnseii of San I'raiicfsto '''"I could he followud by nil iiilillllou-
a labor leader, uppunred In the United 1.000,000 nero of loclnmnUoii at
States district oourt at Los AiikdIo Il(glitly gnxiiur difficulty, but with
to ho tried ou a charse of aiding In a oinmlly valuable rnsuli.
(loiisplracy to transport dynumlte. , -
(iuy Kddlo, Kiwd government leader 8lxty per cent of Teachers Pn
and suspended city piosecutor of Lo Salem.--Tim list of Hiiccossfnl em.
dltlute for lonelier1 eurtlflcitteu m
mg eoiitrioutod to the dollnnuotiuy of thu recent oxiiiiiIiimiI.it.,. Hat frll'lll iiltl
.Mrs. Alice Phelps, a minor. by Slato Bupoilnlenilent of Public In-
Tho entire eetute of th- late Wlilto- structlon L, it. Ahlunnan, shows Unit
law Hold, ambassador to (Jrenl llrllHln, 110 per eeni of tlm uppllciut were hip-
Ii. left uncondlilonully to IiIh widow. comwIiiI. This yoar'ii oxaiiiiriiittrniM, If
The value of Iho estate Is estimated anything, woru more MiitlHfactory than
,1,,,,, ii,mw,u 10 u,uvu,uuu, iiioMii or provloiiH years. 'I'hu
omiiiifiof.er rrmiKiin K. Lane, of
California, wiih elected by the Inter
stu'o Comm. im comuiiIhsIoii to nerve
iui lu cl;ln,..i!i for the your beginning
.Iliiuiuri 1.:. . succeeded CoiiwiiIr-
H OI I ., , r0Uyf
P.iil bond! Ill-the sum of T240.000
fo." Hie reir.ts of Olnf A. Tvullmoe
and i.u;;'-iif- Claitoy, tho couvlcteil dy
nous submitted mm with 11 more mm
eml iippnivui, both from lliomi in
eilmrge of Ihe nxnnilimiloim it ml ihiitte
tuldiiK ilium than him hoielororo been
the case,
$17,000 worth of iilauipi.
Gun Clubs Ornanlze State League
ICuuene. llepi eHDiilcd nltlier In per
noil, or by proxy. ilelecaioM irn... n.
nai ilie coiis.drnloi-s sonlonce.l to nls 1 kiiii cliilm of Ihmeno. I'lirii..,,.! h,.i
years In the h-Uuml pHhou ut Loaven Albany, Ontnrln, JoHeph mid Coniillle
i- .' 0 hi r - ,1.,., y "Wl ro"n" ,,r ,"" hnvf.ni-cuiiliHl iho ,
.ivuiva cow ooiMpen im 1 1 i ir .niiMt'tl ii vti u '
Hiuuuu lor th promotion of sport. '
by Wlltism I. Ptnley ttr cn..
den. of falling to t-ir-. mt
l (raurrr rtrtain stiinn a:
llcn fund
Th pertftonent nudoim-nt f,
ll&O.OOO for Albetiy .,.!;. 10 m
pletcl on Nr Yeor a .!-. nf
oltl StitH. IKO.IWO. lilt 'u.II.ir la;
re ! Hills aaar.ui..'l of '
Ihe -t. 'li rrmnluliiK II u
raiset In On-gun
In the f-tr JUI Clr.!it., thr rt
Creairi'-rr ompany at Kiort-:n--(.lientive
t-niimrn i'h p
handled 7.71ll pound of b itt--
Hltlch brought somethln Ilk.- !
a mm. if niually d
ap " e for the p.ttrt.
W If Mend Hint l,,l Hern
bin arreated nt llnk.-i on tin
of nrculi Mead bn , i.i.l., n,. 1
ung fire to the U hit- rt., 1
SUPtHiKed purpose a in , 1
piltilnti, a he whs -In uui, 1
Klltc ntudlo. of that 1 11
Ce.ii;,- hide to the iniiol 1 ' .
wi1 .-,it pe 2l, in, 1 ; 1
i'i"l 7 iyn. .oiiipriae ii.. k'.i
..( ! snliuiils In (ill,. r
:12 I'.o'iuty YHtrnii.U i,.f. in
j tiutn been Issued to tiiuitt , u ,1
j p rs In the 12 IllOlltbii
Private, hut niitheutic. a.h.,
Halt lihii City ImlicdtK tin
Jan. 1, of nil prop,rt un.i .
lion work vest ml in ttu orm
111 railroad company from im
hip of the Oregon Hlmrt 1 in -of
the O. W It ti N . .mip.i,,
The supremo court l..tn ni"n,
ile-lloii of the cllcnll com 1 n
tun county In Ihe cm.e of (I- ..
Chat le lliimplirey, cons ict.-.i
del III the first ilcKree for lllliit
UlUBhuih (Irlffllh. The in-1.
the death penalty for tlinir cr ui
llermiiu Pocli, 1 1. ,11 her uu '
dealer, wan hIiiIii nl Ins rin- 1
Piiiiinllln by bin 23 yi nr old 1.1
Ouylord McDanlel. Poch had .
McDanlel of Improper H inilo
his inothor, Poeh's wife, whii'
nijjed (he boy (hut he rimhotl 1
house, Momirud n nIioikuu mid
nlmi'Ku throiiKli Poeh a UkIk br
An event uiiliiue In ()ii-,-o,i
uiitl Hie inoHl iioleworili) m
lory of Ihe idnlo wiih the tnlio
to ex K'lVei iioiH, their hi h ..
owe, by (lovonmr Wont nt .1
Iioiiho New Year'H nli'.lit 'I In
corridors wero trniuiforiin il I. it
or light mid lummy and Un
were erowilml with men un.l
Wboiid liven liiivu linen tut-
wiih iho history of Orouoti f
Imlf a eenliiry, In tlm recelvi
wen. tho wIvimi and wiilnwe of IB
eu 1
the pi-esi 1 t e lel
U.iuu utUuiti.il the rseupUoU.