Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 14, 1913, Image 2

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    CS)e Cillainoofc iierald
C. G. Crombuy, editor
iMlicd Cu'icc.i illccU ft
id-vl.ts n.itler M.iv 17.
Omkv. under I tie
Hclvcrfisintf KJl
local Advertisement
r.T.t i-irtion. txsr lino - J
F.wh sutweuuent Insertion, Hi
' m-stead Notice?
'. !,.',.. r Claim
N ti.v. per line
O -r . , f thank. H?r lin
IammX 'r ln, first nwrtion
Tn-SPAV, 1ANTARY U. 1011.
rwhiit diiftjruml but still
c sre son;
i- tho nnp,
Because of the trnuoity C
i .... Af...i1n.in Mmiuimi Ar one t
tfav Ute with thi Uue of the HemW.
The "Dry haJ a perfect ripbt and
privilege to caII an election tn nn on-
di-sv. r to vot the town dry today
wr-'ie the election went wot, i e
e.o. t !-.-. may prore to bo a i;ood tMn-;,
ii that it will have a clarifying elfoct
a" i show up matter in their true
l-.cht. However now that the ncht 'sttfnt in considerable number. Hutter
oerwe trust that further bitterrws i , . j , j j.,irie where the cows haw
and strife will cease, as local dispute
a--J i- : ;inual strife is not the best
thmjr for a town and should bo dis
c, urnced unless a real emerRency de
n'.a.n.is otherwise.
The drv" element of the city of
Tir.kfr.ook was severely defeated today
i" a-attempt to vote the city "dry."
It 's our opinion that at the present
titre the majority of the people of Til
larr.. k a e for a "wet" town under
ar ci nsideratum. However, there aie
S'-tre particular reasons why so larj;e a
rr.aj: rity was r""ed up for the "wets" ;
there was li o uar of litigation and a
liredra.vn out, expensive law uit;
our vity taxe are already at tije hifih
water mark and we are badly in need
of money repardiess of the fact that
we haehad license monej at our dis
posal during the last two years. We
beiifve t!,ese were the mam reasons
for the heav "wet" vote. Of course
there was the bootleKSWB bugaboo.
which is virtually a declaration on tl e
part of the saloon keepers that they
will sell illegally if they are not per-
muted to sell legally. Then there are
those who would vote for state wide ,
prohibition but not for local option ;
in any sense 01 tne wora. 1 nese anu
other minor arguments had their in
fluence, tut the primary reasons for
the heavy "wet" vote were finances
and fear of litigation. It will no doubt
be some time before another attempt
will oe made to vote Tillamook "dry",
the vote beins conclusive enough to
satisfv the most doubtful.
(By Hon. J. U. MickleJ
Frgm Pacific Homestead:
N' uairyman is so poor that he can-
rut afford a few windows for his sta
bie: get them anyway -if he can't pay
fur ti .-m the cows will.
The culling process in a herd is the
begi'.n.i.g of dairy regulation.
UT A. i . ...
i e uu nui auvoraie wnue pants or
starcl.ej shirts when milking but we
do say clean hands and dry hand.
Wetting tho hands with milk from the
teat or pail is a bad habit; it is nasty.
I have been taught tr cool milk so
the bugs will not grow in it.
No well-regulated dairy is conducted
without the milk sheet, the scales, and
the tenter.
No dairyman is justified in using a
gra-je s ire.
Our greatest need is for a goodly
rumber of dairyman to engage in calf
r 'ising for a number of years.
The man who would establish the
best regulations among his cows must
li "t egin with himsolf
A well-regulated dairy usually indi
cate, a well regulated home, and well
regulated homes mean better citizens
and he who by his thrift and energy
ar-ornplishes those things ia a worthy
citizen indeed.
(By W. Ii. Wright.)
Pacific Homestead:
About four years ago a book was
puunshHj, the title of
Prolongation of Life."
wnit-ti is "I ho I
1 his book wag
written by a European scientist, named
m.icm,i..oii, who cites evidence to
prove that thy lives of all of the higher
animals, map included, are greatly
hhortened by tho formation of poisons
10 mt alimentary canal. These
poisr.r he claims, are formed by the
non-acid forms of bacteria and yoaBts.
He sUtes, also, that the growth of the
poison, .us forma is prevented or great
ly hindered by the presenco of lactic
Hcid bacteria. His statements, as to
thf part played by these acid bacteria
in tho promotion of health, have done
much tp increase thq use of butter
milk and" sour mlfk drinks. .
c CucstlJV ind Friday
it the p nt u'ttce at Tillti'ivvlc. t
act of March 3. 1ST!?."
F.ieh uteo,uent insertion, lino
Resolution of ondoli'tico nml
I.odirr notice, per lino
I Uuim .(- Professional card. mo.
05 nui.lnv Advertisement, por Inch
ALL lipv Avis tmwt ho in thi of
10 w fue on Uijiniay Thursday Morn
A inirs 10 insure, publication in follow
in Tuesday nml Friday iwiir.
.? Ke!ort ar iniperrtUv.
As frwh butter wnUin million of
the me luetic bucteris s buttermilk,
jthoujfh inmIUr numbers, it K-looi
with huttertniiK tn um ncaun ioto
, cls. In ordinary packet! butter the j
"'b.r of Uct.c b.c'.er.o w from mine
''n'y lhou?ni, while frequent i
jy thew Rre wl(j vv t(t form which
injurjonsi t0 health. It U oviUeiU.
tJ) thflt r othttr rtftl4),ns bv-
ide. flavor why fresh butter boukl I
oommilrK higher price on the market.
0rw pbjection to the ue of imlinary
( w buUer u thnt thf bacteria
wnleri enue tubercuUwis nmy be pro
' be--n tested fi r tuberculosis, or from
cream that has been prorurb pnsten.
riied. is safe for table uso.
Assistant Ba. teriotoeist. Idaho Kx
periment Station
Furnished" By Pacific Abstract Co.
?. G. Roed to Arthur M. Churchill.
SI. 00. tract in 1-t 2 Sec. 20 3 N 10 W.
Firvt Bank & Trust Co. to ArchanRO
lo Martrandrea, lots 47 i IS blk 1
Rockaway Ueach.
First Ban.' Jt Trust Co. to Vincent
Mastrand ea. ibO, lots 1 2 blk 63,
! Rockawaj Bi-ach.
; First Bank & Trust Co. to Satxintino
I Mnstrandren.J50 loti -17 & AS blk Gi
Rockawav Beach.
First Bank & Trust Co. to Sabantlno
I Mastrandrea loti 1 '' blk 1 Kockawav
Sabaino ;,!astramiri;a et.al t0 FUrt
Bank & TrU8l C(J fl t,t.a , &
03 m ,ots 23 & b,k 31 an(
,os j o blk 35 a in Hockawav.
Charles P. Maginnis & -f to John J.
Rnpp. flO, et-al, t59.S9 acres in Sec. 10
3 N S W.
Dan Reid to N. W. Watne. $10, lots
10 & 11 blk 5 Tillamook Beach.
T. B. Potter Realty Co. to Johan
Paulson, 510. lot 4 blk C ami lot 43 blk
60 Bayocean Park.
The Nehalem Company to Carl Brog
lin $140, lot 4 blk 25 Wheeler.
The Nehalem Company to S. T. Bow
en, 5100. lot 9 blk 7 Wheeler.
Thomas J. Mjoseth to L. A. Jones,
51, lots 6 to 10 blk 7 Sand Lake by the
Jan. 9, 1913.
Tillamook Beach Realty Co. to Maud
Brant Roberts, Jl, lot 30 blk 22 Tilla
mook Bach.
W.J. Conn Dr to D. B. Harnar, 510,
lot 31 blk 5 Tillamook Beach.
W. B. Courter to Ksther Schnal,
I1C00. lot C blk 1 Central addition to
Tillamook City.
Jan. 10, 1913.
Bay City Lund Co. to K. II. Thomj
son, $175.00 lots 5 & C blk 0 Central
addn to Bay City.
Martin BrathLerir to Cl, P
?17o, lot 21 blk 30 William's; addn to
nay ucy.
M. W. Harrison & wf to Jas Feenv
il et-al, tract adjoining Tillamook City
Jan. 11. 1913.
'lillamook Beach Realty Co. to Frrnk
1. McUuirtil0, lots 1 to 10 blk 2 Tills
rnook Beach.
j. i. Morris and wf to W. B. Neels
51 et-al, lot 10 blk 22 Sandlako by Sea
W. U. Neels & wf to Gear W
Clarke, $10, lot 10 blk 22 Sand Lake by
the .Sea.
Brighton Development Co. tn All,..rt
ri r . - - "
iserry fi iw, lots 20 Uj 23 blk T)
lirignion aeach
i Asa Wooda & wf to William Hn.n
o. -w acres Sec 7 2 N 9 W.
Jan. 13, 1913.
Mary J. Dunstan to Hlaine Ch.-.ttr.r
ton, S257.30, part lot 2 blk 10 Stillwell
Iff fit ! 'V. II. I-
W. H. Henderson & wf to V Glidden
lot 15 blk 4 Hayocean.
Jas. Vernon & wf to W. 0. Dwlght
110. kt 4 blk 3. Still well ad Tillurnook'.
Q. C. Deed. Carl li. Knudson et-al
to Solon KchilTrnan Jl lot 8 Sec C 2 N
9 W except 10.44 acres.
Q. C. D. Mary Nordberg U, John R,
Miller adm lots 4 to G blk 1 Woods.
TI,T.rJ- C- 0W'&wfto Pacific
re & lelegrdpl, Co, $-10.00 'per mo
hld(; on lot 5 blk 2 Tillamook. '
l Tin- rty mittm-vr will ho In hi
lolRco nt (In- City Hall on and ftr
' t.VI.I,n Imi 1? .''iir the-tiUrtn'fC of nil-
jlstlni, linv ,,1rx)r , t,0 ntrvel hhkchs-
Notic.! id Ju-roliy rioii to nil whom
it iiihv roncorn. that tlio t'oiintv Court
o( tlio Stuto of Orotfon. for i iIIuiiiook
r.umtv hit iuin.ilnt.id i ho unoVmiiMioil.
Robert Ku-httik-ir. Amninmtrtitor if
the t!e ot (5tor.' W. KMHtrrr. IV-
cHl.mKlalloii, l,nvinK elMiiwj
to prwonnnMll lo m Hnuvr-.s.,.-...
I thi olllco of Curl lluborliu-h. Attornoy
(Un, Tillnmook City. DrORnn, to
Ifethor with tho prvpor vouchers,
wlthi.i nit month frm tht tJto of
, thin notlco.
' Untwl nt Tlllntnook, Oro.. Dov
Kobert Kichintter. Adminintrntor of
the Katjitc of lieorue W. Ktrhsnupr.
Hc i Prt( Good Intrst In Spit (
Hit Looi nti rii Wfbi.
j ), ',Uki ttl1K ,, lo .,,!,
-.i!i- Iruui -iiut.O'. Hum- irntxilily
kliul fin frteiitUi.tp with Ittlo liopv
a- the plder. rt Ih-o Hie uphler U
(ulrb tirootrlit to Irlai it l nit ho r luird
(U p'tltv ittlVthlMU t' ' ''"t itliu orvpt
III lllHtirHIICO HOd M fl-W lIlllWl-llH
Aixtrt (nun furtil-hliii; no ottuuplv
f iiuliixtr) mid iNttltMMc from wtilrli
r unv'il H prvillt tbr -paler ro-,li
i-xi'lul oly utKiii fri'-bl klltt-il iiux-1 ti.
ill of tin-in li.-iim n( tin- 1. mil iIoihmiiic-
i'il In -tfiulturi iiiitlMirltlo-.. the Iiuiiho-
H iM-lna lt- fiiviirtii uiiarry.
the ii'-tu.ii iltni' tlmt of u row
tiutiilrod lHiiiortli- iiiouii thnt oii-rtil
iiiiuilriil lli-.u-uiiil thai would other
a Is,- 11:11 f ell SHI live-, ttl tnillillllt
nut: tvpliuKl 11 mi ntlior dlortii will
.1 it .nun- Into i'ili'lni' 11 ml t uliuoit
am pltl-l I1011I1I Lv utile to Mociiililt
f..i s muni : in tlii iiurN of u
..i'inmr. to Mi.ir iHithliitt of -amy nm
(iiiii nml lilui-K ciiiitt. no iiroly owe
tilm outlet hltii: more T tin 11 n tlnp with
'o.r w-lieii we tin ih.-ii to rntch
101:1 mil ut lit- hole
1 ni!ef inn nlte of tuine. hut he
in ii- exrept III 4-lf infellie.
Jiml riHii (lien Ibe title l Hot llllli-tl
wnrr I linn unulil hnve l-eti nii-lveil
tnnii nny olio nl the -.en-nil huiitlreo
uin..iiiii.B he uu iirnimhli itiiwil
il(H,u nr will. If let iilniie In the IIl-IH
I PII-..-IK -rlelil 111'- Isimwliilse lll'
Kturv nt the iphter nml (he ill (tint
' lnvltiil Into the prettv pnrlor iloe.i
t,. nine illl-h il Mllrtl- lit MVIIipilttiy
: ihe rtv d It uiiee ill I llnrpor's
.'. .-,'K ( I
Civc Her F r Chjnce. Too. ar.d Sh
SVjk Villino to Pit Uack.
Iiu ti.v dny u." Mr Wurlht lnnie
Until mul U( hen furniture nml trover
'! i.ii il iji j 1(11-11 rul hr -ji (hill
Ihe nimui-iit nior.i:i. li.-il n lien n Dual
-l.-nil iiiii-I he ttindi 'l-ie uiornllis j
u hen .lliiimy. mm of the iMirrower. up
peered at the bnoU ilimi with the ntnlo
oieul. "Mil wiint" Ihe wnU holler.'
Mr Worth (leteruiliiiil to ncL
"You toll tour 111a (hnl wheu nhe
hrlilM buck 11 hnl -he Iimm iilrtudj hor
rownl I will 10ml her the Imllur"
In u tittle while Jimmy renppeitri-il
"Mil want.- to know what sue ha
"I here are a quart of Hour." began
Mr Worth, "a peek of iMitntnei, n cup
flit of Kiignr. a ran of coffee, n half
(hiiiihI of in rd . koiiii- i.iiloiM nml buiti
and -plrex. ihe m-reivilrlver. tlio haleh
et. 11 pair uf HOl-iion" hhe ikiiimk), rec
nlleetlliK- "three upoolH of thread
impel uf needle nml" -
lint lliuini miih i;uiie. I're-eiitly he
nipped on thf biirk door nun In
".Ma iny for you 10 wrlie 'ein down
I forttot souie ol 'em "
Mr Worth mil down with pencil uuil
pilieiill.i Hindi- an iilphabidii-.il ilal ol
1" tile nrri'ii- -ho f-iMilil remi'inliei
Jlmmi Pink the IIhi mid illftiipponrod
a n.iir nmir iiiict up oiu-e more up
poured 111 the iiai-k door mid (innuiuu'eii
".Mil M11.VM if you'll lend Hit Ihe wimh
bollor to tarry llit-in In Mil'U hrliiK em
homo''- Youth 1 Companion
An Inland City.
Oreaier .N'ew 11rk ootwlKta of forty-
live iMiiinuH. u inlirJit l. railed Ihe Ih
land Cil . Head the ihuih-h of come of
the larger: .Mahhnttan iHlnnd, Um In.
Mini, htnti'ii iHland. HurfH Ihland. City
IHlnnd. llllter'H IhIniiiI. North lirothor
IHland. .South iHhiud. HlacUweirM IH
lnnd. Itnndall'H IHland. Ward'a laland.
liorrlan'M llntid. OovernorH lnbm.i
Ihureii Jaland and Omev ImIiiii.i
Many miikiII omis In Jamaica bay havo
Inrue naiue. One Inland Wand. .Mar
hie Mill, near KliiKHbrldire. Iiiih Ih...i.
iiiade by the Kovernmeni chatini'l rut
tbroiiKh 011 the Harlem river Improve
meuta. Human Nature.
"Why Ih It," uaked the curloua Kiiet.
that poor men uniiiiIIv l-Ivh hin.e n,.u
than rich menV"
Well, huh." aald tho wnltor. wh
wna wmethlrii. 0f a iihIloKiini,..r ,.u
""" i me I Kl no im' nmr.
don't want nobody t ca rS out hr'a po'
and do rich limn ibm't -...,
. . ..iiifc iniiriiiiT
U, find out he'a rl(.'h"-.ux.,ane.
I.ulll-You huuiU iiei linn I..
pli'dKe U'for. yon mrry him. lialm-
hy, he doexu't drink llilll jVi 1 tint
lie muy be icmpied to Inter.
TnrV en h Job AM Th
Nitfhti, uniUyt ei.d Holiday.
The avni:- woiWcr It apt (o rt'ismd
rltti envy ttio haul; employee, iuii
tmicti nt there, in n niuntr nmlou Hint
hi hour iirv liort mul tint ho Vnm k
off work nt ittxint : In the itftrruoou
union, Indeed. Ihitv KtlOIlM l' n "iiHn
t.il.i' uiew tlmt ii.cclliili
kivptim ml liund I '' "
A- it nwilcr 'f fm i. I" lortnln of the
lniKost Imnks. p.mli-ul!irl lln"i In
New Voik ttiete l ulii nome ono
ut wwtk All nlulit hum. mul on Sun
itn- unit liolliln.vi i- well, tln-o lunik
h.oe -tIT. of moti kepi Im-lli ouuMin-il
in l nn ltrt Hioii-oml- ..f lollor,
-rt.u .Nt.nu y
... f . . ,
it nut for ihe ntaht hmim wurWUnt in
t mill tho du.r H'rvi" '"bl tmti bo
11 1-. A heliHiM
l..(eoii ft tit (ho urtoriMuMi iiml i'
Hi.- ml timrtiliiH tbri' Ml worit 111
I'll- Imtac lm, two hlft I'tioy cull
th-tili-HlH tho "mHltlllJt flllto" I'lU-h
hunk b;i" n b "driirtfr til ltl Ki'Uor il
i...i..m,e uml rn mnr ilnrHue the
1'; tit mwPittfr trtke fruro tbl drww
(M , 1 1. uu-iil 1II011 of limit
due hi-: lunik nsfho ni itvemao
0111 1 1 of : Irtlrc u day. nnd of (lnwo
t not hint- nrrim dmlni: tlw niuht
Tht.e litttefN iimliilu mnuy i-tlivl." mot
drnftn frutti hII mrix
.i hhiii at thoy have tieou opolleil rtt
the tmuk the lu f an1 oounteit unit
the lutnU erltliil with the footlur of
the lltH Tho lotion ore thou tumped
-proven It. tmtlk i-4ork mil It
1'heii they are nclnoi mlKed hr clerk
iletiilleil for the purpooi' f
A blC tlliik li the iiW4irtltlelit of the
vatlnii cluvk.i ncciirdlui: to the lMit (
herein they are to Ih outonil SljStit t
1I1-M ft mint bo crwittiod art-rtllnc to !
the routio of tho Intnl. liioi'eucer. rl
errrytllllic po-MI'le I dUr to lurti
over (bo uluht'x airumillatl"" of mnll
lit proir hIliiv for r- rlork In ltt
iiioriiliiK Hurler' Wekly
Tho Famoui Wonun Viirrlor Tight
Li' Unehiiinail Oenuni,
Thl- fiiiiniiw body ot onien ivnr
rtoni nrv dewrthiil by Mr lrtvn lit
Ufe In tile U-clon." Ill which he tell
of hli fxperlomv while oripi with
(ho rorolgn l.-cloii uf the I'reiirh iirinr
"Any one Inclined .i .1 nipathle
with the n nui Willi ou oi-nitiil l in r
' and hik tiijn the iintilmt iii.ii
them nml our men tax iiiu-iiul 111
take It from me thnt their .rniputhy
noiihl u inlplniel Tlii-f yiutuc
men are fnr nml mvny the Uint men In
(lie liRhotunti nrtuy unit, uiiiiihii to
mini, ivere iiulte n inittt h fur uny of
iir They were urimil with .Hponeor
relintlii otirblnox mill in. ute nuuli
otter ili-e of lllelll 1 1 lit 1 1 Ihe men iitmle
of their rlllon. uuil for uri nt elv-e
imirterM they I mil h aiuau. In v Imiok
il eliMppliig -ivonl ur ki ite 1 err tiiurtl
lll.e 11 Si m til Alm-rliau iiMi'lletv. With
tihlrh they 1II1I anmt exii-dtlun
"They fought like uui-iiiiltiel ileiniiiH
nml If drlreii Into 11 turner did nut ill.
I11I11 the line of their teolti uuil tiallt.
(Jue of tln-iii iva eln "I nml il-nriinil
by u iiwrliie liifoiitryin.iii in Uil- iikIiL
liilt -In- nan mi fur fr..u, Im-Iiik la-iteli
that "he ut nine tlininl oil her i-Uptiir
nml not alHiiit biting hli iiimo uff The
limn yelled out for hi mother but the
ludy would not leave oil wurrylni; him
until ho non cut down
"The uniform of lhee female wnr
liors ivni n unrt of killed, dlvhleil slilrt
if blue cotton turr 'I hli cin-mont
barely ronrhiHl in (he knet-a. It wnii
supported ut (he )iilnt by a lenther
iielt whlih rnrrlwl the rurtridcn
IKim-hen. 'I'he npiK-r port of their ImmI
Ion una itil!e Millie, but (he head win
covered with 11 iixiiettlli red fez or
tnrboonh. Into which wiih atuck 1111 en
Io'h fenthtir."
Not a Griduila,
The iillpir of the Alkali Hyo linn thin
editorial imte mi n Hewn dlHpati Ii
"1'luit oiiMteru duck I hot K'H W !'
Ill tilKht fff a Hale "HI unifier u' tti
1 on I tiling mi' !.'! hold of (IT inrb'illc
llld lillf '"!' -II'"1 f "I the efTeela of
III' Naiiie. 1 Let. or off He cmul never
linn- heroine no line drliiklll' (lu k 110
how 'I'h' hi-t tHiie lie innile thel fit I
lake wo col up nir imiile It four llllieH
iiioie In mii-tlim. thlul.lli' (hot our
bo i.e hud inukeu on n new an" do
Ibhtful iiiivnr. an not until we Kplt
onnlouin In th' nioniln' an' net th'
Kti'P nllre did we ilMjlver our uiln-
lake "-Atlanln Conlltillloll.
Miiny iiiiiifleM are loriitod nt n con
Mldoniblr dliiiince from the point w horf
(heir forte I- to he cxoiteil and ur?
oiiiie-tMl with Ihe point of iipenlllo"
by Mlender utrliit". or (emloiiH Thin
a provlwlon of niitiirc wilely for convrii '
once If till (lie munch") ivIioho nnwi-r
In coiitonlrnted In (he Im nil mid fui
were loniiod In tbr fimidH or fret Mieno
iiiouiliorx vmiilil iiMMirnr mi liiiirilliuiie
nllre and weight nml lt-mne nioro trim
hk'Homu than iiMrful,
Mother Qoo
It In reported that tho ffDotvlmt w,
currcd In 11 mhiiiII poultry Htm krif by
the Widow of the lli-reiim-i! inori lnnii
I Mhould like in nee u iilni faf a-dime."
wild a cilHtoiuer enlerlllK (lie hop
"Yen. air." repllid the boy, "Mother
win be iiowp dlrri'ily.,,-Woman,M..
1 Kiine Lompiuiioii.
An Eye to Uuiintia.
"8011. would you ke tn ee your
namo written lilKh 011 the (T r
fame?" "No. pa; I'd like (o hoc my
IIIIIIIO HlllllllM'd ON HOItlO dll3llMJtie ..nl
do that no fninlly could do wtUiou't"
Illiuiliiijljuuj Ajio-Horald.
'AN I l-i.t)f
auv other SOI1'
is a bet
hot- it!i h
-1 ' 1
I I) s JIOYIKIN. Nolmloin.
A scientific combination ol liateru
Hani Wheal and Western Soli Wheat.
"l-ISlllvK'S HLl?N-".ir the IkM lor
iintMMMil use. It halio u.oi'c mul
laifict loaves il better bu-atl per iivetl
quantity than any other brand.
Whether lor bread, biscuits. eaLc or
pastry it is the dependable
"Perfect All-Pur pose Floor"
I 'rice $1 tit) per I D-lh Sat li
Thr-ne britnd.1 titaiiufiturrl by
'.miter .nui I
Luiiti at is
1 pet Hanger
Ivsitni.ites I'urnmheil.
Wot It I iitnt.iiitir'l.
Tillutnn'ik. r
What would make a unite
dcMiaMe 'ilt than a vear's
siiif-ei ipliou to the
Ladies' Home Journal?
love yotu ot n t n 1. 1
Thomas Y. Shea
I-OK sLli AT
U i.NT - )... , , ) . MjU.SK
hy kec.Jntr him In nl.nlihy old llurneH
Wu arc ncl I ) -( Huriu-na inadr of tho
bent ilorn at prlcun tlmt otiKht to
tempt you.
will not only Improvo the appearance
of your homo, hut contribute to your
mifety an well. Many a runaway could
Im avoided If the old Humetm had huun
(li.icnrili'd in tune.
lillamook - - Orctjon
is the best,
medium in
the county
'.. sfJL.
Reaches the People)
- - A
IVodtiml i-Jtchmivcly Irtmi choicest
nml most carefully hdectcd
ut which every j;rnin is ihorounhly
eUnuse-l, wnshetl nml dned.
It r milletl imieni until unit)
Hour on tl.e mm lii t
TU.I.AMOOK Fi;i:i CO., Tlllniiiixik.
I'KI.'. A KlltMCIIOI-'r. nilcimook
MKVl'lt AJSON, ll".
MORE per Sack
LESS prr Loaf
K. a 1 i-UO.INr..
Kiii:r(r jiKfTiT
Ultu-o ill MHITOIt tlldt..
All Wut (ilnimitrril.
. uu.aiiook
i J It. h KHKKilN
I'll VSK IAN 001J ,ft Ut.HJN
I illicr Nrw Cmirtc-tr III.U' THti .Mil
W. 0. AcGcc, M.I).
HtJMIiOl'A l !!IC I'IimK 1 .N
AMI M li'l.t.uN
Oilier NettJUwr to Mutual Tflcph-'Ml
(Viitml. Hnl Ac I..
Dr. Jack Olson
tUllleo llourn IrciMi t . in to t p tn
Oicr I-. K. BcaIi' Kr.l KttAlc Officii
I lli.lh I'lione.
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
i (lloth I'liotim)
Tillamaok 1 1 Urconl
El. J. Claussen
Law yer
Dm Tsciiivit AnvoKAT
TillaiiiuoK Illmk
Athirney at Law
In Commercial Biiiltliinj
Altorncy-At-Lnw And
U. S. Coraruiitioner
Oppoiitc CourtLouic
Allornryntd nw
lillamook Huilclinij Room 216
Olliee 20:-L().l, Tillamook
Tillainofdc, - Ore'
a, n. m'.N'ici,,, m,,
Vmr honrn WOHt of Ui.kory.
Funeral UUi6t and l.tcanlnd EmbalillvC
M AMiWnnf Whon ItciiucHtcil.
Pioneer Transfer Co.
G. L. DICK & ON, Prop..
Hrlh I'llOllfi
'IJic Sniiitf Price to I' very one