Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 17, 1913, Image 1

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irL"Q.E:ST'f9iF15ULA"r,0N of A n v Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Onnnns, Jajci'akv 17, 101. 'I.
NO. 103
First national Bank
Cillaniook, Oregon
J. C. IloLIU'.N
H. C. Lam it
Wm. G. Tait
C. Talma nit
VlH have jtiHi iiiMtnllcel sonic modern
Sale Deposit Hoach where your vul
it tlr papers will be safe from fire. We
I H- pleaded to show them to you.
Under U. : S. : Government : Supervision
.Vr' I-J rt'ta.
Afi7 it Law aud Nflafr Public
'fiaTB-iBfi AX. IP Ai.wrKA.t7r
TlfUmook, Oregon
Wl. III. I.I I. K IN
, . . . mm
and "Recall"
"i u t.ilu- the "INI riATIVli" nil'1 visit our store ami
W ,,Klil?JiU" (Mir kchmIh Oj yni for your npprovtil.
l! Mitirealb at tun tirr arc stilmvt to "R15CA
sitmmrfl tip. it'it a pleasure fur us M please you.
II. E. KOCH. Ph. 0.
I'lhlNl'.l M.U t .! Mn-.l l N-iil. -I I". O,
Abstracts on Short Notice!
c 4i t. m. r
acinc DSiraci vumpauj
Complete Set of Abitrati ml the Records of
Tillamook Ouatr, Oregon
(With Nul.l.ia WaTmis)
JMiln 533 Abo Mulusl
y O. BOX 147
Election Called
AmrnJinf the Charier Will
Held". Hrief Oetfiae
some tlmt the common council stall
adjourn until future lime or day for
p - . ueh purine or appoint another time
I'Or Jail. 23rd. lm-'ri"'"'. and In .urli event at such ad
journed or further aptwlntod meeting,
, ' common council kIihII proceed to
A Special Election for the Purpose of make such reassessment In the manner
I prescribed. At the time of making
jauch ru-amtekirneiil the common council
I khall nvr nn jpKirtuntty to any prop
erty owner to appear In ron or liy
common council ami be hearrl In refer-
nee thereto. After having mado nuch
At a meeting of the council tin Wnl.! "'"'l. the council shall do-;
ncadny evrning four Initiative petition , dare the ame hr rcMilutlon, arl the
wrre preaeutml aaklnc for rhartor
inrndmerila, Following la a hrlef out
line of the priMctl nmcmlmenta.
Section J of th proH?iJ amendment
protltllrnf for the payment of pavel
lnteroetlou hy the city, at largo rewl j
aa lot low :
"The (Vunnion Council of Tillamook
t!lly, Oregon, li herelty authorized atxl
rtnpirrei to tell Uimla of Tlllntn(Kk
-'ly, OrcKn, In convenient ilcnomlna
tlont, Umrlng Interest at aurh rate,
not xcrc(tig fl per cent, and running
for mien prrl.1"), not exceeding twenty
(20) year. a the common rouncil may
determine, to pay for the co.t of the
paving of Interseettnnt of atreeta and
alle), or any imbllc 'ay, ami of any
part of any improvement heretofore or
hereafter made, which the common
Port Matters Dis
cussed at Bay City.
Action of Home Rims and Hzrbori
Comaittet in 0i!lif Additional
ApproorUtio fcr THImook
Bay Stin Local latrrerti.
On Thumday forenoon twelve of our
reprraentatlve eiticena. on an Invita-
Im'icalion Conr,re Helpful To WhoU
Portland, Ore. Jan. 14 (Social)
The came of irrigation never received
i greater loot in thin mate than dur
ing the convention of irrigatioi 1st at
Portland the pt week. Never before
ha the eiue of irrigation gathered to
moeh upport and the outlook for tho
I futnr' In thi direction i never o
promifing ai now.
...naahallbealnal determination of " '' ' Hay Clj. went j The .onvention'.ttacked the aubject
the regulanty, valid.ty and correetne,. S ' , ; from th. -tandpomt of the ettlcr and
rounetl may ileetn proer U be numei
or paid by the City aa the jtut share of
the tencfU of atich Improvement dc
rived by the entde City, or to take up
any City warrant now oulatatvling,
Provided, however, that the total
amount of bond which may be gold or
aatumed Under the provision hereof
ahnll at no time eireed lht rlim of
fit,!"), unleaa the people of Tillamook
City by a majority vote at an election
at which ueh iUeatlon in submitted,
hall authorize an amount In exceM of
uch sum, and then only to the ex ten
so authorized. "
Another amendment relative to the
re-aaoiarnent of proixjrly for improve
menta will no ilouht te of interest to
our (KHiplu anil 1 n follows :
"Whenever nn .li'tesrneni for open
ing, altering or Improving a street or
construrlloti, reconstruction or repair
of a sewer or for any local improve
ment which has been or may hereafter
be mad by TillamiHik City, Oiegon. is
or shall be defective, Insufficient, or
inadetiuate, or has been or shall be
hereafter set aside, annulled, declttred
or rendered void or its inforecmcnt re
ftnutl by any court of this atnte or nny
federal court having jurisdiction there
of, whether directly or by virtue of
any derision of nuch court, or when the
common council shall be in doubt as to
the validity of such assessment or uny
pnrt thereof, the common council may,
by resolution, make a new ns-Hessment
or re-nsscusiiieiil upon the lots or blocks
or parrels of land which have been
benelHted, to the extent of their re
spective and proH)rtionuto share of
the full vnlue thereof. Such re-assessment
shall b- based tioi the
spec I ii I and peculiar benefit of such im
provement to the ro-ipectlvo parcels of
hind assessed at the limo of its original
making. Interest Uiereon from tho
date of deliniiiency of the original ns
sessmenl inny be added at the direc
tion of the common council. Such re
assessment ahull be mmlu in unequita
ble manner as nearly as may bo in uc
cordancu with the law in force at the
time It is made, but the common coun
cil may adopt a (I lire rent plait of ap
portionment of benutits, when In its
judgement essential, to seeuro an equit
able assessment. Thu proceedings re
quired by tho Charter of Tlllumook
City, Oregon, to be had prior to thu
making of thu original assessment shnll
not he required to be done again in
ease of re-assesament. Such re-assess-ment
shall bo miule and xhnll become u
charge upon thu property upon which
thu sumo I laid, notwithstanding the
omission, failure or neglect of any olll
cur, body or person tocumply with tho
provisions of thu Charter of Tillamook
City, Oregon or connected with or
relating to such Improvement
and ussessuiunt, and notwithstanding
the proceedings of the common council
or any olllcer, contractor or other per
son connected with tuch work may
have been Irregular or defective,
whether such irregularity be jurisdic
tional or otherwise. Thu common coun
cil shall appoint a time and placa not
less than twenty days distant when it
will meet for the purpose of making
uch ro-aseessment. Theaity recorder
hull give tun daya notice by on pub
of th' re-asaeatment, except as herein
thrrwip provided. Such re-asses-mnt
shall In- entered in the docket of
th City Lien and ahalt be enforced
snd collected in like manner as ordin
ary aeamtnU for Improvements are
eeforced and collected undtr the Chart
er ofTillamook City. Orcgoi;. Allaums
paid upon the former afe.samcnt shall
bt credit) d to the property on account
of which tho aame were paid as of tho
date of such payment."
An amendment giving the mayor
romplrto control of tho police depart
mnt shall be voted on and reads as
j follow a ;
I "Tile Mayor shall have the power to
t appoint such number of policeman as
he may see fit, and to make all necess
ary and convenient rules and regula
tions for the organization anil conduct
of the Sorre, and shall have the jiowcr
to suspend or remove any paliceman at
hit pleasure. The Common Council
shall have the ower, and they shall
provide for the compensation of all
policemen of the (My. and shall make
all nr-ssary and convenient rule and
regulations for the care ami manage
ment of the city prison, for receiving
and hearing complaints against any
member of said force, and to provide
for the forfeiture of all or any of the
wage that may te due any member of
said ffiten ou account of misconduct or
negligence in the Uncharge of his
An Amendment empowering the
council to assess property which re
ceives benefits from nubfie improve
ments is aUo up for consideration
Section I of the proposed amendment
rends as follows:
"The Common Council of Tillamook
City is authorized bihI emtwered
within the limits of Tillamook City,
whenever it may deem It exnedient. to
open, lay out. c'tabliih. widan. alter.1
extend, vacate or chsc streets, and to
appropriate and condemn private prop
erty therefor, and to asses any special
benefit arising from nny such matters
and to make the same a lien against
piopcrty benetlted."
pertaining to harbor improvement,. h ' nt""Y tte
. ... n, 'matter the whole time. This is aa it
c n a via v-'fn t x. onutmu flaw
ey, stating the fieU to the House
Committee's action u reaj, i
also a communication from Ruisel
Hawkins, who is now in Washington,
to the eirect thit the Rivers and Har
bors bill would be voted on some time
between February lDth and 20th, and
that if the Port of Hay City case,
which i now jnding before the
Supreme Court, was decided and the
Port of Hay City wai found to be con
stitutional, previous to the 10th of Feb
ruary. It would not be too lata to have
embodied in the Senate bill the addi
tional appropriation of f307,000.
In considering the matter of appro
priations It might be well to state that
the above mentioned appropriation is
independent of the initial appropriation
of $100,000 which was made at the last
session of Congress for the beginning
of our harbor improvements,
should be for the actual settler on the
land is the one most interested and
the on who, above all other?, should
be eonrolted.
This irrigation congress is right in
line wilh the tremendous development
movement now so generally under way
throughout the whole state. It means
more land; made available for the
farmer, greater wealth for Oregon and
a greater and more prosperous popula
tion. The Jay of Oresron has been the sub
ject of much thought on the part of
fhe regents of the Oregon Agricultural
College and they will seek funds from
the legislature to etablih a model
poultry farm at Corvallis. The average
hen in the sta'c lays about 60 eggs
per year, while champion layers at the
college have gone well past the 200
mark in a twelvemonth. It is desired
In case the Port of Hay City is held j to develop a laying strain of poultry,
constitutional, tnat port will be able to
furnish sufficient funds to comply with
the government's request, which is to
the elTcct that local interests must fur
nish one dollar for every do-lar the
government puts up, the Tillamook
Uay project as it now stands demand
ing an expenditure of ISU.C00, half of
which is to be borne by Tillamook Hay
and to sell the fowls and their eggs at
a reasonable price to farmers is the
object aimed ai in establishing the
poultry ranch.
Fruit rrotvers of the Rogue River
Valley district have organized a co
operative association, which is ex
pected to do much to bring about bet
ter marketing conditions. It is be-
i-. ........ 1 L...I I... l . 1
,ml,c,u "? w,c fcou"lralnl-! lieved better distribution can be effect-
There is hope, that the Supreme ! and th. ,nt of --.i.,,,, uviHi
Court will cjme to aome decision not j theby gettinK priccs ,orfnjiL
later than rebruary 4. The case will1
be tried on the 21.it and it is j-ossihle aj Government will provide for
decision may be reached by the 2Mh. j building through lands in this
If the Port of Hay City is declared ,a,c nc,a ,n Iort;st reserves. An-
"When some progressive nntcdilu-
viun shocked his eontemxrnries by
bringing his game to camp on a horsej
the good roads movement was inaugu
rated," says K. F. Ayers. highway en
gineer, in bulletin No. 07 of the exten
sion series of tho Oregon Agricultural
College. "Had he shown proper respect
for precedent he vvould have shouldered
his load, although custom sanctioned
tho use of rude boats in case he was
fortunate enough to be near a stream.
Other members of tho tribe roon
appreciated the many advantages of
the new method, and well defined trails
were opened through thu wilderness.
These were laid out by the animals
themselves, the only assistance ren
dered by their drivers being the occa
sional removal ot a tree which fell
across thu path.
"No further progress wus made un
til the advent of wheeled vehicles.
These required n wider path, and the
trail b-gan remotely to resemble
road. No attention was paid tu proper
location, grades or druinage, but een
the slight amount of work required was
bitterly opposed by tho owners of the
pack teams, who foresaw thut their
business would bo ruined if the newer
transportation gained a foothold.
"They claimed that thu wide roads
were unnecessary; that tho pew con
traption was simply u passing fad, suito
able for a rich man's toy, but impossi
ble as a practical vehicle; that the
taxes would ruin, the country unless the
wagon men were forced to pay the en
tiro cost of thu improvement; in short,
that tho roads which hud autliced for
their fathers should bo good enough
for them.
"These sumo arguments were revived
on the advent of tho bicycle and the
automobile, thu tuamstera in the mean
time having forgotten their early trials
illegal, prompt action will have to be
taVen along lines of readjustment, and
it was for this reason that the meeting
was called.
It seemed to be the opinion of those
present that there should lie one port
for the Tillamook Hay watershed, and
that said port should be divided into
districts, each of said districts to be
represented on the port commission.
To bring this about it was thought that
one of two things would have to be
done, vis. : If the Port of Hay City is
declared unconstitutionil, let Hay City
and all additional territory in the
watershed join the present Port of
Tillamook, which has been declared
constitutional; or if the Port of Hay
City is declared constitutional let there
be introduced in the legislature a bill
giving ports mid other municipal cor
Hrations the privilege of combining if
they so see fit.
A committee of three was apointed
to look after the legislative feature of
the matter. Following are the names
of those appointed on tho committee:
Attorneys Hoits, Geneste and Repre
sentative Hundley.
The idea was advanced that it would
be well to call a mass meeting of all
Tillamook watershed interests, to be
held at tho Commercial Club rooms at
Tillamook City on Suturday, Jan. 25th,
at 1 P. M., for the purpose of giving
the matter general discussion. In pre
paring for this meeting it was thought
that it would be well to appoint a com
mittee for the purpose of preparing
and bringing out thu vital and import
ant matters that should be discussed,
and accordingly the following commit
tee was appointed for that purpose:
C. W. Talmage, W. (5. Dwight of Till
mook; Mr. Jacoby and S. J. Cotton of
Bty City; Mr. 0'Donnell of Hay ocean;
John Nelson of Garibaldi, and Wm.
Maxwell of Fairview.
The object in holding the mass meet
ing is to get an expression from every
one, including the ranchers, as to what
would be tho best mode of procedure.
The fact of tho matter is simply this:
While we have been squabbling away
here our government appropriation has
been slipping away from us and it is
now up to us to get together on some
fair, honest, common ground, and do
and ioined tho reactionaries . . . The
highwsya of America remaintd as hoc i mighty quick.
Tillamook City, Oregon, of the time ' modern good roads movement rode in motion was made to adjourn. J, 0.
and place llxod by the common council on a bicycle. Now only 15 states Hozoith acted us chairman of the meet
fur inuklng such reassessment, At remain which do not in some form give ing and C, W. Tulmage as secretary,
thu time appointed therefor, unless at statu aid." The following Tillamook visitors
nouncement was made this we that a
total of $16,077 has been set aside for
building roads in 13 forest reserves in
Redmond had a notable celebration
the past week when the big potato
warehouse lately erected by the co-operative
efforts of farmers in that dis
trict was opened. This building marks
the beginning of a movement among
the farmers of Central Oregon dis
trict whereby a better market is of
fered for their products. Potatoes and
other crops can be stored here and sold
in large quantities when the market is
To harness the Columbia River by
means of a hydro-electric plant at Ce
lilo, developing no less than 100,000
horsepower, is the project of a state
senator, who will suggest his plan to
the Legislature in a bill. Ha believes
the states of Oregon and Washington
should build and operate this power
Notice is hertby given to all persons
owing William Hadley, agent of tbo
Wheeler Lumber Company, for lumber
that all such bills should be paid to T.
H. Coyne, at his office in Tillamook
City, Oregon, instead of to said
William Hadley.
Dated January 16th, 1913.
Wheeler Lumber Company,
By E. L. Rector.
were present: C. W. Talmage, H. T.
Uotts, M. P. Leach, Capt. Groat, Gao.
W. Kiger, Thos. Coates, James Feeney,
C. 1. Clough, W. G. Dwight, P. R. and
A. G. Heals and C. E. Trombley.
Tilkunook, Ore.