r th U SI a me Is Herald ...... r .1 n . . issue Cu 'ct ft OIk .cvnd -oIjw matter Mav IT. Oregon, under ine scxscRtrtroN W.60 i' Uvrti h ' -.ICS ! vrl'o f .10 t rtum, line .WV " io. w OS - ! ttU. r Hi. .OS ."i ruon Tl i.IV. 1ANTAKV Ls. un:. ..f. TILLAM ' "AD. r, . m, - in . miv ' . . , - si - .- , "it l? i--.ii r- o V 1 . t ' V( i' U" -t i tcv'ly th -.. :i a H . propers y. t) h '.X n I po 'O.O of Ni'- be tr-j.'. h. t.. t I' ti-d wtll rM K built t 1. 1 it i' 1 T l.annKJk and Bay Cit :(r!iit-.i on to NetarU C .v. Thi bt a -r- thir.i: for TilUmoOH City. Tillamook City i bound to propr woT.erfjlly t irouh the advanceni-'n; cf harSvjr imniivemontS' ezcUwf tic .rre miiia win conic the eti.olUhing of various kind of factories, and so far as factory sites are concerned the Ti;iHmook River and Hoquarion Slough offer fine opportuni- ties, awa-. from the iorcdoes a:id heavy winds. Many of the good factory sites on ti e bay have been taken up by the bie tixrr owners, so that thoe in-; dustries which will follow the bic mills will necessarily find sites further up the bav, which will ot course oe 10 Tillamook City's advantaRe. Any activity " hich may ta'-c piace down the bay will certainly help Tilla mook City. At least il has always been thus. Shoppers and buyers of all kinds of merchandise ger.orally trade where the largest stocks are kept, and there is no reason why with proper effort our mercha-ts cannot continue their present commercial supremacy e must ail aavanee so as iu vyy meet tfle growing r.eeas 01 uie county. Tillamook City being centrally It,-' cated is in a splendid puiUon to take care uie ... 51..1.M ui imuw w er- .to in a hig way, it is simply up to US t tu-.ty. take cu- cp;i r- The warm pleasant wea'her of the past fe-v days ha ieen a great relief to our people, coming as it does after the severe storm3 ? the past month. The P. R. & S. is not the only railroad of the -tV.vest that has been tied up we have been unusually J.arJ hit be-1 cause of the newnsns cf .e r-ad. t While we have Keen heavily handicap- ped becau-e of lac of transportation and regular i:a:U, wh.ch , 'toeether , with the bad weat rather, have caused sU-k husineft a!rg all lines, the ' pr-, h'.;.e t beuutif li days give us mu:h 1 Woy mean that the railroad VI be put in operation, that k lorv deferred will soon h t'..n ' up ur.i -ni t things will soon liven up aJi ,.I if lhe line and evarvnn w :ii ! tort t tj,. late storms. While there hbs i ett-r, 1 iaeh to cause discontent we 1 " thankful that our people "' I - ienced no suffering what 1 i c h cannot be said of everv stor-swept locality. iJON T SMOKE OR DRINK BUT KEEP BR IN CI EAR ' ' I W i.it he thinks of smoking, drinking and ii - cards was told the stuoe-.U ' of tl ' fan Agricultural College by Rav i '.! Kobblns, noted Chicago boeial woi er, at he last college convocation, j ' N'o mi here enjoy a good cigar t bcti. r t!ia I. but it is thirteen years i I 1. smoked," he said. "It is i ju t t ,-uj is I want all my p.wer so that 1 i , ill upon this physical bo y of rr.i ' e ai,: . .h- limit when the hour ' of rtr.i' jc i "ilie l. mo wu when I could toss three I curs under my belt and think 1 was huppy. when I was morely boosy. I stoppei that thirteen years ago, too, ' for the same reason." Speaking of card playing as it waste of time, Mr. Robbina said: "I flku u great, clear, definite brain that want ' ' to know. The solution of tho problems of today will rest in a largo meavjr..- Cucsti.iv PflriaV W at the p.t orto nt TWa-nook. act 01 arcn , ie. a ysar in' advance I Each a.r.ejuent insertion, line ' Resolution of ondolcnce ami 05 Mxlge notices, per line lysines A rVtfoeaiona I cards, mo. Display Advertisement, per inch .0 l.On A t,l. Display Ads must he In this of tw nomj,v nnd Thttniday Morn inm to insure publication in follow ing Tuesday and Friday issues. Keasons re imperative. k.i v.t miiM i-t fuUte, wt.ful thnp. Tht in hy do not play erd. GET BETTER EGGS AffD MORE QF THEH. "I'oultry-pitig is a busiiwaa that any honest yoang man or woman may ' conduct without losing their lf-r-.pct,"aid Prof. Jamn Drytlen tn a brt courM lecture at the Oregon ' Atfrioultoral CoIIoro. "The first laon to learn i to ?t -A of the morl cowardice which roubles many in thi coineetion."' he continued. "The hog raiser and the wheat grower wil not look at a ceken bat there are no real grounds f.r guch an attitude. The noaltrv I'n.iucU of the United States were ts m.ned at S750.000.00O for mi. A np-'ciat location, special oi!. c!i--nate. market condition ani a special man arc rocesary to a big success in n i! ;.' ! poultryin. But I do njt an to t il the farmer that the sultry buttress i; for Uie specialist, 0n the e)r,trtryi jt js u qUeition whetftPr specialized poultry farmina is be9t ny j .., Me've it is fur better for the j indjvidua fur ner t0 htve his tiock o . h(?ns t0 rBii! ftonK wUh hij oUier farm cropg h, Oregon the wneral nunlber , about w hens They - be incrpjlse to 1( with very ju,0 arf. , ditiona inW j. js tbe nn quickest way to increase the poultry products of te Uate. The main poul try producing section t the country is the middle west where the system of mixed farming is used. "The poultry specia.ists follow dif ferent systems, me having small, intensive farms ( but an acre or so, and others having the free rane colon;- system on large acreage, as near Petalurnn, Cal. P.- bably the best , number of heng js 53 o lhe Ilcr(. A . Kreat manv more mn be kept on an acre guece4sfuv fr few b(Jl .10t , ,onf Tht. xroum, wi, infested with Ji ;ise awl lt ;. , . , ... vermin u n irrowmp of gardn crops On the SfoUtx) altcrnato - - - Tf'-' years will obviate that ditfkuity. The yards must be kept pure and dead, "On some soils one can keep mora hens than on others. On heavy clay not so many can he kept as on light soils. Buy cheap land Vj go into the poultry business. It is not necessary to have high priced land. Much of the poultry range of Rhode Island is rocky "0t much vooli ur other Kficul. .tUrn purpows- lASht- porous soil is be8.t' but not Si,,(J' ' soii tht nothing V" " Krow on' or one must have feed crop to make tne business pay. uro at the eo,lee wo ht have 200 nen8 .n one acre- rotating crops with 1 tbe chickens. c"'CKens. l-sat summer we had ,vy croP 01 08ta- although when wo K,n " keeD chickona tharo nothing woullJ row. because the land had hn Pped out. NearPetaluma a man is keeping 1.000 hens "Km, ratner sandy so l. Noar 1 Angeles a man cleared j'1,500 with 600 1 . ens on two acres in a year. "I visited a Petalutna farm of 120 '"Z'JaZZ ,tW men un'1 " fourteen . ar ola boy took entire caro of 0,000 "c" ' cows -the hen paying for It took the boy, on horseback, Ju?.t.!f8,f an hour 10 fee,J t.0W hons! a year for each hen, is shown in thiH carlo-.d order; 10 sacks each of whunt, 2crn, barley and middlinjfs. 60 of hrnn' i . cnarcoai, mixed with milk meat scraps (200 lbs. of meat.)" and SCHOOL REPORT. OJ.OVKRIMI.R, MST. NO. 22. Month onding Jan. 21, 191.', Enrollment: Hoys 22, Girls 21. Total, Id. Number days taught, 19. Whole number days attend'ec, 7C7.3J. Wlolo number days absence, 19.31. Whole number times late, 33, Number neither absent nor tardy, 20. Average number belonging, 41. l,' Average daily attendance, 10.4. 1't.r cent of attendance, 97.5. cry truly yours, H. S. Ilrlrnhull, Prin. ski Eva ai I krifln Christian Churcu. i ; Loyal Sons Chu Banqueted". BminrM Men Adrlrcis Hojs. Prosrnm laterjnencJ With iMuic. Oi: ludey evening ttv? Imtiv of tlu Ohnst.i.;. fhuroh pr, pared banquet I.lt-I ). Mor.ii .1 nr k l...n.h whih wS IMN -i U ...m. at viHiiur num. Severn business me. of the oily wre to Invltod. AUw (.ruktntt of rmwt bottnteoiM rvpt, Um prrxuknt of tbo Bnly Stunt ct0 t. ustniMtor of lh ercnins ml eIW.4 on tho bolntw nton for lwrt kvkiM. Mnior Hr j tor wm Uh tirt cullwl upon mi m j m foliol by 1). Shrvxle, . r.t- j V " , , Ceo, Kiger and Rev. Jope. The pek- era gave wut wrd of ? Ksoriiii t to the Una. worvi i-f advuv, .iki all congmtuUilea them upon Uving unitea themue. with we. a ami wort.n orgwiaatlon, ..."f. IST pieaamx manner, and law wwtaerf uano aulo waa ntndereu ov .tulToti) jope, and the Uyal Son uartW To Fred WhoeVr. UefexJant ; In the rumiemi a aelecuon. i name of the Stale of Crgor. y r The UyalSiwu claaa ha. developed j hereby require I to atpcara.td anawer into a tine organiiauon buJ Uwm who ' tti c mpUmt nVJ ngmtiet yoa in the are laboring in iu behaU' .e ceUinly ; ai-ve entitled court aivd aetmn, on .totnn floe work. Ue. wope taking ir Ufore the lt day of the time pre an active intereet in Uii claaa and j acribed in the orfer herein. v, hich id sufonntenda the boy in tiwsir . any j '"der made am! dated on the 18th recreation. lheui uiui influence ( of January. 1913, and if you fail that are now Ui.. io. ed n t.i. i "o U anawer, for want thereof the . .as will curl t betietit ,. v iur the tat - , . REPORT OF RIVERDALE SCHOOL. For month ending Jan. 2t. 1911. Number pupil remaining Jat date, Hoys 9, Ctrl S. IVtal IS. S'umber (1h's taught, 17. Whole number days atvondnnce, 301. Whole number days iibs--iiee, 2. Z Whole number time Into, 0. Average number pupil belonging, 13. Average daily nttenJan-e, 17.A. I'ur cunt of attendance, SJh.S. Mabel Noyen, Teacher. DAILY CURRENT FILINGS AT COURT HOUSE. Furnished By Pacific Abstract Co. Jan 21st, 1913. QuitCIatm. C. II. Wheeler & wife to Chas. C. Clark, $1, all coal being in or upon SWj, Sec. 2 T3 N It 10 W. Q. ('. Deed. It. 1). Varehall & wf to Warren E. McCorJ, $1 et-al, um! 1-5 int in tract in Sec 33 T 1 R S W. WARRANTY DEEDS. May Kiright j,, utty Str.el.r, J1550. lot 15 blk -11 Lake Lytic. S. O. Recti A wf U Wm. J. Howie, Jin, lot i blk 11 Nesh-ksh-nie Mt, II. H. Cronise to Elizabeth F. Ctorl iae, $10, lot 37 bU 'il Hayocetin Park. 11. Stanley UmbA wf to A. K. No Inn. il et-al, loU 15 & 16 blk 9 Miller's nJdn to Tillamook. Jan. 22, '13 Robert L. Huston & wf to J. (I. Courtney, il et-al, tract in Sec I T J S R 9 W 100 acres. T. 15. Potter Realty Co. to 1. H. Taf- le, iW, lot 1 blk 54 llayocoati Park. Jan. 23 '18 Frank W. Miller A wf to H. J, Park inson, 10. lot 20 blk 81 Ocean Lake, Jan. 24th, 1913 WARRANTY DEEDS. Tillamook Hay Co, u The Canter bury Club, $1, lot 2, i, 4 & 8 76 ft of lot 1 blk 29 Oceanluke Park. Claud Chriiteneen & w to CJrco K. Lodur, II, 40 acres Sec 36 7 8 N ft 9 W. J a ft-27 K13 Hrighton Doveloprnunt i.'o. to- Maud Farris, JfiOO, lots h & 9 blk 06 Hrfghton neach. I. Kaufman & wf to A. Krludnnui, 10, lot 29 blk 17 Hrighton flench. T. H. Potior Raalty Co. to Fay Dick oy & uiivo I.. Dickoy, 10, loU 29 & 30 blk 03 Hayocoan Park. Lanedu Inc. to,. R. Arnold, ?10, lot 7 Dlk 10 Manzanita loach. Lanoda Inc to V. L, Johnson, $10, lot 8 blk 14 Manzanita Hunch. Lanedu Inc to (. li. Nunn, $10, lot j blk 14 Manzanita Heacli. Lanoda Incorporated to Hlancli Haiti Miller, $10, tract in Mimzuniu Hoa.-h. Tillamook Hay Co. to J. F. & Clara Gruham, $500, blk 22 Oceanlako Park. Manhattan Realty Co. toAgtieH Love green, $135, lot 15 blk 7 Manhattan. Patent. U. S. to C. I, Savage, tract Hoc 2J T 3 H R 10W. (leorKo llardsook, it laborer, un earthed $37,.r00 In gold while dlgKlng a tronch near tho village of Oglesby, Okla. JiardHook'u poimeHHlon of tho v.'ilth, howovur, probably will bo of Khort duration, n slam law roipilrlnii l"t such linda be nuunrjJs:rd to the owti-r oi 'he ia,.j. .... )F APPOINTMENT (v ADMINISTRATOR, j ...tic.! v.fhy given to nil whom I .,f tie.tteot Oregon, for 'lUamok y . . i i . U u, ;.IW apfM. lWi n uraieno .". rt : 'VhtaM-r, .mmwtratur .d t estate m tiri Blchlnger, Ik- 1 ,-. mvI. ud nil ivri lMvln chum ! :., jst U sHtc r,. Uerelty mpititni l'''1 IT , u 7 .71 tic, .'flee of Carl ll.Utlttch, Attorney o! U. Tlll.iKk City. Oregon. U I getm -r with the prr till Hv'tlCO. H9,tvi at TllUmoo , Or., ls. 3rtJ, 13! txrt Eic in, r, dmlfwlrt'.- f tn.. Et4to ..r aW. KJ"ti-r. lkMd. In t;c Ju .ttc Court ftir ih i. 0 lU Justltf UlatHct l I Ilia nwok Cwmty. 0rfon. j ,MklMl ..tem uU.k- -,hi .1(h V1 i,lm tm ' Urothe. 1'l.M.t.ff,. i wku p m' Waeeter, V. lKfoUnt. j plaintiff wilt have judgment agalnat ; you demanded in tlte complaint filed i herein. j This summon ia aervett upon you by ; . rder of K, W. Stanley. Justice of the i court abuvf-meniioned, dated the ISth t'Uyof January, 19IS. therein ordtring i that Summons be tereed uiwn you bv I publication thereof in the " rillnmooW : Herald," a newsptiper of fenral circu j In lion in Tillamook County. Oregon. :nee raeh wwk for n period of it wocks from the date of thr Hrt iwblt cntion thereof ; und the time for v..u I t.i unwer said ctMiiplainl twgin to run 1 from the day of the dnto of tno flrst pub t hciilion of thtrt Summon. The duto of the first public uli.m of this Summon l the 2Ut day of Janu ary, 1013. and the duu of ltu lust publictition thereof, ami the lat lutc upon whicli you are rwiu'rwl to nnawrr on or beforu is Vnrch tth, I91S. E. J. CLAUSSKN. Attorney for Pluintitfs. NUI'ICI: VUK I'Uitl.lCAl KJN, Department ol the Interior. 031'jO U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portlaml, Oregon, Janur 22ml, 1913. NO I ICE Is heiehy given thnt '.'I ctvr C. shnw, whosa (.toiTRcu n.jdre i. caro of Shaw-Locko Realty Vo . Port html. Oregon, aid, on the 26th Uny of April. 1912, (lie in th-s ollice Sworn Statement and Application, No. (KMr.r., to purchase the SWJ of SKJ, Section 30, Township 1 South, Range H West. Willamette .Meridian, and thv timber ' wiuroon, .um'.er the provisions r.f the i act of June 3, ln7i?, and ncU umenda- tory, known as th "Timber mid atom-! Law," at such vulue as might bo fW.jif t i by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land ami tim-1 ber thuruon hnvc Uen appraised, lhe' limber estimated HO.(KX) board feet at' 75 cci.ls ja-r M, and the land J40.00; that said applicant will oiler final jiroof j in support of his application and w..rn ! statement on the 14th day of April,! 191H, before the Register and Receiver' of the United State Land OlDre, atj Portland, Oregon. Any pernor is at liborty to protest I this purchase reforc entry, or initiate I a coitest at any time before patent issuos, by filing a corroborated alii-, davit in this olfke. flllogitiL' fill' 1 i which. 'could defeat the tinti v. H. F. IIIG.'IY. Iteglator. CLOVHkliAI.U NliWS. From' Courier: Mrs.. Lanilingham and cliildnir are this visiting relatives at Neskowin week. Johnson and da ugh tor N Mrs. Cbarlus ormll are in 'Iillamook this week. Fred Murphy returned from Pott and last week and resumed his .Inti.m on tho mail stage last Monday. Ed McGlinchy, of Estollu Falls, was n town Wednosday. Mr. Mefllm,.i,u ndvisor uh that ho is going Into tho raising of HtrawlierrleH more extensive uiih year than Inst and expects to Imvo berries for thu Heaver dryer if It Is completed before tho season in over. Mi-. Kobedee, of Woo!h, was a plena, antcaller in Olovordnlo Wednosday. Ho and Gilbert Holloquo drove up from tho down liver town and Mr, Kobwlee says thu road is not as bail ok hu expected It would be. Considerable work Ihih been done on tho road tho past yor end Dm Improvement Is much appro!- Abstracts on Pacific CotnpU-tf Set of Abfltract I the Kfcords of Tillamook Covmty, OroRon OFFICa OROUND I'LOC'll TOUD MO' I L ,tllt Mii ' MR i BOTl IWW MainSIl iko )JMmtl TILLAMOOK, e: n. cruson. tiiitcr nul I'.'Hni llnntr Ctmtr.ulr T:ktit Intimates J'uniishcd. Al Work rMtriutvl, Tillnntmik. Or. TiUamook Baker's Bread FOR S.M.H AT ALL GROCERS HARflESS In iST ."l'illl A (lOOD lltlRSK I. v rritii; him In ktiubby old llnrnr.a. W nr.' 1 1 1 tit; linrnmji made of thn U-t ctock ut price thnt ouht to tempt you. A WELL MADE HARNESS will not vnly improve thv nppcftmncc (of ..ur horse, but contribut to your' mifi ly h well. Mnny n runnwny rould 1m nvoulcl If thr old I i annua htul tu rn ili ur.i-d in time. W. A. WILLIAMS, lilloniook - - Ort'tjon a TVf 7T7Ti ' I TO CI JPLJ V JtlxV 1 ll3jC! -- - The TILLAMOOK HERALD is the best, advertising medium in the county It Reaches the People The Red Wheel General Repair Shop 1 IKt I ST U .MT l'CIl 5AL7i': Oao 22-CttI. Spoclal niffh rower !3avj.r;o nopoater Traypcr'a Qun Marble Dawn nf 22 and -H-Oal. Cbot and" Ball Ohot Quua t TTr A VTWWW m . I rrj.j,, uocona itaao, violin j TUIiiiiiook niirkct.i. The following prices nro now paid for farm prodimlu nt Tillamook City. v.irccu:i every I iiiirMdny KK" per no, $0. 35 .85 .75 .18 .01 J Hutter, per roll $0.75 to Potatoes, per cwt Cheese, per b. , .nj lo Cabbngo, per lb. Carrots, per lb. ParHnlps, pur lb. Hiimsli, per lb, I'umiiklns, per lb. Apples, per box JofjJ to Hogs' light, dressed, per lb.. Hogs, heavy, dressed, per lb. Hcef ilrcest'il, per lb. .02 .02 .02 .02 12,5 .Oil .08 Short Notice! BY THK Abstract Company V. iilUiNHAh'HT, Mtttfri OREGON i) K. A t I'lfMK I HSUllt'fcXi i CMnee l Hi-r Alt WoiV C,. xtt,: rai.AM0OK. in ik' !)k. M kltkw.. . t'HVhK IAN lre New ti'it' Ht I . i ii nil' iml W. 0. Ac0cc. M. D. iiomi-:oiai i:h i h ANt M -i ' 'N Oltirn Nett IWmt ( V..(ul I, I'-nUal. .!- r l i.V. hud Dr. Jack Olson Kiht'.M i'i srivr (iltWp llt-or I torn V n in t f j a. Ortr F. R. Bcsli' Real Eitalr Olfin II.. lh PIh.iu,. J. E. REEDY, D. V. M VKTKIUNAItlA.N (HoUl Phonr.) Tillamook Ore$c J . Claussen L-AWVER DlUT.SCJII'.K AliVOK A r 'rillnuitiok HlocK - I ' . GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Law Office In Commercial Builclinil TILLAMOOK, ORE. T. H. G0YNE Altorncy-st-Uw ahJ - U. S. CommUiioncr j Opposite Courthouse " " - ..in - JOHN I f LAND III R0 I Allnriin)..i. rtv I Almlrni t-r lilloiilooli liuildiiK, Kooin 2161 H. T. BOTTS, LAWYER COMPLETE SET OV AliSTKACTI Oi.'.cc UO.'J-L'O I, 'I illiiiU'OU Itlodt Til!aim.,ol. Tlt.l.AriOOK l ""J'MAKINd CO. K. N. MKtNKl.l'. My. l our Doors W, ' ,,f "',1ory' Funoral Dlrrclor ami L Ifni-d Eml"1"1"! I.mly Aiislfltnui Win '" l't',l'i,t'''1 Pioneer Tram tferCol G. L. DICK & SON, . ' 1Mb Phonri I lie Siinie I'rlcc to IJvci ror. yoiic in I would timlri. i . tlcsiniNt: Kilt than n yet Htiliscnption to the Ladies' Home Journal, (iivc your orders to Thomas W. Sht I oi l ir'l i .OH- 1 4.