Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 17, 1913, Image 3

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(iir Hlorc
When- QUALITY Ik Paramount
Hoc.il Happenings, t
l; .
..f .Kxcf lilkjn.
intvilo lo onlnr at '.afb-
si -
u 1
w, of Ctorttftjiatct, Wa
, . I rly.
'jaIc. S r- Mttttlrva; froab
H (ina. Old, Palrtitrw,
. rr F-drmr (if OailhWI
-. Thirlr.
. im (Mintwittatw lor .
. i.man. Ho wlU 4n yp) a
.1 rvaeoii.l4j ffiw.
ic THilafMitl f lloJT t
( J . Ilwey horns for
.o Mtit I
Itoth 4khw
-iiu Mill plr lh Till
. s-fol a m of UaoVt
. aVaiing rlnt ttotunlaf
a tK, at o'ekwV.
ale, Will ffwhert ahftOt ibo
VUrrlt. T .ShilUnglaw,
f 4
.m-wr I'aUjr of IJ-.e KUor?
.! in I'uft on Turtwlay awl
r a 1 1 i ' t rutlaml Una iiMrmtis.
.r i rtiiittio;. the I'ftUy
l t (.(..! r Ttllaiw-A p Mo-
I t-r
kfl -,
W -.1 lannl atl Jiill vrl Or dellv-
frum "ir . ..Kt.iry. Slit7.
T.'c I jr ! St U IImk al by ito
I't'.r .f thi oltlco tu (fuilo an rx
l"' t I T. llnltnitl oUlfM tlwtt ho l
xerj . i, .nii.rtr,! wiiii rjo Uiior
f !! ! ivrnUirr rotullMurt.
f, . .nli mn olmkdji fjf no, Ko
l ! r rr. l!rmlo!k I'. 0 IMoaf
nrrlvml Immiio lite)
fir t ' t'i- Hrok fnitn a trip ulll.
Ilr . '. I.. I returiilni; by Uu Sallo
da ! .' . lie he rvarltol Hennltlit ho
... ... . ... i
i . i uini wie trail vhiw ih' ikiukt-
u utit of tlin tariu, n ho lin-
nwint ., wcii hook io 1'orilainl nml
ram.- .mr tho Hbrhlun rprtil.
I'r. M Ven.i, ihylrlan awl ur
KrciM ',(, k. uihI imntnlt'en thi'lil.
i uiiiiiii-r.-ial llitlkllrtft iiM)nlt
T.i! 'I. le
I'r '.ri wilt I hi nl N.'lmliilil nil
iir( .-fk i,,, , i ilmiliil wir'. Hit will
lump In r.- on Silmliiv.
I ' " .ili : Oim Jiiraoy Hull hihI o;ih
lr w. Itciniitidlitit prlcH. Ail-
i'" I N. MurKnii, TlllitiiMHik, Ore-
k ' ir nvmbern of tho flrit tlni;trt"utnt
... ... i .i.ii ..
(' . i v rerriviHl t'XHIIIll mr
Trui- f n iu( tho rortillPMt went
II S U .IK.!,,. Jmh. V. Hunt, V. (1.
Dwi.hi, V. J. yteiihoiw, tluwct inoin
hr l.avn.n nerved tint reMiiinxl tiu
of "i . . ., yeur in the doiiirlinent. Mr.
Wai. ii Ium m-rvod In tint TillmiuHtk
Hn-" i.iirtiiient for II yearn, rontinii
.mil Ium inlimed lint few llrnit.
When you waul anything
lu-pt in a I'INST CLASS
Drug Store
I le also keeps
Till i UlvlJMUJv
Drulst and Hook Seller
rrrri in i
it lot of HntlVetio., in
I hut when trailing ;J
.vou lire netting the befit
quality good- that money van ol.
tain; iiIho Unit we earry it larte
variety, which iiiuLch it eitHv for
the SIIOI'I'lvKS. '
U' . . i . . .
...... iui.i moraine iT nieti.
pair two iit
t-i jry uk-ih.
I.amar'a Variety Store
"Utui In ami A round. "
MrUiodiit Cliurch Nolri.
0v. Wet thouht tx4Ujrtml in hi.
rfmm moa.un- outlined In Ida
HumUy HVhonl at iO A. M, Teachcm
ami rlM (or all. Yew fr Imttnd.
Vrwhing at II A. M. Mubjorl '"Vim
CowuwiWtR Otijltei." or 'nilattK.ut.
Ufc-JU ItlH IlilffllOS."
Vowtn; People'. MceUot: at 80.
rSvnelti SrU- at ? . "Mght
v 0iVrt, a t'unlrit." (uitio,
II W. Kuhlman, Pastor.
I'fribjtrrian Church Nolri.
10. A M Ilil'U HcIukjI Ctaaar
tor alt rudn, A Voting l'ilii'a
Hib'r ("laaa tut Jrvtllig (frople ol twill
gini bvfwii (ho apua of Ih and S6
sl b ofittli4M next UutKlay, willi
HfV. ). A, MwKnitli a tclinr, for
Ua Mrtt uf luil)rlritr will) tlin aid of
a leil'taml, U Cbrlatlan Surlal titarh
tng Of iMttt. Young almjpnu uf practi
cal ticll prvlili r eortllally invited
tu Jain ibo !.
II. A. M. Mirln Worlil Tliemr
of ih rriKM; "Our Fathor." Uip
flrnt in a Mrl tbo lrtl'. I'jajr.
7 JO 1'. M. Hvftlii, I'ralno an.1 Ct
l Sork. SrfbjMt of the urmiun .
"Warttnd A Mn." the !lrl In cr
lr of practical Ulka em the i-nrr!
l)UiCt 'VUc Mnlka of Chr'eliall Uaf
bowl. At tht rvifo Mr. K. K. Kh,
I'll. H. will rnmlr a violin mIo.
Tho rfialr will rutttlrr tha fullowln
unUI atutir :
Antbnw: "I will lift upmliio rtyai"
Slo "Com jvu Itpdenmer" Hart
tott Mr. I'. A. MncKetuir.
Hurt nrnl Chonic : ' "I'm Walling for
then" Main. MU AIIor ami Mr.
Violin Jlo Mr. Ii H. Kwh, 1'h. (!.
Do not foruet tin- Sunday chicken
dinner at the TtM. HijUit than you
mn have al home nml for h'M money.
Come ami try' Service, front
7 i. in.
Notice to Creditors.
Notlco U hcrehy tflvt-n that .1. H.
Itolilnmin linn Imon iiIhiiiIinI AduiillU
tntlor of ttittnatnU of Duniul Hull, De
ceased, iiimI that nil MiniuiH htivinn
cluims iip.r.lnnt the anid ertiile lire
littrnby liotlllod to jireaent them, with
proHr vourlieni. within ril (II) montiii
frolii thu ditto of thla luillce to the ml
iniiilalrnt jr or to hi nttornojM in cure
of lint Count v I'lnrk nt tho Court llu'iie
In Tllliiinnok City.
tinow & McC'imuiiit,
AttorimyM for Atluiinliitrjitor-
Dated Jnnuitry 10, I'.HU.
t...,l. (,.r nU n il.-lr
lllllllll ll WM.V W.I 1.
Ml iicreM nillit rlvor fnnt, "0 iim'H
holtoni Imlf ilnhed, III KniHH, the rest
lieiii-h Imul purtly alnhed, Hft lo rt, .
gmiil new hoiiit.t with hot nml cold
wnter, in, hum mid out hiiildiiiKK, nil
kliulrt of umll fruit. Plenty of out
rmK, If waul to dairy. Can fell milk
I door, on mall routo and phone,
three iiunrtern of a iiulu of Hfliool, nil
klmlH of ki '"'' "Hli. A Hhurt time
will idler for f-MHM. Cull on or write
In Win. Scott, Kernvllle, Lincoln (..
LatoHt Priacs on Tuny
titon (Maztla) Lamps
10 Wall
Wi Walt
10 Wall
CO Watt
100 Watt
KiuHled lampa Ii conta oxtra.
Ulrocllvo tii'i. n, im
Tillamook Electric Light &
Fuel Company
Annual Meeting
First National
Rank Held on Tueiday, Surplsi
UtrtaMil and Diridead I'aid. Old
Board of Directors Unaninomly
'Hi feiimial neotinJ "t the tick-1
holder, of th Klrtt Kittfonai ""k f
Tllfioik wan hnld at thoir buMnu
nmnaf Tuewln.v January lllh, 10VA,
D. ffc Hhroda wm Clminiinn and ( ,
Clourfh ti Kecrelary of tint inrotinK.
Hie atLrkholdert wrt vry much
ih aJ uilh the excellcmt condlllunof
the I'Mia tiMtl'-r the new inntatreinciit.
Tim nJ It mrd of director wa unatil-
itmutly ru-eliw trd for the piiiiiKik year.
On lltu flrit ut January the tuilt)
.a iiwrvuiod to UM) mid a Ulvldund
of three jwr cent .Itrlarid.
It baa tMivf liaen tbriw wenka alriPt
the luet tf.ln arrived here from Tort
UihI 4 11 the (ir.-rt tr tiiat it will
lt .to tlx-r week .t el lufotn the
trari ! nlare.1 In tjlirlnnt coiMlltion to
niow ir.lllc,
Since the troltu wrnl out of aervhv
ue have (Hit hi mote than ix or el'ht
mail detlverloi an) only tin exprna de
livery wblrb wa nccuirttxlatod by the
Klrrwrtt (UHupmy't iteamer Cat ).
It b UiuwrIu few day aj-o timt
trains auuM lie running by now, Ixil
mn ahdoa and ih" atonn of tho pat
fe' daya have further oomplicatid
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
'flic W. C. T. U. itirt i wm announc
ed, In tb Cominrcinl Club ruoma, on
1)oday. A larrfc iittcniincc of vllt
titt ne prracnl.
The innellni wat called to ortler by
liir I'riwldrnt in the clulr ami l)iv
tinnal cniilurtol by I'.v.iiK'ellillc Supt.
Mm. llnwlny, aflor whtrb rull rail wh
ra;ondpd ta by omo nlvln itcripturc
velMja, itruu of late Internal by othorn.
a I'ooin betnf read b bvth Mr. Hew-
ley nd Mr. Kuhluun each, and Urn.
Dick retpiniHl with a aluirl Itcadinc,
urll rendered aiul ll lierUliiin lo tho
aubjret in hand for the aflcroinn.
The -Vprrlar' r-; v-1 wai Klcn giv
.... ... . i .i
t-n which UoaI inirci ami nix:
attendance at all tha HHtlnu-
Suriniemlett uf LW Hiiforreincr-t.
Urn. iiyera, comluettn! i "ijutt" on
Iii'ai uf the Stute a well a local law.
It waa voted and u committee Wk '
ap(wtntd to aak the City Council ()
paa an onlinance tthereby the use of
l!- cl'relte mik'hl t a controlli-il and
liir ullonderi brought to ;uilice, ttiak
IliK it "' olfonar with a priiuk,- fur
uer an v.ell dt nelluru l'r-itlenl urKe
llut ouch act a comtlltlee of vie to
ecuro cvldwncu in brlnm evil doer
to juallce. ihotit n. tveil vvno arv
cruel to animaU, niilitlily men w.iu liu
tin. i r leu.ii to ulutiil in tho mln nml
atorm outtudu while they find ntiulter
and a con?le'ce xcKtther in . oosc. I'he
W. C. T. V. ha h Hlmiiic depnrtmuut
in that of Mor.-y ami Help.
Several arlicles were read pertnlninir
to I'rohiliitlun and the President tlruitl
that we atirk to our iilo.'.'in aduptcl at
the N.1I1.1. ul i onventlon n:id by Chiut
tan Knile,iorcni, "Prohibition in 10'JtO. "
1 . i h II vm
S " ? I III .. tit llohr
W J. "JO lt.iarrcAl
(i- 7 i, i .. i
t! ll 0 M t over aa a t
.it t 1U always ui i.
i -n r- .i veti 1 1" n
i llim-
-ii.J 1
i-our luti bui.
'The Great and Grand
Awmwe jrtd Curccof Iron,
liitj n niimlxTOf cxcltul ve fwttttrrs.rar h
una milling to lu ilunitutitv and uractl.
ijJ n-niiv, iitaklnti tlia Muektiu thu
lcet taiiRii yuil ran buy irKitnllmi uf
iiricn. '1 lmt'a why flflwii other uiauu
liuturvn try to Imltulu It.
Alex McNair &
1 1 ffT WF T""T
For Sale cr Trade For Til.la
mook Citv or County Property
Ho. I Twii . In In Koi '.ity Prk, I'ortliind, one bloc.k
Iroi.n utri'i'i cur.
Ma. 2 Three Iota In IJnlveralty Park, Portbtv1, three
blcka frurn tract car.
Ma 3 Two lot In Kiu;rne City, onj block from atroot ear
nml four block from tho IIIkIi flchofd, Carnegie
Library and Stut Ui.ierlty urouniln. JZ
Nail 'tlf) arrca of wheel la al In Morrow County, nil un
der riiltivntinri, in wheat hell.
Mo 3 Qm lot anl tr. rvai ' ncc I:. bt rcaiduncc part of
Han Joae, Cal., C arwirt hloV from lh IliKh
SrlKml ami StaUt Nornil Srlvd, arnl two nhort
blorka from tlirei alr'-et cur line.
Ail tho Ahova Will Iratio For Tillamook Oily or Oounly
p. W. TODD, - - Tillamook, Oregon
Cement : Coa!
Root Paint
Docks and Warehouse l:ront St. between 2d .tod 3d Ave. West
"Our Personal Guarantee
to aUSkin Sufferers
Wt hv len In hnlnf In lhl town botfia will coat you nothloc Tea aJo&
Tor otnr lunr am) w 'oo .re lo 'o J Jar
tmilU ut t-adK l mmi 0titnK o.r'
pAioii rlrfuu
Bo wlirn e I'll you lhal we hvr
found th tfirtna rrintly auJ u.at wo
stun I buck of it wltli ihr inanufaciurrr'n
iron claJ tfuaranli-o. Iiacarl by oumrlve
u can 1 i-n-l nfon U that rive in.r
Ivlto n-.l . order lo n'l a frw Injltl -i
ef rnixllelnci lo akin B;ifrrrr, l"it le
raoto vr know how It w'll lirlji our
bu!nraa If wo help our iatrona.
V'n lirn In atck and a!', all ti wll
lrnown kin rmwll- Mut will iwr
tl.ln: it you arn nuRrrini; from any
Vln-1 of eVln irmil.tr rorr'na. tor1al.
raali or letter. want tou to try n full
kio lutein of I) l II l'rrMTlj,tl..l
Aul. It It 2oca uol do Uo work, tbla
i It
Free! Fi'ec!
We will fsivc away irec tu
every Cliii) li?n in Til'.a-
t. i . .1:1 1,1 i
IIKMIK Vtlllll . WIICMMIU illlll
liaby rinjr. starting Nov. !.".
101 L'. en.liiitrMar. 1st. 191 a.
Le.t'Iin Jeweler
Till.tino-tl.. Dr.
I aN af' Vt XI '
."flrtl ft tCjlO U
CP rl
Moans i.tin'ti.iii gives
quick tvlicf ior tvuh, ti'Ul,
bti.ii'sent.'ss. .s o r e t h r o a t,
eixmit, im1h:ui, hay fcer
mul broiu-luas.
iitRfs rr.oor.
!iu Al.lii ur W riuccof Innlonla,
Ki., Hr.lrl . "bo u-o f. a 1. ut-ll-flit
lu tl.efltltu anj fl. . i itn rs
cr ..iit null re li J b t.rr
Mlmki. (t'ii. i.ui aiiJ iiix-a-tnk-
nan jt luttuiitly.'1
Mu. I.. lliil.wrii.or.MiloIln.rit..
writer; ' t K uitlit me t1 tl it V'ur
Multiirnt ainl ltili.ll um 1 tl.o cihhI lu
the worlil. My tlmwt aa rti utc,
ami It ouroj ma of my trouble"
Mil. V. II. SruAvoi:,S?-'t UimdiKl
Atoihio, eiiu-aiin, 111., nrilrm "A lit
tle lnv licit iUr hail eroitp. 1 Cvo
thu iiiothtT HKkin'a Hutiiirut to try.
Slin K'lto him tlirrn. dnp on aiigar
hrfnm (oUi t.i IhiI, blal lie gl up
ultliuul tuo cruu,, lu tint iiioniuij."
Pfloo, 25c, BOo., $1.Qii
on the
scut free.
Earl S. Sloan
I ir.ira.
i mm
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
Ae n anu o--n i.ave r:n now
A tbla aitnle wnh
atan'lv Anl
the curea all
Htm to be
D. ll. U. rreacrlptlon made by the
I) I). I iJibomtorioB of Chicago, la
comtoii-il of thymol, clrerr.ne. oil of
wintcrErctn an.l other hralini:. eoothlnir,
eoollnr Ititfrrdtmt. And If ym are
Juat c-ary with Itch, yoti will frel
i. -otlit-d ami colrl. U'C Itch bbaolutely
naatinl away the moment you applied
thin D n D.
We made faa-t frltcda of store
than ose family by reommnd,lnr tbla
rrrrr.ly to a akin auffrrrr here anil
tlirrn ami we want you to try It new
on our i-oaiuvt uo-pay cuanujUiO.
I i 1. i Oil.
,Tfce Red Wheels
' Gcac.al Repair Shop
-n. n.l TT" ! ' '
..m.I.i. J .w. i i ii y
rr;i!. 3::S V:rl i:: 7ri? S:i:t'j ::ti
IHMlitl 'lc HliRk VVrl of Alien lloute
1' II Hot J.12.
, The c:ty emjineor will be in hi-
; oilioe at the City Mall on and aftei
J r "Uiay, Jan. ii, lor tee purpose o: uc-
' jusHi'U any error in tho street iu:.eis.-
Many ol the World's Grc.t Men Won
Fame In Their Youth.
Smile tit the Kie.iteM achievements
i. i ae wo'hl hit it iiti mailt' by youth,
i i it nil. ,iln.i U- In linamii 111--
h.ivld. the -vteel -Hitter nt I--i..-
ii lieilienl. ii Hiel nml :l
,:i .. -.il tiefme lie n twenty null .1
ul .it the :ie il i .lili ell Kiiplliiei
ti nl 'i ii tu :..' em:i li ti il hl Hie Uor
. t lin- it!" nt I Inrt -veil lie dill tl.
I i'- i!h- Wink nller Unit Hp
,1. i- '. ill. even it- u boy. its lie
i n il 1. 1.- -team 'iiiiilnu out or the
i i.i .tie. -jiw III ll tbe new world or
i - : itili-itl pitwef iiiuile Miw.ble by the
'. I e. iiienl ttiniisl nml driven by a
!' ;i e .itipllailiv
I' l it- .v;t- llliKter of Mexico liefitri'
'le e. i I lit-f vl Si'lnibert tiled at
"! . ;:e .if ililin one uftel linvlnt; . otn
i e I what nia ierh:ii- he eatled In
. ne ways the iuut eiilriinelin: luelodv
t'-t ttntteti ChiirletnaKiie win inn
let nt rrntice and the fjienti'st enipeioi
if the world nt the tiw of thirty Shel
c wrote '(Jueeii Mnb" when he vv.i
i iv tweiitv-oiie and was u ina-ter nt
iioetrv hefoie he wn;- twenty -Ike
I'utrh'U lleury was able to shape the
i viiiiitiiiiiarv history of a new eoiuitrt
n'loiv m was thirty and a-tonlsh tin
world by hi- oii'tory before he was
t Weiity -lK years old At the nut' of
twenty four ItnsUiii 1 lit 1 1 written "Mod
eru Painters," mid Itrynnt. while still a
I boy of IiIkIi school nee, timl written
"Thaiiatnp-ls " Hubert Hums wrote
some of his u'reatest souks while he
was a phiwboy London Answers.
Keichca Hie tiiot
Sk in iuiu iiuunll)
Tl.- Ure.it I'ilo Keut
I'.tv I'm utiitimbu
vvi'U tcctal no lu
IW." ii .P1.,L " .1
m mm
A Oomttlo Dialogua That Mada Old
Dtacon Wood Win.
"I notb'f lira Slmmona la bnvln: n
nw f Mirtfi put on to lir-r hoiii." aiild
I(f,i,,n Wood, pollohlln; hl Klilail-
't "e.' aalil hl ulfe; ab niwnya
nraniitl one clenr ntrrrK4 tho. front nt
till- limiair. hut Hllna mtpr would build
one. no the firat thlni: ahr ilid wtih thu
InaumnMi money wa to haw one"
The deni'on lxfcHl nt hta (mfr
1 '...: fjllj for momont. then re
amrkMj Thr Wldder On via U ;tHK out a
tood many ilowem, bn't ah7 Shu keeps
(.'inns e-l rtp'loctii-; of, (he (fut
Olll.e ' J
i "Y"i." retdted dt wife; "brr timtrt'
I U-rn n-t m n my pardrn a ir-nxl many
a. trot J bou:d ulmoit thmx
Itrmilrt mat!'?' Jwl ItI ftirn owr In
I - -n-0 if iij3 (IkMuiii a.,wcr
. -wh h foollili waolo Of tlmp nnd
! money ' j
'. IW a time tlw deflwm was l'ent:
' tbwi lie -Hl. "Wiwa't timt lien nib-
L.-r lino iMiKKjr I raw I 'run el In White
I In jisin)iiyT
"Ye. rUlU M Wife, arllb NfillllO-
: Hon "ami I'm i;lad che'4 srt It nt mat
i Kfie rude nriOtiil for y-.ir4 In an old
! farm vrustttn. Ilinnsh l.mnder "mul
well nfTonl a Jiit imsey lor tier and
thr clrU. tmt If he'd ilrml they'd never
I hav. n one "
Tor a time the ilMcott remained mink
In Hioiielit: thn tie nketJ
"Ir you bad a couildurabte um of
mone.r to do Jut wIibi rnu wiinted
wiin. .Mainly, wnat would you, set?
Id l.ite m- n bardwir-td (Ivor in
that wib fnm." li wife Mihl firmly "1
liier ruli that old floor but whnt 1
run my t)iiKer full or riirer.i "
"Mamlj. nald ner hniatui. with
ferv..r "Tiwll th iur!nter at
mru on thut new floor toiiKirrow
rimniln " And the dneoii tucinl tiU
r-ief wltti a of relief. outb a
An Old Stage Coach Story From a Po
litical Viewpoint.
The ffHovlti2 tory wu.t told at a po
litical bamtiR-t by a well known kU
tletsn "I na unliis to the -ahore. and tbtr
Jerkwnt.-r rui:ru,nl left me at n wreteh
rl .tatlon HtHiiit ten mlle from the
report. However. e tivrr eouruiled by
the Information that the ittinbvrtni: old
' ta--'e made a ilnlly lrli. aul 1 wnt to
biirntn for mv fare.
" ! you wnnt to ro 0rt. second or
' thlnl ' lar nkel tb- driver
'T"i,. to my erevl thut nothlnc wa
tiMi t.HKi for me. I rho it first class
pu--.ie at 7."i cents.
' "All riirht. Olt In and ehoo-ie your
"! wntehrd the other iaienser pny
I their utiarter and hair dollars, but
wjlt'll we ttarted 1 round it twetity-dve
'cent mat) on my left aud a fifty rent
. man on mj rlcht. In fact, alt paseu
: I en wo'v -iiidwchei! In rvEsirtiliw;! nf
flC'ltlCbti U'lieflM
I vtns ma4 clear throtipn. out lucwliy
d d n it boll over We Jossed alons un
til tve -trtiefc nn awful piece of rvad.
when the driver stopixvl. stuck the
bin. knitke whip Into the socket, tied
J the lltit round It, Juuipm1 off his seat,
I Jerketl n en tbe door and -houted-"'All
you twenty tlve unit men aud
you fifty i-etit men mu-t set out and
let the seventy-live ei'nt cent stay
where he i- The dfty cent men must
ivttlk and the tweiity-tJve cent men
mu-r pu-h or we'll never itet the stase
out of till- iroldarn -InkhoieT
Ami uentletnen. this is the political
situation 'I'he -eveuty-tlve cent met:
are rhllnu. the fifty rent men ar walk
Inc. anil the itor twenty tlve cent Ik's
car i iu-iin the uilltU-nl machine
Are yon rbllus or wnlklnu or pushing?
-.St. Oitll- Heptlbllc
Fluctuations ol the Sun.
It would appear from the n-searebea
of the a-tniuomers thut tbe exact
shape of the -tin Is not known The
yenernlly tiecepied hlen that the suu
is a -pliere I- -ome liolil. al least oieu
to itie-ttui I'metli'tiily every -erle
of men-ure- show ileparture- fniiu a
-pherii-iil lorttl Ot eolir-e the ilepar
lure- inn-lilerins the L-reat lze of the
-oim ii(Im- are very minute 1'neie
hi tu- to I v.- a tliietuathm hi the shape
ol the -mi Krtv-Hiiulluj in iierbxi with
the -on -pot eytle 'b"re ate al-n in
dilution- ol il tjlletltiltioli 'tiavlns a pe.
rind ol about tueiity el-lil ila.vs. Hi
A Muleiaing Sign
Sle elitetiil 1'ie n ef -totv with
it Jar or iiiartnii nde .n bet hand .mil
tire In h.-r eye "See here." -he -aid
to tile clerk 'I iKilliftlt this Mult he-emi-e
tile eunl in your window a.v
It's an excellent snb-tltute for butter'
' "Ve-. um inn. -o 11 Is "
"Well, it'- 11 annul -ub-tiiute. I n.'i-t
-ay' I tried frying a nil ut lisii ulta
It tin- uioriilim. mid the ta.-te wn- -u
awful I Hint to throw the tish nil
uwiij; "-Hn-ion Trau-cript
A Bengaleso Peculiarity.
A doctoi remarUs "What -trihes one
llio.-l at II Itenu'lll ho-Htllt Is the lacu
of sen-e ol prowrtlon In the estima
tion of dlsea-es A man Is gravely
pertiirhinl bei-au"!' he has not sneezed
for three months, but he Is compara
tively Intlllfereiit to the foot thai he ex
hibits the early slsua of leprosy."
Wouldn't It Be Fine?
"Hndlimi Is constantly kIvIiir off par
tlclea of Itself, yet never nets uuy
"Gosh! That'a the kind of stuff for
a bank- roll."-Plttsburglt Post
Hut for some sorrow and trouble we
would never know half the yowl there
I about us. DleUenfl.