mtm. issued twice a week-tuesday and friday LargestJCirculation of AnyIPaper in Tillamook County vol xix. Tillamook, Okkgon, Jaxi'anv 10, H)Ki. NO. 101 First national Bank Cilia nook, Oregon DIRECTORS: J. C. IlOLlUCN H. C. i,v.Mii W.M. C. Tait C. V. Talma on !u?l Sciikadum Imvc jiiHt instnllccl some modern Safe Deposit tin .tea where your val tmlilc piipiTh will he fe from fire. Wc will Ik4 plriixcd to show them to you. Under : U. : S. : Government . Snpcrvlxion LVTKIUCST PAID ON Tl.MJl DliPOSI'fS SlUNKY K. IIKNDRRSON it nil rut OMN MU AND IIKNDHKSON vr'i JrrnM. AtKifwr l I nvl Niirr Public TILLI, A tIOOK TIT.LI: A I ISWTH ACT 0,!IIMx I, AW : A 1 1ST K ACTS : K'liM. I-STATI; Sl'KVKYlNT, : INSCKANCIv Hwtl. I tuwa Tillamook, Oregon It Pays to Deal at a Live Drut Store iu'rc nlwiiyt nitre nf ct liuj; purr, (rri'i lrujjs. J'i u nre lint illowrtl to rt old here. Iiny thing is. on the move, ec our windows. Sec whitt iltfiorent nrtivles 10c w lil titlV. Uriiif; ih your I'lVfenption. I 'hone m your Druji or-l. ih They will tie tnkcii enre nf. Tillamook Drug Store: kocii & HILL IC L KOCH. Ph. G. DirUTHOHlCW AP i THICK ICR S-tt it faction (Unnintcol Mottcv Hnck ii'.Vnf Stitisthctory l'IIONr.1. Main I MaU.I !) Nll. l I. o. Abstracts on Short Notice! IIY THfi Pacific Abstract Company V. IHUiKllMinr, Mmwt Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook Cuty, Oregon OFF1CU GROUND FLOOR TODD I IOTEL (tIOi Km.i.m ItOTM PHONKSi Mala 533 -AUo J O. BOX H7 TILLAMOOK, OREGON OUK I'OKTLAND LETTER. Mvolbck Association Seeks To Aid Indutlry. Attorney General Renders Opinion Drjri Alio Secure Opinion From State's Attorney. Attorney Botli An- HeadhVht. iwen Portland, Or., Jan. 7, (Hih-cIbI) Certain (llrliMJrni brllcVed U) lie" of i In-milt to the Unit) as ii whole are fav-l ori hy the Oregon Purebred Live- : twk AoratIon. which will present - .- ihrm in thr riimhiK session vt the , To the voter of Tillamook City i.Utuit.. Among thr.e Is the LlvcUjck' would like Hi submit a ln..nirnl Sanitary Hill, which ha. the approval In reiilv to the rnUrcnrt-iontntloni m.!e 01 tn Kroner, the woolgrownn, dairy ' by th Headlight n to the Attorney i..e!i.tioti and thr Consumer UngUe. General' opinion to thr election to The a.Mwutloti also ask that '.0.000 out of tnc Panama Pacific KxKilttiti apprpriatlnn be rt alJo for llvoitock prrmiunn io uo to Orejjon exhibitor. An appropriation of f 10.000 la aktl for Hirchiti; llvctk for the Ore eon Kxprrlitittnl Station : thl ' to tn? eontlnulni: appropriation. It I rec- con innntlnl that the prrtntuin fund fir llrettek at tlio State Fair b ralctl atwl that a-i annual appropriation of i W,0!) be inailo for the annual dairy )hvi at I'wrtlantl. It i nUo thought Ikii to Jo away with iliilrlct fair and -ttablih a county fair In each county. It U rreommrndwl that ihi stale fr Iw held in lUlfi, but that thi state join with the Panama I'aelflc KxpoJ- Xutii to hukl the bteeot nUn-k ahow at ii''f anriaeo over known. i I'lan arr complete for the Oregon Irrigation Conntt. to be heM In Port- S laud January 9, 10 atvd II, which will i Iki altendnl by inawy from all part of the talo. Not only ha there been an rxTlvnt prnirram nrraird, but there I will be plenty of entertainment for the dolei;alr. Two balvpiet are chedulel. Oreponlnn aloard the apecial Royal Rinarian train that invadnl California the pail week made inaui'.iricnd.t fur IhU stale In the South. Their rout w marknl by drmonttriUion of wcl eomc that proved tho hlh ree;nrJ t"! court. Any ftne Ihnt arc Inflicted which the Heaver Stair- i hold and which will mean that Oregon will have n vrry promwionl place in the 1915 ex IHwIllons both at Han Francisco and San Dlet'o. , be held next Tucday. Mr. HaVcr In hi headline uy. that Attorney Grreral holdt that no dec tlon can be held." Thl l a mitrepre cnUttonof the opinion n appliwl to the care. The Attorney Reneral In hi telegram ;ay, that u local option election can be hold only In November, citing the local option law, Thl i correct. The flection to Ik held Tueday ia not a local option election, and 1 not deendent in any way upon the local option law aa to It validity or effect, Ily the constitution of the state. Tillamook County i civen exclusive power over the alu of intoxicatlni: linuorn, but In it limit is subject to ( the provision of the local option law. The proislon of the local option law, briefly, are, that when a petition i presented to the County Court, signed by the proper number of voter, an election la required to be held, and if at this election n majority declare in favor of prohibition, the County Court mikes nn order prohibiting the sale of liquor within the territory. If ma jority I niC'imt prohibition the Court tnahe no order, except to declare the result. In cure of prohibition It ia made n crime to sell liquor within the territory, and for hi a penalty is pre eribed, which- In obtained by prose cution In the state courts, cither before a justice of the peace or in the circuit Date have been tlxrd for Uic annual convention of the American Associa tion of Nurseryman In 1'artland next June IS, V) and 20. As Uils is the .vcek following the Rose Fesliviil, nn ctTort will be mnde to mive the visitors come early in order to attend the (lower fete. It is expected that from 400 to f-00 Knstern member of the nviociulion will attend. The Pacific Const Asoci atiou of Nurserymen meets hero nt the same time, convening one day earlier to transact business of the or Knnlrr. tfou. Our county school superintendents in convention nt Salem last week look steps to encourage the country life movement nmoiiK' the seheol children of the state. They nskrd that the State Fair be held later In September to kIv more time for prcpming school exhibits, It was also decidetl to foster pmltry nilsiiiif and aovernl superin tendents will try to tfet every pupil in their counties to raise i.t 1L'6 thiin thirty chickrns or duck. ADVERTISEMENTS IN the ferald ARE BUS iNESS GETTERS DR. BANCROIT HERE NEXT WEEK. Dr. lliincroft'H lecture nt the IUkIi Schmil Auditorium next Thursday and Friday. This man is of national rep utation nnd you cannot afford to mUs hearing him. W ubjects will ho Thursday "lloodoos or riddles of the mind" and Friday The ups and downs of matrimony.' Thin ia what the papers say of Dr. ilnncroft: Ainarilto (Tex.) Daily News: llancroft la SenHon'a Lion -Noted Lecturer Speaks to three packed Houses in Aniarillo. Despite the threatening attitude, of tho weather nnd the mud underfoot, n hirijo audlenco was at tho Grand Oporn House Inst nltfht to hear Dr. Geo. Gilbert Uuneroft deliver his famous lectuw on "Hih) dooa." Dr. llancroft haa enjoyed lurK nudionees at all of his three lectures here and no lecturer hua been more appreciated hy an Ainnrillo uu tlieiuM. Sunday afternoon a pucked house heard him apeak to men only on "Man's Hell." This wua n atroiiR talk full of imhkI common sound souse nnd was very Impressive. The "Upa anildowis of Mtttrlmony" win very entertaiiiliiK and instruotive. und ono on whleli tie tins spont much time and 4i,m...iit Hr. Jlanerof twill ulwaya bo remembered With pleasure by gieople-of vAmurlllo. to the county. Applying to Tillamook City, the city would have nothing to say whatever as to the nrosecution of the case, nor would it receive any part of the lines which mii;ht le collected. If the vote is against prohibition, then the local option law does not ailed the situation in any way what ever, because, in that case, it neither licenses the Jale of liquor nor prohibits It. In other words the local option law is not put into effect in the locality unless there is a vote for prohibition, nnd as in the case of Tillamook city nt this time, under the local option law, the prohibition of the sale of liquor is a matter left exclusively in the hands of Tillamook city tu govern. Tho election to be held next Tuesday Is one for the amendment of the City Charter a provision that the snle of liquor in Tillamook City shall be un lawful. Such a provision miht have been enacted by the city at any time while tho local option law was in effect in the city, because the Supreme Court has expressly held that the fact that the state makes certain thinRS n crime does not prevent a city from also pro hibitinK the same things by ordinance, nnd punishing a violation of the ordi nance, and n conviction in the city court does not prevent a prosecution in the state court for the same net. The Supremo Court has held in the only cases thut havo been befotti It, that where a city Is in a dry county under the local option law, or was in 1910, that that law is in effect until an other election is held under the local option law, which results in a majority vote Bgalnst prohibition. This makes the city subject to the provisions of the loci I option law, that is, tl.o city cannot license the sale of liquor while it Is prohibited by tho terms of the local option law. The local option law is a state affair. Tho amendment of the City Charter Is a city affulr. Tho two are separate and dlktinct. nnd the confusion that has arisen in this case has been by reason of the fact that tho attorneys and the legal editor of tho Headlight have not grasped this distinction. The claim that the city eannot act in this matter at this time is one that is put up by the saloon keepers and their henchmen for the purpose of confusing the people of the city and inducing them to vote in favor of saloons. There is absolutely no foundation for any such claims as they muke, and the people of Tillamook City may rest assured thiit this matter is in their hands. If they want saloans of course they ran, by their vote, say so; but if ihey do tho not want them the opportunity ia be fore thorn to vote against them on next Tuesday, and If lha charter amend ment carries the aloon will be sub ject to and will obey the provUions of that amendment, which will clo them April 1st. I feel that I may be showing a good deal of boldness to disagree with the position taken by the legal luminary who edit the Headlight, but I feel so well fltured of my position in the mat ter that I am willing to take the chan ce of doing till, even in opposition to hi distinguished views. I might suggest further, that the fact that the editor of the Headlight is not a resident of Tillamook City might make it cem a matter of propriety that he should not attempt to inter fere so much in local affairs of the city when he has no voice in the mat ter when it come to electing officers or making Improvements for the City. 1 would like to say a word Io as to the bugaboo that is being put forward, that if the city votes the saloon cut there will be gallon houses established jutt outside of the city limit Now, the onlv way in whl'h such houies can be run under the law will be for them to petition the county court for lisence, and they must have a majority of the voters in the precinct sign their peti tion. It may have escaped the atten tion of some of these people that the people of Tillamook City live in the two precincts of Tillamook and Ho quarton, and these are the two pre cinct! which adjoin Tillamook City as well, nnd where these gallon houses would have to be located if they were put next to the city limits. It wuuld seem very' likely that if the people of Tillamxk Ciiy vote to shut out the saloons from their midst, that the saloon men will not get a majority of them to sign their petition, let alone getting a majority of the people living in the country in these precincts to sign as well. Possibly Brother Baker would be willing to sign a petition for a saloon In his precinct, and passibly his neighbors would be willing to do the same thing, but I very much doubt t. Since writing the rirst part of this etter I have been in communication with the Attorney General's office in regard to the telegram which Mr. Claus4en received, and assured that the telegram sent to Mr. Claussen had no application to the matter of the city controlling the liquor business as n city proposition in any way it saw fit, ami this has been confirmed by the following telegram: Salem, Oregon, Jan. 10, '13. II. T. Botts. Tillamook, Oregon. City is not prevented by local option law prohibiting sale of liquor by ordi nance or charter amendment. Home Rule Amendment gives city exclusive right to control sale of liquor subject only to locnl option law and does not interfere with prohibition by city. A. M. Crawford, Atty. Gen. Those who hae been relying on the authority of the Attorney-General, a holJiog illegal our coming election, may now see that this foundation is swept from under them, leaving the square issue to be settled by us next Tuesday of licensed saloons, or no sa loons. H. T. Botts. THINKS COST OF LIVING WILL TAKE DROP. SOON Chicago Evening Post: "1 believe the high cost of living bugaboo will have disappeared two years from now." Such was the declaration of Daniel O. Lively, chief of the live stock de partment of the Panama-Pucitk Expo sition, in the course of a discussion at the International live stock show today. "This country is going to see wonders worked by the farmers and live stock raisers within the next few years," he said. "Everywhere 1 go and every thing I hear indicates that wo are on the threshold of an era of great pros perity." Mr. Lively blames tho underproduc tion of eattle for the present condition of living costs. Ho said tho bulk of western lands arc best fitted for stock graxingand that the farmer sold his birthright for a mess of cold turkey when he turned from the splendid beef production of the old days to raising grain. "The production of live stock is going to grow in leaps and hounds for the reason that the farmer and email ranch er finally havo realiied tho profit there is in raising live stock -especially as contrasted against truck farming," he continued. "The generous prices paid Odd Fellows and Rebekas Install Seat 2M Present at the Joiai la tUilaUoa. Banquet at Cafateria; Dance at Gab Rooau. On Tuevlay evening some 200 mem bers and guest gathered at the I. O. O. F. hall H this rity a 1 witnessed the in'tallatnn of tie o'flreri of the Odd Fellow and Rebecca loJges for the ensuing year. The installation ceremonies began at a o'clock and lasted until 11 o'clock, after which everyone attended a ban quet prepared at the cafeteria. After the banquet those who enjoyed dancing went to the Commercial Club rooms where an orchestra was In waiting. The officers installed were: Odd Fel lows ;N. G.. J. W Maddux; V. G.. Chester McGhee; Recording Secretary, S. A. Hroadhcad, Financial Sec'ty, T. R. Monk ; Treasurer, Chester Holdcn. Rebeccas: N. G., Mrs. Henry Delhi; V. G., Mrs. Alva W'illlanv ; Secretary; Mrs. E. D. Snodgrass; Financial Sec retary. Mrs. J. W. Maddux; Treasurer Mrs. Elmer Hoag. PORT OF NEHALEM PROFFER IS MADE. Washington, Jan. 4. Senator Bourne accompanied Frank A. Rowe, treasurer of the Port of Nehatem, to the war de partment today to urge the acceptance of a proffer of $235,000 toward jetty work. Secretary of War Stimson said he would give a decision in a few days as to the sufficiency of the guarantee, Mr. Rowe says he has sold enough bonds in Ohio to guarantee the pay ment promised by the Port of Nehalcm on harbor work the $613,000 project reccommended by the board of engin eers, and on .which the initial appro priation has been made. CHINES: LABOR IS MENACE TO WORLD. Pitsburg. Pa., Jan. 4. The Rev. Frank W. Bible, a missionary at Han kow, China, told a gathering at the Kenmawr Hotel that iron made in Han kow can be shipped to Brooklyn and from there to Buffalo by rail and sold at less than Pittsburg iron, and that it can be shipped to Toronto cheaper than it can be made in Canada. He says that only the white light of Christian ity can keep China from overrunning the world. "To show you what these people really are and there are 400,000,000 of them," he said, "the revolution was the quickest and least bloody of any similar political movement involving so many people, that the world haa ever seen." "The time has come," he continued, "It is tho biggest crisis and the great est opportunity that ever confronted tho Christian religion. Yuan Shi Kai has asked the missionaries' aid and has given them and all the Europeans relig ious freedom. "A Chinese coal miner gets 5 cents a day. China's resources are greater than ours, her brain power equal. How arc wc going to offset this? My child ren and your children will pay the pen alty if we do not take religion to the Chinese and lift him, so that he will not work for 5 cents a day. That ia the solution." for stock in the open market, combined with the work of the agricultural col leges toward this end, has helped con vince the farmer that he'd better change and reap this new field. Two years will see the West back at its old game of cattle raising and perhaps the old-style cowboy may come back, too." LAMAR'S ; VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ore. i i "DROP IN AND I I LOOK AROUND" I TYagraWratreftatrat