Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 07, 1913, Image 4

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Th Famous Roman Loved the Luxu
rious Life of His Day.
I'tlli r chcs hi .1 nilnti'c nth! lovlns
p.cturr f his coiuilrj homes of Oomo,
where bp was born n m1 u inch lie loved
wltfi fbr tomlei uess of Cvr:
Sw tin I anoUiest
Ami eharmssi mr jounc. no tonsvr yxiutut,
I Ami
StHI .ootatai; .tad ol power to charm mr
still .
of III pin borate ami splpudld tittt- In
Tuscanj and at L.tiitvntiuu. which he
ik-crilsis with a detail if sliurular li
ten-! to the anthiiailMM. balls, tvaths.
HiMrk. pnrthws, sittim: room for
i lie day awl fur tit uiirbt. for com
p.io.v. for privacy, ibauilwrs looklos
out mu th w i.ie iitKH t. sea or
liars t-l...m; ! hiddiu ami secluded
wttprp um itol-p of !! nrnit'i,
io murmur of the wavp-. do tumult of
the t'rm. or (rur f itsbtnlns -nay.
if you niu not pveu thp light of day.
when fhp shutters are closed." trim
saroVris. with Bovver- and fruit anil
-liinli-. and over the whole dwplllus
cljilxni vIup. cru-plns frm roof to
oof up to the hlslicHf ivak of all
They ktw what toiury wa. those
wpaltby Unman?, and IMIny was by
iki mean mir of tlif we.tlthlpst.
Wc bar not only of I'l'ny's abode,
tint of hi- friends ami bo was a tntin
to harp many of thpm Tbe most
.-uicust was thp Kmts?ror Trajan him
self, ami a collection of letters, sur
vives cichansed lPtwpen the two
when Pliny was sovornor of the prov
inces of llltliynia ami Pontlca. The
mnt Interesting of theo deal with
the treatment of the Christian ami ,
show the attitude of a humane and
kindly Itouian sensletnnn to wan! those
wtio. he felt, most be pnlh!. not
hwip they held outlandish belle's,
but Vcatte the refused to recosnlte
the .iireme control of the civil au
thority -Gamaliel Hradford. Jr.. Id
Ya'e Itevlew.
Grave Taetleal Mistake of a Burfdlnsj
English General.
When (Jemo-al iJordou was a lad at
school he was aw mischlpvous as luosl
hoys. Whrti the lw had done any
tliln wrons they were hilt up In a
htrj;o. turely fwrnNluil nxnn and et
lo write lilies from n Ittln author.
liortlon win one of the most fnp-
4ient prKuiers In this nom. and ho
j!tl to tv antioypi! by the boys who
nen fnv coinim: to the door and Jeor-
Itiir nt him thnoieh the keyhole Up
tolvtm; to set een. he prKiirel a
lars' syrlnce. and. taktni: It "lib him
the net time be went to write lines,
ho went round to the tarlous desks
slid s,ncUNl up the Ink Into the syrlmco.
Hy ami by be hennl stealthy foot-
step ootnlnc down the pnsaacv .Ninr-
tt ami tuMiror tlwy eanie ami at Inst
halted ont-ldi' the doir '"They an
pooping thnxiifb the keyboie." whisper
ed the f.turr o-neral. and. plarltii: the
i rinse to the Iteybole. he sijulrtisl the
content Ihroujrh with till the ouorsy
he -on Id miiiter
There was a smothenM exeltimstUin
of dl-tgiiMt. and tbeu some one futnl'lol
with tbe handle of the diMr It opetunl.
ami In -.t.slke.1 the tusul master, his
face black with wncth and bis oiuv
snowy shirt fnnt black with Ink Wc
must draw- a veil over the painful
sceue w Id.-h followed - London (JIoIks
Inrtant DctS Wat Aimrsd Tor On
of IS Coolrstant.
An eitniortllmirj dneL which at th
flaie cruaipil an liiluiriixv seottlen.
w is one In whl.-h the ilii'lsion was ar
riveil nt noi hy i.sinls or pi-mis, ant
!.( nieitis of a deully l-i
I he nirn- wMiv It h Imrtlly ilccexs.M
fo ny. hml fsllen out ovpr u Imly hid
Uft the arniiicvitient of del tils to their
sptsHiits. aihl nnllXbey flirts! etich oth
er ibcv did not know by what nicthcO
ther wen to eltle their difference;"
One of the r. iitnl w ts n dm-lor, .uul
he bud tnmlc up for tin occasion four
dltt. k pellet, all Idcutl- ill In sie mid
"In one of these." be said. "I ha
plitetsl it siittli lest iiiiintlt, of trtKli"
acid to cnilM' the almoMt lli-t.ilituneits
death of iitiy one who swallows It Wf
will dtN'lite by the ton of n loin which
of yon Is to hare tlrst cbntco ami on
, will ullcitmlrlj draw ami swnlhm s
. pill uutll the imlMin show Its etTests"
Two of the iu'llet-' were then Piken
j i- the tos ,! ilivldcU. but without
eiTrs-t In either cae
This tluic." snl the dis-tor. sjirik
lite of the two pellets rcmaliilnii. 'toii
' must both swallow the pill at tbe mmr
Instant "
The choice was ncnln made, and In a
few -tsuml one of the men lay denil
i on the crass Tall .Mull duetto
Slept For Week jnd Mjde Enough ts
Live on For Year.
To sleep for oile'.s thins, says the
Londuu rhronli le. may appeal to some
as a more a'tracthe alternative than to
T .t
Order Michelet Received and the
Way He Filled It.
The natue bp-tuwel upon certain
li :s have often an orisln entirely dK
t'i : from technical considerutlon.
'i"' Is trup of the well known opl-
-inline- d'uneuu a la Micbeiet or a In
T' r.lott.-jf. an It wis morp fnftiently
s! Mi helet was the cook of a
i mis Krench marquise of the century
vv in. was DOtisJ for her lacfe of educa
tion m a certain occasion she cove a din-r-r
to tbe otUcers. of tbe resiuint
I 'hoeol-Ca valeric Durlns tb futie-
t'rm hr .1t.l:f j ktmL-a ef Unfinn. ih.f
thpy bad attomled on too previous
eveiiins. nt which the host had enter
t iupiI theiu with many new and bril
n.int eiVrams The marqul.-c suppol
f'-it "eplsranis" referrtsl to culinary
.-urrrises Couspquently she iuaiinot'ed
Jlti l.eleu her coJfc. and ordered him to
I'repnre onie epigram-, for dinner on
the following day
Hitbelet was sreatly troubled ns to
how be was to obey the order He re-?ol-letted,
however, that be had In the
larder some very superior larab He
(raised the breast. removuU the bones,
cut the meat Into pieces and bread
crumlieil and rle! thpm. Hp then
-oked the cutlets. arranspl them on a
d sb ultprnately with the braised bret:
:id -ervtHl tbem wlrb a sultoble sar
nish under the name of eplsrainm
(I asm-nu a la Micbeiet. by which name,
"i a !n Tool.. use, the concoction has
ftt.i. (. Imh-ii known.
The? Dread Mice That Like
j Steal Their Oird Seed.
i One of the common troubles with
canaries and one that few bint owners
i rc.ime is wini oi uerv iiiisnes i lie
work for one.s thins Hut the feat has ( u,.r4lMS systein of a ciuur Is us nish
Ihi'U uc hie veil In the I hilly Oil mi t of V sensitive a. that of a delbate w.w
Alls 0. 1711. the follow Ins advertise- 1 mnn Anv Mldeii shin-k to their
nieut aptwars: "M. hoias Hart, who ' .Bsps. whether of slsbt or sound. Is
slept last year In St Itartboloinew-s 1 tBt,t ,0 throw t!wm Into convulsions,
hospital. Intends to si,vt, this year at j that often result In death An .-hi Mnl
the Cock ami lloltle In UtUe Urltaln " Utwler mentions a frcspiool but mrWv
.Mime further particular of this profes- ! km, n j,,,,,. f .t.-kne?.- an.) even
stomtl somnollst are to be fouml In the j,slln anions the little crortttires
SlHvtator ror Oct 1 of that enr It I -t tW(1 , rt,narlss." he said, "that
appears that Hart was every v oar , fr some reason I coultl twit dinner
s.'Uej with a frks!lcl tit of slvoplns. ' te Into a frlchtfnlty tierrotts stttte anil
whHIi bfsuu on Aus .. ami omioil on ! started to pine away .livtoretl thetu
the Uth Its variooa -WCti are thnsjith .ill the rrmnlles known to blm
descrllKHl , orv- , dp jhWr ,-r,.t,jur,, t-ontlnu.sl
-Ou the 1st of ttmt month he srew ; to lirxHlf, ta ,nHtwtl a-Utu, At Inst I
dull: on tbe Jil. ajipennsl drowsy; on l dlscivensl the trouble It was mice
the 3d. fell a-yawnlus: on tbe -4 til. be. -vie,. ar. , fonii uf Wnl .,.,, .
can to not!; on the Sth. dnvpts.s.1 asl.s.p. j uarli-s tbemeiv -. lu the darkii.--ou
the f.th. w.V heard to snore: on the of the nlsht th mice vvmiltl . rc-p
7th. turu.Hl hlmseir In hl.s tsl: on the ' thrones ttll. b,r, of tin. c:w. ,1(i ,,.
bth. recoveretl his former sstun-. on Vou.- the secls. wblie the wnr llttlr
the l)th. tell a-stretchlus: ou the loth, i ran.trlps sat atmve shlTerltts thein
about tul.lulshu awakeil; on the nth. J .0lv,.s into a state of nervous pnwtrn
In the m..rnlns. called for a little smnll tf frm t rer.v terror of the iik.u
ber" I'lil- performance. It Is asserted. ; S(ers Iwlow I remov.sl the ea to a
calmM for Hart "etioush lo uptort tMr.ltinu where the mice coilkl IMil ttel
himself for a twelvemonth." (at u. and, my -t rnpldly rewvere.1
I .'ew Oriona' Stales
When Only Twi Year f At He Haa
n Air Super lew-it j-.
A Is Kcnerally the cat "lib an only
chIM hnniitht up rutlrel In thp
fifty of his elders, tIeor Mernllllt
drtci,rl pr'y ami alwaya had (Htiuo
thln of contempt for JuvntllM of his
onn ce He "as a rpscr'eit ami
rtitply sensltlfp tsiy. afraid of ahoste
and belnc left nlone In the ilnrk. ami
mo perhsps a trlllp sisilled by hl
motbrr. a rrllnisl woman, hir lov
snd csrp hp liwt before he reached his
slits lilrtb.lay There Is allll Ihlus
a xentlP'asil vebo well rrttemten
;p"e Meredith at the ap of rn
ypss This vftis nUuit Isv'tu I, and
r .Ismcs I'rler relates of his visit
"I ipt tip to the litrse fntlit iltaw
lor. r.tin. whrre I fi'imd the ltv nml a
ln.lt wImi most hare Ihmui bis mother.
The tsti ill.l iltit seelll to mrv much
nK.Mt pl.srtnt with lint. Mini I was
r.sthrr ehy Me bninbt me bis lojn
ami pi tare l...k to .. and I was
mlrht'lt pp.siMl, I reineiiiKT. with a
hors- and cart (not like the many
chr.sp ir." that I bud e.M. a ( II 1 1
fill li'lltr white IimPso ulnt the cart
of .ttpertor ttiHkc mil as ilrsirsc tlrvivr J
tt slmc It matte music es the wheels
went r.MMol What I rcliiciiilT of the
chlltl's sppr.i-tn. e s soiiiew bat bury -- i
a loy In white fnx-k nml bine Mhtsiue
tlct! up his sIcvYrs, ttllt he was rer
talnh a pretty ihthl I stit the after-
nMtn vrlth him. tint we did not set on
mm h tosether. n he asniiicil n sort of
uperlority Kortnlshtly llevlew, I
Whet Yps Thlok It the Anetser t
Tblt Puule Quest le-nf
With fho rrnl all vwehp. lu arieiir
aterlbblcr l Ireinltllliti lest the laiul
lady sh.Mild hear the It.attii4 of bis
hrart ami call fr a rtx-konlim I'nss,
ently there readied his parts the sound
of tlcrvp wurd, as of two etrhlnjt to
KPlher III deadly nrituiiieiit. Mcrllihlrr
tp nine avvaro thai Mr and Mis'
ffltllllpkllie were rllLMKed III llliruv ellnii
, ope of llirtr domestic lauulcs.
I At Irniith there came a Ilk lit tap on
the diatr
I Scribbler listked towartl I ho window
as a svssbltt avrlllle of rstiipe How
ever, befoie bo ivtllld ttiukp lli bta lllllul
lo try (ho raliisMiu( route the dimt
i.s-ncl cautiously, am! first Hlumpktii'
bald bind 's-itrctt and then the tv
of him ctept slowly In
lu a whitiiHT he advls.sl ivrlbblcr not
to tny Mr Sltiitipkltis. nttituich as
slip wus not the bead of the house
S, rib tiler aciuvscis and Slumpkliis
A dltie later another rnji on the doot
lilts llllte more Insistent, en II sr. I Scftli
tiler to bsik up It was Mr. Sliliiipklns
"M.i). don I pay my old man any iuou
py Mr Srlltltler lie won't do tiuttilui.
tuit drink ll up 'I'liN morulns I had to
let Itl tn know who run this houi Wo
alnj -peiikliii; to each other now "
Asalti Scribbler aciUiesced
'rtiat .vsas li uiouilis Bc They
haven't tikeii to each other yet. and
Scribbler k" on ItU way rcj.ili liitf.
I'luale tltt--tliil What will U tlin
first tUrstloti they ask when they atari
pvukliik nsultil Satlr.
Wanderful Feete That Are Performed I
by Modern Machinery
The rapidity with which watches ar
non iday inanufacturevl has ts-en
I tun I e ptvtslhlf by the luseulous inn
ehlncry deslsmsl vrlthlu rettit years
for the mnklns of all parts of a watch.
The pvcsl with w b. b I limp Various
Science Saye They Are the Omatleel
Unite In Ihe World,
tt'u ti.s to think that atiut 'ftle
smallest thins In the norld .u an
til. mi uf hvdroucu In fact. It "as
taken ns the unit by which tbe atomic
tsirtn are turned out Is little short of I weight of all uw-tals was pressl
tunrrcloun. Ureal shcvU of brtis ntttl j I'nr iii-lil!i.c. the sitinll.-.t (.. IMc d
steel are cnt and rttll.sl Into rllituis ' s.u of the itirt.il lead iiit. fi.iiu.l (o
The Tongues cf the Balkans.
i'o. many lansti.ise- arp pokPti In
the Cidknna. A traveler In tbnt resion
vMitt - of thp ImbPi: -Turkth. Uulsa
n i Serlto-froatlnn. Jloumniilan. Ar
i. ' mi. (ireek. Albiinlnn. Knlzo -Wal
1 u,a t. ('hiusonl. thp1 Initsutise of tht
u1 PKics: Sptmlole. tl:e lansuasp of tho
le - of Spanish or l,o-tusiis' do eut.
' ! tl t inicntiKe nt"ken by thp Oer
'"in AuKtrinti. itiiiimuiilan and Kih.
- :i 'ews Add to t!is Arabic Per-lrtti
"il Si Han. larsely apoken In Couatan
t 'iii.w Itnllnn. on the northonst coast
t rbe Adrla; II.imkI.iii. in the northensl
p' :i-t uf itiiiiiii.inia: various Aus'ro
H i'is.irhin Idiom spoken In Ho-nla
d HenrPirttvina and the Cauc:i-d,iu
-utsps ..f tlip ('In :isitjis and 'ipi.r
t. u.s ' Xot one of thoe lunsuusua Is
couiiuun Use
A Vicious Fish,
in Smith Amen a there 1r n smnll
II "-li that uot only attacks Its fellows
of 'he sea and river, but Is sreatly
d'-eadwl bv the natives, who durlns
certain eucnm have to ford tin.'
fit earns lu which the cnrbltos are
f Mtid Hnthers arp often attacked by
hem thp whurp. chisel Hhapcd teeth
a' ins a bit from the flesh wherever
ibcv attack They are purfect scaven
sirs, eatliis the Hnlinals that Boat
down the rlver-dmid or alive.
The Beginning.
"How many slur can you bee?" Hhe
Two mo. t ll;. I, y.,u." Iiu Willi.
liuvv do you iiinlvi' thut out?"
"I can sec yiiiir eyes." he H.lld
And Hint was the besllllilns of It all
Polished and Vigorous,
Ohservlus a pussetiser with the un
llsbtttl butt of a cisar In Ills Onsen,
the street car conductor rexjucstiil bltn
to put it out.
"It Is otiL you chump." responded
tbe pas,.iser.
"I'anlon nie." resumed the conductor.
"!r I have failed to make myself clisir.
The tsiudltlon to which I had reference
wit not one of mere teiiiornry uon-ts.iiil.u.-tloii.
but of ellmluatluti. the
enidi'ttrlon. I tnlcht say. of the physi
cal presence of jour nlcot.ne laden rem
mint, this prucoK follow isl ueiesxnrily
by cessation of the twlor now perineat
ins aa atmosphere already somewhat
deficient. I fear, lu the essential ele
ment of o7juie I'm a humble conduct
or. ami my aim l.s to please; but. you
bis jxtrciiie stiff, vou throw that clsnr
throush tlie dour ur I'll throw you and
It Uitb Sep?"
'Kxeii-e me, professtr." replied the
pa-fiiser meekly, and the Incident
was cis,m1 -I'lilhidellihla Uilser
Running as Exercise.
Tbe tact thut a person is capable ot
doiUS the best rilt'llius lllld speed
wnlklns before the thirtieth tear licit!
not lend those who have pned tile
third decade to think thut they are on
the down srade of life, snvs an an
tluiritw These exercises cull f(.r ellls
ticity of the arteries, nod that lessen
siMin after the thirtieth year, but miw
elM tlf ellll tiril 111 e iltcreltse ill the Well
preserved iiinii or woman up to fifty
or fifty five or even hit or. Soldiert
of fifty are like leather and can per
form feats of endurance that would
kill the stripllns. and the name la trm
of winnc-n.
On4 Sin of Housekeeping.
The Ultimate sill ot the hottsekcpplus
' code Is stralsbtenins thlnir out in u
' dek or on a table. When I depart
fn.tu my tjuarters lu the ui-nilns uiy
J sitttns room tilb'e IHtks ?,.f Hst-s,et
mid homelike, benrlus three nsh trays.
, four or the btks. mutches, n pipe, a
can of toltaccu. papers, mncnztrio. n
ells. pons. :i letter or tw. a Utttle of
luk and mn.v lie a ies-kfle or -o , pince
for everytblns and ererytblns Just
wbpre It ousht to be easy to rpach or
thereabouts Hut. alas, on return what
a state that table s In The book
havu bi-en (tut back on tbe shelres. the
ami punched out Into wheels at the
rate nf W.toi a day from each punch
Ine m.trtilne Worker, drill the thirty'
one holes in the nsif of the watcb as
fast as they can count
lras "Ire alldes tnto a machine
t tut t mpasiires oft" thp leitsth of a jmrt.
turns it. pirts a rrevv ttirvatl on each
eml and actually screws It In at the
rate of "i.is.i lt day.
The screws are of .orb tiny Ue
that itfty srw of them may Is- put
in a wnmnn's thliultfe. while or others
tttprp are u thousand snei. to the
Itn lines nr.- cut from the solid steel.
srniii.il down, worked up --tnl drllost
with their twenty Ore screw bote
aplep at the rate of list wheels a day
from cflph tiineblue
Whei-ls have their teeth cut. a couple
of iloxeii at u ttinp some with from
sht to ettflltV teeth, nt the rale of
lii wheels a day from each machine
-IlnrtMr' W.s.kly.
The Physlotype.
This u an Knsllsli niveiitum tor mnk
lus pb'turiHi u Impntpslon of leave,
feiiin lai'e. real hers and various other
object It des. mis iisin the cbenili ill
u lloti uf a line iHiwder Tho objts't of
whlph a repr.-etitMliiii Is to bp made
Is placed iiiu white paper am! prc(s
"llher by the ham or by other means
-.-vst tln.t-s Hut of bydroweii sold
lll linn, etc
linn. I in hand, however, with the
m.slero oiti, vpth.tt of Hip tinttlrp of
the plcctrlc current, has rutttn a new
.on. eptiitn of liirltiltude In small lliltifis
Now tliev .n). the siiuille-t thins It:
the world tth'lsable by the hand of
man Is the electric Ion Tills la the
Individual unit of electricity, the inov
Ilia tairt or u current when It pasi
thntiisb a wire It Is so -mull that It
can run l brutish a copHr lir at a
shhs of iM.Mst inllrs n isonil with
out turlilKs corners Klrctrlc bias
trickle tbroiish a oopia-r wire In iiniPh
the -si in. way us sraltis of and
tbriMish a "(ere.
Srletitlsts, armed with In-lriiuieiil.
e..ltsl,t,.nil.lv liner thall Sl"-erv store
iile bate l-M.lal.sl and meaaorwl
litem nml fotnid Hint rllelr relatloii lo
Hint llaliiPKt of all sif.-s, litdriHieii, i
as oin- o Um- set enteelllh wer of
leu, or. In other wont., the rntctli.'v
repr.-sefitintf n,,.ir relation to an afiitn
of byilrt.weii Is etpreww-d by a ttilllluu
million millionth - CbtviiKu lies on!
When tit., .itilis't is rt.f.ittt-Ml i... it.. .-...
ash tniya uiutitiU.iL (ten nd ..c!ls , ,)oll XMUW, ou , , ,
arnitised In orderly line, iieckrh- Mprlnkllns the powder over the paper
s tick a way In a dresser and Ihe letters , . ,, ,. , OIll.,. 11,,,.1,rM. ,,.,
planted In the most co, os pi (1( N.rlI,Hll..m. j,
-T I '0,;:.,'"tn,nl,,:: hllU wPInn.rst. ,,.,. ot ,, ,.,.. nf ,,,, 1U,(1
u edo I. aile m.slais can thus be represenn d. and
! tbe prints .-an u. tnilisferred In lltlnv
t... , . Jecl stones- ! cmphlc -tone, xitif or nlumliilum. Hum
I liny declared that a diamond was tw ,lr,. i,,, r.H-..nl, from which any
hard that If placed on an anvil and j number of .opie can be tnUen.-Oil
n huh ii miusc uniiiiiipr it would cuso Ite. on! Henilil.
kivp iHicK a mow of such fon t' as to
shiver both anvil and huuimer In
pits es Aiiothei of his wonderful titles
Mates thut "on ihe s,nrv or the Island
of Cyprus there was a stone iou h.iv
Ins eyes formed ot emeralds, whttfll
shone so brlsbtly that all the llshes
Economy and Consolation.
Her ills, men In its way waa
i less than chc'Iii
I "It Is sit eiMv to save when yon
know how."- she ciebiliiicd. "Ob. so
easy: Uo I wish to save Verv
welelltslortouslv frlsl.lell.il away The j , veil. K down row,, ami t'lml aon.e
The Reason.
Olticr Thut man fit tho round table
Beta better service than I do, I ahull
compluin to the iimimser. Where la
lie? Walter -fl u tho man ut the rouud
labia- Kllesulide Hliitter.
More Like It.
"That youns suyly la a chip of tho
old block, lan't ho?"
"Rather a tooth of tho old rako."-Judse.
Dame Fortune.
"I'll, why do they call It 'Dame' For
"Meeause Dame Is feminine. For
tune Is symbolized ns n woman "
"Why do they Hymbollzp Kortutie its
a woman V
Meeause she's nearly always late
wnen yon have an prisiisemetit with
her -Oliioiiso itecui'd-Hernhl
Took Wind Out of Their Sails.
ddre-sin-.. one of his hiiiilhern audi-eiiee-
Sum lolies once ro.-piested all
the "iit.l. iiels present who li.n lllr
spoken .i harsh word to their wive- for
a month to stand up He shook bunds
with those who arose arid then Intro
dilced lliein ro tn. rest of the until
eiice ns the "t wenty-Heveti basest liars
In Tennessee."
tiaherpteii act ordlusly pulled the einer
aids ont and put in slass ey..s instead,
whereupon the wise Untie becauia
bohier and returned to their accustom
is! nets."
mark a a
Tell mo
"How did the inovlns pictures of the
weddlns turn out?"
"Oh. splendidly They ciiusht the
lirlde when she waa linoeitcj M-nseless
by belns hit with an old shoe, so that
it l Just as natural aa llfe."Ohleiiifo
UeJven from all crealurea bides tiio
book of iate.-R'.vlft
All who have meant snot work with
tliuir whole heart hnvp done sood work
although thoy may dlo befora tW
nave ilned !t.-B. u SUivenaou.
His Income.
"They Miy yon set L'.'O
liioutb I can't believe It.
"I set 110 marks salary; then I don't
pay my rent, 40 marks; that's ISO
mnrkh: I owe the milkman :m marks.
nun a irv. marKs: my butcher 10
marks, 'j'jo marks, and every month I
raise w marks out of my friends.
mnklns an Income of 'JSO marka a
moiitbr-i.it.ei.IKilJ Hlntter.
"Hay. .Marlu. have yotj noticed how
this Infernal cat Jumps in my lap itverj
time I alt down to read?"
"yes Well. suppose the poor Ullnjr
la tired."
"Well, the next time I ko to the drii
more I'll set aoiiatlilns (hlffli for that
tired fellnp."-HL Loula I'oHt-Dlapatcli.
An Ancient Inspiration.
Artist-Here's u etito little Itisnin..
Hon that I tbousbt worthy of preser'
vaiioii in crayon
Kdltor lafter u hasty slam-., ..t fi...
aUetchi - Why. ve ulways supposed
lliut little inspiration preserved lu
'ill. CIpvpIiiihI flu In li..,.i..s
The Riddle.
Ills Ihnishter- I'apa did vou know
minnm,, ions before yon miiirhM hrr?
Hei l ather .liisi i.i .,, ,,
my de;ir. I don't know her v., m.'
Cllso News '
ruins i vouid like that co.is nr., ami
then I don't lin; It Nothlns could be
simpler '
She did not deny, however, that her
method luvolvtsl a sacrltlcit
"Hut If ihe Hacrlllce Is too itiilnfiil,"
she went on to explain. "I so and Mini
Hometlilris my husband would like that
costs ami don t buy tl,at:"-l'uck
Knew Her Hubby,
.Mother-la your letter to your hit
band ready to mall?
.Mnrrlcd Daushter-It's all done pi
eeptlns thp postHtrlpt tclllns him to
sptul nip boiiio mure money. I'm look
Ins for another sheet or paper.
"Write It across thp lines,"
"No. Indeed He'll pteleuij he couldn't
read it.' fsow York Weekly.
It Was Dangerous.
"Ho you think that klsaluu la da niter
"Indeed. do,"
"Vou must havo biased the wroiir
"I know I did."
"Her brother handed y0U a wallopr
"No; she tunrrled lue." IJoustou
Censrous Ooul.
"Now. Jim. ' said the oh! lady to her
sou Mini vs about lo leave Hut coilli
tryxhle to fry his luck lu l.ondotl.
"ther.ts plenty of mouer III that tils
Itv fur the streets rv said to t even
Itavisl with sold " '
Jilll "111111 his disitn." but thrsto were '
tpihkly remove.1. f.,r be had barply sot .
out of ITuslori statlou when, to Ills ,ur
.rlP. I s,isl slyly resislus ou the
kerb u brlsht. slltterlns vuiverelsn Ka- '
Sell) he itii kcd It up and walked n lit- '
ne lariuer u when he cniti ross n
blind man who was Im-skIis i
At mite hs sympatbftle heart went'
out lo ihe unfortunate man. utu! as ho
put the ..tvereisu inn. , Is baud he said ;
"Take this, mi r friend I can eu 'm.
Ilia' cnil'l!" -I.ondou Ulobo.
Beared Both of Them.
NVhetl .llstlie Alniile wna on tin,
bent Ii a linlhliis counsel was one day
btowiteatliis an elderly reiuale wilin-ss
In a asp Mfoii. him lliivlns badsered
hei into ii stale or niter spcpclllpssu,s.s,
the lawyer appealed lo the Juds'i lo
make her anst,.r his ipieHliiiis "Why
do you mil iiiiswit, miidam?" asked the
j'...,.T, nose, niy lorn, ne scnrisi
mi- so." rpplh-d the treiiibllns woman
"Ko does he hip, nia'atn," aald Ihu Judsu.
Law Notps.
Nsneen'e Oarlnu ami PerlUg,!
rar Ml Orllllog Boalt.
Aiuoliit Ihn perilous aihentJ
ihp Nmiispii an'llc pxpevlHlon bJ
narrow pwntp pf .Suiisen on.J
en ou their iPttitn Hip in
afler llielr utisiicvvssful dash i
tsile, After null) llliilllhs i,(
a narrow channel opi'iml In J
and they lailin brsl Hip two liliJ
that I bey had cnrrlisl on their ,
for mote lliait a year A few ttij
t waul tlUasirr nearly put au
the Ptpnlltlon The Incident i, .
In "Thp HleC" Mini ('iiliit,.-.i
.Nttrtli IVIe.'' by Air Uisiisp Uril
III the evrlilus llielr less fri
with sllllns III the kalaka ail .J
titer landed on Ihe rden of thej
that they lillsht s(teb b hel a
After the knlaks, width
tosether. Iiad Ih-pii iiiisirtl i j
nf olio f Ihe bractM lliey nns-tJ
bummtM k c.r by ttti.l bail Us-aJ
Ins thpfp only a moment whrti
en raised Hip cry thai tho kaUkJ
Thpy rail fo the rslKP of Ilia rJ
thp fs.ats were atreadr a Utile tJ
and wrrtt ililftlus i)iilckly ful
tlutl was a Iprrlble ottp, for n(
MMsrsp1 was ou Isstrd N'naJ
once tbrvw off Mittip of hit ill
banded hie wrtbh lo Joliaiirsl
eprnPS Into the Icy water .
that If Hip ImmI" wpip lost It
death to him and his coiiiuinM
first II sppttin! uiore than ik-J
vsltpthrr Iip could inatinsp to
ttiptli When h E"t tlrrsl he tJ
over and anatu oil Ida Islrk At J
hp Krtliicd a IHtlr and rvstouwj
Ity this limn Nailsrti folt bU !
attfTeiiltis alld lilliB all frellht
strt.Vrs Ins-atOP tlof. and more fi
but the dlsfuu.'p froiti tho kshlJ
cntttp horter ol'tl at last bp
to erip a ii.wshss Hut lay
the stems e tlow tlel to t
elf Up bill Ills l.slv VI .is ml s'11
rol.I that he old tint do i ti
llltlp he tlmliaSrs! to sWlllS otla vj
to the "Is.- uf thp sl.ilse Ihsl
lashed to Hip .IrcV mid then fvf
rrt of hl l"l) They vselp o
Vltb some dlTVoiu b0 p-ttldtl
ka'nks In, k to ..i.,m-. o wli.in ll
that thtsws Weir the w.tr iiwicrtlM
twill ever litest UiKelsh Jillmturfll
pllllrst off Nalt'eti a vrt t lollies si
th fp dry ones Hiry tiad III InJ
s(trisd Hie tts-pUS mh llls.M iul
ansl PvHerrl Sjttrt, wph the still
rtrftltllllK be ....till tli'l l kc
thp enld The licit dav .Nalfrn
all rltt'i! i.-..ii Hiht I t thp
tbpv I fo-ward i it- r iiire ipl
inarch Ihrtl timnlv .t..iitiiit them oi
tho un tie.
A Chill fe'egsel.
I ne et- . . r tu m iiuk ul
.ii . i. I. ii. .i.-.t iii ii r .
ll It tips Hs colli lo-eil .-.tliual.-l I
lsi (.mix f ill dil t over tho stirfjrJ
tbe S oUe. ami thai iuiii..ti. nf iJ
lieiicp this wjit i, .v.. j. r .-(.,. I
tlUckfwsss of Hip rsirtll oltsldcril
I III. would tli v.. n leii.Kit,, y It M
. I.wpr m tb. situ Hut iruf-ftl
fnrpp I nils .p-iteil a the atpt t tl
Ufcitrr pn.portloti am! "iiiu(prai 1
tendency rsit.,i.MrtII) the .Mrtll si
l sf.cit aHH)' from the suit wt'h
rvssitll that Its dial ttics. front that hi
Mould bo llillslilentblV rttlStllrcJ
rill" is ss.k,e of ns h.ivttis Kw-t.
happen. .1 !,. s.iiiie of Hip lareer ttl
planets, notably .lupller. In tbe reel
Milk anil Ministers.
Milk tnw.inif u vcr luisirtnnl
of the fixsl of families lu tho wlitl
days of tl Islitoetitli century
I l.S dlsiHSsll.il took placp III
llimton liPWsiiter as In Hie PIs-J
of kppplm; n family of "iiilddlliis
llrp These W rllers all minted rnl
bread and milk for breakfast ami
H.r ,n iiiWB incrcnapil in numb
milk, nf nurse, l.rs-nine morn freipirsl
ly u-.il (lev, Mr. Illsuliisou in l4
wrtiie that mill; cost lu Halein
penny a iinirt. while another tuhxl
le.- lolm fotlon. said that inlh if
mlulater Were the onlv tblnsa ilsl
In New Knslnml -Atiiprlctti CulthaiJ
8ign of Popular Affsotlon.
Weren't you Indlsiiatit when people
Jim didn't know called you by your
first miiiip?"
"No," repll.-d Senator Hurghuni. "but
I've worried ll sieilt Ileal since tli.,vp..
shown a dls,osi0n to stop lt,"-wiish
iiisioii Mrnr.
I'onpr Is n fretful Ihlnt? nml listl, ttu
wlrisa always spread for riiht iv..t
1. - ' - - vru.
Liks the Mythical Dragon.
In Hip .Malay nrchpaso la a reptile
much like the mythical Unison. It baa
false rlha that extend tho loosp skin
and forin Its wlntp, Thorn la also a
frou with HpreadliiK feet that mnkes a
paraclnit,. whlrh ennhlea It to tilt from
.-1.. uce, aim ii uyitiK lemur thai cap
Hpread out Ifa whole hotly like an urn
l.rella mid leap and fly a hundred fan
at a time, froui the top of oimj true to
Knew tha Bymntoms,
"Hoclor. my husband Is loslns 4
iiilml, I fear. Hp ctintliiiially iniimH
and mutters to hliiuclf "
"Is It ptmslbli.?"
"Vps; lie mutters in himself,
when you speak to htm ho stares
you blankly "
"I know what the trouble la."
the doctor, sinlllus. "Hit Is tnciimrUl
aoiini loiluo work. I bclons to tho mi
iodKP,"-.oiisvlll Courlersfoiiriuil
Preaching and Practlcs.
"lan't It horrid." niinarki-il MUa
Swyftly to her frlend-"lnirt It horrid
that men will put thimo nasty old plpea
luto thi'lr tnonthar
-Vph." aald her frletul emphailcally
a she stooped and tendrrly klssisl the
black face of nor put pu-"yta, Indeed
It ta."-!Waon's.
A tugasatlen,
"aohn." anld Mm. Hllthers. -whera
cu I set a sot or reaolutlons pssaod by
our Clrlo Hororlty reaterdav .o.
"I really don't know, my dear." said
Bllthera. "Why don't you bar. ii.,
Unnecessary Instructions.
"Now, Tommy," aald Ida iihiIIht, ell
In her final liiatructloiis Istforo ha
for the party, "relupliilMT, If yvnt
asktsl to havo aoiuethliiif you
you must any, 'Yea, thank you.' an
ir you don't want lt"-
Totniny raised his hiimt. 'TliatV
rlrrht, run," he said; "yuit needn't xtsi
r alsiut that part of It."
Aectmiey la Hm twin brotb.r Pr hn.
Evolution of ths Mortgsgs. .
"Kartnlnic inolhoda have chans
haven't thoy?"
"Ypp," replied Kariuar tJoriitoMii
"Wow man thluka ha'a unlucky If
his to borrow money on Ida nlac
ttaral to think he wna lucky If be wi
aoia to.-Washington Htar.
Wall tohoolsd.
Captain - rltipix.alntr tho barrniM
were to catch lire, what call woiial
you sound? Trumpulor (newly JolnrJi
v. a.iium tun cease nri
ionooa runch.
Who risea evury time bit fall
omutUmmt rtaa to atay.-Morria.