Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 10, 1913, Image 4

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The County (Nirt coavoifl on Thur.
day, Janonrr . WW. with thf follow
Inc rronnVr nrenl: JuU Mimm.
Cvn nlsdoiwr Alky and Farmer. Clerk
Aflr nttowinc bill and ettlinc the
a'Tain f the jvirtj- for th yr the
ctwrt adjourned on Friday f'ortoon.
Th court eorvned aain on Tuesday
with Cunmiaauner Edrwr in hsrn-
MWinJt are lh atlowtjd
l wek.
RwiJ District No. 1.
VV-t 'A team
r. L Alley -
Jas. Mwr
A. E. Rittenhrtuse ami team .
F M Waked;
E. 15. Graham
F. A. Emery
C. W. Zaddach nd tm . . .
Erail Lawcn
W. S. LinVbart.
Ernest Kabbe-
Kli Johm-ou
Theodore Kelson
Helmer Riwtrom
Jasper Alley awl team
Herman Sehollmoyer
J. M. Furrer
E. K. Scoboll and team
J. ". Thompson and team .
Hen Johnson
C. V. Stokes -
Nehalero Saw Mill, lumber
General Fund.
U. (i. Jackson. surveying Gari
baldi Whcolcr Uoml $20. iW.
Little NoMueea Project fct.Itf .
Whitman Lamb, surveying.
K. I. Shrew, surveying. .
A. Gulstrom, surveying,
G. J. I'oyskoy, surveying
Whitman I.amh, surveying
A. G. Heals, lumber
A. G. Heals, lumber ...
Henver Lumber Co 0.2O
W. II. Hosklns read 1G.50
W. H. A Merman, road t6.IV)'
Forst J. Ayer, road tii.IV!
Forest J. Ayer 1.80 '
j 527.5(1 Jas. Christenson. roads 14 !iG
4 75 B. W. lumer. roads 80.00
IS ?6 J. M- Hakor. roads 79. tH)
41.60 Itopfrs-.MeNamer 'o. Livery 8.N1
Oj m. ,M. .n end v ion, const met ion
:W5 t
70. 00
Tillamook, Oteittm,
Dece.iibei aim. ntr.
To tils Honomtde t. oiniuou Council
of Tillamook Ctt, Oirgnn.
(it.ii.KMit,s', I hciewith Hulitnit
uiy tvpott i City k'tviuder of t'llln
itiook City, Otcgon. cueing the
time Ironi Poooiubor '.Vtli, 101 1, to
December alsd. ltl'.', tia follow to
wtt :
Th Journty I lh Witer Whin Thy
L.av Their Loft)1 rte.
IMiuelMity, rtiirrotish. I bellow. ald
1 notion (hit th niolher'liul take
tho jouni blot on by our In her beak
and .urlc Ihem to fht rrcet. I doubt
lo orroiicou," could not eo how
elo It could h done, wrltr a contrib
utor to the Youth'H Couiniulou, atul I
iiietit nerral Tuluahle days of several
1 dUTereut ycart In tr)ln to tlnd out
OtiNltK'.U. I'l'.viv. Im It w.i.h done.
Jim. It, una, nmount on The thlnK that ptiriled tno wan how
huml l, lAV.'-O the mother wo.nl dueW miMnl
Ket'eiptc fur yent on (ollowj.
I'm in Tno.
1miiii Saloon l.icriirttw. ,
1'ioin b'ineM
b'nnii I'lionlfOH ....
b'nui IVimiih ,
I I.'....,, IV... r...
.. . ... -
S.00 of evtentkwi of Wholer Kond 1100.00 l'rnn I'eoMlot
29;. St
Road District No. 2
L. C. Wilks and team
Will Wsikj
Lewi-. Wilks
D. M. Oliver
C!ui Ackley and team
Alfred jirsen
Fred Bigv
Mise AbpUnalp
C. W. Tilden
T B. Finney
l.-.ley Finney 1.50
K K. Still well 1.60
F.i HanenkraU
V. E. Xoyes
V. Hokfen
W n. TmnireteU .......
J f Barrett, gravel .
K i ir & Smith, nxUe. ..
tlej. Williams, gravel
N. M. Netwr, labor .
Road District No 3.
1 cttft j eiiclt
T v Jencic
.1 t- Jnek and team. ,
1 rl. Cochran
i . . Ray and team
K.. -it Wv.rthir.ton acd team.
Fra ik Wortliiacton and team .
J H. Lowrance and team.
Fn i Aurre-
J.ihn Brba and team
Emanuel fiorb
J'lhn Borba, )i
John Borba
T. A. I'orter
C'ari Jenson
L. Jsnson
Will Ward and Mam
Geo. Symes
C. a. Ward
Wil ar Booth and team-
W' ur Booth ,
11. Tohl '
H. A. Ely
Fred Dunham
A. A. Imlab , 16.00
John Imlah , 10.00
Jim Imlah , , lO.Cf)
Lee LysUr 16.75
L S. Edwards 14. M
A. F. Lane , S.00
K,y i'ruut 50.00
A. A. Imlah , 29.75
John Imlah, tam 4.03
Elmer Hall 75
John Heilroeyer 4.0-0
ft. ft. McClay, taam 23.50
Rj Woo'ln 4.00
Harley Curl 9.50
Will Hudson , 20.50
Ji -n Imlah 8 75
It. li. MrClay team 33 60
A. A. Imlah 40.00
12.75 Coast BHdco Co., Bridg
46 80 Coast Culvert .C' Flume Co..
Tillamook Headlight, printing..,
Tillamook Herald, printing. ...
W. F. Hoker, stationery
J. C. HoMeivstattonery
Olass X- FrudelHimtiie. station'y
W. S. Hue!, expense toucher'
2.60 Electric Light and FueICo
27.60 CitJ' " n,tfr Works . .
17.50 M B. Vint, tnarii for prisoners
15.60 Tillamook.Meat Co county poor
11.75 TiN- Ca county poor.
f. E. Crass, work on bridge
Geo. Willott. otlice rent
King & Smith, mdso . . .
Refund to Sheritf for doubks
collection 1911 taxes Mrs. J.
B. Caples
Mrs. JohnChilders, care county
poor ..
Grant Mills, imUe . ...
Bart hold Bnrgo Co., surveyor's
R. P. Zachtnan, ulumbini;
6.00 t'ladwell, milk Co. (xor
1.60 Edmund", witness ....
Cost Bill. State vs A. I). Urn-
men .
Coat Bill. State vs X. J. Meyers
Ctwt Bill. State vs Matt Wotwr
Cost Bill. State vs T. R. Teien
Cost Bill, State, vs Dan Nichols
5.00 Co8t State V9 c- l- i'otter
vj and C. Ford
o 05 Coat Bill, State vs Earl Ford...
128.25 Cot Bill. State vs C. Clementi
- 00 Cost Bill, State vs C. I'ossetti
'. Cost Bill. Suite vs Cntf Mattoon
29S.70 Cost Bill. State vs Geo Mathews
ami F. B Phillips
Coat Will, Miles Warren Justice
Cot Bill. State vs .V, J. Meyers
Cost Bill, Stale vs W. H. Elliott
Lillian M. Buell
J. C. Holden
K. Milk
Vida Rogers
H. Crenshaw
C. A. Johnson
W. S. Buel
4173.00 From .Miifelliutooiti
-O3! Total
10.tXJ , Ciincellel Wnrnuit. prin-
6.00 . 1
CO (
Intoic.xt oil Hume. .
2,00! Amount on huml J a mum-
atftti 1S"3 'f
a0.W KO.M) Ff.Vll.
21.77 j Atu.uuit on hand Janitors
l.Ht 1012
i ,fn,m ''''w 2.
17.60 Kjohi St. Ar-wr.-.nu'iitn
doviii from their lofty cradle and up.m
tln ator without Injnrlnc them. I
wm not alone In m.r iKtionuieo. aomn
ry omlneiit ornltboloj;llii bare won
donM atniiit the matter an well
After a (Ivo mllo uill one hot Juno
itnv I let my Nat lie In the nhatto of
14 lOl wii lofty iitttnnHli (bat Krew on
t,M, ,n(, Hh,mti mIjii,, 1 ny tmok and
.T'fH'1?! watehrl the play uf lm4lo oil tlu
I l.SSU. 1 1 , ,
. . ... .. ,
A tplanh near ty attracted my atten
thin, ami I bwWed ruii(t to ieo 1 moth
er wt.nt dueW Just allKhtlnir Ttiero
'. it little one to hor xlde. tint I did
I tmt s.x- ti-ov It K't theie In a tno
; nteni ttii nld turk no. etrelwl n few
j time- ( mln nltltude. and uinilo ill
I roct for 11 hole In a larK" tlead tree a
few rtnli any The hole wm at lent
'V17. ( sty feet from the cnntml The dliek
I ftquei-ri-d her Nnly tlmiUch the npn-
She cmiui back
TO 77
42 50
xuu in
Total 3,15 ,V
Cnncelled wurnuits
lutcreet 011 eiimc . .
an u
Tom l
AmoiMit on linnil Jntiuiiry
M, tUKt
nM. Aiuoiuit 011 hiind Inn . let.
J.W j((1vj .
IS. 90 ! lOe. ointH (ur vi-nr
, - . .
11111 111
i. !- n"l dlappeared
M.lI ,.. , ...1.1. .. I.. '
in n if iv imiuieiii kii n wui-fciiiiK i
her month After re.ttltii; for a nuv
ment Nhe came nllltitr down and pine- 1
iHt thU tmby beiddo the frl One nft
er another she carried down the ontlrt
broMl of eleven little yellow ntld black
tlutrv tall. They napped their Ony
wlnir and rtutteretl In the wnter a If
that wern not the tint ttino they liad .
eer lieen In .iwimmlnir. j
The nn'ttier iltif k returned oin'e mnr j
to tin- trre to tnnko iiure that tdio had
not overliHilted oue. Ctitne Imek. plaei-.)
1 Ijvilt)
Amount turned over
Water Commie.ioii ...
Dvle Trial Mid I'utilbr Apourat
I koo Buna flrlno.
It wm (!.".it the year t.'VO that tha
telenei'i' llt-nl totc In rouJunrH
tlon "Hh the firlnt: of n ini-lrril Kllll
The JretTiMwIonii eoueiiwlon hntt,o tin
ten, howeter. thai In onler to line It
at all (he toleiwopo bud In I' dediched
from the titlll befole llrlllK. (hereby
entailing a lo of neYernl neoimln In
' (lute after nliu bail been taken
loiter, to olnlale Ihl defect, the
teh'Mi'pe wa adjililed to the nl of
the kiiii by n njaiett; of parnllel ariin
uiovlui: up nnd down in uuUou mUIi
the tun. thoiush detnelied from It Thl
of iimrxo n a ureiit liupnii'emeul.
but there wer nllll Bravo practical d
Well, aloni; III the early Ullietle I It'll
ry (' Mtitln. a yimnc inliUhliuuaii at
.Mitinpoll. lean fatttl ami ipinre f
law built like a uieittum led Iter
eiile. unlet mannered, Put a htilldoj; In
the fiHitball Held. Iuterett-tt limef In
the "tuily of opllea Nntnrnll) eiioiuclt
III thoiiKht weit itlrvctiil (u the de.
ftH-the lene of the CUII teleaenliea
1'be lene broke vt lieu the Kllll were
llrvd. therefore It wa uetiKary lu !(
ell( a lioiilireakable lelia
One tlay year later, while atatlon
ed In Waahlncton, Mtutln callrtl a few
of UN hrother oiravra (o the window
near III tleaV oil (he neeotiil (ir of
liiillilltiR In the nary yanla lie allow
ed them a letia ntth a metal Imo.l
hrunk'' around Ita clretunferriirv
I'liell he opened (he window nnd d-IIN-rulely
threw the len with all Ida
nlfiht upon the hrlek tavenient he
low The other knew of hi pel hob
ty and thought he had tlven It up In
dlaRUAt and had taken thl nay of el.
U14 them ao. Hut he put on hi hat. lit
a cigarette and ImiJo them follow hlin.
He IihI them down the atalr niuld ron
Itlernble Joklnc and "lit to in.- apol
where the lent lay on tin- wneiuent,
The elB wo uiibniketi. The 01m
20. 10 j
25.00 j Amount 011 linnil Jniiuury
3.00 1
Int. iwt;t
l.n t
UtIKAWV rt'.vu.
.. si, Amount on li.nitl Jumiury
j Int. U2 .
: K'ecoiot- (taeri
10.00 j
3.S6! ToShI . ..j
q .15 Amount turned over to
' 1 Hoard
.o j
herself ttt the head of the pnxt-ilon. UI teirwoir" im nit'i
n lied aoftlv t her tables nnd wam ' '"" "'eri-oiue. and Muatln tmd nude
. . li.l t. . ....... ... t.
awa folinwwi iy the entire family ! i-"- ikv ,uun;
In 'ncle file.
Anou-it on bond Inmturv
j 1-t. Hil.'l
9.00 Totnl Wamuitp
1.70 1 durinyyeur
.VC0 1 ,.
1 00 ' .Mr sl,',,r'cf
133.!W!K.,r ,.ri,7
B. L. Beats S3.33
b'or election
b'or boarding rionert
I'or gravel
For him' er
For hitior 011 .-tree I
Mucc Jlrfiieoiip
storm sewer
A. M. Hare ..,
J, Johnson
W. D. Body fait
Homer iaon .
A. M. Farmer
H. V. Alley
R. T. Bualu . ...
Freil Zaddach
11.70 J. C. Bewley.. ..
7.00 '
100.00 !
4500 N'1ce"a,,,e', iteuii in-
; 43IQ.rO
1ft 10
1. 21 1. (VI
l,.m 17
U.270 U-1710.1,1
40.00 I
Methodist Church Notes.
At the Methodist Church Next Sun
day, the lesson in S. S. will be "Man
The Crown of Creation." I'lan to be
there. Preaching at II A.' M. Subject,
"Why The Saloons Should Close."
Voting I'eopes Meeting at (5:30 P. M.
Union Temperance Rally at the IT. B.
Church at 7:30. All are cordially in
vited. W. H. Kuhlman, Pastor.
clude.-i i 1. 457,02 neon n l
ot I'.ngiiii'eririr DepL nnd
il.2u5.SJ ncctumt oi In-.-lttorf,
also included
ikrt Stc;.l,l(, and Juck
Lntimer deetUi.
, Redeemeil Wnrrnnu loeri
inicreet f
Out-iHmling warrunti Inn.
Int. 1013 07 C02.2.I
Leia Storm Sewer Wiirrmit 10.71ti. iri
Daftly Turnad Hi Littta Taullt
Into FI.aI Virtu...
In Aujruit .Strtmltwri;' -linter (
play 1 .1r.1l Stories. " tmnl-ted from the
Nn.nllati liy Veluia Swau(iu llownrd. 1
1 I a oualut bit of eouaeleiiri' enaln
rviiiiiluK' by a matter of fact pliUn
iihl'nl prwitoKrapher He had a
nrtner. who (toatnl n n real, a fault
Um. ilillt-nirter Hut thl matter of
fart ehup wh "full of Utile eeeoutrlci
tie. I'ur tnatauto. he aiuoked tobneo
nil day loot'; he could never lonru to
clomp a dior after htm: h- atuek tlm
knife lutn ul mouth lnr.ad r the
fork: h went alut In the hoi.- with
hi hat on, be nianl untl h nail In
(be i.ilddlo of the u teller, and at ulglit
he had to tare thrtro iuuk of ale. Ho
wai full of faulw."
To bin fnnltlee tmrtner the iimtter
of fart one thurt juntlflml hL ihnrt
eondUira: "Jut corwlder! I do tmt
drink to mwn, therefore I nttond to
tta tiuatnoari I tlon't atenl. 1 never
the modern navy The (hud of the III
tie etnnn ill.k rtitll ll.n metal mllU
i.u the lirlck ivement una (ho ale
o il for the tiatput to twelo lu ImiIM
their DrtHidnouElita American Mao-itim
Mlrfaom Din llaliad by tk,
That Tlirontt Ilia m..
Alt ninilval of (he ltir(
I'l-Lllllf ll'lM 1 II mini.. l.u .
aiminieiil or n wi.atetu An..i
Art I ix f allil lllltflit III li.. Ii.,..t
... .... ,1(1
Die (treat rattan of ioiifti.,n
m tun miiiMi. aiivri l euilff
wluilit I nriilMil .vlllt m i.i.i...
' - ...... .. tt.Fi.n
lllatrilllleui liy Which lie .
throiiith which he drnwa n
lima iiinki-a 11 iiitiii wiiir -I i.
.. 1...1.1. 1.. 1.1 i. .
p t-riiiirini iiii'lia in ma rit,U
braaa clip wblih lie Jnlic
tt-l. . ... ..t.l .
lie t'Hrr IM mil t:iiiiira
........ .1,1. - 1.1, 1
Illll. II. lIllM I'llllll.lllM 111. 11 M t...
that altrm-la trade The n, n
wicrr imaairii. u (tin lrttli
........ I will. . .t.i. 1 .,
(..nii.i i-iiii 1, tiiu'iiviiia
oiler awue a drum whi fa
tilt uf liletal nttaitiitl to (,j
I fir. (nv itrtal.tr alrlktn n I k . .
Cllliurr riniM iiirv lH lia fir
.,lli.t tlltit tliM xljxr t.t l...
...... ..... ... ,,,-
......... - l.t- ...... ..... 1.. - - .
tap on 11 IiIih b of w .1.1.1
I lie watclllliaii tnilliaiCea In
a Utile utrlt-ty lie I nri-m!
nth ileo iltum wlil'h lit- 1 1 1
rut tlioaatire-i to mark tlti
...... ... . ..11.. , t. .
....... . ... ..... .. - -' V
drum, huwerer irrle no
atitnnre. On (he li'ihl whea
WO Itv'trd toil Winllil nut I f,
..... .,,.,1 .,, i.iij iiimi, n ,
In the luierial of Win rlfla
...I....1 ..t 1.1 .I..I... . ......
.I....,lll..u I.I ......,1. l...l....
rlt'ltlllK houra
I lie tart la (Hal a tmt !)
Ila flltl. !! II la Otili er Tbr
mil without ?!).- I'trxii f
rrlit tlltir Ihlcif 1 dtl tl'..)i ti
fWH-trVnaflll J-.
1. 1 1 r,i r i in 1 t-1 1 hip inn
THav Cautavl a Vtnoroua Prolaat In
Matiachuiatta In W).
Tin- folkn. IIIK prtiteat "ICIHtl til Jo-
a.-;di Lntli.'-tt. icovernor. Thonia tiii)
,ei doputi cutertuir, Itlrhord llellliu;
U.i tn. Illilhtnl Saltotiatall, lncren
ie". William Hllddii. TUnna
' it ! ItiiN-rt llrhlar antl ritrmtii Itrad
tree! uu iubllhett In Mnaeiiaitt
in inn
'riie"i. nanitiat wrortni; liii8 nalr-
' th.. si.Vcrtiiir. etc.. uf t,ii-tiii
"I'lirnauiuch it' the wearlns of tone
:,.ilr. lifter (ho niauuer of l!uunni anil
inrlirm IimIIhiui. ha l-'irun to In
vmie New ItnitlHuil. contrary to the
rule of tiotfa wortl. wtilrll y It I 11
auauie fur man to wear tone hair. b
; lo (he etntimrnilalile diatom Rener
illy of all the K...y of nit our tathn
Christian Church Notes.
peak III of you. I nerer comnlnln. I
ever tuni whl Into blnek, Fm uevur 1 i;" . nll,,ln few year:
itflrlv In "Jattl-trattM, wr,
Le.iri nmoiiat on linnil
John Imlah
Fred Lyster, tuarn
Lee Lystor
Bert Sherwood
Hurley Curl
kOAl) J'U.N'I).
Amount on hand Jnntttiry
let. 1013.
liuncriil Fund
IVoiitl Fund
Wuler Fund... . ....
I.itiniry bund
Mle iihove rcpoit im i 11 111 1 l-t t-
in in nuiiu iirnuiiM ,it .ir. I'. U
Todtl llilrt till! Iiim! rHtirirl uf Cri.ti
r. . I . T ''I
tnurcn ot i.hrmt. 10 a. m. Bible 1 "rer nnd Ktcorder mid without
bchool with cag8o for .-ill Thi i ,. "ome 1 tinve not tune to de
gCKyl nlaco for v. tn ,.,! J. 1 H'cte report, however, there have
,,, '. . " , , i'fi!l lie wiirruntrt dniwii oil the
We will surely do you gfxd. 11 a. m Icou.l Funtl n..d thia indelitednc"';
Preaching. There is one Bubjuct be-1 !"" I;u miiteriully reducetl, leu v.
tore the people of Tillamook of vital' l"K ; Ji-rniiii,' nlioi it .tn,.Vi).(X)
iicnpci iiuiiy H 11 limit led,
T. II, IlA.NDi.jiV,
City Irecorder.
I, Do I (rt
151 hd
importance and this will bu treated at1
20.25 this time, subject; "Why Tillamook
31.75 Hhou Id go dry now." 3 p. rn. Junior!
12.50 Christian Endeavor. 0:30 p. m. Chris-1
20.75 tian Endeavor. At 7:30 there will he
1.25 a Union Meeting at the United Broth
2.25 urn church. Thin nervi,.,. ; in iu
, 2M) lntcrt!3t' the coming election. Attend
John Heilmeyer 4.(W these services, you are welcome.
-A-,Irn'ah W-00 R. E. Jope, Pastor.
hred Lyster, team 30.50 -
Carl Curl 7,51)
Harley Curl 5,00
R. B. McClay, team 45.00
John Creecy, team 25.00
Fritz Trebuut , 10.75
R. D, Huston io,25
Chas. Baker 2.00
Fred Dunham 0,00
J. Lewallen , jc.gO
( laud Iewallen 5,25
Claud Lane 12,25
Fred Lewallen 1,25
Henry White o.50
J. D, Pearson 2.50
U. B. Church Notei.
The subject to bo considered at the
U. B. Church bv Pnst
Sunday at 11 :00 A. M. is, "Why Tilla
mook Should Go Dry."
Everybody welcome at these services.
I. E. Meese, Pastor.
Ranch for Sale on Silelz.
50 acre.i mile river front, 20 acres
bottom half slashed.
11 nu., . ... ' n - iuni
,,; 4- "eucri la"'J I)arty lahod, sot to grass
W.Thomas 2.00 Kood new houso wirt, i,t 1 ...1.
J' n'"i;i8 : 2 03 water, iii. barn and out hulMin ,.n
2.00 kinds of small fruit. Plenty of' out
20.00 range, if want to dairy. Can sell milk
z.m ai uoor, on mail route arid phone '
ii rr U . - ' ' I
.07 -'ir:3 'juuriers 01 a mile of Bchool, all
8.81 kinds of game and fhh. A abort time
10.77 will oirer for $2,000. Call on or writo
- to Win. Scott, Kernville, Lincoln Co.
ait.Dj Ore.
R. Thomas
James" Thomas
Frank Allender
Peter Schoppert
J. M, Weiss Sons, lumber
T. M. Dontlis, lumber ...
Man Who Beheaded Charlei ,
1 in- iii.v-ierioiiK miiKitett mini who
beheaded (Jhnrie.s 1 remaltiH the Hrlt
idi analogiif fur the Alan With the
Iron Manic Lilly, the lylns iiHtroloer.
denounced Cornet Joyce at the rettora
nun. inn .loyro 011 the fatal 30th of
liitiiinr.v win not In favor with Crom
well Jhe parish register of White
impel record the Imrlal In irviti of
itK-iiard Brandon, the common hung
IIIHir. tl rill oiniiitlte the entrv 11 rnr..ii,.
poniry I111111I wrote thin "h ,.,t rr (he
head or (jh.irle the I'trnf Brandon
hlim-clf iiHi-erted thr.i "they made him
'lo It for 130." with which he drank
hluiHflf to death.-Diindee Advertiaer
More Subitantial.
"Von dhhrt wantt. your time build
ln i-siKtli-x In the ulr?"
"N'o." reiilled Mr DiiKtltt 8tnx. "
coiiHtriicted turporntlMiiH out of water."
WnHhlnKtiin Klar.
Pretty Poor Slngir.
"Why doi.n't your wlfo alng to (be
baby when It erlenr'
"We've round out thai the nclRhbora
would rathei iutun t0 lha i.ni.w
Alothur'H Joiiruul
. .nit 11 (o cuatoitiora, I rli.j early In
the morning. I trim uir mill tu Utvit
the deveiop-.-r clonn, I keep my bat on
my head no as hot to bed hair on
the plate. 1 amoko totacco to clear the
ntmoapburo of tnjlatjimu fttnien, 1
leuvo the tloor ajar to avoid maklnc
11 ikiI.i. In the atcllnr. I drink ale nt
ulkdit a not to fall Into the whisky
hnblt. mid I above my Unlfo Into my
mouth lu avoid stlrklnj; myself with
the fork. '
"Verily, thou art n cruat phlloao
pher." niIiI the partner -.Now wo
almll he friend, anil thu we'll make
Bound to Hit SomMhlna,
There In n croa eyed mnu In Clevo
mini nlm a nil cnthiialnntlc trap about
er. furtheriiiore. he la an expert. Hl
rotjid la a thine to he proud uf On,,
tlay Inat iiiiiiiiiiu a nervy friend ven
lured to ipiivttliiu him thui.
"Voil are mi horribly cronn ,.ved thai
I don't me how yon nre tlblu tu nIiuoI
"I'll tell you my necret. I hmIii
along the left barrel with my rK,
eye. and I -opilnt along the right barrel
Willi Uiy left eye"
"VeaV" "And then r,. mli ,rri,l
Clevelund I'ltiln Dealer.
et .id p.tnr. for the allowing of our
wn Icti'M-eiicy In till behalf, do tie
1 hue Ami lunidfeat our ilNllte ami tie
lealalluii nsulnt the wenrliig of anch
018 hair. 0 ittralnt a tlibm unclrll
"id unmanly, wherehy men duo tie
furiue tlitiiuaelrKM nini urfeml aolxTaud
llliHleat llioll mill tine corrupt CixmI mnu
ner. We dot. therefore earti"lly In
tnii 1 all thu elder of thl Jurisdiction,
ita often aa they abnll cnilKe. to
uililfeal their rtnl nitnlnat It u h,.r
A Marbal o I'f.nn Who W t
a Gallant ami a Dae t.
ItUlao tte M ..111 HI W4a n
I lllrlll of tiqli-e III 1
thnmstt linlf the aUI. el h
IJke a (mi- ii-Mi a. te wa
rat fl, IiIm tflndl lilltat.-nt illtrttfl'.
" 1 " .... MU'W. W
III the Hall in inri II 1 '
IlK rUtMUl.tlHlrd Hie drftUae Itf
Iirvrnd tl III !, , ta Hi-it
HH . 1. .1 11 .111 1 rtl.tl
tn .1 r- . nl' ' V
llllt JUT. . It lit- .,. ,
i.- I 1 f e n
d" -I i 't . .if ii,. ir I rt
lie .It.- . lull ,
MotitliH " t'lieiiiu-iititi t-a I.r
ltl, 111 er with Rtii-t i r mn
ii iii iit,r ariv in ,.ie ut
.!...(. I... II
li il limit. VI nf (. Bin,- i.,, 1
. .f . .1. ...
( bUff '!.'' - W li I I- i( I I. 1
, ten Oiw'. ll."
1 it Wua a! ilini 1 in .m ....
aiol while 'in hoii.ir nf n fair
huui no wna n m-tii when U
if,iiirf. mi in. ii.tf it iirtr .ir
allk With u ijni) atlver tnlllmtid I
tttUIIli of ItHrtiii'a t.Hti h.r t. a.
, ur aaiugi..
Krny Velret gnrnlhetl w Hi
.. 11. . - ... .... . ... . .
1 . 1 . . . ... . ...
T tlllll, III!,' IIIIIJEIIIT llllll I1IJI.II .fllll
..11. ..il ... . ..
t'h, 111 In. -'1-iiIiIi.mI 1.1 r...... ...nl. r.
- ' .i." mi r ,1 mi 11
Willi' (in III- lillllU'ht n 11II1O IM.H
1 ui !c ndmlulatrntloiia. nnd to inke
care tlwt t (.- mi'inlHra of their reapec I Id cheek ami drunk a aiimll driy
live i-linrt tli". he tlu ilelllitt therewith: i a little lilt of hri-nd
lint mi. ttn.-h il prove uliatlnnle. Mild 1 He iholt louked ut hniiaelf la I
will not reforine Ihetilaelvea. may have
'!"l nnd limn to wliiea ngnluat them.
The third mouth loth tiny. HUH"
Court of Love.
'Court of love" were stnlillxhi..! In
the middle agi-n, wIhmi chlvalrv win. ,.1
Ita height and lovu the hciIoii occiii.-i
Hon of life, niuong the higher chm ..1
aoi-lety. 'l lj,. rHt ..(.0r. ()f , .,
eHUibllHhi'd In the Nouih of Franru In
me iwcirth century anil wan rnnu.......)
"f knights, poelH and ladlea, 11111I theli
dcclnloiiH 011 Hiibtle (pii.'Htlum, cduneetetl
wan uirnirs or lliu heart weru given
with great rorinulltj.
The Ptrangar,
A atranger titiiK'keti nt a man' tloor
nliil (old him ur a fortune to be malic
"I'm:" miiIiI the itititi. "It appear
(hut CtilMldiirillili' elTort Will lie .
"Oh. yea." Haiti (he atranger: you
will pua ninny alcepli'M night nnd
tullitoiuo ilaw!"
L'lu."' mild (ho mini. "And who are
"I am railed Opportunity."
"I'm:" aald the man. "You rail
yoiirnelf Opportunity, hut you uk like
hard work 10 me."
And ho xhimmud (ho door.-l'Hhv
hurKh I 'oat.
glaaa alrtil letl hefure hi ttt
llxxiuh he hail nut the atrcugth tl
a chicken, ami rode tbroiigh (l li
to (he greill ctuiifott of all belli Idol
Two Poor One.
During one uf IMwin I orre'"
gagelllelita III Hiiatoti 11 Hior ii'tll'
eil ai.ernl IllUitt u aee Iho greill 1
al (he old WliKhnip lloiiae. IM
lime he biuught a plt'ture will III
hud pointed. He dually left It will
note Muling iliiii he wit In ueetly
cuinataiicea I'urttttt read the 1
and (noli the wrapping from Ibe
turo It proved to bo a piiluiin:!
hliuaclf na HparlaciiH, l'nrrct eJ
iin II a moment nnd then cJaeiiUl
to (he clerk: "(live him 1 10. If In I
n pixir aa hli plcturo ho iniint t
thu ixiltit of Htiirvnllon."
Th Two Oarrloki.
tlcorgo (Inrrlck, brother or Hit
brnletl Davhl. wna Hut laller'a iiioul
Franiled Arithmetic
Thiwf-yi'nr-old Amy. who had 11 very
lively Utile brother. U'llM llllllll, lllll
llirough 11 iietiMiii In 11rlth11u.1i.. i.v i...r I v"',',' ,,,Vl ml'1 lalHirloiia puck hoi
uncle. .She hud aucnmitriillv ii.ld...i ...... ' " '"'"'dug behind the aceiie ho ili
ami (inc. hut Htuck at (wo nnd one 1 1",l",ri',l' "Una David winded me"
The Germiti and You.
It in HUflirlMlng wh.n jtnv linn tiiiii.
the tioiiblo to nolk'ii how manv l..lt.r.
begin with the pronoun "I." '" (j,.r.
maim this Is egotistical, and their .,11.
iiettif In lotier writing rorbldH It, It
la probably on the hmiiio prhiclpln that
they write I flolii alwiiya with a aniall
letter anil yon (Slel with a capital, ro
vexing thu English custom.
Subscribe for tho Herald,
twice a week.
She Agreed,
Wlll-The night or an old aehouliniii..
lHer-wo. it might bo called both
meat mid drink,
Heitlm-Vesi thnt'a what you men
iiMially do In tho elretuuidiiueca.
".Meet nnd drink."
Vi.i.i. i, . ..1 . .
.mini, nil III i- Illicit', "IIIIH
two children, -ir hIio had one more
what would that inake'"
"Oh." cried Amy. "that would make
my mammii cwazyr-WommPn Homo
A Gentle Hint.
"I'm hungry." aald thu out or a Job
"Well." anld the him) hearted (7i
manager. Vnn't I give you minioHiIng
to uppeaae our hunger"
"Hurnly." anld tint nctor. "I hellovo
I'd prorer n fow datCM." - Kt. LoiiIh
iH'Ing imked oneo how (ietitgi' caia
(Ho ho hooii nrter Iho dtiiulHe or hi'
inuiiH brother, 11 wag replied, "Dai
wnniwl Jiltn."
Mletaken Identity.
Mih, llniipt'ck (lo her pet ilngi-flo
arid lie rltmn thero! Her IIiihIhuhI
(coming liaatllyi-Wtuit did ., wm,,
Ml' HWl'Ct llttltt Wlfo?-flleeL....... III...
1 tor. " "
"Am I nil iho world to you, ,H
tioar ' Nho cooed,
"V011 uro cortalnly a fair portion
u,- no torn nor ami o made tho cla
double piny of ilciiHlng her nnd l.ci
In to tho onct tiuth.-ltoaton TrJ
"Mn. Dibble wear u resigned look
"Vt'M, Aftur liw murrled Dlbbh'
ritnllzed thut nothing worao could cK
huiipen to hor."-HlrinlnKhuin Aku IU
Our own heart mid not olhnr im'M
oiiluloua foruia uur truo tiuiior.-OI