Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 14, 1913, Image 4

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During tho Past
Company G Is Recruited
tiallns. Company 0. Third Infantry.
Oregon National Guard. hk-h was
otic of the four companies of tho sec
onu battalion that as affected by the
-Hndtuent of th battalion In Au-
S'.is.t and which has. since that tltn
t -rn known In military circle a th
. r ,
Mid provisional company, has re
tod back to full strength, and soon
be rdy for transf erring back
the Third Regiment.
Experiment Farm Urged.
MeMttinvill. A movement na.
beer, started to hare a walnut ptperV
cit : station here and several Joint
.rv.i-it'.n commmee nave been se-
Itvt.'d for a meeting to be held at tin
c lunhouse. to consider what legisla
te:' will be necessary. Tho county
oot:r: has set aside 10 acres of the tel
of the county farm for this ei-
por.ment st.if.on-
Representatives cf Companies to Co
operate With Railroad Commission
Salem. After much discussion an
nsr -emeut wf. reached betueen the
railroad commission and represento
rs s of pas. water, telephone and tei
vrn.ph companies, who held a confer
eaif here. The agreement Is that all
tanffs shall be filed by January la
and that they shall be the same a!
t..r.ffs in existence on January 1, 1911.
a i rovided by the bill.
0::imlllees were appointed to tnk'
up the question of uniform account.
aud cher matters were discussed. TUe
gu end water companies will ha-. .
one committor, and the telephone an '
t-.egraph companies aaotfcer commit
tie. The railroad commissioners fee.
'hat much has been accomplished
wrd Vringine ibo-n an intelligent aO
nun. -'.ran on ot the public utility la.
The public utility corporations wtil
tic r-Huind to provide the cornmlssic .
wlm copies of all contracts with c;.s.
tomers or other public utility corpor
at-.or.s and also copies of franchise..
wh;;h they hold with municipalities.
Many of the provisions of the bill v,er
given interpretation by the commis
sion so that the corporations might
understand how to proceed under
Land Show Has Results
Oregon City. The first fruits of
Clackamas county's display at the re
cently held land shows at Minneapolis
and Chicago are seen in the many let
ters that are daily arrivin? at the lo
cal publicity headquarters. Manager
Fre'a, is answering inquiries fully,
and has an elaborate follow-up system,
so 'hat no genuine inquirer is lost
sight of. 1
Woman, Weight 400, Dies
Halfway. In the death of Mrs.
Cord of thi3 place. Baker county and i
possibly the entire northwest, lost its i
larg-st woman. Mrs. McCord weigh
ed nrly 400 pounds, and in burial it .
too.; 12 men as pailbearers
KtaT.th County to Get Experiment
Cora)!l. President Kerr is In re
ceipt of a telegram from the United
S'dt-- department of agriculture stat
ng th-n the federal government will
i oi-erate with the stnte of Orngon in
'. .nUishinent and rnaintenanee of
ar. irr.j:itioa eatperlment and demon
sira'.on farm for Klamath county, the
purr oi - being to provide scientific aid
in i' monstratlng to the farmers the
posnfjil't es of production on reclaim
ed t..!.i:,!e land of that county.
Ti.e i.rnion on the part of the federal
government Is the direct result of a
cr-nfi-rence held at Oregon agricultural ,
college last Novernbor when P. H. I
Wr' M, director of tho United States i
reduraation service, mot the college
authority and took up the matter of ed
DU1"" prucucai moans oy , "
wluch the federal government could
work to ihe best advantase In aiding
he farmeri, of southern and conii-Jd
Orogon to cultivate their lands moat
$100,000 Mortgage Filed at Hood River
Hood Hlver. The largest mortgage
that has yet been filed In Hood Iliver wl
county wa placed on record by the
Morchanta Savings & Trust company
of Portland, and executed by tho Hy.
dro Electric company of this city, for
the sum of $100,000.
Albany Bscet Is New Open
Ajfeaay. The Oregoa Electric depot
is ti city was) opened Saturday. It
is one of the beat depot In the state.
The tructue ta 110 by 12 feet, con
tnisrted of r4 tapestry brick, 144 U
Flemish bond with raked JoUU and
4yat- iUu trtaisJaca.
iron Workers are
found guilty
Prison Terms of From One to
Seven Ye rs Imposed on 33
of Defendants.
Indianapolis - Thirty eight defend
ants, including Olnf Tieltmo and K
A. Clancj of in Kranclseo, In the
so-called dynamite conplrac trial,
were found guilty b) a Jury In the
Tutted St.Ues court here on eery
count In the Indictment charging
them with illegally transport ing du.i
mite. Onlj two of the defendant -Daniel
Hockley of Pas en port, low a.
and Herman Setffert of M.twaukee
were acquitted
Two of those conxlcted er. not
affiliated tth the tron Workers ..n
Ion. but they were found guil'y of
Joining with the Iron Workers off i
clals In promoting the conspiracy
Imprisonment In the federal prtso-;
at Leavenworth. Kanans. as Imposed
as punishment upon 33 of the labor
union official convicted of h.ivtug en
aged In the destruction of property
b) dynamite oer an aree. stretching
front Boston to Ixx Angeles
As the head of the union hose
rtrike was given .is the motive for
promoting the dynamite plots, Prank
M Hyan was sentenced to seven years'
tmprUonment. the heaviest sentence oi
Of the 35 men convicted as conspir
ator and alders In the McNamar.i dy
nnmitlng scheme, eight other men af
filiated with 11 tan eiich were sentenc
ed to prison term of six yeurs, two
men each were sentenced to four
years. 12 men vtch were sentenced to
thre years, four men were sentenced
to two years each, six men to one year
and one day each, and sit men. includ
ing Edward Clark. Cincinnati, a dyna
miter who pleaded ruilty, received
their liberty on suspended sentences. '
The elimination of those ho re
ceived suspxnded sentence left 33
who are to go to Leavenworth, where
the shortest sentence will b one year
and one day.
By the liberation of Hiram R. Kline,
a former official of the Carpenters'
Union, Olaf A. TrWimoo, of San Fran
cisco, remained as the only labor
union official among the prisoners not
related with the Ironworkers' union.
Rain and Snow Oamags Property
Pacific Northwest
Ellensburg. The Chicago, Milwau
kee I'uget Sound eostbound fast
freight, which was stalled In n drift
one mile west of Uiconia. In Snoqual-
mie I'nsa. was wrecked Monday by an
avniancne that ewept ilown the moun
tain Just when the train was almost
free from the first drift
Two locomotives were knocked off
the track and wrecked. 12 cars loaded
with Orienial imports were .maohed
Into small bits and 23 other cars were
burled under the snow, part of which
is 15 feet deep.
Snow conditions In the Cascade
mountains; are tb; norat In 20 years.
according to railroad officials here
Milwaukee Is completp.lv tied
up by slides. The Northern Pacific I
haa rofa.st.-d to handle Milwaukee !
1 trails over the rnounf Jns. Snow
: plows at Ka3ton and lister am wed;
! ed in tho snow.
: Vculd Blow Up G;rman Bridges
! Hrlln. Many arrests have occur
red at Ureslau. capital of Silesia, of
' men and women, charged with being
Involved In a widespread conspiracy
Correspondence has been seized re
vealing a plot to destroy Ml the
bridges near Breilnu in the event of
German mobilization
fitaunton, Va. Virginia welcomed
home Saturday Governor Wilson, Uie
eighth of her native sons to he chosen
president of the United States. Krom
the moment the president-elect cross-
the state line at Alexandria until i f
me 11Uie parsonage where
ins was corn s years ago the rec.ep.
Hon was one of great enthusiasm
The presld'nt-elect proclaimed the
hope thru his administration might
mean the final obliteration of every
thing that In the past divided tho
north and the. bouth.
Standing on the porch of Mary Ilald
Seminary, In the chapel of which
he was baptized, he spoke to a great
crowd. The presidency, the govsrnor
ald, ho regarded "aa an office In
a man must put oa his war
paint," but he added that his visage
was such that he "did net mind mar
ring It, for a man can Ire als gate.
''"fa and still fight."
A great rawijf mea who aave Ukea
the narrow view of leglelatlaf for
'.eutionrU advanuce would have te be
t istered, the governor Delated ent, In
er "that they iusy be the laetru-
C J::etlce aad iaorcy."
I'hvto tiy A"-ri(in i'rt A(H-Utlo
O. E. Teitmoe, prominent San
Francisco labor leader, convicted In
the dynamite conspiracy trial at In
Venice TraeW Scene Of Disaster When
Exhibition Oash Goes Amiss.
I.os Angeles. Hal Shatn, a wnll
knon automobile nicer. .s fatally
lujured. three others seriously hurt
and others sliRhlly cut and bruised
when Shnin's racer shut out of thf cup
hnped track fcnon as the "dare defU
ract for life'' on the cones Him pior
at Vtnlce and plunited into the crowd
Shnln died a half hour after doctors
ought to save his life by an opera
, tion
Tho seriously Injured are: Mrs. A.
, II. Atkinson. t5. tourist from Vancou
ver. U. C. fractured lower Jaw and
lacerated lip. M. W. J. Johnson. S5.
( tourist from Madison, Wis., loft hand
fneftirea and minor injuries. J. M
I iioyer. i, Iaih Angolen. abdominal In
juries. All lll recover, accordln to
tha doctors.
Municipal Carllne Pays
San Francisco. In the first day
and a half of Ils operation. San Fran
Cisco's new municipal railway lino re-
turne.1 to the city a profit of J532 75.
The first car wns sent out Saturday
noon and the receipts for the half dny
were 715 75. Moodny's receipts were
J910. makiug a total of MGSS.i5 for
the day aud a half. The estimated
operating xp,-n. of th- rond are
J450 a day and the fixed churges on
the bond J234 a day.
Men In Well 6 Days Are Hescued
Hums, Or Prisoners at the bottom
of a well S5 feet deep for sli days,
without food or water, Itobert 1
Koontr, aged 3.1, and William M. Car
roll, aged 26, homesteaders In Callow
valley, to the west of Stein's Moun-
tain, Harney county, were rescued by
a neighbor ,
New York -Men and women gar ,
nent workers estimated at 125.000
went out on strike In New York Mon
day, tying up approximately 4000 fnc-
I tories. They demand higher pay and
! better working conditions. Picket
squads of 12 have been posted at all
the factories affected.
1 The Htrike is confined at present to
; the makers of men's and boys' cloth
j Ing. Of the 125.000 wo-kers In this
I Industry there nm about 40,000 wo
J men. It Is declared, however, that the
Ladles' Garment Workers' Union Is
I at work organizing Its forces for the
! demand of an extension to other
' branches of n peace agreement signed
' two years ago and that a Htrike 0f
70,000 more workers would be, called
to enforce tho demands,
An eight-hour day, 20 per cent In
crease In wages with a minimum
10 a week for glrla and )1 for men
nbolltlon of child lahnr lnii
work In
the tenements are the features of the
strikers' demands,
Wheat Club, 7Se; bluentom. n;
red Russian, 77c.
Osts 2I per ton.
Hay Timothy. $1J; alfalfa, fu,
nutter Creamery, 37c
Kggs Candled. 22c
Heps 1812 crop, 20c
Wool Eastern Oregon,
Jlc; W1J.
(lunette valley, Iffte.
Wheat Tlliiestera, JJs- elib. He
red Ruaslas 77c,
Kgs JHc.
Hut! -r Creamery, IH.
Hay-Timothy, in per lea; Arfatfk,
111 por team.
Trust Investigations, Roports
and Tariff Hearings Await
I ing Congressmen.
Wiishlnston. When congress recon
vened on Thursday sctho propara .on
for the riiactiutmt of legislation during
the unit administration "ft coin
tin ttCrtl
Seven distinct Investigation by "
I .nine are srhmluled to begin They
M the money trust, tntlff revtswiu
Se llnvon (iraiul Trunk nillrvad
. ijI trust legislation, foreign nud
"i tlo chipping irual. eurinii y In..
' .hi Inquisition Into tin- aff.vra o'
' iiwrlntendriu of nuruu e in t'
t i-f Columbia The inrg,t
l i will COl over $100.(100 and leM
i.i. ll) be takrii both in Was' in,
inn . nd Srw York
Cemmitttss Will Iteport
H addition congress will receive re.
ports from-
The senate committee on Inlerwta'e
commerce, hlch has taken a vast
amount of ttltuouy on the autl trust
The ubcmnmlltei of the snnat
eommltlro on prltllege and elections.
hl?h has conducted the Inquiry Into
campalgu receipts and ntirnitlturps
The subcommittee of th" seuate for
Iza t'latlnus committee, hlrb has
In rstiijated charges that Aitierlratis
and American Interests are responsl
bl for the unrest In Mexico and the
alttupted revolutions In Cnbv
Th tariff hearings are rilectcd to
last durlni ths entire session. While
lUrj ATi under war. Mr Underwood
and his silir on the ) and
means cominttte" "ill be engaged In
(ormuUtlus; their several tariff mea
1 ures
Will Etdlt Tariff Legislation
While tb" ays and means commit
tee Is holding hearings the democrats
ot the ftnauc committer of the senate
' will tin studying rates so as to b
ready for action hen the house mens
I ures reach lhlr chamber In fact.
t.'er)thlng points to tho utmost ospe
j liltiun la tariff Insulation by the dcimv
J erati.
Hith Mr. Clark and Mr Underwood
hav urgtd I'resldsnt-elect Wllon to
( call tho extra session Imroedia'ely af
j tor March four They want him to
confine ths business of that session t
! the tariff only If tlmy have tholr way
concress will assstnbln on March 25
or thereabouts Th flmt tariff bill
will b- reported without delay and
others w follow promptly.
CovirnmiBt May Acquire Eipress
in discussing the Insugurntlon of
' the puree) post sv.tsm which vim put
In operation at midnight. Dec Jlst.
j i'ostin.nter General Hitchcock said be
I regarded It a stepping stone to the
acquisition by the goTrmmeiil of tho
entire eipresi carrying busltos of the
Cofmnlsslsn Pusssnris Hsw Mates.
' The tnteratat comtnerca conuntn-
slon has suspended until April 30 pro
posed advancement
rrum 0r,I1)n
of rates on lumber
Oregon, Washington and llrltlsh
Columbia to eastern stairs tla Hea
ver. I'ueblo and I'ullmsn, Colo., In or
der to afford an opportunity to deter
mine the reasonableness of the ad
vance Th present rate from Port
land to Chlrsgo via the Colorado gate
way In rtr, cents and an advance to 'J6
has been proposed
The present rata from Portland to
New York Is t.i rents and It I pro
pnaeij to advanc this to HOI'-. a
hearing win be held to determine the
1 reasonableness of the advance
I While lumber Is the only commodity
Involved In the cnmmlsslon order,
It Is probsble that tariffs affecting nil
other commodities likewise will be
'suspended pending a hearing. I.mn
i her is the only Item agalnr.t which ti
protest was made.
National Capital Brevities
Major-General Leonard Wood, chief
of staff of the srmy, will lead the In
augural parade In connection with the
Induction Into office of President elect
Aa effort to extend the senate cam
paign fund Investigation to corer the
presidential fight of 1911 will be made
by Senator Clspp, chairman ef the In
vestigating committee.
Tor the Mrst time la history wire
less Christmas greetings were Dashed
frora the Mare Island navy yart at
Baa Francisco te Washington,
The final fight against Ihe so called
"beok trust" opened In the supreme
ourt, whore a printed argument was
filed asking for an Injunction against
the carrying Into effeet of agreements
between publishers an 4 book sellers,
Hegel te ceatrel the supply and sale
ef beeks.
Asseag the 4ewjecrstlc sesstors who
bare tslkel recently with President
elect Wllse. Oh ere Is conellerablo
rail te th effect that ie western tan
dilate for apelatmewt as secretary
Of the tnterier wlW receive serlens eon
tleratlea for ttrat eMIee unless he has
the uadltlrtcl srirport of the drrao-
Charles a Mellsn, presldsnt of ths
Ntw Mavsn railroad fornur prssldrnt
of the Northsrn I'jcltlc, who was In
dlctsd for altsysd violation of the
Shsrman lav,.
Brief Nows of tho wook
llradstreet roports 311 business
failures In the United Ktates during
the past week, as compared lth IS!
during ths previous week.
In view of the unsatisfactory posi
tion of the opium question, ta Chi
neso government has Issued a manl
festo relterntltlg Its desire to suppress
the etll
A remarkable record has been estab
lished by French submarines, which
despite stortns trnVelrd SCO hlltna,
submerged all the time, without a sltt
gle stop
The Public Servleo Corporation of
New Jersejr. beginning January I, ca
tabllshed a minimum wage soale of 17
a week for women and girls In Its
employ j
Orders for I10.0OO.OO0 worth of
equipment to accommodate the rapid
ly Increasing traffic In the northwest
were placed with Ui carshopa and en 1
glne bulld"ri last wrwek by the North ,
ern Pacific. ,
The Kellogg Toast ml Corn Flake ,
company Is alleged to be violating the
Hhermnn law In a petition la equity '
filed 111 the United Hlatrs dlslrtcl
court at Detroit, by order of Attorney ,
(Jenornl Wlcknrsliam to settle for all j
lime the eimul to which a manufar
turer run control retail prices.
A new application of the recnll wilt
be attempted at the coming session of
the Wisconsin legislature. Hereto-
fore such a law has been proposed to
apply only to elective officials, but a 1
bill will he Introduced which vl ap '
ply the recall to nil appointive offices,
eapeolally the railroad. Industrial and
I tax commissions.
People in the News
Chna. W Karris, stuln printer, was
arrested nt Oklahoma City, Okla.. on a
wjirmnt charging lilm with the forgery
of slato wurrnnta
Alfred von Klderlnn-Waeohter, e.
retary of stnte of the German Kmplre,
died Monday nt fltuttgart, Gornmiiy,
Of heart disease
John Hchrnnk, who attempted to an
anrslimte Theodore Hoosnvelt, Is re
ported to lie a model patient at the
Oshknsh hospital for the Insane.
Jnron llrown, 90 year old, sou of
John llrown, famous ns the leader of
ii.- .hi. I ir . ,.,
ii,i, im iimiJiir s r err, it . u.f
, died at Ills hom In Akron, Ohio,
1 General I. ills Porimndns, whu wns
prominent in Giumml Oroxco'a nriny.
hits surrendered with 200 of his men
at Harrul, according to official re
ports. j Thomns L. Cummins, fnther of Hon
ator Albert II, Cummins, died at his
home In Dee Molllna. Iowa, n wun
30 years old and had liiniii III for morn
than a year.
William I-oeb, Jr., collector of the
port of Nnw York. In to resign hta 112,.
000 position and will uccept an ad
mlnlatrntlve position with tho Guggen
heim mining enterprises and develop
ment projects,
Andrew Carnegie's merry Christmas
lo his friends and relatives cost htm
,i6,000, This amount of money wna
sent out la checks especially engraved
with a border of holly In amounts
ranging from 150 to 11000,
l-g 1 I X I TT J fr i
a rnrklrsmiasi mi
ot th Asms.
I'tie 'alisuiilllles u H,,f
preselll llielliseltes In m
I I rem linuili nte Nlilllslllgl)
! lit ii tiiiilillnitur In the l'dl. I....
"W sei nil gleeti riiillilrsl.(,
lug Hi" "linn iliijs of uiiiiiior ,
i III if ertd!llttta. Illlsll-4l slul tttLi
rilieil with lotltf liilllilled chit.
Ing (lie ground with liens; , f
ittstied til lllsiiller rule slllllrs w
..I a. la
nous nieiais ii is Kouets a ,
Anv ground m do so long as It j,
leel Hating fiMllnl tour gt iuui),
then lake great rare In (111 tip i(
natural tioli-s III It. Having d.t.
till iiinni, n llilllll-i'l I'l Rfllll tai
wlil-h are all of a (lied mUtn
t'tltt lllitrn ttlrtstl lining , . .
Iltltural holes Ihe Uttler lllev n-s
ti.'lf Is tile litre. I dew en n-
llut uuinsiiioiiHine spirt M
t ie lnHil.liig, lilli ivi.tlii,
I rioult K slolies im I lie roads w))
a I i f a Kug liamiiier Tim
'IffMftni.-v s that the golfers lit
.. . . . . - I II L 1 I .
!.i s the sliinelireaUera. The
f if Unti trpln.ixl liy a sins. I
r l.lt IllV, U.I. (Htll. t-.
U-'UK Uutirvakatile,
ll.r irttilein Is to lltaka this U
..... l...l .... .... I . . .. .
out ti iuliltig It with the hands
. I L . III. ... I .... . I ... I . .. - t .
titlrtiul IllrtiMt sitit Imlmt
make I tie problem a cotnpUrat!
iMtvtioip i him sill s is rsi vii s r
, and Its number Is legion since It U
I crre't thing to ehaltgw the rlafc
.forks iittven every ciur.
t "The clrtlnn of elut ciintnlt
I an iiinlirelln rase Is earr1et t-eh!4
line ui nr y a iraniww sivowa
i rnddls
j "The player, having fhiwen
great earn from alix'Og his elit'is
nbrh Ii likely to make a s-jc
...II ... I aL.. ,..ll
by uslns- tii much fr-e nod ths i
rt by rmt Uitng rnnogh The stf-
nun te.( inncri ror- iwiiimu h u
easier It iinl-ils In striking
esrtll a few enntlnieti rs Ik 111! 4
nan TTiiisiiii mm iuiie l it lira I
truss Is well lli'lio l( olI. Him
.1. - . . .. . r .,1. ... .
the sttle of a lUofk dlsjilay
teff rirrnllt rftfCl
""Ihe lilt wUU-tl Hltssi-s Is nor
. . , ... . .,.(. i., ,1.1. ... it l. .
rmr; uni 7"'ir rum . ' r n 'k
(l.iiUlili sleiuld make "'rulgta fut
re'tirn hi lte lu.jrtus gltrll It
strike Ilie pl-i-er nil tin- Ink of
Nat flush a Hst flrssch.
.... .ii
rtl'kttlg s slK-eet 111 "lie of the; to
of his dl'trtct where he was not
known erinrlly and In the evr
' ,1,1, ,,., Ml, ! I ,,,,,, ,
t . k ... ... , 1 .. . I 1(1.
iiiw iiiiii iii-i " o'ii oi.
liUtehef In rind mil how he stil
Yr." replied tlm buirhor. "I
there "
"Whst do you (htnk of Ifl-
i-ariuiv- in ii ffiiM ii.itiMMi imir
"I've innde n belter pw Ii thatl tl'-sl
Worth of "otip tHine-.
Kansas Cltj Htnr
Taklno Aim."
Friaiir irini i,iiri iiim niiiirtiiniiii hi
Mlllttl 1. fllll Id all.,. A I .... ft
niiiii 1. 1 r s r r,,i iimii 1 1 r iiifitiv tints a:
i " ' ' .....
lie or no ariinrv in mun iiri'iirii n a
The Im t. Min s wit I (1 In mcd soinewU
li for n marksman Arrtirary
I 'V" ninl the Judgment of dlioctlon s
i ,1lHln,t..H l. ..... I,,lu 4 1,. tt
- - ,,, ... ...
lectiinl suptiriorlty. Now York Press-
Then There's Ne Row.
freef sotmilnl like n lilatnl hnt"
dnice ii lie loft for town."
"Doe Iwi alwnys elnm the door
hnrd 7"
"Slit serftrr moritlns? Thrn h r, ho
m.m.i.. ...i. i . a .
flon't tnm-t at (ha breakfast tnhle."
Hpokane Itevlow,
The Bess Blower.
Time e.AO. Wllstle lilows In nesrtj
factory. Nnw office ixiy nsks If It U
time In go homo. Old office boy uy
no. New Ixiy cull iittnnllini to fart
ftist whistle hns lilnwti. Old hoy rr
torts. "You wnlt till tlw Ihiss IiIowb."
Chlcago, Tribune.
lie What kind of n resort waa It ye
were at? HhoWell, Judglnif from the
kind of mea I saw there. I should si
It w the Inst resort for inarrtHKOAbU
gins. Boat on Tranacrlpt
eHsrble Trouble.
Twewnt Abb Oh, muia, falle
flownstalra iM broken me neck. H
Mlstrtasj Well, whntes-er von've hrokal
will fie OfntactesS from your wages."
ixndon Bketclk
tmjw mv liilinusuilN
hie nwa rwln etWn will bstilil on
1 ef bh eteke.