FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1921 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE 4 «■■MHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHItllllllllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilhllllimilllliliiiiiiilliii \About the County | ■■MllllllliliiiHdIIIIHIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllliililililll CLOVERDALE Mrs. George Wallace of North Bend Oregon, who with her family is visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. F. D. Nelson, ex­ pects to remain in Tillamook county for the winter. D. Sanders, whole chopping wood last Satuiday, was struck in the eye with a sharp stick which pierced the eyelid and cut a gash in the eyeball. The wound is healing and Mr. Sanders la fortunate in still having the sight in his eye. Coos county is crowing over Tilla­ mook some because of winning first prize with its cheese at the state fair and the Portland livestock show, but Tillamook county, and Cloverdale par­ ticularly has something in this victory to crow over, too. The cheesemaker, Reed Farmer, who made the prize­ winning cheese for Coos is a native born Tillamooker, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Farmer of Cloverdale. Mr. Farmer who is twenty-nine years old, has been employed in the cheese industry since he was seventeen. For the last four years he has been a resident of Coos county. Tillamook county raised the best cheesemaker ' but made the mistake of letting him get out from under her wing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Porter of Meda moved into their new home last Sat­ urday. Several Meda people have been on the sick list this week, victims of the mild flu epidemic that seems to be prevalent. Among the number are Mrs. Gilbert Rock, Mrs. Will Porter and Mrs. John Redberg. Oretown grange took in five new members at the regular meeting last Saturday. They were Miss Oatfield, Lexa Frazier, Ruth Redberg, Harold Selby and Harry KeBter. C. A. Smith, a former resident of Cloverdale drove up from Marshfield last week and spent several days with his daughter Mrs. F. D. Nelson. Mr. Smith is now engaged in the dairy business at North Coos river. He likes his new location. Mrs. Frank NelBon and Mrs. Ed Pearson of Meda returned Saturday from a week’s visit in Portland. Golden West Chapter of Eastern Star is giving a Thanksgiving dinner at the Oddfellows hall Thanksgiving day, for Star members and their fam­ ilies. The dinner will be at 2 p. m. with a social afternoon and supper in the evening. A good time is antici­ pated. The Women’s Physical Culture club is having an exciting drive for new members with both teams trying hard to win. Mrs. Nyswander and Mrs. Albert Wade are the captains. The losing team is to provide a feed and entertainment for the winners. An­ other good entertainment is planned for the winter months. Everyone who attended the one given last year will be on hand to enjoy it. Elbert Hayes and family have re­ turned from a week’s visit to Dallas. The Tillamook highway collected its weekly toll in accidents this week. Mr. Green of Sheridan with his brother, Mark Green on their way to Tillamook narrowly escaped losing their lives Tuesday afternoon near Dolph when the wheels of the ear they were driving locked and the car jumped off the bank into a ditch. Mr. Green, who was driving, had his feet sticking through the top of the car when he was picked up uncon­ scious and carried into Mr. Mundorf’s house. Dr. Work of ('loverdale who was called sewed up several cuts on the injured man’s face. Mr. Green was still dazed from a bad blow on his head when he left with his broth­ er for his home in Sheridan. Mrs. Guy Schoppert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IL M. Farmer, who has been ill, is recovering. Oretown grange is giving a pie so­ cial at the grange hall November 29. They are preparing a good program for the affair and extend a hearty in­ vitation to everyone to come. The Omega Woman’s club will meet at the Cloverdale hotel Wednesday afternoon November 19, with Mrs. Lucy and Mrs. O. A. Erickson as host­ esses. The club which has taken up a number of interesting lines of work, is growing rapidly. Miss Bessie Hunter and Miss Ethel Ray spent Armistice day in Tilla­ mook. The student body of the Cloverdale high school is making preparations to entertain a big crowd at the basket social which is to be held at the school house Saturday evening. An inter­ esting program is being rehearsed daily and an enjoyable evening is in store for all who attend. The Headlight contest is creating a good deal of interest in the commun­ ity which has been slow in warming up but makes up for lost time once aroused. Cloverdale hates to lose. The Cloverdale Community club in­ tends to entertain with another 500 party Thursday evening, November 20, at Oddfellows hall. Some good prizes are awaiting the victors, Sev- eral pleasing musical numbers will precede the card playing. The basket ball teams are practic­ ing hard to get in form for the winter games. Mrs. Cecil Allen left Tuesday for a short visit in Portland. Mrs. Myers, the teacher at Woods who has been ill was able to resume her duties Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kirby and fam­ ily spent Armistice day with Mr. Kir­ by’s brother, N. Kirby of Garibaldi. PLEASANT VALLEY F. W. Robitsch went to Manhattan Tuesday on business. Mrs. Fred Mills of Yakima is visit­ ing at the R. W. Mills home. Ola Lane and John Thomas motor­ ed to Toledo Saturday, returning Sunday. A special meeting of the Ladies Aid was held at the grange hall Friday. Jean Tharp had the misfortune Monday to fall on a pair of scissors, which she was holding in her hand, and cut a gash just above her right eye. She was taken immediately to Dr. Boals office, where it was found necessary to take several stitches. Alfred Reynolds, who has been vis­ iting his brother Frank at Sand Lake, is now visiting his daughter Mrs. Wm. Turner. Pete Walker is building a barn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Desmond and Mrs. Clifford Thomas were Tillamook shoppers last Wednesday. Mrs. Al Devine and daughter of Tillamook visited Mrs. Charles Des­ mond Tuesday. NESKOWIN Arthur Witchy came on the stage from Arlington Thursday and is stay­ ing with his niece, Mrs. Lee Affolter. E. Kinkeade is registered at the hotel from Great Falls, Montana. Orris Bowman was visiting in the community several days last week. G. S. Love and wife of Newberg j are staying at the hotel. A severe windstorm struck this part during the recent storms, but no heavy damage was reported. The school children are enjoying a | two day vacation over Armistice day. Earl Anderson, wife and daughter of Salem are spending a few days at I their summer home. Victor Affolter is recovering from a | broken leg, which he sustained about j two months ago. The Bridwells of McMinnville are at the beach for n few days. Mrs. M. D. Sandridge will take I charge of the hotel while Mr. and ; Mrs. Leland take their vacation. Mr. Tibbets is one of the party •WWIHtllH IIHIIINIHIIIIHIIIIIII WHAT IT DOES The Neurocalometer: 1. Proves pressure upon nerves. 2. Shows the exact location of the pressure. 3. Shows the degree of pressure at that point. I Checks immediately after the Chiroprac- t’c <1 justment hy showing that the pressure has been eliminated. Call and let me give you a Neurocalometer read'ng and adjustment according to that read- ’’ g Make an appointment for a Neurocalometer eading now. D e Babb Chiropractic Health Service 211 Tillamook Bldg. (Over King and Crenshaw) I I I Mrs. Anna Myer was a passenger from Portland who are here for a on the stage to Tillamook and return fishing trip. Alfred Bauer and Harold Scher­ Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens and zinger were duck shooting on Salmue daughter Louise of Cloverdale were river bay Sunday. Mr. Marcus and wife are staying at s en in Hebo Friday. the Marcus Inn. Among the county seat visitors last E. Henderickson and family motor­ week were Fay ,Morrison and Dun ed to the beach from Oregon City, Muzzy. Armistice day. Mis. Wirt Sappington made a i trip Doctors Evans and Griffith of the to Tillamook Saturday with the E. J. capitol are at the resort for a short Hunter family. stay, and are spending the time fish­ Owing to the change in the train ing for silversides. schedule the mail stage gets in earl- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Affolter and ier than it used to in the evening. daughter Eleanor, motored to Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Garwood, Mrs. Adams land last week. and Mrs. Vanderwal attended a spe­ A. B. Conway of Salem is visiting cial meeting of Golden West chapter, at the Kinman home. P. C. Myer and wife were here | from Smithfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Dunn are s' ay- ing with Mrs. Dunn’s uncle, C. Evans | at the Neskowin store. H. G. Kinman and family visited at Otis with Oscar Hellenbrand Sun­ day. HEBO We note with pride that our contest­ ant, Miss Ruth Lewallen, is ahead in the Headlight contest. The school children are enjoying a vacation extending from last Friday afternoon until Wednesday morning, on account of Armistice day. The holiday was also observed by the Hebo Supply compay closing half a day. Charles Taff of McMinnville spent the week end with his brother-in-law, George Rummel. Mr. Rummel accom­ panied him home Sunday afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sappington of 1 Beaver are the proud parents of a son, born Thursday, November 6th. Mrs. Charles Jensen was a visitor there the following day. Miss Leona Gray has accepted a position in the Hebo store. Wm. Savage went to Portland Thursday to attend the stock show, returning home Sunday night. He reports some fine entries and exhibits. O. E. S. at Cloverdale Thursday night. I Devil’s Lake Monday home Mr. Bert H«rt Adams Adams entertained entertained Mr. Mrs. Mr. I Guests at the Jerry Lewallen are Mrs. Lewallen’s sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Claud Lane, Mrs. Fred Lew­ Briggs and het husband. allen, Mrs. James Bodyfelt and Jerry Mr. and Mrs. Adams and daughter Lewallen at dinner Tuesday evening Hazel spent Sunday with Mr. anu at 8 o’clock. They were members of Mrs. Claud Lane. the election board. Mrs. Ernest Lightfoot was a pass­ * On Friday the McMinnville high enger to Tillamook Saturday. school football team passed through Several young ladies are busily en­ on their way to Tillamook where they gaged in making baskets lor .he nigh met defeat. They stopped at the school social Saturday night. Those Hebo restauront for lunch. Alic. who are interested and go will help Maloney, who was one of the paity, the students in trying to pay their called on Crystal Sapping-on. On their return they spent the week-end debt by this means. at Pacific City at the Irvine cottage. NEHALEM Mr. Ott and Mr. Boone, who are The entertainment given by the started to selling life insurance, Pythian Sisters at the hall last day night was a very enjoyable .ffMi. and was well attended Th. x enter- tainment consisted of music and songb as well as a number of recitations < short play entitled, “Two uf « Kj' ,, was well received especially the ' actor of Katuria, represented IT Franklin Knight. A valuable cedZ chest which contained a ]arge her of fancy and useful articles tributed by the ladies of the X was given to the holder of the hickv numberfl Miss Lillian Keyte of Til lamook who held that number i8 / be congratulated on her good fortune Mrs. P. J. Moritz is ¡n charge M (Continued on page 5) OUR CHIEF CONCERN in dealing with our advertisers is not to see how much space we can sell them, but how big a return they get on the space they do buy. It is a selfish motive with us to want our advertisers to receive every possible advantage when placing their ads in the Headlight. He know that if they are pleased they will come back, but if we have to use “strong arm”methods they will learn to shy clear of our advances. I Our chief concern with our subscribers is to deliver them the best newspaper the county can afford. There is also a selfish motive in that. The satisfied subscriber will stay on our list indefin itely; and that's where we want them / well have it WARM in a minute"/ With Pearl Oil in a gtxxl oil heater—you can warm up any rm in the house in a jiffy. Abso­ lutely no odor, though you use it every hour of the day — because Pearl Oil is entirely consumed by the flame. In even the best oil heaters — you should use only the highest- quality b r- osene. Avoid asking for "kerosene” or "coai oil’’ which may mean any kind of kerosene. Order "Pearl Oil” by the name that’s cop’righted for your pro- teriion. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) p PEAR OIL (MKMINI) ► J / ot HEAT&LIGHI k Oil Healers Cookstcves fz Lamps For the past thirty-seven years the Tillamook Headlight has been the County’s leading news paper, in spite of spasmodic attempts to down it. 11 will continue to hold its place as long as it keeps o its present course, that of fearless, honest opinions, coupled with good service and readable news In the final analysis people want a paper which makes a definite stand, not one which Yes, sirs and No, sirs humbly to every Tom, Dick and Harry who comes along. Courtesy is one thing vacillation is still another. Some people will not like our policies, but will respect them never- theless. Æilldmnok li'JÌiliqljt Kted i under Musica ie ke