5 r TYrrrrrFYrrrrrrrrFyT 1 lhk HII5KH ii Where QUALITY Is Paramount RAY & COMPANY "iiH:L coi't'Kg ' ., .. vll i7ippcill!lg$ : r i lit lo order at fjtoeh' tvnt, Apply to K. . f Rocka. wh - Qto. flrwf. .! t'k'vNria, m to , Mi.-mi I, Both phtma ,k tot. ',..-., ( ftandlak, wat i' n ot Saturday, ;.., Mn !trt on Hon t a .1 nJ deported on l firl ' lo fc ho0 j..Mr. u( tejr c.ty. pi t.rr f rioii .Mt NotUti Mi Oil ' ' " ii -tty ' r. -Ill ? M.frta. fbn about Um T. gfcilMftft-U. If , Mm ! ViUorml ami dHl" , i il. wot THIbIiwoV lp- ef f I M " . ' sr. ftlwl tjrijlrl ttf dull ftl ' r. 1 fri.ii the W4gOW it eOtllO. fvi ( .uulf). Sort SIlH-ln, ,tt U llim, (if lly City, W a m: i - 'tiy Ui Kioo visitor ta.l it ,r ' i . t' -l tHaWv (of l. Ks ' K r .r or. HomUwfc ' '"" t.l V r, AH r . T. It. Goynn l lrnCllng uk' r irforv iho Suprpme Court nl K ' ir i . im cunneeUonx (ur . r. ,'o.-'iiimi. Hi: 'lll tUt you r at n rn tioimlilo (trifR. l t '.'ti m . ! V Th..iniin, of Mohlor. ami riin. It. lainur. of (5ari- 1 1 ' rc in town the Ami of tno It Wurvli, phynlrlan anil ue- mim-r,lal llulbllni; npIKHltr I M tr! .'. Iny lt Mr. nml Mr. Nlk iii rtitnnil :!7 U'",t I" Ih'W1!" -I lurth l.ny of t'lrlr son ltilo . 1 wntitoy nml futility f Hwy - I nt l't Murrtll Smllli liom I Mr. K. J. AftilOi. tnotJior rroinbloy, niooinpnnlitil Ihnni 1 1 1 y I'lty. i'iiI IWnmitur IliiVdtr hni ftiT niiirli tnmltlt. nuwixnltfl it ix-tluiort'nwuok niirvino iin-ri I.U) rtiiilc, wo Unrn thut t . i ii. " " "iwrtiillrtii will bihiii lo ru in ! ii, i tho iniiil will nixitl, lid Mlfillll ir .-. r tin- nilU. "it la utixwl! "t ni l triinHirlntion will Im ru uii W .li.imlay. If not nil Uu U A ii.i i i l In-iroiilit In on it ImiiiI luuv "k I 1 1 u ui Wi'iliumiliiy. i VISIT G L () U G U W lu n you want miy tiling li)t in u I-MKST CLASS Drug Store I L also Ivft'ps SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR EVERY PUPIL CLOUGH TIllv KlvLIAMLIv Drtitst and Book Seller i'UHK WIHTH I'im 11 lot of iiitififflfiinii ;.i knowing that when trntliiiK nt mir store you re jiniiug the best qnniily gondii thai money cim nt. lain; nlan that we enrry n lmKc variety, which miikcn it winy fm the HfiniTURS. n h n a 1 KM HALK Hmmgf TrptwrtU-r f nkn In Th ..! Ihl brr MMdMK1 Who UWf lit rv4ld won! HAiartljiy tlMt Inwttor whu nmMm in fWUwd in not xWHrM to ). IH, Krn rru th blrU oC it srl Mr. mt Mr. 8. C. Umt. ibat im. iwrtnl ukltif tUw do 8n((r. dty morning. H. C. ! Ji.n mmtit nmmgth Untt ill wmV ml blr IriuuthtrUtlun uniblt tiy Ihmwih) m nUtl$. U t womlorfnt what fm llw mminf o Uw lltlh omm tu ho un (itlk.w. Mr. m Mm. W. M. Il.totloo ob rvt lit SSili onrtlvtirmry nf Dintr mrriv t Uwtr home In tin muth part at luwn tm Vtntxmli Jan. '2nA, y inrilinK fw rrltlvp for dlniwr. All lml kwmI Itnio ami loft feiatiln Mr. ami Mr. 1 1 ronton many Nwrit mturn f tho ilny. 'riito priM. iltv(f: Mr. ami Mr. F. It Von Iwrtt. Mr. ura) Mr. W. It. Noyi-. Mr. ami Mtt. Harrr W. 'nom, Mr. Qulwry J. I'anKlrn. It, (". IAitib UkaI Bjtpfit fur tho Kl IlHiro Ataantthlp hrir, rrcrivnl wnnl frutH ti HtAnei)itirnl of Ilia lino thin wijrtV to Uh ntfiMft tltsl utiles roiuli. tlan chncpl m tlic l'urllan.l Tllln-tm-ili run lh I'aUy would Uo lakon u(T onj M)li 14 loft wlthiuit wntrr lrntlT.ralI(Hi. Wn umlrrstaml tlir teuton ti tilrimtly lccll lakrn olf, ntul If U) l'at,y w to lie InVrn oil I'hi ui) mouM icrtjinly lx Inn bait way. It suvotn that lb uMiraltiiK' i'1ciuiii Imvr? iiatmi up tltv itnlirn livrnnie of thn boatji ami tul tluun in tlcbl Hinnj; Uio (mat few immtlu. TrniiMirUtlim ly IhmU IhkiKI rive more onrnurnKo iiinit, bull) in rcnnl lu patronnK'n "i InrUir farilitlmi. MnrK.'iln tiny 5til.crlpilons lor the Orcein Dnlly Journal tnken at tninr'jt Drue Store. Dnlly and 5timlny hy ninll, I year, 5s.ooj Dally. $.1.75; Sunday, Si. 50; Scmi- ; Weekly, Tills oiler expires lJch. 7, 1 )t.. Free! Free! Wc will ivt away five to every ChiM horn in Tilla niotik County, one solid ohl hnhy riu;, slartinj; Nov. 15, UH'J. emlinK M'. Lsl, H)ll. HOWARD WAHLIN Leailiun Jeweler Tillamook. Or. Rnnch for Sale on Silctz. Ml iiero l mllu rivor fr.int, 'JO nenm liotlom linlf In khihh, tho rout I Ihui-1i Iwml pnrtly alunhwl, ut to un. ! (oinI new liimmi with hot anil oolil i wiilur, in, lmrn unil out liulliliiiKK, nil j kiniUof mnull fruit. I'lonty or out muni', if want In ilitlry. ('an noil mi Uc 1 nt ilmir, on mull rotito nml phmii-, IhriM) ipinrU'ra of 11 milo of m-iiiml, nil l;inilHofi:iiin.' nml lUh. A short llino will nllVr for i'l.'iMHI. Cull on or wrlto to Win. Scott, IKornvllli!, Lincoln In. Oro. Lntntit Prions an Tunn start Mazda) Lampu in Wntt 2fi Wntt 1(1 Wntt (10 Wntt 10(1 Wntt $0.45 .45 .50 .65 1.00 Frosted lumps l cunts nxtrn. Hllodlvo Oct. 11, hub, 9 S Tillamook blcctric Light ti C Fuel Company NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Flnnnolor Says Control of Monoy In Bail Hands Mlijlit Cnuso Trouble. Vahli.tiim. That tb prKiiJit ron ountrmioo of inoaty nnd rdll "has lioim far poounh," ihat In lm) Imki'Ih" II wettM havn a Imd Pffct upon lb Wilon, that the aafniy or tbn r.ltimtlon lla In thn iwreMMial of tbu man In control ant that pitmen t condition arm "not inirly totafonallr for Iba country" nora a few of ih mutcnwiiii. hi Uorg r, llakar, twnalor of Mnanc. as the climat of aa examination Im for ih bona monr trust cornmltta Mr liakr ro-iw4 In dauil Ui (rations of bimarlf. bla hank, tba first Nailonai tiib Naw York and J 1. Mowm A ',, la th Uunauc of bonds. In Wall atrswt." said ilakr. "ilor- tan la raeogaltMKi as lb grvat gnnil of 1 ha fljuMstlal army." If admitted thai b and Jam gtittman war Mar rpsn thht iMfutvsaau. saylns "Morgan could b th donlnant II- aatulai oowor of tb world If It war outtgor." concluding bis itlmony. Hnfcr adtsmid that ibo waaltli of th nation bad hn eraatly concuntrstoil durtni rt-rrnt rwri. Ocm8crat Will Mold ua Anpalntmonti liWN;ratk na(or bold a caucus d dot ldsd to stand pal In their op yoaitkw to confirmation of Tall aj toint 1h ivpubllcaaa having rfud to otmoerai wttb a democratic com wit im to co.miilrr tb nontnatlooa with a ilw to datermrnlnK what should br and what should not b cotiflrtnod. tby il.iturtninod lo hold ui 4rytblnjt but army and nary proiaoitons and tin diplomatic appointments I'lMtmnstxrii and othxr civil npjxilnl tnnti IntndMl to bo flllml with r publicatiB within tv I'lks of tb rod of tin republican administration Kill Im proirniml. ssalnst by tli dmo crat. rvn It It tititKK n fllibuntdr to rjiforcti their protusta. Itnpublloan n'listorn prufus to b lfro tburi will ! holiMliT confirm atlon brfor llir nston In much old cr. but It no svrms thnt cvtrythl!ie depends upon tbr proBrosslvi's If tin) an' pre-n'iit In full niimbom nnd loin solidly lth the democrats, tboy can dnfeat tin Talt apiKdutinnnts. Appropriation Dill Carrie MO.800.000. The Ilrsl apptoprlatlou bill of th prrsrnt sclon of conKri'fw was n ported lo thn houti' by tin housn rlv era nnd harbors cummlitti Monday and provide Ho.SiKi.uoo fur tin Im pruti'inent o( rter nnd harbors throuRbout the country. The bill carries the following ftp proprlntlous for tiorthwcstiirn wntor wnys Mouth of the Columbia river. 11.000.000, Columbia and lowor Wil lamette, I'ortland to the ob. S10.000. Columbia l Cascades, jioO.OOO. fiilllo cnnnl. JCOO.OOO: WtllnmoUe and Vain hill river. JiJ.ooO; Columblu and Snake rlvern above Celllo. 110.000. t'olumbla, llrldeport to Kettlu nills. $36,000. Htmke rtw'r. $S6.000; Vatjulnu liny. ISS.Xon. Coon buy. ISO.UOO. No hnUm bay. $100,000. Coqulllo rher. JC000. Sluslnw ruor. 15000. Ijiio WashlnBtou canal. $336,000. ship can al conuoctlni Port Townsend Imy with Onk Harbor. 1U.B00; I'ucel Sound and trlbulnri"'. $'.'5,000; SkaBll river. $10. 000, Lewis and Cowlltt rivers. $23. 600, (Jrnyn river. $600; Urays Harbor nnd t'luhallH river. 130.000. Moroan May Tell c Ocean Combine An Invi'stlBrttlon of the luternatlon nl Morcnnlllo .Mnriiie. th $U'0,oOO.ouo American corporation conirollluj; nu mnratiK foretuu and American stun in ship companies., with J. V. Morsnn ns the chlnf witness. Is contomplntcd by I !u boiiso lomnitttcc on merchnnt ma rluo In connection with Its henri"t of Iho 60'Onllnil shipping Irust. Mr Mur f.tm Is bellcwil to have orKnulzcd ibis Brunt company nnd to control Its stock. Natlon.il Capitol Brevities Senator llontti has Introduced n bill rIvIiik lottlors on government reclam ation projects HO years lu whlili to make payment for water debts, nnd exempting them from payment of In terest on tho J20.000.000 loan auihorlz ed a year iiko- lUipresentatlve Hayes of California, has Introduced n bill to amend the iillon contract law. The nme:i(lnieiit iillows the entry of musicians, actors, lecturers, ministers and persons be IntiKlni! t any oiBanttcd learned pre fci.ctou. Nearly 2,000,000 parcel post pack ni;es were sent throiilih the postofflccs of tho 60 leadlnn cities of the country in tho first week of the operation of the now service, acconlitiK to reports received by I'oslmaster Ueueral Hitch cook. Mortality reeonlBjuivo been broken durliu; tho present conKicss. Sine tho slxty-'Coud coiibicss began Vice president Sliernian, six senators nnd II representatives hnvo died. Ono ropresentatlvooleot, Joel Cook, of Pennsylvania, died before consicsa couvouod. ...... F o r Sale crJTr a de For Til. la- MOOK C I TV ORCOUN TX-Ellfl? RTV No. 1- Two Ms in llosu (ity'park, J'ortlawt, ono hlok from strset mr. tlo.2 Thro' lot In Unltemity I 'arts, I'ortiaif1, thru- ll'fks from street rui. Ho, 3 Two lot In Kurii.e ,ty, ,n lilk from slnmt car and four lbek fn.n. tun lilic'i School, Crofl Library and Htst t 1 Iveralty tfrottfrds. Ng.G ?.M acre of whwat Ism! In Morrow lUtanlf, all stv iir ruillvatlon, in fA wheat belt. tit G On lot and fin r.-si ..- In bt rsidnc part of Han Jos. Cal,, f n.trri. bkicks from Ui flltfb Hrl.ix.i and flat Normil ikhooi. and two short biof k from three sireat ra' limw. All tho AhttJo tJlll initio For Hllutnooh Ofty or County l'ru;tarly. P. W. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon Cement : Coal Shingles Root Paint LA M B-SCHR ADER COMPANY Oncks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. WcM ANNOUNCEMENT,1 4 L,I)I!S AND OKNTI.HMUN' Ol' fl Tillamook and Vicixrrv: Y Ol' arc most cortlinlly invited to call mid in- j)cvt the senson's pro- I ilt:ilius ot iinportcd nml domotic snitiii;s. o c r c nu t i n 54 , nnd other ftilirics. Von will surely find ninny boun tiful pat terns deMgned to lie made up into perfictlv tailored clot lies adapted to your individuality. Respectfully, J. Wm. Edwall MEN'S Jnd LADIES' TAILOR 2iuH Ave. Et. Neil to County ISiiik ranra thnt i l'rimr llirri) alu-iUM lini. JXir fortii nlr-.tk !it nvitw I.icn f j'l llinuinKxilt tailri lHHM X a. It r ra TTi W. tavca tau your :uu inn. The Great and Grand Majestic Af3t(uie and Charcool Iron, Iiasantimlierofexcluslvefcatun'S.c.vh oiiu n.lilmi to in duraluhiy juij rucii nil sorviM', iimklng tho MaJUTIO tho Ivst raiicu you can tmy n-ranllcM of Plire. TliAl J Mliy tiftrcn olhcr uiaau locluivts try to luiiuto It. WliyT "Kxtieiieiiee l ii laent teacher." nld the old duty " Then win do some men get married four tlmc-V nsketl tint chccr.nl Idiot. -Clui'luuatl Knnulier. : g25 Alex McNair & Co. I : Lime : Brick : Plaster : Drain Tile "WRECK 0F Tm p- On a Sunday morn Whan Ua train bad borne. Tb pener- op Uh line ; Tb min-aoaked bill With Intention lo.kill; r IIokId to undsmnino. With an awful roar b great kt tor Down lb mountain side. Striking V. K. & N. Umln, .ssr 1 Ihcy-rent her in twain, ;And cars ware hurled on their side. Kvcryone rcrunmcd For it quite clearly scenic! Tliat all wookl surely Ihj HIIcsJ. In scrnmbllnt; nboot. "Little Hesnlo" fell out. While conductor and Brakie rolled down the hill. An observer since said, A ldv thrust out her head SnyinK, "Pull me through the window to the eround." Hut the observer said low, "Dear msdum you well know That you ueiKh nearly three hundred pound." With nobody killed. They immediately filled A work train, which was summoned for them. Hut though TillamooK is wet. We will never forget The wreck of the P. R. & N.Kuby McGhco. First Sutlratette Did you vote the the Progressive ticket? Second Suffragette I didn't vote at i all. First Sutrrni:ettc Why not? You registered, didn't you? j Second Suffragette Yes, I registered, ! 1 but I was afraid someone would chal-! lenge my vote You see, when they I a.ked my sge I wits so fluttered 1 gave! them my bust measure instead. I People in Hie News United States Senator Jeff Davis '! -! M h:s home in Little Rock. Ark. J.i mts R. Keen, the noted financier ..ud hv.rseniaa. died In New York. Ho w.ts 7o years old. !. ither JlcCarty, of SprlnRfleld. Mo.. shattered the heavywolght champion h:p ..mbttions of Al Pnlser. the lown :l.int. at the Vornon arena lu Callfor-ui-.i Lou:r l. Olavls has resigned from lie r.M'tarythlp of the California , ii- conscn atlon commission, fob 1.- i"K charges brought against him by . .. --cr " oral Kingsbury. P... .-a Imperial crown prlnca. 1 i l :. i i weeks ago by a nihilist. v. r.o .; thought was nnltnod 1 Y ' . completely reooverod his ':l' ;i '.(arned to hl studies, li.-'.ifd! ' dwani Merwin Lee, ouce i-; K-'-i-.or of Wyoming, and a ,:'.' . ' .-lert E. Leo, diod at his 1 N,r York, in Wyoming ho -d the first bill giving women the " '.; .0 vote. UollowliiR fuuernl services in Now Vork. tho body of W'hitelnw Held, late ..l..s.i,.or io Great llritnln, was laid u rosi in iae vault of Ogden Mills In Slcejiy Hcilow cemotory at Tarrytown, et.s than 100 feet from thnt of Wash- "ln'i ll'" Move to Stock Reservo With Elk Pendleton. County Judge J. W. Ma loney Jm started a movement to so cure ti $600 contribution from the sportsmen of Umatilla county with which to br'ng two carloads of elk from Yellowstone Park to stock the "'enalin reserve. Re.ictie lh Kiwi Sicivi calu instantly. The Croat 1'ilo Hfm t'Uv, rmuiilniulitf ui'tj iccul uuilu liZan BRILIF I.EW3 OF OREGON The f- ftr.'bM Si 1) - :l f.-i-mi Ii ,n 111 If .r 'i'i ' r"-r.'f M Fall City ard : . -n II Bio u at fewu.ox Wo. i ef tttf irmatma k 'iU'i V;'.lzi :tt bis k.i.19 a i. tills rfaorvtMoa, a fw tell f-'tn fJovernor V"" kaa nvWxfli ' ll.-rdimf to m . issy Jodgt? of ', -.in cr- tnty. to e-.f .-.' ! C. Hi Oardi .-, i,-i ruf.ftstiy mlsmd Reprenal.c Hawby bat - f ir manned for i,o;atmnt icitu " 1 Iwr poitnti'r at Jaekaoe t UCCCd Mr KIH'MT. vCt9l. Th ? h DTiaaal mv i Oreston Bet.-ii Hardware . ' nent fKi;' nt ci!ioa will -in Pcrt!an8 on JiHUtary tl, tt .1 i. 34. Ttml?f Criiim r McCarthy. . o i.,n tnt com! ,' A rnMtf Om t , r Coos eoaai. reporta 14.M r.. ,,. -. f-t of tiii.t bantable tfwlstr 1 " eooniy. Tb seventh annnal r -n of the Oregon Retail M ' , , v , -. tic"- place at A't'ip J -mrj t .d Wtwolw ' to l( larjfMi la Jhffr J.Jatory. Bf.Tt:t- ry of War ,"?!m',n his ai provei a -Mia Uixb' - (.rniriPid 1 Cion for ' '-'.ii, ?e air c ' bf. nt MarsM'-!-'. The ratlroa-! I-t promi-.-ed to 1 work lnitn-diat ! Tb ' n obil bur-Ti of h" Sv-c-retary deixirim"H 11 s-v.-mi- 4 with tt- 'ak of o'it.'"lr,i: for rtif new yaar th- 10,000 rr n"-r rrolc-r v blcle of tb state with the nw 1S1 : Items tag L. W. Wjigbt, a Jenlro-- -i H'd Kl r. craving cocaine, to v. ' h 4r:t h la a slave. terwl the iruz storf of C. A- Plato and boldir.sr i? h clrk. Herman Kreiwe, curwj a Urge quan tity of tb nrvn. Tb tt' board of tax o-mis, on er ajtao--sd for 1 ., 1 Z the lowest atat tax ly In the history of Ore gon, l.S mills. This levy will produce lla.ol-s on an aaaeased valuation placed at $905.01 1.G70. Representative Hawley baa .secured an increaae in tho appropriation for tbe Chemawa Indian school from Vi&iQ to $1!,000. wltb the understanding that $8000 of ibis amount shall be applied to improving tho water supply. To celebrate securing the J250.OOO endowment fuud for Albany college, the Albany Commercial club will give a big banquet In honor of 11. M Crooks, preddent of the college, who directed the successful campaign. For the establishment of the Oregon Caves National Park, to include the Oregon caves, Senator Bourne has in troduced a bill setting aside township HQ south, range 6 west. Josephine coun ty. This tract, which Includes tho caves, is a national, monument. Seven delegates to the. National pro hibition party convention, which met In Atlantic City last summer, will re ceive no expense vouchers from the stnte. The state already has paid the expenses of 10 delegntes and that Is the restricUon which Is placed by law Secretary of State Olcott visited Pendleton and on behalf cf the stnte board acceptd the new Eastern Ore gon State Mental hospital. The big $1,000,000 institution is now ready for occupancy, some 30 or more patients already being housed and aired for in Printer Dunlwny Is preparing an elaborate statement which he in tends to submit to tho members of the legislature showing lu detail the ques tions Involved In the work of st.ite printing and also urging that the law passed by the 1911 session be repeal ed. An Immense gaa paint, covering lo acrosrwlth e- ret bulhi'nae, of !.-. nnd tall Iron tai'ks. whs- .1 will surpu Portland w h rss uatil Is bem; built by the I'ortland ll.it. & I'oke com pany nt the governm at m oringt. on th Linutoc road, ut a ci .-t cf $2 000. Charles S 'hlthill. of Po'snd, has written to c vr.-t-iry OKott demand ing that an .a. est!-., uion l- i.v lo of th counting of votes in Portland .it the last - ral election AVhite'.i.ll declares th. t " per cent of the votta wore couttc '. illegally. Olcott li.'s uo tlfiod htm h.it the qi.estion is not coming under bis jurisdiction. Three hundred oltixens of Kedmond and the surrounding country partici pated Friday In tho opening of tho Kedmond Union Warehouse uorapauy, one of the inrgest and most substan tial buildings of the kind in tho north west. Ks-Cougressnitin Williamson wns orator of tho day. Tho warehouse was built of stone, cost $10,000, and will store 200,000 bushels of potatoes. An Important decision has been handed down by the OroKon supremo court In the ense of Multnomah county vs. County Clerk Frank S. Flolds, when the court ruled that county clerks were not renulred to pay na turalization fees Into tho county treas ury. In lmturallxation proceedings, says tho decision, tho clerk nets ua agent of .the United States and Is en titled to tho foes up to $3000 a year, the surplus over that amount going to tho government. 11 '1